DEMG :: Volume #2

#154: miserable Qingyun film and television ( 3 )( big high tide)

Chief Zhang is good! Brother Wang is good!” 张总好!汪哥好!” Saw that Zhang Dao and Wang Jingji arrived at 1688 entrances, ten men including that Director Chen deputy simultaneously bends the waist to bow, shouts respectfully. 看到张导汪经纪来到了1688门口,包括那位陈副导演在内的十来个男人同时弯腰鞠躬,恭敬喊道。 Very much what comedy, the lower parts of the body of ten men unexpectedly tall and straight spirited, the own pants that withstand/top are supporting the high tent! 很搞笑的是,十来个男人的下身竟都挺拔昂扬,顶的自己的西裤撑着高高的帐篷! Zhang Dao has swept one, the lesson said ruthlessly: One crowd of waste, by that two immoral women enticing? After a while gets through the proper business, you all go to their rooms, gives me entire, strives to get down to the grass their big hip!” 张导扫了一眼,狠狠教训道:“一群废物,是不是又被那两个浪货给勾引了?一会儿办完正事之后,你们全部去她们的房间,给我往死里整,争取把她们的大胯给草下来!” Then Zhang Dao looked at a that Director Chen deputy saying: Boss Gou 1258 rooms, you hurry to call Boss Gou now, making him probably in five minutes rush to here, otherwise flower surnamed Lin must burn while still alive may not!” 然后张导看了一眼那位陈副导演道:“勾老板现在1258房间,你赶紧去叫勾老板,让他必须五分钟内赶到这里,不然姓林的这朵花非得活活烧死不可!” Remember, must make him bring 3 million tail funds!” “记住,必须要让他把3000000的尾款带来!” Nod of Director Chen deputy understands, silent beckoning with the hand, leading three people swaggering to leave. 陈副导演心领神会的点了点头,无声无息的一摆手,带着三个人大摇大摆的离开了。 Zhang Dao nods to say to the remaining eight people: Your several favored to me in the entrance, a while Boss Gou came, must be respectful to me, when he got through the matter you to look for that two immoral women, heard?!” 张导又对剩下的八个人点点头道:“你们几个在门口给我看好了,一会儿勾老板来了,一定要给我恭恭敬敬的,等他办完了事儿你们才能去找那两个浪货,听到了没有?!” Then, the Zhang Dao talent and Wang Jingji entered 1688 rooms together. 说完,张导才和汪经纪一块儿进了1688房间。 This they are the abnormal additional sexual harasser, Lin Menghan like this outstandingly beautiful, eats, although cannot eat, but has a look at her **** commits suicide by fire the wave type of tearing clothes sends the show to perform, can satisfy their some psychology very much. 这俩人都是变态加色狼,林梦寒这样的绝色,吃虽然吃不到,可是看看她****焚身发骚表演的撕扯衣服的浪样,还是很能满足他们的某种心理的。 Lin Menghan is been fuzzy by the intelligence that crazy fierce property burns at this time, but she is straightening up the body there as before, clenches teeth to support stubbornly painstakingly, the complexion by flushed red became the purple red, brilliant red monster different scary! 林梦寒此时已经被那狂猛的药性烧的神智模糊,可她依旧在那里挺直着身躯,死死地咬牙苦撑,脸色已经由酡红变为了紫红色,红艳艳的妖异的吓人! Zhang Dao looked at showing a faint smile, is appreciating the appearance of Lin Menghan pain support, with sound that inviting and encourages, misleads Lin Menghan saying: Be not supporting, supports a while uncomfortable a while, should escape escapes, relax, in this room does not have any camera, when your a while ended merrily, I well will also give you screen test!” 张导看了微微一笑,欣赏着林梦寒痛苦支撑的样子,用充满诱惑和鼓励的声音,蛊惑林梦寒道:“别强撑着了,多撑一会儿就多难受一会儿,该脱就脱吧,放心,这房间里没有任何摄像头,等你一会儿快活完了,我还会好好的给你试镜的!” Although now Lin Menghan on bed already **** commits suicide by fire, so long as they will bump slightly to make Lin Menghan thorough are crazy, may for that 5 million, them endure within the body ****, below will be supporting the own small pitiful tent, was waiting for that moment that Lin Menghan will unable to bear! 虽然现在床上的林梦寒已经****焚身,他们只要稍微一碰就会让林梦寒变得彻底疯狂起来,可为了那5000000,他们都忍受着体内的****,下面撑着自己小的可怜的帐篷,在等待着林梦寒受不了的那一刻! Lin Menghan has opened the eye furiously red, both eyes is staring at face self-satisfied Zhang Dao and Wang Jingji, in beautiful both eyes must spout the fire! 林梦寒奋力睁开了眼睛,双目通红的盯着一脸得意的张导汪经纪,美丽的双目之中都要喷出火来! But she does not dare to speak, she feared that own wants an opens the mouth, in the heart that tone to release, own immediately becomes at present the toys of these men, will be the own most driving despicable way! 可是她不敢说话,她怕自己只要一开口,心中的那口气一泄,自己立即就会成为眼前这些男人的玩物,而且是自己最主动的下贱方式! Gou Liancheng comes is quicker than the imagination, he heard that the Lin Menghan fell into a trap, already prepared the good two fortifying yang pills to swallow into the mouth immediately, and has drunk full big cup fresh deer blood, this raised thinks of 3 million boxes to directly soar 1688! 勾连城来的比想象中要快,他一听说林梦寒中计了,立即把早就准备好的两颗壮阳药丸吞入了口中,并喝了满满一大杯新鲜的鹿血,这才提起装着3000000的箱子直奔1688! 5 million buy the head of Lin Menghan to feed soup! 5000000买林梦寒的头啖汤啊! Did not have one to cast aside caret-shaped, his prepayment 2 million earnest money, now heard that the beautiful woman took a drug **** commits suicide by fire is waiting for him, he naturally must hurry to overtake with the forest beautiful woman spends together the spring evening! 八字还没一撇,他就先付了2000000的定金,现在听说美人吃了药****焚身的等着他呢,他当然要赶紧赶过去和林美人共度春宵了! He pledged, must make him look this forest beautiful woman who the picture almost insanely falls devastates one ruthlessly in the evening, cannot move until him again is finished up! 他发誓,一定要把这位让他一看照片就差点疯掉的林美人狠狠的蹂躏一晚上,直到他再也动弹不了才算完事! This is the spring evening moment, an inch second of inch gold/metal, naturally the quicker the better! Therefore the deer blood of his corners of the mouth without enough time scratches, was raising on the box directly ten sixth floor, the speed of hundred meters sprint arrived at 1688! 这可是春宵一刻,寸秒寸金,当然是越快越好!因此他连嘴角的鹿血都来不及擦,直接提着箱子上了十六楼,百米冲刺的速度来到了1688! Boss Gou, comes suffices quickly! Does not use that anxiously, we always relate, plays tomorrow not to have the issue to you at noon, so long as your body can shoulder then the line!” 勾老板,来的够快的啊!不用那么急,咱们老关系,给你玩儿到明天中午都没问题,只要您身体扛得住就行!” Zhang Dao looks at Gou Liancheng to bind a snow-white bath towel, very big tent has been crashing in 1688, immediately said with a smile. 张导一看勾连城裹着一条雪白的浴巾,支着挺大个帐篷就冲进了1688,顿时笑着说道。 Gou Liancheng looked on the bed first already Lin Menghan that starts to sway back and forth crazily, two eyes have emitted immediately green and glossy wolf same rays of light! 勾连城先看了床上已经开始疯狂打滚的林梦寒一眼,两只眼睛立即就放出了绿油油狼一样的光芒 His “pā” thinking of 3 million boxes opens, then impatient said to Zhang Dao: Chief Zhang, this is remaining 3 million, do you select?” “啪”的一声就把装着3000000的箱子打开,然后迫不及待的对张导说道:“张总,这是剩下的3000000,你点点?” Zhang Dao looks at one hundred dollar bill one that in the box red shining packs have placed neatly well satisfied, very much feels relieved smiles: Chief Gou is the person who does the big business, how also to make an issue in trivial several million, this trusts my Zhang to, I was not many have disturbed, you enjoyed well!” 张导心满意足的看了箱子里红灿灿一叠叠整齐摆放的百元大钞一眼,很放心的一笑:“勾总是做大生意的人,又怎么会在区区几百万上做文章,这点儿信任我张某人还是要给的,我就不多打扰了,您好好享受吧!” Then, has caused a meaningful glance to Wang Jingji. 说完,冲着身旁的汪经纪使了一个眼色。 Wang Jingji looks that packs of red shining one hundred dollar bills are also the excited Adam's apple anxiously shake, he just received the box, has not waited to close, listens to dang loud noise, the door to open accordingly, the door was nearly trampled to fly! 汪经纪看着那一叠叠红灿灿的百元大钞也是兴奋的喉结急抖,他刚接过来箱子,还没等合上呢,就听咣当一声巨响,房门应声而开,房门差点儿都被踹飞了! The Ling Yun sycophancy kills! 凌云拍马杀到! The Ling Yun's figure has not stopped including the stop, before moves sideways to arrive at the Lin Menghan bed, his vision sweeps, in the eye flashed through immediately has wiped the ice-cold killing intent! 凌云的身形连停顿都没有停顿,一个闪身就来到了林梦寒的床前,他目光一扫,眼中立即闪过了一抹冰冷的杀机! Ling Yun looked continually is disinclined to look at Gou Liancheng and other people, his both hands are like lightning uneven, including selecting Lin Menghan several big holes, stopped Lin Menghan to commit suicide by fire first temporarily ****, then turned head! 凌云连看都懒得看勾连城等三个人,他双手闪电般齐出,连点林梦寒身上十几处大穴,先暂时止住了林梦寒焚身的****,然后才回过头来! Who does?!” The Ling Yun extremely sound of pleasant to hear at this time looks like the spirit from hell deep place, indifferent heartless, such as ten thousand years of cold ice equally ice-cold, making three people be afraid! “谁干的?!”凌云极为好听的声音此时就像是来自地狱深处的幽灵,冷漠无情,如万年寒冰一样冰冷,让三个人不寒而栗! Gou Liancheng becomes angry out of shame, he soon felt stifled now, actually sees Ling Yun to rush suddenly, destroyed his good deed shortly, he ate two fortifying yang pills to drink one cup of fresh live deer blood in addition! 勾连城羞恼成怒,他现在都快要憋死了,却见凌云忽然闯了进来,眼看破坏了他的好事,他可是吃了两颗壮阳药丸外加喝了一杯新鲜的活鹿血啊! No matter he Ling Yun, actually turns head to the Zhang Dao anger sound said: Chief Zhang, troubles you to explain to me, this is he how matter?! Didn't you say absolutely safe?!” 他不管凌云,却扭头冲着张导怒声道:“张总,麻烦你给我解释解释,这到底是他吗的怎么一回事?!你不是说万无一失吗?!” Zhang Dao also just responded at this time, he just about to opens the mouth to explain that the Gou Liancheng issue, actually listens to Ling Yun also indifferently saying: Did not need to explain!” 张导此时还刚刚反应过来呢,他刚要开口解释勾连城的问题,却听凌云又冷漠说道:“不用解释了!” Before Ling Yun figure like lightning bullies, the left leg windmill lifts, bang bang bang kicks three feet continually, completely gave to kick the court eunuch three people at the scene directly! 凌云身形如闪电般前欺,左脚风车般抬起,“嘭嘭嘭”连踢三脚,当场直接就把三个人全部给踢成了太监! Before Wang Jingji gets down but actually, Ling Yun snatches to seize the cash box in Wang Jingji hand, then “pā” closes, lifted again starts the towards three people of lower abdomen Dantian places to kick three feet continually! 趁着汪经纪倒下去之前,凌云劈手夺过了汪经纪手中的钱箱,然后“啪”的一声合上,再抬起脚对着三人的小腹丹田处连踢了三脚! These three feet were fiercer than that three feet a moment ago, Ling Yun added the dark vigor, from now, three people not only turned into the court eunuch thoroughly, but also the next body do not want to raise the strength again, gasping for breath of big mouth can the severe pain be incomparable! 这三脚比刚才那三脚还要猛,凌云加了暗劲,从此以后,三个人不但彻底变成了太监,而且今后身体别想再提起一点儿力气,就连大口的喘气都会剧痛无比! Keeps your three dog's lives, today I am collecting a interest first, when I saved the person, then came back to calculate the general ledger with you!” “留着你们三条狗命,今天我先收点儿利息,等我救完了人,再回来跟你们算算总账!” Ling Yun said, left hand raised the cash box, the right hand is copying hugging Lin Menghan on bed, now the Lin Menghan circumstance is critical, he could not delay! 凌云说完,左手提着钱箱,右手一抄就把床上的林梦寒给抱了起来,现在林梦寒情势危急,他一刻也耽误不得! Ice...... clouds, report...... The police......” Lin Menghan was stopped by Ling Yun temporarily slightly ****, the intelligence restored a pure brightness, first thinks actually reported to the police. “凌……云,报……警……”林梦寒凌云暂时稍稍止住了****,神智恢复了一丝清明,首先想到的竟然是报警。 Ling Yun wishes one could pro and con counter- fan now her dozens slap in the face, he shouted abuse: Silly | Compels, to report to the police! Others sleep in the bedding now, your he a person comes to here is not courts death!” 凌云现在恨不得正正反反搧她几十个耳光,他破口大骂道:“傻|逼,报警个屁啊!人家现在都在被窝里睡大觉呢,你他吗的一个人来这里不是找死么!” Ling Yun now is really the anger of soaring to the heavens! 凌云现在真的是冲天之怒! In is so pure, not drinks, now actually puts on such coquettish bone to inter the body that in front of me installs, the clothes that the sex appeal is overwhelmed with emotion drinks this, but also was given the aphrodisiac by others?! 吗的,在我面前装的那么纯,滴酒不沾,现在却穿着这么风骚入骨,性感销魂的衣服喝成这样,还被人家给下了春药?! If the father late comes one step, your he had already been turned, but also reported to the police? Talked nonsense! 要是老子晚来一步,你他吗的早就被人轮了,还报警?扯淡吧! Ling Yun thinks that now some fear, the heart said that if own even if thinks Lin Menghan to crack a joke, or own is attacking the Body Refining Fourth Stage level tonight the critical moment, again or the own cell phone has not started, did the woman who the father has not looked at make others playing? 凌云现在想起来都有些后怕,心说要是自己哪怕是以为林梦寒开玩笑,或者自己今晚正在冲击练体四层的紧要关头,再或者自己手机没开,那老子还没看的女人岂不是让人家给玩儿了? You shut up to me!” Ling Yun air/Qi and anger, holds the arm of Lin Menghan to make an effort slightly, actually saw that the Lin Menghan cheongsam spread out has arrived at to get close to waist unexpectedly! Then he got angry! “你给我闭嘴!”凌云又气又怒,抱着林梦寒的胳膊稍稍一用力,却见到林梦寒的旗袍开叉竟然开到了接近腰部!这下他更怒了! Actually this really not strange Lin Menghan, is really her tender buttocks is too round is too big, the waist is also too thin, the nature is higher, in addition Ling Yun that spreading out of that cheongsam supported single-handed has been embracing her, the cheongsam naturally upward fled, can that fork on not transfer to the waist? 其实这还真不怪林梦寒,实在是她的娇臀太圆太大,腰又太细,自然把那个旗袍的开叉撑的高了些,再加上凌云单手揽着她,旗袍自然往上窜,那叉能不上移到腰部去吗? Moreover Lin Menghan because of this point, has worn the joined bodies silk stockings in inside, for against wolf. 而且林梦寒就因为这一点,才在里面穿上了连体丝袜,就是为了防狼的。 Lin Menghan is also muddled enough, she does not think, her such stature, such plentiful attractive, perfectly round straight tension astonishing slender snow-white ****, wears the transparent yellowish pink joined bodies silk stockings, is that against wolf? That incurs the wolf radically! 林梦寒也够糊涂,她也不想想,就她这样的身材,这么丰腴诱人,浑圆笔直弹力惊人的修长雪白****,穿上透明的肉色连体丝袜,那是防狼吗?那根本就是招狼! Ling Yun throws toward the ground the cash box conveniently, then has clutched a bed sheet from the bed, has bound the Lin Menghan whole person directly solid, only kept a head to gasp for breath. 凌云随手把钱箱往地上一抛,然后从床上揪了一条床单,直接把林梦寒整个人给严严实实的裹了起来,只留了个脑袋喘气。 Clutches the bed sheet time, Ling Yun happen to saw the Lin Menghan package, he brought conveniently, then he carries that to think of 3 million boxes, held the Lin Menghan boiling hot tender body, the figure is flashing arrived at out of the door. 揪床单的时候,凌云正好看到了林梦寒的包,他顺手就拿了过来,然后他才拎起那装着3000000的箱子,抱着林梦寒滚烫的娇躯,身形一闪就来到了门外。 Described time to be long, actually entered the room to arrive at the room from Ling Yun, this while was also less than then the past for one minute. 描述起来时间长,其实从凌云进屋到出屋,这一会儿也就过去了不到一分钟。 At this time, by Ling Yun was knocked down completely eight husky fellows did not have one to stand, Ling Yun cold snort/hum, uses the Thousands of Miles Divine Walking Steps movement quickly, the figure picks up remnant shades, lifts the lower part of foot towards eight person and that server is crazily steps on! 此时,被凌云全部打倒在地的八个彪形大汉还没有一个能站起来的,凌云冷哼一声,施展万里神行步身法,身形快的托起一道道残影,抬脚对着八个人和那个服务生的下体就是一阵狂踩! Eight also supported a moment ago the man of big tent almost simultaneously is exuding one painfully stuffily, both hands have closely covered the lower part, their subconscious awareness, own this whole life abandoned! 八个刚才还挺着大帐篷的男人几乎是同时发出一声痛苦的闷哼,双手紧紧捂住了下体,他们下意识的知道,自己这辈子废了! Most miserable naturally was that server, because he received the advantage of Qingyun film and television, stopped to Ling Yun, finally stepping on abandoned by a Ling Yun foot! 悲催的当然是那个服务生了,他就因为收了青云影视的好处,对凌云阻拦了一下,结果就被凌云一脚给踩废了! Ling Yun like a wild with rage lion, he never has such to get angry now! Has not eaten such big owing! 凌云现在就像一头狂怒的雄狮,他从来都没有这么怒过!从来都没有吃过这么大的亏! He goes back to tidy up Lin Menghan one not to be possible well! 他回去非要好好的收拾林梦寒一顿不可! He has forgotten quite the same as, Lin Menghan has three reasons except for and him, actually two people relate a little do not have. 他浑然忘记了,林梦寒除了和他有三面之缘,其实两个人一点儿关系都没有。 That two **** is licking in the room mutually, heard outside miserable hurried to stop the movement on mouth howlingly, bound a bath towel to arrive at the entrance view to look carelessly, saw Ling Yun to step on all people exactly, ablazes with anger that departed! 那两个****正在屋里互相舔呢,听到了外面的惨嚎赶紧停下了嘴上的动作,胡乱裹了条浴巾就走到门口观瞧,恰好看到凌云踩完了所有的人,怒气冲冲离去的一幕! His very handsome!” Yes! Confused me, I want to let his grass I......” “他好帅啊!”“是啊!迷死我了,我想让他草我……” Two **** first thought aloud dull, then as if impressively remembers, what Ling Yun steps on is the goon of Qingyun film and television! 两个****先是呆呆地自言自语了一句,然后才似乎赫然想起,凌云踩的是青云影视的打手! At this time Ling Yun to going downstairs, vanished in ten 6-layer, two **** then panic-strickenly has looked one, staring dumbfounded looks at the opposite party saying: Has gone bad, the Qingyun film and television had an accident!” 这时凌云已经冲下楼去,消失在了十六层,两个****这才惊骇的对望了一眼,瞠目结舌的看着对方说道:“坏了,青云影视出事了!” Two **** present already quilt **** lost the natural disposition with the anesthetics thoroughly, became bitch not many differences that and is in heat, in addition could be led by Ling Yun handsome face electricity of dregs, the intelligence already did not sober. 两个****现在已经被****和迷药彻底迷失了本性,已经变得和发情的母狗没多少区别了,再加上被凌云帅得掉渣的俊脸一电,神智早就不清醒了。 They have looked one, is holding the breath, being soundless arrived at 1688 rooms, the scene that in the eye saw makes them thoroughly silly! 她们对望了一眼,然后秉着呼吸,蹑手蹑脚的走到1688房间,眼中所见的景象让她们彻底傻了! The pitiful conditions of nine people outside falls to the ground suffice the terrifying, the three people in room kneel on the ground now, a head place, the whole body resembles get malaria keep shaking generally, three people are almost the similar movements, kneels to bend down like the dog on the ground, is covering the belly, is covering the lower part! 外面倒地的九个人的惨状就够恐怖的了,屋里的三个人现在都跪在地上,脑袋点地,全身都像打摆子一般抖个不停,三个人几乎都是同样的动作,像狗一样跪伏在地上,一手捂着肚子,一手捂着下体! Three big beach/pool shocking blood flow out following their lower parts, like the pregnant woman massive hemorrhage general terrifying, around the place rug completely was incarnadine they are kneeling! 三大滩触目惊心的鲜血顺着他们的下体汩汩流出,就像孕妇大出血一般恐怖,已经把他们跪着的地方周围的地毯全部染红! Three person whole bodies shiver fiercely are kneeling there, before sending out the wild animal to be on the verge of death the low roar, because of the fierce ache, clothes had been soaked by the cold sweat! 三个人浑身剧烈颤抖着跪在那里,发出野兽濒死前的低吼,因为剧烈的疼痛,身上的衣服已经被冷汗湿透! These three people were to think the stupor now were not good in the past, Ling Yun did not let their stupor, no one think the stupor! Only can look like the dog to kneel there generally is enduring the inhuman severe pain, except for the low roar, a few words could not say! 这三个人现在就是想昏迷过去都不行,凌云不让他们昏迷,谁也别想昏迷!只能像狗一般跪在那里忍受着非人的剧痛,除了低吼,一句话都说不出来! Two **** only looked at one, simultaneously with moistening the palm of opposite party body fluid has covered completely because of panic-stricken opening small mouth! within the eyes panic-stricken desire certainly! 两个****只看了一眼,就同时用沾满了对方体液的手掌捂住了因为惊恐而张大的小嘴儿!目中惊骇欲绝! Report...... Report...... Police?” Enough after one minute, **** trembles was asking that prescribes medicine **** said. “报……报……警吗?”足足一分钟之后,一个****才哆嗦着问那个下药的****道。 No, cannot...... Warning...... Called, calling Brother Chen to come......” to prescribe medicine **** knew is the medicine under own, she was certainly impossible to report to the police. “不,不能……报警……叫,叫陈哥来……”下药的****知道是自己下的药,她当然不可能报警。 What two people does not know, Director Chen deputy and that several eat meal in private room together, at this time nine people are also same as 1688 entrances are lying down, the lying down ground moved unable to move! 只是,两人不知道的是,陈副导演和那几位在包间里一起吃饭的,此时也和1688门口躺着的九个人一样,躺地上一动都动不了了! Also gets what one deserves they to have bad luck, their how many people are stopping up in ten second floor staircases smoke like a chimney to tease the Gou Liancheng anxious type there, Ling Yun that person well said Lin Menghan the show, happen to have ablazed with anger tonight go downstairs hears, can that have good? 也活该他们倒霉,他们几个人正堵在十二楼的楼梯上在那里吞云吐雾调侃着勾连城的猴急样呢,一个人恰好说了一句林梦寒今晚得多么骚,正好被怒气冲冲下楼的凌云听到,那还能有个好? This aggravates the situation simply, under Ling Yun is angry, foot indulged in dissipation to play with the young girl all these all days kicking to abandon for the happy bastard! 这简直就是火上浇油,凌云大怒之下,一脚一个把这些整日花天酒地玩弄妙龄少女为乐的混蛋全给踢废了! Then Ling Yun makes a determined effort to resemble clamps Lin Menghan, displayed the limit Thousands of Miles Divine Walking Steps, left Litianda Hotel quickly, speeds away to go toward house that own rented! 然后凌云才发狠似的一夹林梦寒,把万里神行步施展到了极限,很快离开了丽天大酒店,朝着自己租住的房子处疾驰而去! Normally should not save you!” On road, Ling Yun bitterly to tender body more and more boiling hot, breath more and more loud Lin Menghan said! “按说就不该救你!”路上,凌云恨恨的对娇躯越来越滚烫,呼吸越来越粗重的林梦寒说道! The Ling Yun movement is extremely quick! Linked for two minutes both not to use to the dwelling from Litianda Hotel, Ling Yun raised the cash box to hold Lin Menghan to leap forward directly in the own institute! 凌云身法极快!从丽天大酒店到住处连两分钟都没有用了,凌云提着钱箱抱着林梦寒直接跃进了自己的院里! Who?!” “谁?!” Ling Yun falls to the ground the movement was heavier, immediately Zhuang Meifeng that had not been slept by the room in heard, her vigilance asked. 凌云落地的时候身法重了一些,立即被屋里还没有睡觉的庄美凤听到了,她警觉问道。
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