DEMG :: Volume #2

#144: heavens pit appears

You! Did you add?!” The Zhuang Meifeng ashamed and resentful desire certainly, pure white white teeth makes an effort to nip the own tender and beautiful lower lip, pair of phoenix eyes as if must spout the fire! “你!你还说?!”庄美凤羞愤欲绝,洁白的贝齿用力咬着自己娇艳的下唇,一双丹凤眼似乎都要喷出火来! „The chest is also very beautiful, that shape so is unexpectedly attractive, with flat peach, the letting person who looks at wants to nip one!” “胸也很美,那形状竟然那么好看,跟蟠桃儿似的,看的让人想咬上一口!” Ling Yun as before selfish nitpicking. 凌云依旧自顾自的品头论足。 I bite your one first!” Zhuang Meifeng is anxious and angry, in the heart had a mortal hatred of the building of this bewildered collapsing, bit tooth towards Ling Yun to throw! “我先咬你一口!”庄美凤又急又气,心中恨死了这莫名其妙坍塌的建筑物,咬着牙齿对着凌云就扑了过来! Do not move, saw ditch!” Ling Yun moves aside at the same time, side glances with eye crazily. “别动,又看到沟儿了啊!”凌云一边躲闪,一边拿眼睛狂瞟。 Zhuang Meifeng frightened immediately moves does not dare to move, her complexion was red, being angry bound the quilt to sit there, the chest fluctuated fiercely, quilt fluctuate that withstood/top, raised intermittent mighty waves. 庄美凤立即吓得一动都不敢动了,她脸色通红,生气的裹着被子坐在那里,胸脯剧烈起伏,顶的被子都起起伏伏的,掀起一阵阵波涛。 That that Ling Yun finally said saw that the ditch was unimportant, more importantly, her body suddenly flood a very unusual feeling. 凌云最后说的那句又看到沟了不重要,重要的是,她的身体忽然泛起了一种很异样的感觉。 Why won't own garrison to him? 自己为什么会对他不设防? Zhuang Meifeng in in the heart repeatedly asked own this question. 庄美凤心中一遍遍的问自己这个问题。 Because he has rescued own? Because, this time he suddenly does become such graceful? A face of man actually also wants compared with the cheek of own fairly fresh-faced, pinches can the water leakage! 就因为他救过自己吗?还是因为,这次他忽然变得这么帅?一个男人的脸竟然比自己的脸蛋还要白皙粉嫩,一掐都能出水! How many days do not see, will his change so be big? 几天不见而已,他的变化怎么会这么大? „Are you big?” Zhuang Meifeng looked at Ling Yun half-day/long time, suddenly senseless came such one. “你多大?”庄美凤看了凌云半天,忽然没头没脑的来了这么一句。 18, you?” Ling Yun very natural question. “18,你哪?”凌云很自然的反问。 Can't understand the custom? Cannot you ask girl's age casually!” Zhuang Meifeng is staring pair of beautiful phoenix eyes, pretends the wicked say/way. “懂不懂规矩?不许你随便问女孩子的年龄!”庄美凤瞪着一双美丽的丹凤眼,装作恶狠狠道。 You asked that what my age does make? By me was looked does want to marry me? Told you, gate did not have!” The Ling Yun smelly fart said. “那你问我年龄做什么?难道被我看一眼就想跟我结婚啊?告诉你,门儿都没有!”凌云臭屁道。 Zhuang Meifeng air/Qi grasped the pillow that got out of bed to throw toward Ling Yun single-handed! 庄美凤气的单手抓起床上的枕头朝着凌云就扔了过去! …… …… However her in the heart actually secretly wants saying: Female big three......” 不过她心中却暗暗想道:“女大三……” Does the flower of own such juicy Clear Water, really want the cheap this shameless boy? 难道自己这么一朵水灵灵的清水之花,真的要便宜这个无耻小子么? Outside rainstorm still like a waterfall falls from the sky, the night sky presented the strange transparent white unexpectedly, in the ground the vast expanse of water, which class the rainwater did not know toward! 外面暴雨依然如瀑布般从天空中倾倒下来,夜晚的天空竟出现了奇异的亮白,地面上一片汪洋,雨水都不知道往哪儿流了! But in the room, actually suddenly fell into the middle of one marvelous fluttering flags atmosphere, Zhuang Meifeng two arms of powder lotus root expose in the air, the fragrant shoulder under the incandescent light flood the clear gloss, the beautiful charming elegant face is sending out a charming brilliance. 可是屋里,却突然陷入了一种奇妙的旖旎气氛当中,庄美凤两条粉藕似的胳膊暴露在空气中,香肩在白炽灯光下泛着晶莹的光泽,妖艳妩媚的俏脸散发出一种迷人的光辉。 Hey, I said that but your own throws to my arms on own initiative, the quilt is also the hand that your own disperses, under that situation, I am helps you keep off without enough time, won't you be angry really?” “喂,我说,可是你自己主动扑到我怀里来的,被子也是你自己撒开的手,在那种情况之下,我就是帮你挡都来不及,你不会真生气了吧?” Ling Yun sees Zhuang Meifeng to sit there suddenly is silent, on the face restored first time to see her time that type arrogantly with coldly elegant, finally opened the mouth to explain. 凌云庄美凤忽然坐在那里沉默不语,脸上恢复了第一次见她的时候那种高傲和冷艳,终于开口解释。 Good, good, when I eat to owe, my also strip nude drilled in the quilt, then threw your arms to look at time general headquarters to you? This how two did not owe!” “好吧,好吧,就当我吃点儿亏,我也脱光了钻被子里,然后扑你怀里给你看一次总行了吧?这样怎么就两不相欠了!” Ling Yun is enlightened magnanimous saying. 凌云非常开明大度的说道。 Dies!” Zhuang Meifeng stared Ling Yun one ruthlessly, suddenly tittered smiles, that smiling face beautiful was similar to a Chinese peony of being in full bloom. “去死!”庄美凤狠狠瞪了凌云一眼,忽然噗嗤一笑,那笑容妖艳的如同一朵盛开的芍药。 Ling Yun looked at Zhuang Meifeng to be all right, patted has clapped also to say to her: Now, we can discuss that the following matter?” 凌云一看庄美凤没事了,拍了拍手又对她说道:“现在,我们可以谈一谈接下来的事情了吧?” Following matter? What matter also has? Do you also want to do?” “接下来的事情?还有什么事情?你还想要干什么?” On the elegant face of Zhuang Meifeng flashed through wipes startled that the heart trembled, the heart said that this fellow real beastly nature will not send greatly, gave to eat me at the scene? 庄美凤的俏脸上闪过一抹心颤的惊慌,心说这个家伙不会真的兽性大发,当场把我给吃了吧? The Ling Yun beastly nature that actually not actually she is worried about sends greatly, what she is worried is if the Ling Yun real beastly nature sends greatly, how long later own will be resisting to hand over the arms! 其实她担心的倒不是凌云兽性大发,她担心的是如果凌云真的兽性大发的话,自己会在抵抗多久之后缴械投降! One minute? Three minutes? Definitely not over five minutes! 一分钟?三分钟?肯定不会超过五分钟! Finally the Ling Yun's reply makes her one shame angry: „Can't you eat without paying white dwell here? We have reached an agreement, I can manage you to eat to manage you to live, however all house jobs you must all wrap, you prepare food, you do laundry, em, cleans hygienic anything......” 结果凌云的回答让她不禁一阵羞恼:“你总不能在我这里白吃白住吧?咱们可是说好了,我可以管你吃管你住,但是所有的家务活你必须全包,你做饭,你洗衣服,恩,还有,打扫卫生什么的……” Looks at the Ling Yun extremely earnest appearance, is listening incessantly his plans there, Zhuang Meifeng could not bear stunned, did great aunt just look at to be upside down good by you?! 看着凌云极其认真的样子,听着他滔滔不绝的在那里算计,庄美凤忍不住错愕了起来,姑奶奶刚被你看了个底朝天好不好?! Did you really have the mood to carry on the housework division of labor at this time?! This, what rare and beautiful flowers is this? 你这时候竟然还有心情进行家务分工?!这,这到底是什么奇葩啊? Zhuang Meifeng looks at Ling Yun that limpid look, once again attacked speechless, the heart said that the own charm did reduce really? 庄美凤看着凌云那清澈的眼神,又一次被打击的无语,心说难道自己的魅力真的降低了很多? She cannot bear lifts the quilt secretly, looked at a quilt following scenery, the heart said that this stature own looks greedyly, didn't he move? 她忍不住偷偷掀开被子,看了一眼被子下面的风景,心说这身材自己看着都眼馋,他怎么就不动心呢? …… …… Ling Yun thought own said was similar, then lifts to ask that Zhuang Meifeng said. 凌云觉得自己说的差不多了,然后抬起眼问庄美凤道。 great aunt is the Capital City finance and economics university accounting fourth-year university student student, has earned the certified public accountant qualifications, financial actuary all tests of qualifications has also tested, was only waiting with the certificate, did you satisfy?” 姑奶奶京城财经大学财会专业的大四学生,已经拿到了注册会计师资格,金融精算师的资格的所有考试也都考完了,只等着拿证书了,你满意了吧?” Zhuang Meifeng does not know why own will tell Ling Yun these, but she especially now especially wants to display the own ability in front of Ling Yun, making him know that own is not a vase. 庄美凤也不知道自己为什么会把这些告诉凌云,不过她特别现在特别想在凌云面前展现自己的能力,让他知道自己并不是花瓶。 Finance and accounting, the finance, is a cashier?” Ling Yun eye quickly one bright, hurries to ask. “财会,金融,是管钱的吧?”凌云眼睛倏地一亮,赶紧问道。 Is stupid you to consider as finished, naturally is a cashier, but also with asking!” Zhuang Meifeng sees Ling Yun to say over and over again is these, has forgotten own quite the same as now stark naked sitting on the bed, front has only kept off one quilt that lifts the hand to move, somewhat shames unexpectedly angry. “笨死你算了,当然是管钱的,还用问!”庄美凤凌云说来说去都是这些,浑然忘了自己现在一丝不挂的坐在床上,前面只挡了一条抬手就可以掀掉的被子,竟然有些羞恼。 That is good, you help me have a look at this check, can take money!” Ling Yun was saying, opened to take to his 1 million checks Murong Feixue. “那就好,你帮我看看这张支票,是不是可以取到钱!”凌云说着,把慕容飞雪开给他的那张1000000支票拿了出来。 Your young also has check?” Zhuang Meifeng slightly feels the surprise, white Bi who she stretches out powder lotus root receives that check, only looked at one to cover the mouth in great surprise. “你年纪轻轻的还有支票?”庄美凤略感诧异,她伸出粉藕似的白臂把那张支票接了过来,只看了一眼就掩嘴大惊。 1 million?!” The Zhuang Meifeng sweet and delicate voice calls out in alarm. “1000000?!”庄美凤娇声惊呼。 First has a look real!” Ling Yun urged. “先看看是不是真的!”凌云催促。 This is real, can take it to go to the bank exchange cash directly, where do you obtain?” “这是真的,可以拿着它直接去银行兑换现金,你是从哪儿得到的?” Ling Yun smiled, to make a move to seize the check from the hand of Zhuang Meifeng like lightning, after receiving, said: Did not tell you!” 凌云嘿嘿一笑,闪电般出手就从庄美凤的手里把支票夺了回来,重新收好之后才说道:“不告诉你!” Zhuang Meifeng chuckle that the Ling Yun's being greedy for money type looks at smiles, the chest two big flat peaches shake to keep moving under the quilt fiercely, quilt shivers all over. 凌云的贪财样看的庄美凤咯咯直笑,胸前的两个大蟠桃在被子下面剧烈抖动个不停,被子一阵乱颤。 two people passed through the fluttering flags, the relations were obviously intimate, speaks with ease are naturally many. 两人经过了刚才的旖旎,关系明显亲近了许多,说起话来轻松自然多了。 Zhuang Meifeng discovered in front of Ling Yun the appearance how , no matter own diligently, is unable to exhibit that cold proud comes, the own mind is on his body, was being pulled walking by him. 庄美凤发现不管自己怎么努力,都无法在凌云面前摆出那种冷傲的样子来,自己的心神一直系在他的身上,被他牵着走。 „Can you make money?” Ling Yun has thought half-day/long time, probes was asking that Zhuang Meifeng said. “你会不会赚钱?”凌云想了半天,试探着问庄美凤道。 Naturally has met, so long as there is a computer, so long as there is a certain capital, I can make money with ease!” “当然会了,只要有一台电脑,只要有一定的本金,我就可以轻松赚钱!” …… …… Also wants the capital?” Inconceivable of Ling Yun whole face, father does not have the business of ten thousand advantage, when had heard also wants the capital? “还要本金啊?”凌云满脸的不可思议,老子做的都是无本万利的买卖,什么时候听说过还要本金的? Naturally wants, otherwise do you think pay a small price for big rewards in return?” The appearance that Zhuang Meifeng looks at the Ling Yun whole face meat pain, cannot bear chuckle smile once more tenderly, the flowering branch shivers all over, beautiful not local products. “当然要,不然你想空手套白狼啊?”庄美凤看着凌云满脸肉痛的样子,忍不住再次咯咯娇笑,花枝乱颤,美艳不可方物。 The Ling Yun heart said right, pay a small price for big rewards in return, the unreasonable three points, that is the strong point of Big Brother! 凌云心说对,空手套白狼,无理赖三分,那才是哥哥的强项! „Can that owe?” “那会不会亏?” Others do will certainly owe, but if I does, should be gains steadily does not owe!” “别人做当然会亏,但是如果是我做嘛,应该是稳赚不亏!” Do not should, you be able to guarantee that doesn't owe?” “别应该啊,你能不能保证不亏?” Can guarantee!” “能保证!” What to do if has owed?” Ling Yun is staring at the face of Zhuang Meifeng, extremely earnest asking. “那要是亏了怎么办?”凌云盯着庄美凤的脸,极其认真的问道。 He listened to Tang Meng saying that night, stock anything, although is the high income, may also be the high risk, the dregs that is very easy to owe does not remain, therefore he must make Zhuang Meifeng make the guarantee. 他那天晚上听唐猛说过,期货什么的虽然是高收益,可也是高风险,很容易亏的渣都不剩,因此他得让庄美凤做出保证。 yeah, right! Zhuang Meifeng loses to a Ling Yun disdaining look proudly, smiles charmingly, extends the delicately beautiful index finger to point at the own tender body saying: „If there is owed, I am you to handle!” 切!庄美凤丢给凌云一个傲然的不屑眼神,娇媚一笑,伸出纤美的食指指着自己的娇躯道:“要是亏了,我任你处置!” Sees good?” The Ling Yun heart said that if has owed, is looked that many eyes my money does not come back! “怎么看都行?”凌云心说要是真亏了,就是看多少眼我的钱也回不来啊! Em!” “恩!” Touches good?” Ling Yun is unforgiving, no matter can touch, first occupied on the mouth cheap to say again! “怎么摸都行?”凌云不依不饶,不管能不能摸,先占了嘴上便宜再说! Em!” “恩!” „Is nuptial chamber good?” Ling Yun has shown the cloven hoof finally, hehe said with a smile inexpensively. “洞房行不行?”凌云终于露出了狐狸尾巴,嘿嘿贱笑道。 Said handles as you like!” A Zhuang Meifeng pair of beautiful phoenix eyes happy expression was thick, said, asked back: If I did gain?” “说了随你处置!”庄美凤一双美丽的丹凤眼笑意浓浓,说完之后反问道:“那要是我赚了呢?” Ling Yun body one: I can look to you, can touch to you, but cannot the nuptial chamber!” 凌云把身躯一挺:“我可以给你看,可以给你摸,但是不能洞房!” Zhuang Meifeng is very the surprise, wonders saying: Why can't the nuptial chamber?” 庄美凤很是诧异,纳闷道:“为什么不能洞房?” Ling Yun sees the own sinister plot to prevail, thought of 600,000 cashes the bags to raise that two from the bed conveniently, then said: Sees not to have, this is 600,000, I make the capital to you, if owed you to want the meat to recompense!” 凌云自己奸计得逞,随手从床底下把那两个装着600000现金的袋子提了出来,然后道:“看到没,这是600000,我给你做本金,要是亏了你可要肉偿哈!” Then, Ling Yun self-satisfied walked with a smile, left as in a Zhuang Meifeng natural back of wondering! 说完,凌云得意的笑着就走了出去,留给了依旧在纳闷的庄美凤一个潇洒的背影! Zhuang Meifeng as if has not seen that two purse, wonders to talk to oneself there as before: Why did I gain have not been able with your nuptial chamber?” 庄美凤仿佛没有看到那两个钱袋子似的,依旧在那里纳闷自语:“为什么我赚了就不能跟你洞房呢?” Perianth of Ling Yun Clear Water has gotten down wrap/sets, actually does not know, she when asked that these words, means that on sentimental balance, own already thorough has lost to Ling Yun. 清水之花被凌云下了套,却不知道,她在问出这句话的时候,就意味着在感情的天平上,自己已经彻彻底底的输给了凌云了。 Ling Yun left the bedroom, arrived at the entrance: Em, this rain was probably smaller than a moment ago some, was only that loud noise a moment ago, that does rock what's the matter?” 凌云出了卧室,来到了门口:“恩,这雨好像比刚才小了一些了,只是刚才那声巨响,那一阵晃动是怎么回事?” …… …… Because he in Cultivation Big World, once a foot a mountain stepping on to surface, at that time heard is this sound! 因为他在修真大世界的时候,曾经一脚把一座山给踩到地表下面去,当时听到的就是这种声音! Ling Yun judgment right, in one bang loud noise, after a everything may become vulnerable, the Clear Water City southwest direction, south Clear Water Lake, the Coiling Dragon Mountain west side, had surrounding area more than 300 meters mountain massif straight falling of under the surface! 凌云判断的没错,在一声轰隆巨响,一阵地动山摇之后,清水市西南方向,清水湖正南,龙盘山的西侧,有方圆300多米的山体直直的陷进了地表之下! In the mountain valley between Coiling Dragon Mountain and South Jade Mountain, presented one deeply to have more than 400 meters huge heavens pit! 龙盘山南翠峰之间的山谷之中,出现了一个深有400多米的巨大天坑
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