DEMG :: Volume #16

#1523: East China Sea crosses the tribulation( asked monthly ticket)

Actually Ling Yun has not spoken incorrectly, the position that he and Ye Xingchen are at this moment, above the sea level, is the heavenshaking below Mount Putuo! 其实凌云一点儿都没有说错,他和夜星辰此刻所在的位置,海面上方,正是名震天下的普陀山! Black Tribulation Clouds of space, synchronizes with Ling Yun, at this moment, black Tribulation Clouds covers Mount Putuo! 天上的黑色劫云,跟凌云同速,此刻,黑色劫云笼罩普陀山! The dark clouds obstruct the moon/month, was really too astonishing, the person but who this, drove to pursue from Clear Water City actually again could not see, because of Ling Yun one second of kilometer speed , was really too quick, let alone drove to need along the road to walk, they rushed to Zhoushan from Clear Water City along a straight line, that could not overtake! 黑云遮月,实在是太惊人了,但这一幕,从清水市开车追来的人却再也看不到了,因为凌云一秒千米的速度,实在是太快了,别说开车需要沿着路走,他们就是从清水市沿着一条直线赶往舟山,那也追不上! It can be said that the person who Clear Water City these want to pursue the dark clouds, just drilled into the car(riage), has not waited to start the automobile, the dark clouds of space does not have the shadow, they instead miss the shocking scene that the dark clouds twinkling departed. 可以说,清水市那些想要追逐黑云的人,刚钻入车里,还没等发动汽车,天上的黑云就没影了,他们反而错过了黑云瞬息离去的惊世场景。 Ling Yun goes through in the underground underground river, naturally does not know these. 凌云在地下暗河中穿行,当然不知道这些。 He selects the general position that two people was at this moment, naturally to eliminate the panic of Ye Xingchen in the heart, what actually he really wants saying that the underground 500 meters are anything, let alone the underground 500 meters, are underground 50,000 meters he go to explore! 他点出了两人此刻所在的大概位置,自然是为了消除夜星辰心中的恐慌,其实他真正想说的是,地下500米算什么,别说地下500米,就是地下50000米他都进去探索过! That naturally is he in Cultivation Big World, moreover after was Ling Yun has achieved the Nascent Soul Stage boundary. 那当然是他在修真大世界的时候,而且是凌云达到了元婴期境界之后。 Regarding Nascent Soul Stage Great Expert, flying through the skies or escaping through the ground that did not call the matter! 对于一个元婴期大高手来说,飞天遁地那都不叫事儿! Let alone Ling Yun has Avoiding Water Bead, so long as several minutes can return along the old route, even if cannot go back, by his present boundary strength, do not use other, only use Melting Blood Divine Blade, can open heavens pit to come in the top of the head, then from underground run out! 别说凌云拥有避水珠,只要几分钟就可以沿着原路返回,就算真回不去,以他现在的境界实力,不用别的,只用化血神刀,就可以在头顶开辟出一个天坑来,然后从地下冲出! Ling Yun raised the hand refers to the front: Stars/Xingchen you look, this underground underground river, changes course from here once more, became to east, from Zhoushan Islands toward east, was East China Sea, after being far away from the coastline, several hundred meters deep sea water was very normal, but this underground underground river, even if upward did not walk, definitely will run out from the sea bed of that depth, poured into East China Sea.” 凌云抬手指向前方:“星辰你看,这地下暗河,从这里再次改道,又变得直直向东了,从舟山群岛往东,就是东海,远离海岸线之后,几百米深的海水很正常,而这条地下暗河,就算不往上走,也肯定就会从那个深度的海床之中冲出,注入东海。” This moment Ye Xingchen simply to full of admiration that Ling Yun worships, she turned into the shocking little girl from one generation of succubas suddenly, looks at Ling Yun saying: Coming out that this you can judge?” 此刻夜星辰简直对凌云崇拜的五体投地,她眨眼间从一代魔女变成了震惊的小女孩,望着凌云说道:“这你都能判断的出来?” Ling Yun happily smiles: Naturally! The appearance of the water nothing but is the topography, the water is just the camouflage, on this planet, regardless of the rivers, the lake, the sea, is so, no matter ground river or underground river, you, so long as the imagination is removing the water, remaining, nothing but is various, all sorts of strange and unusual terrains.” 凌云得意一笑:“当然!水势无非就是地势而已,水只不过是障眼法,这星球上,无论河流,湖泊,海洋,皆是如此,也不管是地上河还是地下河,你只要假想着把水去掉,剩下的,无非就是各种各样,千奇百怪的地形罢了。” We have Avoiding Water Bead, follows in water in the airborne not any difference, therefore you do manage its day to have the multi- high ground deeply? At our speeds, but is blinks skill/kung fu.” “咱们拥有避水珠,在水中就跟在空中没有任何区别,所以你管它天有多高地有多深?以咱们的速度,不过都是眨眼功夫。” Ling Yun worthily is the big expert, he said the essence all of a sudden. 凌云不愧是大行家,他一下子说出了本质。 One of Earth most mysterious places, 70% surface area, were covered by the sea, is this boundless sea, made Earth have the perfect water circulating system, in the meantime , the sea has bred the life, trillion years later, became Earth colorful, but were by no means bare a piece. 地球最神奇的地方之一,就是有七成的地表面积,被海洋覆盖,正是这无边的海洋,才让地球拥有了完美的水循环系统,同时,也正是海洋孕育了生命,亿万年下来,把地球变得多姿多彩,而并非光秃秃一片。 But Ling Yun actually looks at the essence by the phenomenon, he told Ye Xingchen directly, making her imagine the Earth anhydrous appearance, that nature then only remaining all kinds of terrain topography, for example now, if their whereabouts did not have the underground underground river, wasn't only a long underground cavern? 凌云却是透过现象看本质,他直接告诉夜星辰,让她想象一下地球无水的样子,那自然就只剩下了各种各样的地形地势,比如现在,如果他们所在之处没有地下暗河,不就只是一个长长的地下洞穴吗? em/hiccup...... You simply......” ……你这人简直……” Ye Xingchen by a Ling Yun reminder, was thought through instantaneously, she blurted out that actually does not know how to describe Ling Yun. 夜星辰凌云一提醒,瞬间想通,她脱口而出说了一句,却又不知道如何去形容凌云了。 The Ling Yun beautiful mouth smiles brightly, heart said that we are such good! 凌云红口白牙灿烂一笑,心说嘿嘿,咱就是这么牛! Walks, I estimated that most has 200-300 kilometers again, should be similar, there is far away from the seacoast, I can also cross the tribulation calmly.” “走吧,我估计最多再有个两三百公里,应该就差不多了,那里正好远离海岸,我也可以从容渡劫。” Therefore two people leaves once more, under the sea bed of East China Sea seabed east, speed every second of kilometer, this time, they in the underground underground river, flew rapidly for four minutes. 于是两人再次动身,在东海海底的海床之下急速东去,速度还是每秒千米,这一次,他们在地下暗河中,一口气飞了四分多钟。 One second of kilometer, four minutes is more than 240 kilometers, Ling Yun and Ye Xingchen at this moment, have been far away from the coastline 300 kilometers! 一秒钟千米,四分钟就是240多公里,此刻的凌云夜星辰,已经远离海岸线300公里了! Ling Yun analysis does not have the least bit mistake, here airborne laser about 500 meters! 凌云分析的没有半点差错,这里的海水深度就在500米左右! After arriving here, Ling Yun decelerates to stop suddenly, because he very clear feeling the Heavenly Law pressure, knows that above the top of the head is Tribulation Clouds, moreover immediately under underground river then destination exported! 到达这里之后,凌云骤然减速停下,因为他已经十分清晰的感觉到了天道威压,知道头顶上方就是劫云,而且马上就到达地下暗河的出口了! Front is the exit|to speak of underground underground river!” “前面就是地下暗河的出口!” After Ling Yun stops, the complexion started dignifiedly, he was certainly clear, so long as own flushed, did not need to arrive above the sea level, so long as entered in the East China Sea sea, the Heavenly Tribulation thunder and lightning will divide to fall. 凌云停下之后,脸色开始凝重了起来,他当然清楚,只要自己冲出去,不用到达海面之上,只要一进入东海海洋之中,天劫雷电就会劈落下来。 Did not need Ling Yun saying that two people arrived here, after letting loose Spiritual Consciousness, can see that the underground underground river poured into the East China Sea sea water the scene! 根本不需要凌云说,两人来到这里,放开神识之后,已经能够看到地下暗河注入东海海水的景象了! „Is Ling Yun, so long as you run out of the sea level, Heavenly Tribulation will descend?” 凌云,是不是只要你冲出海面,天劫就会降落下来?” Ye Xingchen naturally notes the dignified color on Ling Yun face, she cares to ask. 夜星辰自然注意到凌云脸上的凝重之色,她关心问道。 „It is not.” “不是。” Ling Yun shakes the head saying: time of my real break-through Qi Practicing 4-layer boundary, before is actually several hours, should be about yesterday's high noon, at that time Tribulation Clouds came.” 凌云摇头说道:“我真正突破练气四层境界的时间,其实是十几个小时之前,应该是昨天正午时分左右,那时候劫云就已经来了。” „But because that time I in the Coiling Dragon Mountain underground mid-hill, Tribulation Thunder could not divide me, moreover divided me also to injure and innocent, therefore has not descended.” “但由于那时候我在龙盘山的地下山腹之中,劫雷劈不到我,而且就算劈到我也会伤及无辜,所以才迟迟没有降落下来。” Now we arrived here, Tribulation Clouds above our top of the head, it waited for several hours, was already enraged by me, will therefore not wait for me to run out of the sea level, so long as I run out in the underground river exit|to speak, enters outside sea water, that Heavenly Tribulation will lower!” “现在我们来到了这里,劫云就在咱们头顶上方,它已经等了十几个小时,早已被我激怒,因此不会等我冲出海面,只要我在暗河出口冲出,进入外面的海水之中,那天劫就会降下!” Ling Yun crosses the person of tribulation experience extremely enriching worthily, he spoke with confidence, analyzed finally, could not bear smile unexpectedly. 凌云不愧是渡劫经验极其丰富之人,他侃侃而谈,分析到了最后,竟然忍不住笑了。 What did you say? Heavenly Tribulation...... Also will be enraged?” “你说什么?天劫……还会被激怒?” Regarding the Ling Yun's view, Ye Xingchen does not dare to imagine simply, her once again dumbstruck! 对于凌云的说法,夜星辰简直不敢想象,她又一次目瞪口呆 Naturally!” “当然!” Ling Yun sincere said: What is Heavenly Tribulation? Why each cultivating true cultivator broke through Qi Practicing middle-stage, can face 49 Small Heavenly Tribulations?” 凌云正色说道:“天劫是什么?为什么每个修真者突破了练气中期,都必须要面对四九小天劫?” He self-examines answers: Because to put it bluntly, Heavenly Tribulation is Heavenly Law regarding cultivating true cultivator test of layer upon layer, after cultivating true cultivator achieves certain boundary every time, must obtain the acknowledgment of Heavenly Law, the Heavenly Law test passes, after the approval, cultivating true cultivator can continue practice, relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish who will otherwise be divided by Tribulation Thunder, the body dying say/way disappears.” 他紧接着自问自答:“因为说穿了,天劫就是天道对于修真者的层层考验,修真者每达到一定境界之后,都必须要得到天道的承认,天道考验通过,认可之后,修真者才能继续修炼,否则就会被劫雷劈的形神俱灭,身死道消。” This Heavenly Tribulation is the test, is a baptism, cultivating true cultivator cannot shoulder, naturally all do not mention \; So long as can cross Heavenly Tribulation, that advantage also has numerous number, forehead Sea of Consciousness, is Sea of Qi Dantian, including flesh body, the meridians, whole body acupoint hole, can in crossing the tribulation process obtains best quenching, making the cultivating true cultivator strength enter greatly!” “这天劫是考验,同时也是一种洗礼,修真者扛不过去,自然一切休提\;但只要能渡过天劫,那好处也是多不胜数,无论是眉心识海,还是气海丹田,包括肉身,经脉,全身窍穴,都能在渡劫过程中得到最好的淬炼,让修真者的实力大进!” Therefore , Heavenly Tribulation, although terrifying, but cultivating true cultivator, once felt that the own strength crossed tribulation sufficiently, certainly on own initiative will cross the tribulation, completed the baptism, strengthened oneself in Heavenly Tribulation comprehensively , to promote comprehensive strength.” “所以说,天劫虽然恐怖,可修真者一旦感觉自己的实力足以渡劫了,就一定会主动渡劫,完成洗礼,在天劫中全面强化自身,提升综合战力。” No matter Qi Practicing middle-stage, Golden Core boundary, Nascent Soul boundary, true Transcends Tribulation Stage boundary, Heavenly Law, since can test each cultivating true cultivator, that explained darkly this is responsible for controlling to manage the person of this Heavenly Tribulation thunder punishment innately, at least was the immortal, but wanted on this day within all lives, so long as had the spirit wisdom, had the joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness, otherwise does not calculate that had the spirit wisdom, even if were the immortal is also same.” “不管是练气中期,金丹境界,元婴境界,还有真正的渡劫期境界,天道既然都能对每一个修真者进行考验,那说明这冥冥中自有负责掌控管理这天劫雷罚之人,起码是仙人,而只要这天地间所有的生灵,只要拥有了灵智,也就拥有喜怒哀乐,否则就不算拥有灵智,哪怕是仙人也是一样。” You said my Qi Practicing middle-stage boundary cultivating true cultivator, but 49 Small Heavenly Tribulations made him wait for was so long, can he get angry?” “你说我一个练气中期境界的修真者,只是一个四九小天劫就让他等待了这么久,他会不会怒?” „......” “……” Ye Xingchen listened silly, her half-day/long time was speechless, suddenly has thought of own, immediately asked: But I also broke through the Qi Practicing 4-layer boundary, doesn't have Heavenly Tribulation to descend?” 夜星辰都听傻了,她半天无语,忽然想到了自己,顿时问道:“可是我也突破了练气四层境界,怎么没有天劫降落啊?” Hehe, your is special situation!” “嘿嘿,你那是特殊情况而已!” Ling Yun has smiled, he is embracing the willow waist of Ye Xingchen: Justice is inescapable is sparse and leakproof, one day, Heavenly Tribulation will also descend in your head.” 凌云笑了,他揽着夜星辰的柳腰:“天网恢恢疏而不漏,总有一天,天劫也会降落在你的头上的。” Actually, Ling Yun helps the Ye Xingchen camouflage secret regarding Human Emperor's Writing Brush the procedure, has the reservations, because this can only camouflage for a while, actually cannot forever camouflage! 其实,凌云对于人皇笔帮助夜星辰遮蔽天机的做法,是有保留意见的,因为这个只能遮蔽一时,却不能永远遮蔽! When Ye Xingchen own boundary is unable to camouflage the secret time, once when the time comes Heavenly Tribulation arrives, that might has not known in a big way, Ye Xingchen has not passed through the Heavenly Tribulation baptism from the beginning, faces more terrifying Heavenly Tribulation directly, can she pass safely? 等到夜星辰的自身境界无法遮蔽天机的时候,到时候一旦天劫降临,那威力还不知道多大,夜星辰没有经过一开始的天劫洗礼,直接就面临更加恐怖的天劫,她能安然度过吗? May think, although thinks, but Ling Yun actually knows, Human Emperor's Writing Brush will do such, definitely has its own truth, otherwise Human Emperor's Writing Brush will definitely not get rid. 可想虽然是这么想,但凌云却是知道,人皇笔会这么做,肯定有它自己的道理,否则人皇笔肯定不会出手。 Stars/Xingchen, this Avoiding Water Bead you are taking, after a while I exited, naturally as soon as possible will run out of the sea level, then flies to the distant place, directs this Tribulation Clouds, at that time you ran out of the sea level again, only need watch in the distant place is, do not enter under Tribulation Clouds......” 星辰,这避水珠你拿着,一会儿等我出去之后,自然会尽快冲出海面,然后飞向远处,引走这劫云,那时候你再冲出海面,只需在远处观看就是,千万不要进入劫云下方……” Ling Yun speaks, has given Ye Xingchen Avoiding Water Bead, has used then several minutes of time, narrates the item that she should pay attention to completely understands. 凌云说着话,把避水珠交给了夜星辰,然后又用了几分钟的时间,把她应该注意的事项全部讲述明白。 Finally Ling Yun inspects oneself, after tidying up is appropriate, he to Ye Xingchen brightly smiles: Stars/Xingchen, but is 49 Small Heavenly Tribulations, you do not need to be worried.” 最后凌云检查自身,收拾妥当之后,他对夜星辰灿烂一笑:“星辰,不过是四九小天劫而已,你无需担心。” I go!” “我去啦!” Shua! 刷! Ling Yun is imperial, promoted the limit the speed, ran out of the Avoiding Water Bead space range instantaneously, then he used the technique of Myriad Water Immortal Secret Arts water gate greatly opening, opened two meters high in the underground underground river directly, one meter wide giant channel! 凌云御空,把速度提升到了极限,瞬间就冲出了避水珠的空间范围,然后他施展万水仙诀水门大开之术,直接在地下暗河中开辟出一条两米高,一米宽的巨大通道! After two seconds, Ling Yun runs out from the exit|to speak of underground underground river suddenly, directly entered in the East China Sea sea! 两秒钟之后,凌云猛然从地下暗河的出口中冲出,直接进入了东海海洋之中! Bang! 轰隆! Really, Ling Yun enters East China Sea, Heavenly Tribulation arrives immediately, the bowl thick blue color thunder and lightning, drills from thick black such as the dark clouds of black ink together, the penetration world, drills into the sea water not to be blocked unexpectedly slightly, direct bang on Ling Yun! 果然,凌云一进东海,天劫立即降临,一道碗口粗的蓝色雷电,从浓黑如墨的黑云中钻出,贯通天地,钻入海水竟丝毫没有受阻,直接轰在了凌云身上! time, electric light twinkling, in the middle of the Ling Yun surrounding sea water has emerged out of thin air the innumerable electricity snakes, surrounds him thoroughly! 时间,电光闪烁,凌云周围的海水当中凭空出现了无数条电蛇,将他彻底包围! Ling Yun by a whole body hemp of rumbling! 凌云被轰的浑身一麻! My fuck! “我靠! Originally, what Ling Yun thinks is he, as soon as crashes in the sea, immediately is vertical on flies, at the maximum speed runs out of the water surface, is now, is impossible. 原本,凌云想的是他一冲进海洋,就立即垂直上飞,以最快的速度冲出水面,可是现在,不可能了。 Because along with that blue thunder and lightning bang on body, Ling Yun not only a whole body hemp, but also he felt that the surrounding sea water became incomparably heavy, as if turned into a waterwall, from extruded to come, letting him to him in all directions almost to move! 因为随着那道蓝色雷电轰在身上,凌云不仅浑身一麻,而且他感觉到周围的海水变得无比沉重了起来,仿佛化成了道道水墙,从四面八方向他挤压而来,让他几乎不能动弹! Ma, this is the water tribulation!” “玛德,这是水劫!” The Heavenly Tribulation thunder and lightning may incessantly be the thunder and lightning, because in the middle of the Heavenly Tribulation thunder and lightning, is containing various Heavenly Law principles, can therefore evolve yeah, right! 天劫雷电可不止是雷电,因为天劫雷电当中,蕴含着各种天道法则,所以可以演化一切! Now Ling Yun in the deep sea-bed, Heavenly Tribulation first chops the blue thunder and lightning to rumble he, wants to suppress him obviously in this seabed, then chops him! 如今凌云在深海海底,天劫首先劈下蓝色雷电轰他,明显是想将他镇压在这海底,然后再劈他! five elements Thunder Tribulation!” 五行雷劫!” Ling Yun after flesh body has shouldered this Thunder Tribulation hardly, he immediately shouts this Heavenly Tribulation name. 凌云肉身硬扛了这道雷劫之后,他立即喊出了这次天劫的名称。 49 Small Heavenly Tribulations that this time must cross, impressively unexpectedly is five elements Thunder Tribulation! 他这次要渡的四九小天劫,赫然竟是五行雷劫 ...... …… All night third chapter of delivering, makes up to renew on the 7 th. Thanks everybody's recommendation ticket and monthly ticket! 通宵第三章送上,补7号更新。谢谢大家的推荐票和月票!
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