DEMG :: Volume #16

#1528: Weakest time......( Asked monthly ticket)

Spat!” “啐!” Saw the Ling Yun's appearance suddenly, the Ye Xingchen elegant face blood red, turned head to spit one directly lightly, then again could not speak. 猛然看到了凌云的样子,夜星辰俏脸血红,直接扭头轻啐了一口,便再也说不出话来。 The looking disdainfully world, graceful bearing peerless succuba Ye Xingchen, this moment heart such as if has been hit, felt ashamed! 睥睨天下,风姿绝世的魔女夜星辰,此刻心如鹿撞,太羞人了! At that time, she has seen with one's own eyes Heavenly Tribulation finally struck, knew in the heart that said the Tribulation Thunder might was extremely really terrifying, considers only to be worried about the Ling Yun's life and death, where could also attend to other matters? 当时,她亲眼看到了天劫的最后一击,心知那道劫雷的威力实在太过恐怖,只顾担心凌云的生死,哪里还顾得上其他事情? She to/clashes was really too quick, was rumbled the entering the sea bottom from Ling Yun, most, only then ten breath, moreover she had Avoiding Water Bead, can the entering the sea bottom, hide radically without enough time hides, Ling Yun covered, in has evaded in the hydrospace. 她冲下来的实在是太快了,距离凌云被轰入海底,最多只有十个呼吸而已,而且她拥有避水珠,更是可以直入海底,根本躲都来不及躲,就把凌云笼罩在了避水空间之内。 Even, because last Tribulation Thunder in the deep cave that on the sea bed rumbles, the diameter only then three meters, the space was extremely narrow and small, Ye Xingchen is inadequate to hit on Ling Yun's. 甚至,由于最后一道劫雷在海床上轰出的这个深洞,直径只有三米,空间太过狭小了,夜星辰还差点儿一头撞到凌云的身上。 Comes across this accident suddenly, even if Ye Xingchen is the unparalleled succuba, she cannot stand up to frighten, that type shamed bashfully does not need to raise, that words that let alone Ling Yun spoke, such, that expression, that tone, was makes her shy. 骤然遇到这种变故,就算夜星辰是盖世魔女,她也禁不起惊吓,那种羞臊就不用提了,更何况凌云说的那番话,那样子,那表情,那语气,更是让她羞涩难当。 Has saying that at present the scene is a marvelous sight. 不得不说,眼前景象是一番奇景。 No matter what no one can think, above limitless boundless East China Sea, in the middle of sea level next 500 meters seabeds , more than 200 meters deep deep cave, but bottom of jet black narrow and small deep cave, in the middle of the blue Yingying evading hydrospace, two people, a man and a woman, sit cross-legged to sit, turns head to stand shyly. 任谁也想不到,无边无际的茫茫东海之上,海面下500米的海底当中,又有一个200多米深的深洞,而漆黑狭小的深洞底部,蓝盈盈的避水空间当中,有两个人,一男一女,一个盘膝而坐,一个羞涩扭头站立。 But the deep cave above 50 meters places, by the sea water that the Avoiding Water Bead evading hydrospace covers, again upward, is an almost 700 meters deep sea water, here package an extremely lonesome and quiet space, blue Yingying, has been showing the endless mysterious feeling. 深洞上方50米处,是被避水珠的避水空间遮挡住的海水,再往上,就是差不多700米深的海水,把这里包裹成了一个极其幽静的空间,蓝盈盈,彰显着无尽神秘之感。 Then called true single male and female! 这才叫真正的孤男寡女 Haha, Stars/Xingchen, will you also be shy?” “哈哈,星辰,原来你也会害羞啊?” Ling Yun raised the head, is staring at charming infinite Ye Xingchen, the appreciation, his eye winks heartily does not wink, said grinningly: I also think you will not always be shy.” 凌云抬头,盯着娇羞无限的夜星辰,尽情欣赏,他眼睛眨都不眨,笑嘻嘻说道:“我还以为你从来都不会害羞的呢。” Ling Yun knows certainly that Ye Xingchen is worried his life and death, such will worry, but he crossed the tribulation to succeed now, own strength compared with before crossing tribulation rose suddenly at least three times, was too formidable, fearless any has arisen suddenly situation, therefore had the free time to be here colored with the Ye Xingchen mouth. 凌云当然知道夜星辰是担忧他的生死,才会这么着急冲下来,但他现在已经渡劫成功了,自身实力比渡劫之前暴涨了至少三倍,太强大了,已经无惧任何突发情况,因此才有工夫在这里跟夜星辰口花花。 yeah, right! did you also want shameless? Hasn't hurried to wear the clothes?!” 切!你还要不要脸了?还不赶紧穿上衣服?!” Ye Xingchen turns head, at this time even/including Fen the neck had blushed, knows that Ling Yun sits has not moved, immediately stamps the feet to scold. 夜星辰扭着头,这时候连粉颈都羞红了,知道凌云坐着没动,顿时跺脚骂道。 Wears the clothes? I think actually, but this crosses the tribulation, including has been abandoning my two sets of Battle Magic Clothes, I currently where also has the clothes to put on?” “穿上衣服?我倒是想啊,可这场渡劫,连着废了我两套战斗法衣,我现在哪里还有衣服穿啊?” Ling Yun there serious talking nonsense, he said first own did not have the clothes to put on, then followed closely also dejected sighs: Said again, I by that was said a moment ago finally Tribulation Thunder bang ruthless of too, now within the body electric current scurries about, the whole body tingles with numbness, cannot move, even if there is clothes unable to put on.” 凌云在那里一本正经的胡说八道,他先说自己没有衣服穿了,然后紧接又颓然叹息:“再说了,我刚才被最后那道劫雷轰的太狠,现在体内电流乱窜,浑身发麻,根本动弹不得,就算有衣服也穿不了。” This also lies certainly, because before that said finally Tribulation Thunder chops falls, the Ling Yun use concentrates the Yuan Secret Art to be concise the golden immortal Yuan, released the immortal elementary force to open Chaos Qi Shield, finally that said five elements Tribulation Thunder, although chopped into pieces his Chaos Qi Shield, after may chop into pieces, actually also has become the spent force, but in dividing the flash of Ling Yun body, his Battle Magic Clothes rumbling the ashes, has actually not been able to injure to other party to become Renhe. 这当然也是撒谎,因为在最后那道劫雷劈落之前,凌云使用凝元诀凝练出金色仙元,释放仙元力撑开了混元一气盾,最后那道五行劫雷虽然将他的混元一气盾劈碎,可劈碎之后,却也成了强弩之末了,只是在劈中凌云身体的一瞬间,把他的战斗法衣给轰成了灰烬,却不能对他造成任何伤害了。 This 49 Small Heavenly Tribulations, Ling Yun really gained were too many, can say, with the aid of this true crossing tribulation, Ling Yun in these two -and-a-half hour of harvests, before already surpassed him all. 这场四九小天劫,凌云实在是赚了太多,可以说,借助这一场真正的渡劫,凌云在这两个半小时的收获,已经超过他以前的所有。 Ling Yun only loss, but is two laborious refinements Battle Magic Clothes. 凌云唯一的损失,不过是两件辛苦炼制的战斗法衣罢了。 Initially, Ye Xingchen has given the Ling Yun three sets of best quality black gold demon silk clothing, was refined Battle Magic Clothes by Ling Yun, he lost two sets now, but also remaining set of, at this moment in Ling Yun's Universe Ring. 当初,夜星辰送给了凌云三套极品乌金魔蚕衣,都被凌云炼制成了战斗法衣,他现在损失了两套,还剩下一套呢,此刻就在凌云的太虚戒指里面。 That...... Your own rests here, I...... Above goes to you!” “那……那你自己在这里歇会儿,我……去上边等你!” Ye Xingchen really cannot bear this embarrassing situation, after clenching teeth to throw down a few words, wants the moving quickly to run out of the sea level. 夜星辰实在受不了这种尴尬局面,咬牙丢下一句话之后,就要飞身冲出海面。 Do not exit, above had the enemy to come.” “不要出去,上边有敌人来了。” Ling Yun opens the mouth to remind immediately, has prevented Ye Xingchen, his present Spiritual Consciousness range has exceeded a eight thousand meter distance, moreover concise that extremely Ling Yun's Spiritual Consciousness was tempered by Tribulation Thunder, even if in the middle of sea water, can survey body surrounding one kilometer distance with ease situation, here distance sea level is about 700 meters, Ling Yun naturally can in situation to sea level know from A to Z. 凌云立即开口提醒,阻止了夜星辰,他现在的神识范围已经超过了八千米的距离,而且凌云的神识已经被劫雷锤炼的万分凝练,哪怕是在海水当中,也能轻松探测身体周围一千米距离的情况,这里距离海面不过700米,凌云自然能够对海面上的情况了如指掌。 In a moment ago, time of two people this short several dialogues, sky over their top of the head sea level, suddenly presented five people, after these five person Ling Yun last Tribulation Thunder chops, from the northwest direction 30000 meters away, that five person's shadows that presents. 就在刚才,两人这短短几句对话的时间,他们头顶海面上空,猛然出现了五个人,这五个人正是凌云被最后一道劫雷劈中之后,从西北方向30000米外,出现的那五道人影。 These five person aura are formidable, the flying speed has exceeded two times of speeds of sound, 30,000 meters distance, actually is also 30 kilometers, they after appearing, only used for a half minute to rush. 这五个人气息强大,飞行速度都超过了两倍音速,30000米距离,其实也就是30公里而已,他们从出现之后,只用了半分多钟就赶到了。 At this moment they are stagnating sky over the sea level, is the complexion dignified silent does not speak, has put the limit Spiritual Consciousness, wants to see through below entire sea area situation. 此刻他们正停滞在海面上空,都是脸色凝重默然不语,把神识放到了极限,想要看穿下方整个海域的情况 Had the enemy to come?” “有敌人来了?” Although Ye Xingchen now has reached the Qi Practicing 4-layer peak, but she has not crossed the tribulation after all, Spiritual Consciousness was unable to survey sea level situation, but she does not believe words that Ling Yun spoke, is very the doubt, cannot bear turn head, observes the Ling Yun's look. 夜星辰现在虽然达到了练气四层巅峰,可她毕竟没有渡劫,神识还不能探测到海面情况,但她并不太相信凌云说的话,很是狐疑,忍不住扭过头,去观察凌云的眼神。 Shameless fellow, aren't you are deceiving me intentionally?” “无耻家伙,你不是在故意骗我吧?” Ye Xingchen decided secretly, if Ling Yun this fellow dares to deceive her, she is spelling shy, must trample this shameless fellow two feet ruthlessly, otherwise is impossible to vent spleen. 夜星辰暗暗打定了主意,如果凌云这家伙敢骗她,她就算拼着害羞,也要狠狠踹这个无耻家伙两脚,否则不可能解气。 Does not deceive you, above came five people, their aura is very formidable, should also take on the strong several points compared with Qi Practicing 6-layer peak Long Tianfang......” “真不骗你,上边来了五个人,他们气息都很强大,应该比练气六层巅峰的龙天放还要强上几分……” According to their aura, these five people should have three is the Long Family person, as for another two, I thinks should be Dragon Tiger Mountain......” “根据他们身上的气息,这五个人应该有三个是龙家人,至于另外两个,我想应该是龙虎山的吧……” Ling Yun spoke with confidence, this matter he was not certainly worthwhile lies, told the facts to Ye Xingchen. 凌云侃侃而谈,这种事他当然犯不着撒谎,对夜星辰实话实说。 Long Family and Dragon Tiger Mountain, that...... That what to do?” 龙家龙虎山,那……那怎么办?” Ye Xingchen looks at the earnestness that Ling Yun said that could not attend to being shy, she started to be anxious, five enemies, three Long Family, two Dragon Tiger Mountain, each also wanted the formidable words compared with Long Tianfang, did they also cope? 夜星辰凌云说的认真,也顾不得害羞了,她开始焦急起来,五个敌人,三个龙家的,两个龙虎山的,每一个都比龙天放还要强大的话,那他们还怎么对付? What to do can also? Cold food in sauce!” “还能怎么办?凉拌呗!” Ling Yun smiles brightly, beautiful mouth, languid, the whole face does not matter, said grinningly: If they were alarmed by Tribulation Thunder, has a look, that they are in luck \; But if they are look for my trouble, wants to take advantage, that was really has had bad luck......” 凌云灿烂一笑,红口白牙,懒洋洋,满脸无所谓,笑嘻嘻说道:“如果他们只是被劫雷惊动,过来看看的话,那就算他们走运\;可如果他们是来找我的麻烦,想要趁火打劫,那就真是太倒霉了……” Ye Xingchen hear of staring dumbfounded of! 夜星辰听的瞠目结舌! She shocks asks: Ling Yun, you, can you be victorious now they?!” 她震撼问道:“凌云,你,你现在能打得过他们?!” Ling Yun stares the eye: What words did this call?! Let alone I crossed the tribulation to succeed, before is crosses the tribulation, I can hit to explode them.” 凌云把眼睛一瞪:“这叫什么话?!别说我已经渡劫成功了,就是渡劫之前,我都能打爆他们。” But you just crossed the tribulation to be successful now, is the weakest time, quilt...... Also divided cannot move......” “可是你现在才刚刚渡劫成功,正是最虚弱的时候,又被……又被劈的不能动弹……” Quick then active......” “很快就能动啦……” Ling Yun is grinning: Weak, truly a little...... Therefore, if you are willing to come to help me now pinch the shoulder, rubs the leg, perhaps I can quickly restore also perhaps......” 凌云笑嘻嘻:“不过虚弱嘛,确实有点儿……所以,要是你现在肯过来帮我捏捏肩,揉揉腿,也许我能很快恢复也说不定……” Fart!” “放屁!” Ye Xingchen is intelligent, she looks at the Ling Yun indifferent appearance, knows that own was swindled a moment ago, cannot bear phoenix eyes stares, scolded ruthlessly. 夜星辰何等聪明,她一看凌云无所谓的样子,就知道自己刚才上当了,忍不住凤目一瞪,狠狠骂道。 She too understands Ling Yun now, if Ling Yun really runs into the powerful enemy who cannot fight, at this moment to sit how also well talks foolishly with her here, already drew Ye Xingchen to flee, alternatively, making Ye Xingchen draw him...... 她现在实在是太了解凌云了,如果凌云真是遇到斗不过的强敌,此刻怎么还会端坐在这里跟她瞎白话,早就拉着夜星辰远遁逃走了,或者是,让夜星辰拉着他…… Since the enemy came, you haven't hurried to wear the clothes to exit to fight?!” “既然敌人来了,你还不赶紧穿上衣服出去打架去?!” Ye Xingchen looks at Ling Yun to cross the tribulation, the entire process is extremely really difficult, is almost a narrow escape, she simply is soul-stirring, is being Ling Yun has been clutching the heart, now sees Ling Yun to be safe and sound, could not bear want to look at the heroic bearing of his crush powerful enemy. 夜星辰凌云渡劫,整个过程实在太过艰难,几乎是九死一生,她简直是惊心动魄,一直在为凌云揪着心,现在看到凌云安然无恙,又忍不住想要看他碾压强敌的英姿了。 Wears the clothes to worry?” “穿衣服着什么急啊?” The Ling Yun direct rebuttal, then he raised head, has straightened up the chest, said plausibly: „Isn't my like this graceful?” 凌云直接反驳,然后他一仰头,挺直了胸膛,振振有词说道:“难道我这样子不帅吗?” Said again, I crossed the tribulation a moment ago time, the body clothes already did not have to the bang by Tribulation Thunder, you have to see......” “再说了,我刚才渡劫的时候,身上衣服早就被劫雷给轰没了,你又不是没看到……” Straight stamping the feet of Ye Xingchen air/Qi, her elegant face is red, clenches teeth to argue: Nonsense, you cross the tribulation time was submerged by the thunder light completely, my anything has not seen......” 夜星辰气的直跺脚,她俏脸通红,咬牙辩解道:“胡扯,你渡劫的时候完全被雷光淹没,我什么都没看到……” Ling Yun showed the whites of the eyes: „, Altogether several waves of Tribulation Thunder, that each wave of did Tribulation Thunder finish later that time?” 凌云翻了个白眼儿:“切,一共有好几波劫雷,那每一波劫雷结束以后的那段时间呢?” Ye Xingchen: Distance is too far, Spiritual Consciousness cannot see!” 夜星辰:“距离太远,神识看不见!” Ling Yun: That eye?” 凌云:“那眼睛呢?” Ye Xingchen represses laughter: Was too ugly, great aunt is disinclined to look!” 夜星辰强忍着笑:“太丑了,姑奶奶才懒得看!” Ling Yun in the heart is self-satisfied, complexion incomparable solemn and respectful, said earnestly: Beautiful woman, Heavenly Tribulation just now passes, cultivates the behavior to want honestly......” 凌云心中得意,脸色却无比的肃穆,认真说道:“美女,天劫才刚过去,做人要诚实……” „Are you also with me endless?” “你还跟我没完没了了是不是?” Ye Xingchen sees Ling Yun using an alternative bullying she, immediately the fire is big, she has turned around unexpectedly directly, the towards Ling Yun beautiful pupil stares: Told you, on great aunt brought the gadget that a big pile can record, you must want to look really, I dare to record to you, then made your Yingying Yanyan have a look!” 夜星辰凌云变着法的“欺负”她,顿时火大,她竟直接转过身来,对着凌云美眸一瞪:“告诉你,姑奶奶身上可是带着一大堆可以录像的玩意儿,你要真想让人看,那我就敢给你录下来,然后让你身边那些莺莺燕燕都看看!” Absolute trump card! 绝对的杀手锏! I made a mistake!” “我错了!” Ling Yun hurries to hold up both hands surrender, he knows that Ye Xingchen could say can achieve, immediately set out, the thought moved takes the set of clothes to come out, put on rapidly on the body. 凌云赶紧举起双手投降,他知道夜星辰说得出就做得到,立即起身,意念一动就拿了一套衣服出来,迅速穿在了身上。 Tittered!” “噗嗤!” Ye Xingchen draws one game finally, she looks at the appearance that Ling Yun is thrown into confusion, could not bear laughs: Little guy, but also thinks really I couldn't govern you?!” 夜星辰总算扳回一局,她看着凌云手忙脚乱的样子,忍不住噗嗤笑了:“小样儿,还真以为我治不了你了?!” Sky over the sea level, after that five people this sea area carefully observed half-day/long time, they mutually look at each other one, then one of them shook the head, said: Finally that said Tribulation Thunder, divided deep cave the sea bed, that inside scene how, I could not survey.” 海面上空,那五个人将这片海域仔细观察了半天之后,他们互相对视一眼,然后其中一人摇了摇头,说道:“最后那道劫雷,将海床劈出了一个深洞,那里面的情景到底如何,我探测不到。” This human language sound has not fallen, wore the purple to extend the person of Grand Dao robe to open the mouth: Now looks like, crossed the person of tribulation a moment ago here, definitely is Ling Yun without doubt, does not know how dragon daoist friend did plan?” 人话音未落,又有一个身穿紫色宽大道袍之人开口了:“现在看来,刚才在这里渡劫之人,肯定是凌云无疑,不知龙道友如何打算?” Long Ruoyu looks immediately to wearing the person of purple Daoist robe, within his eyes reveals the killing intent: Thunder Daoist, that said Tribulation Thunder a moment ago finally, I want to be our two also all difficulties passed, therefore, even if Ling Yun is living at this moment, that also certainly is he weakest time!” 龙若愚立即看向身穿紫色道袍之人,他目中露出杀机:“雷霆真人,刚才最后那道劫雷,我想就算是咱们两个也万难度过,因此,就算凌云此刻还活着,那也一定是他最虚弱的时候!” ...... …… Thanks everybody's recommendation ticket and monthly ticket. 谢谢大家的推荐票和月票。
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