DEMG :: Volume #2

#148: Wild Miao Xiaomiao

Cao Shanshan and Zhang Ling two beautiful women chatted to kid around are walking the leaving school entrance , was almost subconscious, Cao Shanshan raised eyes to look in all directions, as to see Ling Yun as before like the past, appearance calmly in her nearby not far away, then uneasy was hanging her, accompanied her to take section of a road of going home. 曹珊珊张灵两个美女一路说笑嬉闹着走出了校门口,几乎是下意识的,曹珊珊举目四顾,似乎是想看到凌云依旧像过去那样,若无其事的出现在她附近的不远处,然后忐忑不安的吊着她,陪她走一段回家的路。 Cao Shanshan believes that if Ling Yun appears in the own front, she will walk without hesitation, pulls the Ling Yun's arm on own initiative, gives him the most perfect smile, making Ling Yun deliver her to go home. 曹珊珊相信,如果凌云真的出现在自己的面前,她会毫不犹豫的走过去,主动挽起凌云的胳膊,给他一个最完美的微笑,让凌云送她回家。 She is certainly impossible to see Ling Yun, actually saw stunningly beautiful young girl that makes her look at felt inferior! 她当然不可能看到凌云,却看到了一个让她看了都自惭形秽的绝色美少女 That stunningly beautiful young girl stands outside the Qingshui High School school gate the west several meters distant places, she is only static standing there, actually naturally emits a soul-stirring charm, making one only look at one, life-long unforgettable! 那位绝色美少女就站在清水一中校门外西侧十几米远处,她只是静静的站在那里而已,却自然而然散发出一种动人心魄的魅力,令人只看一眼,就终生难忘! This stunningly beautiful young girl wears a compact attractive black bright leather clothing, the lower part of the body is similar black bright skin short skirt, floats exquisite raised, on the foot that she sexy attractive tender body wrapped what puts on is pair of tall with knee leather high boots, is the same with the leather clothing chaps, is the shining jet black colors, reflects the mysterious gloss under the street light, the figure is moving slightly, shining, is flooding the wild sex appeal! 绝色美少女穿着一身紧致诱人的黑亮色皮衣,下身是同样的黑亮色皮短裙,把她本就性感诱人的娇躯包裹的更加玲珑浮凸,脚上穿的是一双高跟的过膝真皮长筒靴,和皮衣皮裤一样,都是发亮的漆黑颜色,在路灯下反射着神秘的光泽,身形稍动,流光溢彩,充斥着狂野的性感! stunningly beautiful young girl is very tall, castrates the best pupil to have one meter over 74, in addition about 67 centimeters tall with long tube leather boots, making her stature look like very slender moving, the waterfall that the thick pitch-black long hair such as black ink dyes hangs loose after the brain, was unexpectedly long her waist place, the slender graceful willow waist could not block that many thick long hair, the light breeze has stroked, the mild-mannered sending silk floated, the light dance flew upwards! 绝色美少女个子很高,净身高足有一米74以上,加上67公分左右的高跟长筒皮靴,让她的身材看起来十分的窈窕动人,浓密乌黑的长发如墨染的瀑布般披散在脑后,竟长到了她的腰肢处,纤细曼妙的柳腰根本挡不住那么多浓密的长发,轻风拂过,柔顺的发丝飘飘洒洒,轻舞飞扬! The entire upper body of this stunningly beautiful young girl solid, highlights her chest that the tight-fitting leather clothing wraps to stand tall and erect full, only looked two hill that on a that leather clothing stands tall and erect high, can imagine that inside should be the tension to be how astonishing, perfectly round that stands tall and erect tall and straight! 绝色美少女的整个上身都被紧身的皮衣包裹的严严实实,凸显出她的胸部饱满而高耸,只看一眼那皮衣上高高耸起的两座山丘,就可以想象到里面该是怎样弹力惊人,挺拔高耸的浑圆! Between the black bright leather clothing and shorts, have revealed less than a finger/refers of wide snow-white dazzling small waist, smooth compact and smooth, partly visible \; The skin short skirt skirt-width and between high boots of knee, enough more than 20 centimeters snow-white attractive two thighs have exposed in the slightly cool air, is only the casual station, between two snow-white thighs fits together perfectly, indicated that its both legs are straight! 黑亮色的皮衣和短裤之间,露出了不到一指宽的雪白耀眼的小蛮腰,平坦紧致而又光滑,若隐若现\;皮短裙的下摆和过膝的长筒靴之间,足足20多公分长的雪白诱人的两条大腿就那么暴露在微凉的空气中,只是随随便便一站,两条雪白大腿之间严丝合缝,足见其双腿有多么笔直! The place that stands from Cao Shanshan looked at the past, the tender buttocks of this stunningly beautiful young girl very curled upwards perfectly round, skin short skirt high sticking out that withstood/top, is round and tight, the short skirt skirt-width that precious black leather short skirt stretched actually by squeezing of designer clever axe finger of God, presented with the most perfect way the stunningly beautiful young girl stature, that was really regards as the range to lean horizontally to become peak, how saw is S of infinite exaggeration! 曹珊珊站立的地方看过去,这绝色美少女的娇臀浑圆而挺翘,顶的皮短裙高高的隆起,把那条名贵的黑色真皮短裙绷的又圆又紧,短裙的下摆却又被设计者鬼斧神工的收窄,把绝色美少女的身材用最完美的方式呈现出来,那真是横看成岭侧成峰,怎么看怎么是一个无限夸张的S! Cao Shanshan changed colors unavoidably the sigh, the heart says among the estimate world to be so sexy, such had the flavor that this fur put on, then this young girl! 曹珊珊不免失色感叹,心说估计天下间能把这身皮草穿的这么性感,这么有味道的,也就这个少女了! Moreover, this pure black leather clothing all over the body, serves as contrast snow-white of stunningly beautiful young girl skin clear, that perfect face white and tender pinches can the water leakage, on the cheek naturally show light blushing, skin white Shengxue, beautiful hair like waterfall, the long black eyebrow coloring eyebrow curved is similar to the crescent moon, the Yao nose sandalwood mouth, the chin is sharp, nape of the neck snow-white is slender, nimble and resourceful big eye twinkling the wisdom and stubborn rays of light, the long eyelash trembles lightly, calmly is staring at the school entrance direction! 而且,这一身通体的纯黑色皮衣,更加衬托出绝色美少女皮肤的雪白晶莹,那完美的脸庞白嫩的一掐就能出水,脸蛋上自然透出一股淡淡的红晕,肤白胜雪,秀发如瀑,长长的黛眉弯弯如同月牙儿,瑶鼻檀口,下巴尖尖,脖颈雪白修长动人,一双灵动的大眼睛闪烁着智慧和倔强的光芒,长长的睫毛轻颤,静静地盯着校门口的方向! Saw this beautifully to peak, the sex appeal to the bursting, quiet naturally sent out infinite enticement stunningly beautiful young girl, Cao Shanshan was remaining also the last proud heart, sank thoroughly! 看到这个美艳到了极致,性感到了爆棚,沉静中自然散发着无限诱惑的绝色美少女,曹珊珊本来还剩最后一丝骄傲的心,彻底沉了下去! Only looks at one, Cao Shanshan knows that own lost! The continued proportion does not use the ratio! 只看一眼,曹珊珊就知道自己输了!连比都不用比! today looks for Ling Yun's four outstandingly beautiful, Lin Menghan, Murong Feixue, Xue Meining and Zhuang Meifeng, except for Xue Meining, that three outstandingly beautiful beautiful are beautiful, but they be older than on that 2-3 years old Cao Shanshan, this lets not have truly growth mature Cao Shanshan many also to have a self-confidence, because she believes that own crosses again 2-3 years old, the body grows, will not compare them to be inferior many. 今天来找凌云的四个绝色,林梦寒,慕容飞雪,薛美凝庄美凤,除了薛美凝,那三个绝色美则美矣,可她们都要比曹珊珊年龄大上那么个两三岁,这让还没有真正发育成熟的曹珊珊多少还拥有一丝自信,因为她相信自己再过两三岁,身体成长开来,也不会比她们逊色多少。 As for Xue Meining, although she is the school most has potential school beauty, but own now is Ning Lingyu compound first school beauty, therefore Cao Shanshan, although the attacked self-confidence reduces greatly, but the heart is somewhat self-confident. 至于薛美凝,虽然她是全校最有潜力的校花,可自己现在才是和宁灵雨并列的第一校花,因此曹珊珊虽然被打击的自信心大减,可心底还是有些自信的。 But sees at present this age now at most also with Xue Meining general big stunningly beautiful young girl, her self-confidence instantaneously attacked does not remain! 可现在看到眼前这个年龄顶多也就和薛美凝一般大的绝色美少女,她的自信心瞬间被打击的一点儿都不剩! Zhang Ling also saw that at this time that sex appeal arrives at the bursting, to peak stunningly beautiful young girl, her flexible big eye the chest that stood tall and erect regarding the beautiful young girls stared at several beautifully, the heart said that both of us also mutually praised the chest of opposite party to be big a moment ago, finally immediately came high to be bigger! 张灵这时候也看到那位性感到爆棚,美艳到极致绝色美少女了,她的一双灵活的大眼睛围绕着美少女高耸的胸脯盯了好几眼,心说我们俩刚才还互相夸对方的胸脯大呢,结果立即就来了个更高更大的! Not only chest, this beautiful young girl cheek or stature, that makings of even sending out, Cao Shanshan thoroughly being inferior! 不光胸脯,这美少女无论是脸蛋儿还是身材,甚至散发出来的那种气质,把曹珊珊彻底给比下去了! Cao Shanshan is metropolis beautiful woman, but this beautiful young girl is sending out a clock world from top to bottom attractive threatening nature spiritual energy, although stands in the lively metropolis, actually carries the wild nature and natural aura of nature is greeting the nostrils to come! 曹珊珊是都市美女,可这位美少女浑身上下散发着一种钟天地之灵秀的逼人的大自然灵气,虽然站立于繁华都市之中,却携带着扑鼻而来的大自然的野性和自然的气息! …… …… That stunningly beautiful young girl naturally also saw Cao Shanshan and Zhang Ling, she uses spiritual energy to be threatening, the wise beautiful pupil has swept Cao Shanshan one lightly, then moved to the vision. 绝色美少女自然也看到了曹珊珊张灵,她只是用灵气逼人,充满智慧的美眸淡淡的扫了曹珊珊一眼,便把目光移了开去。 Zhang Ling had a mind to say one, appearance that looked at this beautiful young girl, stood as if or finds the person in the school entrance for and the others, isn't will look for Ling Yun's? 张灵有心说一句,看这美少女的样子,站在校门口似乎是为了等人或者是找人,不会又是来找凌云的吧? But she looked at the Cao Shanshan slightly blanch complexion, has chosen being silent. 可她看了曹珊珊微微发白的脸色,选择了闭口不言。 Cao Shanshan stared at that as if everywhere to exceed own stunningly beautiful young girl one, the tone trembles to say lightly: We walk......” 曹珊珊又盯了那个似乎处处都胜过自己绝色美少女一眼,语气轻颤道:“我们走吧……” ............ ………… This stunningly beautiful young girl, naturally exchanges Miao Xiaomiao that a metropolis has installed. 这位绝色美少女,自然是换上了一身都市装的苗小苗 Miao Xiaomiao starts from the Miao village Sunday morning, first was goes by car the provincial capital of expensive province, then bought non-stop flew the Clear Water airplane ticket, yesterday evening arrived in Clear Water City. 苗小苗周日早晨从苗寨出发,先是驱车到了贵省的省会城市,然后就买了直飞清水的机票,昨天晚上就抵达了清水市 After Clear Water, she arrived at the urban district to look for a five-star hotel to stay first, has emitted Golden Silkworm, Golden Silkworm fluttered to go, was quick she to confirm through Heart-Devouring Insect of Divine Docter Xue within the body Divine Docter Xue dwelling, and obtained the Heart-Devouring Insect aura. 到了清水之后,她先来到市区找了一个五星级的酒店住下,就放出了金蚕,金蚕振翅而去,很快她就通过薛神医体内的噬心蛊确认了薛神医的住处,并获得了噬心蛊的气息。 What may make her have doubts, Golden Silkworm was very difficult to realize that last night Heart-Devouring Insect keeps Ling Yun aura, this makes her somewhat not think unavoidably clearly. 可令她疑惑的是,金蚕昨晚却很难察觉噬心蛊留在凌云身上的气息,这不免让她有些想不明白。 Her Golden Silkworm is the world violently poisonous head, intelligence unparalleled, how unable to discover that Heart-Devouring Insect did keep Ling Yun aura? 她的金蚕乃是天下剧毒之首,灵性无双,怎么就发现不了噬心蛊留在凌云身上的气息呢? Until today in the evening, unprecedented cloud burst fell, the impurity in air was flushed a cleanness, Golden Silkworm had about determined the Ling Yun position, brought here Miao Xiaomiao. 直到今天傍晚,一场史无前例的大暴雨落了下来,空气中的杂质被冲洗了个干净,金蚕才大致确定了凌云所处的方位,把苗小苗带到了这里。 Golden Silkworm Gu is Miao Xiaomiao the life gu, the nature and her intention is interlinked, Miao Xiaomiao knows, can find here, is the limit that Golden Silkworm can reach. 金蚕蛊乃是苗小苗的本命蛊,自然和她心意相通,苗小苗知道,能够找到这里,已经是金蚕所能达到的极限了。 Therefore Miao Xiaomiao confirmed that treats and cures the Divine Docter Xue person, should in this campus, therefore she stands in the school entrance, stares at the person who each is going out of the school gate earnestly, the attempt discovers that to suppress the Heart-Devouring Insect person. 因此苗小苗确认,那个救治薛神医的人,应该就在这所校园里,所以她站在校门口,认真盯着每一个走出校门的人,尝试找出那个压制噬心蛊的人。 But Miao Xiaomiao actually does not know, own throws caution to the winds purely, let alone Ling Yun here, is not Ling Yun now walks from the school entrance, she could not discover that Ling Yun treats and cures Divine Docter Xue that person! 可是苗小苗却不知道,自己纯粹是枉费心机,别说凌云不在这里,就是凌云现在从校门口走出来,她也发现不了凌云就是救治薛神医的那个人! If Ling Yun has not passed through the washing muscle of that huge dragon spiritual energy to cut down the marrow, Miao Xiaomiao could discover Ling Yun, but in the afternoon Ling Yun after Coiling Dragon Mountain Crouching Tiger Cliff is reborn again, let alone Miao Xiaomiao, was Miao Fenghuang came, observed unable to realize any Heart-Devouring Insect aura on Ling Yun! 如果凌云没有经过那庞大的龙灵气的洗筋伐髓,苗小苗也许能够发现凌云,可是下午凌云龙盘山虎踞崖再一次脱胎换骨之后,别说苗小苗,就是苗凤凰来了,也在凌云身上察觉不到任何噬心蛊的气息! No matter Heart-Devouring Insect is also good, is Golden Silkworm, you are good can the cow dragon? 不管是噬心蛊也好,还是金蚕也罢,你再牛能牛的过龙? When Miao Xiaomiao in the campus also nobody walks again, slightly wrinkled to be long and curved eyebrow, talked to oneself gently: Strange, it seems like tried to find a solution......” 苗小苗等到校园里再也没有人走出来,不禁微微皱起了又长又弯的眉毛,轻轻自语道:“奇怪,看来得想个办法了……” Then she has swept one already the avenue of nobody left, the graceful tender body twists gently, the slender moving figure flashes continually, quick vanished in the dim light of night, the speed was not unexpectedly slower than Ling Yun on many. 然后她扫了一眼已经空无一人的大街,曼妙的娇躯轻轻一拧,窈窕动人的身形连闪,很快就消失在了夜色中,速度竟不比凌云慢上多少。 ............ ………… After getting down has late studied by oneself, Xie Junyan of third year class 1, the delicate and pretty eye has been staring at the own phone screen, looks that Gou Junfa to a short note that own sends. 下了晚自习之后,高三一班的谢俊彦,俊美的眼睛一直盯着自己的手机屏幕,看着勾俊发自己发来的一条短信。 „Does Young Master thanked, want to eat Ning Lingyu?” On these words. “谢公子,想不想吃了宁灵雨?”就这一句话。 The Xie Junyan fine-looking eyebrow tight wrinkle in one, light lip tight sips, the heart intrinsic has struggled fiercely. 谢俊彦英挺的眉毛紧紧皱在了一起,薄薄的嘴唇紧抿,心内在剧烈挣扎。 After five minutes, he still earnestly reviewed Ning Lingyu of schoolwork to give in the classroom approximately. 五分钟后,他把还在教室里认真复习功课的宁灵雨给约了出去。 Lingyu, I like you , can you give me an opportunity?” In the Xie Junyan delicate and pretty eye jumps projects the blazing spark, closely is staring at the Ning Lingyu face, the tone is very gentle, earnestly seeks to say. 灵雨,我是真的喜欢你,你可以给我一个机会吗?”谢俊彦俊美的眼睛中迸射出炽热的火花,紧紧盯着宁灵雨的脸庞,语气无比温柔,渴求道。 …… …… Then, turns around to walk. 说完,转身就要走。 Wait!” The Xie Junyan body twisted keeps off before the body of Ning Lingyu, in the eye shows frantic saying: Lingyu, you most do not hope that your Big Brother can test into Yanjing University? So long as you are willing with me in the same place, I to use all relations in my family, making your Big Brother enter Yanjing University to study!” “等等!”谢俊彦身躯一拧就挡在了宁灵雨的身前,目露狂热的说道:“灵雨,你不是最希望你哥哥能考上燕京大学吗?只要你愿意跟我在一起,我会动用我家里的所有关系,让你哥哥进入燕京大学读书!” Ning Lingyu has smiled suddenly, she disdains looked at Xie Junyan one saying: My Big Brother gains admission to the university, does not need anybody to help, even if cannot be accepted, he also is still my Big Brother, please, do not take my Big Brother to say the matter again!” 宁灵雨忽然笑了,她不屑的看了谢俊彦一眼道:“我哥哥考大学,不用任何人帮,就算是考不上,他也依然是我的哥哥,请你以后不要再拿我哥哥说事!” Lingyu, do you really no longer consider?” 灵雨,你就真的不再考虑一下?” Ning Lingyu look indifferent such as ten thousand years of iceberg, firm shaking the head. 宁灵雨眼神冷漠如万年冰山,坚决的摇了摇头。 Lingyu, you, you will regret!” 灵雨,你,你会后悔的!” Xie Junyan, you could rest assured that I will never regret! You now are the Zhuang Meina boyfriend, actually came saying that with me this words, didn't think very laughable? Also asked you to be self-possessed!” 谢俊彦,你放心,我永远都不会后悔!你现在是庄美娜的男朋友,却来跟我说这种话,不觉得很可笑吗?还请你自重!” Ning Lingyu coldly lost to the Xie Junyan last few words, turned around the classroom. 宁灵雨冷冷地丢给了谢俊彦最后一句话,转身回了教室。 Looks back that Ning Lingyu renounces, the Xie Junyan face whiten is similar to the dying embers, the effort that he makes finally was also defeated, quick, his look starts evilly different, a corners of the mouth check, flashed before some cruel fierceness slightly! 看着宁灵雨决绝的背影,谢俊彦脸色苍白如同死灰,他最后做出的努力也失败了,很快的,他的眼神开始邪异起来,嘴角儿微微一勾,闪现出了某种残忍的狰狞!
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