DEMG :: Volume #16

#1526: jade thou in to become( asked monthly ticket)

Rumbling rumbling...... 轰轰轰轰轰…… Above the boundless sea level, under black Tribulation Clouds, tricolor five elements Tribulation Thunder chop to fall continuously, depend on binding terrifying Heavenly Law pressure, ruthlessly bombardment on Ling Yun's! 无边海面之上,黑色劫云之下,一道道三色的五行劫雷接连不断劈落,挟裹着恐怖的天道威压,狠狠轰击在凌云的身上! Ling Yun times were divided into the deep sea by tricolor Tribulation Thunder, he time shoots up to the sky once again, although the body is withstanding the purgatory suffering, but his look is getting more and more firm, the vision is also getting more and more bright, his tight pursing the lips lip, proudly resistance this bright heavenly power! 凌云一次次被三色劫雷劈入深海之中,他又一次次冲天而起,身体虽然承受着炼狱般的煎熬,可他的眼神却越来越坚定,目光也越来越明亮,他紧抿嘴唇,傲然对抗这煌煌天威 But this tertiary wave Tribulation Thunder, persistent time was too long, has really exceeded the first two waves of Tribulation Thunder time sum total, this was consuming the Ling Yun's physical strength and Soul Yuan! 但这第三波劫雷,持续的时间实在是太长了,已经超过前两波劫雷时间总和,这是在消耗凌云的体力和神元 Crosses the tribulation, must shoulder the Tribulation Thunder bombardment, but a little also similarly is important, that must have enough physical strength and Soul Yuan! 渡劫,必须要扛得住劫雷轰击,但还有一点也同样重要,那就是还得有足够的体力和神元 Otherwise, you crossed the tribulation to cross larger part, Soul Yuan in forehead Sea of Consciousness did not have, means that cultivating true cultivator cannot use magic power, wasn't that also only remaining by the share of Tribulation Thunder bombardment? 否则的话,你渡劫渡了一大半儿了,眉心识海中的神元却没有了,也就意味着修真者不能使用法力了,那还不是只剩下被劫雷轰击的份儿? Let alone larger part, only has missed Tribulation Thunder not to have magic power together, is very likely to be divided instantaneously, the body dying say/way disappears! 别说一大半儿了,就是只差一道劫雷没有了法力,也极有可能被瞬间劈死,身死道消! The line hundred li (0.5 km) half 90, could not endure the last heavenly thunder, with has not shouldered the first heavenly thunder not any difference, because the fate is, death! 行百里者半90,熬不过最后一道天雷,跟没扛住第一道天雷没有任何区别,因为下场都是一样,死! But these time crosses the tribulation, what making Ling Yun gratified is, what although he faces is extremely terrifying five elements Thunder Tribulation, when these Tribulation Thunder also far ultra ordinary cultivating true cultivator cross the tribulation strongest Tribulation Thunder that withstands, but he will can unable to withstand! 但这一次渡劫,让凌云欣慰的是,虽然他面对的是极为恐怖的五行雷劫,那些劫雷也远超普通修真者渡劫时承受的最强劫雷,可他堪堪能够承受得住! This is certainly related with his present boundary strength, because he is crossing the tribulation by the Qi Practicing 5-layer middle-stage boundary, if broke through Qi Practicing 4-layer to cross the tribulation, only depended on his strength, definitely will unable to withstand. 这当然跟他现在的境界实力有关,因为他是以练气五层中期的境界在渡劫,如果只是突破了练气四层就渡劫,只凭他一人之力,肯定会承受不住。 Therefore Ling Yun rejoiced very much at this moment very much, rejoiced own returned to Clear Water City, chose right the place of breakthrough, depended upon Yin-Yang Formation eye Yin-Yang Energy, brokethrough Qi Practicing 5-layer middle-stage, otherwise, this time crossed the tribulation, difficult hundred times! 因此凌云很此刻很庆幸,庆幸自己回到了清水市,选对了突破之地,依靠阴阳阵眼阴阳二气,一举突破到了练气五层中期,否则的话,他这次渡劫,会艰难百倍! What Ling Yun rejoices, he has shouldered wave of Tribulation Thunder every time, flesh body and forehead Sea of Consciousness, in quenchings after Tribulation Thunder, can be strengthened, can shoulder exactly stays a bombardment of wave of Tribulation Thunder, although reluctantly, must bear the greatest pain, but can shoulder! 凌云更庆幸的是,他每扛过一波劫雷,肉身和眉心识海在经过劫雷淬炼之后,都能得到强化,恰好能够扛得住下一波劫雷的轰击,虽然十分勉强,要承受莫大痛苦,但到底还是能扛得住! Moreover, although Ling Yun Soul Yuan consumes greatly, but he one hour can be concise now 3600 drops of Soul Yuan, the Soul Yuan quantity that although consumes is much more than Soul Yuan quantity of condensation, may be able to be supplemented eventually, this also made him many many energy. 而且,凌云虽然神元消耗巨大,可他现在一个小时能够凝练出3600滴神元,虽然消耗的神元数量远远大于凝聚的神元数量,可终究是能够得到补充,这也让他多了不少底气。 Ling Yun across the sky, he in rapidly went far away to east, left this sea area, to let Ye Xingchen can come out, the security ran out of the sea level. 凌云横空,他在急速向东远去,离开了这片海域,为了让夜星辰能够出来,安全冲出海面。 Luckily own took the bull by the horns, opens thunder pond, otherwise, these many Tribulation Thunder energies, even if own physique again heaven-defying , can only absorb a small part, other these, can only waste in vain......” “幸亏自己当机立断,开辟出了雷池,否则的话,这么多的劫雷能量,就算自己体质逆天,也只能吸收一小部分,其他的那些,就只能白白浪费掉了……” Ling Yun was talking to oneself, at this moment, in his hand the movement non-stop , to continue brandishing a blade, the Melting Blood Divine Blade might can show finally, can cut various weapon that the broken Gold Attribute Tribulation Thunder energy transforms unexpectedly, all scatters them, by the Ling Yun continuous absorption. 凌云在自语,此刻,他手上动作不停,持续挥刀,化血神刀的威力终于得以展现,竟然能斩碎金属性劫雷能量幻化成的各种武器,把它们全部打散,被凌云源源不断的吸收。 Had these Gold Attribute Tribulation Thunder energies to enter the body, Ling Yun's Golden Dragon Spear was more formidable, particularly his back, the golden spinal column was really too tyrannical, the entire spinal column has poured into has filled the purest golden Tribulation Thunder energy, bloomed flaming golden rays of light, the world shone upon the shining piece that in! 有了这些金属性劫雷能量入体,凌云的金色龙枪更加强大,尤其是他的后背,金色脊柱实在是太强横了,整条脊柱已经灌注满了最为精纯的金色劫雷能量,绽放出炽盛的金色光芒,把天地间映照的金灿灿一片! At this moment, in Ling Yun's Dantian, the golden Dragon Form curve is swallowing up to drink like a fish simply, it most likes this golden Tribulation Thunder energy, is robbing simply! 此刻,凌云的丹田之中,金色龙形曲线简直是在鲸吞牛饮,它最喜欢这金色劫雷能量,简直是在抢夺! Now Ling Yun's Yin-Yang Five Elements Flame, five species, had the water, hot, wooden, the gold/metal four species flame expanded the equal degree completely, four volumes of color flame, have continued compared with original big five times! 现在凌云的阴阳五行火焰,五种属性,已经有水,火,木,金四种属性的火焰全部壮大到了相等程度,四种颜色火焰的体积,比原来大了五倍都不止! Only looks at the flame color, knows that they be purer than the original five elements flame, is more formidable! 只看火焰颜色,就知道它们要比原来的五行火焰更加精纯,也更加强大! These, are the advantage that crosses tribulation comes, can help Ling Yun cast unsurpassed Dao Foundation, naturally, the premise is he can cross the tribulation to be successful. 这一些,都是渡劫得来的好处,能够帮助凌云铸就无上道基,当然,前提是他能渡劫成功。 Tertiary wave Tribulation Thunder, chops to fall from first Tribulation Thunder, has continued fully for one hour, in Ling Yun brandishes Melting Blood Divine Blade, body movement quick numb time, last Tribulation Thunder falls, divided into him the sea, then tertiary wave Tribulation Thunder finished. 第三波劫雷,从第一道劫雷劈落,整整持续了一个小时,就在凌云挥舞化血神刀,身体动作都快麻木的时候,最后一道劫雷落下,把他劈入了海中,然后第三波劫雷结束了。 Gold Attribute Tribulation Thunder, was really too terrifying, nearly could not shoulder!” 金属性劫雷,实在是太恐怖了,差点儿就扛不住!” Ling Yun shoots up to the sky from, he is breathing fiercely, looks fierce, is tired, another hurts certainly. 凌云从海里冲天而起,他在剧烈呼吸,龇牙咧嘴,一个是累的,另一个当然是疼的。 Tertiary wave Tribulation Thunder, Ling Yun is bathed in blood, bruised and lacerated that he was transformed weapon that chops to chop by these golden Tribulation Thunder energies, from top to bottom, besides the back spinal column, almost did not have the whole place again. 第三波劫雷,凌云浴血,他被那些金色劫雷能量幻化出的武器劈砍的皮开肉绽,浑身上下,除了后背脊柱之外,几乎再没有囫囵的地方了。 And, Ling Yun's arm, thigh, even chest, has passes through the wound much, that by sword and spear/gun piercing. 其中,凌云的手臂,大腿,甚至前胸,都有不少贯穿伤,那都是被剑和枪给刺穿的。 This is because after each Tribulation Thunder descends, the azure color wooden thunder first imprisons his body, at that moment Ling Yun is unable the brandishing a blade defense, naturally to be cut the wound by golden Tribulation Thunder. 这是因为每一道劫雷降落之后,青色的木雷首先禁锢住他的身体,那一刻凌云根本无法挥刀防御,自然会被金色劫雷斩伤。 Ling Yun protected certainly the body critical part with own magic power, advanced along with time, after Ling Yun adapted to tricolor Tribulation Thunder gradually, he was calmer, late-stage besides by day fire burning down, had almost not been received many injuries. 凌云当然用自身法力护住了身体要害部位,随着时间推进,凌云渐渐适应了三色劫雷之后,他才从容了许多,后期除了被天火焚烧之外,几乎就没受到多少伤害了。 At this time, Ye Xingchen already ran out of sea level, she arrived airborne, stood, in black Tribulation Clouds covered beyond the space, stared from afar, in the beautiful pupil contained the endless worry, because she has not seen Ling Yun by such heavy wound! 这时候,夜星辰早已冲出了海面,她来到了空中,站在黑色劫云笼罩空间之外,远远凝望,美眸中包含无尽的担心,因为她从来没见过凌云受这么重的伤! Too terrifying, Ling Yun breaks through the later strength to be formidable, Ye Xingchen in the heart has certain estimate, is how fierce Tribulation Thunder, can make Ling Yun injure this?! 太恐怖了,凌云突破之后实力有多么强大,夜星辰心中有一定的估量,得是多么厉害的劫雷,才能让凌云伤成这样?! Stars/Xingchen felt relieved, I am all right.” 星辰放心,我没事。” Ling Yun looks fierce, is seizing the opportunity therapy, his present Spiritual Consciousness has seven kilometers distance fully, naturally can see the worry of Ye Xingchen, does not forget to send greetings, comforts opposite party one. 凌云龇牙咧嘴,在抓紧时机疗伤,他现在神识足有七千米距离,自然能够看到夜星辰的担心,不忘传音,安慰对方一句。 Uses dozens seven levels of Pure Healing Talisman, after the whole body wound cures, the Ling Yun no longer ache, this starts to get ready to greet fourth wave of Tribulation Thunder. 使用几十张七级清愈符,将全身伤口治愈之后,凌云不再疼痛,这才开始准备迎接第四波劫雷 49 Small Heavenly Tribulations, under normal situation, only then four waves of heavenly thunders, but Ling Yun own knows from the family affairs, his Heavenly Tribulation never normal, this five elements Thunder Tribulation, he estimated that should be five waves. 四九小天劫,正常情况下只有四波天雷,但凌云自己知道自家事,他的天劫就从来没有正常的,这一次五行雷劫,他估计应该是五波。 Because was too orderly, tertiary wave Tribulation Thunder is three species, then fourth wave of Tribulation Thunder definitely is four five elements attribute combination same places, if not come Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth to be uneven finally, that really fantasy. 因为太有规律了,第三波劫雷是三种属性,那么第四波劫雷肯定是四种五行属性组合一起,要是最后不来个金木水火土齐出,那才真是活见鬼。 Gold/Metal, fire, wooden......” “金,火,木……” The Ling Yun secret guess, wants to judge fourth wave of Tribulation Thunder is adds on Earth Attribute or Water Attribute, but this purely is not studious, because Heavenly Tribulation may not estimate. 凌云暗暗猜测,想要判断第四波劫雷是加上土属性还是水属性,但这纯粹是无用功,因为天劫根本不可揣摩。 This fourth wave of Tribulation Thunder, it is estimated that own cannot shoulder, must double carefully!” “这第四波劫雷,估计自己扛不住,得加倍小心!” Ling Yun catches the eye, was feeling more and more terrifying Heavenly Law pressure, his in the heart is imposing, was reminding own. 凌云抬眼,感觉着越来越恐怖的天道威压,他心中凛然,在提醒自己 Buzz! 嗡! The next quarter, Ling Yun offers a sacrifice to Shennong Cauldron, with the tyrannical Spiritual Thought stimulation of movement, the cauldron mouth was upward, hangs above the own top of the head. 下一刻,凌云神农鼎祭出,用强横神念催动,鼎口向上,悬在了自己的头顶上方。 Shennong Cauldron below youngster, the look is limpid and firm and resolute, he is raising Melting Blood Divine Blade, the body blooming flaming golden light, Golden Dragon Spear regarding his extreme twist, has prepared completely safe! 神农鼎下方的少年,眼神清澈而又坚毅,他提着化血神刀,身上绽放炽盛金光,金色龙枪围绕着他急速旋转,做好了万全的准备! To Shennong Cauldron, Ling Yun has hundred times of confidence! Moreover, in Ling Yun forehead Sea of Consciousness, still more than 70,000 drops of Soul Yuan, enough he consumed the use. 神农鼎,凌云有着百倍的信心!而且,凌云眉心识海之中,仍有70000多滴神元,足够他消耗使用。 Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… Thunderclap loud noise, spreads from above black Tribulation Clouds, fourth wave of Tribulation Thunder must start! 雷声巨响,从上空黑色劫云中传出,第四波劫雷要开始了! At the same time, seems ordinary in response black Tribulation Clouds, the tranquil sea sea level, had curled up the strong winds suddenly, the sea instantaneous mighty waves are turbulent, to dozens meters high monstrous waves! 同一时刻,似乎是在响应黑色劫云一般,原本平静的大海海面,突然卷起了狂风,大海瞬间波涛汹涌,冲起了几十米高的巨浪! crack! 咔嚓 First Tribulation Thunder falls, is really four color Tribulation Thunder, the golden color, the scarlet red, azure color, has the blue color unexpectedly! 第一道劫雷落下,果然是四色劫雷,金色,赤红色,青色,竟还有蓝色! Gold/Metal wooden water and fire!” “金木水火!” The Ling Yun pupil shrinks suddenly, his direct brandishing a blade! 凌云瞳孔骤缩,他直接挥刀 Buzz! 嗡! Shennong Cauldron expresses buzz the cry, helping Ling Yun block first Tribulation Thunder, but has also blocked 70% thunder light, because thunder pillar was only the representation, the one who truly played the role was the Tribulation Thunder energy, direct role in the Ling Yun body. 神农鼎发出嗡鸣,帮助凌云挡住了第一道劫雷,但也只是挡住了七成的雷光而已,因为雷柱只是表象,真正发挥作用的是劫雷能量,会直接作用于凌云身体。 Naturally, incessantly is Shennong Cauldron, after Ling Yun's Gods and Ghosts Willow Tree offers a sacrifice, has not taken back, Gods and Ghosts Willow Tree is also helping him absorb the azure color Wood Attribute Tribulation Thunder energy. 当然,不止是神农鼎,凌云的鬼神柳祭出之后,并没有收回,鬼神柳也在帮他吸收青色木属性劫雷能量。 Had these two big boosts, the Ling Yun natural pressure reduced slightly, his calm brandishing a blade, continued to use the tertiary wave Thunder Tribulation time the means that cut the broken Gold Attribute Tribulation Thunder energy, simultaneously resisted around the body the Water Attribute Tribulation Thunder energy! 有了这两大助力,凌云自然压力稍减,他从容挥刀,继续使用第三波雷劫时候的办法,斩碎金属性劫雷能量,同时对抗身体周围水属性劫雷能量! Four color Tribulation Thunder were too terrifying, the change are too many, agrees without consultation the Heavenly Law rule, Ling Yun, although places the upper air, but below sea, has a surrounding area kilometer water spray to shoot up to the sky, is separated from the sea level unexpectedly directly, wrapped Ling Yun in! 四色劫雷太恐怖了,变化太多,暗合天道规则,凌云虽然身处高空,可下面海洋中,却有方圆千米的水浪冲天而起,竟直接脱离海面,把凌云包裹在了其中! Bang! 轰! Second Tribulation Thunder descends! 紧接着,第二道劫雷降落! Clarity that in spite of being very busy, Ling Yun looks, his in the heart is imposing, shocks very much, because of this time, is four color Tribulation Thunder, the color of but combining actually changed! 百忙之中,凌云看的真切,他心中凛然,很震撼,因为这一次,还是四色劫雷,但组合的颜色却是变了! Has been short of the blue color, were many yellow! 少了蓝色,多了黄色 Earth Attribute Tribulation Thunder, came finally! 土属性劫雷,终于来了! Gold/Metal fire wooden earth!” “金火木土!” crack! 咔嚓 Four color Tribulation Thunder divided Ling Yun once more, he who hit horizontally flew in layer upon layer the waterwall, Ling Yun spat blood! 四色劫雷再次劈中了凌云,打的他在层层水墙之中横飞,凌云吐血! In the middle of the blue sea water, presented the hard loess unexpectedly, this is the Earth Attribute Tribulation Thunder energy transforms, bound Ling Yun unexpectedly directly, imprisoned him thoroughly, could not move again! 紧接着,蓝色的海水当中,蓦地出现了坚硬的黄土,这是土属性劫雷能量幻化,竟直接裹住了凌云,将他彻底禁锢,再也动弹不得! Ling Yun clenches teeth, he shocks very much, has not thought of fourth wave of Tribulation Thunder, although is four color Tribulation Thunder is not false, may no longer fixedly combine unexpectedly, but willfully four species Tribulation Thunder, each optional combination change! 凌云咬牙,他很震撼,没想到第四波劫雷虽然还是四色劫雷不假,可竟然不再是固定组合了,而是任意四种属性的劫雷,每一次随意组合变化! Five choose four, altogether five combination changes!” “五选四,一共有五种组合变化!” This is five elements Tribulation Thunder, the fourth wave is too terrifying! 这就是五行劫雷,第四波实在太恐怖! This makes certainly Ling Yun following crossing disaster rise dramatically! 这当然使得凌云接下来的渡劫难度飙升! But Ling Yun still clenches teeth to support painstakingly, he wants to be too many at this moment without enough time, direct limit combustion Soul Yuan, displays Underworld Earth Emperor Cultivation with vigorous magic power! 凌云依然咬牙苦撑,他此刻来不及想太多,直接极限燃烧神元,用雄浑法力施展黄泉土皇功 Opens to me!” “给我开!” Instantaneous, imprisons the Earth Attribute Tribulation Thunder energy of Ling Yun body to be broken by him, he wields Melting Blood Divine Blade, first chops into pieces the dual imprisonments of water and soil these two Tribulation Thunder energies, restores the ability to act, then brandishing a blade resists various energy weapon that golden Tribulation Thunder transforms. 瞬间,禁锢住凌云身体的土属性劫雷能量被他破开,他挥动化血神刀,先劈碎水土这两种劫雷能量的双重禁锢,恢复行动能力,然后才挥刀抵挡金色劫雷幻化的各种能量武器 Tribulation Thunder suffices the terrifying, naturally, Ling Yun is not a vegetarian, he simultaneously stimulates to movement Golden Dragon Spear with Spiritual Thought, is shuttling back and forth rapidly, non-stop chopping into pieces the imprisonment of water and soil energy! 劫雷够恐怖,当然,凌云也不是吃素的,他同时用神念催动金色龙枪,在急速穿梭,不停劈碎水土能量的禁锢! Come!” “来吧!” Although is very difficult, but after Ling Yun resists first two Tribulation Thunder, his confidence increases, starts to meet head-on four color Tribulation Thunder! 虽然无比艰难,可凌云抵挡住前两道劫雷之后,他信心大增,开始迎战四色劫雷 Hardships, jade thou in to become! 艰难困苦,玉汝于成! ...... …… Third delivers, thanks everybody's recommendation ticket and monthly ticket! 第三更送上,谢谢大家的推荐票和月票!
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