DEMG :: Volume #2

#156: I like you!

Sits there do not move, obedient I finished.” “坐在那里不要动,乖乖的等我忙完出来。” Zhuang Meifeng walked from the washroom, she carries basin steaming hot hot water, in the surface is bringing the charming tenderness to smile, to sits Ling Yun on sofa silently said gently. 庄美凤从洗手间里走了出来,她端着一盆热气腾腾的热水,面上带着妩媚的娇笑,对默默地坐在沙发上的凌云温柔说道。 She has not misread Ling Yun, Ling Yun has already not bullied her, has not seized the chance to gain the Lin Menghan small advantage, such boy, hits the lantern unable to look! 她没有看错凌云,凌云既没有欺负她,也没有趁机赚林梦寒的便宜,这样的男孩,打着灯笼都找不着! Arrived this moment, Zhuang Meifeng has been dead set on to Ling Yun! 到这一刻,庄美凤已经对凌云死心塌地! Ling Yun calmly sits there, the clear vision is staring at the out of the door profound nighttime sky, does not know that is thinking anything, Zhang Shuai's excess, confuses the face of deceased person appears very quiet. 凌云静静地坐在那里,澄澈的目光凝望着门外深邃的夜空,不知道在想些什么,那张帅的过分,迷死人的脸庞显得很沉静。 Zhuang Meifeng more looks more likes, more looks more cannot take a step, only thought that within the body has a tender feeling to flow. 庄美凤是越看越喜欢,越看越迈不动步,只觉得体内有一种温情在流淌。 Is carrying basin hot water, she already overran to drill to the Ling Yun bosom. 要不是端着一盆热水,她早就冲过去钻到凌云怀里去了。 Finally, Zhuang Meifeng received the overflow compassion temporarily, moved to the lotus steps lightly, arrived in the bedroom. 最终,庄美凤暂时收起了泛滥的爱心,轻移莲步,到卧室里面去了。 Lin Menghan saw Zhuang Meifeng to enter the bedroom, the subconscious uphold arm, blocked own to stand tall and erect ****, another hand blocked from own to feel ashamed ****, the complexion blushed. 林梦寒看到庄美凤进了卧室,下意识的抬起手臂,挡住了自己高耸的****,另一只手遮住了自己羞人的****,脸色羞红。 Did not need to obstruct, your clothes were I escape to you, early looked!” “不用遮了,你的衣服都是我给你脱的,早都看遍了!” Zhuang Meifeng places the ground the washbasin, takes up in the water the boiling hot towel, has twisted gently, then sat the sides of the bed gently, prepared according to the Ling Yun's request, to Lin Menghan cleaning body. 庄美凤把水盆放在地上,拿起水中滚烫的毛巾,轻轻拧了一把,然后轻轻坐到了床沿,准备按照凌云的要求,给林梦寒擦拭身体。 Thanks!” Lin Menghan has let loose both hands, bites the tender and beautiful lower lip lightly, the eye is containing grateful, the facial color blushes to say. “谢谢!”林梦寒放开了双手,轻咬着娇艳的下唇,眼含感激,面色羞红说道。 She felt now a own within the body faint trace is cool, that is an extremely comfortable feeling, is only that ****** the efficacy is too fierce, overdrew her physical strength and willpower were too many, for a while the tender body was incapable. 她现在感觉到自己体内一丝丝的全是清凉,那是一种极为舒服的感觉,只是那******的药力太猛,把她的体力和意志力透支了太多,一时娇躯无力。 Zhuang Meifeng gave Lin Menghan to scratch the filled tear stains elegant face with the hot and damp towel first, smiled lightly: Does not need to thank, since my husband the fee/spent such big strength has saved you, I help you also should be.” 庄美凤用湿热的毛巾先给林梦寒擦了擦挂满泪痕的俏脸,淡淡一笑:“不用谢,我老公既然费这么大力气救了你,我帮你也是应该的。” You? Your husband?!” Turning that Lin Menghan brushes was excessive, stares in a big way the beautiful eye to stare at Zhuang Meifeng, the startled sound asked. “你?你老公?!”林梦寒刷的扭过了头,瞪大了美丽的眼睛盯着庄美凤,惊声问道。 She has no alternative but to be startled, tonight she was forced, braving gambling thoughts to drink the last glass of liquor, realized that in own ****** later, first thought was Ling Yun, because she listened to the Azure Dragon person to recount in the morning case time, has understood the Ling Yun's strength roughly. 她不能不惊,今晚她被逼无奈,冒着赌一把的心思喝了最后一杯酒,察觉自己中了******之后,第一个想到的就是凌云,因为她上午听青龙的人述说案情的时候,大体了解了凌云的实力。 After her to the Ling Yun round short note, all can only meet one's fate with resignation, she uses the own formidable willpower strong brace to spend in distress, was waiting for Ling Yun arrives, at that time, she knows, if Ling Yun does not come or misses to save her, this whole life ended, if Ling Yun came, own tonight will inevitably become the Ling Yun's person. 在她给凌云发完短信之后,一切只能听天由命,她用自己强大的意志力强撑苦熬,等待着凌云到来,那时候,她就已经知道,如果凌云不来或者赶不及救她,那她这辈子就完了,如果凌云来了,自己今晚势必就会成为凌云的人。 This does not use artificial, does not need to conceal, she knows that own could not resist that ****** property. 这个根本不用矫情,也不用掩饰,她知道自己根本抵抗不了那******的药性。 When she extremely joyful sees Ling Yun to appear after the own front, she knew in advance at that time, and has made own first time gives the Ling Yun's choice, even if most feels ashamed with this type, own most driving way! 当她万分欣喜的看到凌云出现在自己的面前之后,她那时候就已经预知,并已经做出了把自己的第一次交给凌云的选择,哪怕是用这种最羞人,自己最主动的方式! Always compared with was spoiled own pure body by these wolves? Let alone Ling Yun has also rescued a own life. 总比被那些狼糟蹋了自己的清白身子强吧?何况凌云还救过自己一命。 Appears from Ling Yun after her front, although Lin Menghan **** flaming, the intelligence is confused, but her memory actually continuously clear, except for remaining unconscious time, she saw each matter that hears, now in her mind. 凌云出现在她面前之后,林梦寒虽然****熊熊,神智迷乱,可她的记忆力却一直清清楚楚,除了昏迷不醒的时候,她看到的,听到的每一件事,现在都在她的脑海之中。 She remembers that Ling Yun for all that she makes, she remembers that own crazy tumbling, remembers that own seeks for the Ling Yun's lower part with both hands, remembers own crazy said reckless I want...... 她记得凌云为她所做的一切,她记得自己疯狂的翻滚,记得自己用双手去寻找凌云的下体,记得自己疯狂的不顾一切的说“我要”…… But, how she has not thought, daytime seems like shameless, an eye winks is staring at Ling Yun of her chest does not wink, the choice treats and cures for her with such way unexpectedly! 可是,她怎么都没有想到,白天看似无耻,一双眼睛眨也不眨的盯着她胸脯的凌云,竟然选择用这样的方式为她救治! Except for taking off her clothes, making her be similar to peels the egg of shell to show in front of Ling Yun's generally, he has almost not bumped a own finger again. 除了脱掉她的衣服,让她如同剥了壳的鸡蛋一般展现在凌云的面前,他几乎再也没有碰过自己一根手指头。 This big boy, imagines with her is completely different! 这个大男孩,和她想象的完全不一样! The graciousness of two life-saving, while her danger, has not retained her body pure procedure in addition, lets remember Ling Yun that Lin Menghan can not help first time to rescue her one. 两次救命之恩,加上没有趁她之危,保留她的身体清白的做法,让林梦寒情不自禁的想起凌云第一次救她的一幕。 Young lady, I am not an unprincipled person, does not have the evil intention to you......” “小姐,我不是坏人,对你也没有恶意……” I am the winter swimming enthusiast, this cold for me is not anything......” “我是冬泳爱好者,这点儿寒冷对我来说不算什么……” saving a life is more meritorious than building a seven-floor pagoda, bestows favor cannot pictoral newspaper, the beautiful woman you walk quickly, do not ruin by freezing......” 救人一命胜造七级浮屠,施恩不能图报,美女你快走吧,可别冻坏了……” Young lady, I asked you, although my protection against the cold ability was very strong, but I stayed for two hours in the water, when you were pitiful I, did you leave first, making me come ashore to wear the pants to be good?” “小姐,我求你了,虽然我御寒能力很强,可我已经在水里呆了两个小时了,您就当可怜可怜我,您先离开,让我上岸穿上裤子好吧?” ............ ………… Lin Menghan at present, the mind, in the heart, completely is Ling Yun, that smiles from time to time, from time to time is rampant, from time to time overbearing, from time to time the quiet face, is! 林梦寒的眼前,脑海,心中,全部都是凌云,那张时而微笑,时而嚣张,时而霸道,时而沉静的脸,全是! Tonight, he has not seized the chance to capture her body, is, he has stolen away the heart of Lin Menghan without a doubt! 今晚,他没有趁机夺取她的身子,可是,毫无疑问的,他偷走了林梦寒的心! Lin Menghan in ****** later, by strenuous efforts has supported for nearly ten minutes, she breaks by biting the tip of tongue of own, ten fingers of nails are easiest the body by a say/way bloodstain that the painful spot blows, spring poisonous fever the crazy tumbling of by within the body, had not been lifted own clothes, has not made these sexual harasser see own ********! 林梦寒就在中了******之后,都苦苦支撑了近十分钟,她把自己的舌尖咬破,十指的指甲把身上最容易受痛的部位刮的道道血痕,被体内的春毒烧的疯狂翻滚,都没有掀开自己的一丝衣服,没让那些色狼看到自己的一点儿********! But Ling Yun this time actually looked at her upside down, although Ling Yun, when treats and cures her desirably has not moved her **** body, but Lin Menghan does not certainly think! 凌云这次却把她看了个底朝天,虽然凌云在救治她的时候刻意的没有碰触她****的身体,可林梦寒当然不会这么想! Have two people both like this, besides Ling Yun, whom she also been able to marry to go? Whom will she also marry to go? 两个人都这样了,除了凌云,她还能嫁给谁去?她还会嫁给谁去? But, this beautiful appearance does not lose to the own woman at present, not only late at night and Ling Yun single male and female stays together, but also said Ling Yun was her husband, Lin Menghan can not startled? This to present Lin Menghan, simply is the bolt from the blue! 可是,眼前这个美貌一点儿也不输给自己的女人,不但深夜和凌云孤男寡女住在一起,还一开口就说凌云是她的老公,林梦寒怎能不惊?这对现在的林梦寒来说,简直就是晴天霹雳! This bolt from the blue was Zhuang Meifeng intentionally said certainly that Zhuang Meifeng was a woman, was as intelligent as the peak woman! 这个晴天霹雳当然是庄美凤故意这么说的,庄美凤是女人,是聪明到极致的女人! The thoughts woman of woman most understands, Lin Menghan at heart thinks anything now, Zhuang Meifeng in the heart is very clear! 女人的心思女人最懂,林梦寒现在心里想什么,庄美凤心中无比清楚! Looked at light your body, can you snatch my scheduled man? Gate does not have! At least Elder Sister I was given to look at the light to touch by him in front of you, but also twice that anything...... 看光了你的身体,你就要抢我预定的男人?门儿都没有!至少姐姐我在你前边就被他给看光摸遍了,还来了两次那啥…… Therefore, as soon as she enters the room, then maintaining composure first took the lead, taking advantage of giving Lin Menghan cleaning body time, the first few words indicated, Ling Yun is my husband, you receive you as early as possible by the body permits idea! 因此,她一进屋,就不动声色的先占据了主动,借着给林梦寒擦拭身体的时候,第一句话就表明,凌云是我的老公,你趁早收起你以身相许的想法! Lin Menghan blinked, the long eyelash trembled lightly several, suddenly opens the mouth to ask: But, Ling Yun read high three, how can he be your husband?” 林梦寒眨了眨眼,长长地睫毛轻颤了几下,忽然开口问道:“可是,凌云才读高三啊,他怎么会是你的老公?” Zhuang Meifeng slightly is also awkward, she explained low voice: Actually, I called him, you looked, our two both stayed together......” 庄美凤也略显尴尬,她小声解释道:“其实,我就是那么叫他,你看,我们两个都住在一起了……” Lin Menghan has not spoken again, she exhausts to lift the hand full power, takes the towel in Zhuang Meifeng hand saying: thank you, my own scratches......” 林梦寒没有再说话,她只是用尽全力抬起手来,拿过庄美凤手中的毛巾道:“谢谢你,我自己擦吧……” Snatches the man is a technology lives, in the room started to fill gunsmoke the flavor, an invisible war act drop, pulls open in light of this. 抢男人是个技术活,房间里已经开始弥漫起一股硝烟的味道,一场无形的战争大幕,就此拉开。 Zhuang Meifeng has swept Lin Menghan one lightly: Also good, on you also inserts gold needle, own is paying attention, I exited first.” 庄美凤淡淡的扫了林梦寒一眼:“也好,你身上还插着金针,自己注意一下,那我先出去了。” Lin Menghan nodded gently. 林梦寒轻轻点了点头。 Zhuang Meifeng in the heart misses Ling Yun of outhouse, she sees Lin Menghan to want own to scratch the body, immediately has jumped down the bed, the tender body twisted went out of the bedroom, has taken the gate of bedroom conveniently. 庄美凤心中挂念外屋的凌云,她见林梦寒自己擦身体,立即跳下了床,娇躯一拧就走出了卧室,顺手带上了卧室的门。 Zhuang Meifeng almost ran to arrive at side Ling Yun, without hesitation bent down, the towards Ling Yun's forehead came kiss, Ling Yun own gawked. 庄美凤几乎是一路小跑着来到了凌云身边,毫不犹豫的俯下身子,对着凌云的额头就来了一个香吻,把凌云亲的一愣。 Is hugging me!” Zhuang Meifeng smiles was saying to Ling Yun, the tension astonishing tender buttocks sat the Ling Yun's thigh, simultaneously very natural goes towards behind body. “抱着我!”庄美凤微笑着对凌云说道,弹力惊人的娇臀已经坐上了凌云的大腿,同时很自然的往后一仰身体。 Ling Yun long arms light stretch/leisurely, very natural has embraced the Zhuang Meifeng soft tender body, lowers the head the smile to her. 凌云猿臂轻舒,很自然的揽过了庄美凤柔软的娇躯,冲她低头微笑。 Bastard, today you may profit!” The Zhuang Meifeng two powder arms hung the Ling Yun's neck, honk mouth charmingly angry say/way. “坏蛋,今天你可占尽便宜了!”庄美凤两条粉臂吊住了凌云的脖子,嘟着嘴娇嗔道。 This also calculates that gains the small advantage?” Ling Yun is smiling bitterly, helpless shakes the head, heart said me , to gain the small advantage, pushed the boat along Lin Menghan directly has eaten well? “这还算赚便宜?”凌云苦笑着无奈摇头,心说我要是想赚便宜,直接顺水推舟把林梦寒吃了多好? Calculates that you know the limitation! today you, if dares to save her with that means|methods, I......” Zhuang Meifeng have given a Ling Yun praise look, has thought half-day/long time, how actually does not know must. “算你识相!今天你要是敢用那种方法救她,我就……”庄美凤给了凌云一个赞扬的眼神,想了半天,却不知道就要怎么着。 „Are you what kind of?” Asking that Ling Yun interested. “你就怎么样啊?”凌云饶有兴趣的问道。 I have killed her!” The Lin Menghan both arms make an effort, gathers near the Ling Yun's ear the mouth, in a low voice wicked saying. “我就杀了她!”林梦寒双臂一用力,把嘴巴凑到凌云的耳朵边上,低声恶狠狠的说道。 Ling Yun in great surprise, frightens nearly must let go, the heart said that looked at the Zhuang Meifeng performance, likely wasn't that ruthless? 凌云大惊,吓得差点儿就要撒手,心说看庄美凤刚才的表现,不像是那么狠啊? Actually hears Zhuang Meifeng to throw fiercely smiles, the flowering branch shivers all over, then small mouth, including the Ling Yun's earlobe, the mild tip of tongue has swept lightly. 却听到庄美凤猛地“扑哧”一笑,花枝乱颤,然后小嘴儿一张,含住了凌云的耳垂,温润的舌尖轻扫。 This was affectionate to the peak behavior, she was moved, did not have the slight desire tender feelings. 这是亲昵到了极致的行为,她是真动情了,不带有丝毫欲望的柔情。 Ling Yun felt the ear to transmit an unusual feeling, the heart said then right, if father Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles, will not spell were breaking the body of Pure Yang, rescued Lin Menghan to say first again. 凌云感受着耳朵传来一阵异样的感觉,心说这才对嘛,要是老子不会灵枢九针,就是拼着破了纯阳之体,也得先救了林梦寒再说。 If Zhuang Meifeng is unsatisfied, that comes for a penny and for a pound, all ate both of you! 庄美凤要是不满意,那就来个一不做二不休,把你们俩全吃了! She is police!” Ling Yun is feeling the Zhuang Meifeng eclipse bone tender feelings, said lightly: I guess that under she possibly for the broken case, then absolutely cannot be helped is prescribed medicine, my present cell phone does not leave the body fortunately, otherwise she ended.” “她是警察!”凌云感受着庄美凤的蚀骨柔情,淡淡说道:“我猜她可能是为了破一个案子,然后万般无奈之下被人下了药,还好我现在手机不离身,不然的话她就完了。” „Have you to her had other idea?” The Zhuang Meifeng tender feelings myriad, sweeps the Ling Yun's ear to ask with the clever tip of tongue. “那你对她有没有别的想法?”庄美凤柔情万千,用灵巧的舌尖扫着凌云的耳朵问道。 „Did you say?” Ling Yun smiles. “你说呢?”凌云嘿嘿一笑。 Cannot she live in any case here.” Zhuang Meifeng thinks, said own bottom line, why does not know, she does not dare to say to Ling Yun cannot have that three characters. “反正不许她住在这里。”庄美凤想了想,说出了自己底线,不知道为什么,她不敢对凌云说出“不许有”那三个字。 In her subconscious thought, Ling Yun works has the own path very much, who is not appointed control, is not good including her Zhuang Meifeng. 她潜意识里觉得,凌云做事很有自己的路子,根本不受任何人的控制,包括她庄美凤也不行。 You could rest assured that you are make her live here, she will not live.” Ling Yun shows a faint smile to say. “你放心,你就是让她住在这里,她也不会住的。”凌云微微一笑道。 Zhuang Meifeng nodded, suddenly to the Ling Yun supple sound said: Others have been jealous, you touch my.” 庄美凤点了点头,忽然对凌云柔声道:“人家吃醋了,你摸我一下。” Ling Yun present left hand is embracing the extremely slender waist of Zhuang Meifeng, right hand very natural building on the knee of Zhuang Meifeng, hears Zhuang Meifeng to make him touch, his hand has climbed up the thigh of Zhuang Meifeng. 凌云现在的左手揽着庄美凤的水蛇腰,右手很自然的搭在庄美凤的膝盖上,听到庄美凤让他摸一下,他的手就攀上了庄美凤的大腿。 Zhuang Meifeng received an electric shock trembled generally, the trembling sound said: „It is not there.” 庄美凤触电一般哆嗦了一下,颤声道:“不是那里。” Then, Zhuang Meifeng loosens is hanging the hand of Ling Yun neck, has grasped the Ling Yun Ling Yun's big hand, transferred to own to stand tall and erect on the soft chest it. 然后,庄美凤松开吊着凌云脖子的手,抓过凌云凌云的大手,把它移到了自己高耸柔软的胸脯上。 I like you!” “我喜欢你!”
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