DEMG :: Volume #2

#147: Gives up and strives, the snow coal and brocade are colored

Life, most difficult does not strive, but gives up! 人生,最难的不是争取,而是放弃! The learned gives up, when this independently drops, these words as if everyone will say, when own facing this issue, knows, gives up own struggling to strive for the thing that painstakingly diligently, is how difficult, how painful decision! 学会放弃,该放手时就放手,这句话似乎每个人都会说,可是当自己面对这个问题的时候,才会知道,放弃自己苦苦奋斗努力争取的事物,是多么艰难,多么痛苦的决定! Li Qingchuan knew after Capital City Xue Meining suddenly had the boyfriend, the urgent matter hurried back to Clear Water generally, wants to a lesson of Ling Yun profound pain, not to think that own with others radically is not a magnitude! 李晴川京城知道了薛美凝突然有了男朋友之后,火烧屁股一般赶回了清水,本想给凌云一个深刻痛苦的教训,没想到自己跟人家根本就不是一个数量级的! Other did not say that thoroughly has cured his heart disease to Ling Yun, lets him henceforth life without cause for grief, is this big benevolence? 其他的就不说了,就冲着凌云彻底治好了他的心脏病,让他从此一生无忧,这得是多大的恩情? Compared with graceful? Just separated is less than two hours, met again, Ling Yun that face seemed used the magic general thin one, in a complete mess that led! 比帅吗?刚分开不到两个小时,再见面的时候,凌云那张脸就仿佛被施了魔法一般瘦了一圈儿,帅的一塌糊涂! Power and influence? own father Li Yifeng is the Clear Water City member, said that is the power leans Clear Water not to be overrated, what a pity, Xue Meining does not look in the eye, if the young seductress cares about these, already was his girlfriend, but also with waiting till the present? 权势?自己的老子李逸风清水市的一把手,说是权倾清水都不为过,可惜,薛美凝根本看不在眼里,如果小妖女在乎这些,早就做他女朋友了,还用等到现在? In addition Xue Meining looks to the Ling Yun's look, even if the fools can look, Xue Meining is the percentage hundred likes to Ling Yun that does not dope any moisture content! 再加上薛美凝看向凌云的眼神,就算是傻子都能看得出来,薛美凝凌云那是百分百喜欢,不掺杂任何水分的! Does this also make him struggle? 这还让他怎么争? Therefore, Li Qingchuan in pondering the entire afternoon added the evening, after painful struggling, has decided giving up. 因此,李晴川在思考了一整个下午加晚上,经过一番痛苦的挣扎之后,就决定了放弃。 As for him and Tang Meng dialogue, but after divulging to give up is not willing. 至于他和唐猛的对话,只不过是在宣泄放弃之后的不甘心而已。 Tang Meng shows a faint smile, started Hummer: Elder Brother Chuan, you left depressed, lost to the eldest child, you were not really injust! Also, has depended on your condition, what woman can't obtain? Were that words mentioning? You gave up trees, but you obtained a forest!” 唐猛微微一笑,重新发动了悍马:“川哥,你别郁闷了,输给老大,你真的不冤!再说了,就依你的条件,什么样的女人得不到?那话怎么说来着?你放弃了一棵树木,可你得到了一片森林啊!” Li Qingchuan lifted the hand to give a Tang Meng violent chestnut: go to hell!” 李晴川抬手就给了唐猛一个暴栗:“去你的!” Tang Meng laughs, actually does not avoid, turns head to ask: What kind, now your body really not any issue?” 唐猛哈哈一笑,却不躲开,扭头问道:“怎么样,现在你的身体真的没有任何问题了?” Li Qingchuan serious nod, on the face appears wipes the heartfelt gratitude: In the afternoon I have tried, my mother also led me to go to the provincial hospital to inspect comprehensively, the heart issue did not have, simply was the miracle!” 李晴川郑重的点了点头,脸上浮现一抹由衷的感激:“下午我试过,我妈也带我去省立医院全面检查过了,心脏真的一点儿问题都没有了,简直就是奇迹!” Tang Meng is also shock of face: Such god?! Eldest child's medical skill was really too heaven-defying! That is not the explanation, is eldest child's medical skill fiercer than Divine Docter Xue?!” 唐猛也是一脸的震撼:“这么神?!那老大的医术实在是太逆天了!那不是说明,老大的医术比薛神医都厉害?!” After short shock, Tang Meng smiles suddenly: Eldest child, since you were completely good, I approximately come out the brothers tonight, are we well insane?” 短暂的震惊过后,唐猛突然嘿嘿一笑:“老大,既然你已经完全好了,那我今晚就把弟兄们都约出来,咱们好好疯一把?” Li Qingchuan also really needs one to be stewed to the gills to release the own mood at this time crazily, he nodded saying: „After first delivers to go home Ning'er, said again......” 李晴川此时也很需要一场疯狂大醉来释放自己的心情,他点了点头道:“先把凝儿送回家之后再说吧……” two people to Qingshui High School time, in the school happen to was just on vacation from school, Tang Meng advanced in Hummer the Qingshui High School campus directly, then gave Xue Meining to telephone her to give to shout. 两人到了清水一中的时候,学校里正好刚刚放学,唐猛直接把悍马开进了清水一中的校园里,然后给薛美凝打电话把她给喊了下来。 Really, after Xue Meining going downstairs in high spirits, saw that is Li Qingchuan and Tang Meng meets own unexpectedly, beautiful big eye some looks of losing, she opens the mouth to ask: Big Brother Ling Yun?” 果然,薛美凝兴冲冲的下楼以后,见到竟然是李晴川唐猛过来接自己,美丽的大眼睛不禁有些失落的神色,她开口就问道:“凌云哥哥呢?” Tang Meng has swept slightly awkward Li Qingchuan one, then said difficultly: “Umm, Ning'er, I have not attended class in the afternoon, does not know that which the eldest child went, under today such heavy rain, did I and Elder Brother Chuan deliver you to go back? ” 唐猛扫了略显尴尬的李晴川一眼,然后挠头道:“额,凝儿,我下午没上课,也不知道老大去哪儿了,今天下这么大雨,我和川哥送你回去吧?” Xue Meining piqued and headstrong stamping the feet, enraged in the Hummer car(riage), the mouth has also kept whispering: Any boyfriend, is really, has such heavy rain not to know that cares about others!” 薛美凝负气的跺了跺脚,气冲冲的就上了悍马车,嘴里还不停嘀咕道:“什么男朋友嘛,真是的,下这么大雨也不知道关心人家一下!” Having the opposite effect that the young seductress one-sided wishes, had forgotten quite the same as Ling Yun now as before was her shield. 小妖女一厢情愿的弄假成真,浑然忘记了凌云现在依旧是她的挡箭牌了。 Li Qingchuan helpless shaking the head, only has the forced smile. 李晴川无奈的摇了摇头,唯有苦笑。 The Hummer car(riage) on the Qingshui High School corridor does not know Classmates how to go home, envies in the complex vision that the envy hates, the start, is above mundane thoughts to go loudly! 悍马车在清水一中走廊上不知道怎么回家的同学,羡慕嫉妒恨的复杂目光中,轰然启动,绝尘而去! ............ ………… Third year class 6. 高三六班。 Cao Shanshan reorganized the book bag, then to sharing a table Zhang Ling said: Walks, met my car(riage) to arrive at the school entrance, I made the driver deliver you to go back together.” 曹珊珊整理好了书包,然后对同桌张灵说道:“走吧,接我的车来到校门口了,我让司机一块儿送你回去。” Two people one after the other left classroom. 两个人一前一后离开了教室。 After arriving at the classroom building next, a Zhang Ling sudden eyeball revolution, said to Cao Shanshan mysterious: Shanshan, I helped you try to find a good solution!” 来到教学楼下之后,张灵突然眼珠儿一转,对曹珊珊神秘兮兮说道:“珊珊,我帮你想了一个好办法!” Cao Shanshan has carried off Zhuang Meifeng in Ling Yun, once again skips classes after successfully, returning to the classroom depressed to study by oneself, two will not study by oneself she not to know that from now on has thought of anything, mood suddenly open. 曹珊珊凌云带走了庄美凤,又一次胜利逃课之后,回到教室足足郁闷了一节自习,不过后两节自习她不知道想到了什么,心情忽然就开朗了起来。 Now listened to Zhang Ling to say good means that therefore tender visits her to say with a smile: What good means?” 现在听张灵说有好办法,于是娇笑着看着她道:“什么好办法?” Zhang Ling said in a low voice: You can apply to adjust the seat with class teacher, said that Ling Yun does not attend class well, you must share a table with him, supervises!” 张灵低声道:“你可以跟班主任申请调座位,就说凌云不好好上课,你要和他同桌,进行监督!” „Weren't you two couple of days ago some misunderstanding? In this case, daily sits together attended class, by your intelligence, many misunderstanding can relieve!” “你们两个前两天不是有些误会吗?这样的话,天天坐在一起上课,凭借你的聪明,多少误会都能解除了!” Does not refuse to accept good, the Zhang Ling wicked idea also is really many. 不服不行,张灵的鬼点子还真就是不少。 Cao Shanshan beautiful fair oval face unexpectedly one red, reached to hang Zhang Ling and she thinks that together! 曹珊珊绝美白皙的鹅蛋脸蓦地一红,臻首就垂了下去——张灵和她想到一块儿去了! Actually Cao Shanshan was considering how to Zhang Ling saying that now saw Zhang Ling to raise, naturally pushed the boat along, she nodded first, then blushes to ask that bashfully Zhang Ling said: Really was the terribly ashamed, this bad idea has been thought by you came out......” 其实曹珊珊正考虑着怎么跟张灵说呢,现在见张灵提了出来,当然顺水推舟,她先是点了点头,然后羞红着脸问张灵道:“真是羞死人了,这种坏主意都被你想了出来……” Zhang Ling saw Cao Shanshan to accept the suggestion of own, happily said with a smile: That is, the male pursues female to separate Cengshan, the female pursues the male insulation gauze, Shanshan you are so attractive, wants to pursue Ling Yun really is also not easy?” 张灵曹珊珊采纳了自己的建议,得意一笑道:“那是,男追女隔层山,女追男隔层纱,珊珊你这么漂亮,真想追凌云还不是手到擒来?” The Cao Shanshan complexion is redder, her voice such as the mosquito hmph hmph said: „Don't you like Ling Yun? Didn't you pursue him?” 曹珊珊脸色更红,她声音如蚊子哼哼般说道:“你不是也喜欢凌云吗?难道你不追他了?” All of a sudden the face of Zhang Ling also brushes was red, she discouraged general layer on layer/heavily stamped a small water puddle of foot ground, the water splash has scattered, snort/hum said: „Do I pursue Ling Yun? You have a look at today to look for Ling Yun's that several females, you said, I can pursue on him I?!” 张灵的脸一下子也刷的红了,她泄气一般的重重跺了一脚地上的一个小水洼,水花四溅,哼道:“我追凌云?你看看今天来找凌云的那几个女的,你说,我能追的上他吗我?!” Zhang Ling had self-knowledge really very much, she was not does not want to pursue Ling Yun, but was competitor each and everyone is formidable, she knows that own was very difficult to bring to the Ling Yun's attention. 张灵真的很有自知之明,她不是不想追凌云,而是竞争对手一个个过于强大,她知道自己很难引起凌云的注意。 That is uncertain, Ling Yun likes staring at girl's chest to look, your chest so is also full attractively, he will perhaps like you......” “那可不一定,凌云那么喜欢盯着女孩子的胸脯看,你的胸又那么饱满诱人,他说不定会更喜欢你呢……” Cao Shanshan and Zhang Ling almost tell one another everything, deliberately has not avoided two people to like the Ling Yun's fact. 曹珊珊张灵几乎无话不谈,并没有刻意回避两人都喜欢凌云的事实。 Zhang Ling looked at four nobody, she suddenly with hand, in Cao Shanshan stands tall and erect **** on has grasped, said grinningly: Added me, your chest is not older than me, moreover is so round, Ling Yun personally has approved!” 张灵看了看四下无人,她突然用手在曹珊珊高耸的****上抓了一把,笑嘻嘻道:“还说我,你的胸脯不是比我还大嘛,而且还那么圆,凌云都亲自赞过的!” Cao Shanshan is just thinking at heart Ling Yun, such suddenly was grasped by Zhang Ling, at that time had treated as Ling Yun's the hand of Zhang Ling, a tender body play trembles, nearly loudly tenderly shouted! 曹珊珊心里正想着凌云呢,被张灵这么冷不丁一抓,当时就把张灵的手当作了凌云的手,娇躯一阵剧颤,差点儿放声娇呼! „Does your wave hoof, do you!” The Cao Shanshan complexion explodes red, stamping the feet charmingly angry say/way! “你个浪蹄子,干什么你!”曹珊珊脸色爆红,跺脚娇嗔道! Zhang Ling laughs: Looked, guesses that knows you thought Ling Yun, tomorrow you listened my, sat with him directly goes together, you two were at behind the classroom your Nong my Nong, double night/lodge amphibious, the affectionate couple played with water!” 张灵嘻嘻一笑:“看了吧,一猜就知道你想凌云了,明天你就听我的,直接和他坐一块儿去,你们两个在教室后面你侬我侬,双宿双栖,鸳鸯戏水吧!” The Cao Shanshan hear the meaning of bitterness and losing of Zhang Ling in the heart, she said suddenly earnestly: Zhang Ling, we are good sisters, actually, you can pursue Ling Yun to try, cannot overtake, can retain a glorious memory, not?” 曹珊珊听出了张灵心中的酸涩和失落之意,她忽然认真道:“张灵,我们是好姐妹,其实,你可以追求一下凌云试试的,就算追不上,也可以保留一份美好的回忆,不是吗?” Zhang Ling looked at Cao Shanshan one finally earnestly, she asked: Shanshan, if I pursue Ling Yun, you aren't jealous really?” 张灵终于认真的看了曹珊珊一眼,她问道:“珊珊,如果我追凌云,你真的不吃醋?” Cao Shanshan also earnestly visits her saying: You also saw, looks Ling Yun's beautiful woman that many, their almost every is more attractive than me, I am jealous, will only eat their jealousy, how possibly to eat your vinegar? If you like Ling Yun, you make an effort to pursue, we can the fair competition......” 曹珊珊也认真的看着她道:“你也看到了,来找凌云的美女那么多,她们几乎每一个都比我漂亮,我就算吃醋,也只会吃她们的醋,怎么可能吃你的醋嘛?如果你真喜欢凌云,你就使劲追,我们可以公平竞争……” , Cao Shanshan some saying of losing: Actually, said, I am inferior to you! You favor Ling Yun, before he had the astonishing performance, but I, finally confirmed in today idea of in the heart, from this point, you are stronger than me were too many!” 顿了顿,曹珊珊又有些失落的说道:“其实,说起来,我不如你!你看好凌云,是在他有了惊人的表现之前,而我,却是在今天才终于确认了心中的想法,从这一点上,你就比我强的太多了!” Actually Cao Shanshan said that is the difference of send charcoals in snowy weather and add flowers to the brocade. 其实曹珊珊说的,就是雪中送炭锦上添花的区别。 Including the sentiment is also same! 包括感情也是一样! When Ling Yun goes down in the world, who will think highly of Ling Yun? Cao Shanshan personally said that even if marries a pig, will not marry Ling Yun! 凌云落魄之时,谁会看得起凌云?就连曹珊珊都亲口说,就算嫁给一头猪,都不会嫁给凌云 Even if after Ling Yun had some good performance, how Cao Shanshan has not watched Ling Yun, but thought that becomes a very fierce character, but other Ling Yun's looks and factors, has not achieved to make Cao Shanshan adore, degree of reckless independently pursue. 就算凌云有了一些不俗的表现之后,曹珊珊都没有把凌云怎么看在眼里,只是觉得会成为一个很厉害的人物罢了,但凌云的相貌和其他因素,还是没达到让曹珊珊倾心,不顾一切放手追求的程度。 But Zhang Ling? Zhang Ling very much carefully had realized from the beginning Ling Yun's is uncommon, and acknowledged on own initiative she is willing to be the Ling Yun's girlfriend, aggravates until the heart of today admire, thought that the two people disparity is too big, and must give up pursuing the Ling Yun's right on own initiative. 可是张灵呢?张灵从一开始就很细心的察觉了凌云的不凡,并主动承认她愿意做凌云的女朋友,直到今天爱慕之心加重,却又觉得两人的差距实在太大,并主动要放弃追求凌云的权利。 One was to see you were fierce, you have succeeded, flattered you, flattered you \; 一个是看到你厉害了,你成功了,才来巴结你,讨好你\; Is accompanying you, looks at you to pay, looks at you to grow, has given you cheers/cheering and applause! 一个是一路陪伴着你,看你付出,看你成长,一直给你加油和掌声! One is add flowers to the brocade, one is actually send charcoals in snowy weather! Can be the same? 一个是锦上添花,一个却是雪中送炭!能一样吗? Two compare, high under stands sentences! 两相一比,高下立判! Naturally, this and Cao Shanshan and Zhang Ling status is different, looked the angle that the matter stands is different, is, Xue Meining? Tang Meng? 当然,这和曹珊珊张灵的身份不同,看事情站立的角度不同,可是,薛美凝呢?唐猛呢? Why this is Ling Yun has been neither cold nor hot to Cao Shanshan, kind natural basic reason that even might as well comes to Zhang Ling. 这就是凌云为什么一直对曹珊珊不冷不热,甚至还不如对张灵来的亲切自然的根本原因。 Between the people and person, an intuition and subconscious communication, why this are people some fall in love, feel like old friends at the first meeting, some are together , no matter many years, is actually that neither cold nor hot reasons! 人和人之间,是有一种直觉和潜意识沟通的,这就是为什么人们有的一见钟情,一见如故,有的在一块相处不管多少年,却都是那么不冷不热的原因! In addition the average people so, let alone Ling Yun was having Transcends Tribulation Stage formidable soul! 普通人尚且如此,更何况凌云拥有着渡劫期的强大灵魂了! He knows that Cao Shanshan cannot have a liking for from the bone actually his, therefore naturally is hard to have that warm feelings to her, why this is also Cao Shanshan always thought Ling Yun always and own is twisting reason! 他知道曹珊珊其实从骨子里是看不上他的,所以自然难以对她产生那种亲切感,这也是曹珊珊为何总是觉得凌云老是和自己拧着来的原因! Shanshan, do not want to be too many, our status are different, your body shoulders too many......” 珊珊,你别想太多了,我们的身份不同,你身上背负的太多……” Zhang Ling gave desolate Cao Shanshan to extend feeling relieved first, then mischievous pretty said with a smile: „Can I probably snatch Ling Yun with you really?” 张灵先给落寞的曹珊珊宽了宽心,然后顽皮的娇俏一笑道:“那我可真的要和你抢凌云咯?” Cao Shanshan bewitchingly charming horizontal her eyes said: Snatches snatches, careful do not let Ling Yun eat you then the line!” 曹珊珊千娇百媚的横了她一眼道:“抢吧抢吧,小心别让凌云把你吃了就行!”
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