DEMG :: Volume #2

#151: Lin Menghan has difficult!

Seven Glorious Grass also, but after Ling Yun arrives on University Region Road, actually discovery that light dangerous feeling vanished to disappear. 七曜草还在,可凌云来到学府路上之后,却发现那种淡淡的危险感已经消失不见了。 Walked?” Ling Yun with one's hands behind one, strolls on University Region Road of nobody left, back and forth walked two, does not have the sensation to that killing intent. “走了?”凌云倒背着手,漫步在空无一人的学府路上,来回走了两趟,都没有感知到那种杀机。 Ok, is the luck is not the calamity, was the calamity does not evade, walks was instead better, I in province made a move.” “算了,是福不是祸,是祸躲不过,走了反而更好,省的我出手。” Ling Yun thinks of here, has launched the movement full power, speeds away in the direction of antique market. 凌云想到这里,全力展开了身法,朝着古玩市场的方向疾驰。 Tonight Seven Glorious Grass spiritual energy cannot use, but Ling Yun will certainly not stop practice, spiritual energy that the antique market massive strange rare stone dissipation comes out is his only choice. 今晚七曜草灵气不能用了,可凌云当然不会停止修炼,古玩市场大量的奇珍异石散逸出来的灵气是他唯一的选择。 What can put the two sides, practice cannot delay absolutely! 什么都可以放两边,修炼绝对不能耽误! After eight minutes, Ling Yun went to the antique market, arrives own previous time has stood place, then stopped. 八分钟后,凌云已经来到了古玩市场,来到自己上次站立过的地方,然后停了下来。 Em, good rich spiritual energy.” “恩,好浓郁的灵气。” Ling Yun knows, reason that antique market present spiritual energy is so rich, has very big relations with this cloud burst, the rainstorm, although has caused the enormous destruction, is regarding the air, has good purification. 凌云知道,古玩市场现在的灵气之所以这么浓郁,和这场大暴雨有很大的关系,暴雨虽然造成了极大的破坏,可是对于空气来说,却有着很好的净化作用。 …… …… However here is also not the Ling Yun's destination, his destination is the central place of antique market. 不过这里还不是凌云的目的地,他的目的地是古玩市场的中心位置。 Since came, then simply slowly appreciates tours, Ling Yun is the same with the daytime tourist, is walking slowly and aimlessly four measured steps, along the front street, walks toward the center of antique market directly. 既然来了,便索性慢慢欣赏游览一下,凌云就和白天的游人一样,踱着四方步,直接沿着前面的街道,往古玩市场的中心走去。 He also wants to look to have a look actually, Tianxi Pavilion that Murong Feixue said that in somewhere. 他其实也是想找找看看,慕容飞雪所说的天玺阁,到底在什么地方 Halts! Does?” “站住!干什么的?” Ling Yun just walked about 300 meters, by the securities of two patrols the front surface walked blocking. 凌云刚走了300米左右,就被迎面走来的两个巡逻的保安给拦住了。 Night the antique market, has certainly the security that goes on patrol, they noticed that west Ling Yun late night with one's hands behind one east takes a look at strolling that looks here, did not block him to blame! 古玩市场,当然有夜晚巡逻的保安,他们看到凌云大半夜倒背着手在这里东瞅西瞧的闲逛,不拦住他就怪了! The Ling Yun heart said that here was inferior small riverbank is satisfied, he smiles, said to two securities: Doesn't do, I have been lovelorn, coming to here to walk to disperse to relax.” 凌云心说这里就是不如小河边惬意自在,他嘿嘿一笑,对两名保安说道:“不干什么,我失恋了,来这里走走散散心。” Two securities carefully looked at Ling Yun that human and animals harmless smiling face taking advantage of the street light, saw that from his face had not seen the appearance that is lovelorn comes, glowing with health full of energy, what this he is lovelorn?! 两名保安借着路灯仔细看了看凌云那张人畜无害的笑脸,怎么看都没从他脸上看出失恋的样子来,红光满面精神抖擞,这他吗的是失恋?! Hey, young fellow, here, but antique market, late night do not saunter here, so as to avoid causes the unnecessary misunderstanding.” “喂,小伙子,这里可是古玩市场,大半夜的别在这里转悠,免得引起不必要的误会。” One about 40 -year-old security seems very honest simple and honest appearance, the patience persuaded Ling Yun to leave. 一名40岁左右的保安看上去挺老实憨厚的样子,耐心劝说凌云离开。 Ling Yun somewhat did not have idea all of a sudden. 凌云一下子还真有些没辙。 Others are the normal work, is polite to you, you cannot for practice, attack brutally, clears directly? 人家是正常工作,对你还客客气气的,你总不能为了修炼,就大打出手,直接清场吧? In that case, but also can not Tang Meng father drawing on! 那样的话,还不得把唐猛的老子给招来! Ling Yun thinks saying: I want to ask, here has the stipulation, said that in the evening doesn't permit to stroll?” 凌云想了想道:“我想问一下,这里有规定,说晚上不准闲逛吗?” Two securities asked one dull, look at each other in blank dismay, naturally is impossible to have such stipulation. 两名保安被问的一呆,面面相觑,当然不可能有这样的规定。 Ling Yun extended the index finger to refer to the nose of own being sharp, said as before grinningly: You looked that I am likely clever?” 凌云又伸出食指指了指自己的鼻子尖,依旧笑嘻嘻道:“你们看我像是贼吗?” Two securities also shake the head, heart said that you must really be clever, already ran away in fear by us, we but who also asked here one? 两个保安同时摇头,心说你要真是贼,早就被我们吓跑了,还在这里问的我们一愣一愣的? Why can't I stroll here? Because is the midnight?” “那我为什么不能在这里逛?就因为是半夜吗?” Ling Yun is in power does not forgive the person, he is breaking into perfect smiles: You , if not feel relieved, is accompanying me, we chat while walking, I was just lovelorn in any case, a person is lonely!” 凌云得势不饶人,他展现着完美的笑容道:“你们要是不放心的话,就陪着我,咱们边走边聊,反正我刚刚失恋,正一个人寂寞呢!” Ling Yun has not planned to attack the Body Refining Fourth Stage level in any case tonight, he comes to here just to absorb some spiritual energy, with the aid of space strength of practice Great Evolving Stars Secret Art of Stars/Xingchen. 反正凌云今晚也没打算冲击练体四层,他来这里只不过是多吸收一些灵气,借助天上的星辰之力修炼大衍聚星宝诀而已。 The tonight's dim light of night is good, 11 p.m. to 1 a.m is the strength of most powerful time Stars/Xingchen, at this time practice Great Evolving Stars Secret Art, the effect was best. 今晚的夜色太好,子时又是星辰之力最强盛的时候,这时候修炼大衍聚星宝诀,效果最好。 His is after is own achieves the Body Refining Fourth Stage level, sits in meditation practice Cultivation Technique, Yin-Yang Energy Secret Art prepares. 他这是在为自己达到练体四层之后,打坐修炼功法,一气阴阳诀做准备呢。 Yin-Yang Energy Secret Art, in Dantian produces is eternally grateful to be able practice, in Cultivation Big World is best cultivates one of the Pill Refining field Cultivation Technique, to Ling Yun future Building Foundation, Golden Core, Nascent Soul these three big cultivating true important passes, will have the wondrous use of imagination. 一气阴阳诀,丹田之内产生气感可以修炼,在修真大世界是最好的修炼丹田的功法之一,对凌云将来的筑基,金丹,元婴这三大修真关口,会有想象不到的妙用。 Two securities thorough were silly, they have not seen such person of rare and beautiful flowers, a late night person have strolled You to close the door, the antique market of nobody left, but also makes the security accompanying?! 两个保安彻底傻了,他们从来没有见过这么奇葩的人,大半夜的一个人逛游家家闭户,空无一人的古玩市场,还让保安给陪着?! What rare and beautiful flowers is this? 这是什么奇葩? Does not use! You hurry to stroll sooner to leave.” Two securities thought that Ling Yun really likely is not a thief, has to meet his unreasonable demand. “不用了!你赶紧逛逛就早些离开吧。”两个保安觉得凌云真的不像是盗窃犯,只好满足了他的无理要求。 Thanked!” Ling Yun holding the fist in the other hand laughs, then to ask to two securities: Was right, how does Tianxi Pavilion walk?” “谢了!”凌云抱拳嘻嘻一笑,然后对两个保安问道:“对了,请问天玺阁怎么走?” …… …… Do not misunderstand, Tianxi Pavilion today and I have made a business, helping me pass for two days to transfer title of ownership, arrived here in any case tonight, asked your road.” Ling Yun grinning answered. “别误会,天玺阁今天和我做了一笔买卖,让我过两天来过户,反正今晚走到这里了,就问你们一下路。”凌云笑嘻嘻的解释道。 Two securities felt relieved slightly, hesitates to say to Ling Yun: Proceeds again 200 meters and that's the end, in that intersection northeast corner.” 两名保安稍稍放心,其中一个犹疑着对凌云说道:“再往前走200米就是了,就那个十字路口东北角上。” Ling Yun thanked again, is walking slowly and aimlessly measured steps, swayingly at a moderate pace walked toward Tianxi Pavilion. 凌云再次感谢,踱着方步,晃晃悠悠不紧不慢的朝着天玺阁走去。 more walks toward, spiritual energy gathering that various strange rare stone dissipations come out is richer, although quite heterogeneous, east together west together is quite scattered in disorder, may be able to be as good as the Seven Glorious Grass two-thirds effects reluctantly. 越往里走,各种奇珍异石散逸出来的灵气汇聚的就越浓郁,虽然比较驳杂,也东一道西一道的比较散乱,可勉强能抵得上七曜草2的效果了。 This point Ling Yun understood actually, so long as is slightly the good treasure, which shop owner boss has not hidden 1-layer 1-layer, spiritual energy of these treasure broke through the protection of 1-layer level became extremely frail, but must run out of the shop, then arrived at the air **** the Ling Yun absorption, can be as good as Seven Glorious Grass to be strange. 这一点凌云倒是理解,只要是稍微好一些的宝贝,哪个店主老板不是藏了一层一层,那些宝贝的灵气突破了一层层的保护就已经变得极其单薄了,还要冲出店铺,然后才来到空气****凌云吸收,能抵得上七曜草才怪。 The four main roads in antique market assume the square, naturally can have four intersections, but Tianxi Pavilion, in southwest intersection place. 古玩市场的四条主干道呈井字形,自然会有四个十字路口,而天玺阁,就在西南方向的十字路口处。 Ling Yun looks in evening's as before brilliantly illuminated Tianxi Pavilion, three fine gold gold/metal large character shining that on doorway tablet shines upon, the in the heart cannot help secret regret, the heart said that such big shop front, it seems like that the father suffered a loss. 凌云看着在晚上依旧灯火辉煌的天玺阁,映照的门匾上的三个鎏金大字流光溢彩,心中忍不住暗暗后悔,心说这么大的店面,看来老子是吃亏了。 Is too low with price that Murong Feixue opens! 跟那个慕容飞雪开的价太低了! Ling Yun stood the meat to be here painful long time, then continues to face forward, arrived at the entrance of jade cauldron porch. 凌云站在这里肉痛了半晌,然后继续朝前走,又来到了玉鼎轩的门口。 The jade cauldron porch in the Tianxi Pavilion opposite, is occupying the intersection northwest corner, but looks at the area, was bigger than Tianxi Pavilion one time, the antiqueness of out of the door repair, elegant atmosphere. 玉鼎轩就在天玺阁的对面,占据着十字路口的西北角,只是看面积,就比天玺阁大了一倍,门外装修的古色古香,典雅大气。 Previous time comes time, Tang Meng has mentioned the jade cauldron porch, said here is antique market stone gambling is, wants to draw Ling Yun to go in very much to have a look. 上次来的时候,唐猛提起过玉鼎轩,说这里是古玩市场赌石的所在,很想拉着凌云进去看看。 Really, Ling Yun arrives at the entrance of jade cauldron porch, felt spiritual energy that in this shop shows is sincerest, he nodded secretly, the heart said looks like in this has the good treasure really! 果然,凌云来到玉鼎轩的门口,就感觉到这个店铺里面透出的灵气最为厚重,他暗自点了点头,心说看来这里面真的有好宝贝啊! Ling Yun is impolite, sat on the man (Han) white jade stair before jade cauldron porch gate, satisfied absorption spiritual energy in air. 凌云也不客气,一屁股就坐在了玉鼎轩门前的汉白玉台阶上,惬意的吸收起空气中的灵气来。 Now spiritual energy of his within the body was very easy to transfer, he absorbs outside spiritual energy, while stimulates to movement Great Evolving Stars Secret Art crazily, quenchings the body of own as soon as possible. 现在他体内的灵气已经很容易调动起来,他一边吸收外面的灵气,一边疯狂催动大衍聚星宝诀,尽快淬炼自己的身体。 He felt that had faintly breaks through the Body Refining Fourth Stage level the sign, but Ling Yun does not worry now, the Body Refining Fourth Stage level is a big important pass, achieved belonged to Body Refining middle-stage, he not only need break through the Body Refining Fourth Stage level, but must achieve the most perfect effect and ensure did not leave behind one to regret. 他已经感觉到了有隐隐突破练体四层的迹象,不过凌云现在不着急,练体四层是一个大关口,达到了就属于练体中期,他不但要突破练体四层,还要达到最完美的效果,保证不留下一丝遗憾。 When Ling Yun just crazy practice, his cell phone suddenly once again had made a sound, came a short note. 就在凌云刚刚疯狂修炼的时候,他的手机突然又一次响了,来了一条短信。 Ling Yun frowned, the heart said slightly this around 1 : 00, Tang Meng hasn't lost heart? 凌云微微皱眉,心说这都一点多了,唐猛怎么还不死心? He pulls out the cell phone to look, discovered unexpectedly is not the short note that Tang Meng sends, but is Lin Menghan sends in! 他掏出手机一看,发现竟然不是唐猛发来的短信,而是林梦寒发来的! …… …… The Ling Yun complexion brushes changes, suddenly long body! 凌云脸色刷的就是一变,霍然长身而起! Did Lin Menghan have an accident? Isn't she police? Looks at her appearance, the body should have real skill, the common 56 young fellows should unable to move her is right! 林梦寒出事了?她不是警察吗?看她的样子,身上应该有两下子,寻常56个小伙子应该动不了她才对啊! Like this is thinking time, Ling Yun has displayed peak Thousands of Miles Divine Walking Steps! 这样想着的时候,凌云已经把万里神行步施展到了极致 Pull-off remnant shades of his body under pale yellow street light, plunders with lightning speed generally toward the school north road! 他的身体在昏黄的路灯下拖出一道道残影,风驰电掣一般朝着学府北路掠去! Ling Yun only used for five minutes to arrive at the school north road, this main road was neighboring University Region Road actually, in the University Region Road north side, was parallel with University Region Road. 凌云只用了五分钟就来到了学府北路,这条大路其实就是紧邻着学府路,在学府路的北边,跟学府路平行。 However, this is Ling Yun first time comes to this place, where naturally does not know Litianda Hotel. 不过,这是凌云第一次来这个地方,当然不知道丽天大酒店在哪儿。 The Ling Yun both eyes lightning flash sweeps the two sides constructions crazily, the figure actually does not dare any stop, finally, in a very big intersection place, had been found gold and jade in glorious splendor by him brightly such as Litianda Hotel of daytime. 凌云双目电闪狂扫两边的建筑,身形却不敢任何停顿,终于,在一个很大的十字路口处,被他找到了金碧辉煌亮如白昼的丽天大酒店 Litianda Hotel is a five-star, the collection eats meal, the entertainment, stays as one comprehensive hotel, in consumer-city Clear Water City is also known, the entrance naturally has a child. 丽天大酒店是一家五星级的,集吃饭,娱乐,住宿于一体的综合性酒店,在消费城市清水市也算是小有名气,门口自然有门童。 That child saw that Ling Yun towed the remnant shadow to appear in the hotel entrance together, shocking dumbstruck, does not know all of a sudden should make anything! 那门童眼看着凌云拖着一道残影就出现在了酒店门口,震惊的目瞪口呆,一下子不知道应该做什么了! Ling Yun does not certainly have the free time to manage him, the figure flashed has crashed in Litianda Hotel, did not sit the elevator, displayed Thousands of Miles Divine Walking Steps to go upstairs directly! 凌云当然没工夫理他,身形一闪就冲进了丽天大酒店之内,也不坐电梯,直接施展万里神行步上楼! Has not used including one minute, Ling Yun arrived at tenth 6-layer, then he was fainted to the lane by the hotel labyrinth corridor. 连一分钟都没有用了,凌云就来到了第十六层,然后他就被酒店迷宫般的走廊给弄晕了。 Hey, how do 1688 walk?” Ling Yun saw a server of duty, worries to ask. “喂,1688怎么走?”凌云看到了一个值班的服务生,着急问道。 That server suddenly becomes vigilant, he has sized up Ling Yun one, asked carefully: Mister please ask that you do go to 1688 to do?” 那个服务生忽然变得警惕起来,他上上下下打量了凌云一眼,小心问道:“先生请问你去1688干什么?” Ling Yun looked that the expression of this boy is disinclined again rubbish with him, put out a hand to catch his neck, has lifted the top of the head him directly, said indifferently: Shows the way, leading me to go to 1688 rooms!” 凌云一看这小子的表情就懒得再跟他废话,一伸手就卡住了他的脖子,直接把他举过了头顶,冷漠说道:“指路,带我去1688房间!” chuckle......” the Ling Yun how big strength, catches the neck of server directly the both feet lift-off that he lifts, he suppresses all of a sudden gets flushed in the face with anger, the both eyes panic-stricken desire certainly, hurried with pointing at a direction. 咯咯……”凌云多么大的力气,卡住服务生的脖子直接把他举的双脚离地,他一下子就憋得脸红脖子粗,双目惊骇欲绝,赶紧用手指了一个方向。 Walks!” Ling Yun does not put down him, such launches the movement, making the server point at the road, flushes away toward 1688 rooms! “走!”凌云也不放下他,就这么展开身法,让服务生指着路,朝着1688房间冲去! Also has turned around curved, Ling Yun discovered in impressively this corridor is standing unexpectedly 78 husky fellows! 又拐过了一个弯,凌云赫然发现这个走廊里竟然站着78个彪形大汉! He wants not to throw toward front that server directly, pounds to that group of people! 他想也不想直接就把那个服务生朝前面扔了出去,砸向那群人! …… …… Dang a foot, Ling Yun the door that 1688 rooms tightened trampling! “咣当”一脚,凌云就把1688房间紧锁的房门给踹开了!
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