DEMG :: Volume #2

#139: Sinister and ruthless! Pupil surpasses the teacher!

Gou Junfa disdains looked in the hospital ward three fellow of keeping silent , to continue saying: On Ling Yun that poor devil, in the family/home has no right without the potential, we think that means do cope with him not to be simple?” 勾俊发不屑的看了病房里三个默不作声的家伙一眼,继续说道:“就凌云那个穷鬼,家里无权无势,我们想个办法对付他还不简单?” „Didn't we initially discuss several plans? Puts out set of to come casually, suffices that silliness | Compels to drink a pot!” “我们当初不是商量了好几套方案吗?随便拿出一套来,都够那个傻|逼喝一壶的!” Gou Junfa said, on the face flashes through wipes the sinister and ruthless smiling face, yellowing eyeball keeps turning slightly, said: „, Ling Yun this time has hit the face of Azure Dragon in the presence of everyone, after adding lets Tie Xiaohu, with him mixes, you think that Brother Kun will let off him? His trouble also in behind!” 勾俊发说完,脸上闪过一抹阴毒的笑容,微微泛黄的眼珠儿转个不停,顿了顿又说道:“还有,凌云这次当众打了青龙的脸,还说让铁小虎以后跟他混,你以为坤哥会放过他?他的麻烦还在后面呢!” Father Gou Liancheng of Gou Junfa this boy does business, he is influenced by what one sees and hears all day, the eloquence that studies is good, the simple several words, by the eye that Lu Chengtian of Ling Yun's heavens frightening performance scared out of one's wits spoke one bright! 勾俊发这小子的父亲勾连城是做生意的,他整天耳濡目染,学的口才不错,简单几句话,就把被凌云的惊天表现吓破胆的鲁成天说的眼睛一亮! However he is saying of face worry: But, we make cloudy move cope with Ling Yun, what to do if he is direct to hit us?” 不过他还是一脸担心的说道:“可是,我们使阴招对付凌云,他要是直接过来打我们怎么办?” Gou Junfa disdains to say with a smile: I thought that you die to consider as finished stupidly, since is the cloudy move, how also possibly to make Ling Yun know?” 勾俊发不屑一笑道:“我看你笨死算了,既然是阴招,又怎么可能让凌云知道?” That, what to do Brother Fa do you plan?” Pi Hezhi and yellow wool also asked. “那,发哥你打算怎么办啊?”皮和志和黄毛同时问道。 Now simply is the Gou Junfa performance time, in his at a moderate pace point a smoke, then toward behind depends saying: Ling Yun has hit me, I definitely will not let the comfort that he crosses, but also remembers our second plan?” 现在简直就是勾俊发的表演时刻,他不紧不慢的点上一颗烟,然后往身后一靠道:“凌云打了我,我就肯定不会让他过的舒坦,还记得咱们的第二套方案没?” His family/home that side must relocate immediately, I have given my uncle to hit to call, this relocation fee/spent, their family/home one cent do not want to attain!” “他家那边儿马上就要拆迁了,我已经给我叔打好招呼了,这笔拆迁费,他们家一分钱都别想拿到!” Moreover, we, since could not cope with Ling Yun, but we can cope with Ning Lingyu! After also wants to wait for Tie Xiaohu to take Ling Yun hit remnantly, we grab a ready-made bargain, punched in the hospital to go to dull one year or so Ling Yun, then coped with Ning Lingyu, now is not good, we must take Ning Lingyu as the first goal!” “另外,我们既然对付不了凌云,但是我们可以对付宁灵雨!本来还想等铁小虎凌云打残了之后,我们捡个现成便宜,把凌云揍医院里去呆上个一年半载的,然后再对付宁灵雨,现在不行了,我们必须把宁灵雨作为第一目标!” Copes with Ning Lingyu, if our times want means Xie Junyan that silliness | Compels to involve, snort/hum, all day installs to compel in the school, thinks that I do not know what goods he is?!” “对付宁灵雨,我们这次要想办法把谢俊彦那个傻|逼牵扯进来,哼,整天在学校那么装逼,以为我不知道他是什么货色吗?!” Sees Gou Junfa to be methodical, said the each and everyone mean treacherous plan, Lu Chengtian and other people also nodded, yellow hair interrupted suddenly: But Brother Fa, this is unable to have a fracture to Ling Yun, felt that such does not have the big meaning......” 看到勾俊发有条不紊的,把一个个阴狠的毒计说出来,鲁成天等三人不禁同时点头,黄毛突然插嘴道:“可是发哥,这样都无法对凌云伤筋动骨啊,感觉那样也没多大意思……” Gou Junfa hehe sneers: Ling Yun? You, have words are called hardly not to be good softly, we cannot hit him, but do we beg for mercy with him also not?” 勾俊发嘿嘿冷笑:“凌云?你们啊,有句话叫做硬的不行来软的,我们打不过他,可我们跟他求饶还不行吗?” „......” Are three people also shocked, beg for mercy? Begs for mercy you also to think that many treacherous plans to do what? “嘎……”三人同时震惊,求饶?求饶你还想那么多毒计干什么? Gou Junfa frowned, has attracted a flue slightly: tomorrow I can leave the hospital, I must go to and Ling Yun personally apologize, then asked him the red hall beautiful woman nightclub that went to my father to open to play to play, was regarded as apologizes!” 勾俊发微微皱眉,吸了一口烟道:“明天我就能出院了,我要亲自去和凌云道歉,然后请他去我爹开的红馆丽人夜总会玩玩儿,就当做是赔罪!” In the eye that then Gou Junfa narrows bright light suddenly/violently to dodge, hehe said with a smile suddenly: Red hall beautiful woman nightclub, inside may have is the good treasure, when the time comes makes tastes to Ling Yun a little, I do not believe him also to be so rampant!” 然后勾俊发微眯的眼睛中突然精光暴闪,嘿嘿笑道:“红馆丽人夜总会,里面可有的是好宝贝,到时候弄一点儿给凌云尝尝,我不信他还能这么嚣张!” Understands what is heard three people of Gou Junfa meaning simultaneously in great surprise! 听明白勾俊发意思的三人同时大惊! Because three people know that the red hall beautiful woman nightclub is somewhere, knows that Gou Junfa must to the good treasure that Ling Yun tastes be anything-- ****! 因为三个人都知道红馆丽人夜总会是什么地方,也知道勾俊发要给凌云尝的好宝贝是什么——****! In that case, Ling Yun this person thoroughly abandoned! 那样的话,凌云这个人就彻底废了! Gou Junfa just suffered Ling Yun one to hit, to put it bluntly was among Classmates fights, he not only need cutt others houses, must plan others younger sisters, but must abandon Ling Yun thoroughly! 勾俊发只不过是挨了凌云一顿打而已,说白了就是同学之间打架,他不但要强拆人家的房子,要算计人家的妹妹,还要彻底废了凌云 This is wants Ling Yun to be with one's family broken up and decimated! This rather does has suppressed! 这是要凌云家破人亡啊!这未免做的太狠了一些! Lu Chengtian frowned said: „Can Brother Fa, by doing so, go too far?” 就连鲁成天皱眉说道:“发哥,这样做,会不会太过分了些?” Excessively? Really excessively? Who my is Gou Junfa? Also is Ling Yun that type of trash wants to hit hits? After my university graduates, Clear Water City except for Azure Dragon, black and white two is my world, if makes Ling Yun make into this not to dare to put, how I later also do mix?!” “过分?真的过分吗?我勾俊发是什么人?也是凌云那种垃圾想打就打的?等我大学毕业以后,清水市除了青龙,黑白两道就是我的天下,要是让凌云打成这样连个屁都不敢放,我以后还怎么混?!” The appearance that the Gou Junfa whole face resents said, as if that many treacherous plan one breaths said that has not dispelled anger! 勾俊发满脸愤恨的样子说道,似乎那么多的毒计一口气说出来,还不解恨! tomorrow I find the person, to Azure Dragon that side the Ling Yun's matter exaggeration that adds inflammatory details, under does not believe Brother Kun to bear this tone!” 明天我就找人,到青龙那边把凌云的事情添油加醋的渲染一番,不信坤哥能忍得下这口气!” „, So long as Ling Yun has an accident, we immediately announced in this matter the school, brought the pressure to the school authorities, you notified your Uncle Lu again, expelled from school Ling Yun directly!” “还有,只要凌云一出事,咱们就立即把这件事宣告到学校里去,给校方施加压力,你再跟你鲁叔叔打个招呼,直接把凌云开除学籍!” After Gou Junfa said completely, hehe sneers saying: Ling Yun that fool thinks that can hit is very extraordinary? He is very tender! The father does not play the military with him, plays cloudy steps on him in the same old way stubbornly!” 勾俊发全部说完之后,嘿嘿冷笑道:“凌云那个傻逼以为能打就很了不起嘛?他还嫩得很呢!老子不跟他玩儿武的,玩儿阴的照样踩得他死死的!” Lu Chengtian three people of in the eye shows are panic-stricken, some being anxious looked at one mutually, the heart could not bear flood one share chill in the air. 鲁成天三人目露惊恐,有些惴惴不安的互相看了一眼,心底都忍不住泛起了一股子寒意。 Their first discovery, in this ordinary day rampant playboy unexpectedly is such vicious role! 他们第一次发现,这个平日里嚣张的纨绔竟然是这么狠毒的角色! Including Lu Chengtian, their badness, with the badness of Gou Junfa, radically are not a magnitude! 包括鲁成天在内,他们三个人的坏,跟勾俊发的坏,根本就不是一个数量级的! This Gou Junfa is rich and powerful, if later does business to plan the person, who can be inescapable? 勾俊发有钱有势,要是以后经商算计人,那谁能跑得了? The Lu Chengtian heart said that bullies the person line with you, but your this was the crime, I cannot, because played with you together, built me and my father's future, he had backed down, but strong from said with a smile: Brother Fa, such lane, Ling Yun always cannot stand up/turning over, wise!” 鲁成天心说跟你欺负人行,但是你这样就算是犯罪了,我可不能因为跟你一起玩儿,把我和我老子的前程搭进去,他心里已经打起了退堂鼓,不过还是强自一笑道:“发哥,这样一弄,凌云就永世不能翻身了,高明啊!” Moreover two people also echoed what others say, but in the heart actually and idea of Lu Chengtian was similar, sprouted to draw back intent. 另外两人也是随声附和,不过心中却和鲁成天的想法差不多,都已经萌生退意。 But is the student, you initially bullied such others, now others getting stronger, has hit one you, does your being worthwhile make others eat wheat flour? 只不过是学生而已,你当初把人家欺负成那样,现在人家变强了,就把你打了一顿而已,你犯得着让人家吃白面儿吗? A Gou Junfa face thinks deeply three people who looks at various bosom thoughts, are well aware to three people of ideas, but has not actually exposed, but light smiles. 勾俊发一脸深思的看着各怀心思的三个人,对三人的想法心知肚明,不过却没有点破,只是淡淡一笑了事。 When it seems like that the person must depend on own, yeah, this is the difference of mortal and expert! Actually is this, I and my father's skill compares, but also is missing in ten ten thousand eight thousand!” “看来人什么时候还得靠自己啊,哎,这就是凡人和牛人的区别!其实就算是这样,我和我爹的本事比起来,还差着十万八千里呢!” Although another three people the germination draws back intent, is impossible to be in front of Gou Junfa to turn head to walk, they greet with a smile with Gou Junfa mentioned the today matter, the main topics naturally cannot leave the Ling Yun's awesome performance and Clear Water Lake has the matter of waterspout. 另外三人虽然萌生退意,却不可能当着勾俊发的面扭头就走,他们陪着笑跟勾俊发说起了今天的事,主要话题自然还是离不开凌云的牛逼表现和清水湖发生龙吸水的事情。 The waterspout, passed on now noisily in Clear Water City, thinks that does not pay attention is not good. 龙吸水,现在在清水市已经传得沸沸扬扬,想不关注都不行。 At noon after four people goes to outside the hospital to eat around, in the afternoon yellow hair went back to the school, in the hospital ward is accompanying Gou Junfa, remaining Lu Chengtian with the Pi Hezhi two people. 中午四个人去医院外面山吃海喝了一顿之后,下午黄毛又回到了学校,病房里陪着勾俊发的,就剩下鲁成天皮和志两个人。 Gou Junfa decides the idea to finish in the morning, in the afternoon is saying Tie Xiaohu there by Ling Yun oppressive suffering extreme distress, in the hospital ward laughs rampantly, Tie Xiaohu pushes the door to enter. 勾俊发上午定计已毕,下午正在那里说着铁小虎凌云虐的死去活来,在病房里嚣张大笑的时候,铁小虎推门而入。 Yo, Brother Hu, under outside such heavy rain, how also? It is not 10,000 dollars, you are taking the flower first, when there are then delivered to me then the line!” “哟,虎哥,外面下这么大雨,怎么还过来了?不就是10000块钱吗,你先拿着花,等有了再给我送过来就行了!” Gou Junfa saw Tie Xiaohu to rush in the hospital ward, thinks that he was gives back to the own 10,000 dollars, could not bear smile was saying, in the tone no longer the previous respect, all taunted. 勾俊发铁小虎闯进了病房,以为他是来还给自己的10000块钱的,忍不住微笑着说道,语气中却不复上次的尊重,全是冷嘲热讽。 Tie Xiaohu naturally listened to the Gou Junfa words meaning of satire, but he did not have what saying that but arrived at the Gou Junfa bedside, hehe said with a smile: I truly come for money, but actually does not waste money to you, but is receives money!” 铁小虎自然听出了勾俊发话中的讽刺之意,不过他没有什么表示,只是来到勾俊发的床边,嘿嘿一笑道:“我确实是为了钱来的,不过却不是给你送钱,而是过来收钱!” Such remarks, let alone Gou Junfa, is Lu Chengtian, Pi Hezhi all of a sudden jumped from the seat. 此言一出,别说勾俊发了,就是鲁成天,皮和志都一下子从座位上跳了起来。 What? Let you punch Ling Yun, finally you were punched such by Ling Yun, from the sky flies round, but also feels all right to receive money? 什么?让你去揍凌云,结果你被凌云揍成了那样,在空中飞来飞去,还好意思来收钱? Gou Junfa has gawked the long time, suddenly grins says with a smile: Brother Hu, aren't you crack a joke? I give you money am to let you hit the person, you have not made into, but also feels all right to ask for money with me? Also says well-mannered?” 勾俊发愣了半晌,忽然咧嘴一笑道:“虎哥,你不是开玩笑吧?我给你钱是让你去打人的,你人没有打成,还好意思回来跟我要钱?还讲不讲规矩了?” Tie Xiaohu stares: Fart, who said that my person hasn't made into? Ling Yun was pounded on head pounding to faint by my brick, now is still lying down on the road, how to have made into?!” 铁小虎一瞪眼:“放屁,谁说我人没有打成?凌云被我一板砖砸脑袋上给砸晕了,现在还在路上躺着呢,怎么就没打成?!” If Ling Yun saw that Tie Xiaohu such displays definitely will satisfy nods, will praise Tie Xiaohu one to be a promising young man absolutely, simply is the pupil surpasses the teacher! 要是凌云看到铁小虎这么表现肯定会满意点头,绝对会夸奖铁小虎一句孺子可教,简直是青出于蓝! Gou Junfa naturally does not believe that he was slanting the eye to look at Tie Xiaohu one saying: Brother Hu, do not crack a joke, you have a look on your face the wound on neck, in this, was this punched by Ling Yun? Do you pound to faint Ling Yun with the brick? Really he comedy!” 勾俊发自然不信,他斜着眼睛看了铁小虎一眼道:“虎哥,您就别开玩笑了,您看看您脸上脖子上的伤,还有这手上,这都是被凌云揍得吧?你拿板砖砸晕凌云?真他吗的搞笑!” Gou Junfa sees Tie Xiaohu this blackmails his money obvious, finally could not bear explode a thick mouth. 勾俊发铁小虎这是明摆着来讹他的钱,终于忍不住爆了一句粗口。 A Tie Xiaohu face said indifferently: Yes, I had been punched by Ling Yun from the beginning, but I compromise for the general interest, after Ling Yun left the school, I took advantage that he did not pay attention, pulls out hails pounding to faint him, if you did not believe that you can have a look, on the Ling Yun back of the head had a large package!” 铁小虎一脸无所谓道:“是啊,一开始我是被凌云揍了,可是我委曲求全,跟着凌云出了学校之后,我就趁他不注意,抽冷子把他给砸晕了,你要是不信,你可以去看看,凌云后脑勺上是不是起了个大包!” „......” In room three people stares completely! “嘎……”屋里三人全部瞪眼! Had a look on the Ling Yun back of the head to have a large package? Tie Xiaohu may be able white living, whose he to dare Ah?! really 去看看凌云后脑勺上是不是起了个大包?铁小虎可真能白活,谁他吗敢啊?! Hurries to give money, I have the matter, if Ling Yun woke to find me, I died do not know how dead!” “赶紧给钱,我还有事儿呢,要是凌云醒过来找到我,我死都不知道怎么死的!” Tie Xiaohu now in the heart that crisp, the heart said that the eldest child is an eldest child, such awesome error money means can want to come out! 铁小虎现在心中那个爽啊,心说老大就是老大,这么牛逼的讹钱办法都能想出来! Also let alone, the feeling of this blackmailing money, as if really good! 还别说,这种讹人钱的感觉,似乎真的不错! Gou Junfa looks that the Tie Xiaohu iron tower stands before the own hospital bed, the overbearing appearance, stared blankly half-day/long time, lip nie for a long time, a few words could not say. 勾俊发看着铁小虎铁塔般站在自己的病床前,霸道的样子,愣怔了半天,嘴唇嗫喏了好久,一句话都说不出来。 Dies not verifies! No matter real false, Tie Xiaohu said in any case Ling Yun pounding, but also a person has not seen! 死无对证!甭管真的假的,铁小虎反正说是把凌云给砸了,还一个人都没看到! Has thought a moment ago also big pile of treacherous plans coped with Ling Yun, has not thought that Tie Xiaohu one made him suffer loss without redress! 刚才还想了一大堆毒计对付凌云呢,没想到铁小虎一来就让他吃了个哑巴亏! Doesn't give? Did not give me to lead you to look for Ling Yun to go now, having a look at me to give to pound him!” “给不给?不给我现在就带着你找凌云去,看看我是不是把他给砸了!” Tie Xiaohu did not have the patience, he comes up to grasp Gou Junfa. 铁小虎没了耐心,他上来就要抓勾俊发 Gou Junfa looks at Tie Xiaohu to come, hurries to exchange a unnatural smiling face: Brother Hu, leaves this, I give, I do not return good, since you gave to pound him, that this money I definitely paid as charged!” 勾俊发一看铁小虎来真的,赶紧换上一副不自然的笑容:“虎哥,别这样,我给,我给还不行嘛,既然您把他给砸了,那这钱我肯定照付!” Cracks a joke, leading him to see Ling Yun? His anything strategy do not want to use, Ling Yun definitely also will hit in him the hospital! 开玩笑,带他去见凌云?那他什么计策也别想用了,凌云肯定还会把他打医院里来! Gou Junfa helpless signaled with the eyes to Pi Hezhi, Pi Hezhi stressed 10,000 dollars to come out from the Gou Junfa package immediately, has handed in Tie Xiaohu honestly. 勾俊发无奈的给皮和志使了个眼色,皮和志立即就从勾俊发的包里抓了10000块钱出来,老老实实的递到了铁小虎手里。 10,000 insufficient, 20,000!” Tie Xiaohu in has hefted hefting one bunch of money independently, unemotionally to say. “10000不够,20000!”铁小虎把一捆钱放手里掂了掂,面无表情说道。 What?!” Gou Junfa air/Qi nearly jumps from the hospital bed! “什么?!”勾俊发气的差点儿从病床上蹦起来! „Does Brother Hu, cultivate the behavior to speak truth to be good? Initially what said is good is altogether 20,000, now 20,000 give you, how did you also want?” 虎哥,做人要讲道理好不好?当初讲好的可是一共20000,现在20000都给你了,你怎么还要?” Tie Xiaohu raised the hand has referred to the wound on own face: Sees not to have, to help you punches Ling Yun, looked that I make him give to punch this wound, don't you pay me to select the medical expenses?” 铁小虎抬手指了指自己脸上的伤:“看到没,就为了帮你揍凌云,看我让他给揍得这一身伤,难道你不付我点儿医药费?” Although Tie Xiaohu is very crisp, but his heart also in the drop blood, the heart said that my Tie Xiaohu vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered Clear Water, all drains with the fame that the life trades! 铁小虎虽然很爽,可他的心也在滴血,心说我铁小虎纵横清水,拿命换来的名气全部付诸东流了! However he changes mind thinks, heart said old mostly shameless, I also did want this face to do? Asks for money! 不过他转念一想,心说老大都不要脸了,我还要这张脸干什么?得嘞,就要钱! Gou Junfa is thorough! 勾俊发彻底无语! This Tie Xiaohu good and evil is the Azure Dragon person, how to want the face? Isn't this flagrant blackmailing? 铁小虎好歹是青龙的人,怎么连脸都不要了?这不是明目张胆的讹人么? Brother Hu, this biography, but didn't say of pleasant to hear?” 虎哥,这传出去,可是好说不好听啊?” Gou Junfa is still making senseless struggling. 勾俊发还在做无谓的挣扎。 Tie Xiaohu hehe said with a smile: Boy, I works most speaks the custom, I helped you be cloudy Ling Yun, I had not said that was you make me hit, if you passed on this matter, that do not blame me also......” 铁小虎嘿嘿一笑道:“小子,我做事可是最讲规矩,我帮你把凌云阴了,我可没说是你让我打的,你要是把这事儿传出去,那可别怪我也……” Stops!” Gou Junfa acknowledges that the punishment is deserved thoroughly, he has to make Pi Hezhi take 10,000 money out to give Tie Xiaohu again, confessed bad luck. “打住打住!”勾俊发彻底认栽,他只好再让皮和志拿了10000块钱出来给了铁小虎,自认倒霉。 Whom blames, can only blame own initially to despise Ling Yun! However this also aroused him to the Ling Yun's hatred! 怪谁呢,只能怪自己当初太小看了凌云!不过这也更激起了他对凌云的恨意! After Tie Xiaohu receives money, in the heart felt time of crispness, the heart said right that the eldest child said that this year boss face which rich easy-to-use! 铁小虎拿到钱之后,心中感觉倍爽,心说还是老大说的对,这年头儿脸哪儿有钱好使! Mountain does not change, the green water long class, wants to punch Ling Yun next time again, you momentarily can call me!” Tie Xiaohu very magnanimous smiles to the Gou Junfa three people, must swagger away. “青山不改,绿水长流,下次再想揍凌云,你随时可以给我打电话!”铁小虎很大度的冲勾俊发三人一笑,就要扬长而去。 Gou Junfa thoughts revolve, said suddenly: Brother Hu, since you have punched Ling Yun, I and Ling Yun this mountain ridge also passed, I was preparing to Ling Yun for these days apologize, uncovers completely the beforehand misunderstanding, naturally will not make you punch him again!” 勾俊发心念电转,突然道:“虎哥,既然你揍了凌云,我和凌云这梁子也就算过去了,我这几天正准备给凌云赔礼道歉,把以前的误会全部揭过去呢,当然不会让你再揍他了!” The Tie Xiaohu surprise turned head, stared at Gou Junfa one, said with a smile lightly: Since is this, I do not manage, but Ling Yun, if asks me to retaliate, I came under attack this medical expenses also to you leave again!” 铁小虎诧异回头,盯了勾俊发一眼,淡淡笑道:“既然是这样,那我就不管了,不过凌云要是找我报复的话,我再挨了打这医药费还得你出!” Gou Junfa has dug a pit to Tie Xiaohu, is the next plan of own prepares, was actually frightened one to tremble by the Tie Xiaohu last few words. 勾俊发铁小虎挖了一个坑,为自己的下一步计划做准备,却又被铁小虎最后一句话吓得一个哆嗦。 Tie Xiaohu said, goes out swaggers away. 铁小虎说完,出门扬长而去。 After Gou Junfa sees Tie Xiaohu leaves, with the hand grabs the own meticulous hair doubts saying: Tie Xiaohu such blackmails money way, how I thought that such looks familiar......” 勾俊发看到铁小虎离开之后,用手抓着自己一丝不苟的头发疑惑道:“铁小虎这么讹钱的方式,我怎么觉得这么眼熟呢……” Nearby Pi Hezhi has not spoken, he lowers the head, corners of the mouth outlined to wipe the smile of not easy detection secretly. 一旁的皮和志没有说话,他低着头,嘴角儿偷偷地勾勒出一抹不易察觉的微笑。 ............ ………… Ling Yun is holding the umbrella, goes through in rainstorm, while the avenue on nobody, he has displayed Thousands of Miles Divine Walking Steps in secret, two minutes went to the school. 凌云打着雨伞,在暴雨中穿行,趁着大街上没人,他暗中施展了万里神行步,两分钟就来到了学校里。 The rainstorm like the note, in the campus fluent to become river, the big campus, outside the classroom a person's shadow cannot see. 暴雨如注,校园里水流成河,偌大的校园,教室外面根本就连个人影都看不到。 The Ling Yun heart said that this has saved many troubles actually, he arrived at the third year class 6 directly. 凌云心说这样倒是省了不少麻烦,他直接就来到了高三六班。 Ling Yun receives the umbrella conveniently, threw toward corner, lifts the foot to make great strides forward the classroom. 凌云随手把伞一收,往门外的旮旯一扔,抬脚就迈进了教室。 Ling Yun came back!” 凌云回来了!” Classmates in classroom looks at Ling Yun to come , is almost all stands up, has never had, enthusiastically applauds! 教室里的同学一看凌云进来,几乎是全体起立,从来没有过的,热烈鼓起掌来!
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