DEMG :: Volume #2

#145: Is worried about Seven Glorious Grass

Since Clear Water City this unprecedented rainstorm, starts to get down from 6 : 30 pm, comes up to assume the potential of hiding the sky and covering the earth, under is more anxious, under is fiercer, until 8 : 30 pm, momentum slightly some restraining. 清水市这场史无前例的特大暴雨,从傍晚六点半开始下起,一上来就呈铺天盖地之势,越下越急,越下越猛,直到晚上八点半了,声势才稍稍有些收敛。 Although rainstorm a moment ago below fiercest time was smaller, may compare in the rainstorm of ordinary time, wanted much in a big way. 暴雨虽然比刚才下的最猛的时候小了些,可相比于平常时候的暴雨,还是要大了不少。 A moment ago below fiercest time, the rainwater basic class in courtyard was inferior, nearly must inundate the stair, flooded into the room to come, now rainfall intensity slightly slow, finally started to retreat slowly, passes the sewer and front gate, went toward outside class. 刚才下的最猛的时候,院子里的雨水根本流不及,差点儿就要漫过了台阶,涌入屋子里来了,现在雨势稍缓,终于开始缓缓退却,通过下水道和院门,往外面流去。 I was hungry!” In the Ling Yun's bedroom, heard Zhuang Meifeng one to shout tenderly. “我饿了!”凌云的卧室里,传来了庄美凤的一声娇呼。 Ling Yun corners of the mouth brings back wipes smiling face, helpless shook the head, the heart said that the woman is really troublesome, was just warm, this starts to shout hungrily. 凌云嘴角儿勾起一抹笑容,无奈摇了摇头,心说女人真是麻烦,刚暖和过来,这就开始喊饿。 He came to the bedroom, did not greet, pushed the door to walk. 他来到了卧室,也不打招呼,一推门就走了进去。 Zhuang Meifeng partly is lying down on the head, after both hands put in the brain, to own wet wine red long hair coil in a bun, that builds on her neck quilt the movement that as she non-stop falls quietly, Ling Yun comes, saw exactly beautiful scene that arouses. 庄美凤正半躺在床头上,双手置于脑后给自己湿漉漉的酒红色长发挽发髻呢,那条搭在她脖子上的被子随着她不停的动作悄悄滑落,凌云进来的时候,恰好看到了那撩人的美景。 How you come not to knock on a door Ah?! Zhuang Meifeng to look that Ling Yun came in suddenly, frightens two to hurry to entrain by the corner/horn, mentioned directly nearby fine chin, was staring pair of beautiful phoenix eyes, shamed the anger to say to Ling Yun in great surprise! “你进来怎么不敲门啊?!庄美凤一看凌云突然进来,吓得两手赶紧拽起了被角,直接提到了精致的下巴附近,瞪着一双美丽的丹凤眼,冲凌云大惊羞怒道! Has not pulled good wine red long hair naturally to fall in torrents, hung loose carries on the back in the Zhuang Meifeng exposed fragrant beautiful of shoulder and radiance, Ling Yun that the character and style of that flash, looked at slightly one dull, the heart said that may really be the outstanding person! 还没有挽好的酒红色长发自然就倾泻了下来,披散在了庄美凤裸露的香肩和光华的美背上,那一瞬间的风情,看的凌云稍稍一呆,心说可真是尤物啊! Hey, you reasonable? I return to my own bedroom, what door but can also knock?” Ling Yun frowned said slightly. “喂,你讲不讲道理啊?我回我自己的卧室,还要敲什么门啊?”凌云微微皱眉说道。 Here I was also yesterday just moved, anything ate has not bought!” “这里我也是昨天刚搬进来,什么吃的也没买!” Ling Yun sits toward the sides of the bed casually, said to Zhuang Meifeng. 凌云随便往床沿一坐,对庄美凤说道。 Ah?! that what to do? My dinner has not eaten!” Zhuang Meifeng truly has not had the dinner, now in bedding warm half-day/long time, belly already cluck. 啊?!那,那怎么办啊?我晚饭还没有吃呢!”庄美凤确实没有吃晚饭,现在在被窝里暖和了半天,肚子早就咕咕叫了。 Ling Yun lifts rainstorm of hand finger/refers of out of the window: First is enduring, this rain crossed for one hour to stop probably, I have not had the dinner!” 凌云抬手一指窗外的暴雨:“先忍着点儿吧,这雨大概过一个小时就停了,我也没吃晚饭呢!” Ling Yun has not had the dinner, the feast that but he has in Champions' Building at noon, ate to support at that time, now does not think how hungry. 凌云也没有吃晚饭,不过他中午是在状元楼吃的大餐,当时都吃撑了,现在并不觉得多么饥饿。 Really is, this at the end of March, under such big rainstorm!” Zhuang Meifeng looked not to have idea, can only complain this damn weather. “真是的,这才三月底,就下这么大的暴雨!”庄美凤一看没辙了,只能抱怨这见鬼的天气。 She from infancy to maturity, has not seen such big rainstorm! 她从小到大,还没有见到过这么大的暴雨呢! Hey, do you have the clean clothes, puts on taking advantage of me?” Zhuang Meifeng does not think now coldly, she does not want the light the body to stay in the Ling Yun's bedding. “喂,你有没有干净的衣服,借我穿一下?”庄美凤现在一点儿都不觉得冷了,她可不想一直光着身子在凌云的被窝里呆着。 Ling Yun looked at her one eyes, took for that two Versace shirt that own bought Xue Meining, threw the Zhuang Meifeng side saying: Two are the same, you put on one casually.” 凌云看了她一眼,把薛美凝自己买的那两件范思哲的衬衣拿了出来,扔到庄美凤的身边道:“两件一样的,你随便穿一件吧。” Versace?!” Zhuang Meifeng lowers the head the packing that casts a sidelong glance has not disassembled, is one shouts tenderly. 范思哲?!”庄美凤低头瞟了一眼还没有拆开的包装,又是一声娇呼。 However she has felt quickly relaxed, Ling Yun has 1 million checks, but also casual has put out 600,000 cashes, has the Versace shirt not to be strange. 不过她很快就释然了,凌云有1000000支票,还随便就拿出了600000现金,有范思哲的衬衣并不算多么稀奇。 She is wears various name brands to grow up since childhood, to various name brands is commonly seen, therefore surprised, took up the packing to look. 她从小就是穿着各种名牌长大的,对各种名牌是司空见惯,因此只是惊讶了一下,就拿起包装看了起来。 Such big number!” Zhuang Meifeng low voice whisper. “这么大的号码!”庄美凤小声嘀咕。 Does not have the bra and......, Can this clothes put on? Can't wear this shirt then the light? That own stands to walk, by Ling Yun looking up? 没有文胸和……,这衣服可怎么穿啊?总不能就光身穿这件衬衣吧?那自己站起来一走路,还不被凌云给看光了啊? Has the coat and...... Shorts that has not worn?” Zhuang Meifeng only thinks that cheek boiling hot, the complexion was already red thoroughly, bites the tender and beautiful lip to say lightly. “有没有外套和……没穿过的短裤啊?”庄美凤只觉面颊一片滚烫,脸色早已红透,轻咬着娇艳的下嘴唇说道。 Ling Yun nodded, took own another set of brand-new Nike gym suit, then looked for one to wash the clean shorts, threw in front of Zhuang Meifeng together said: Such line?” 凌云点了点头,把自己的另一套崭新的耐克运动服拿了出来,然后又找了一条洗干净的短裤,一块儿扔在庄美凤面前道:“这样行了吧?” What?! This...... The shorts are you pass through!” Zhuang Meifeng stretches out the right arm, pinches Ling Yun that large size with the fingertip of thumb and index finger of right hand the shorts, panic-stricken saying. “什么?!这……短裤是你穿过的啊!”庄美凤伸出右臂,用右手的拇指和食指的指尖捏起凌云那条大号的短裤,惊恐的说道。 Ling Yun looked somewhat funnily, heart said how many after Big Brother I pass through time wash the muscle cuts down the marrow, among the world also whose body can me be cleaner than? 凌云看了有些好笑,心说哥哥我经过几次洗筋伐髓之后,天下间还有谁的身体能比我干净? He focused slantingly glanced Zhuang Meifeng one, was good to say with a smile: Just had washed, is very clean, if you do not want to put on, can put on your own......” Ling Yun was saying, has referred to Zhuang Meifeng with the chin tick-tock the clothing of water. 他斜着眼儿瞟了庄美凤一眼,好笑道:“刚洗过,很干净的,你要是不想穿,可以穿你自己的……”凌云说着,用下巴指了指庄美凤滴答水的衣物。 This dead Ling Yun, his anything saw!” Zhuang Meifeng in the heart is infinite, in the mouth said: You exit first, I...... Must wear the clothes!” “这个死凌云,原来他什么都看见了!”庄美凤心中无限娇羞,口中却说道:“你先出去,我……要穿衣服了!” Ling Yun took own that brand-new Li Ning gym suit, then does not look at Zhuang Meifeng one, changed the clothes to the outhouse without consulting anybody. 凌云自己的那身崭新的李宁运动服拿了出来,然后再也不看庄美凤一眼,径自到外屋换衣服去了。 Ling Yun has changed dry and clear clothes quickly, including the new shoes and socks, after putting on, he uses the hand to seize the own gym suit to entrain entraining, has gesticulated slightly, cannot help but nodded: Clothes were loose much!” 凌云很快就换过了一身干爽的衣服,包括新的鞋袜,穿好之后,他用手揪住自己的运动服拽了拽,稍微比划了一下,不由得点了点头:“衣服松了不少!” 180 centimeters, are less than 90 kilograms, the waist abdomen, the excess flesh on thigh and belly almost vanished does not see, his present stature, can only describe with the capability. 180公分,不到90公斤,腰腹,大腿和肚子上的赘肉已经几乎消失不见,他现在的身材,只能用精壮来形容。 So long as subtracts ten kilograms again, Ling Yun is the standard stature, but this will lose weight is will be more difficult in the future, was not the speed was slow, but was excess flesh has been short, effect naturally compared with from the beginning difference in many. 只要再减掉十公斤,凌云就已经是标准身材了,只是这减肥是越往后越难,并不是速度慢了,而是身上的赘肉少了,效果自然会比一开始差上许多。 You traded, I must exit now!” Zhuang Meifeng shouts in the bedroom. “你换完了没有,我现在要出去啦!”庄美凤在卧室里喊道。 Traded!” “换完了!” Zhuang Meifeng opened the door of bedroom accordingly, walked from inside, coy, the complexion flushed red. 庄美凤应声打开了卧室的门,从里面走了出来,扭扭捏捏,脸色酡红。 Ling Yun looked at her appearance, fall about the nod: Good good, you put on like this very have the flavor!” 凌云看了一眼她的打扮,忍不住大笑着点头:“不错不错,你这样穿还是挺有味道的!” Zhuang Meifeng wore Ling Yun that Nike gym suit completely on the body, seemed large incomparable \; She wore the Ling Yun that ultra-large number Versace shirt on the body, the length was almost equal to an ultra-short one-piece dress, can cover her tender buttocks exactly, on the foot actually as before put on own high with the sandals, has saying that this appearance sufficed the surging emotions, sufficed the alternative. 庄美凤凌云那一身耐克运动服全部穿在了身上,看上去肥大无比\;她把凌云那件超大号的范思哲衬衣穿在了身上,长短几乎相当于一件超短的连衣裙,恰好能盖住她娇臀,脚上却依旧穿着自己的高跟凉鞋,不得不说这打扮够心潮,够另类。 Put on?” Zhuang Meifeng high, the entire tender body that the zipper of Nike gym suit draws was covered by the spacious clothes, Ling Yun this time was anything could not see, he badly bad asking with a smile. “穿好了没?”庄美凤把耐克运动服的拉链拉的高高的,整个娇躯都被宽大的衣服遮挡住,凌云这次是什么都看不到了,他坏坏的笑着问道。 Wants you to manage!” Zhuang Meifeng white Ling Yun, was charmingly angry, sat on the sofa. “要你管!”庄美凤白了凌云一眼,娇嗔着走了过来,一屁股就坐在了沙发上。 In the incomparably comfortable shirt, two groups of snow-white stand tall and erect, because does not have any fetter, a fierce vibration dances in the air fiercely, but Ling Yun could not see again. 无比舒适的衬衣里面,两团雪白高耸因为没有任何束缚,猛地一阵剧烈抖动飞舞,不过凌云是再也看不到了。 When does this rain stop? After stopping, you must go to buy several clothes to come back for me first!” “这雨到底什么时候停啊?停了以后你要先去给我买几件衣服回来!” Zhuang Meifeng is pressed the elegant eyebrow to look at rain, sighed to say. Now she most critical is not the filling the belly issue, clothes that but changes and washes, otherwise her anything did not do! 庄美凤蹙着秀美的眉毛看着门外的雨,叹气说道。现在她最紧要的不是填饱肚子问题,而是换洗的衣服,不然她什么也做不了! Relax, this rain was also a moment ago smaller , before ten points, stops certainly.” Ling Yun said lightly. “放心吧,这雨比刚才又小了一些,十点之前准停。”凌云淡淡说道。 He does not want to exit by drenching now, now what Ling Yun most is worried is Seven Glorious Grass of small riverbank, river water that such big rain, may not be inundated dashing! 他现在也不想出去挨淋去,不过凌云现在最担心的是小河边的七曜草,这么大的雨,可千万别被漫上来的河水给冲跑了! I changed clothes, you accompany me to exit to have a night-time snack again, then buys something to come back, is good?” “等我换好了衣服,你再陪我出去吃宵夜,然后再买些东西回来,好不好?” Zhuang Meifeng is glancing Ling Yun with a pair of beautiful pupil, said low voice. 庄美凤拿一双美眸瞟着凌云,小声说道。 Good!” Ling Yun indifferent nod of: Now the rain is so big, anything could not do, you said Sun Family situation to me......” “好!”凌云无所谓的点了点头:“现在雨这么大,什么也做不了,你跟我说说孙家情况吧……” What this time comes is the Sun Xing mother, called Niu Fenjiao, she was......” “这次来的是孙星的母亲,叫牛芬娇,她是……” two people exchanged was less than probably for one hour, situation of Ling Yun to Sun Family had the basic understanding, he saw outside rain has become the infant drizzle, setting out has stood. 两人交流了大概不到一个小时,凌云孙家情况已经有了基本的了解,他见外面的雨已经成了毛毛细雨,起身站了起来。 Ling Yun and Zhuang Meifeng two people one after the other arrived at the entrance, the rain was very small before ten minutes, the water in courtyard is reducing at the naked eye obvious speed, now already not ankle. 凌云庄美凤两人一前一后来到了门口,雨在十分钟之前就已经很小了,院子里的积水以肉眼可见的速度在减少,现在已经没不过脚腕了。 Has saying that the Clear Water City drainage system does quite good, this rainstorm rare, comes too to be too anxious fiercely, in the road surface will not appear the water, let alone vast expanse of water. 不得不说,清水市的排水系统搞的相当不错,要不是这场暴雨百年难遇,来得太猛太急,路面上就连积水都不会出现,更别说一片汪洋了。 Many places were flooded, should collapse many one-story houses......” the Ling Yun eye to look at the nighttime sky of distant place, talked to oneself lightly. “很多地方被淹了,应该倒塌了不少平房……”凌云眼睛望着远处的夜空,淡淡自语道。 Definitely! Does not know a moment ago was any building collapsed, tomorrow will definitely have the flash news!” Zhuang Meifeng remembered the strenuous vibration, the mood of returned to normal shamed angry, the heart said that own was taken advantage by Ling Yun unexpectedly! “肯定的!刚才也不知道是什么建筑物倒塌了,明天肯定会有大新闻!”庄美凤想起刚才的剧烈震动,已经平复的心情就又羞恼了起来,心说自己竟然被凌云占了个大便宜! Saw that the red brick ground in courtyard revealed completely, Ling Yun showed a faint smile, raised legs to arrive in the middle of the courtyard from the room: Air is good!” 眼看着院子中的红砖地面完全露了出来,凌云微微一笑,一抬腿就从屋里来到了院子当中:“空气不错!” Zhuang Meifeng also excited joyful arrived in the courtyard, stretched out the arms transferred one lithely, has made a deep breath unrestrainedly, was infatuated with say: Really quite fresh!” 庄美凤也一脸兴奋欣喜的跟着来到了院子里,张开双臂轻盈的转了一圈儿,情不自禁地做了一个深呼吸,陶醉道:“真的好清新啊!” The Ling Yun heart said that also was really good the scabs to forget to hurt, came time was disturbed with fear, this little while excitedly turned circle. 凌云心说还真是好了伤疤忘了疼啊,来的时候那么惊恐不安,这会儿就兴奋的转圈了。 You are staying at home, I have a look first!” “你在家里呆着,我先出去看看!” Now Ling Yun most is worried is his Seven Glorious Grass, now the rain is about to stop, the first matter was the past looked certainly that can feel relieved. 凌云现在最担心的就是他的七曜草,现在雨快停了,第一件事当然是过去看一下才能放心。 Remembers that buys the clothes to come back for me! Em...... The bra and in......” Zhuang Meifeng watches a Ling Yun figure show, hurries to shout the injunction to say tenderly. “记得给我买衣服回来!恩……还有文胸和内……”庄美凤一看凌云身形一展,赶紧娇呼着嘱咐道。 Jumbo size?” Ling Yun received the figure, turned head to stare at the chest of Zhuang Meifeng to ask. “多大尺寸?”凌云收住了身形,回头盯着庄美凤的胸脯问道。 36 D......” the Zhuang Meifeng beautiful cheek blushes instantaneously a piece. “36D……”庄美凤绝美的脸蛋儿瞬间羞红一片。 Knew!” Ling Yun smiled, to leap gently jumped out the courtyard. “知道了!”凌云嘿嘿一笑,轻轻一跃就跳出了院子。 Now close to 10 : 00 pm, in the dark night, Ling Yun has launched Thousands of Miles Divine Walking Steps, the form is similar to a white lightning, directly soars the Seven Glorious Grass direction to go. 现在已经临近晚上十点,黑夜中,凌云展开了万里神行步,身影如同一道白色的闪电,直奔七曜草的方向而去。 Waited for Ling Yun to arrive on the street in small riverbank, looks that compared with has usually extended about four times of creeks, could not bear the towards torrential river water spit the mortise: Your younger sister!” 凌云来到了小河边的马路上,看着比平时宽了近四倍的小河,忍不住对着滔滔的河水吐槽道:“你妹啊!” @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
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