DEMG :: Volume #2

#155: Unexpected treatment

I!” Ling Yun returned to one lightly, the free time of speech, the person moved sideways the room, another moved sideways to arrive at the bedroom entrance. “我!”凌云淡淡的回了一句,说话的工夫,人已经闪身进屋,再一个闪身来到了卧室门口。 Waits for!” “等一下!” The lamp in bedroom has been shining, the Zhuang Meifeng hear is the Ling Yun's sound, immediately throws on clothing to get out of bed, comes to open the door to him. 卧室里的灯是一直亮着的,庄美凤听出了是凌云的声音,立即披衣下床,过来给他开门。 Opens the door, Zhuang Meifeng immediately dumbstruck! 一打开门,庄美凤立即目瞪口呆 This...... This...... What's all this about?!” Zhuang Meifeng looked that Ling Yun left hand is raising a very big combination-locked briefcase, but also is taking a woman hand package, in the right arm is embracing appearance beauty not stunningly beautiful woman that she is worse, looks at dumbly directly at the scene! “这……这……这是怎么回事?!”庄美凤一看凌云左手提着一个很大的密码箱,还提着一个女士手包,右臂中揽着一个容貌姿色都不比她差的绝色美女,直接呆立当场! Was the first response of Zhuang Meifeng Ling Yun exits the seizing property tribulation color? Her in the heart fiercely sank at that time! 庄美凤的第一反应就是凌云出去劫财劫色了?她心中当时就猛地一沉! If Ling Yun is this person, that own today is getting up the island coffee...... 如果凌云是这种人的话,那自己今天在上岛咖啡岂不是…… First makes way, without enough time!” “先让开,来不及了!” Now saves others like the fire fighting, Ling Yun does not have the free time with the Zhuang Meifeng idle talk, he first throws toward the bedroom in a left hand cash box and hand package, then lifts the hand to open out gently stands in entrance Zhuang Meifeng silly. 现在救人如救火,凌云没有工夫跟庄美凤废话,他先把左手的一个钱箱和手包往卧室里一扔,然后抬手轻轻拨开傻站在门口的庄美凤 No matter Ling Yun a elegant face becomes pale Zhuang Meifeng, moves sideways the room, bends the waist, has put on the Lin Menghan fiery tender body the bed directly, simultaneously removed from her the bed sheet. 凌云不管一张俏脸变得惨白的庄美凤,闪身进屋,一弯腰,直接把林梦寒火热的娇躯放到了床上,同时把床单从她身上撤了下来。 Also is gawking doing? Comes quickly the help!” Ling Yun said to Zhuang Meifeng in a low voice. “还愣着干什么?快过来帮忙!”凌云低声对庄美凤说道。 At this time, the property of Lin Menghan within the body has manifested suddenly thoroughly, she incessantly is the elegant face flushed now red, including her snow-white slender nape of the neck, the powder lotus root -type white delicate arms that perfectly presents, under the polished fragrant shoulder as well as the neck big piece is fair, snow-white thigh that even the transparent yellowish pink silk stockings cover continually, presents one light pink under the light, whole body sending out jumps projects **** attracting, beautiful! 此时,林梦寒体内的药性已经彻底发作,她现在已经不止是俏脸酡红了,包括她雪白修长的脖颈,完美呈现的粉藕式的玉臂,珠圆玉润的香肩以及脖子下面的大片白皙,甚至连透明肉色丝袜笼罩的雪白大腿,都在灯光下呈现一种淡淡的粉红色,全身散发迸射出****的魅惑,妖艳至极! The Lin Menghan bright red alluring sandalwood mouth opens slightly, breathes tenderly pants, stands tall and erect **** is similar to hill fierce fluctuating of two vibrations, both hands crazy is tearing silk cheongsam! 林梦寒艳红欲滴的檀口微微张开,娇喘吁吁,高耸的****如同两座震动的山丘般剧烈起伏,双手疯狂的撕扯着身上的丝质旗袍! As closely binds the Lin Menghan bed sheet to remove, she tumbles gracefully immediately crazily on the bed to the peak fiery tender body, in mouth twittering ambiguous words, after her red beautiful pupil sees clearly Ling Yun, immediately is similar to a female wolf of being in heat is ordinary, kneels on the bed, the hands and feet and with crawled toward Ling Yun. 随着紧紧裹着林梦寒的床单一撤,她曼妙到极致的火热娇躯立即在床上疯狂翻滚起来,口中呢喃着含混不清的话语,等她通红的美眸看清凌云之后,立即如同一头发情的母狼一般,跪在床上,手脚并用朝凌云爬了过来。 „!” Lin Menghan lifts the hand to make an effort to pull fiercely, above cheongsam the big piece translucent flower bud silk of stomacher tears to pieces instantaneously, the big piece fair passes is attracting the pink flesh immediately to present in Ling Yun and Zhuang Meifeng at present. “哧啦!”林梦寒抬手用力猛地一扯,旗袍的抹胸上方的大片半透明蕾丝瞬间撕破,大片白皙中透着魅惑粉红色的肌肤立即呈现在凌云庄美凤的眼前。 You! You are shameless! Do you give back to her to prescribe medicine?!” Zhuang Meifeng looks at the Lin Menghan appearance, knows in her effect very intense urging sentiment anesthetics, immediately ashamed and resentful glowers to Ling Yun! “你!你无耻!你还给她下了药?!”庄美凤一看林梦寒的样子,就知道她中了效果很强烈的催情迷药,顿时羞愤的对凌云怒目而视! She suddenly has the feeling that one type to be deceived! 她突然有了一种上当受骗的感觉! Throws a own person at home, said that is exits to handle a matter, was exits to seize a woman to come back? 自己一个人扔在家里,说是出去办点儿事,就是出去掳了一个女人回来? Ling Yun carefully looks at the Lin Menghan crazy appearance, in his limpid eye brings to wipe dignifiedly, lifted the handle own good leather needles bag to take, quickly launched the needle bag, pinched nine gold needle completely in the hand. 凌云仔细看着林梦寒疯狂的样子,他清澈的眼中带着一抹凝重,抬手把自己的牛皮针袋拿了出来,迅速展开针袋,把九根金针全部捏在了手中。 „It is not under me medicine! Helps to save others quickly!” Ling Yun has no free time to explain with Zhuang Meifeng, neat say/way. “不是我下的药!快帮忙救人!”凌云没空跟庄美凤解释,干脆利落道。 Zhuang Meifeng doubts looked at Ling Yun one, discovered that in his eye truly not a little ****, remembers by the own beauty, a moment ago on in island coffee private room lets Monarch to pick, he has not started to own, immediately awakened own to misunderstand Ling Yun. 庄美凤疑惑的看了凌云一眼,发现他的眼中确实没有一点儿****,想起以自己的姿色,刚才在上岛咖啡包间里任君采撷的时候,他都没有对自己下手,顿时醒悟自己是误会凌云了。 In her look flashes through wipes feeling sorry and regret, hurries to worry saying: This, how does this rescue?” 她的眼神中闪过一抹歉疚和懊悔,赶紧着急道:“这,这怎么救啊?” Ling Yun wants not to say: Her clothes strip nude! I must for her needle-pricking!” 凌云想也不想说道:“把她的衣服脱光!我要为她施针!” Ah?! Zhuang Meifeng one hear somewhat is dumbfounded, the heart said that my body you all had not noticed, if all escaped to Lin Menghan, what my this is? 啊?!庄美凤一听就有些傻眼,心说我的身体你还没全看到呢,要是给林梦寒全脱了,那我这算什么? Helps the own man take off the clothes to other woman, which woman will change not to be feeling well! 帮着自己的男人给别的女人脱衣服,换哪个女人心里也会不爽! Ling Yun sees Zhuang Meifeng to stand there silly is motionless, slightly frowned, stared her one eyes saying: „If not save her, she will die, you or want to let me and she develop a live palace of the crown prince before you, hurried to say according to me did!” 凌云庄美凤傻站在那里不动,不禁微微皱眉,瞪了她一眼道:“如果不救她,她会死的,你要不想让我和她在你面前演一副活春宫,就赶紧按照我说的去做!” Zhuang Meifeng has then understood what is heard, piqued and headstrong stamping the feet, cold snort/hum from the nostril, before bullying the body, a hand holds down the shoulder of Lin Menghan, another hand deft took off the Lin Menghan cheongsam. 庄美凤这下听明白了,负气的跺了跺脚,从鼻孔中冷哼了一声,欺身上前,一只手按住林梦寒的肩膀,另一只手麻利的去脱林梦寒的旗袍。 Also is „” one, Lin Menghan own spreading out of cheongsam tearing more than 20 centimeters, the big piece pink flesh presents. 又是“哧啦”一声,林梦寒又把自己的旗袍的开叉给扯开了20多公分,大片粉红色的肌肤呈现。 This is really one ******** the picture, can say that Clear Water City most beautiful two women in front of Ling Yun's, Lin Menghan under urging the function of sentiment anesthetics, is tearing the own cheongsam crazily \; Clear Water spends Zhuang Meifeng actually only to wear the bra, wears the underpants, is helping Lin Menghan take off the clothes. 这真的是一副********的画面,可以说清水市最美的两个女人都在凌云的面前,林梦寒在催情迷药的作用之下,疯狂撕扯着自己的旗袍\;清水之花庄美凤却只戴着文胸,穿着内裤,在帮着林梦寒脱衣服。 Such romantic happiness of having two wives, actually could not affect the Ling Yun slight psychology to fluctuate, the change of his body continually difference did not even have. 只是这么香艳的齐人之福,却影响不了凌云丝毫的心理波动,他的身体甚至连一点儿异样的变化都没有。 With Zhuang Meifeng in the same place, he hugs alone is enjoying the beauty the manner, naturally allow nature to take its course, will not suppress the physiological reaction of own desirably \; Now he is actually anxiously the mentality of life-saving, must guarantee that own calm like water, naturally cannot have any **** response. 庄美凤单独在一起的时候,他是抱着享受美色的态度,自然顺其自然,不会刻意压制自己的生理反应\;现在他却是急着救人的心态,必须要保证自己心静如水,当然不能有任何的****反应。 Who is she?” Zhuang Meifeng takes off the cheongsam to Lin Menghan, while blushes to ask that bashfully Ling Yun said. “她是谁啊?”庄美凤一边给林梦寒脱旗袍,一边羞红着脸问凌云道。 Does not have the means that this picture including her own to think that was extremely romantic, at this time her in the brain cannot bear is thinking some everything in disorder things. 没办法,这种画面连她自己都觉得太过香艳了,此时她脑子里也忍不住在想一些乱七八糟的东西。 At this time, Zhuang Meifeng the Lin Menghan cheongsam untying, because the Lin Menghan movement is extremely crazy, the snow-white attractive tender body has been swaying from side to side, is unable to shed from the body to her. 此时,庄美凤已经把林梦寒的旗袍给解开了,可是因为林梦寒的动作太过疯狂,雪白诱人的娇躯一直在扭动不已,无法给她从身上褪下来。 Ling Yun has to make a move, left hand has held in the arms the waist of Lin Menghan all of a sudden, making her body fly high, then said to Zhuang Meifeng: Entrains!” 凌云只好出手,左手一下子搂住了林梦寒的腰肢,让她的身躯凌空,然后对庄美凤道:“拽!” Zhuang Meifeng held the skirt-width of cheongsam to make an effort to entrain two, was too round because of the tender buttocks of Lin Menghan is too big, has not entrained unexpectedly, she could not bear is flabbergasted secretly, the heart said that no wonder this woman was prescribed medicine, this stature was unexpectedly more irritable than own! 庄美凤抓住旗袍的下摆用力拽了两下,却因为林梦寒的娇臀太圆太大,竟没有拽下来,她忍不住暗暗咋舌,心说怪不得这女人被人下药,这身材竟然比自己还要火爆! Zhuang Meifeng two hold the spreading out place that Lin Menghan tears to pieces fiercely, two, then takes advantage of opportunity fiercely entrains again, the cheongsam left the body of Lin Menghan finally. 庄美凤两手猛地抓住林梦寒撕破的开叉的地方,两手猛地一张,然后顺势再拽,旗袍终于离开了林梦寒的身体。 The red high-heeled shoes were already kicked by Lin Menghan, now her the entire attractive tender body exposes under Ling Yun and Zhuang Meifeng vision perfectly! 红色高跟鞋早就被林梦寒踢掉了,现在她的整个诱人娇躯完美展露于凌云庄美凤的目光之下! The small bra cannot cover the astonishing snow-white two groups that stood tall and erect, along with crazy struggling of Lin Menghan, in the fierce swaying tremor, the gully was deep, lower abdomen smooth compact, the willow waist such as the thin snake crazily was actually swaying from side to side, two snow-white were plentiful **** closely clamped in the same place, Lin Menghan at this time lower part of the body strange itch, could not bear probably toward the own lower part search. 小小的文胸根本遮挡不了那高耸的惊人的雪白两团,随着林梦寒的疯狂挣扎,在剧烈的摇晃颤动,沟壑深深,小腹平坦紧致,柳腰却如细蛇在疯狂扭动,两条雪白丰腴的****紧紧夹在一起,林梦寒此时下身奇痒,忍不住就要往自己下体探去。 First holds down she!” “先按住她!” Ling Yun cannot attend to appreciating this beautiful picture at this time, while Zhuang Meifeng holds down Lin Menghan time, he lifted the hand picking the Lin Menghan bra, the technique that then the finger continuously points, this time he used was heavier, directly has let the Lin Menghan tender body one soft, soft crooked fell on the bed. 凌云此时根本顾不得欣赏这绝美的画面,趁着庄美凤按住林梦寒的时候,他抬手就把林梦寒的文胸给摘了下来,然后手指连点,这次他用的手法重了一些,直接让林梦寒娇躯一软,软软的歪倒在床上。 „Is this, so big?!” Zhuang Meifeng saw standing tall and erect of Lin Menghan finally, compared with own at least big three have continued! “这,这么大?!”庄美凤终于看到了林梦寒的高耸,比自己的至少大了三圈都不止! Also took off her sock and underpants, cow that she a moment ago you said! But this cow is a little stupid.” Ling Yun's corners of the mouth flashes through wipes happy expression. “把她的袜子和内裤也都脱了,她就是刚才你说的奶牛!只不过这头奶牛有点儿蠢而已。”凌云的嘴角儿闪过一抹笑意。 Zhuang Meifeng was whispering, discontented horizontal Ling Yun, the heart said that sooner or later will calculate this account with you! She white Ling Yun of smile was charmingly angry: Can give her strip nude? Can't this needle-pricking?” 庄美凤嘀咕着,不满的横了凌云一眼,心说早晚跟你算这笔账!她白了微笑的凌云一眼娇嗔道:“非要给她脱光吗?难道这样不能施针吗?” Ling Yun frowned said: Under me must compel completely the efficacy of her within the body with gold needle, most important is her ****, doesn't escape good? Didn't you escape me to escape?” 凌云皱眉道:“我下面要用金针把她体内的药力全部逼出来,最重要的就是她的****,不脱怎么行?你不脱我脱了啊?” Zhuang Meifeng is certainly impossible to make Ling Yun escape, her numerous snort/hum, escaped bright light stupor Lin Menghan quickly. 庄美凤当然不可能让凌云来脱,她重重的哼了一声,很快把昏迷的林梦寒脱了个精光 A while you, or gives me a reasonable explanation, looked how I tidy up you!” Escapes after Lin Menghan was similar to has peeled the egg of shell, Zhuang Meifeng to her has squared the body, set out to leave the bed. “一会儿你要不给我一个合理的解释,看我怎么收拾你!”把林梦寒脱得如同剥了壳的鸡蛋之后,庄美凤给她摆正了身体,起身离开了床。 In any event, Ling Yun is saving others, he under this situation, has not used most gains the small advantage most comfortable way, this is makes Zhuang Meifeng at heart secret satisfaction and admires. 无论如何,凌云是在救人,他就是在这种情况之下,都没有采用最赚便宜最舒服的方式,这还是令庄美凤心里暗暗满意并佩服的。 Ling Yun goes to bed, sits cross-legged to sit one side of the Lin Menghan tender body, has adjusted the breath of own slightly, then starts needle-pricking! 凌云上床,盘膝坐在林梦寒的娇躯一侧,稍微调整了一下自己的呼吸,然后开始施针 Zhuang Meifeng calmly stands there, this is second time saw that Ling Yun saves others with Needle Technique, looks at Ling Yun to hold the breath with rapt attention, the look dedicated appearance, the Zhuang Meifeng look is complex, does not know that is thinking anything. 庄美凤静静地站在那里,她这是第二次看到凌云针法救人,看着凌云屏息凝神,眼神专注的样子,庄美凤神色复杂,也不知道在想些什么。 It can be said that in this Lin Menghan ****** the property is violent, Ling Yun treats and cures exceptionally to be troublesome! 可以说,这次林梦寒中的******药性猛烈,就连凌云救治起来都异常麻烦! He acts full power, after has displayed nine Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles continually, the body of Lin Menghan fiercely did not shiver, **** above the tender body started to seep out the dense pink beads of sweat, the breath also gradually steady. 他全力施为,在连番施展了九次灵枢九针之后,林梦寒的身体才不剧烈颤抖了,****的娇躯之上开始渗出了密实的粉红色汗珠,呼吸也渐渐平稳了下来。 From needle-pricking to the present, time passed for one hour, Lin Menghan, when Ling Yun displays seventh Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles, has opened the eye. 施针到现在,时间已经过去了一个小时,林梦寒凌云施展第七次灵枢九针的时候,就已经睁开了眼睛。 Do not move, I am saving you!” At that time Ling Yun said this. “不要动,我在救你!”当时凌云就说了这一句。 Lin Menghan saw Ling Yun, naturally also looks to arrive in her Zhuang Meifeng, she has not spoken, has not struggled, has closed the eye slowly, two big drop tears silent fall from the corner of the eye, the tender body trembles lightly. 林梦寒看到了凌云,自然也看到了站在她身旁的庄美凤,她没有说话,也没有挣扎,又缓缓闭上了眼睛,两大滴眼泪从眼角无声滑落,娇躯轻颤。 Zhuang Meifeng does not know how Lin Menghan is under the medicine by person, does not know how Ling Yun has rescued her, but stemmed from the instinct of woman, she knew this two people affirmation understanding. 庄美凤不知道林梦寒是怎么被人下的药,也不知道凌云是怎么把她救了出来,但是出于女人的本能,她知道这两人肯定认识。 Zhuang Meifeng already wore clothes at this time, she gazes at Ling Yun to treat and cure Lin Menghan silently, the in the heart spooky sigh. 庄美凤此时早已穿好了衣服,她默默地注视着凌云救治林梦寒,心中幽幽叹息。 When Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles compels the efficacy of Lin Menghan within the body after similar, Ling Yun has displayed three Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles to her, on the one hand compels all efficacies of her within the body, on the other hand was gives her to recuperate a body, otherwise, Lin Menghan must get sick inevitably greatly, will possibly have the sequela. 等到灵枢九针林梦寒体内的药力逼的差不多了之后,凌云又给她施展了三次灵枢九针,一方面是逼出她体内的所有药力,另一方面是给她调理了一番身体,不然的话,林梦寒势必要大病一场,甚至可能会留下后遗症。 12 th time displays Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles, Ling Yun was actually helps Lin Menghan also while convenient give to cure the problem of painful menstruation. 第12次施展灵枢九针,凌云却是帮林梦寒把痛经的毛病也顺便给治好了。 At this time, Ling Yun was more tired much sweating profusely, Body Refining Third Stage level peak spiritual energy, consumed had larger part unexpectedly! 这时候,凌云已经累得满头大汗,练体三层巅峰的灵气,消耗了竟有一大半儿! Has been all right, you make a lukewarm water, helping her scratch the whole body, before I remove the acupuncture needles, do not give her body top head anything.” “已经没事了,你去弄点儿温水,帮她把全身擦一遍,在我拔针之前,不要给她身上盖任何东西。” Ling Yun floating gets out of bed, said to Zhuang Meifeng lightly. 凌云飘然下床,对庄美凤淡淡说道。 In the Zhuang Meifeng hand already took well the towel of warming up, she walks gently extremely gently has scratched the beads of sweat on forehead and face to Ling Yun, showed a faint smile exits. 庄美凤手中早就拿好了温热的毛巾,她轻轻走过来极其温柔的给凌云擦了擦额头和脸上的汗珠,微微一笑就出去了。 The clarity that the entire needle-pricking process she looks, Ling Yun's both hands from beginning to end, have not bumped Lin Menghan body! 整个施针过程她都看的清清楚楚,凌云的双手从头到尾,就没有碰过林梦寒的身体一下! This lets was not only jealous Zhuang Meifeng that and is angry, one type the feeling of picking the treasure. 这让本来既吃醋又生气的庄美凤,有一种捡到宝贝的感觉。 All, in her unexpected. 一切,都在她的意料之外。 This big boy, has not taken advantage of somebody, is really good! 这个大男孩,没有趁人之危,真好! Ling Yun did not look on the bed calmly is lying down Lin Menghan, the figure moves, floating left the bedroom. 凌云再也不看床上静静躺着的林梦寒,身形一动,飘然离开了卧室。 After two people leaves the room successively, Lin Menghan has opened the beautiful big eye slowly, the big tears following falling that corner of the eye non-stop. 两人先后出屋之后,林梦寒缓缓睁开了美丽的大眼睛,大颗的眼泪顺着眼角儿不停的滑落。
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