DEMG :: Volume #2

#150: Zhuang Meifeng

Zhuang Meifeng, beautiful, charming, graceful bearing is peerless, in Clear Water City that the beautiful woman everywhere walks, can be called is the flower of Clear Water, is Capital City finance and economics university fully deserving first school beauty, to the own stature and beautiful appearance that is the what kind of self-confidence and pride? 庄美凤,妖艳,妩媚,风姿绝世,就是在美女遍地走的清水市,都能称得上是清水之花,更是京城财经大学当之无愧的第一校花,对自己的身材和美貌那是何等的自信与骄傲? One hear of Ling Yun said that some people of chest measurements are older three than her, she thinks subconsciously that woman affirmed fat having no way looks. 一听凌云说有人胸围比她大三圈儿,她下意识的以为那女人肯定胖的没法看。 Does not know her, if after seeing the chest and slender waist of Lin Menghan, in the heart will have what kind of idea. 真不知道她如果见到林梦寒的胸脯和细腰之后,心中会产生怎样的想法。 What do you smile? I said isn't right?!” Zhuang Meifeng honk sexy lip of tender and beautiful alluring, bewitchingly charming horizontal Ling Yun. “你笑什么?难道我说的不对?!”庄美凤嘟着娇艳欲滴的性感嘴唇,千娇百媚的横了凌云一眼。 Ling Yun nearly laughs out loud, he is breathing heavily thick angry saying: Right, right, I see is the cow, right, is the cow!” 凌云差点儿笑岔了气,他喘着粗气道:“对,对,我看到的就是奶牛,没错,就是奶牛!” Was good, do not smile, you said your Needle Technique to be able the abundant chest and cosmetology, really or false?” “行了,别笑了,你说你的针法可以丰胸和美容,到底是真的还是假的?” Zhuang Meifeng studies the trade, has the instinct sense of smell and sense of touch to the opportunity, Ling Yun said a moment ago own Needle Technique can lose weight, the abundant chest, with the cosmetology, Zhuang Meifeng associated with the business all of a sudden! 庄美凤是学商业的,对商机有着本能的嗅觉和触觉,凌云刚才说自己针法可以减肥,丰胸,和美容,庄美凤一下子就和生意联想了起来! Among the world should the money of what person better gain? Naturally is the money of woman, particularly with money that the look of woman links up with! 天下间什么人的钱最好赚?当然是女人的钱,尤其是和女人的相貌挂钩的钱! Naturally real, what's wrong, moved? I can grip two to you now, guarantees you within three days very greatly to be fuller!” “当然是真的,怎么,动心了?我现在就可以给你扎两针,保你三天之内就更挺更大更饱满!” Ling Yun stops the laughter, the complexion one positively, said. 凌云止住笑声,脸色一正,说道。 Which is grips? Direct...... ****?” Zhuang Meifeng is blushing the fair cheek, spent the big strength to say the words, sound such as mosquito. “都是扎哪儿啊?直接扎……****吗?”庄美凤羞红着白皙的脸蛋,费了好大力气才把话说出来,声如蚊讷。 Ling Yun's eye dissolute stares at Zhuang Meifeng to look right and left, then said: Body situation of each woman is different, the acupuncture point that must therefore grip is different, if you thinks the abundant chest, not only need grip under your rib directly the armpit, but must grip acupoint on your thigh!” 凌云的眼睛放肆的盯着庄美凤左看右看,然后道:“每个女人的身体情况不同,所以要扎的穴位不同,如果是你想丰胸的话,不但要直接扎你的肋下腋窝,还要扎你大腿上的穴道呢!” Goes to......” Zhuang Meifeng to be shamed the complexion to explode red by Ling Yun a few words, hurried to cover the phoenix wonderful item with the snow-white fresh-faced delicately beautiful finger, over the face contained spring charmingly angry! “去……”庄美凤凌云一句话羞得脸色爆红,赶紧用雪白粉嫩的纤美手指捂住了丹凤妙目,满面含春的娇嗔了一句! Ling Yun indifferent shrugging, hehe said with a smile: We are exploring the pure medical problem now, troubles your a little professionalism to be good?” 凌云无所谓的耸耸肩,嘿嘿笑道:“我们现在是在探讨纯医学问题,麻烦你有点儿专业精神好不好?” Said again, your whole body I have looked, there are any embarrassed!” Ling Yun at a moderate pace attack. “再说了,你全身上下我都看过了,又有什么不好意思的嘛!”凌云不紧不慢的进攻。 This point, Zhuang Meifeng in the heart already had the idea, her body from infancy to maturity, had not looked by any man! 这一点,庄美凤心中早就有了想法,她的身体从小到大,还没有被任何男人看了去呢! She is arrogant, coldly elegant, in bystander opinion, just like Queen coldly elegant who keeps aloof, that is traditional philosophy that because the tradition in her bone, is incompatible with this society tight is wrapping her, making her never accept any man. 她高傲,冷艳,在外人看来,犹如高高在上的冷艳女王,那是因为她骨子里的传统,跟这个社会格格不入的传统思想紧紧的包裹着她,让她从来不曾接受任何一个男人。 But under the arrogant coldly elegant innermost feelings, Zhuang Meifeng is one group of fires! Blazing fire! 可是高傲冷艳的内心之下,庄美凤是一团火!炽热的火! This group of fires by ten thousand years of iceberg firmly is wrapping, nobody can break the iceberg the barrier, is changed has led Ling Yun is not good! 只是这团火被万年冰山牢牢的包裹着,没有人能够打破冰山的壁垒,就是变帅了的凌云也不行! But, thousand skillful ten thousand Qiao, that continued 20 seconds of severely trembles to sway, making her throw the Ling Yun's bosom under the unexpectedness. 可是,千巧万巧,那个持续了20秒的剧震摇晃,让她在猝不及防之下扑进了凌云的怀里。 Then instance, that group of fires by the fiery firm aura that on Ling Yun transmitted leaping the ignition, is unable to extinguish again! 当时的瞬间,那团火就被凌云身上传递过来的火热的阳刚气息给腾的点燃,再也无法熄灭! At present is a such graceful man, has the formidable strength, can make her have the security sense that is hard to speak in being utterly isolated situation, but also had rescued her one time, such Ling Yun, naturally obtained lit the flame that group already could not constrain, and made it continue the method of flaming combustion! 眼前又是这么帅的一个男人,有着强大的实力,能让她在四面楚歌的情况拥有难以言说的安全感,还曾经救过她一次,这样的凌云,自然是得到了点燃那团早就压抑不住的火焰,并令它持续熊熊燃烧的法门! Once this group of fires burn, Zhuang Meifeng is a real iceberg, can give to roast her melts! 这团火一旦燃烧起来,庄美凤就是一座真的冰山,也能把她给烤化了! Do not bump me......” Zhuang Meifeng to drink half bottle of red wines a moment ago, was already drunk, after sexually harassing of flirting with one another, her present sentiment fire is unquenchable, for fear that Ling Yun bumps her, making her unable to bear. “不要碰我……”庄美凤刚才喝了半瓶红酒,早已微醉,经过一番打情骂俏的调戏之后,她现在情火难以抑制,生怕凌云碰她,让她受不了。 But, said the evening! 可是,说晚了! The Zhuang Meifeng phoenix eye is enchanted by dimly, the wine red long hair falls in torrents like a waterfall, immediately her head can not help drills toward the Ling Yun bosom. 庄美凤凤眼朦胧迷醉,酒红色长发如瀑布般倾泻而下,她的头立即情不自禁的往凌云怀里钻去。 Faint, originally does not have a fever, but sent spring!” Ling Yun in the heart wicked perspiration, looks was enchanted by weak Zhuang Meifeng thoroughly, Ling Yun hugs her is not being, abandons her is not, all of a sudden stiff there. “晕,原来不是发烧,而是发春了!”凌云心中一阵恶汗,看着已经彻底迷醉酥软的庄美凤,凌云是抱着她也不是,扔下她也不是,一下子僵在了那里。 Has not waited for him to stare god to come, thought that the neck of own glued on by one group mildly! 还没等他愣过神来呢,就觉得自己的脖子被一团温润粘上了! Ling Yun within one day was been twice strong the kiss, greatly is anxious, he worries saying: Hey, you listened to me to say......” 凌云一天之内被人两次强吻,不由大急,他着急道:“喂,你听我说……” This is the flower of Clear Water! Delivers kiss unexpectedly on own initiative? 这可是清水之花啊!竟然主动送上香吻 Ling Yun will raise fiercely in the future, the mouth has been separated from the red lip of Zhuang Meifeng: Bullies me?!” 凌云猛地把头往后一扬,嘴巴脱离了庄美凤的红唇:“欺负我是吧?!” Counter-attack! Must counter-attack! Otherwise after me, mixes? 反击!一定要反击!不然我以后还怎么混? The flower of Clear Water is closing one's eyes to wait for the Ling Yun's next movement, actually saw Ling Yun to withdraw from her both hands, but has kissed her bright red tender face gently. 清水之花正闭着眼睛等着凌云的下一步动作呢,却见凌云已经把双手都从她身上撤走了,只是轻轻吻了一下她的嫣红的娇颜。 After long time, Zhuang Meifeng cannot repress the curiosity of own in the heart finally, she has opened a seam the eye quietly, actually sees Ling Yun to sit on the sofa, smiles is looking at own. 半晌之后,庄美凤终于按捺不住自己心中的好奇,她悄悄把眼睛睁开了一条缝,却见凌云正坐在沙发上,微笑着看着自己 You!” This Zhuang Meifeng does not know why Ling Yun receives the hand suddenly. “你!”这次庄美凤不知道凌云为何突然收手。 You launched a psychological attack by the sentiment fire a moment ago, I helped you govern governing!” Ling Yun smiles gently. “你刚才被情火攻心,我帮你治了治!”凌云温柔一笑。 Zhuang Meifeng just wants to speak, actually heard delightful cell phone ring tone to resound, sabotaged the atmosphere in private room instantaneously. 庄美凤刚想说话,却听到了一阵悦耳的手机铃声响起,瞬间破坏了包间里的气氛。 To Zhuang Meifeng, this is an infinite irritating telephone, is Tang Meng hits. 庄美凤来说,这是个无限恼人的电话,是唐猛打来的。 Ling Yun has met. 凌云接了起来。 Hey, the eldest child, you where, can we in the cash box nightclub, you come to play now to play?” “喂,老大,你在哪儿呢,我们现在在钱柜夜总会呢,你要不要过来玩玩儿?” Ling Yun looked at flower of one own opposite Clear Water. 凌云看了自己对面的清水之花一眼。 In private room is very lonesome and quiet, the Tang Meng sound, Zhuang Meifeng hears clearly, she has given a Ling Yun coldly elegant unparalleled look directly, that meaning is you, if dares to try? 包间里很幽静,唐猛的声音,庄美凤听得清清楚楚,她直接给了凌云一个冷艳无双的眼神,那意思是你要是敢去试试? Does not go!” Ling Yun said directly taking away telephone. “不去!”凌云说完就直接把电话给扣了。 Telephone that head, Tang Meng looks at the own cell phone dull, inconceivable of face, the heart said that is liking gaining the cheap disposition according to the eldest child, shouldn't? 电话那头,唐猛呆呆地看着自己的手机,一脸的不可思议,心说依着老大那么爱赚便宜的性格,不应该啊? Ling Yun hang up the phone, with very limpid look looks that the opposite affection stares at own Zhuang Meifeng, exposes smile that a fan deceased person does not pay with a life. 凌云挂掉电话,用很清澈的眼神看着对面深情凝望自己庄美凤,展露出一个迷死人不偿命的微笑。 His look, from beginning to end, has been very limpid, limpidly to incredible! 他的眼神,从始至终,一直都十分清澈,清澈到了让人难以置信! It can be said that if Ling Yun wants to eat her now, that is really easy. But his present cultivation level boundary is insufficient, cannot break the body of Pure Yang, therefore also can only stare dry/does! 可以说,如果凌云现在想吃了她的话,那真的是手到擒来。可他现在修为境界不够,不能破了纯阳之体,因此也只能干瞪眼! Zhuang Meifeng waited for half-day/long time, actually saw Ling Yun also not to have the sound, stared pair of phoenix eyes round! 庄美凤等了半天,却见凌云又没动静了,不禁把一双丹凤眼瞪圆了起来! She got angry really! Where has tosses about the person like this, the old lady devotes on own initiative, do you escape the meaning of clothes unexpectedly continually?! 她真怒了!哪儿有这样折腾人的,老娘主动献身,你竟然连脱衣服的意思都没有?! „Are you good Ah?! to speak, the arm makes an effort, supported by hard and stubborn effort the weak tender body to sit from the sofa. “你行不行啊?!”说着话,胳膊一用力,就从沙发上硬撑着酥软的娇躯坐了起来。 Ling Yun smiles: Line is the line, but now is not good! Said you can look, can touch, but cannot the nuptial chamber!” 凌云嘿嘿一笑:“行是行,不过现在不行!说了你可以看,也可以摸,但是不能洞房的!” Ling Yun enjoys the Zhuang Meifeng present movement very much, that feeling, does not trade to the deity! 凌云很享受庄美凤现在的动作,那感觉,给个神仙都不换! Takes off, how to put on to me!” Zhuang Meifeng bewitchingly charming horizontal Ling Yun, the heart said that is short installs with me, a while goes home to the family/home, looked how I tidy up you! “怎么脱下来的,怎么给我穿上!”庄美凤千娇百媚的横了凌云一眼,心说少跟我装,一会儿回家到家里,看我怎么收拾你! After also wants to finish eating the food, bought the new bedding, now...... As if had no need! 本来还想吃完饭以后去买新的被褥了,现在……似乎根本用不着了! Ling Yun such as the Mongolian pardon, hurries to be thrown into confusion takes away the knot to Zhuang Meifeng, Zhuang Meifeng suddenly white his eyes, is charmingly angry: I now was your person, did you ask me only to leave?” 凌云如蒙大赦,赶紧手忙脚乱的给庄美凤扣扣子,庄美凤忽然白了他一眼,娇嗔道:“我现在可是你的人了,你就让我这样走出去?” Actually, Zhuang Meifeng in the Ling Yun bedroom, throws to the Ling Yun bosom he looks at light time, confirmed that own was the Ling Yun's woman. 其实,庄美凤凌云卧室里,扑到凌云怀里被他看光的时候,就已经确认自己凌云的女人了。 You, if gives up me to look at an insight to others, you such fasten to me, do not matter Ling Yun one that......” the flower of Clear Water looked at has tarried thoroughly, in the mouth said, the fine chin has actually referred to Ling Yun behind bra. “你要是舍得我给别人看个通透,你就这么给我扣上,无所谓……”清水之花看了彻底呆住的凌云一眼,口中说道,精致的下巴却指了指凌云身后的文胸。 After a Zhuang Meifeng such prompt, Ling Yun finally suddenly realize, he hurries to bring that bra, wears toward the body of Zhuang Meifeng carelessly. 经过庄美凤这么一提示,凌云终于恍然大悟,他赶紧把那文胸拿了过来,胡乱就往庄美凤的身上戴。 Instead!” Zhuang Meifeng is bashful and anxious, heart said you escaped a moment ago, the hands and feet is not very deft? “反了!”庄美凤又羞又急,心说刚才你脱的时候,手脚不是挺麻利的嘛? The result tossed about half-day/long time, Ling Yun has not completed such huge project, finally Zhuang Meifeng own began to put on. 结果折腾了半天,凌云也没有完成这么巨大的工程,最终还是庄美凤自己动手戴上的。 The Zhuang Meifeng perfect extremely slender waist turns gently, has stood from the sofa, walks, goes home!” 庄美凤完美的水蛇腰轻轻一扭,从沙发上站了起来,“走,回家!” Zhuang Meifeng now is similar to a young wife of acting like a spoiled brat, was urging that the own husband goes home general. 庄美凤现在就如同一个撒娇的小媳妇,在催促自己的丈夫回家一般。 Ling Yun transported the purifying the mind Secret Art silently, body returned to ten seconds normal, he happily smiled: Walks!” 凌云默运清心诀,身体在十秒内就恢复了正常,他得意一笑:“走!” Comes out to eat meal hugs the beautiful woman to return, is not self-satisfied is strange! 出来吃顿饭就抱得美人归,不得意才怪! Comes time, two people walks side-by-side, very much acts with constraint is maintaining certain distance \; Goes back, Zhuang Meifeng actually on own initiative embraced the Ling Yun's arm, wished one could the whole person to hang on Ling Yun's, whatever Ling Yun embraced the big hand of own waist to profit at the expense of the state carelessly. 来的时候,两人并肩而行,很矜持的保持着一定的距离\;回去的时候,庄美凤却是主动揽住了凌云的胳膊,恨不得整个人都挂在凌云的身上,任由凌云揽着自己腰肢的大手胡乱揩油。 two people goes downstairs before the counter paid up, then left on the island coffee. 两人下楼到柜台前结了帐,然后就离开了上岛咖啡。 The cloud burst later sky is especially sunny, the stars of space blink, seems is blessing to youngster for this. 大暴雨之后的天空格外晴朗,天上的繁星眨着眼睛,似乎是在为这对年轻人祝福。 Hugs me to go back!” “抱我回去!” Just went out, Zhuang Meifeng acted like a spoiled brat proposed generally request of own, she was really clings to Ling Yun the feeling that hugged her to dash about wildly from the rainstorm. 刚一出门,庄美凤就撒娇一般提出了自己的要求,她实在是贪恋凌云从暴雨中抱着她狂奔的感觉。 Actually did not need her saying that Ling Yun will hug her to go back, this was 0 : 00 o'clock at night, the Ling Yun also many matters must be done. 其实不用她说凌云都会抱她回去,这都是午夜零点了,凌云还有好多事情要做呢。 His time has been holding Zhuang Meifeng around the middle horizontally, displayed the limit Thousands of Miles Divine Walking Steps, several minutes returned to the own dwelling. 他这次拦腰横着把庄美凤抱了起来,把万里神行步施展到了极限,几分钟就回到了自己的住处。 Ling Yun simply directly has put on Zhuang Meifeng the bed in own bedroom, then said to Zhuang Meifeng: I must exit to handle a matter, you rest earlier!” 凌云干脆把庄美凤直接放到了自己卧室里的床上,然后对庄美凤说道:“我还要出去办点儿事情,你早点儿睡吧!” What?!” Zhuang Meifeng had been held by Ling Yun, the feelings of love already rippled, actually heard that Ling Yun must exit, she was immediately scared! “什么?!”庄美凤凌云抱了一路,春心早就荡漾了,却听说凌云还要出去,她立即就傻眼了! Ling Yun moved sideways to arrive at out the bedroom, his turning head sincere say/way: Has the matter, you do not need to manage me, own rests first!” 凌云一个闪身已经到了卧室门外,他回头正色道:“真的有事,你不用管我,自己先睡吧!” Then, no matter again is also air/Qi and anxious Zhuang Meifeng, moves sideways to arrive at outside the institute, one vertical left the home gently. 说完,再也不管又气又急的庄美凤,闪身来到院外,轻轻一纵就离开了家。 He went to small riverbank to look at Seven Glorious Grass first, actually saw two hours of after past, that river water only dropped about one meter, Seven Glorious Grass submerged as before under the water surface, spiritual energy that but Ling Yun sent out through Seven Glorious Grass knows, Seven Glorious Grass had not been washed away by the water, safe and sound. 他先去小河边又看了看七曜草,却见两个多小时过去以后,那河水只下降了一米左右,七曜草依旧淹没在水面之下,不过凌云通过七曜草散发出来的灵气知道,七曜草并没有被水冲走,安然无恙。 Then Ling Yun thoroughly has felt relieved, he raised the head to inspect a river opposite shore, this time has not actually seen the shadow of that white fox, a Ling Yun slightly ponder, directly departed. 这下凌云彻底放心了,他又抬头巡视了一番河对岸,这次却没有看到那只白色狐狸的影子,凌云微一沉思,就直接离去了。 He arrived on Qingshui High School front University Region Road quickly, tries to seek for the origin of that light dangerous feeling. 他很快又来到了清水一中前面的学府路上,试图寻找那种淡淡的危险感的来源。
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