DEMG :: Volume #2

#157: Because I am Ling Yun

Ling Yun's tiger body unusual trembles gently, arrives at this world, this was some first people are sincere to him said that I liked you!”. 凌云的虎躯少有的轻轻一颤,来到这个世界,这是第一次有人对他情真意切的说“我喜欢你!”。 Ling Yun had not replied, had not indicated, presses the big hand that Zhuang Meifeng is standing tall and erect not to act, he raised the head, the profound vision looked to the remote nighttime sky. 凌云没有回答,也没有表示,按着庄美凤高耸的大手并没有动作,他只是抬起头,深邃的目光望向了遥远的夜空。 Not long , the Cultivation Big World first beautiful woman, heaven and earth pursues the Ling Yun 900 million li (0.5 km) crazily, to lie down in his bosom, to him said that I do like you these four characters? 曾几何时,修真大世界第一美女,天上地下狂追凌云900000000里,就为了躺在他的怀中,对他说“我喜欢你”这四个字? What are you thinking?” Zhuang Meifeng is shutting phoenix eyes, waits for the Ling Yun's big hand to wreak havoc on her chest, actually sees Ling Yun not to move for a very long time, immediately opens the eye, said to lost Ling Yun. “你在想什么?”庄美凤正微闭着丹凤眼,等着凌云的大手在她的胸脯上肆虐,却见凌云久久没动,顿时睁开眼睛,对怔怔出神的凌云说道。 What, did not remember some aging past events......” Ling Yun to smile lightly, Zhuang Meifeng that the dimple on left cheeks looks is enchanted by. “没什么,想起了一些陈年往事而已……”凌云淡淡一笑,左脸颊上的酒窝看的庄美凤一阵迷醉。 go to hell, does the 18-year-old young hairy child, what aging past events have?” Zhuang Meifeng saw that Ling Yun installs deeply, cannot bear bewitchingly charming horizontal Ling Yun, charmingly angry say/way. 去你的,18岁的小毛孩,有什么陈年往事?”庄美凤看到凌云“装深沉”,忍不住千娇百媚的横了凌云一眼,娇嗔道。 Ling Yun laughed, stands up has placed the ground Zhuang Meifeng, then said: time was similar, I go to remove the acupuncture needles to her.” 凌云哈哈大笑,站起身来把庄美凤放在了地上,然后道:“时间差不多了,我去给她拔针。” Ling Yun comes to the bedroom, saw as before **** the snow-white perfect tender body, is shaming Lin Menghan that reddens all over the face. 凌云来到卧室,看到了依旧****着雪白完美的娇躯,羞得满脸通红的林梦寒 Ling Yun looked at Lin Menghan with the appreciation vision of not covering up, then unfolds the face to smile, teases: Although the person is stupid enough, but your willpower is truly good, the stature is also good!” 凌云用不加掩饰的欣赏目光上上下下看了林梦寒一番,然后才展颜一笑,调侃道:“虽然人够蠢,可你的意志力确实不错,身材也不错!” Lin Menghan ying~, shuts tightly the double pupil, turns to be excessive. 林梦寒嘤咛”一声,紧闭双眸,扭过了头去。 thank you saves me!” Lin Menghan said one gently. 谢谢你救我!”林梦寒轻轻地说了一句。 Do not move heedlessly, I remove the acupuncture needles to you now.” Ling Yun showed a faint smile, arrived at the Lin Menghan side, lifted the hand to remove the acupuncture needles. “不要乱动,我现在给你拔针。”凌云微微一笑,来到了林梦寒的身边,抬手拔针。 Ling Yun completely extracted downward nine gold needle of Lin Menghan lower abdomen place quickly, pinches in the hand, then he hee hee said with a smile: Was good, now you have been all right completely, relax, the sequela will not have!” 凌云很快就把林梦寒小腹处的九根金针全部拔下来,捏在了手中,然后他嘻嘻一笑道:“好了,现在你完全没事了,放心,一点儿后遗症都不会有!” Lin Menghan infinite charming leans the tender body to nod. 林梦寒无限娇羞的侧着娇躯点了点头。 Wants me to cover quilt to you?” Ling Yun saw Lin Menghan really to be as if silly, the good intention reminder said. “要不要我给你盖上被子?”凌云林梦寒似乎真傻了,好心提醒道。 Lin Menghan only knows that own can coverlet, she hurry to lift the hand, took a bed quilt to block from the own snow-white naked body carelessly. 林梦寒这才知道自己可以盖被子了,她赶紧抬手,胡乱拿过一床被子遮住了自己雪白胴体。 Seductress, definitely is intentionally!” Zhuang Meifeng stands side Ling Yun, air/Qi cannot bear in the heart criticize. “狐狸精,肯定是故意的!”庄美凤就站在凌云身旁,气的忍不住心中暗骂。 You, trouble you to exit, I want alone and Ling Yun said that several words......” Lin Menghan bound the tender body, in the heart steadfast many, she looks at Zhuang Meifeng to say eagerly. “你,麻烦你可不可以出去一下,我想单独和凌云说几句话……”林梦寒裹住了娇躯,心中踏实了不少,她眼巴巴的看着庄美凤说道。 „It is not good!” Zhuang Meifeng now is certainly impossible to exit, she wants not to reject. “不行!”庄美凤现在当然不可能出去,她想都不想就拒绝。 Ling Yun tilted the head looked at Zhuang Meifeng one, hinted her to exit first. 凌云歪头看了庄美凤一眼,示意她先出去。 Zhuang Meifeng did not have idea, her stamping the feet of bitterly: I have been stranded, must rest, troubles you to make a long story short!” Then twists the tender body, walked. 庄美凤没辙了,她恨恨的跺了跺脚:“我困了,要休息了,麻烦你们长话短说!”然后一拧娇躯,就走了出去。 You close first.” Lin Menghan saw that Zhuang Meifeng has not closed intentionally, raises the chin to say to Ling Yun. “你先关上门。”林梦寒看到庄美凤故意没有关门,扬起下巴对凌云说道。 Ling Yun closed/pass the gate in the past, then turned head. 凌云过去关好了门,然后回过头来。 I, was my appearance, very shameless, was very despicable?” Lin Menghan has thought half-day/long time, bashfully blushes to say. “我,我刚才的样子,是不是很无耻,很下贱?”林梦寒想了半天,才羞红着脸说道。 Ling Yun smiles lightly, had not replied. 凌云淡淡一笑,没有回答。 „Can you blame me?” Lin Menghan beautiful big eye twinkling is anxious and restless , to continue to ask disturbedly. “你会不会怪我?”林梦寒一双美丽的大眼睛闪烁着紧张和不安,继续忐忑问道。 Ling Yun calmly visits her, has not spoken. 凌云还是静静地看着她,没有说话。 Yes, is two women delivers to that room me, comes until you, a man has not bumped my body, nobody sees me...... That appearance......” “是,是两个女人把我送到那个房间里去的,直到你来,没有一个男人碰过我的身体,也没有人看到我……那个样子……” The Lin Menghan flurried explanation, the mouth does not select the word, she thought that own must tell Ling Yun these. 林梦寒慌乱的解释,口不择言,她只是觉得自己必须要把这些告诉凌云 These Ling Yun naturally know, but his heart said that if I must arrive late for a half minute, you had been bound the bath towel by that eating! 这些凌云自然知道,但是他心说如果我要晚到半分钟,你已经被那个裹着浴巾的给吃了! You, you why not with me, with me...... That......” Lin Menghan sees Ling Yun not to speak, starts somewhat to worry, she asked most important that. “你,你为什么没有和我,和我……那个……”林梦寒凌云一直没有说话,开始有些着急起来,她问出了最重要的那一句。 Ling Yun spoke finally, he smiles lightly, does intentionally puzzled asking: With your which?” 凌云终于说话了,他淡淡一笑,故作不解的问道:“和你哪个啊?” Lin Menghan shames ying~, covered with both hands all of a sudden burnt the red face, closed one's eyes to say tightly: Is, is I does...... Doing...... Handles that matter!” 林梦寒羞得“嘤咛”一声,一下子用双手捂住了烫红的脸庞,紧闭着眼睛说道:“就是,就是和我做……做……做那个事情嘛!” Said these words, is the Lin Menghan limit, she may not have Zhuang Meifeng to be so bold. 说出这句话,已经是林梦寒的极限,她可没有庄美凤那么大胆。 Ling Yun smiles lightly, in the eye shows an item of ecliptic of pondering: Because I am Ling Yun.” 凌云淡淡一笑,眼中透出一股玩味的目光道:“因为我是凌云。” Good, because he is Ling Yun! 不错,因为他是凌云 In his bone, has the pride that the person in this world can never imagine! 他的骨子里,有着这个世界上的人永远都想象不出的骄傲! Wanting the woman can, but he is not worthwhile will not obtain a body of woman under that situation! 要女人可以,但是他犯不着也绝不会在那种情况之下去得到一个女人的身体! Even if Lin Menghan is not good! It is not again better than Lin Menghan attractive ten times! 就是林梦寒也不行!比林梦寒再漂亮十倍也不行! Said with a few words of Ling Yun most custom that is not his style! 凌云最习惯的一句话说,那不是他的风格! The Ling Yun's vision is very clear, the look ponders very much, the tone is very indifferent, is very light, but is these words, as if a hundred jin (0.5 kg) big iron hammer, layer on layer/heavily pounded on the heart of Lin Menghan! 凌云的目光很澄澈,眼神很玩味,语气很淡然,也很轻,可就是这一句话,仿佛一柄百斤重的大铁锤,重重地砸在了林梦寒的心上! You......” Lin Menghan listened to the mind trembles! “你……”林梦寒听了心神剧颤 He......” cannot bear dig up Zhuang Meifeng that the crack in a door is listening secretly, the mind trembles! “他……”忍不住扒着门缝偷听的庄美凤,心神剧颤 Has saying that Ling Yun steals the skill of person perhaps not, but steals the free time of heart, among the world nobody can leave its right. 不得不说,凌云偷人的本事也许不咋地,但是偷心的工夫,天下间无人能出其右。 You, can you later shut out me?” After Lin Menghan the mind shakes, finally arouses courage to ask such one. “你,你以后会不会嫌弃我?”林梦寒心神俱震之后,终于鼓足勇气问出这么一句。 She must ask, Ling Yun her body looked at has only traced, Ling Yun is her future all, didn't she possibly ask? 她不能不问,凌云把她的身子看光了摸遍了,凌云就是她未来的一切,她怎么可能不问? I only hope after you, can become intelligent a little, should not be so stupid, if your brain, has half of your chest, you will not have this matter!” “我只希望你以后能变得聪明一点儿,不要这么蠢,要是你的脑子,有你胸脯的一半儿,你也不会出这种事儿!” Ling Yun said lightly. 凌云淡淡说道。 Lin Menghan resolution unclear Ling Yun is praising at this time also the foolish matter that her beautiful appearance disdains her to make, she is only the apology dangled reached the head. 林梦寒此时也分辨不清凌云是在夸赞她的美貌还是不屑她做的蠢事,她只是歉意的垂下了臻首。 It looks like wife who made a mistake, holds the apology to be the same to the own husband. 就像是犯了错误的妻子,对自己的老公抱有歉意一样。 I am carrying out the task...... Has not thought that they such will quickly start......” Lin Menghan to whisper to me low voice the argument, had a mortal hatred of the person of Qingyun film and television at heart. “我是在执行任务……没想到他们会这么快就对我下手……”林梦寒小声嘀咕着辩解,心里恨死了青云影视的人。 That I, no matter, after I urged you , should not be the police, your this IQ could not do \; Also, all consequences of this matter, you want own to process cleanly, I must enroll the college entrance examination, does not have the free time to help you clean up this mess!” “那个我不管,我劝你以后别做警察了,你这个智商根本做不来\;还有,这次事情的所有后果,你都要自己处理干净,我还要参加高考,没工夫帮你收拾这个烂摊子!” Ling Yun saying unrestrained/no trace of politeness. 凌云毫不客气的说道。 Others want to prove own!” Although Lin Menghan shows weakness, but her temperament is poor, bites the lip to argue lightly. “人家只是想证明自己嘛!”林梦寒虽然示弱,可她的脾气并不怎么好,轻咬着嘴唇辩解道。 Ling Yun can look, Lin Menghan has the stubbornness of own, saying that but he has no scruples: Proves own? Showed that own is stupid?” 凌云看得出来,林梦寒自己的倔强,不过他毫无顾忌的说道:“证明自己?证明自己蠢吗?” Then he is disinclined to get down with the Lin Menghan levigation again, waved saying: Was good, these people who today I hit, now turned into the court eunuch completely, this matter said that was big, said small was not small, after you went back, processed well. No matter how you process, only need affect me to be good.” 然后他懒得再跟林梦寒水磨下去,挥了挥手道:“行了,今天我打的那些人,现在已经全部变成了太监了,这件事情说大不大,说小也不小,你回去以后好好处理一下吧。不管你怎么处理,只要不要影响到我就行。” Lin Menghan listened somewhat dumbfounded, what? Completely changes the court eunuch? That has 15-16 individuals! 林梦寒听了有些傻眼,什么?全部变太监?那可是有十五六个人呢! Looks look that Lin Menghan is in a daze, Ling Yun mischievously smiles, teases her saying: What's wrong, must lead me to return to the police authorities, makes a record again?” 看着林梦寒发呆的眼神,凌云促狭的一笑,调侃她道:“怎么,要不要带我回警局,再做个笔录啊?” Lin Menghan immediately complexion one red, spat one lightly, has not spoken again. 林梦寒顿时脸色一红,轻啐了一声,没有再说话。 I, I will make my father handle this matter, you, does tomorrow have time?” Lin Menghan thought that this matter can only let the own father acting pressure one. “我,我会让我爸爸处理好这件事情的,你,明天时间吗?”林梦寒心想这事情只能让自己的爸爸出面压一下了。 Has time, do you want to do?” Ling Yun smiles, hits snake along with the stick on. “有时间啊,你想干嘛?”凌云嘿嘿一笑,打蛇随棍上。 He does not have time!” Zhuang Meifeng could not bear finally, opens the door to clash to say all of a sudden, simultaneously stared Ling Yun one wickedly. “他没有时间!”庄美凤终于忍不住了,一下子推开门冲进来说道,同时恶狠狠地瞪了凌云一眼。 Lin Menghan this is must under her eyes hide snatch the person flagrantly, she does not certainly permit. 林梦寒这是要在她眼皮子底下明目张胆的抢人啊,她当然不允许。 Ling Yun, did you forget? tomorrow you must manage to open a bank account, how possibly to have time!” 凌云,你忘了?明天你还要去办开户呢,怎么可能有时间嘛!” Zhuang Meifeng white Lin Menghan, then said to Ling Yun intentionally, said to the Lin Menghan hear. 庄美凤白了林梦寒一眼,然后故意对凌云说道,却是说给林梦寒听的。 Ling Yun big such as fights immediately, he waved saying: You two were discussing decides, now has also been all right, time early, did not hurry to rest.” 凌云顿时头大如斗,他挥了挥手道:“你们两个商量着定吧,现在也都没事了,时间也不早了,都赶紧休息吧。” Then, he shakes the head went out of the bedroom swayingly, leaves two a stunningly beautiful woman natural back of struggling. 说完,他摇着头晃晃悠悠走出了卧室,留给两位明争暗斗的绝色美女一个潇洒的背影。 Fights, fights, how to fight in any case is I gains the small advantage. 斗吧,斗吧,反正怎么斗都是我赚便宜。 However, Ling Yun today is in front of Zhuang Meifeng, because Lin Menghan just had received frightening, therefore has not gotten angry to Lin Menghan, otherwise, he definitely meets towards Lin Menghan ****** beats savagely. 不过,凌云今天当着庄美凤的面,又因为林梦寒刚刚受过惊吓,所以才没有对林梦寒翻脸,不然的话,他肯定会对着林梦寒的******暴打一顿。 „, If the father arrives late one step......” Ling Yun not to dare to continue downward to think. “吗的,要是老子晚到一步……”凌云还是不敢继续往下想。 He arrived on the sofa of living room, sits cross-legged to sit down, starts to try practice his Yin-Yang Energy Secret Art. 他来到了客厅的沙发上,盘膝坐下,开始尝试着修炼他的一气阴阳诀 Those who let Ling Yun be joyful is, runs Cultivation Technique along with him, spiritual energy in his body finally starts along the good merit route, gathers to the place of Dantian slowly! 凌云倍感欢欣鼓舞的是,随着他运行功法,他身体之内的灵气终于开始沿着行功路线,缓缓地向丹田之处汇聚! Ling Yun great happiness! This means, he later can carry on to sit in meditation practice, means, he momentarily can tread one step, is promoted the Body Refining Fourth Stage level! 凌云大喜!这就意味着,他以后可以进行打坐修炼了,更意味着,他随时可以踏出一步,晋级练体四层! So long as is promoted the Body Refining Fourth Stage level, spiritual energy can keep revolving in his within the body 24 hours, his cultivation level can ten thousand li in a day, the advancement be amazingly quick! 只要晋级练体四层,灵气就可以在他体内24小时不停运转,他的修为就可以一日千里,进境神速! The Body Refining Fourth Stage level, he can use spiritual energy in within the body, the attempt carves some most Low-Grade Talisman, portrays or suspends the defense or attack of some Low-Grade formation law. 练体四层,他就可以利用体内的灵气,尝试刻一些最低级符箓,刻画或者摆一些低级的防御或者攻击的阵法 Moreover, as his Dantian is getting more and more formidable, he can also display true formidable Cultivation Technique, with the person fights, does not need only to close right up against the strength and speed of body steps on the person! 而且,随着他的丹田越来越强大,他还可以施展出许多真正强大的功法,跟人打架的时候,不用只靠着身体的力气和速度踩人了! Ling Yun cannot attend to the two outstandingly beautiful beautiful women in room again, he sits on the sofa, starts calmly, five heart to heaven, act as if no one else were present practice. 凌云再也顾不上屋里的两位绝色美人儿,他坐在沙发上,开始平心静气,五心向天,旁若无人修炼了起来。 This long night, passed by finally, Clear Water City after rare rainstorm, welcomed the brand-new daybreak. 这漫长的一夜,终于过去了,清水市在一场百年难遇的特大暴雨之后,迎来了崭新的黎明。 5 : 30 am, the Ling Yun first sitting in meditation good merit finished, only thinks Spirit pure brightness, intelligence succinct, the whole body was nourished by spiritual energy warm, is quite comfortable. 凌晨五点半,凌云第一次打坐行功完毕,只觉得灵台清明,神智洗练,浑身被灵气滋养的暖洋洋的,极为舒爽。 Although he tossed about yesterday for day, only practice three came the hour, is spiritual hundred times, both eyes is fiery, does not have a little weariness. 虽然他昨天折腾了一天,又只修炼了三个来小时,却是精神百倍,双目炯炯有神,没有一点儿的疲倦。 Momentarily can be promoted the Body Refining Fourth Stage level!” “随时可以晋级练体四层!” Ling Yun in the heart is dark, floating arrives at the ground, has listened attentively to sound in the bedroom, detected that two female breath are prolonged, sink very much ripe very much, does in the heart that rests wonder this two people to rest? 凌云心中暗爽,飘然来到地面,倾听了一下卧室里的动静,发觉两女呼吸绵长,睡的很熟很沉,心中不禁纳闷这两人是怎么睡的? Like this is thinking, darkness of Ling Yun while before daybreak, being quietly leapt the courtyard, directly soared small riverbank, prepared to have a look at his treasure Seven Glorious Grass, and practice Great Evolving Stars Secret Art. 这样想着,凌云趁着黎明前的黑暗,悄无声息的跃出了院子,直奔小河边,准备去看看他的宝贝七曜草,并修炼一番大衍聚星宝诀
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