DEMG :: Volume #2

#140: Why becomes that graceful?

Only the genuine powerhouse can obtain the most beautiful fresh flower and most warm applause. 只有真正的强者才能得到最美的鲜花和最热烈的掌声。 Present Ling Yun, in third year class 6 all students even is in the eyes of entire Qingshui High School all students, without a doubt is the genuine powerhouse! 现在的凌云,在高三六班全体学生甚至是整个清水一中全体学生的眼中,毫无疑问是真正的强者! Then several days of free time, Ling Yun have been looking down upon from one person, is individual can trample good-for-nothing waste of two feet, changes, with the most coquettish way, with the most rampant performance, has completed magnificence Lili's counterattack, became in the Qingshui High School history the strongest expert! 这才几天的工夫,凌云就已经从一个人人都瞧不起,是个人就可以踹两脚的窝囊废,摇身一变,用最风骚的方式,用最嚣张的表现,完成了华丽丽的逆袭,成为了清水一中史上最强的牛人! Friday night dormitory strikes awe, on Saturday in the morning carries 50 jin (0.5 kg) sandbag to run like crazy 11 on Sports Field, making Little Gambling God Tang Meng that never loses money eat one to owe greatly! 周五晚上宿舍扬威,周六上午在操场上扛着50斤重的沙袋疯跑11圈,让从不输钱的小赌神唐猛吃了一个大亏! Qingshui High School status most mystical super school beauty Cao Shanshan was shamed by him continually, actually can only have no alternative, whatever rumor of various baseless rumors in school! 清水一中身份最神秘的超级校花曹珊珊被他连番羞辱,却只能无可奈何,任由各种风言风语在学校里风传! Beats savagely Wei Tiangan, crazy fan Li Lei, the foot steps on campus worst playboy young tyrant Gou Junfa, takes young tyrant Tie Xiaohu that most can hit, when the ball throws...... 暴打韦天干,狂搧李磊,脚踩校园最坏的纨绔恶少勾俊发,拿着最能打的恶少铁小虎当球扔…… Ling Yun's these performance, regarding the students of third year class 6, now are not worthy of mentioning minor matters, the Ling Yun no error one breath even/including carries seven historical texts, the unarmed single duel Azure Dragon more than 30 people, chatted gold needle to treat and cure Clear Water first playboy Li Qingchuan, under over a thousand people gazed at kiss Qingshui High School most to have potential school beauty Xue Meining crazily, was abducts the Celestial Immortal police to spend Lin Menghan, the beautiful metropolis beautiful woman bestowed Maserati that everybody envied...... 凌云的这些表现,对于高三六班的学生来说,现在已经是微不足道的小事了,凌云一字不差一口气连背七篇历史课文,赤手空拳单挑青龙30多人,谈笑间金针救治清水第一纨绔李晴川,上千人注视之下狂吻清水一中最有潜力的校花薛美凝,更是掳走天仙般的警花林梦寒,绝美都市丽人赠送人人羡慕的玛莎拉蒂…… What is most inconceivable, the Ling Yun accurate judgment Clear Water Lake will also present the waterspout the marvelous sight! 最不可思议的是,凌云还精准至极的判断出了清水湖会出现龙吸水的奇观! What isn't this in the Qingshui High School history the strongest expert is? They do not admire like this genuine powerhouse, whom do they admire to go? 这不是清水一中史上最强的牛人是什么?他们不佩服这样的真正强者,他们佩服谁去? Naturally, the above these, are not Classmates of third year class 6 give the Ling Yun applause the true reason, they applaud to welcome the Ling Yun's reason is very actually simple. 当然,以上这些,还不是高三六班的同学们给予凌云掌声的真正理由,他们鼓掌欢迎凌云的理由其实很简单。 After that was Ling Yun getting stronger, has not forgotten them, has not displayed not to spare a glance to them, but under glare of the public eye, invited them to go to Champions' Building to have the feast on own initiative! 那就是凌云变强了之后,并没有忘记他们,更没有对他们表现出不屑一顾,而是在众目睽睽之下,主动邀请他们去状元楼吃大餐! The careless riches and honor, do not forget! 苟富贵,勿相忘! Although each person of third year class 6 knows that they now and Ling Yun has missed in ten ten thousand eight thousand, in the past had also ridiculed he despises him even to bully him, but Ling Yun not only has not retaliated them, when most happily most coquettish trend of events most vigor, asking them to have the feast! Moreover is Champions' Building should most expensive feast! 虽然高三六班的每一个人都知道他们现在和凌云都差了十万八千里,过去也都曾经嘲笑过他鄙视过他甚至欺负过他,可凌云非但没有报复他们,还在最得意最风骚风头最劲的时候,请他们去吃大餐!而且是状元楼最好最贵的一顿大餐! Is this magnanimous mind/bosom? 这又是何等大度的胸怀? Being anxious of their in the heart vanished thoroughly, is following close on the appearance, naturally is to the Ling Yun's boundless respect, from the respect of bottom of one's heart! 他们心中的惴惴不安彻底消失了,那么随之紧跟着出现的,自然是对凌云的无边敬意,发自肺腑的敬意! Such Ling Yun, how possibly cannot have their support, how possibly unable to obtain their supporting, how possibly to obtain they most warm applause? 这样的凌云,怎么可能得不到他们的支持,怎么可能得不到他们的拥戴,怎么可能得不到他们最热烈的掌声? They finished eating after Champions' Building the food comes back have waited for Ling Yun to return to the classroom, can say, this simple actually grand welcome ceremony, they waited for is very long, suppressed was very long! 他们从状元楼吃完饭回来之后就一直等着凌云回教室,可以说,这场简单却盛大的欢迎仪式,他们已经等待了很久,也憋了很久! Suppresses very uncomfortably! Therefore, Ling Yun just entered room, Classmates as if by prior agreement has stood, what going all out is Ling Yun applauds, that warm applause has even covered outside the noise of the rain, passes on to be quite far in the slightly silent campus well! 憋得很难受!因此,凌云刚一进屋,同学们就不约而同的站了起来,拼了命的为凌云鼓掌,那热烈的掌声甚至盖过了外面哗哗的雨声,在略显寂静的校园里传出去好远好远! Filled boundless hatred Wei Tiangan unable to sit still under this situation to Ling Yun, stood to pat several palms reluctantly. 就连对凌云充满了无边恨意的韦天干在这种情况之下都坐不住,无奈地站了起来拍了几下手掌。 Because he thought that if he does not stand now, graduates before the high school, he will endure all Classmates consistent supercilious look! 因为他觉得,如果现在他不站起来的话,在高中毕业之前,他将会忍受全班同学的一致白眼儿! Ling Yun is really also invincible enough, under this situation, he is stunned not stunned, but shows a faint smile, the stride stepped the platform. 凌云也真够无敌的,在这种情况之下,他连错愕都没有错愕,只是微微一笑,跨步就迈上了讲台。 He stood in the platform center, both hands empty has pressed for nearly one minute in void, that such as the thunder applause gradually has subsided, Classmates filled including the respect looks at Ling Yun, wants to listen to him to say anything. 他站在讲台中央,双手在虚空中虚按了近一分多钟,那如雷的掌声才渐渐平息了下来,同学们都满含敬意的看着凌云,想听听他要说什么。 Saw only Ling Yun to lift the hand to delimit to draw slightly by the hair that the rainwater moistened, then raised head, 45 degrees corner/horn looked up to the ceiling of classroom, the incomparably smelly fart said: You said, I am graceful?” 只见凌云抬手稍微划拉了一下被雨水打湿的头发,然后一仰头,45度角仰望教室的天花板,无比臭屁道:“你们说,我帅不帅?” Graceful!” All Classmates almost unanimously, the sound is deafening! “帅!”全体同学几乎众口一词,声音震耳欲聋! Ling Yun laughs: Good, to/clashes your words, I decided that after waiting for the college entrance examination to end, I asked all personnel to eat one to be better, whatever the place you elected, what kind of?” 凌云哈哈一笑:“好吧,就冲你们这句话,我决定,等高考完了之后,我请全班吃一顿更好的,地方任由你们大家选,怎么样?” Good!” Oh......” was good!” Ling Yun blockhouse!”...... “好!”“哇塞……”“太好了!”“凌云碉堡啦!”…… Reply of this Classmates is inconsistent, below said anything has, but meaning actually similar, that agreed, must agree! 这次同学们的回答就不一致了,下面说什么的都有,但意思却都差不多,那就是同意,必须要同意! Ling Yun smiles natural: Good, thanks Classmates to my applause, this one time, is only not to a precedent, immediately wanted on to study by oneself, we reviewed well!” 凌云潇洒一笑:“好啦,谢谢同学们给我一个人的掌声,只此一次,下不为例哦,马上就要上自习了,我们好好复习吧!” Now nobody ridiculed that Ling Yun could not be admitted to a university, such awesome person, had including Maserati, can be admitted to a university, what relations but also there is? 现在没有人嘲笑凌云考不上大学了,这么牛逼的人,连玛莎拉蒂都有了,能不能考上大学,还有什么关系吗? Ling Yun goes down the platform, incomparably calm walks toward the own seat, Classmates good intentions laughs, in abundance sat, in the preparation studies by oneself. 凌云走下讲台,无比淡定的向着自己的座位走去,同学们善意的哄笑一声,也都纷纷坐了下来,准备上自习。 Shanshan, Tang Meng said right, Ling Yun changed has led really! very handsome very handsome!” 珊珊,唐猛说的没错,凌云真的变帅了耶!好帅好帅啊!” Since Ling Yun enters the room, the Zhang Ling vision has not put aside from the Ling Yun's face, her head almost transferred 180 degrees along with the Ling Yun's footsteps, after waiting for Ling Yun returns to the seat to sit down, cannot bear stare at Ling Yun enough one minute, reluctant to part turning head, whole face shocking muttered said. 自打凌云进屋,张灵的目光就没有从凌云的脸上移开过,她的脑袋几乎随着凌云的脚步转了180度,等凌云回到座位上坐下之后,又忍不住盯了凌云足足有一分钟,才恋恋不舍的回过头来,满脸震惊的喃喃说道。 Incessantly is she, the female students of all personnel when Ling Yun enters the classroom has discovered this point, they display Zhang Ling are more valiant, Zhang Ling at least also knows to turn head, other all female students are also staring at Ling Yun that Zhang Shuai's the face of falling dregs to the present, does not hate to wink including the eye! 不止是她,全班的女生早在凌云进教室的时候就发现了这一点,她们比张灵表现得还要彪悍,张灵起码还知道回过头来,全班其他女生到现在还都盯着凌云那张帅的掉渣的脸,连眼睛都舍不得眨一下呢! Always calm Cao Shanshan now cannot control the expression on own face, her had raised at heart already the dreadful monstrous waves! 就连一向淡定的曹珊珊现在都控制不了自己脸上的表情了,她的心里早就掀起了滔天巨浪! How becomes such graceful?! How is this possible?! 怎么会变得这么帅的?!这怎么可能?! Cao Shanshan knew now Ling Yun is very strong, the strength that Ling Yun shows has even gone beyond the category of martial arts, this point, regarding understanding present age secrets Cao Shanshan, she, although shocks although wonders, may also be can accept, but, Ling Yun's face thin is so quick, how she is actually wants not to think clearly! 曹珊珊现在已经知道了凌云很强,凌云表现出来的实力甚至已经超出了武功的范畴了,这一点,对于了解当世秘辛曹珊珊来说,她虽然震惊虽然纳闷,可还算是能够接受,但是,凌云的脸瘦的这么快,她却是怎么想也想不明白的! Because Cao Shanshan knows, no matter practices martial arts good cultivating true also to be also good, anything practices easily, the face of only person, is very difficult to practice! 因为曹珊珊知道,不管练武也好还是修真也好,什么都容易练,唯独人的这个脸,就很难练! Except for eating meal and speaking, what matter but also there is able to make the movement that the face non-stop lose weight?! 除了吃饭和说话,还有什么事情能让脸部不停的运动减肥?! Only if does to tidy up, performs the liposuction surgery, otherwise, which excess flesh on Ling Yun face to? 除非是做整容,进行抽脂手术,不然的话,凌云脸上的赘肉到底到哪儿去了? Cao Shanshan is puzzling, because she knows, Ling Yun naturally impossible to undergo the liposuction surgery. 曹珊珊百思不得其解,因为她知道,凌云当然不可能去做抽脂手术。 However, after his face is thin, truly real very handsome, own Big Brother Cao Tianlong cannot compare him to lead! With carving to resemble, was too simply charming! 不过,他的脸瘦下来之后,确实真的好帅啊,就连自己哥哥曹天龙都比不上他帅!就跟雕刻出来似的,简直太迷人了! Thinks of here, the Cao Shanshan beautiful elegant face cannot bear one blush. 想到这里,曹珊珊绝美的俏脸忍不住一阵羞红。 Actually, Ling Yun in absorbing massive dragon spiritual energy, after another washing muscle cut down the marrow, although his face was also thin one, still completely is not thin. 其实,凌云在吸收了大量的龙灵气,经过又一次的洗筋伐髓之后,他的脸虽然又瘦了一圈儿,却依然没有完全瘦下来。 Analysis of Cao Shanshan reasonable, the face of person, except for undergoing surgery, is most difficult to be thin, only if hungry, long-term povertying, lets the own thin skinny, otherwise must depend on the physical training the words, dies of exhaustion you unable to reduce. 曹珊珊的分析是有道理的,人的脸,除了做手术,最难瘦下来,除非是饿,长期的忍饥挨饿,让自己瘦的皮包骨头,不然要靠体育锻炼的话,累死你也减不下来。 But, Ling Yun thin quickest, but also is really this face! 可是,凌云瘦的最快的,还真就是这张脸! Why? He has Great Evolving Stars Secret Art! 为什么?他有大衍聚星宝诀啊! Ling Yun had reached the Body Refining Third Stage level peak last night, transformation of Great Evolving Stars Secret Art to his body, the speed or the effect, greatly have been improved! 凌云昨晚就已经达到了练体三层巅峰,大衍聚星宝诀对他身体的改造,无论是速度还是效果,都已经大大的提升了! today Ling Yun solar desirably practice of towards Dongsheng so was also long in the morning, when goes to school in the morning, his face has been able to describe with delicate! 今天早晨凌云对着东升的太阳刻意修炼了那么久,在早晨来上学的时候,他的脸已经可以用清秀来形容了! Otherwise, at that time Zhang Ling saw Ling Yun, does not dare believe the eye of own possibly surprised! 不然的话,当时张灵见了凌云,也不可能吃惊地不敢相信自己的眼睛! But, at that time, Ling Yun's face compared with the present fat one, on the face still many excess flesh, delicately return to delicately, still cannot say that is delicate and pretty! 可是,那时候,凌云的脸比现在还是胖了一圈儿,脸上依然有不少赘肉,清秀归清秀,却依然称不上是俊美! However, the Ling Yun true change, actually after noon has absorbed massive dragon spiritual energy, dragon spiritual energy, effect, although cannot compare immortal spiritual energy, but that function is clever jade anything Seven Glorious Grass may too be more than! 但是,凌云真正的改变,却是在中午吸收了大量的龙灵气之后,龙灵气,效果虽然比不上仙灵气,可那作用比七曜草通灵玉什么的可就强太多了! Retrofit effect of immortal spiritual energy to body good? Under Ling Yun desirably revolution healing technique situation, breaking the bone can continue, the five internal organs quick homing, the internal injury will shortly convalesce! 仙灵气对身体的改造效果有多牛?在凌云刻意运转治疗术情况下,断骨能够接续,五脏很快归位,内伤顷刻间痊愈! But Ling Yun life-saving, was not having the free time to pay attention to such a broken leather bag at that time anxiously. 只不过那时候凌云急着救命,没工夫理会这么一副破皮囊而已。 This time absorbs dragon spiritual energy crazily at the same time, Ling Yun taking the opportunity crazily stimulates to movement Great Evolving Stars Secret Art, then transformation energy balance to body? 这次疯狂吸收龙灵气的同时,凌云借机疯狂催动大衍聚星宝诀,那对身体的改造能差的了吗? Not only the face, the Ling Yun present body weight fell below 190 jin (0.5 kg), thin several jin (0.5 kg), but this type changed by his spacious gym suit is covered, was not discovered easily. 不光脸,凌云现在的体重都已经降到了190斤以下,又瘦了好几斤,只是这种改变被他宽大的运动服掩盖了,不容易被发现而已。 However, because the face is most difficult to change, therefore some changes are slightly easiest to pay attention and discover, because that is the face! 但是,正是因为脸部最难改变,所以稍有改变却最容易被人注意和发现,因为那是脸啊! These big stars front a nose slightly, rubs chin anything, can be pointed out by the innumerable netizens instantaneously, let alone excess flesh on Ling Yun face basically vanishes to disappear! 那些大明星稍微垫个鼻子,磨个下巴什么的,都能被无数网友瞬间指出,更何况凌云脸上的赘肉基本消失不见了! What making Ling Yun not think, the body that own seizes now, is thin the later appearance, is almost unexpectedly exactly the same in the Cultivation Big World appearance with him! 只是,让凌云没有想到的是,自己现在占领的这具身体,瘦下来之后的模样,竟然跟他在修真大世界的模样几乎一模一样! Ling Yun has confidence completely, so long as and other excess flesh on face vanishes thoroughly does not see, then his look with Cultivation Big World time not the slightest difference! 凌云完全有把握,只要等他脸上的赘肉彻底消失不见,那么他的相貌就会和修真大世界的时候毫无二致! This made Ling Yun feel crossing over of own without a doubt a that unusual flavor, but already came to settle it, Ling Yun has not thought toward another place. 这毫无疑问让凌云感觉到自己的穿越多了一丝那么不寻常的味道,可是既来之则安之,凌云也没有往他处想。 To be also useless, his present strength dregs very much, except for the crazy promotion own strength, anything did not do. 就是想也没有用,他现在的实力渣的很,除了疯狂的提升自己的实力,根本就什么都做不了。 In any case before own , the graceful was used to it, led to be always better than the clown? 反正自己以前帅习惯了,帅总比丑好是不是? Therefore Ling Yun taking advantage in the opportunity that the platform upper garment compels, half jokingly partly installs to compel asked that own is graceful, actually first impressions are most lasting, has blocked the Classmates mouth all of a sudden! 因此凌云借着在讲台上装逼的机会,半开玩笑半装逼的问自己帅不帅,其实是先入为主,一下子堵住了同学们的口! You acknowledged in any case I have led, did not need to gather round me to ask this and that again, the trouble of province! 反正你们都承认了我帅了,就不用再围着我问这问那了,省的麻烦! These to Ling Yun, although can treat with indifference, deals with ease, may place on female Classmates in surrounding Classmates particularly class, but was an entirely different story! 这些对凌云来说虽然能够淡然处之,轻松应对,可放在周围的同学尤其是班里的女同学身上,可就完全不是那么一回事了! Ling Yun that blade truncates the face of pitching chisel, the unique makings in addition on him imperceptibly sending out, as well as calm calm expression and profound such as vast starry sky look, unconscious corners of the mouth brings back, on the left cheeks that deep intoxicant dimple, these synthesize, that has made any woman go crazy sufficiently, let alone Ling Yun for these days also that performance of eye-catching / flashy in school! 凌云那刀削斧凿的脸庞,再加上他身上无形中散发出来的独特气质,以及淡定从容的表情和深邃如浩瀚星空的眼神,不自觉嘴角儿勾起的时候,左脸颊上那个深深的醉人酒窝,这些综合起来,那已经足以让任何一个女人发疯了,更何况凌云这几天还在学校里那么拉风的表现! Shanshan, now, you also thought that on that day and Ling Yun was only one accidental? Ling Yun turned into this appearance now, your competitor will have!” 珊珊,现在,你还觉得那天和凌云只是一个偶然吗?凌云现在变成了这个样子,你的竞争对手会有很多的!” Although Zhang Ling at heart to Ling Yun liked awfully, may endure suffering to remind Cao Shanshan. 张灵心里虽然对凌云已经喜欢的要命,可还是忍痛提醒曹珊珊 Cao Shanshan this time has not refuted Zhang Ling, Ling Yun has kissed with Xue Meining under the big crowd of people, what isn't that the competitor is? 曹珊珊这次没有反驳张灵,凌云都在大庭广众之下跟薛美凝接吻了,那不是竞争对手是什么? Her competitor not only has, but also as if also has! Moreover each one strengths are intrepid! 她的竞争对手不但有,而且似乎还有很多!而且个个都实力强悍! Visible, had various Xue Meining this aspects not to lose to own potential school beauty \; 明着的,已经有薛美凝这一个各方面都不输给自己的潜力校花了\; As for the potential match, Cao Shanshan also has the intense premonition at heart, including that Celestial Immortal police officer, that gives to the Ling Yun Maserati outstandingly beautiful metropolis beautiful woman, this may becomes the own strongest match! 至于潜在的对手,曹珊珊心里也有着强烈的预感,包括那位天仙般的女警花,那位送给凌云玛莎拉蒂的绝色都市丽人,这都有可能成为自己最为强劲的对手! Without a doubt, between Ling Yun and that two beautiful women, definitely have the story! 毫无疑问的,凌云和那两个美女之间,肯定都有故事! Ling Yun that time appearance so is not delicate and pretty, already and these many had the story outstandingly beautiful, let alone did he turn into the present this? 凌云那时候的模样还没有这么俊美,就已经和这么多绝色发生了故事了,更何况他变成了现在这样? Blames own, original own is Ling Yun contacts many, what a pity that many opportunities, unexpectedly in vain were wasted by own!” “都怪自己,本来自己才是和凌云接触最多的,可惜那么多的机会,竟然都被自己白白浪费了!” Cao Shanshan wishes one could to pull out own several slap in the face now! 曹珊珊现在恨不得抽自己几个耳光 The tone that she does not dare now with cracking a joke teased Zhang Ling, Cao Shanshan did not need to look, with the toe wants to know now Zhang Ling definitely likes Ling Yun liking awfully! 她现在都不敢用开玩笑的口吻调笑张灵了,曹珊珊都不用看,用脚趾头想都能知道张灵现在肯定喜欢凌云喜欢的要命! She is not certainly able to prevent Zhang Ling to like even pursuing Ling Yun, best friend is best friend, own has the superiority to return to the superiority, must make others Zhang Ling like Ling Yun on behalf of own! 她当然无法阻止张灵喜欢甚至追求凌云,闺蜜闺蜜,自己有优势归有优势,可不代表自己就能不让人家张灵喜欢凌云 Discovery of Cao Shanshan even miserable, if she must with Zhang Ling really at the same time launches pursues to Ling Yun's, perhaps own will lose! 曹珊珊甚至悲催的发现,如果她要和张灵真的同时展开对凌云的追求的话,没准儿自己会输! Because of Ling Yun this shameless fellow, own ponders over to be airtight he to want anything radically, likes anything! 因为凌云这个无耻的家伙,自己根本就琢磨不透他到底想要什么,到底喜欢什么! However Ling Yun as if very much likes staring at the chest of woman to look, on that day said own chest big good tall Haoting is this, today stares the chest of Lin Menghan is looking, does the eye also wink. 不过凌云似乎很喜欢盯着女人的胸脯看,那天说自己的胸脯好大好高好挺是这样,今天盯着林梦寒的胸脯看的时候,眼睛也是一眨不眨。 Thinks of here, she cannot bear with eye casts a sidelong glance secretly the chest of Zhang Ling, actually cannot bear discouraged. 想到这里,她忍不住拿眼睛偷偷瞟了一眼张灵的胸脯,却又是忍不住一阵泄气。 If compared with other, her Cao Shanshan truly is the superiority occupies completely, is compared with the words of chest, others Zhang Ling eats papaya to drink the giant chest that the milk raises, but also really not compared with her small! 要是比别的,她曹珊珊确实是优势占尽,可是比胸脯的话,人家张灵木瓜喝牛奶养出来的巨大胸脯,还真不比她的小! Struggles then the struggle, who feared who!” The Cao Shanshan silver tooth is nipping lower lip lightly, the low voice whisper said. “争就争,谁怕谁啊!”曹珊珊银牙轻咬着下唇,小声嘀咕道。 Struggles with a person in any case is also the struggle, struggles with ten people is also the struggle, who will be the winner is uncertain! 反正跟一个人争也是争,跟十个人争也是争,鹿死谁手还不一定呢! Shanshan, wants me to help......” the Zhang Ling complexion to blush, hypocritical, somewhat afraid saying. 珊珊,要不要我帮忙……”张灵脸色羞红,口是心非,有些心虚的说道。 Cao Shanshan understands completely the idea of Zhang Ling, she stamped the feet to say piqued and headstrong generally: Already knows that your wave hoof moved the feelings of love, you must like him although pursued, so long as you can pursue on was your, did not need to be embarrassed with me!” 曹珊珊完全明白张灵的想法,她负气一般跺了跺脚道:“早就知道你个浪蹄子动春心了,你要喜欢他就尽管追,只要你能追的上就是你的,不用跟我不好意思!” Zhang Ling sees the own thoughts to be divulged by Cao Shanshan, charming, will lift the small powder fist to pound the arm of Cao Shanshan, Cao Shanshan will hide in the future, two pairs plentiful attractive **** simultaneously the play will tremble. 张灵自己的心思被曹珊珊说破,娇羞之下,抬起小粉拳去砸曹珊珊的胳膊,曹珊珊往后一躲,两对丰满诱人的****同时剧颤。 Ling Yun......” Zhang Ling in the heart meditates. 凌云……”张灵心中默念。 Cao Shanshan thinks right, Zhang Ling pursues Ling Yun to come, but also has an exceptional superiority really! 曹珊珊想的没错,张灵追起凌云来,还真有一个得天独厚的优势! She is Wu Gaolang Qin chose/point, Ling Yun's history guidance teacher! 她可是乌高朗钦点的,凌云的历史辅导老师!
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