DEMG :: Volume #16

#1527: Crosses the tribulation to succeed( asked monthly ticket)

Four color Tribulation Thunder, may increase species Tribulation Thunder to be so simple incessantly, is not five species Tribulation Thunder combines the change at will, its true fierce place, strengthened the tyrannical degree of each Tribulation Thunder energy largely! 四色劫雷,可不止是增加了一种属性的劫雷那么简单,也不是五种属性的劫雷随意组合变化,它的真正厉害之处,是大幅加强了每一种劫雷能量的强横程度! This is because of the principle of five elements mutual promotion of the five elements, the gold/metal unboiled water, the aquatic wood, the wood lights a fire, the hot raw soil, the locally born gold/metal, every four species Tribulation Thunder combines in together, the Tribulation Thunder energy mutual promotion of the five elements, layer upon layer the overlay, can let various species Tribulation Thunder energy amplification several times, this is the most terrifying place! 这是因为五行相生之理,金生水,水生木,木生火,火生土,土生金,每四种属性的劫雷组合在一起,劫雷能量相生,层层叠加,可以让各种属性的劫雷能量放大几倍,这才是最为恐怖之处! Ling Yun crosses the big expert of tribulation, he understands certainly this point, but he actually does not fear, because of first two Tribulation Thunder, by his once more getting stronger flesh body and Spiritual Consciousness, shouldering! 凌云是渡劫的大行家,他当然明白这一点,但他却不惧,因为前两道劫雷,被他再次变强肉身神识,给扛住了! Although Ling Yun suffered the heavy losses, but the water wooden earth 3-layer imprisonment, actually still cannot imprison him thoroughly, moreover hot gold/metal two species, cannot kill his second, this to Ling Yun, was enough! 虽然凌云遭受到了重创,可水木土三重禁锢,却依然不能将他彻底禁锢,而且火金两种属性,也不能将他秒杀,这对凌云来说,已经足够! Cannot imprison, the second could not kill, then nothing but was the battle of attrition! 禁锢不住,秒杀不了,接下来无非就是消耗战而已! Naturally, Ling Yun can shoulder now, is not because four color Tribulation Thunder are not very formidable, because of Shennong Cauldron and Gods and Ghosts Willow Tree of his top of the head, at least helped him resist over 70% Tribulation Thunder energies, waited for the Tribulation Thunder energy to affect to the Ling Yun body on the time, although he was seriously battered, had the strength of melting. 当然,凌云现在能扛得住,不是因为四色劫雷不够强大,而是因为他头顶的神农鼎鬼神柳,至少帮他抵御了七成以上的劫雷能量,等劫雷能量作用到凌云身体上的时候,他虽然遭受重创,却已经有了化解之力。 Otherwise, this four color Tribulation Thunder, let alone Ling Yun, is Fusion Stage above cultivating true cultivator, only then the body dies the share of disappearing! 否则的话,这种四色劫雷,别说凌云,就是融合期以上的修真者,也只有身死道消的份! Even but if so, Ling Yun can resist four color Tribulation Thunder bombardments of continually, enough heaven-defying, had already completed the action of evildoer/monstrous talent. 可是纵然如此,凌云能抵挡住四色劫雷的连番轰击,已然足够逆天,完成了妖孽之举。 Because said that is four color Tribulation Thunder, but Tribulation Thunder divided the speed of falling to be too quick, then together, kept dividing together on the Ling Yun's body, this made his body inside and outside five species Tribulation Thunder energy rich bases unable to melt, they shared everything, layer upon layer the overlay, this has been equal to true five elements Tribulation Thunder. 因为说是四色劫雷,可是劫雷劈落的速度太快了,一道接着一道,不停劈在凌云的身体上,这让他身体内外五种属性的劫雷能量浓郁的根本化不开,它们不分彼此,层层叠加,这已经相当于真正的五行劫雷了。 The only difference is, thunder and lightning chops falls, is only four color Tribulation Thunder, after is in dividing Ling Yun, the effect of achieving, with five elements Tribulation Thunder not many differences. 唯一的区别就是,雷电劈落的时候,只是四色劫雷而已,可是劈中凌云之后,发挥出来的效果,跟五行劫雷没有多少区别。 Rumbling rumbling! 轰轰轰轰轰! Between black Tribulation Clouds and sea level, azure yellowish red yellow blue, various color thunder light are flaming, the exceedingly high birthplace, five Tribulation Thunder energies interweave, fold put together, the Ling Yun thorough package, his body looks to disappear, only remaining electricity snakes and thunder light! 黑色劫云和海平面之间,青金红黄蓝,各种色彩的雷光炽盛,通天贯地,五种劫雷能量交织,叠加在一起,把凌云彻底包裹,他的身体都看不见了,只剩下电蛇和雷光! Sky over the Ling Yun top of the head, Shennong Cauldron was divided by four color Tribulation Thunder, sends out humming sound loud noise, but Gods and Ghosts Willow Tree is actually green sparkling, silent, helping Ling Yun absorb most azure color Tribulation Thunder energies. 凌云头顶上空,神农鼎被四色劫雷劈中,发出嗡嗡巨响,但鬼神柳却是绿莹莹,无声无息,帮助凌云吸收了绝大多数的青色劫雷能量。 The Gods and Ghosts Willow Tree obvious evolution, became more formidable, this crossed the tribulation, it has absorbed too many Wood Attribute Tribulation Thunder energy, made up absolutely greatly. 鬼神柳明显进化,变得更强大了,这场渡劫,它吸收了太多的木属性劫雷能量,绝对大补。 Snort!” “哼!” Ling Yun was submerged by the flaming thunder light, but he actually looks unafraid, cold snort/hum said: five elements Tribulation Thunder, mediocre!” 凌云被炽盛的雷光淹没,但他却面无惧色,冷哼说道:“五行劫雷,不过如此!” Arrived at this moment, Ling Yun has still not used the own card in a hand, although he is seriously injured, actually does not forget to absorb the Earth Attribute Tribulation Thunder energy full power, is nourishing Yin-Yang Five Elements Fire last species flame, Earth Attribute flame! 到了此刻,凌云依然没有动用自己的底牌,他虽然身受重伤,却不忘全力吸收土属性劫雷能量,在滋养阴阳五行火的最后一种属性的火焰,土属性火焰! The speed is quick, is about several minutes, Yin-Yang Five Elements Flame, five types of color flame, quenching completely successfully, the volume of Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth five colors flame, changed has made the same size. 速度很快,不过几分钟,阴阳五行火焰,五种颜色的火焰,全部淬炼成功,金木水火土五色火焰的体积,都变作了一样大小。 Ling Yun is at this moment, his Yin-Yang Five Elements Fire undergoes day hot quenching and baptism, finally thorough big accomplishment! 凌云等的就是这一刻,他的阴阳五行火经受天火的淬炼和洗礼,终于彻底大成 You have five elements Tribulation Thunder, I have Yin-Yang Five Elements Fire!” “你有五行劫雷,我有阴阳五行火!” Bang! 轰! Ling Yun Spiritual Thought stimulation of movement, fiercely Yin-Yang Five Elements Flame in Dantian offering a sacrifice , is also azure yellowish red yellow blue, in addition the Yin-Yang Energy black and white two colors, are the seven colors flame! 凌云神念催动,猛地把丹田之中的阴阳五行火焰给祭出,也是青金红黄蓝,再加上阴阳二气的黑白两色,正是七彩火焰! The seven colors flame comes out from Ling Yun Dantian, immediately changed has made three meters surrounding area size, has covered the Ling Yun's body thoroughly! 七彩火焰从凌云丹田一出来,立即就变作了三米方圆大小,彻底笼罩了凌云的身体! five elements Tribulation Thunder, what use is the principle of five elements mutual promotion of the five elements, but Ling Yun at this moment, offers a sacrifice to Yin-Yang Five Elements Fire, for is actually five elements repels one another! 五行劫雷,利用的是五行相生之理,而凌云此刻,祭出阴阳五行火,为的却是五行相克! Jin Kemu, wooden Croatia , Turkey, earth restrains water, water to subdue|grams fire, fire restrains metal! 金克木,木克土,土克水,水克火,火克金 The effect is really good, after Yin-Yang Five Elements Fire covers the Ling Yun body, five species flame start to play the role immediately, looks for the attribute Tribulation Thunder energy of exactly having repelled one another respectively, then the effect of five elements Tribulation Thunder layer upon layer overlay, thoroughly wrote off! 效果实在是太好,阴阳五行火笼罩凌云身体之后,五种属性的火焰立即开始发挥作用,各自找上了恰好相克的属性劫雷能量,然后将五行劫雷层层叠加的效果,彻底抹杀了! In a flash, the Ling Yun pressure reduces greatly! 一瞬间,凌云压力大减! After the five elements Tribulation Thunder energy was restrained, Ling Yun thorough is at heart steadfast, he starts to feel relieved that absorbs the Tribulation Thunder energy, in four color thunder columns, starts to carry on practice unexpectedly! 五行劫雷能量被克制住之后,凌云心里彻底踏实下来,他开始放心吸收劫雷能量,竟然在四色雷柱之中,开始进行修炼 This time, what Ling Yun practice is Gold Emperor Crazy Dragon Cuts, Scarlet Emperor Fire Phoenix Transformation, Underworld Earth Emperor Cultivation, Myriad Water Immortal Secret Arts, Supreme Azure Emperor Secret Arts...... 这一次,凌云修炼的是金帝狂龙斩,赤帝火凤变,黄泉土皇功,万水仙诀,至尊青帝诀…… Cultivation Big World super kills the technique greatly, Five Elements Slaughter God Technique! 修真大世界的超级大杀术,五行屠神术 This is the bestowed by heaven good opportunity, Ling Yun naturally is not simply willing to miss, he with the aid of the surroundings rich five elements Tribulation Thunder energy, these five Cultivation Technique practice , to promote purely one by one completely, five technique laws, has achieved approximately the suitable level vigorously! 这简直是天赐良机,凌云当然不肯错过,他借助周围纯粹浓郁的五行劫雷能量,将这五种功法挨个修炼,全部进行提升,极力将五种术法,达到了大致相当的层次! Yin-Yang Five Elements Fire, in addition gradually big accomplishment Five Elements Slaughter God Technique, Ling Yun facing keeping dividing four color Tribulation Thunder that falls, is getting more and more relaxed, no longer received any injury. 阴阳五行火,再加上逐渐大成五行屠神术,凌云面对不停劈落的四色劫雷,却越来越轻松,已经不再受到任何伤害。 The five elements Tribulation Thunder energy was really too rich, Ling Yun has only used for a half hour, Five Elements Slaughter God Technique five Cultivation Technique, completely promoted the equal boundary, nearly big accomplishment. 五行劫雷能量实在是太浓郁了,凌云只用了半个多小时,就把五行屠神术的五种功法,全部提升到了相等的境界,近乎大成 However, receives the Qi Practicing 5-layer middle-stage boundary to limit, Ling Yun also can only practice to this. 但是,受到练气五层中期的境界所限,凌云也只能修炼到这一步了。 He stopped practice, then starts to absorb these five elements Tribulation Thunder energies with single-hearted devotion, the Gold Attribute Tribulation Thunder energy irrigation back spinal column, the Fire Attribute Tribulation Thunder energy is used to quench Pill Refining field meridians acupoint hole, quenchings the five main internal organs (entrails)...... 他停止了修炼,然后开始专心吸收那些五行劫雷能量,将金属性劫雷能量灌注后背脊柱,火属性劫雷能量用来淬炼丹田经脉窍穴,淬炼五脏六腑…… Cannot contain as for own, the Tribulation Thunder energy of again not being able to absorb, sent in the middle of the golden Dragon Form curve and thunder pond entirely, prepared later practice or the operation and application. 至于自己容纳不下,再也吸收不了的劫雷能量,统统送入金色龙形曲线和雷池当中,准备以后修炼或者战斗使用。 Ranking four waves of Tribulation Thunder did not finish completely, the Ling Yun's big accomplishment treasure body already by shining that he quenchings, waves to step, blooming flaming rays of light, has the multi-colored sunlight to be mobile, is similar to the colored glaze is ordinary. 不等第四波劫雷完全结束,凌云的大成宝体已经被他淬炼的流光溢彩,挥手投足之间,绽放炽盛光芒,更有霞光流动,如同琉璃一般。 Also several minutes later, fourth wave of Tribulation Thunder had eventually finished, Ling Yun not only sends without the wound finally, instead goes a step further, flesh body and forehead Sea of Consciousness has been strengthened again, the defensive power increases doubled and re-doubled! 又过了几分钟,第四波劫雷终于结束了,凌云最终不但毫发无伤,反而更进一步,肉身和眉心识海再次得到强化,防御力成倍增加! Was too formidable!” “太强大了!” In waited to pass fourth wave of Tribulation Thunder, Ling Yun has kept regarding, feels oneself, this moment Spiritual Consciousness like the sea, the barrier was very tenacious, flesh body was incomparably tyrannical, each cell was containing the explosive strength, perfect incomparable! 等度过了第四波劫雷,凌云不停内视,感受自身,他此刻神识如海,壁垒无比坚韧,肉身更是无比强横,每一个细胞都蕴含着爆炸性的力量,完美无比! Ling Yun did not boast, he knows in heart. 凌云绝非自夸,他心里有数。 Now, do not say Long Tianfang, again adds on the Kunlun two immortal masters, Ling Yun one dozen three, does not need to use any Magic Treasure and card in a hand, unarmed can the crush they! 现在,不要说龙天放了,就是再加上昆仑两大仙师,凌云一打三,都不需要使用任何法宝和底牌,赤手空拳就能碾压他们! This crosses the advantage of tribulation, is really endless of number, present Ling Yun, the true strength could not compare with others, said his own, even if to being swindled beginning Cultivation Big World Qi Practicing 8-layer peak own, can the complete crush! 这就是渡劫的好处,实在是数之不尽,现在的凌云,真正实力已经不能拿别人来比较了,就说他自己,就算对上当初修真大世界练气八层巅峰的自己,也能完全碾压! Really also has fifth wave of Tribulation Thunder?” “果然还有第五波劫雷吗?” Ling Yun raised the head, is looking at sky over top of the head black Tribulation Clouds, is with smile on the face to say. 凌云抬头,望着头顶上空的黑色劫云,面带微笑说道。 After having released four waves of Tribulation Thunder, at this moment, that black Tribulation Clouds area, did not arrive at original 1/10, only remaining diameter hundred meters one groups, hang in the Ling Yun top of the head, does not diverge, but also is fermenting new Tribulation Thunder. 释放了四波劫雷之后,此刻,那黑色劫云的面积,已经不到原来的1,只剩下直径百米的一团,悬在凌云头顶,并不散去,还在酝酿新的劫雷 Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, true five elements Tribulation Thunder.” 金木水火土,真正的五行劫雷。” Ling Yun is not him to think, knows the percentage hundred are so. 凌云根本不做他想,知道百分百就是如此。 But he now, has practiced Five Elements Slaughter God Technique, has the Yin-Yang Five Elements Fire guard, regarding following five elements Tribulation Thunder, not only does not fear, instead some anticipations. 但他如今,已经把五行屠神术练成,更是有阴阳五行火护身,对于接下来的五行劫雷,非但不惧,反而有些期待。 However, anticipates to return to the anticipation, this preparatory work of doing, Ling Yun is actually meticulous, conscientiously makes the foot. 不过,期待归期待,该做的准备工作,凌云却是一丝不苟,认真做足。 He stands up, first from Universe Ring, took set of brand-new Battle Magic Clothes to come out, put on rapidly on the body, has put then out seven levels of Diamond Talisman and Defense Talisman, used for own. 他站起身来,首先从太虚戒指当中,拿了一套崭新的战斗法衣出来,迅速穿在了身上,然后又拿出了七级的金刚符防御符,也对自己使用了。 Now, seven levels of Defense Talisman lu, regarding Ling Yun's tyrannical flesh body, the function were not big, but the mosquito leg again slightly is also the meat, should with probably use. 现在,七级防御符箓,对于凌云的强横肉身来说,作用已经不大,但蚊子腿再小也是肉,该用还是得用。 Because Ling Yun knows, true five elements Tribulation Thunder, absolutely is the big terrifying, that at all is not five combinations of Tribulation Thunder, Tribulation Thunder that but is transformed by the five elements Tribulation Thunder energy! 因为凌云知道,真正的五行劫雷,绝对是大恐怖,那根本不是五种劫雷的组合,而是由五行劫雷能量幻化成的一道劫雷 Original four color Tribulation Thunder, are four different Tribulation Thunder simultaneously hits on Ling Yun's, then four Tribulation Thunder energies layer upon layer superimpose the display function again, but five elements Tribulation Thunder is not, is opposite! 原来的四色劫雷,是四种不同的劫雷同时打在凌云的身上,然后四种劫雷能量再层层叠加发挥作用,可五行劫雷不是,恰好相反! Is five Tribulation Thunder energies layer upon layer superimposes first, after changing into true five elements Tribulation Thunder, then chops to fall, momentary action to Ling Yun's flesh body. 是五种劫雷能量先层层叠加,化为真正的五行劫雷之后,再劈落下来,瞬间作用到凌云的肉身 The five elements Tribulation Thunder striking power, must in four color Tribulation Thunder over five times, shoulder to cross the tribulation to be successful, cannot shoulder to disappear then the body dying say/way! 五行劫雷的攻击力,要在四色劫雷的五倍以上,扛得住就渡劫成功,扛不住就身死道消! Facing such terrifying five elements Tribulation Thunder, Ling Yun naturally must carefully treat. 面对这么恐怖的五行劫雷,凌云自然要谨慎对待。 Bang rumble...... 轰隆隆隆…… Unexpectedly, cloud scroll! 蓦地,云卷! Black Tribulation Clouds in sky starts to contract violently, suddenly unifies diameter ten meters black cloud ball, seems like same in thunder pond that Dantian opens with Ling Yun, seems black hole! 天空中的黑色劫云开始猛烈收缩,眨眼凝聚成直径十米的一个黑色云球,看起来就跟凌云丹田开辟出来的雷池一样,仿佛就是一个黑洞! Among black cloud ball, azure yellowish red yellow blue, five color Tribulation Thunder energies sparkle one after another, was interweaving violently the fusion, the Heavenly Law pressure compared with formerly increased dozens times suddenly! 黑色云球当中,青金红黄蓝,五种颜色的劫雷能量轮番闪耀,在猛烈交织融合,天道威压猛然比先前增大了几十倍! Bang! 轰! Ling Yun does not show weakness, he knows this is 49 Small Heavenly Tribulations finally strikes, displayed the own genuine card in a hand! 凌云也毫不示弱,他知道这是四九小天劫的最后一击,也施展出了自己的真正底牌! The limit burns 4800 drops of Soul Yuan, then Ling Yun displays to congeal the Yuan Secret Art, the golden immortal spiritual energy compression within the body condenses, condenses one drop of golden immortal Yuan instantaneously! 极限燃烧4800滴神元,然后凌云施展凝元诀,将体内的金色仙灵气压缩凝聚,瞬间凝聚出一滴金色仙元! Bang! 轰! Ling Yun this drop of golden immortal Yuan combustion, then has opened immediately Chaos Qi Shield, glittering, the immortal strength rushes! 凌云立刻将这滴金色仙元燃烧,然后撑开了混元一气盾,金光闪闪,仙力澎湃! crack! 咔嚓 Only listens to loud noise, that black cloud ball changes to diameter three meters thick five colors thunder pillar suddenly, chops to fall in the sky! 只听一声巨响,那黑色云球猛然化作一个直径三米粗的五彩雷柱,劈落当空! Exceedingly high penetrating place! 通天彻地! Bang! 轰! Ling Yun was divided by five elements Tribulation Thunder instantaneously, that five colors thunder pillar blasts out on Ling Yun suddenly, changed has made the innumerable colored electricity snakes, was similar to the fireworks blooms! 凌云瞬间被五行劫雷劈中,那个五彩雷柱在凌云身上猛然炸开,变作了无数的彩色电蛇,如同烟花般绽放! His Chaos Qi Shield, was chopped into pieces by five elements Tribulation Thunder directly, Battle Magic Clothes that then just put on, is reduced to ashes once more, vanishes baseless! 他的混元一气盾,直接被五行劫雷劈碎,然后刚穿上的战斗法衣,再次化为灰烬,凭空消失! The Ling Yun's body, from airborne was pounded into the sea by five elements Tribulation Thunder, sank 500 meters seabed, the sea bed of East China Sea seabed is also penetrated large hole, Ling Yun fell! 凌云的身体,被五行劫雷从空中砸入了海中,直沉500米海底,东海海底的海床也被击穿了一个大洞,凌云掉了进去! In the sky, black Tribulation Clouds vanishes thoroughly, the Heavenly Law pressure did not have, after the five colors thunder light flash crosses together, in world all as usual, in sea uneventful, as if here anything had not occurred a moment ago. 天空中,黑色劫云彻底消失,天道威压也没有了,一道五彩雷光闪过之后,天地间一切如常,大海上风平浪静,仿佛刚才这里什么都没有发生。 At this time approaches 5 : 00 am, in sea weather twilight, Eastern horizon already flood fish-belly white, has the rosy-colored clouds at dawn to show the sea level faintly. 此时已经是接近早晨五点,大海上天色微明,东方的天际已经泛起了鱼肚白,隐隐有朝霞透出海面。 Ling Yun!” 凌云!” The Ye Xingchen eye contains the tears, her hand grasps Avoiding Water Bead, at the maximum speed across the sky comes, the air fulmination, arrives at the sky that Ling Yun fell in the water instantaneously! 夜星辰眼含泪花,她手握避水珠,以最快的速度横空而来,身后空气爆鸣,瞬间就来到了凌云落水的上空! All around the Ye Xingchen glance, determined that here is the position that Ling Yun falls in the water, she has flown without hesitation into the middle of the sea water! 夜星辰扫视四周,确定这里就是凌云落水的位置,她毫不犹豫就飞入了海水当中! At the same time, this piece of sea area northwest, 30000 meters away, presented five person's shadows by far unexpectedly, their everybody are releasing the formidable aura, the governing spatial flight comes, all broke through two times of speeds of sound! 同一时刻,这片海域西北方向,远远地,30000米之外,蓦地出现了五道人影,他们人人释放着强大的气息,御空飞行而来,全部都突破了两倍音速! After Ye Xingchen entering the sea, directly evading the hydrospace arrives in a big way, she in the wink of an eye arrived at the seabed, after seeing that diameter three meters seabed deep cave, then to bind! 夜星辰入海之后,直接把避水空间开到最大,她瞬息之间就来到了海底,看到那个直径三米的海底深洞之后,一头就扎了进去! „! The beautiful women, your this was also too initiative, this is anxiously, is the plan accompanies me to take a bath together?” “呀!美女,你这也太主动了,这是急着下来,是打算陪我一起洗澡吗?” Bottom of sea bed deep cave, has not put on the fellow of clothes, body shining, is sitting cross-legged to sit, towards Ye Xingchen blinks, grinning, the mouth said flower. 海床深洞底部,一个没穿衣服的家伙,身体流光溢彩,正盘膝而坐,对着夜星辰眨眼,笑嘻嘻,口花花说道。 Has no shame simply! 简直是没羞没臊! This shameless fellow naturally was Ling Yun, his sent without the wound, crossed the tribulation to be successful! 这无耻家伙自然是凌云了,他毫发无伤,渡劫成功! ...... …… All night fourth delivers. 1535 and 1536 these two chapters, what makes up is 8 th and 9 th guaranteeing a minimum. 通宵第四更送上。1535和1536这两章,补的是8号和9号的保底。 The old step lives up to one's words, owes to make up completely, em, has probably also made up one chapter? 老步说到做到,欠更全部补完啦,恩,好像还多补了一章? Thanks everybody's recommendation ticket and monthly ticket! 谢谢大家的推荐票和月票!
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