DEMG :: Volume #2

#146: White fox shadow

Ling Yun has no way not to spit the trough, because of the past tranquil affable limpid creek, now has become more than a 30 meters width, turbulent galloping great river! 凌云没法不吐槽,因为往日平静舒缓的清澈小河,现在成了一条30多米宽,汹涌奔腾的大江! Here of river is wet street, must be higher than more than two meters compared with the river opposite shore, the river water quickly has inundated the road surface, that side already was the vast expanse of water! 河的这边是湿漉漉的马路,比河对岸要高出两米多,河水已经都快漫上路面了,那边早已是一片汪洋! That can Seven Glorious Grass have not to flood? Let alone only then Seven Glorious Grass also more than 20 centimeters high, even if two meters high, now will also be submerged under the water surface! 七曜草还能有个不淹?别说只有七曜草也就20多公分高,就算是两米高,现在也会被淹没在水面之下! Damn!” Ling Yun is the egg painful egg pain again egg pain, he frowns arrives rapidly had discovered that the Seven Glorious Grass opposite, feels spiritual energy in air diligently. 我草!”凌云是蛋痛蛋痛再蛋痛,他皱着眉头飞速来到了发现七曜草的对面,努力感受空气中的灵气 ......”, although was covered by river water, but the boundary of Ling Yun Body Refining Third Stage level peak can feel that had extremely pale Seven Glorious Grass spiritual energy, this explained that Seven Glorious Grass has not been washed away now. “呼……”虽然被河水覆盖,但是凌云练体三层巅峰的境界还是能够感觉到有极淡的七曜草灵气的,这说明七曜草现在还没有被冲走。 darling, you may probably endure to the elder brother, should not be washed away!” Ling Yun frowns to mutter, the expression on face never has anxiety. 宝贝儿,你可一定要给哥挺住,千万不要被冲走啊!”凌云皱着眉头喃喃自语,脸上的表情是从未有过的焦急。 Although Seven Glorious Grass spiritual energy cannot compare immortal spiritual energy and dragon spiritual energy is so formidable, but it is Ling Yun attacks the Body Refining 9-layer peak the key, if were washed away, that Ling Yun do not think practice was so comfortable! 七曜草灵气虽然比不上仙灵气龙灵气那么强大,可是它是凌云冲击练体九层巅峰的关键,如果被冲走了,那凌云就别想修炼的这么舒坦了! Such stable, and source of spiritual energy day by day grows, which making it on look again? 这么稳定,并且日益成长的灵气之源,让它再上哪儿找去? But the river water is now torrential, Ling Yun again worries not to have the means that he can only pray from in the heart silently, then sighs the preparation to leave here. 可现在河水滔滔,凌云就是再着急也没有办法,他只能从心中默默祈祷了一番,然后叹着气准备离开这里。 „, If Seven Glorious Grass can transplant were good, avoid also I feel alarmed and anxious, has not needed everyday here to be so troublesome in the evening!” “吗的,要是七曜草能移栽就好了,也省得我担惊受怕的,还不用每天晚上来这里这么麻烦!” Ling Yun launches the figure, just wanted to leave, the split vision of corner of the eye actually suddenly glimpsed a river opposite shore white shadow to pass over gently and swiftly like lightning, the figure was quite small and exquisite, the tail very was very long. 凌云展开身形,刚欲离开,眼角的余光却突然瞥见河对岸一道白色的影子闪电般掠过,身形颇为小巧玲珑,尾巴却很大很长。 Fox?!” “狐狸?!” Ling Yun god like lightning, sees that to be a fox. 凌云神目如电,一眼就看出那应该是一只狐狸。 Before hadn't seen? It was also waiting for that Seven Glorious Grass is mature?” Ling Yun congealing eyebrow ponder. “以前怎么没见过?难道它也是在等待七曜草成熟?”凌云凝眉沉思。 …… …… If comes for Seven Glorious Grass, that this fox should open the spirit wisdom......” “如果真的是为了七曜草来的,那这只狐狸应该已经开启了灵智了……” Ling Yun has not pursued, after waiting for the white shadow to vanish does not see, he also left here. 凌云并没有追,等白影消失不见之后,他也离开了这里。 A white small fox, only then a tail, Ling Yun has not cared. 一只白色的小狐狸而已,而且只有一只尾巴,凌云并没有多么在意。 Unfolded the leaving shape once more, Ling Yun arrived on University Region Road quickly, looks that on University Region Road the trash and crushed stone of in all directions the rainstorm by stack flushed, as well as many trees of leaning this way and that Ling Yun could not bear shake the head the forced smile: Really is one piece in confusion!” 再次展动身形,凌云很快就来到了学府路上,看着学府路上被暴雨冲的四处堆积的垃圾和碎石,以及许多东倒西歪的树木,凌云忍不住摇头苦笑:“真是一片狼藉啊!” Although the rain has not gotten down, but actually almost cannot see a passer-by, many vehicles lying this way and that on street that the crazy rainwater to/clashes, in the car(riage) already did not see the person's shadow. 雨虽然已经不下了,可是却几乎看不到一个路人,许多车辆被疯狂的雨水冲的横七竖八的在马路上,车内早已不见人影。 Should have in the business market......” “应该还有在营业的商场吧……” Ling Yun was whispering hurricane on the street, the market has not been looking, actually found one to manage the shop front of female attire specially, inside turns on a light as before. 凌云嘀咕着在马路上狂飙,商场没找着,却找到了一个专门经营女装的店面,里面依旧亮着灯。 Ling Yun to/clashes, the boss in female clothing store is shaking the head to sigh in the shop, on Monday the student just went back to the school to attend class, is pointing at the tonight's multi- selling point clothes, cloud burst all destroying! 凌云冲进去的时候,女服装店的老板正在店里摇头叹气,周一学生刚刚回到学校上课,指着今晚多卖点儿衣服呢,一场大暴雨全给毁了! Buys the clothes!” Ling Yun entered the room, direct valiant said to the female shop owner. “买衣服!”凌云进了屋,直接彪悍的对女店主说道。 That 30-year-old female shop owner has not thought that also some people under this situation visits, no matter also Ling Yun were male is the female, immediately set out, warm entertainment. 那位30多岁的女店主没想到在这种情况下还有人上门,也不管凌云是男是女了,立即起身,热情招待。 Finally, Ling Yun in the vision of female shop owner difference, bought several women clothing, the shirt slacks one-piece dress cowboys had, but also has bought several underpants and two 36 D covers the bra of cup, then in the gaze of female shop owner dumbstruck, paid up the pack to leave. 最终,凌云在女店主异样的目光中,买了好几身女式的服装,衬衣休闲裤连衣裙牛仔都有,还买了几条内裤和两个36D罩杯的文胸,然后在女店主目瞪口呆的注视中,结账打包走人。 Was a pity, long is so graceful, unexpectedly is an abnormal homosexuality......” a female shop owner face disgusting looks at the Ling Yun's back, the whole body has the goosebumps, can not help shiver. “真可惜,长的那么帅,竟然是个变态的同性恋……”女店主一脸恶心的看着凌云的背影,浑身起鸡皮疙瘩,情不自禁打了个冷颤。 „The dozens, not making me gain more than 700!” Quick she lowered the head, beaming with joy several Ling Yun give her more than 1000 money to come. “连打价都不会,让我赚了700多!”很快她就低下头,眉开眼笑的数起凌云交给她的1000多块钱来。 I came back!” In Ling Yun went home, naturally is neat going over a wall enters, enters the room to shout directly. “我回来了!”凌云回到家里,当然还是干脆利落的越墙而入,直接进屋喊道。 He more and more is disinclined now the main entrance. 他现在越来越懒得走正门了。 Bought?!” Zhuang Meifeng already waited was distressed, she ran over immediately, one has caught on Ling Yun all clothes, has run into the Ling Yun's bedroom. “买回来了?!”庄美凤早就等的心焦了,她立即就跑了过来,一把就抓过凌云手上所有的衣服,冲进了凌云的卧室。 Ling Yun is listening to the bedroom a sound of rustling sound, after 20 minutes, Zhuang Meifeng opens the door of bedroom, stands in front of Ling Yun's once more, joke Yingying. 凌云听着卧室里一阵悉悉索索的声音,20分钟以后,庄美凤打开卧室的门,再次站在凌云的面前,笑语盈盈 The Zhuang Meifeng wine red long hair pulled an attractive chignon, appeared the snow-white exquisite neck is slenderer movingly, the snow-white color shirt, gripped in the waist of sky blue tight-fitting jeans, perfect served as contrast her graceful extremely slender waist, underlined her very to curl upwards the perfectly round full twin peaks, the both legs were straight, calmly stood in front of Ling Yun, between two legs did not have the slight slit, the knee place did not have any curve, might be called peerless ****. 庄美凤酒红色的长发挽成了一个好看的发髻,显得雪白细腻的脖子更加修长动人,雪白色的衬衣,扎进天蓝色的紧身牛仔裤的裤腰里,完美的衬托出了她曼妙的水蛇腰,更突显出了她挺翘浑圆的饱满双峰,双腿笔直修长,静静站在凌云面前,两腿之间没有丝毫的缝隙,就连膝盖处都没有任何弯曲,堪称绝世****。 Cannot think you will also buy the clothes!” Zhuang Meifeng glanced Ling Yun one tenderly with a smile, turned a body lithely, then asked: Attractive?” “想不到你还挺会买衣服的嘛!”庄美凤娇笑着瞟了凌云一眼,轻盈地转了一个身,然后问道:“漂亮吗?” Although is not the name brand, but the appropriate clothes have put on the body, Zhuang Meifeng self-confident all came back. 虽然不是名牌,可得体的衣服穿上了身,庄美凤的自信又全部回来了。 …… …… Ling Yun is absent-minded, he hehe said with a smile: Attractive, but was inferior appearance that your anything does not put on......” 凌云心不在焉,他嘿嘿一笑道:“漂亮,不过还是不如你什么都不穿的样子……” „Did you add?!” Zhuang Meifeng blushes bashfully, graceful body leans forward, a towards Ling Yun powder fist. “你还说?!”庄美凤羞红着脸,曼妙的身体前倾,对着凌云一阵粉拳。 „Do we have a night-time snack now?” Although Zhuang Meifeng has hit Ling Yun, own is much more tired breathes pants, this around 10 : 00 pm, her belly already hungrily was shrivelled. “我们现在去吃宵夜吧?”庄美凤虽然把凌云打了一顿,自己却累得娇喘吁吁,这都晚上十点多了,她肚子早就饿瘪了。 What do you want to eat? I may tell you, I went to look a moment ago, closing that roadside many restaurants close, was flooded was flooded, place that simply has not prepared food!” “你想去吃什么?我可跟你说,刚才我出去看了,路边好多饭馆关门的关门,被水淹了的被水淹,根本没有做饭的地儿了!” The Ling Yun good intention reminded Zhuang Meifeng to say. 凌云好心提醒庄美凤道。 Relax, we go to the island coffee to have the western-style food......” Zhuang Meifeng to smile charmingly, pulled the Ling Yun's arm on own initiative. “放心,咱们去上岛咖啡吃西餐……”庄美凤娇媚一笑,主动挽起了凌云的胳膊。 ............ ………… In the afternoon Tang Meng is opening Maserati, after delivering Ning Lingyu and Xue Meining return to the school, Li Qingchuan returned to the family/home, he naturally will not attend then class, opened Maserati to go home directly. 下午唐猛开着玛莎拉蒂,送宁灵雨薛美凝回学校之后,又把李晴川送回了家里,然后他当然不会上课,直接开着玛莎拉蒂回家去了。 …… …… Strange, does the eldest child the overwhelming power aggressive performance, paste in the morning in does not see a picture and video?” “奇怪,老大上午那么威猛霸气的表现,怎么贴吧里不见一个图片和视频呢?” Tang Meng in the own bedroom, is sitting in front of the own desktop computer at this time, leisurely and carefree is holding in the mouth the cigarette, is glancing over the Qingshui High School post. 唐猛这时候正在自己的卧室里,坐在自己的台式电脑前面,悠闲的叼着香烟,浏览着清水一中的贴吧。 „, All by these net police deleting? Directly couldn't upload?” Tang Meng own there pondering over. “难道,全都被那些网警给删了?还是直接上传不了?”唐猛自己在那里一个劲儿的琢磨。 Good that he guessed, Ling Yun threw the Tie Xiaohu picture in the school in the morning, Classmates that seen has patted with the cell phone, has recorded, but they wanted toward the net upload, own IP immediately was locked, let alone has uploaded, the homepage could not open! 他猜测的不错,凌云上午在学校里扔铁小虎的画面,被很多看到的同学用手机拍了下来,也录了下来,可是他们只要往网上传,自己的IP就立即被锁定了,别说上传了,就连网页都打不开! Ling Yun today the strength and speed in the school displaying, the evildoer/monstrous talent, these thing relevant departments naturally were nearly impossible to make it disseminate. 凌云今天在学校里展现的力量和速度,已经近乎妖孽,这些东西有关部门自然不可能让它传播。 „The picture of waterspout was passed to actually online went, moreover clear that very photographs, what a pity does not have the video!” “龙吸水的画面倒是被人传到网上去了,而且还拍摄的很清晰,可惜也没有视频!” Tang Meng strolled Clear Water, then pinches the smoke, sits ponders diligently there. 唐猛又逛了一圈儿清水吧,然后就把烟一掐,坐在那里冥思苦想。 He very much has a headache now, he is pondering over the issue of Ling Yun's gambling house. 他现在很头疼,他在琢磨凌云的赌局的问题。 Because Tang Meng felt, this gambling house is very possible to miscarry, if accepted not to be admitted to a university now the gambling with Ling Yun, will lose to lose everything most likely! 因为唐猛感觉,这个赌局很可能要流产,如果现在拿凌云考上考不上大学开赌,十有八九会输个倾家荡产! Eldest child, you , to make money by this gambling house, troubles your low-key to be a little good? You such coquettish performance, let alone bet you to test Yanjing University, was bets you to test Harvard, tested Oxford I to dare to bet!” “老大,您要想靠这个赌局赚钱,麻烦您低调一点儿行不行?您这么风骚的表现,别说赌你考燕京大学了,就是赌你考哈佛,考牛津我都敢赌!” Also let alone, the Tang Meng headache is not groundless really! 还别说,唐猛的头疼真的不无道理! Ling Yun has shown too many miracles, he had the massive supporting wholesales in Qingshui High School, first did not say tested into the Yanjing University possibility, was his these super fans sees Tang Meng to open such a gambling house, was resigned to lose money to bet Ling Yun to test into Yanjing University was not infrequent! 凌云已经展现了太多的奇迹,他在清水一中已经有了大量的拥趸,先不说考上燕京大学的可能性了,就是他的那些超级粉丝看到唐猛开这么个赌局,甘心输钱赌凌云能考上燕京大学的就不在少数! If according to odds of Saturday night two people sum total, Ling Yun tests into Yanjing University to compensate 100, that Tang Meng detains also insufficiently to compensate the life! 要是按照周六晚上两人合计的赔率,凌云考上燕京大学就一赔100,那唐猛把命押上也不够赔的! Ok, with eldest child discussed again makes the plan again, tomorrow is fool's day, can actually let in fresh air to try all parties' response first! Really is not good, joke that it can be said that fool's day plays.” “算了,还是再跟老大商量商量再做打算吧,明天正好是愚人节,倒是可以先放出风来试试各方的反应!实在不行,可以说是愚人节开的玩笑。” Tang Meng this boy brain transfers is quick, he had quickly has decided the idea, then before returned to the computer, looked the dark green teacher who he just downloaded. 唐猛这小子脑子转的就是快,他很快就有了定计,然后就回到电脑前,看他刚下载下来的苍老师去了。 But his buttocks have not waited to hold on to your hat, received the Li Qingchuan call, Li Qingchuan spoke a few words in the telephone: Opens your Hummer to meet me, then delivers Ning'er to go home!” 可是他屁股还没等坐稳,就接到了李晴川的电话,李晴川在电话里就说了一句话:“开着你那辆悍马过来接我,然后送凝儿回家!” Tang Meng hang up the phone, the heart said that looks like Elder Brother Chuan has not lost heart. He shook the head wears the clothes to go downstairs directly, goes to the garage to raise the car(riage). 唐猛挂掉电话,心说看来川哥还不死心啊。他摇了摇头直接穿衣服下楼,去车库提车去了。 Also wants compared with the face after some flood baptism later path places fresh clean, some places are muddy one piece, Tang Meng are actually opening his Hummer off-road vehicle, but also is just appropriate, he received Li Qingchuan quickly, two people directly soared Qingshui High School. 经过洪水洗礼之后的道路有的地方比人脸还要清新干净,有的地方却是泥泞一片,唐猛开着他的悍马越野车,还正合适,他很快就接到了李晴川,两人直奔清水一中 Li Qingchuan very has mixed feelings obviously, he just boarded wants the smoke to pull out with Tang Meng, after having lit a cigarette, ponders long time to Tang Meng said: I have cured my matter Ling Yun, told my mother, my mother said that must see Ling Yun.” 李晴川的心情显然很复杂,他刚一上车就和唐猛要烟抽,点了一颗烟之后,沉思了半晌才对唐猛说道:“我把凌云治好了我的事情,跟我妈说了,我妈说要见见凌云。” Tang Meng drives, complexion very earnest said to Li Qingchuan: Must see, Elder Brother Chuan I told you, I and eldest child have been together several days, he definitely was not a mortal, in the future will have the peerless performance, will definitely have the huge advantage with him!” 唐猛开着车,脸色很认真的对李晴川道:“一定得见,川哥我告诉你,我和老大相处了好几天了,他肯定不是凡人,将来会有绝世表现的,跟着他肯定会有天大的好处!” Although after being in violation, discussed the Ling Yun's suspicion, but this was the Tang Meng innermost thoughts, before Ling Yun rose, the relations of Tang Meng and Li Qingchuan were best, he naturally must tell Li Qingchuan these. 虽然有背后议论凌云的嫌疑,但这是唐猛的心里话,在凌云崛起之前,唐猛李晴川的关系最好,他当然要告诉李晴川这些。 Li Qingchuan deeply frowns, the whole face is disconsolate: I can certainly look at him am not a mortal, but, but you know that what this does mean? Means that I lose Ning'er thoroughly!” 李晴川眉头紧锁,满脸惆怅:“我当然能看出来他不是凡人,可是,可是你知道这意味着什么吗?意味着我彻底失去凝儿啊!” Tang Meng stopped the car(riage) suddenly, turns head to look at Li Qingchuan, incomparably earnest saying: Elder Brother Chuan, Ning'er that girl you have not obtained, said that loses? If before the eldest child has not appeared, perhaps you will have an opportunity, is now, is the younger brother told you, this opportunity has been equal to zero! Gives up!” 唐猛忽然停下了车,扭头看着李晴川,无比认真的说道:“川哥,凝儿那丫头你从来就没有得到过,怎么说是失去?如果老大没有出现之前,你也许会有一丝机会,可是现在,做弟弟的告诉你,这机会已经等于零了!放弃吧!” Li Qingchuan is speechless, delicate and pretty face red white, clenches teeth the frowned ponder for a long time, begins long to exhale the one breath until the smoke hot. 李晴川无言,俊美的脸庞阵红阵白,咬着牙皱眉沉思许久,直到烟烫着手才长长地呼出一口气。 Drives, I deliver the Ning'er last time again......” “开车吧,我再送凝儿最后一次……”
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