DEMG :: Volume #2

#149: The wondrous use of god needle

It can be said that God's favored one Xie Junyan, today experienced in his 18 years of life most dim a day! 可以说,天之骄子谢俊彦,今天经历了他18年人生中最黯淡的一天! In the morning, Clear Water first playboy Li Qingchuan suddenly appeared in the Qingshui High School campus, initiated the countless female fans scream to hound, has won all of a sudden Xie Junyan all elegant demeanors! 上午,清水第一纨绔李晴川突然出现在了清水一中的校园里,引发无数女粉丝尖叫追捧,一下子就夺走了谢俊彦所有的风采! Then, seeing of his miserable, yesterday afternoon also in the own bosom, whatever own wreaks havoc, Zhuang Meina that waits upon persuasively also flushed unexpectedly, complexion flushed looks at elegant demeanor infinite Li Qingchuan, was at that time pale the complexion of Xie Junyan air/Qi, in the heart criticizes Zhuang Meina this inexpensive goods, sooner or later must fill to apply medicine to her her grass turns the grass to be rotten! 然后,他就悲催的看到,昨天下午还在自己怀里任由自己肆虐,婉转承欢的庄美娜竟然也冲了下去,脸色潮红的去看风采无限的李晴川,当时就把谢俊彦气的脸色铁青,心中暗骂庄美娜这个贱货,早晚要给她灌上药把她草翻草烂! He when noticed that the Azure Dragon person looks for Ling Yun to be troublesome, instinct is one happy, the heart said that then looked your Ning Lingyu can ask me, must know Azure Dragon eldest child Brother Kun, but my father Xie Zhenting good friend, your Big Brother has made such big trouble, I can level to you. 紧接着,他在看到青龙的人来找凌云麻烦的时候,本能的就是一喜,心说这下看你宁灵雨会不会来求我,要知道青龙的老大坤哥可是我爸爸谢振庭的好朋友,你哥哥惹了这么大的麻烦,也就我能给你摆平。 How he is calculating is taking this opportunity to eat Ning Lingyu at one fell swoop, actually saw Ling Yun to launch the coquettish performance of heaven-defying, not only within one minute all stepped on the Azure Dragon more than 30 people turns, but also being known as will be Azure Dragon in the future Tie Xiaohu of successor stepping on stubbornly, did not have including a strength to hit back! 他心里正盘算着怎么借这个机会一举把宁灵雨吃掉呢,却见凌云展开了逆天的风骚表现,不但一分钟之内把青龙30多人全部踩翻,还把号称是青龙未来接班人的铁小虎给踩得死死的,连一丝还手之力都没有! Arrived afternoon after school, Zhuang Meina and he crazy loudly quarrelled, then unexpectedly received family's call to hurry back home, late studied by oneself does not have on. 到了下午放学后,庄美娜和他疯狂大吵了一架,然后突然接到了家里的电话就匆匆回家了,就连晚自习都没有上。 Xie Junyan naturally does not care to Zhuang Meina, he wants taking this opportunity, to vindicate to the Ning Lingyu affection exactly once more, finally when last studies by oneself, receives that short note that Gou Junfa has transmitted! 谢俊彦庄美娜自然不在乎,他想恰好借着这个机会,再次对宁灵雨深情表白,结果在最后一节自习的时候,就收到了勾俊发传来的那条短信! To eat Ning Lingyu? Thinks, naturally thinks, he was insane! 想不想吃了宁灵雨?想,当然想,他都想疯了! However, he thinks frank and upright first obtains the heart of Ning Lingyu, then obtains her person, in this case, not only the beauty succeeds in obtaining, but can also relate with Ling Yun's using Ning Lingyu, after letting Ling Yun, for him uses, making him blossom in radiant splendor in China black and white two! 不过,他还是想光明正大的先得到宁灵雨的心,再得到她的人,这样的话,不但美色到手,而且可以利用宁灵雨凌云的关系,让凌云以后为他所用,让他在华夏的黑白两道大放异彩! Then had his frantic action, carries on last vindicating to Ning Lingyu, hoping Ning Lingyu can move to him. 这才有了他刚才的狂热之举,对宁灵雨进行最后一次表白,希望宁灵雨能对他动心。 Actually inadequately thinks, Ning Lingyu not only does not move, others to his supercilious look adding together, the tone are indifferent, thorough of rejection, has not left him including a leeway of swivel, has not cared about his face! 却不成想,宁灵雨非但不动心,人家根本就对他白眼相加,语气冷漠,拒绝的彻彻底底,连一丝转圜的余地都没留给他,更没在意他的面子! The Xie Junyan good nature is installed, he is gentle, under the semblance of elegant bearing was hiding means that the cruel cruel heart, now after pursuing Ning Lingyu thoroughly despairs, finally reveals one's true colors! 谢俊彦的好脾气本来就是装出来的,他温柔俊美,风度翩翩的外表之下本来就藏着一颗卑鄙龌龊,残忍暴戾的心,现在对追求宁灵雨彻底绝望之后,终于原形毕露! Xie Junyan most is good at controlling the general situation, he naturally knows that now Gou Junfa launches the crazy retaliation to Ling Yun eagerly, since Gou Junfa looked for him, he was certainly impossible to miss this opportunity. 谢俊彦最擅长掌控大局,他现在当然知道勾俊发急于对凌云展开疯狂报复,既然勾俊发找上了他,他当然不可能错过这个机会。 He pulls out the cell phone to telephone directly to Gou Junfa: tomorrow sees the face-to-face talk!” 他直接就掏出手机给勾俊发打了电话过去:“明天见面谈吧!” Another side, after Gou Junfa hang up the phone, on face flashes through wipes the sinister and ruthless villainous smile, on Pi Hezhi to sofa said excitedly: Became!” 另一边,勾俊发挂掉电话之后,脸上闪过一抹阴毒的奸笑,冲着沙发上的皮和志兴奋说道:“成了!” ............ ………… The third year class 6, was on vacation from school now for a half hour, but in the classroom about 20 students diligently are still reviewing, the sprint greets the college entrance examination full power. 高三六班,现在已经放学半个多小时了,可教室里依然有近20个学生在努力复习,全力冲刺迎接高考。 Approaches classroom entrance Chai Hanlin to make an English examination paper earnestly, suddenly discovered in the classroom is quietly comes in a person. 靠近教室门口的柴翰林正埋头做一张英语试卷呢,突然就发现教室里悄无声息的进来一个人。 His raising the head view looks, actually sees this person appearance and wear is extremely ordinary, stature medium, belongs to lose in that person who in the crowd is very difficult to be found, this person to the only impression of Chai Hanlin, walks not to have the sound, the footsteps falls on the floor of classroom, is quietly, with stepping in cotton. 他不禁抬头观瞧,却见这个人长相和穿着极其普通,个子中等,属于丢在人堆里都很难被人找出来的那种人,这个人给柴翰林的唯一印象,就是走路没声,脚步落在教室的地板上,悄无声息,就跟踩在棉花上似的。 Person who comes naturally is one of two big killers Ling Hao looks, Jiao Fei. 来的人当然是凌浩找来的两大杀手之一,焦飞 After Jiao Fei enters the room, the head has not rotated, but sweeps in the classroom with the tranquil vision gently, then uses very simple and honest sound to ask that Chai Hanlin said: Ling Yun in?” 焦飞进屋之后,脑袋没有转动,只是用平静的目光在教室里轻轻一扫,然后就用很憨厚的声音问柴翰林道:“请问凌云在吗?” The Chai Hanlin heart said that today finds the Ling Yun's person to be really many, he shook the head gently, to this extremely ordinary the person said: „It is not, after he finished attending the first evening studied by oneself, has the matter to walk.” 柴翰林心说今天来找凌云的人可真多,他轻轻摇了摇头,对这个“极其普通”的人说道:“不在,他上完第一节晚自习以后就有事走了。” „, Does he tonight also return to dormitory?” Jiao Fei as before polite low voice asking. “哦,那他今晚还回宿舍吗?”焦飞依旧客气的小声问道。 Ling Yun continuously in school now, you must look for his words, can tomorrow attend class comes again.” 凌云现在已经不在学校里住了,你要找他的话,可以明天上课再来。” Thanks!” Jiao Fei nodded to Chai Hanlin, not making a sound left. “谢谢!”焦飞柴翰林点了点头,又不声不响的离开了。 Unexpectedly not in school?” Arrives under the classroom building, Jiao Fei frowned whispered, then left Qingshui High School. “竟然不在学校?”来到教学楼下,焦飞皱眉嘀咕了一句,然后就离开了清水一中 Returns to the four-star hotel, Jiao Fei to sitting said in Li Yi that on the bed cleans a rifle: Went late one step, that bellwether continuously in the school, it seems like can only tomorrow stop up him in the school entrance in the evening.” 回到四星级酒店,焦飞对坐在床上擦枪的李义说道:“去晚了一步,那头羊不在学校里住了,看来只能明天晚上在校门口堵他了。” Li Yi silent long time, suddenly opens the mouth to say to Jiao Fei: Just received a letter, the plan changes, our duties have traded, from killing Ling Yun changes to directs Ling Yun to come out, is completed the assassination by two Xuan level Expert! They arrived at Clear Water, tomorrow and we attach.” 李义沉默了半晌,突然开口对焦飞说道:“刚收到信,计划有变,我们的任务换了,从杀凌云改为引凌云出来,由两个玄级高手完成刺杀!他们已经到了清水,明天和我们接头。” What?!” Jiao Fei does not dare believe the ear of own simply! “什么?!”焦飞简直不敢相信自己的耳朵! Copes with a high-school student, makes two Huang level killers make the bait unexpectedly, is completed the assassination by two Xuan level Expert?! 对付一个高中生,竟然让两个黄级杀手做诱饵,由两名玄级高手完成刺杀?! Xuan level Expert, that is a person can massacre existences of several Huang level Expert with ease! 玄级高手,那可是一个人能够轻松杀掉十几名黄级高手的存在! Li Yi scratches his not to know that as before earnestly has scratched many times, simply does not have the pistol of dust, no longer spoke. 李义依旧埋头擦着他那把不知道擦了多少次,根本没有灰尘的手枪,不再说话。 ............ ………… Clear Water City, some on island coffee, in graceful upscale private room. 清水市,某上岛咖啡,一个优雅高档的包间之内。 The ambiguous light scattered completely entire private room, was shining upon on the table the luster bright red wine, the beef steak that the fragrance overflowed, the fine Italian macaroni, was showing the romantic sentiment of bourgeoise life. 暧昧的灯光撒满了整个包间,映照着桌上色泽鲜艳的红酒,香气四溢的牛排,精致的意大利通心粉,彰显着小资生活的浪漫情调。 A fan the super handsome fellow of island coffee waitress not being able to take a walk step is sitting in an outstandingly beautiful metropolis beautiful woman opposite, leisurely and carefree drinks own unable to name the character the coffee, the expression from his face can see, this gadget really he is not tasty! 一个迷得上岛咖啡女服务员走不动步的超级帅哥正坐在一位绝色的都市丽人对面,悠闲的喝着自己根本叫不上名字的咖啡,从他脸上的表情就可以看出,这玩意儿真他吗的不好喝! Zhuang Meifeng already ate to the full, she ease is drinking the coffee, somewhat mischievous looks at opposite whole face bitter and astringent Ling Yun, chuckle smiles tenderly. 庄美凤早已吃饱,她正悠然的喝着咖啡,有些促狭的看着对面满脸苦涩的凌云,咯咯娇笑。 Cannot look, your this pretty boy also very hiring, this half hour, these young miss came in eight!” Zhuang Meifeng teased Ling Yun. “看不出来,你这张小白脸还挺招人的,这才半个多小时,那些小姑娘就进来八趟了!”庄美凤调笑凌云 That also with asking? Which does the handsome fellow like me toward look?!” Ling Yun rampant curling the lip, vision dissolute is staring at Zhuang Meifeng the chest that stands tall and erect bulgingly, happily said. “那还用问?像我这样的帅哥往哪儿找去?!”凌云嚣张的撇了撇嘴,目光放肆的盯着庄美凤的鼓鼓囊囊高耸的胸脯,得意说道。 Later has remembered, you must call me Elder Sister! Meifeng elder sister, what kind of?” A Zhuang Meifeng pair of phoenix wonderful item bewitches looks at Ling Yun, the order said. “以后记住了,你要叫我姐姐哦!美凤姐,怎么样?”庄美凤一双丹凤妙目勾魂似的看着凌云,命令道。 Has remembered, White Tiger Elder Sister!” Ling Yun corners of the mouth brings back wipes the intoxicant smile, on the left cheeks the dimple is deep, Zhuang Meifeng that the tremor, looks at gently one dull. “记住了,白虎姐姐!”凌云嘴角儿勾起一抹醉人微笑,左脸颊上酒窝深深,轻轻颤动,看的庄美凤一呆。 Dies! Later you must dare such to shout before others, looked how I tidy up you!” The Zhuang Meifeng complexion explodes red, shames anger to be charmingly angry! “去死!以后你要敢在别人面前这么喊,看我怎么收拾你!”庄美凤脸色爆红,羞怒娇嗔! That in other words only then our times, can I such shout?” Ling Yun hehe badly said with a smile. “那就是说只有我们两个人的时候,我就可以这么喊咯?”凌云嘿嘿坏笑道。 That is not good, on that day looked that you do not like speaking, but also thinks that you is a good person, has not thought that you so are unexpectedly bad! How you kids know that what is White Tiger?” “那也不行,那天看你那么不爱说话,还以为你是好人呢,没想到你竟然这么坏!小孩子家怎么知道什么是白虎的?” Zhuang Meifeng has stopped the Ling Yun's evil thought first, actually raised a very curious issue. 庄美凤先制止了凌云的邪恶念头,却抛出了一个很好奇的问题。 Ling Yun hehe said with a smile: I not only knows that anything is White Tiger, but also knows White Tiger, if to 22 -year-old maiden, old quick......” 凌云嘿嘿一笑道:“我不但知道什么是白虎,还知道白虎如果到了22岁还是处女的话,会老的很快呢……” What did you say?!” Zhuang Meifeng in great surprise, frightens complexion sudden change, Ling Yun said the words that feels ashamed forgot charmingly angry! “你说什么?!”庄美凤大惊,吓得脸色骤变,就连凌云说的那么羞人的话都忘记娇嗔了! She this year is 21 years old, that said that own must before the 22nd birthday, that...... That breaking? 她今年21岁,那岂不是说,自己必须要在22岁生日之前,把那个……那个给破了? She is the flower of Clear Water, naturally most cares about the own beautiful appearance, if 22 years old, that might as well has killed her as early as possible! 她可是清水之花,当然最在意自己的美貌,要是过了22岁就老,那还不如趁早杀了她! Ling Yun in the heart hehe villainous smile: Little guy, fights with me, cannot scare to death you!” 凌云心中嘿嘿奸笑:“小样,跟我斗,吓不死你!” That, that what to do?” Zhuang Meifeng was frightened by Ling Yun, immediately lost the mind/square inch, small face frightens deathly white, did not have including the elaborative faculty. “那,那怎么办?”庄美凤凌云一吓,顿时失去了方寸,小脸儿吓得煞白,连思考能力都没有了。 Ling Yun stretched out the thumb to refer to own, he said with a smile lightly: What flusters, doesn't this have me? When the time comes you give me 18 million, I can push someone take on a difficult job to help you go through this difficulty......” 凌云伸出拇指指了指自己,他淡淡一笑道:“慌什么,这不是有我吗?到时候你给我个18000000的,我可以勉为其难帮你度过这个难关……” Is beautiful you!” Zhuang Meifeng is angry white Ling Yun, white and tender gently beautiful both hands hold the chest, piqued and headstrong lying down on soft comfortable sofa. “美得你!”庄美凤生气的白了凌云一眼,白嫩柔美的双手抱胸,负气的躺在了柔软舒适的沙发上。 Ling Yun, I remember on that day saw your time, you so were fat, how many day of free time so were how thin? I look at you to eat also many!” 凌云,我记得那天看到你的时候,你还那么胖,怎么几天工夫就这么瘦了?我看你吃的也不少啊!” Zhuang Meifeng does not want to make Ling Yun bring toward the ditch in again, she is thinking the appearance that Ling Yun ate around a moment ago, has thrown the question of own. 庄美凤不想再让凌云往沟里带,她想着凌云刚才山吃海喝的样子,把自己的疑问抛了出来。 Ling Yun shows a faint smile, took the good leather needles bag from the pocket, then launches, upfront toward on. 凌云微微一笑,从兜里把牛皮针袋拿了出来,然后展开,正面朝上。 Sees not to have, I can lose weight with them!” Ling Yun hee hee said with a smile. “看到没,我可以用它们来减肥!”凌云嘻嘻笑道。 He does not make up wild stories, displays Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles truly to be used to lose weight, but the Ling Yun's losing weight speed enough has shocked everybody, he disdained with this means|methods. 他并非胡诌,施展灵枢九针确实可以用来减肥,不过凌云的减肥速度已经够惊世骇俗的了,他不屑用这种方法罢了。 This Zhuang Meifeng does not doubt actually, because in her family/home is to make the pharmaceutical industry, she naturally has browsed to the Chinese medicine doctors practicing western medicine, therefore is not strange. 这个庄美凤倒是毫不怀疑,因为她家里是做医药行业的,她自然对中医西医都有所涉猎,因此并不稀奇。 Originally is this, I said that you how thin these many, your needle-pricking means|methods I looked on that day, is truly mysterious!” “原来是这样,我说你怎么瘦了这么多呢,你的施针方法那天我看了,确实很神奇!” Reason that Ling Yun speed wonderful quick, can hug her to shoot two meters high tall wall, how Zhuang Meifeng does not feel strangely , because she saw on that day Ling Yun displays Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles! 凌云速度奇快,能抱着她一跃而过两米多高的高墙,庄美凤之所以不感到怎么稀奇,就是因为那天她看到了凌云施展灵枢九针 It looks like in Zhuang Meifeng, can display such mysterious Needle Technique person, is very mysterious Expert, therefore, she is very on the other hand easy to approve Ling Yun's to be uncommon. 庄美凤看来,能施展这么神奇的针法的人,都是很神秘的高手,所以相对来说,她很容易认可凌云的不凡。 Not can only lose weight, but can also the abundant chest, but can also improve looks......” Ling Yun to be prone making exaggerated , sensationalistic statements. “不光能减肥,还能丰胸,还能美容呢……”凌云语不惊人死不休。 The Zhuang Meifeng complexion blushes, but she actually turns head to be charmingly angry: And, abundant chest miss cannot use!” 庄美凤脸色羞红,不过她却扭头娇嗔道:“且,丰胸本姑娘用不上!” the 36 D proud bust, Zhuang Meifeng has certainly enough self-confidence. 36D的傲人胸围,庄美凤当然有着足够的自信。 Actually listens to Ling Yun hehe to say with a smile: White Tiger Elder Sister, I acknowledged that your chest sufficed in a big way, but today I have seen a beautiful woman, her chest wanted on a big way compared with you three!” 却听凌云嘿嘿笑道:“白虎姐姐,我承认你的胸脯够大了,可今天我见过一个美女,她的胸脯比你要大上三圈呢!” Ling Yun likes here environment and affective tone, the opposite sits the flower of beautiful charming Clear Water, he does not sexually harass one to be strange ruthlessly! 凌云非常喜欢这里的环境和情调,对面又坐着妖艳妩媚的清水之花,他不狠狠调戏一番才怪呢! Really, in Zhuang Meifeng beautiful phoenix eyes shows the unbelievable look: Compared with my also wants big three? Is that you see the cow? Or is fat is the same with pig, has no way to look!” 果然,庄美凤美丽的丹凤眼中露出难以置信的神色:“比我的还要大三圈?你看到的那是奶牛吧?要不就是胖的跟猪一样,根本没法看!” Ling Yun laughs, the heart said I who Zhuang Meifeng this saying said like listening, actually said that Lin Menghan is the cow! 凌云哈哈大笑,心说庄美凤这话说的我爱听,竟然说林梦寒是奶牛!
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