DEMG :: Volume #2

#141: The flower of Clear Water

In the evening seven o'clock, the Qingshui High School first evening studied by oneself to start, after a depressed bell sound crossed, the classroom in entire campus peaceful, only remaining outside noise of the rain. 傍晚七点钟,清水一中的第一节晚自习开始了,一阵沉闷的铃声响过之后,整个校园的教室都安静了下来,只剩下外面哗哗的雨声。 This rain was really too big, said that was hundred years meets is not overrated, that rainwater downward did not fall, but was the waterfall falls in torrents, Qingshui High School quickly is vast one piece! 这场雨实在是太大了,说是百年一遇都不为过,那雨水已经不是往下落了,而是瀑布般倾泻,清水一中很快已经是汪洋一片! Studied by oneself to finish to the first evening, trend that this rainstorm not only has not weakened . Moreover the momentum was scarier, in the sky the thunder was unceasing, the lightning dazzling white light together then together, the infinite water curtain that linked up into a single stretch in the world, shone looks at the rain on the corridor the students panic-stricken eye, seemed showing off the might of nature. 到第一节晚自习结束,这场暴雨非但没有减弱的趋势,而且声势更加骇人,天空中电闪雷鸣不断,闪电的耀眼白光一道接着一道,穿过天地间连成一片的无穷水幕,映照在走廊上看雨的学生们惊恐的眼中,似乎在炫耀着大自然的威力。 The Clear Water rain, has the rainstorm is also the common matter, is under such big rainstorm, actually hears something never heard of before, sees what one never saw before! 清水多雨,下暴雨也是常有的事,可是下这么大的暴雨,却是闻所未闻,见所未见! Rain disaster! Absolutely is rain disaster! I estimated, this rain definitely has the relations with today noon waterspout!” “雨灾!绝对是雨灾!我估计,这场雨肯定跟今天中午的龙吸水有关系!” Gu Yuanlong puts out a hand, is feeling the fluent waterfall powerful blow strength that falls from place above, cannot bear be flabbergasted to say. 谷元龙伸出手,感受着从上方落下来的水流瀑布的强大冲击力,忍不住咋舌说道。 You look at that parallel bars, quickly let flood half! It seems like tonight we must swim dormitory!” “你看那个双杠,都快让水淹了一半儿了!看来今晚我们得游泳回宿舍咯!” Sha Guoxing raised the hand is pointing at that parallel bars near basketball court, saying that shocks. 沙国兴抬手指着篮球场附近的那个双杠,震撼的说道。 At this time, the entire campus low stair was submerged by without enough time the rainwater of escape slightly, under the light a glistening white rainwater submerged the thigh root place of normal person, moreover there is a deeper and deeper trend. 此时,整个校园稍微低矮的台阶都已经被来不及流走的雨水淹没,灯光下白亮亮一片的雨水已经淹没到了正常人的大腿根处,而且还有越来越深的趋势。 The stair of Qingshui High School classroom building is high enough, it is estimated that a classroom in building already by rainwater flooding! 要不是清水一中教学楼的台阶够高,估计一楼的教室早就被雨水给淹了! The rain cats and dogs, the thunder, nobody leaves the classroom building, although does not have wind, is the air is very cool, such a class free time, the temperature probably instantaneously dropped several degrees, some Classmates of putting on, have frozen both hands to hold the arm, trembled. 大雨倾盆,电闪雷鸣,没有人离开教学楼,虽然没有一丝风,可是空气却很凉,就这么一节课的工夫,气温好像瞬间下降了好几度,有些穿的少的同学,已经冻得双手抱着胳膊,瑟瑟发抖了起来。 After next studies by oneself, a Ling Yun classroom, he has not frowned to look at the curtain of rain of out of the window, was worried Maserati that he just succeeded in obtaining, won't dash to me? 下自习以后,凌云没有出教室,他皱着眉头看着窗外的雨幕,正在担心他刚刚到手的玛莎拉蒂,不会给我冲跑了吧? At this moment, Ling Yun received the Tang Meng short note: The eldest child, worried that your Maserati, relax, is very safe! 就在这时,凌云收到了唐猛的短信:老大,担心你的玛莎拉蒂了吧,放心,安全得很! Ling Yun looked has cannot help but smiled, the heart said that Tang Meng this boy handled the matter to be sturdy! 凌云看了不由得嘿嘿一笑,心说唐猛这小子办事儿就是牢靠啊! Outside the classroom, Sha Guoxing frowns to Gu Yuanlong said: „The weirdness that this rain comes, will unable to do well will be on vacation from school tonight ahead of time......” 教室外面,沙国兴皱着眉头对谷元龙说道:“这雨来的邪门,搞不好今晚会提前放学……” Gu Yuanlong showed the whites of the eyes said: Ahead of time is on vacation from school? Ahead of time is on vacation from school usefully? Such big rain, the public transportation stopped, was on vacation from school could not get away! I looked, has not cut power our school to the present is good!” 谷元龙翻了个白眼儿道:“提前放学?提前放学有用吗?这么大的雨,公交车都停了,放学了也都走不了!我看,咱们学校到现在还没停电就不错了!” Sha Guoxing stared his one eyes saying: You are short of him crow mouth!” 沙国兴瞪了他一眼道:“你少他吗的乌鸦嘴!” Suddenly, Gu Yuanlong vision dumbstruck looks under the classroom building endless vast, then puts out a hand to point out: Looks quickly! There has a woman!” 突然,谷元龙目光目瞪口呆的看着教学楼下面的无尽汪洋,然后伸出手指道:“快看!那儿有个女人!” What?!” Sha Guoxing unbelievable looked at the past following the direction of Gu Yuanlong finger, he noticed that a woman was lifting the umbrella furiously, stood, in submerged to her thigh root rainwater, was carrying with the hand soaking hemline, cautiously was moving the footsteps. “什么?!”沙国兴难以置信的顺着谷元龙手指的方向看过去,果然,他看到一个女人正奋力举着雨伞,站在已经淹没到她大腿根的雨水中,一只手提着湿透的裙摆,正小心翼翼的挪动着脚步。 Under light, dazzlingly bright water curtain crazy pounding, in she is lifting on umbrella, then pounds the enormous force that falls from the upper air, making her lift right hand fluctuating of umbrella to be uncertain, simultaneously she must resist is not having the impact of water current the direction may follow, this lets her every step walk incomparable difficult. 灯光下,白亮的水幕疯狂的砸在她举着的雨伞上,那从高空中砸落下来的巨大力量,使得她举伞的右手起伏不定,同时她还要对抗着毫无方向可循的水流的冲击,这让她的每一步都行走的无比艰难。 In such big rain, the umbrella already lost its function of keeping the rain off, can only make her open the eye to regard the thing reluctantly. 在这么大的雨中,雨伞早已失去了它的挡雨的作用,只能让她勉强睁开眼睛视物罢了。 Her whole body was already passed by rainwater pouring, a long hair was moistened by the rainwater, sticks to and latter carries on the back in her neck \; 她的浑身早已被雨水浇透,一头长发被雨水打湿成绺,紧贴在她的脖子和后背上\; She wears a white one-piece dress, after that one-piece dress the rainstorm heartless pouring is wet , the tight post in she exquisite floats on the raised tender body, to person depending on adding endless daydream. 她穿着一件白色的连衣裙,那连衣裙被暴雨无情的浇湿以后,也紧紧的贴在她玲珑浮凸的娇躯上,给人凭添无尽遐想。 Strange, what this female is the female teacher of which class, at this time really also had the mood to come on the classroom inspector general to study by oneself?” “奇怪,这女的是哪个班的女老师啊,这时候竟然还有心情来教室监督上自习?” She turned in front of the classroom building to come, how to enter the corridor?” “她都拐到教学楼前面来了,怎么不进走廊?” Gu Yuanlong this boy thoughts move, the vision stares to stare as before the woman in difficult vanguard in the rainstorm, said: old does sand, dare to bet again one time, to give the opposite party to wash one month of sock to take the gambling stake, I said what this female is looks for Ling Yun's, do you believe?!” 谷元龙这小子心思一动,目光依旧直勾勾盯着在暴雨中艰难前行的女人,道:“老沙,敢不敢再赌一次,就以给对方洗一个月的袜子作为赌注,我说这女的是来找凌云的,你信不信?!” Sha Guoxing wants not to refuse saying: I do not bet with you......” 沙国兴想也不想就拒绝道:“我才不和你赌……” Ling Yun was really too heaven-defying, in the morning had three women to look for Ling Yun, were many not to be many, Sha Guoxing does not want to wash one month of smelly sock to Gu Yuanlong! 凌云实在是太逆天了,上午已经有三个女人来找凌云了,再多一个也不多,沙国兴可不想给谷元龙洗一个月的臭袜子! Free time of two people speech, that female has passed through the distances of two classrooms in front of the classroom building, suddenly the figure turned, sneaked in a corridor of building, vanished in the line of sight of two people in light of this does not see. 两人说话的工夫,那女的已经在教学楼前走过了两个教室的距离,忽然身形一扭,钻进了一楼的走廊,就此在两人的视线中消失不见。 Waiting, me was shouting Ling Yun!” Gu Yuanlong could not see the person, spoke thoughtlessly said to Sha Guoxing, walked toward the classroom. “等着,我去喊凌云!”谷元龙看不到人了,随口对沙国兴说了一句,就往教室里走去。 Sha Guoxing shouts behind him: If you have made mistake, careful Ling Yun punches you!” 沙国兴在他背后喊道:“要是你摆了乌龙,小心凌云揍你啊!” Gu Yuanlong beckons with the hand: Relax!” Then he arrives at the classroom entrance, rear Ling Yun to classroom shouts: Brother Ling, outside came a woman to look for you, came out to meet quickly!” 谷元龙一摆手:“放心吧!”然后他来到教室门口,冲教室最后面的凌云喊道:“凌哥,外面来了个女人找你,快出来接一下吧!” Gu Yuanlong usually very clever horse, is the character of making trouble, now Ling Yun performance coquettish of that he taking the opportunity does not paste toward Ling Yun on is strange. 谷元龙平时就很鬼马,是个无风起浪的人物,现在凌云表现的那么风骚,他不借机往凌云身上贴才怪。 Has saying that the courage of this boy aspect, he can look at Ling Yun today is happy, even if own has made mistake, Ling Yun will not get angry. 不得不说,这小子这方面的胆子很大,他看得出来凌云今天的心情不错,就算自己摆了乌龙,凌云也不会真的翻脸。 Although Gu Yuanlong this throat is not big, but the person in classroom actually heard clearly, houseful Classmates look at each other in blank dismay immediately! 谷元龙这一嗓子虽然不大,可是教室里的人却都听了个清清楚楚,满屋同学顿时都面面相觑! Also came a woman to look for Ling Yun? Didn't have?! 又来了个女人找凌云?还有完没完了?! Cao Shanshan and Zhang Ling in classroom, two people look at each other one at this time, looks at the opposite party dull, is also speechless. 曹珊珊张灵此时都在教室里呢,两个人对视一眼,呆呆地看着对方,同时无语。 Cao Shanshan has gawked good half-day/long time, suddenly discouraged rubber ball general lying on the own school desk. 曹珊珊愣了好半天,忽然泄气皮球一般的趴在了自己的课桌上。 She thinks the own nightmare had ended, has not thought that when such cloud burst, really also has the female looks for Ling Yun! 她本来以为自己的噩梦已经结束了,没想到在下着这么大暴雨的时候,竟然还有女的来找凌云 Fourth! 第四个了! Oh! This dead Ling Yun has provoked many women outside! 天哪!这个死凌云到底在外面招惹了多少女人啊! Gu Yuanlong has a little miscalculated, he does not know, if today confirmed he is the cry wolf, Ling Yun perhaps not him how, but Cao Shanshan and Zhang Ling definitely while still alive will choke to death him! 谷元龙有一点算错了,他不知道,今天如果确认了他是谎报军情,凌云也许不会把他怎么着,可曹珊珊张灵肯定会活活掐死他! Also who will look for me?” Ling Yun stood up, has pondered diligently half-day/long time, does not know that which woman this time was coming, but he nodded as before, walked. “还会有谁来找我?”凌云站起身,冥思苦想了半天,都不知道这次是哪个女人来,不过他依旧点了点头,走了出去。 Ling Yun leaves the classroom, arrived at staircase, catches the eye sweeps, has not seen the person, immediately turns head to stare Gu Yuanlong saying: Person?!” 凌云走出教室,来到了楼梯处,抬眼一扫,没见到人,顿时回头瞪着谷元龙道:“人呢?!” The tone is somewhat bad. 语气已经是有些不善了。 This Gu Yuanlong has not known now profoundly, dares to stroke the tiger to unexpectedly? 难道这谷元龙现在还不知道天高地厚,竟然敢捋虎须? Gu Yuanlong looks at the Ling Yun's look, knows in the heart is bad, he hurries to stack to smile: Brother Ling, I am think......” 谷元龙一看凌云的眼神,心知要糟,他赶忙堆起满脸笑容:“凌哥,我就是想……” He just wants saying that wants to call Ling Yun to come out to play to play, sees on the flight of step to turn the woman who a whole body soaks, in the hand is raising an umbrella but actually, took a step to step onto the staircase. 他刚想说就是想叫凌云出来玩玩儿,就看到楼梯台阶上拐过来一个浑身湿透的女人,手中倒提着一把雨伞,迈步走上了楼梯。 Gu Yuanlong subconscious has after death referred to toward Ling Yun's. 谷元龙下意识的朝着凌云的身后指了指。 I thought that your boy more and more has not counted, is also thinking to the present plays me, looked that I do not lose to take a bath to the water in you!” Although Ling Yun heard behind sound of footsteps, has not actually turned head, lifts the hand to seize the Gu Yuanlong's collar, wants to frighten him. “我看你小子是越来越没数了啊,到现在还想着耍我,看我不把你丢到水里洗澡去!”凌云虽然听到了身后的脚步声,却没有回头,抬手就揪住了谷元龙的衣领,想要吓唬吓唬他。 Hello, excuse me, Ling Yun in?” The sound that freezes the tooth to tremble, resounds behind Ling Yun. “您好,请问,凌云在吗?”一个冻得牙齿打颤的声音,在凌云背后响起。 Ling Yun turns head suddenly. 凌云霍然回头。 Is you?!” Ling Yun has opened the mouth shocking. “是你?!”凌云震惊地张大了嘴巴。 The future is not others, Ling Yun in the traffic accident site has saved the outstandingly beautiful outstanding person, the flower of Clear Water, Zhuang Meifeng! 来者不是别人,正是凌云在车祸现场救了的绝色尤物,清水之花,庄美凤 Zhuang Meifeng hemline has put down, the whole person was similar to just fished from the water general, from top to bottom all was the rainwater, the white one-piece dress was passed by the rainwater pouring, closely pasted, in she had to gracefully on tender body, still tick-tock water! 庄美凤裙摆已经放下,整个人如同刚从水里捞出来一般,从上到下全是雨水,白色的连衣裙被雨水浇透,紧紧地贴在她曼妙有致的娇躯上,兀自滴答水! This is really being worthy of the reputation Clear Water spending! 这真是名符其实的“清水”之花了! Her whole person somewhat freezes the lip to turn purple, left hand holds the right arm of own, the whole body is cowering to tremble, in addition the cheek of that charming coldly elegant, how making the person see how loves dearly, how sees pretty! 她整个人冻得嘴唇有些发紫,左手抱着自己的右臂,浑身瑟缩发抖,加上那一张妩媚冷艳的脸蛋儿,让人怎么看怎么心疼,怎么看怎么楚楚动人! On the flesh of Zhuang Meifeng clear snow-white has hung all over water drop, after the white one-piece dress soaks, presents the translucent shape, the tight post on she graceful moving tender body, the twin peaks of her perfect honey peach shape, cannot withstand the soft slender extremely slender waist that grasps, as well as two perfectly round slender solid thighs both present before the people, takes in everything at a glance! 庄美凤晶莹雪白的肌肤上挂满了水珠儿,白色连衣裙湿透之后,呈现半透明状,紧紧贴在她曼妙动人的娇躯上,把她完美的水蜜桃形状的双峰,不堪一握的柔软纤细的水蛇腰,以及两条浑圆修长的结实大腿都呈现在众人面前,一览无余! Mysterious triangular area that the roots and compact smooth lower abdomens of two perfectly round thighs outlined, was partly visible, the curve revealed completely, is sending out the endless mysticalness and enticement! 就连两条浑圆大腿的根部和紧致平坦的小腹勾勒出来的神秘三角地带,都若隐若现,曲线毕露,散发着无尽的神秘与诱惑! Oh! This female quite beautiful!” “哇塞!这女的好美啊!” Faint, came one, braves such heavy rain!” “晕,又来了一个,冒着这么大雨来的!” This female does not compare that Celestial Immortal police to spend the long difference!” “这女的一点儿也不比那个天仙警花长的差啊!” Faint, is looks for Ling Yun's, Ling Yun is really the charm is now infinite!” “晕,真的是来找凌云的,凌云现在真的是魅力无穷啊!” Damn, this was too simply crazy!” 我草,这简直太疯狂了!” ............ ………… Cao Shanshan and Zhang Ling this time really cannot repress their curiosity, heard that had the beautiful woman to look for Ling Yun, could not bear run from the classroom together, where had a look this time is sacred. 曹珊珊张灵这次实在是按捺不住她们的好奇心,一听说真的有美女来找凌云了,忍不住一块儿从教室里跑了出来,看看这次又是何方神圣。 Then Cao Shanshan ruthlessly had been attacked one time! 然后曹珊珊就又被狠狠地打击了一次! Oh, but also is really another outstandingly beautiful! own as long as this age, is slightly maturer, perhaps also generally is attractive with her! 天哪,还真的是又一个绝色!自己就算长到她这个年龄,稍微成熟一些,恐怕也就和她一般漂亮! Fourth......” Zhang Ling looks at outstanding person general Zhuang Meifeng, muttered. “第四个了……”张灵看着尤物一般的庄美凤,喃喃自语道。 Zhang Ling feel better compared with Cao Shanshan, because of her with Cao Shanshan in together, already knew daily the own look is any progression, naturally cannot be the same with Cao Shanshan, exists with these outstandingly beautiful secret comparisons thoughts, therefore in the mentality instead can feel better. 张灵要比曹珊珊好过一些,因为她天天和曹珊珊在一块儿,早就自知自己的相貌是什么级数的,自然不会跟曹珊珊一样,存在着跟这些绝色暗暗比较的心思,因此心态上反而能好受一些。 Ling Yun does not attend to the corridor people's response, he one drew the one side Zhuang Meifeng, then frowned said: „The next such big rain, did you at this time come? Not in the world?” 凌云不顾走廊上众人的反应,他一把就把庄美凤拉到了一旁,然后皱眉道:“下这么大的雨,你怎么这时候过来了?没在天底下吗?” You...... Are you Ling Yun?!” “你……你是凌云?!” Zhuang Meifeng looks like very scared, her is nervous, as if just heard the how fearful matter to be ordinary, the elegant face because of frightening becomes turns white, the still looks Ling Yun that at present changes greatly asked. 庄美凤看起来非常恐慌,她的表情紧张无比,似乎刚刚听到了多么可怕的事情一般,俏脸因为惊吓而变得发白,犹自看着眼前大变样的凌云问道。 Who is not I can also be, you first in the final analysis what happened?” “不是我还能是谁,你先说到底发生什么事了?” Ling Yun has no free time to explain that many with her, Zhuang Meifeng now frozen becomes this, if not warm up promptly, will live previous to get sick inevitably greatly may not! 凌云没空跟她解释那么多,庄美凤现在冻成这样,如果不及时取暖,势必会生上一场大病不可! Because Zhuang Meifeng is very cold, left hand is holding the right arm, the chest of perfect honey peach shape was pushed full stands tall and erect, she actually could not give a thought to the surrounding wolf same unusual vision at this time, but very scared said to Ling Yun: 庄美凤因为很冷,左手抱着右臂,完美水蜜桃形状的胸脯被挤得更加饱满高耸,她此时却顾不上周围狼一样的异样目光了,只是非常恐慌的对凌云说道: „Can we change a place to speak?” “我们能换个地方说话吗?”
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