DEMG :: Volume #2

#153: miserable Qingyun film and television ( 2 )

This glass of liquor, Lin Menghan sincere does not dare to drink. 这杯酒,林梦寒真心不敢喝。 Places now the society, all girls know, so long as is in a public setting, no matter any liquor water or drink, so long as has left your line of sight, you cannot drink it again, must guard against various seizing property tribulation color potential hazard carefully. 身处当今社会,所有女孩子都知道,只要是在公共场合,不管是任何酒水或者饮料,只要离开过你的视线,你就不能再喝它,要小心提防各种劫财劫色的潜在危险。 The Lin Menghan background is extremely deep, as the police, the nature understands this point compared with anybody! 林梦寒背景极深,又身为警察,自然比任何人都明白这一点! She flushed the red elegant face becomes some non- natures, wants to dump this glass of liquor very much at present, then gives own but actually one cup. 她酡红的俏脸变得有些不自然起来,很想把眼前这杯酒倒掉,然后重新给自己倒一杯。 What a pity, her line of sight institute and place, again has not actually installed the liquor the beverage bottle, if in the liquor the present cup dumps, is unable to pour the liquor again. 可惜,她视线所及之处,却再也没有装酒的酒瓶,如果把眼前的杯中酒倒掉的话,就无法再倒酒了。 Lin Menghan thoughts revolve, she lifts the right hand of slender gently beautiful snow-white, made an effort with the thumb according to the temples of own, then embarrassed say/way: Zhang Dao, I truly drink be honest with you tonight, really cannot drink again, but also invited you......” 林梦寒心念电转,她抬起纤长柔美雪白的右手,用大拇指用力按了按自己的太阳穴,然后不好意思道:“张导,不瞒您说,今晚我确实喝多了,实在是不能再喝了,还请您……” Zhang Dao shows a faint smile, is carrying the wine glass to Lin Menghan slightly at one fell swoop, blocks her words: „...... forest big the star, was not said a moment ago, our Qingyun film and television must take 20 million to come out to you to carry on as soon as possible packs and propaganda vigorously, this point, you also agreed a moment ago, was the last glass of liquor, this face, can you probably give me? Even if, ahead of time celebrates? How?” 张导微微一笑,端着酒杯冲着林梦寒微微一举,拦住她的话道:“诶……林大明星,刚才不是讲好了嘛,咱们青云影视要尽快拿20000000出来对你进行大力包装和宣传,这一点,刚才您也同意了,就是最后一杯酒,这个面子,你总该要给我的吧?就算是,提前庆祝?如何?” The Lin Menghan elegant face turns white slightly, she slightly is anxious and awkward saying: Zhang Dao, is not does not give you face, this glass of liquor some oil waterdrops had gone in a moment ago , do I trade one cup?” 林梦寒俏脸微微发白,她略显紧张和尴尬的说道:“张导,不是不给您面子,这杯酒刚才有些油水滴进去了,要不,我换一杯?” In her subconscious, thought that this glass of liquor have the issue, therefore repeatedly rejects. 她潜意识里,觉得这杯酒有问题,因此一再拒绝。 The Zhang Dao complexion starts some not to be unattractive, his lightly saying: Forest big star, if in this case, I thought after us, was not good to cooperate......” 张导的脸色开始有些不好看了起来,他淡淡道:“林大明星,那要是这样的话,我看我们以后就不好合作了……” At this time, Wang Jingji smiled is carrying Lin Menghan front wine glass, numerous placed in the hand of Lin Menghan, he pretended the consolation of good intention to enlighten Lin Menghan saying: Forest big star, you looked, our 15 people do carry the wine glass to wait for you? Was in the final cup liquor, how many didn't miss this cup is?” 就在这时候,汪经纪微笑着端起林梦寒面前的酒杯,重重的放在林梦寒的手里,他装作好心的劝慰开导林梦寒道:“林大明星,你看,我们15个人都端着酒杯等着你呢?就是最后的杯中酒了,多少也不差这一杯是不是?” The wine glass by the person independently , the reason that Lin Menghan has not rejected again, she can only in the in the heart secret pray, then bite the lower lip to say with snow-white white teeth now: Since difficult to turn down an offer make with such warmth, that...... We cheer!” 酒杯都被人放手里了,林梦寒再也没有拒绝的理由,她现在只能在心中暗暗祈祷,然后用雪白贝齿咬着下唇道:“既然盛情难却,那……那我们就干杯!” Heard Lin Menghan so saying that 15 people present except for that three genuine female university student, in the look flashed through wipe to wait to look at the good play the look, then all people tossed down. 听到林梦寒如此说,在座的15个人除了那三个真正的女大学生,眼神中都闪过一抹等着看好戏的神色,然后所有人一饮而尽。 Forest big star, our company has given you to choose a good script be honest with you, the play of beautiful woman alcoholic intoxication, wants to make you try the screen test, I looked, picking a lucky day might as well hit the date, you happen to are drunk now, do we or try then the present?” “林大明星,不瞒您说,我们公司已经给您选择了一个不错的剧本,有一场美女醉酒的戏,想让您试试镜,我看,择日不如撞日,您现在正好微醉,咱们要不就现在试一试?” After the liquor drinks up, Zhang Dao completely had as if forgotten in the drinking up cup that said a moment ago the liquor personally delivers the words that Lin Menghan goes back, suddenly saying lets the words of Lin Menghan screen test. 酒喝完以后,张导似乎完全忘记了刚才说的喝完杯中酒就亲自送林梦寒回去的话,忽然说出让林梦寒试镜的话来。 Thanks Zhang Dao, but, nearly a point, I must go home immediately......” “谢谢张导,不过,马上就快一点了,我现在必须要回家……” After Lin Menghan drinks up the liquor, except for thinking the brains somewhat sinks, had not thought that has any difference, therefore under the heart is slightly peaceful, the decisive rejection said. 林梦寒喝完酒以后,除了觉得头脑有些沉,并没有觉得有什么异样,因此心下稍安,果断拒绝道。 Forest big star, goes home not to miss that a while, you two, hurry to hold forest big the star to go to 1688 rooms, I must the personal guidance forest big star screen test......” “林大明星,回家也不差那一会儿嘛,你们两个,赶紧扶着林大明星去1688房间,我要亲自指导林大明星试镜……” The immoral woman who that two have not worn the bra sets out immediately, one on the left and other on the right arrives at the Lin Menghan side, helped up her arm to say with a smile tenderly: Sister Lin, Zhang Dao may suffice to look after really your, our two came to be so long, has not had the opportunity of screen test, walked......” 那两个没戴文胸的浪货立即起身,一左一右来到林梦寒的身旁,搀起了她的胳膊娇笑道:“林姐,张导可真够关照你的,我们两个来了这么久,都没有得到试镜的机会呢,走吧……” Another three female university students looked at Lin Menghan to have the opportunity of screen test all of a sudden, immediately the envying envy of whole face hated, each one face envy was staring at Lin Menghan, that vision with must eat person. 另外三个女大学生看了林梦寒一下子就得到了试镜的机会,顿时满脸的羡慕嫉妒恨,个个一脸嫉妒的盯着林梦寒,那目光就跟要吃人似的。 Lin Menghan just wants to break away, her tender body has swayed suddenly fiercely, thought that the own tender body starts somewhat weakly, the head seemed to be murkier than a moment ago, can only take up the own package reluctantly, is being supported by the arm departure by that two immoral women. 林梦寒刚想挣开,她的娇躯忽然猛地摇晃了一下,觉得自己的娇躯开始有些酥软,脑袋似乎比刚才更加昏沉了,只能勉强拿起自己的包,由那两个浪货搀着离去。 Zhang Dao hurries to give the round table opposite several men to signal with the eyes, making them depart, then turns head to the female university unfamiliar road that the opposite that three whole faces envy: Young Lady Lin understands the custom very much, therefore such quickly had the opportunity of screen test, if you want the screen test, to redouble one's efforts as soon as possible, yes?” 张导赶紧给圆桌对面的几个男人使了个眼色,让他们跟着离去,然后扭头冲对面那三个满脸羡慕的女大学生道:“林小姐很懂规矩,所以这么快就得到了试镜的机会,你们要想尽早试镜,就得加倍努力,明白吗?” Three looks pretty female university students are perplexed radically, in abundance going all out nod of chicken pecking meter/rice! 三个姿容俏丽的女大学生根本不明所以,纷纷小鸡啄米似的拼命点头! In the Zhang Dao eye flashes through wipes the happy expression that playing with not easy detection and disdains, then said to Wang Jingji: Walks, this time is forest big the star first screen test, we must prepare well, strives to complete the preparatory work!” 张导眼中闪过一抹不易察觉的玩弄和不屑的笑意,然后对身旁的汪经纪说道:“走,这次是林大明星第一次试镜,我们要好好准备一下,争取做好准备工作!” two people arrived at outside private room abreast in row, at this time, outside the private room eight husky fellows already escorting on Lin Menghan ten 6-layer with Chen deputy Director and the others. 两人并排来到了包间外面,此时,包间外面的八个彪形大汉早就跟着陈副导演等人“护送”着林梦寒上十六层去了。 The Wang Jingji whole face said to Zhang Dao obscenely with a smile: „Couldn't elder brother, this beautiful little girl be inescapable?” 汪经纪满脸淫笑着对张导说道:“哥,这次这个美妞跑不了了吧?” Zhang Dao confident self-satisfied smiles: Snort, our 15 people exhibit such big weaponry, has spent such high price, if cannot level her again, that also mixes!” 张导胸有成竹的得意一笑:“哼,我们15个人摆出这么大的阵仗,花了这么大价钱,要是再摆不平她,那还混个屁啊!” Wang Jingji said: Elder Brother, this female was really too attractive, can we taste foods newly in season? In my opinion, she now is a maiden, you looked that two legs are straight, wears that high high-heeled shoes also to clamp that tight......” 汪经纪道:“哥,这女的实在是太诱人了,咱们能不能尝尝鲜?依我看,她现在还是个处女,你看那两条腿直的,穿着那么高的高跟鞋还夹的那么紧……” Zhang Dao coldly horizontal Wang Jingji: Tastes foods newly in season? Boss Gou saw the picture of this woman time said that must drink her head to feed the soup, this soup value 5 million, can you take?” 张导冷冷地横了汪经纪一眼:“尝鲜?勾老板看到这女人的照片的时候可是说了,一定要喝她的头啖汤,这口汤值5000000呢,你能拿得出来吗?” Wang Jingji grovels to ridicule: open/stretch elder brother, you knows that I am not that meaning, after my meaning is other Boss Gou had played, do our brothers together play to play her? Follows time, plays to tie up what kind of?” 汪经纪点头哈腰讪笑:“张哥,你知道我不是那意思,我意思是等勾老板玩过了之后,咱们兄弟一起玩玩儿她?跟上次似的,玩儿个捆绑怎么样?” Zhang Dao has as if remembered by the Lin Menghan sexy tender body that the compact cheongsam closely wraps, he hehe said with a smile: Can yes, but that must have a look this female is any goods, if she took a drug, after being played, honest being obedient, that directly made her open the horsepower to make money to us fully, if were not obedient, our two brothers well trained her!” 张导似乎想起了被紧致的旗袍紧紧包裹住的林梦寒的性感娇躯,他嘿嘿一笑道:“可以是可以,不过那得看看这女的到底是个什么货色,要是她吃了药,被玩儿了之后老老实实的听话,那就直接让她开足了马力给我们赚钱,要是不听话的话,我们兄弟俩就好好调教调教她!” In my opinion, this female should be fiercer than the high-spirited horse, makes the picture to record the video to beat mercilessly that set of not to be easy-to-use, cannot do well us to let her......, She the meeting little darling is obedient!” “不过依我看,这个女的应该比烈马还要烈,拍照片录视频毒打那一套都不好使,搞不好我们得让她……,她才会乖乖听话!” Wang Jingji nod: „Is is, what open/stretch elder brother said is!” 汪经纪一个劲儿的点头:“是是是,张哥说的是!” two people speaks, haha laughed wildly to turn the elevator, on straight ten sixth floor! 两人说着话,哈哈狂笑着拐进了电梯,直上十六楼! Lin Menghan only thought that the head of own is getting more and more heavy, sinks more and more, but the own both feet is getting more and more impractical, in the meantime, in the body of own flaming burnt suddenly one group of flame, lets she walked, unrestrainedly has clamped the thigh of own. 林梦寒只觉得自己的头部越来越重,越来越沉,而自己的双脚却越来越虚浮,同时,自己的身体里面突然熊熊燃烧起了一团火焰,让她走路的时候,情不自禁地夹紧了自己的大腿。 That is one type is very exuberant, very blazing flaming **** her tender body that burns quick burns then the fire, in addition she already the alcoholic intoxication, the resistivity and willpower of body also dropped, could not resist roasting of that flame to roast! 那是一种很旺盛,很炽热的熊熊****,烧的她的娇躯很快就火烫起来,再加上她早已醉酒,身体的抵抗力和意志力同时下降,根本抵抗不住那火焰的炙烤! Harnesses the Lin Menghan two immoral women to see that the Lin Menghan tender body trembles lightly, the footsteps are impractical, the appearance of both legs clamp cannot help but, they already knew, looked one mutually, in the look passed over gently and swiftly the happy expression that wiped to disdain. 驾着林梦寒的两个浪货看到林梦寒娇躯轻颤,脚步虚浮,双腿不由自主的夹紧的样子,她们早就知道似的,互相对望一眼,眼神中掠过一抹不屑的笑意。 That is the overseas most advanced medicine, has strong hallucination and urges | The dual effects of sentiment, so long as stains a little, even if you are again the pure and chaste woman of integrity, will let the woman who you quickly turn into most swing! 那可是国外最先进的药,有着超强的迷幻和催|情的双重功效,只要沾上一点儿,就算你是再贞洁的烈女,也会让你很快变成最荡的女人! Was half package dislikes were too much, let alone was entire one package! 就是半包都嫌过多了,何况是整整一包! They know, 15 minutes, Lin Menghan will turn into a woman of most show from a pure young girl, even if the side is a stick, she also inserting without hesitation to the own body in! 她们知道,不出15分钟,林梦寒就会从一个纯洁的少女变成一个最骚的女人,哪怕身边是一根棍子,她也会毫不犹豫的插到自己身体里去! You...... Letting loose...... I, I...... Must go home!” Lin Menghan in the heart in great surprise, knows own definitely was the sinister plot, she started to struggle furiously, how this time body the least bit strength unable to cause! “你们……放开……我,我……要回家!”林梦寒心中大惊,知道自己肯定是中了奸计,她开始奋力挣扎,奈何她此时的身躯已经半点儿力气都使不出来了! This is that medicine most awesome effect! 这就是那种药的最牛逼的功效! When the efficacy just started to manifest suddenly, you will only feel **** commits suicide by fire, the body strength cannot cause, but once the efficacy manifests suddenly completely, you not only whether there is strength completely, will also change will make a female wolf of being in heat, appointed who will draw cannot hold on! 药力刚开始发作之时,你只会感到****焚身,身体却一点儿力气都使不出来,可一旦药力完全发作出来,你不但会有无尽的力气,而且会变作一头发情的母狼,任谁拉都拉不住! Goes home? forest big the star, do not become the most famous big star? Waited for the screen test to finish goes home not to be late again, you looked, some that many people were protecting you, had something to be worried!” “回家?林大明星,您不是要成为最有名的大明星嘛?等试镜结束再回家也不晚啊,您看,有那么多人保护着你呢,有什么可担心的!” Turned head to look at with more than ten is staring at the abundant buttocks of Lin Menghan to that immoral woman who Lin Menghan prescribes medicine, the man of both eyes torching, disdained to say with a smile. 林梦寒下药的那个浪货回头看了看跟来的十多个盯着林梦寒的丰臀,双目喷火的男人,不屑笑道。 two people supported by the arm 1688 rooms Lin Menghan quickly, and threw her on the soft Simmons bed casually. 两人很快把林梦寒搀进了1688房间,并把她随便扔在了松软的席梦思床上。 Walks, outside that many wolves are staring, she cannot definitely be inescapable, do not look that she also wants to resist now, quick will turn compared with us also wants the immoral woman of show!” “走吧,外面那么多狼盯着,她肯定跑不了,别看她现在还想抵抗,很快就会变成比我们还要骚的浪货!” Then, they are turning the waist of own, listening to one crowd of oppressor loud respites , the wave to depart with a smile. 说完,她们扭着自己的腰肢,听着一群虎狼粗重的喘息,浪笑着离去。 Just before leaving, woman of that prescribing medicine has not forgotten high has raised own hemline, under deep V suspenders short skirt, inch wisp! 临走,那个下药的女人还不忘高高的掀起了自己裙摆,果然,深V吊带短裙下面,不着寸缕! Lin Menghan at this time, was suppressing in the body the blazing flame of flaming combustion, with a final pure brightness intelligence, has sent the short note of that praying for rescue to Ling Yun! 林梦寒就是在这个时候,强忍着身体内熊熊燃烧的炽热火焰,用最后的一丝清明神智,给凌云发出了那个求救的短信! She fast has switched then off cell phone, makes an effort to nip the tip of tongue of own with the tooth, simultaneously the long nail pricked in the tender meat of thigh, maintains the sobriety of brain with the ache, spending in distress, was starting her to spend the second such as the year long waiting! 然后她就快速关掉了手机,用牙齿使劲咬着自己的舌尖,同时长长的指甲刺入了大腿的嫩肉之中,用疼痛来保持大脑的清醒,苦熬着,开始了她度秒如年的漫长等待! …… …… @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
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