DEMG :: Volume #16

#1524: Opens thunder pond( asked monthly ticket)

five elements Thunder Tribulation, as the name suggests, five elements between Tribulation Thunder correspondence world, under the Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth five Tribulation Thunder one after another bang, or two Tribulation Thunder, as well as three Tribulation Thunder even five Tribulation Thunder unify, together under bang. 五行雷劫,顾名思义,劫雷对应天地间的五行,金木水火土五种劫雷轮番轰下,或者两种劫雷,以及三种劫雷甚至五种劫雷结合起来,一起轰下。 This is cultivating true cultivator before arriving at Golden Core Stage, one Heavenly Tribulation that most does not want to face frightened, because five elements Tribulation Thunder is too dangerous, was too terrifying! 这是修真者在到达金丹期之前,最为恐惧也最不想面对的一种天劫,因为五行劫雷太危险,也太恐怖了! The reason is very simple, the thunder and lightning that five elements Thunder Tribulation, descends is not in that pure world most positive and most firm Method, it made the thunder and lightning have the five elements attribute . Moreover the five elements thunder and lightning can combine at will, naturally also has had many changes, wrapped in a shroud of obscurity, the variable were too many, the person of transfer tribulation poorly in dealing with, crossed disaster hundred times to increase, carelessly, the body dying say/way will disappear! 理由很简单,五行雷劫,降落下来的雷电已经不是那种纯粹的天地间至阳至刚的雷法,它让雷电拥有了五行属性,而且五行雷电可以随意组合,自然也就产生了许多变化,神秘莫测,变数太多,让渡劫之人穷于应付,渡劫难度百倍增加,一个不慎,就会身死道消! What is more terrifying, the people of most cultivating true, body attribute impossible five elements to be complete, practice Cultivation Technique has also stressed that this enables them often only to resist 2-3 five elements attribute Tribulation Thunder, if there are to restrain own attribute Tribulation Thunder to divide to fall, they except for withstand passively, shoulders beyond the Tribulation Thunder bombardment with flesh body hardly, does not have better means again. 更为恐怖的是,绝大多数的修真之人,身体属性不可能五行俱全,修炼功法也有所侧重,这使得他们往往只能抵挡两三种五行属性的劫雷,如果一旦有克制自身属性的劫雷劈落下来,他们除了被动承受,用肉身硬扛劫雷轰击之外,再无更好的办法。 In short, met five elements Tribulation Thunder, cultivating true cultivator incessantly in the resistance thunder and lightning, but must spar with Heavenly Law Tribulation Clouds of top of the head, top of the head Heavenly Law Tribulation Clouds was the enemy, cultivating true cultivator, so long as conquered the enemy, has won, was crosses the tribulation to be successful, lost, disappeared to be frightened out of one's wits then the body dying say/way! 简言之,遇到五行劫雷,修真者就不止是在对抗雷电了,而是要跟头顶的天道劫云斗法,头顶天道劫云就是敌人,修真者只要战胜敌人,赢了,就是渡劫成功,输了,就身死道消魂飞魄散! Heavenly Tribulation, almost selects the method of thunder and lightning bombardment, but that is just one type reveals the change-shape type, after the thunder and lightning chops falls, the Tribulation Thunder energy in which way affects to crossing the body of tribulation, this is the essence! 天劫,几乎都是采用雷电轰击的方式,但那只不过是一种显化形式而已,雷电劈落下来以后,劫雷能量以哪种方式作用到渡劫者的身上,这才是本质! 49 Small Heavenly Tribulations, after this is each cultivating true cultivator enters Qi Practicing middle-stage, Heavenly Tribulation that must face, everybody has, admit no exceptions whatsoever, this was equal to cultivating true cultivator was actually admitted to the cultivating true school register, the test passed, Heavenly Law thinks that this cultivating true cultivator had has cultivated the Dao Foundation foundation, hereafter truly stepped the road of cultivating true. 四九小天劫,这是每一个修真者进入练气中期以后,必须要面临的一次天劫,人人都有,概莫能外,这其实相当于修真者考取修真学籍,考验通过了,天道就会认为这个修真者拥有了修道基础,此后就真正踏上了修真之路。 This is also Heavenly Tribulation that Ling Yun needs to face in the true sense, he is actually very confident, in decision to closing, already prepared for has dealt with Heavenly Tribulation various, but own first Heavenly Tribulation in the true sense, is five elements Thunder Tribulation, this is surprises him somewhat. 这也是凌云真正意义上需要面对的一次天劫,他心里其实很坦然,在决定冲关之时,就早已做好了应对天劫的各种准备,但自己真正意义上的第一次天劫,就是五行雷劫,这还是让他有些意外。 But Ling Yun does not have any fear at heart, will not complain, because of Tribulation Clouds, was not modifiable, only to should tribulation full power, either crosses the tribulation to be successful, either the body dying say/way disappears, does not have other results again. 凌云心里却没有任何恐惧,更不会抱怨,因为劫云已至,无可更改,只能全力应劫,要么渡劫成功,要么身死道消,再无其他结果。 Snort, five elements Tribulation Thunder, but also really thinks highly of me!” “哼,五行劫雷,还真是看得起我啊!” Ling Yun at this moment, is under the sea level in 500 meters deep sea water, innumerable electricity snake winding surrounding of body by sea water, was being withstood all around sea water all-around serious extrusion, is actually self-confidently sneers, withstands proudly! 凌云此刻,处于海面之下500米深的海水之中,身体被海水中的无数电蛇缠绕包围,更是承受着四周海水全方位的沉重挤压,却是自信冷笑,傲然承受! Said honestly, by the Ling Yun present boundary strength, the pressure of 500 meters deep water, will not become any influence to other party, he will be clear, these sea water outbreaks the change, turned into heavy waterwalls to extrude to him, this just will be the one forms of defensive action of Tribulation Thunder energy. 坦白说,以凌云现在的境界实力,500米深水的压力,不会对他造成任何影响,他心里清楚,那些海水突然发生了变化,变成了一道道沉重的水墙向他挤压,这只不过是劫雷能量的一种攻击方式而已。 After all, initially when broke through the Qi Practicing boundary, he by various thunder and lightning baptism over one times, this five elements Thunder Tribulation was just started, that said that the bowl thick thunder and lightning, could not injure his flesh body. 毕竟,当初在突破练气境界的时候,他已经被各种雷电洗礼过一次了,这五行雷劫才刚刚开始,那道碗口粗的雷电,根本伤害不了他的肉身 After Ling Yun the thunder and lightning chops, although a whole body hemp, just then the hemp one, then all as usual, he now has needed to deal, is the energy attack of Tribulation Thunder! 凌云被雷电劈中之后,虽然浑身一麻,也只不过就麻了一下而已,然后就一切如常,他现在需要应对的,是劫雷的能量攻击! His countermeasure is very simple, what choice is shoulders with the body hardly, now his treasure body big accomplishment, although receives sea water comprehensive extrusion in all directions, living that actually completely withstands! 他的应对之策很简单,选择的是用身体硬扛,如今他宝体大成,虽然受到海水四面八方的全面挤压,却完全承受的住! At this moment, the Ling Yun sea area, his surrounding all sea water have carried the Tribulation Thunder energy, because Ling Yun in all directions everywhere is the blue electricity snake, shines to walk randomly in the water, is similar to the living creature, they are stimulating to movement these sea water, layer upon layer extrudes to Ling Yun. 此刻,凌云所处的海域,他周围所有海水都携带了劫雷的能量,因为凌云四面八方到处都是蓝色的电蛇,在水中发光游走,如同活物,正是它们在催动那些海水,向凌云层层挤压而来。 Water tribulation? Although comes!” “水劫吗?尽管来吧!” Ling Yun discovered after can shoulder the extrusions of these waterwalls, he instead did not worry to run out of the sea level, but was launches body stretch/leisurely thoroughly, the stretching out the arms both legs, presented big glyph, he started to absorb these blue electricity snakes unexpectedly! 凌云发现能扛得住那些水墙的挤压之后,他反而不着急冲出海面了,而是彻底把身体舒展开,张开双臂双腿,呈现一个“大”字形,他竟然开始吸收那些蓝色电蛇! Because was too rare, Water Attribute Tribulation Thunder, the spirit of implication purest water, this is the Heavenly Tribulation energy, Ling Yun naturally will not let off. 因为实在太难得了,水属性劫雷,蕴含最纯粹的水之灵,这都是天劫能量,凌云当然不会放过。 This shocks very much! 这一幕很震撼! Under the terrifying Heavenly Law pressure, in 500 meters deep water, was divided by blue Tribulation Thunder, Ling Yun not only sends without the wound, instead starts to absorb the Water Attribute Tribulation Thunder thunder and lightning energy! 在恐怖的天道威压之下,在500米的深水之中,被蓝色劫雷劈中,凌云不但毫发无伤,反而开始吸收水属性劫雷的雷电能量! After Ling Yun makes a move, around his body, most crowded these electricity snakes, were attracted income within the body at the naked eye obvious speed by him unexpectedly, as if automatically drills into Ling Yun within the body to be ordinary, they are reducing fast, this causes the pressure that Ling Yun faces getting smaller, he is also getting bigger and bigger in the space range in the sea water moving! 凌云出手之后,他身体周围,原本最为密集的那些电蛇,竟以肉眼可见的速度被他吸收入体内,就仿佛是自动钻入凌云体内一般,它们在快速减少,这使得凌云面对的压力越来越小,他在海水中活动的空间范围也越来越大! shua~ shua~ shua~! 刷刷刷 Ling Yun can the normal activities, his two excitements, shuttle back and forth in all around sea area quickly rapidly, absorbs the Tribulation Thunder energy violently, expands oneself. 凌云很快就可以正常活动,他两眼兴奋,在四周海域中急速穿梭,猛烈吸收劫雷能量,壮大自身。 Tribulation Thunder, cannot shoulder dead \; Can shoulder, is a baptism, is Heavenly Law presents! 劫雷,扛不住就是死\;扛得住,就是一种洗礼,就是天道馈赠! Rumbling...... 轰轰轰…… Once Heavenly Tribulation descends, will not stop, blue Tribulation Thunder together, runs out from black Tribulation Clouds of space together, chops in the entering the sea water, the bang on Ling Yun's, lets his figure stagnations, but Ling Yun the Tribulation Thunder energy absorption, then moves quickly freely. 天劫一旦降落,就不会停止,蓝色劫雷一道紧接着一道,从天上的黑色劫云中冲出,劈入海水之中,轰在凌云的身上,让他的身形一次次停滞,但凌云很快就将劫雷能量吸收一空,然后活动自如。 In this process, Ling Yun is leisure, goes forward toward the sea level above, he is getting more and more self-confident, is getting more and more self-satisfied, because he has gained the big small advantage! 在这个过程中,凌云慢悠悠的,向着海面上方前进,他越来越自信,越来越得意,因为他赚了大便宜! By a Ling Yun person of strength, naturally cannot install these many Tribulation Thunder energies, but he has mysterious Dantian, in Dantian also grew the golden Dragon Form curve of four limbs! 凌云一人之力,自然装不下这么多的劫雷能量,但他拥有神秘丹田,丹田里还有一条已经生长出四肢的金色龙形曲线! In Ling Yun surrounding sea water, after innumerable electricity snakes by Ling Yun inspiration within the body, the major part by that golden Dragon Form curve absorption, another part was actually used to integrate in his Yin-Yang Five Elements Flame by Ling Yun unexpectedly desirably, expands the Water Attribute flame by this, is the blue flame! 凌云周围海水之中,无数电蛇被凌云吸入体内之后,绝大部分竟都被那道金色龙形曲线吸收,另一部分却是被凌云用来刻意融入了他的阴阳五行火焰之中,以此壮大水属性的火焰,也就是蓝色火焰! Swallows the five elements flame to carry on warm and nourish to start from Ling Yun, today arrived 14 th day, the five elements flame in his Dantian, has fostered Yin-Yang Five Elements Fire thoroughly! 凌云吞下五行火焰进行温养开始,今天已经来到了第14天,他丹田之中的五行火焰,已经彻底养成了阴阳五行火 Originally, this Yin-Yang Five Elements Fire nature warm and nourish words, at least need half a month time to succeed, do not forget, these 40 hours, Ling Yun in practice Yin-Yang Energy Secret Art, has carried on to closing the breakthrough, for this reason, he altogether has burnt more than 10,000 drops of Soul Yuan! 原本,这阴阳五行火自然温养的话,至少需要半月时间才能成功,可不要忘了,刚刚过去的这40个小时,凌云可是一直在修炼一气阴阳诀,进行冲关突破,为此,他可是总共燃烧了10000多滴神元 Yin Formation's eye and Yang Formation's eye, that many Yin-Yang Energy, were absorbed finally unexpectedly by Ling Yun, will enter his Dantian first, then enters forehead Sea of Consciousness through the meridians, the five elements flame under this violent purifying warm and nourish, a day of effect, can go against the past week, if like this was unable warm and nourish to succeed, that pulled! 阴阵阵眼阳阵阵眼,那么多的阴阳二气,最后竟被凌云吸收一空,都会最先进入他的丹田,然后才通过经脉进入眉心识海,五行火焰在这种猛烈的煅烧温养之下,一天的效果,能顶过去的一周,这样要是还不能温养成功,那就太扯了! The five elements flame, is the essence of fire, after Ling Yun warm and nourish becomes Yin-Yang Five Elements Fire, simply countless changes, wondrous use with an improper method, the advantage were too many, now the Heavenly Tribulation water tribulation lowers, the purest Water Attribute Tribulation Thunder energy was attracted income within the body by Ling Yun, is too big to the Yin-Yang Five Elements Fire advantage! 五行火焰,原本是地火之精,被凌云温养阴阳五行火之后,简直变化无穷,妙用无方,好处太多了,现在天劫的水劫降下,最纯粹的水属性劫雷能量被凌云吸收入体内,对阴阳五行火的好处实在太大! This was equal to after Yin-Yang Five Elements Flame fosters, was injected a day of hot energy by Ling Yun again, further warm and nourish expands! 这等于是阴阳五行火焰养成之后,再被凌云注入天火能量,进一步温养壮大! Naturally, now what because Ling Yun absorbs is only the Water Attribute Tribulation Thunder energy, expanded naturally is also only the Water Attribute flame. 当然,因为凌云现在吸收的只是水属性劫雷能量,得到壮大的自然也只是水属性的火焰而已。 Tribulation Thunder, the golden Dragon Form curve, Yin-Yang Five Elements Flame, as well as Ling Yun own flesh body, the three parties profit, Ling Yun is certainly self-satisfied! 一种劫雷,金色龙形曲线,阴阳五行火焰,以及凌云自己肉身,三方受益,凌云当然得意! Rumbling rumbling! 轰轰轰轰轰! As Ling Yun distance sea level is getting more and more near, Water Attribute Tribulation Thunder chops is getting quicker and quicker, blue thunder pillar who falls is also getting more and more thick, to turned into more than half meter finally thickly, covers the Ling Yun body thoroughly, chops him shivers in the water violently, but also that is all. 随着凌云距离海平面越来越近,水属性劫雷劈落的越来越快,蓝色雷柱也越来越粗,到最后变成了半米多粗,把凌云身体彻底笼罩,也把他劈的在水中猛烈颤抖,但也仅此而已。 He is almost to accept without question, inhales within the body the body surrounding electricity snake as far as possible completely, the absorption rate is getting more and more fast, the range is also getting bigger and bigger! 他几乎是照单全收,尽量把身体周围的电蛇全部吸入体内,吸收速度越来越快,范围也越来越大! This where crosses the tribulation, is robbing radically! 这哪里是渡劫,根本就是在抢劫! But Ling Yun receives the limit of own boundary, will absorb a species energy to reach a limit eventually, when he will be away from the sea level is less than hundred meters, he absorbed to fill, full full, the body did not install the next half a point again! 凌云受到自身境界的限制,吸收一种属性的能量终究会到达一个极限,就在他距离海平面不到百米的时候,他吸收满了,饱饱的,身体再也装不下半分! Let alone Ling Yun own, is the Dragon Form curve in his Dantian, does not absorb, Yin-Yang Five Elements Fire has also reached the limit, Water Attribute flame alone big, entire seven colors Yin-Yang Five Elements Fire, almost turned into the blue flame completely! 别说凌云自己,就是他丹田内的龙形曲线,也不吸收了,阴阳五行火也达到了极限,水属性火焰一家独大,整个七彩阴阳五行火,几乎全部变成了蓝色火焰了! But first wave of Thunder Tribulation has not ended, but also is dividing crazily to Ling Yun, this makes Ling Yun somewhat annoyed, because looks at around the body innumerable electricity snake energy, is nonabsorbable. 但第一波雷劫还没完,还在疯狂劈向凌云,这让凌云有些恼火,因为看着身体周围的无数电蛇能量,却不能吸收。 At this time, the Ling Yun distance sea level less than hundred meters, the strategic place exits is only instant, but he stopped the rise, but stands in the middle of the sea water, looks that the surrounding sea water almost turned into the blue electricity snake completely, the vision flashed. 此时,凌云距离海平面不足百米,要冲出去只是一念之间而已,但他停止了上升,而是站在海水当中,看着周围的海水几乎全部变成了蓝色电蛇,目光闪动。 These many pure Water Attribute Tribulation Thunder energies, miss were a pity! 这么多纯粹的水属性劫雷能量,错过太可惜! Finally, Ling Yun look one ruthless, he clenched teeth, the decision opens thunder pond unexpectedly! 最终,凌云眼神一狠,他咬了咬牙,竟然决定开辟雷池 This is an extremely crazy decision, Golden Core dares to open thunder pond inadequately, to other cultivating true cultivator, is equal to own initiative striving for! 这是一个极其疯狂的决定,金丹不成竟敢开辟雷池,对别的修真者来说,等于就是主动求死! But Ling Yun did not fear, he knows own physique heaven-defying, moreover there is Human Emperor's Writing Brush Earth Emperor's Book to help him, will therefore want to attempt. 凌云不怕,他知道自己体质逆天,而且还有人皇笔地皇书会帮他,因此想要尝试一番。 Now, Ling Yun does not certainly dare to open thunder pond in forehead Sea of Consciousness, but can actually open one in Dantian, as thunder pond! 现在,凌云当然不敢在眉心识海开辟雷池,但却可以在丹田开辟一处,作为雷池 Goes ahead, Ling Yun no longer hesitates, Ling Yun burns loudly violently 3600 drops of Soul Yuan, this is his present limit! 说做就做,凌云不再犹豫,轰然一声,凌云猛烈燃烧3600滴神元,这是他现在的极限! 3600 drops of Soul Yuan, transformed magnanimous terrifying magic power suddenly completely, Ling Yun has drawn support from magic power, opened a unique space in Dantian directly! 3600滴神元,眨眼间全部转化成了海量的恐怖法力,凌云借助法力,直接在丹田开辟出了一个独特空间! This space, Yin-Yang Energy cannot enter, various spiritual energy are unable to invade, in golden light sparkle mysterious Dantian, as if presented black hole unexpectedly! 这个空间,阴阳二气不能进入,各种灵气也无法侵入,在金光闪耀神奇丹田中,竟仿佛出现了一个黑洞! thunder pond! 雷池 Said honestly, this thunder pond was also too rough, moreover rough to the extreme, but Ling Yun only as storage thunder and lightning, is reluctantly enough. 坦白说,这雷池也太粗糙了,而且粗糙到了极点,但凌云只作为储存雷电之用,勉强足够。 Attracts to me!” “给我吸!” After thunder pond opens, the Ling Yun great happiness, he unshackles thoroughly, full power the Tribulation Thunder electricity snake of absorption body surroundings sea area. 雷池开辟出来以后,凌云大喜,他彻底放开手脚,全力吸收身体周围海域的劫雷电蛇。 Really, that innumerable electricity snake enters the body, had sent in Dantian by Ling Yun completely, then does not need to manage, was attracted by thunder pond unexpectedly directly, own has drilled into that black hole, making in thunder pond have the first thunder and lightning energy. 果然,那无数电蛇入体,被凌云全部送入了丹田之中,然后根本不用管,竟直接被雷池吸引,自己钻入了那黑洞之中,让雷池中拥有了第一种雷电能量。 This boundary dares to open thunder pond, your this little fellow, is really the good guts! However, to my taste!” “这个境界就敢开辟雷池,你这个小家伙,真是好胆量!不过,对我的口味!” Human Emperor's Writing Brush Item Spirit the long opens the mouth, after he acclaimed one at this time finally, continued saying: You display freely full power are, relax, that old fogy will protect your Dantian to be well.” 人皇笔器灵此时终于悠悠开口,他赞叹一声之后,继续说道:“你尽管全力施展就是,放心吧,那个老家伙会保护你丹田无恙。” Many thanks senior!” “多谢前辈!” Ling Yun in the heart laughs in one's heart, because has Earth Emperor's Book to guard the Dantian words, kills him not to dare such to play! 凌云心中暗笑,要不是因为有地皇书镇守丹田的话,打死他都不敢这么玩儿! ...... …… Tonight three. 今晚三更。 Thanks everybody's recommendation ticket and monthly ticket. 谢谢大家的推荐票和月票。
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