DEMG :: Volume #2

#152: miserable Qingyun film and television ( 1 )

Litianda Hotel, before a half hour. 丽天大酒店,半小时之前。 Nine buildings, in decoration superluxurious large-scale private room of gold and jade in glorious splendor, the light of ceiling is bright, 16 people, are sitting around a diameter about three meters autorotation dinner table. 九楼,一个装潢的金碧辉煌的超豪华大型包间之内,天花板的灯光明亮耀眼,有16个人,正坐在一个直径近三米的自动旋转餐桌周围。 On under the ultra-large dinner table chocked up leftovers the delicacies of every kind, several iris Hua Shi, the head and other foreign wine of the marines fell on the tabletop lying this way and that everyone as if drank! 超大餐桌上摆满了吃剩下的山珍海味,十几个芝华士、人头马等洋酒的空瓶横七竖八倒在桌面上,每个人似乎都喝多了! In private room the smog winds around, ten male six females, male drinks drunken, several speech some lispers, six female actually as if compares fierce of these male being drunk, the each and everyone complexion flushed red, the tender body is weak, crookedly falls in own man, does not know that has no intention or desirably. 包间内烟雾缭绕,十男六女,男的都喝的醉醺醺的,好几个说话都有些大舌头了,六个女的却似乎比这些男的醉的更厉害,一个个脸色酡红,娇躯酥软,都歪倒在自己身旁的男人身上,也不知道是无意还是刻意。 Has to say these six female stature or cheek, each and everyone is cream of the crop, some of them wear the elegant red late ritual, some wear white slip dress, some wear the sexy hot-pants...... 不得不说这六个女的无论是身材还是脸蛋儿,一个个都是百里挑一,她们有的身穿典雅的红色晚礼,有的身穿白色的吊带裙,有的穿着性感的热裤…… However a little, all women are the same, that is each one wears the sexy low chest attire, no matter the deep V low chest is also good, is the straight stomacher is also good, chest stood tall and erect fairly has revealed several about three-fourth, on two cherry buds except for that snowball could not see, other places took in everything at a glance! 但是有一点,所有女人都是一样,那就是个个都是穿着性感低胸装,不管是深V低胸也好,还是平直抹胸也好,胸前的白皙高耸都露出了几近3,除了那雪球上的两颗樱桃蓓蕾看不到,其他地方一览无余! And, two girls have not worn the bra, under the tender body sways from side to side, the fair fresh-faced standing tall and erect vibration of chest shakes, the pink bud of chest is partly visible, the surrounding man two eyes that looks at straightens, swallows the saliva crazily, wishes one could to throw to devastate them directly ruthlessly! 其中,有两个女孩根本就没有戴文胸,娇躯扭动之下,胸前的白皙粉嫩的高耸抖动晃悠,胸前的粉红蓓蕾若隐若现,看的周围的男人两眼发直,狂吞口水,恨不得直接扑上去狠狠蹂躏她们! These girls about 20 years old, oldest over 23 years old, the looks are not mostly pretty, swallow Feihuan is thin, the charming voices of young women, the charming smile chants in a low voice, in private room that looks at the men of ten alcoholic intoxications is dazzled, simply is too beautiful to behold. 这些女孩大多都在20岁左右,年龄最大的都不超过23岁,姿容俏丽,燕肥环瘦,莺声燕语,媚笑低吟,看的包间里十个醉酒的男人眼花缭乱,简直是美不胜收。 In the room all man wolf same vision, actually once for a while, glance to renowned director Zhang Dao and show business renowned manager Wang Jingji two people middle Lin Menghan there. 只是,屋里所有男人狼一样的目光,却都时不时的,瞟向著名导演“张导”和演艺界著名经纪人“汪经纪两人中间的林梦寒那里。 Only in the female university students in these five art academies because of private room, completely adds the places of their all beautiful appearance, is inferior to Lin Menghan ******** enchanting! 只因包间里这五个艺术院校的女大学生,把她们身上所有美貌的地方全部加起来,都不如一个林梦寒********妖娆! Lin Menghan should the request of Zhang Dao and Wang Jingji, puts on one to embroider the sleeveless reveal shoulder white cheongsam of pink peony, about 10 : 00 pm participates in Party in this circle, passed for two -and-a-half hours to the present, she this time by this crowd cruel in circle control urged the belt/bring to compel to fill about two bottles of iris Hua Shi continually to go, went to the washroom to spit three chapters! 林梦寒张导汪经纪的要求,穿着一袭绣着粉红色牡丹花的无袖露肩白色旗袍,晚上十点左右来参加这个圈内的Party,到现在已经过去了两个半小时了,她这次被这群如狼似虎的“圈内掌控者”连劝带逼灌了近两瓶芝华士进去,已经去洗手间吐了三回了! Comes Clear Water City to capture this not only yellow and poisonous especially big cheating criminal gang, the body is having the duty, she pledged that she will not accompany this crowd of trash to drink these many liquor! 要不是来清水市就是为了抓获这个既涉黄又涉毒的特大诈骗犯罪团伙,身上带着任务,她发誓她不会陪着这群垃圾喝这么多酒! But does an inside job, since has done, she develops must develop, does not develop must develop, not only need develop, but must develop! 可是卧底既然做了,她演也得演,不演也得演,不但要演,而且还得演好! Her present the status of the undercover, is in a family/home is rich, in the heart is being the pure young girl of star fond dream! 她现在的这个卧底的身份,就是一个家里还算有钱,心中做着明星美梦的纯真少女! …… …… Has dived, are you red the families, no matter, but you must first probably be dived, was not dived definitely is red not! 潜了,你红不红人家不管,但你首先必须得被潜,不被潜肯定是红不了! Lin Menghan knows, these female university students not only need be dived, but must accept these director producer anything, arranging them to sell, sold to these investors of all forms, they who must serve were comfortable, these director producers can attain the investment of investor, then met considered that” arranged these female university students plays some or the light or heavy role in the movie or the TV play. 林梦寒更知道,这些女大学生不但要被潜,还得接受这些导演制作人什么的,安排她们去卖,卖给那些形形色色的投资方,得伺候的他们舒服了,这些导演制作人才能拿到投资方的投资,然后才会“考虑”安排这些女大学生在电影或者电视剧当中担任某个或轻或重的角色。 Lin Menghan also knows, this gang is not the genuine racket TV play shoots the dramatic team of movie, they flaunt are having the banners of various cooperation with some dramatic teams, traps these ignorant to be making star fond dream the appearance and physical body of female university student, and taking the opportunity amasses money! 林梦寒还知道,这个团伙并非是真正的拍电视剧拍电影的剧组,他们只是打着跟一些剧组有各种合作的旗号,来诱骗这些无知又做着明星美梦的女大学生的色相和肉体,并借机敛财而已! This gang has very resounding banner in Clear Water City, has the true registration company, the corporate name calls Qingyun film and television investment company. 这个团伙在清水市有着很响亮的旗号,有真正注册的公司,公司名称就叫“青云影视投资公司”。 They are using pretence of film and television manufacture, is doing the cheating ignorant young girl, forces girls into prostitution, organization ****, even entices the deal that or forces them take drugs! 他们打着影视制作的幌子,干着诈骗无知少女,逼良为娼,组织****,甚至诱惑或者逼迫她们吸毒的勾当! So long as these young girls entered the snare, the Qingyun film and television first will press out to do the wealth in their family/home, then takes their reputations and futures as to coerce, or directly uses the simple and crude the beating mercilessly way, forcing them to continue **** makes money to them! 只要这些少女进了圈套,青云影视就会先榨干她们家中的钱财,然后以她们的名声和前途为要挟,或者直接采用简单粗暴的毒打方式,逼迫她们持续****给他们赚钱! Now, Lin Menghan grasped the Qingyun film and television cheating, with organization **** evidence, but these are not her primary mission, her primary mission is to attain Qingyun film and television attractive taking drugs, evidence of threatening narcotics! 现在,林梦寒已经掌握了青云影视诈骗,和组织****的证据,可这些都不是她的主要任务,她的主要任务是拿到青云影视诱人吸毒,逼人贩毒的证据! Therefore, so long as this evidence cannot attain, she must honest dull here, is enduring here fishy, is enduring the vision of these sexual harasser, but must make a pure expression, thinks, so long as is willing to accompany these people to drink, later has the opportunity becomes the appearance of big star! 所以,只要这个证据拿不到,她就得老老实实呆在这里,忍受着这里的乌烟瘴气,忍受着这些色狼的目光,还得做出一副纯真的表情,以为只要肯陪这些人喝酒,以后就有机会成为大明星的样子! Zhang Dao makes her drink, she must drink, Wang Jingji makes her from punishing three cups, she derives to punish three cups, on the beautiful face must bring the charming sweetness to smile, makes extremely the charming appearance of potency of alcohol. 张导让她喝酒,她就得喝酒,汪经纪让她自罚三杯,她就得自罚三杯,绝美的脸上还得带着妩媚的甜笑,做出不胜酒力的娇羞模样。 To be honest, Lin Menghan alcohol capacity before is the undercover has trained ruthlessly, but this time, she has not really thought, they such not awfully will fill her, making her drink these many! 说实话,林梦寒的酒量是在来做卧底之前狠狠训练过的,可这次,她实在是没有想到,他们会这么不要命的灌她,让她喝这么多! Tonight, she as if has become 15 the goals of people, including that five young girls many things around a center, one after another respects her liquor, that stance as if she does not drill under the table to go not to calculate! 今晚,她似乎成了15个人的目标,包括那五个少女都众星捧月似的,左一杯,右一杯的敬她酒,那架势似乎她不钻桌子底下去就不算完! Was less than two hours, a Lin Menghan person has drunk entire two bottles of iris Hua Shi, foreign wine was competitive, after she spat three times, spat including the bile, the entire dizziness was dizzy, thought dizzy! 不到两个小时,林梦寒一个人就喝了整整两瓶芝华士,洋酒的后劲十足,她连吐三次之后,连胆汁都吐出来了,整个头晕晕的,觉得天旋地转! She has undergone very intensive training in the army, had the average man the willpower that was hard to have, Lin Menghan already lost consciousness! 要不是她在部队中接受过高强度的训练,拥有常人难以拥有的意志力,林梦寒早就不省人事了! However she was not worried actually, because she knows, even if drunk this, Lin Menghan also has confidence these ten obvious wine and women is excessive, pulled out to empty the body knocks down, makes a getaway. 不过她倒是不怎么担心,因为她知道,就算醉成这样,林梦寒也有把握把这十个明显酒色过度,被掏空了身子的打倒在地,逃之夭夭。 Ten men stare at Lin Menghan to stand tall and erect the chest of snow-white, the Adam's apple that non-stop beating demonstrated that the hope of their innermost feelings, that ten eyes are cruel, chest roaming drag on her face, all shines. 十个男人都盯着林梦寒高耸雪白的胸脯,不停跳动的喉结显示出了他们内心的渴望,那十双眼睛如狼似虎,不停的在她的脸上胸前游曳,个个放光。 Let alone these ten men, were Ling Yun noticed that the Lin Menghan present appearance estimate cannot dominate, what she put on was the sleeveless reveal shoulder cheongsam, the white delicate arms of two powder lotus root exposed under the dazzling light, luster clear dazzling of snow-white flesh, the collar bone was fine, nape of the neck fresh-faced exquisite slender, on the straight stomacher of that cheongsam was the flower bud silk pattern of hollowing out, the deep gully complemented in the flower bud silk, shivered along with her frown and smile slightly \; 别说这十个男人了,就是凌云看到林梦寒现在的样子估计都把持不住,她穿的是无袖露肩旗袍,两条粉藕似的玉臂就暴露在耀眼的灯光下,雪白肌肤的色泽都晶莹的耀眼,锁骨精致动人,脖颈粉嫩细腻修长,那件旗袍的平直抹胸上面是镂空的蕾丝花纹,深深的沟壑掩映在蕾丝之间,随着她的一颦一笑微微颤动\; Because of Lin Menghan stature extremely irritable reason, this cheongsam puts in her body very compact attractive, with entangling is the same on her hot tender body, twin peaks astonishing standing tall and erect, the waist thin such as the weak willow tree, the skirt-width of cheongsam is very short, just wrapped up her to be perfectly round, the tension is astonishing ****, is too round as a result of her tender buttocks willowy, therefore cheongsam both sides spreading out looked like have arrived at her slender waist place, two snow-white were plentiful, the compact attractive thigh has exposed completely! 因为林梦寒身材太过火爆的缘故,这件旗袍穿在她的身上非常紧致诱人,就跟缠在她火辣的娇躯上一样,双峰惊人的高耸,腰肢细如弱柳,旗袍的下摆很短,刚刚包住她浑圆硕大,弹力惊人的****,由于她的娇臀太圆太有弹性,所以旗袍两侧的开叉就像是开到了她纤细的腰肢处,两条雪白丰腴,紧致诱人的大腿完全展露了出来! Bright red eight centimeters high high-heeled shoes, the yellowish pink joined bodies silk stockings are wrapping she straight slender both legs, she naturally sits there, sends out the astonishing sex appeal with attracting, let alone graceful stood! 亮红色八公分高的高跟鞋,肉色的连体丝袜包裹着她笔直修长的双腿,她就自然坐在那里,都散发着惊人的性感与魅惑,更别说袅袅婷婷的站起来了! Zhang Dao, I go to the washroom!” Lin Menghan stands up, charming is with a smile short to side that and fat, wears gold thread glasses Zhang Dao to say. 张导,我去一下洗手间!”林梦寒站起身来,妩媚笑着对身旁那个又矮又胖,戴着金丝眼镜张导说道。 „? Do our forest big stars want to go to the washroom? Your several are quicker is accompanying, forest big the star has drunk many liquor, be not falling, is not good to take a good photo!” “哦?我们的林大明星又要去洗手间啊?你们几个快些陪着,林大明星喝了不少酒,可别摔着了,不好上镜!” Lin Menghan stands, a Zhang Dao bi-color eye is insufficient, he looked ruthlessly above looked under, finally chose Lin Menghan that two to wrap plentiful snow-white the thigh in transparent yellowish pink silk stockings! 林梦寒一站起来,张导的一双色眼根本就不够用了,他狠狠地看了上边看下边,最终还是选择了林梦寒那两条包裹在透明肉色丝袜之内的丰腴雪白的大腿! …… …… Previous time was found the opportunity to run by Lin Menghan, this reclaimed cotton such high price has made this bureau, naturally is impossible to make Lin Menghan run! 上次被林梦寒找机会跑了,这回花了这么大价钱做了这个局,当然不可能让林梦寒跑! Other did not say, light that several bottles of foreign wines 70,000-80,000! 别的不说,光那十几瓶洋酒就得七八万! This time must make Lin Menghan escape again, their Qingyun film and television do not do, closes down business as early as possible, goes broke and closes down! 这次要是再让林梦寒逃跑了,那他们青云影视也就别干了,趁早停业,关门大吉! In the gazes of all men, Lin Menghan sway arrived at out private room, actually discovered in private room surnamed Chen deputy director followed own. 在所有男人的注视当中,林梦寒摇摇晃晃的来到了包间门外,却发现包间里一位姓陈的“副导演”跟着自己走了出来。 This has not calculated, by private room out of the door does not know are when many 78 husky fellows, each and everyone has worn the western-style clothing, wears the sunglasses, places both hands behind the back stands there. 这还不算,包间门外两侧不知何时多了78个彪形大汉,一个个穿着西装,戴着墨镜,倒背着双手站在那里。 The heart of Lin Menghan sank at that time fiercely! She thought that tonight is some are not very wonderful! 林梦寒的心当时猛地就是一沉!她觉得今晚很是有些不妙! Director Chen deputy followed, the female university student, that three wear the bra also followed, Director Chen deputy signaled with the eyes to eight husky fellow: Forest big star must go to washroom, you look at with me in the past, do not let the forest big star be harassed!” 陈副导演跟了出来,紧接着,那三个戴着文胸的女大学生也跟了出来,陈副导演冲着门外的八个彪形大汉使了个眼色:“林大明星要去洗手间,你们跟我过去看着点儿,别让林大明星被人骚扰了!” Nine men, three women monitor personal, does this also run? Lin Menghan can only under the people observe the situation, goes to the washroom obediently. 九个男人跟着,三个女人贴身监视,这还怎么跑?林梦寒只能在众人环视之下,乖乖地去洗手间。 In private room, Lin Menghan walks, Zhang Dao and Wang Jingji look at each other one, simultaneously reveals wipes the deceitful mean smiling face, then Zhang Dao has not worn the bra with opposite one, the whole body only puts on a deep V suspenders short skirt female university unfamiliar road: Prescribes medicine!” 包间内,林梦寒一走,张导汪经纪对视一眼,同时露出一抹奸诈阴狠的笑容,然后张导跟对面的一个没戴文胸,全身只穿着一条深V吊带短裙的女大学生道:“下药!” That female university student V of suspenders short skirt led almost to arrive at the lower abdomen place, evidently, it is estimated that her underpants were disinclined to put on, her charming eyes such as silk white Zhang Dao, has stood from man arms, whatever two groups of snow-white stood tall and erect under the light moves sways, turned the waist to arrive at the Lin Menghan seat place. 那女大学生的吊带短裙的V领几乎开到了小腹处,看样子,估计她就连内裤都懒得穿,她媚眼如丝的白了张导一眼,从身旁的一个男人怀里站了起来,任由两团雪白高耸在灯光下甩动摇晃,扭着腰肢来到林梦寒的座位处。 Then her hands and feet deft toward the Lin Menghan wine glass in half package of white medicinal powder, the medicinal powder entered the liquor but actually, with originally different. 然后她手脚麻利的往林梦寒的酒杯里倒了半包白色药粉,药粉入酒即化,跟原先没什么两样。 Actually listens to Zhang Dao and Wang Jingji simultaneously orders saying: But actually goes in! This female is different from your this immoral woman, is not very good to cope!” 却听张导汪经纪同时命令道:“都倒进去!这女的跟你这个浪货不一样,很不好对付!” Zhang Dao speaks, stretches out short and heavy left hand to hold the one side of prescribing medicine young girl to stand tall and erect, ruthlessly pinches! 张导说着话,伸出短粗的左手抓住下药少女的一侧高耸,狠狠的就是一捏! That coquettish beautiful woman eats the pain, exaggeration yelled! The houseful man who looks at hehe smiles obscenely! 那风骚美女吃痛,夸张的大叫了起来!看的满屋的男人嘿嘿淫笑! Zhang Dao hehe said with a smile: Good that immoral woman, makes tonight, a while I let four person amusing you, pats to sell the market in Southeast Asia to come up to you!” 张导嘿嘿笑道:“浪货,今晚做的不错,一会儿我让四个人好好玩玩儿你,都给你拍下来卖到东南亚的市场上去!” This woman very obviously is not the wha youngest daughter university student, another has not worn the bra naturally is not. 这个女人很明显不是什么女大学生,另一个没有戴文胸的自然也不是。 Lin Menghan sees own unable to withdraw, can only tidies up after the washroom, once more returned to private room. 林梦寒自己根本无法脱身,只能在洗手间里收拾一番之后,再次回到了包间 Forest big star, now time early, not making us cheer together the liquor, then do I deliver you to go back to be possible personally to be good?” “林大明星,现在时间也不早了,让我们大家一起干了杯中酒,然后我亲自送你回去可好?” After Lin Menghan comes back to sit down, Zhang Dao smilingly said to Lin Menghan. 林梦寒回来坐下之后,张导笑眯眯地对林梦寒说道。
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