DEMG :: Volume #16

#1525: five elements Tribulation Thunder( asked monthly ticket)

Really! 果然! The Human Emperor's Writing Brush Item Spirit voice has not fallen, in Ling Yun Dantian, Earth Emperor's Book then released Yellow and Black immortal spiritual energy inexplicably, that said that Yellow and Black immortal spiritual energy wrapped that rough thunder pond that Ling Yun just opened unexpectedly directly, isolated thoroughly it and Ling Yun's Dantian. 人皇笔器灵话音未落,凌云丹田之中,地皇书就莫名释放出了一道玄黄仙灵气,那道玄黄仙灵气竟直接包裹住了凌云刚刚开辟出的那个粗糙雷池,把它和凌云的丹田彻底隔绝开来。 Then Ling Yun may thorough be steadfast, the heart said that five elements Tribulation Thunder comes casually, coming many to want many! 这下凌云可就彻底踏实了,心说五行劫雷随便来吧,来多少要多少! Rumbling rumbling! 轰轰轰轰轰! After several minutes, five one meter thick Water Attribute Tribulation Thunder lower one after another, hangs loose the long hair of Ling Yun bang, the whole body blue color electricity snake winding, turned into a blooming blue light electricity person thoroughly! 几分钟之后,接连五道一米多粗的水属性劫雷降下,把凌云轰的长发披散,周身蓝色电蛇缠绕,彻底变成了一个绽放蓝光的电人! Ling Yun is the facial color is excited, he seizes the opportunity, in absorbs these Tribulation Thunder energies crazily, saves them in thunder pond. 凌云则是面色兴奋,他抓紧时机,在疯狂吸收这些劫雷能量,把它们存储在雷池之中。 Unexpectedly, Tribulation Thunder no longer chops to fall, in world instantaneous silent. 蓦地,劫雷不再劈落,天地间瞬间寂静了下来。 Ling Yun knows, 49 Small Heavenly Tribulations, first wave of Tribulation Thunder had finished, his sends without the wound, obtains benefits radically inestimably! 凌云知道,四九小天劫,第一波劫雷已经结束了,他毫发无伤,获益根本不可估量! Has not waited for Ling Yun to absorb completely all around Water Attribute Tribulation Thunder energy, in sea level above black Tribulation Clouds resounds together the thunderclap suddenly, a huge azure color thunder and lightning, chops to fall the sea level suddenly! 只是,还不等凌云把四周的水属性劫雷能量全部吸收一空,海面上空黑色劫云中猛然响起一道炸雷,紧接着,一道巨大的青色雷电,骤然劈落海面! Bang! 轰! Ling Yun was divided directly, was rumbled by the azure color thunder and lightning unexpectedly again the entering the sea bottom, then his figure is thorough, is similar to the wood/blockhead sculpture is ordinary, motionless! 凌云直接被劈中,竟被青色雷电再次轰入海底,然后他身形彻底僵直,如同木头雕塑一般,一动不动! Wooden thunder! 木雷! Although Ling Yun the body cannot move temporarily, but actually does not hinder him to ponder the judgment, immediately knows, this azure color thunder and lightning is Wood Attribute Divine Thunder! 凌云虽然身体暂时不能动,但却不妨碍他思考判断,立即知道,这青色雷电乃是木属性神雷 Different from the sea mine, wooden thunder direct role flesh body, the Wood Attribute Thunder Tribulation energy aggressivity must go far beyond Water Attribute Tribulation Thunder, first transfers the tribulation body such as the woodcarving unable to move, this is the attack of most foundation! 跟水雷不同,木雷直接作用肉身,木属性雷劫能量攻击性要远远超过水属性劫雷,首先让渡劫者身如木雕动弹不得,这是最基础的攻击! After the wood is struck by lightning Ling Yun, Ling Yun cannot move, a scarier appearance, sees only on his body, grew innumerable azure color Kifuji unexpectedly! 木雷劈中凌云之后,凌云动弹不得,紧接着,更加骇人的一幕出现,只见他的身体上,竟然长出了无数青色木藤! These azure color Kifuji, wreak havoc in Ling Yun within the body first, then drills his body unexpectedly, his whole body winding solid, others look like, the Ling Yun body was wrapped by innumerable Kifuji, just likes a human form azure color big cocoon, the scene is scary! 这些青色木藤,先是在凌云体内肆虐,然后竟然钻出他的身体,把他全身缠绕的严严实实,别人看来,凌云身体被无数木藤包裹,恍如一个人形的青色大茧子,景象骇人无比! These azure color Kifuji, naturally are the Wood Attribute Tribulation Thunder energy transform, but actually just like the essence, actually compares genuine Kifuji to want tenacious hundred times, wreaks havoc in Ling Yun within the body and outside the body crazily, must destroy his flesh body! 这些青色木藤,自然都是木属性劫雷能量幻化而成,但却犹如实质,其实比真正的木藤要坚韧百倍,在凌云体内和体外疯狂肆虐,要破坏他的肉身 Although Ling Yun the body cannot move, but he also has Spiritual Consciousness, has magic power, his violent combustion Soul Yuan, releases magic power, first protects own forehead Sea of Consciousness, does not let the Wood Attribute Tribulation Thunder energy invasion! 凌云虽然身体动弹不得,可他却还拥有神识,拥有法力,他猛烈燃烧神元,释放法力,首先护住自己的眉心识海,不让木属性劫雷能量侵入! Then Ling Yun is unhurriedly, his Spiritual Thought stimulation of movement, first time offered a sacrifice to the family inheritance of own, Gods and Ghosts Willow Tree! 然后凌云不慌不忙,他神念催动,第一时间祭出了自己的家族传承,鬼神柳 Shua! 刷! Gods and Ghosts Willow Tree offered a sacrifice, suddenly enlargement, it no matter unexpectedly Ling Yun, but runs out of the sea level directly, in the Ling Yun top of the head place above, stands erect between black Tribulation Clouds and sea level, helping Ling Yun resist Tribulation Thunder! 鬼神柳被祭出,骤然放大,它竟不管凌云,而是直接冲出海面,就在凌云头顶正上方,屹立在黑色劫云和海面之间,帮助凌云抵挡劫雷 Ling Yun the body severe pain is actually hard to endure at this time, inside and outside his body, including the five main internal organs (entrails), was wreaking havoc by the Wood Attribute Tribulation Thunder energy attack, that ache is hard to imagine radically, so long as cannot shoulder, is only this together thunder and lightning, can make his body turn into a genuine wood/blockhead thoroughly, naturally also disappeared then the body dying say/way. 凌云此时身体其实剧痛难忍,他身体内外,包括五脏六腑,都在被木属性劫雷能量攻击肆虐,那种疼痛根本难以想象,只要扛不住,只是这一道雷电,就能让他的身体彻底变成一根真正的木头,自然也就身死道消了。 However, Ling Yun can shoulder, not only can shoulder, in cocoon that although he wraps in the azure vine, sore broke into sweat, actually to look fierce to smile! 但是,凌云扛得住,不但扛得住,他虽然在青藤包裹的茧子之中,疼的直冒冷汗,却是龇牙咧嘴笑了! Because, five elements Tribulation Thunder, Ling Yun most anticipated at heart, is Wood Attribute Tribulation Thunder! 因为,五行劫雷,凌云心里最为期待的,就是木属性劫雷 This has the reason, first, Ling Family inheritance Gods and Ghosts Willow Tree, obviously is a god tree, it must grow, most needs naturally is purest wooden spiritual energy. 这是有原因的,首先,凌家的传承鬼神柳,明显就是一棵神树,它要成长,最需要的当然就是最为纯粹的木之灵气 Regarding Gods and Ghosts Willow Tree, the Wood Attribute Tribulation Thunder energy, simply is the thing of big making up, perhaps after absorbing, can evolve once more. 对于鬼神柳来说,木属性劫雷能量,简直就是大补之物,说不定吸收一番之后,可以再次进化。 Next, Ling Yun practice Supreme Azure Emperor Secret Arts, most needs is also wooden spiritual energy, he has reached the fifth largest boundary peak now, at this moment happen to can break through! 其次,凌云修炼至尊青帝诀,最需要的也是木灵气,他现在已经达到了第五大境界巅峰,此刻正好可以藉此突破! Moreover, naturally is the same with the Water Attribute Tribulation Thunder energy, Ling Yun can nourish the Dragon Form curve with it, expands Yin-Yang Five Elements Fire! 另外,当然就跟水属性劫雷能量一样,凌云可以用它来滋养龙形曲线,壮大阴阳五行火 It can be said that besides must withstand ache, Ling Yun crosses second wave of Thunder Tribulation, will only obtain the endless advantage! 可以说,除了要承受疼痛之外,凌云渡第二波雷劫,只会得到无尽好处! But the ache is unavoidable, he by the Qi Practicing middle-stage boundary, resists five elements Tribulation Thunder, if not want to endure the ache, that has pulled, is absolutely impossible. 但疼痛是难免的,他以练气中期境界,对抗五行劫雷,要是连疼痛都不想忍受,那就太扯了,绝无可能。 Ling Yun combustion Soul Yuan, releases magic power, he protects forehead Sea of Consciousness first, is the heart, the five main internal organs (entrails) and other critical parts, resists azure color Kifuji to attack, has stimulated then to movement Yin-Yang Five Elements Flame, starts to absorb the Wood Attribute Tribulation Thunder energy violently! 凌云燃烧神元,释放法力,他先护住眉心识海,紧接是心脏,五脏六腑等其他要害部位,抵御青色木藤侵袭,然后就催动了阴阳五行火焰,开始猛烈吸收木属性劫雷能量! Meanwhile, Ling Yun also immediately starts practice Supreme Azure Emperor Secret Arts, with the aid in within the body pure wooden spiritual energy, he almost blinked broke through the Supreme Azure Emperor Secret Arts sixth largest boundary, then with irresistible force! 同时,凌云也立即开始修炼至尊青帝诀,借助体内纯粹的木灵气,他几乎眨眼就突破了至尊青帝诀第六大境界,然后势如破竹! Wood Attribute Tribulation Thunder, after removing the Wood Attribute energy, naturally is the pure thunder and lightning energy, the strength of these thunder and lightning, the nature was absorbed by the Ling Yun Dantian Dragon Form curve. 木属性劫雷,去掉木属性能量之后,自然就是纯粹的雷电能量,这些雷电之力,自然被凌云丹田龙形曲线吸收了。 Under, the first Wood Attribute thunder and lightning energy, almost in several breath, was absorbed in every way with joint forces by Ling Yun, covered his body outside azure color Kifuji, quick vanishes! 多方合力之下,第一道木属性雷电能量,几乎是在数个呼吸之间,就被凌云吸收一空,笼罩他身体外面的青色木藤,很快就消失了! Rumbling rumbling...... 轰轰轰轰轰…… The Wood Attribute thunder and lightning starts to divide to fall crazily, is getting more and more thick, but these Wood Attribute Tribulation Thunder, to chop Ling Yun, actually must first through Gods and Ghosts Willow Tree this pass/test, one meter thick azure color thunder and lightning, after Gods and Ghosts Willow Tree, immediately changes cannot achieve original one-third, then chops the Ling Yun body time, Ling Yun has definitely been able unable to withstand, the ache clearly reduced. 木属性雷电开始疯狂劈落,越来越粗大,但这些木属性劫雷,要想劈中凌云,却必须先要通过鬼神柳这一关,一米多粗的青色雷电,穿过鬼神柳之后,立即变作不到原来的1,再劈中凌云身体的时候,凌云已经完全可以承受得住,疼痛都明显减轻了。 49 Small Heavenly Tribulations, generally speaking only then four waves of Tribulation Thunder, each wave of Tribulation Thunder, compared with the previous wave of terrifying several fold, time also will be longer. 四九小天劫,一般来说只有四波劫雷,每一波劫雷,都比前一波恐怖数倍,时间也会更长。 But second wave of Tribulation Thunder, was makes Ling Yun grab the true big bargain, he gained has sent greatly, the Yin-Yang Five Elements Flame Wood Attribute flame has also been the degree of Water Attribute flame, his Supreme Azure Emperor Secret Arts has promoted a big boundary, has reached the sixth largest boundary peak! 但第二波劫雷,却是让凌云捡了真正的大便宜,他赚大发了,阴阳五行火焰木属性火焰也达到了水属性火焰的程度,他的至尊青帝诀更是提升了一个大境界,达到了第六大境界巅峰! In addition, Gods and Ghosts Willow Tree this time had been force-fed by the Wood Attribute Tribulation Thunder energy, had the qualitative change obviously, becomes is different from the past. 除此之外,鬼神柳这一次已经被木属性劫雷能量喂饱,明显发生了质的变化,变得跟从前不一样了。 Meanwhile, in Ling Yun Dantian the golden Dragon Form curve has also absorbed the strength of many thunder and lightning, becomes the congealing reality. 同时,凌云丹田中金色龙形曲线也吸收了更多雷电之力,变得更加凝实。 As for other these Wood Attribute Tribulation Thunder energies, really could not absorb, the nature by the Ling Yun total revenue thunder pond, had been stored up. 至于其他的那些木属性劫雷能量,实在吸收不了的,自然被凌云全部收入了雷池,储存了下来。 However, this second wave of Tribulation Thunder, by no means so is obviously simple, after ten minutes, Tribulation Thunder had the change. 然而,这第二波劫雷,显然并非这么简单,十分钟之后,劫雷发生了变化。 azure color Wood Attribute Tribulation Thunder still non-stop dividing to fall, is getting more and more thick, at the same time, species Tribulation Thunder appeared! 青色木属性劫雷依然不停劈落,越来越粗,与此同时,又有一种属性的劫雷出现了! Scarlet red Tribulation Thunder, thunder pillar is carrying the scarlet red flame, Fire Attribute! 赤红色劫雷,雷柱携带着赤红色的火焰,火属性 Rumbling! 轰轰! When Ling Yun absorbs the Wood Attribute Tribulation Thunder energy recklessly, unexpectedly, simultaneously two thick thunder and lightning, hit on Ling Yun, divided to make the azure red two colors, that two Tribulation Thunder energies divided Ling Yun, interwove instantaneously in one, simultaneously played the role inside and outside the Ling Yun body! 就在凌云肆意吸收木属性劫雷能量的时候,蓦地,同时两道粗大雷电,打在了凌云身上,分作青红两色,那两种劫雷能量劈中凌云,瞬间交织在了一起,在凌云身体内外同时发挥作用! According to the principle of five elements mutual promotion of the five elements, wood lights a fire. 根据五行相生之理,木生火。 Innumerable azure color Kifuji by a scarlet red flame fever, the fire intensity was expanded the several fold instantaneously, the Ling Yun whole body thorough package, he turned into a hot person! 无数青色木藤被赤红色火焰一烧,火势瞬间壮大数倍,把凌云周身彻底包裹,他变成了一个火人! Too terrifying, was only the flash, Ling Yun Battle Magic Clothes, the black gold demon silk clothing by the fierce high temperature melting, could not shoulder this pure day fire! 太恐怖了,只是一瞬间,凌云身上的战斗法衣,乌金魔蚕衣就被剧烈的高温给化了,根本扛不住这纯粹的天火! The present scene is scary, is centered on Ling Yun the surrounding sea area that he is at changed to one group of genuine seas of fire, in the sea water the scarlet red flame flaming, seems not the sea water, but is the billowing magma! 现在的景象更是骇人,以凌云为中心,他所在的周围海域化作了一团真正的火海,海水中赤红色火光熊熊,仿佛不是海水,而是滚滚的岩浆! Quite unendurable......” “好难熬啊……” Ling Yun was burnt down by the day fire, outside burns the body, in burns the five main internal organs (entrails), only thought that the own body was burnt to incite to make noise, is rent with grief! 凌云被天火焚烧,外烧皮肉,内烧五脏六腑,只觉得自己皮肉被烧得滋滋作响,五内俱焚! Nobody can help him, Ling Yun but, only has combustion Soul Yuan once more, protects the whole body strategic point, is enduring the severe pain, starts to absorb the Fire Attribute Tribulation Thunder energy crazily. 没人能帮得了他,凌云无奈之下,唯有再次燃烧神元,护住周身要害,忍着剧痛,也开始疯狂吸收火属性劫雷能量。 In inverse proportion, Ling Yun is clearest, he absorbs an energy, the pain that the body bears will weaken one. 此消彼长,凌云最为明白,他多吸收一丝能量,身体承受的痛苦就会减弱一丝。 Then, spent in distress for dozen minutes, second wave of Tribulation Thunder was also crossed by Ling Yun. 就这样,又苦熬了十几分钟,第二波劫雷也被凌云渡过了。 Shouldered second wave of Tribulation Thunder, Ling Yun besides absorbing innumerable Fire Attribute and Wood Attribute Tribulation Thunder energy, biggest advantage that he obtained, uses Fire Attribute Tribulation Thunder, further tempered the big accomplishment treasure body, after Tribulation Thunder crossed, although Ling Yun by flaws of day burning down, but his flesh body obvious and formidable several times, graces, had the potential of wind and thunder unexpectedly! 扛过第二波劫雷,凌云除了吸收了无数火属性木属性劫雷能量之外,他得到的最大的好处,就是利用火属性劫雷,进一步锤炼大成宝体,劫雷渡过之后,凌云虽然被天火烧的千疮百孔,但他的肉身明显又强大了几倍,举手投足之间,竟有风雷之势! Meanwhile, Ling Yun's Dantian, whole body meridians, all acupoint hole, as well as forehead Sea of Consciousness, further obtained quenching, all barriers temper tenacious incomparable, radiant clear, becomes shining! 同时,凌云的丹田,全身经脉,所有窍穴,以及眉心识海,都进一步得到了淬炼,所有壁垒都锤炼的坚韧无比,璀璨晶莹,变得流光溢彩 He felt that the own concise Soul Yuan speed was faster! 他感觉自己凝练神元的速度更快了! This second wave of Tribulation Thunder, was boils finally.” “这第二波劫雷,总算是熬过去了。” After waiting for second wave of Tribulation Thunder to finish, Ling Yun had the time to regroup, he does not dare to stay in the sea water again, but ran out of the sea level, stood on the water surface, prepared to greet tertiary wave Tribulation Thunder. 等第二波劫雷结束之后,凌云得到了喘息机会,他不敢再呆在海水之中,而是冲出了海面,站到了水面上,准备迎接第三波劫雷 After running out of the sea level, Ling Yun first time has used seven levels of Pure Healing Talisman to own, now, six levels of Pure Healing Talisman the effect were not big to him, must use seven levels of Talisman, has the effect. 冲出海面之后,凌云第一时间自己使用了七级清愈符,现在,六级的清愈符对他已经效果不大了,必须使用七级符箓,才有效果。 First wave of species, second wave of two species, then tertiary wave......” “第一波一种属性,第二波两种属性,那么第三波……” Without a doubt, at least is three species! 毫无疑问,至少得是三种属性! The Ling Yun look is dignified, because he felt more terrifying world pressure! 凌云神色凝重,因为他感觉到了更加恐怖的天地威压! Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… The huge thunderclap non-stop spreading in black Tribulation Clouds, quick, tertiary wave Tribulation Thunder descended! 巨大的雷声在黑色劫云中不停传出,很快,第三波劫雷降落了下来! This time, is three Tribulation Thunder simultaneously chops to fall unexpectedly, they are not separated, mix up, Ling Yun can only carry on the discrimination judgment from the color. 这一次,竟是三种劫雷同时劈落,它们并不分开,混在一起,凌云只能从颜色上进行区分判断。 Golden color, scarlet red, azure color! 金色,赤红色,青色 Gold Attribute, Fire Attribute, Wood Attribute! 金属性,火属性,木属性 crack! 咔嚓 loud noise, the tricolor thunder and lightning simultaneously divided on the Ling Yun's body, Ling Yun whole body once more raging fire flaming, moreover was more violent, in that raging flame, had the innumerable golden swords, the towards Ling Yun body cuts crazily! 一声巨响,三色雷电同时劈在了凌云的身体上,凌云周身再次烈火熊熊,而且更加猛烈,那熊熊烈火之中,更是有无数的金色刀剑,对着凌云身体狂斩! Third Tribulation Thunder is not really good to shoulder, the Wood Attribute Tribulation Thunder energy can always make Ling Yun unable to move, the Fire Attribute Tribulation Thunder energy is burning down him, but the Gold Attribute Tribulation Thunder energy actually changes to the sword spear/gun axe and so on weapon, is dividing to chop his flesh body! 第三道劫雷着实不好扛,木属性劫雷能量总是能让凌云动弹不得,火属性劫雷能量在焚烧他,而金属性劫雷能量却化作刀剑枪斧之类的武器,在劈砍他的肉身 But Ling Yun fearless! 凌云还是无惧! He first hardly carries a day of fire and sword chops to chop, sends in thunder pond the weakest Wood Attribute energy, then the thought moves, took Melting Blood Divine Blade, simultaneously offered a sacrifice to Golden Dragon Spear, Human King Seal, with Yin-Yang Astral Qi Sword! 他首先硬扛着天火和刀剑劈砍,把最弱的木属性能量送入雷池,然后意念一动,把化血神刀拿了出来,又同时祭出了金色龙枪,人王印,和阴阳罡气剑 shua~ shua~ shua~! 刷刷刷 Then, Ling Yun is airtight the wind and rain that Melting Blood Divine Blade brandishes, inconsistency that these sword spear/gun axes chop, all after scattering, immediately starts to absorb these Gold Attribute Tribulation Thunder energies crazily! 接下来,凌云化血神刀挥舞的风雨不透,把那些刀剑枪斧劈的七零八落,全部打散之后,立即开始疯狂吸收那些金属性劫雷能量! This time crosses the tribulation, Ling Yun fearless, is not resentful, his will is firm, the card in a hand is uneven, meets head-on five elements Tribulation Thunder, his goal only then, so long as does not die, must be own builds perfectly cultivates the Dao Foundation foundation! 这次渡劫,凌云无惧,无怨,他意志坚定,底牌齐出,迎战五行劫雷,他的目标只有一个,只要不死,就要为自己筑下最为完美的修道基础! As the saying goes sets at the deathtrap then to live, although five elements Thunder Tribulation has the big terrifying, actually is also the big chance! 俗话说置之死地而后生,五行雷劫虽然有大恐怖,却也是大机缘! ...... …… Second. 第二更。 Thanks everybody's recommendation ticket and monthly ticket! 谢谢大家的推荐票和月票!
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