DEMG :: Volume #2

#138: This matter who asked who dies!

Some people said that the person the life, which bowl of food this whole life has is being doomed, appointed your stomacher to stroll, cannot escape the arrangement of destiny sooner or later. 有人说,人一生下来,这辈子吃哪一碗饭就是注定的了,任你兜兜转转,早晚都逃脱不了命运的安排。 Trains hard martial arts, formidable own , to promote strength, this is Tie Xiaohu is long-awaited. 苦练武功,强大自己,提升实力,这是铁小虎梦寐以求的。 Ling Yun after Tie Xiaohu appears, the powerful strength that shows, has drawn a pie to Tie Xiaohu without a doubt, making his blood boiling, the heart be hard to take itchy, wants to stop but cannot. 凌云铁小虎出现之后,所展现出来的强大实力,毫无疑问是给铁小虎画了一张大饼,让他热血沸腾,心痒难耐,欲罢不能。 Now Ling Yun asked that Tie Xiaohu does want to become and he is equally fierce, with Pan Jinlian asked that Ximen celebrates you to want with me not to sleep many differences. 现在凌云铁小虎想不想变得跟他一样厉害,就跟潘金莲问西门庆你想不想和我睡觉没多少区别。 Can not think that was insane! Tie Xiaohu double within the eyes jumps projects the rigid and firm and resolute frantic vision, nod of without hesitation, blurted out: Thinks!” 能不想嘛,都想疯了!铁小虎目中迸射出执着和坚毅的狂热目光,毫不犹豫的点了点头,脱口而出道:“想!” Ling Yun smiles lightly, he tossed about to toss about Tie Xiaohu to be so long, wanted was his these words. 凌云淡淡一笑,他翻来覆去折腾了铁小虎这么久,要的就是他这句话。 Ling Yun lifts the hand, points in corner own has been using that two puttee sandbags saying: Now ties up them, from now henceforth except for taking a bath, sleeps do not pick!” 凌云抬手,指着墙角上自己用过的那两个绑腿沙袋说道:“现在去绑上它们,从今以后除了洗澡,就连睡觉的时候都不要摘下来!” After Ling Yun reaches the Body Refining Third Stage level peak, these two puttee sandbags to his continued Body Refining any not to affect, was that is used to carry jogging 50 jin (0.5 kg) sandbag, Ling Yun has no need now. 凌云达到练体三层巅峰之后,这两个绑腿沙袋对他的继续练体已经没有任何作用了,就是那个用来扛着跑步的50斤的沙袋,凌云现在都用不着了。 He furiously throws now, can throw hundred meters remote a Tie Xiaohu about 100 kilograms body, what step but also carries the sandbag to run? 他现在奋力一扔,能把铁小虎近100公斤的身体扔出百米之遥,还扛着沙袋跑什么步? Tie Xiaohu slightly not hesitant, arrives at corner, according to Ling Yun said that tied up two sandbags on the calf. 铁小虎丝毫没有犹豫,走到墙角,按照凌云说的,把两个沙袋绑在了小腿上。 Why knows me to you loose merit? These that because in front of you practices are the trash, practiced not to say extremely slowly, the effect was bad, moreover to your later body, the negative effects was very big!” “知道我为什么给你散功吗?因为你前面练的那些都是垃圾,练起来极慢不说,效果还差得很,而且对你以后的身体,负作用很大!” Ling Yun then starts to give Tie Xiaohu to explain that disperses the merit to him the reason, then he sits on the sofa continues saying: I have washed the muscle to cut down the marrow for your body, now teaches your set of Cultivation Technique, the name is Great Evolving Stars Secret Art, later you must practice well.” 凌云这才开始给铁小虎解释给他散功的原因,然后他坐在沙发上继续说道:“我已经为你的身体洗筋伐髓,现在传授你一套功法,名字叫做大衍聚星宝诀,以后你要好好练习。” Ling Yun already looked, Tie Xiaohu physique, most suits practice Great Evolving Stars Secret Art, simply that Secret Art customizes for him. 凌云早就看出来了,铁小虎体质,最适合修炼大衍聚星宝诀,那宝诀简直就是为他量身定做的似的。 Naturally, Tie Xiaohu does not have Ling Yun that heaven-defying can absorb the world myriad things spiritual energy ability, he is practice again quick, is impossible to pursue on Ling Yun. 当然,铁小虎没有凌云那种逆天的可以吸收天地万物灵气的本领,他就是修炼的再快,也不可能追的上凌云 Reason that Ling Yun chooses Great Evolving Stars Secret Art to take Tie Xiaohu cultivating true basic Cultivation Technique, a reason is Tie Xiaohu physique is most appropriate, another reason is this is set of pure Body Refining magic art, from beginning to end can only be used for the formidable body, practice gets up simply easy to understand, begins quickly, is easy to study. 凌云之所以选择大衍聚星宝诀作为铁小虎修真入门的功法,一个原因是铁小虎体质最为合适,另一个原因是这是一套纯粹的练体法诀,从头至尾就只能用来强大身体,修炼起来简单易懂,上手极快,容易学。 Even if this, Ling Yun has also used up two hours of time, makes first time contact the cultivating true Tie Xiaohu genuine learned. 就算是这样,凌云也用掉了两个小时的时间,才让第一次接触修真铁小虎真正学会。 So is simple, you attempt to revolve magic art to try......” to teach patiently, a Ling Yun face anticipates looks at Tie Xiaohu to say. “就这么简单,你尝试着运转一下法诀试试……”耐心传授完毕,凌云一脸期待的望着铁小虎道。 In Tie Xiaohu both eyes time obviously excited, his suddenly setting out stands up, in the heart silently revolution Great Evolving Stars Secret Art, finally, excited vision immediately dim. 铁小虎双目之中倍显兴奋,他霍的起身站起,心中默默运转大衍聚星宝诀,结果,兴奋的目光立即就黯淡了下来。 Ended, does not have the feeling......” Tie Xiaohu miserable to say. “完了,没感觉……”铁小虎悲催道。 Ling Yun laughs, stood up to pat the shoulder of Tie Xiaohu: From the beginning had not felt that usually practiced to be good, now is slowly unimportant, so long as you began, this Cultivation Technique daily breathed with you are same, 24 hours can practice.” 凌云哈哈大笑,也站起身拍了拍铁小虎的肩膀:“一开始都是没感觉的,平时多练习就好了,现在慢一点儿不要紧,只要你上了手,这功法就和你日常呼吸一样,24小时都可以修炼。” Cracks a joke, Ling Yun reaches the Body Refining Third Stage level peak now, today in display of vigour and vitality, Sun's Essence Fire most abundant time practice Great Evolving Stars Secret Art had not felt in the morning, let alone just Tie Xiaohu of learned. 开玩笑,凌云现在达到练体三层巅峰,今天早晨在旭日东升,大日精火最盛的时候修炼大衍聚星宝诀都没有感觉,更别说刚刚学会的铁小虎了。 Now, says Azure Dragon situation to me.” “现在,跟我说说青龙情况吧。” two people sits down, Ling Yun asked Azure Dragon situation, he after Azure Dragon had the approximate understanding, time passed for a half hour, is 6 : 00 pm. 两人重新坐下,凌云问起了青龙情况,他对青龙有了大致的了解之后,时间又过去了半个小时,已经是傍晚六点了。 Ling Yun caught the eye to watch the weather that outside started to be gloomy, the heart says and ditches school a afternoon, Lingyu knew certainly must blame me. 凌云抬眼看了看外面开始阴暗下来的天色,心说又旷课一个下午,灵雨知道了肯定又要怪我。 He stands up to Tie Xiaohu said: You go to Lil' Gou Zi there now, takes carry back your 10,000 dollars, remember, should not be so stubborn, can knock is a little a little! I returned to the school first!” 他站起身对铁小虎道:“你现在去小勾子那里,把你那10000块钱拿回来,记住,不要那么死心眼儿,能多敲一点儿是一点儿!我先回学校了!” Tie Xiaohu stood up walked outward two steps, then stopped, the turning head shy young wife hesitation said: Eldest child, can this money, how want?” 铁小虎站起身来往外走了两步,然后又停下,回头扭捏小媳妇般踌躇道:“老大,这钱,可怎么要啊?” Ling Yun frowned said: Was stupid, you said that has punched one me crazily not then the line?” 凌云皱眉道:“笨死了,你就说已经把我狂揍了一顿不就行了?” „......” Tie Xiaohu dumbstruck, the heart said that this is also good? His flexure has scratched the head and said: But, today you punch my time in the morning, the almost entire school saw! I estimated that cancelled handsome to know at that time.” “嘎……”铁小虎目瞪口呆,心说这也行?他挠了挠头又说道:“可是,今天上午你揍我的时候,几乎全学校都看到了啊!我估计勾俊当时就已经知道了。” Ling Yun shows a faint smile, blinked to Tie Xiaohu: You said that after I left the school, while I do not pay attention to time has hit my staggering blow, gave to knock down me, then punched!” 凌云微微一笑,冲铁小虎眨了眨眼:“你就说跟着我出了学校以后,趁我不注意的时候打了我一闷棍,把我给打晕了,然后揍的!” Tie Xiaohu looks at Ling Yun dull, heart said that the eldest child doesn't care about the reputation? However this time he knows thoroughly how to have done, nodded, then the stride walks toward out of the door. 铁小虎呆呆地看着凌云,心说老大难道就不在乎名声么?不过这次他彻底知道怎么做了,点了点头,然后大步向门外走去。 Out arrives, Tie Xiaohu remembered anything to resemble, has turned head very earnestly asked that Ling Yun said: Eldest child, I can ask that you why, suddenly becomes such strong?” 来到门外,铁小虎想起了什么似的,回过头很认真的问凌云道:“老大,我可以问问你到底为什么,忽然变得这么强的吗?” Ling Yun looks at Tie Xiaohu, in delicate and pretty eye flashes through together the swift and fierce fine glow, said with a smile lightly: This matter who asked who dies. I only forgive your this time!” 凌云看着铁小虎,俊美的眼睛中闪过一道凌厉的精芒,淡淡笑道:“这事儿谁问谁死。我只饶你这一次!” Tie Xiaohu was swept by the Ling Yun's vision, suddenly felt that the entire body is similar to places oneself the icehouse, surrounding air in a flash ice-cold, simultaneously felt that inexplicable scared, the heart jumped ruthlessly several. 铁小虎凌云的目光一扫,忽然就感觉到整个身体如同置身冰窖,周围的空气一瞬间冰冷,同时感觉到莫名的胆寒,心脏狠狠地跳了好几下。 Yes!” The Tie Xiaohu honest nod, from now henceforth, he has not asked Ling Yun this question again. “是!”铁小虎老老实实的点头,从今以后,他再也没有问过凌云这个问题。 This is the Ling Yun biggest secret, he also in front of Qin Qiuyue and Ning Lingyu, will deal with their interrogations exhaustively, others asked, Ling Yun is disinclined to reply! 这是凌云最大的秘密,他也就是在秦秋月宁灵雨面前,会绞尽脑汁的应付她们的盘问,别人问,凌云才懒得回答呢! Naturally, making Ling Yun feel that what is strange, Qin Qiuyue had not asked, Ning Lingyu had not asked that Xue Meining Cao Shanshan had not asked that Tang Meng of most broken mouth, has not asked this question. 当然,让凌云感到奇怪的是,秦秋月没问,宁灵雨没问,薛美凝曹珊珊也没问,就连最为碎嘴的唐猛,都没有问过他这个问题。 today by Tie Xiaohu such earnest asking face to face, this is the first time! 今天铁小虎这么认真的当面问起,这还是第一次! After Tie Xiaohu leaves, Ling Yun returns to the own bedroom, sat sits cross-legged practice on the bed a while, tried the good merit to sit in meditation, thought that always an intermittent inexplicable irritation, he can only stop practice. 铁小虎离开之后,凌云回到自己的卧室,坐在床上盘膝修炼了一会儿,尝试着行功打坐,却觉得总是一阵阵莫名的烦躁,他只能停止了修炼 Feels right, does not have not the good matter to occur tonight really?” “感觉不对,难道今晚真的有不好的事情要发生?” Ling Yun looks that the out of the window gloomy weather muttered: Isn't the next cloud burst?” 凌云看着窗外阴暗的天色喃喃自语:“不就是下一场大暴雨吗?” In the free time who he thought aloud, did not have the indication, raindrop of bean size declined from the sky, hit on the ground, since splashed the innumerable dust, formed the each and everyone copper coin size on the ground the spot. 就在他自言自语的工夫,毫无征兆的,豆子般大小的雨点儿已经从天空中落了下来,劈里啪啦打在了地上,溅起无数尘土,在地上形成一个个铜钱大小的斑点。 Quick, the raindrop surely said that crowded firn-line, in the courtyard fluent to become river, each raindrop hits in the water, the muddy water splash scatters. 很快,雨点就连成了千万道密集的雨线,院子中水流成河,每一个雨点打在水中,浑浊的水花四溅。 Rain cats and dogs, but the dark clouds in sky are getting more and more dense, the entire sky presents a yellowish gray color, Ling Yun shades the eyes with the hand to understand at a glance, now is just the appetizer, genuine cloud burst also in behind. 大雨倾盆,可天空中的阴云却越来越密实,整个天空呈现一片灰黄之色,凌云搭眼一看就知道,现在只不过是开胃菜,真正的大暴雨还在后面。 Hehe, it seems like Tie Xiaohu must drench a drenched chicken really!” “嘿嘿,看来铁小虎是真要淋个落汤鸡了!” Ling Yun had found a worn-out black umbrella inexpensively with a smile, left the door lock well the front gate, directly soared the school to go. 凌云贱笑着找到了一把破旧的黑色雨伞,出门锁好了院门,直奔学校而去。 ............ ………… Ling Yun this judgment has made a mistake, others Tie Xiaohu has not been drenching, he went out quickly arrived on University Region Road, has taken a taxi directly! 凌云这次判断错了,人家铁小虎还真没淋着,他出了门很快就来到了学府路上,直接打了一辆车! Tie Xiaohu only used for 20 minutes to arrive at the surgical department ICU of Clear Water City first People's Hospital. 铁小虎只用了20分钟就来到了清水市第一人民医院的外科特护病房。 At this time, outside is the rainstorm like the note, that rainwater was similar to heavy rain, has formed a white water curtain in the world, looked like the momentum scary! 这时候,外面已经是暴雨如注,那雨水就如同瓢泼似的,在天地之间形成了一道白茫茫的水幕,看起来声势骇人至极! Arrived at the Gou Junfa hospital ward entrance, Tie Xiaohu has not knocked to push the door to walk including the gate. 来到了勾俊发的病房门口,铁小虎连门都没有敲就推门走了进去。 At this time, Gou Junfa face villainous smile there Chinese zither! 此时,勾俊发正一脸奸笑着在那里得瑟呢! Good of Tie Xiaohu judgment, since Tie Xiaohu returns to one in the morning, starts to with Ling Yun, yellow hair then has been reporting the two people tactical situation with the slightly letter to Gou Junfa! 铁小虎判断的不错,自从上午铁小虎回到一中,跟凌云对上开始,黄毛就一直在用微信给勾俊发汇报两人的战况! Tie Xiaohu was trampled to fly by Ling Yun!” 铁小虎又被凌云踹飞了!” Tie Xiaohu was thrown eight meters far by Ling Yun!” 铁小虎又被凌云扔出去了八米远!” Oh, Tie Xiaohu was thrown Sports Field to come up by Ling Yun!” “天哪,铁小虎凌云操场上去了!” Throws is playing, the Ling Yun strength was too big, the speed was too fast!” “扔着玩儿呢,凌云力气太大了,速度太快了!” Damn, Tie Xiaohu ended, was thrown the basketball stand to come up by Ling Yun!” 我草,铁小虎完了,被凌云扔篮球架上去了!” Ling Yun too can hit! All extinguished the Azure Dragon person! Also has blackmailed the Azure Dragon person 30,000 dollars!” 凌云太能打了!把青龙的人全灭了!还讹了青龙的人30000块钱!” „The police came, faint, Ling Yun that female Officer Celestial Immortal abducting!” “警察来了,晕,凌云把那个女天仙警察给掳走了!” What? Rolls? Good, immediately!” “什么?滚回去?好,马上到!” Gou Junfa looks that the information and picture that non-stop yellow hair sending with the cell phone, the nose of air/Qi was already crooked, had lessened the swollen area, no longer that sore face, once again started to pain. 勾俊发看着黄毛用手机不停的发回来的信息和图片,早就气的鼻子都歪了,已经消了肿,不再那么疼的脸,又一次开始隐隐作痛了起来。 After yellow hair comes back, Gou Junfa and Lu Chengtian this pair of playboy hear of he described the process of entire matter, panic-strickenly has held breath cold air, has stood including the back fine body hair! 等到黄毛回来之后,勾俊发鲁成天这一对纨绔听他描述了整个事情的经过,不禁惊骇的倒吸了一口凉气,连背后的寒毛都立了起来! Did a Ling Yun person give the dozen to be remnant the Azure Dragon more than 30 people unarmed? Do 78 people fall down cannot crawl? Tie Xiaohu by Ling Yun, when the basketball is throwing playing? 凌云一个人赤手空拳把青龙30多人给打残了?有78个人倒在地上爬不起来?铁小虎凌云当篮球抛着玩儿? This, this is impossible, will the average person possibly have that big strength and speed? 这,这根本就不可能嘛,普通人怎么可能会有那么大的力气和速度? Short after shocking and silent, Gou Junfa and Lu Chengtian have looked at each other one, two people both saw panic-stricken of opposite party within the eyes! 短暂的震惊和沉默之后,勾俊发鲁成天对视了一眼,两个人都看到了对方目中的惊骇! Did not fear that is impossible! 不怕是不可能的! The Lu Chengtian father conducts the education, he plays the schemes and tricks, or depends the person to bully a person of few line, but looked at the Ling Yun War God performance now, backed down. 鲁成天的父亲是搞教育的,他玩儿阴谋诡计,或者仗着人多欺负人少行,可现在看了凌云战神般的表现,不禁打起了退堂鼓。 After all, what coming under attack is Gou Junfa, at least now Ling Yun had not found on him, he is not worthwhile accompanies Gou Junfa to provoke existence that Ling Yun cannot stir up like this. 毕竟,挨打的是勾俊发,至少现在凌云还没找到他头上,他犯不着陪着勾俊发招惹凌云这样惹不起的存在。 Gou Junfa is not silly, his did own fear? He also saw Lu Chengtian within the eyes the meaning of flinching, but this boy is a ruthless role, he has not taken! 勾俊发不傻,他自己又何尝不怕?他也看出了鲁成天目中的退缩之意,不过这小子是个狠角色,他还没有服! The own parents have not bumped his finger since childhood, was been so oppressive by Ling Yun, he is impossible such to consider as finished! 自己的父母从小还没有碰过他一个手指头,被凌云这么虐,他不可能就这么算了! What's wrong? Feared?” Gou Junfa focuses slantingly asks Lu Chengtian, as well as non-stop smoking Pi Hezhi in the hospital ward and yellow who hair. “怎么?怕了?”勾俊发斜着眼儿问鲁成天,以及在病房里不停抽烟的皮和志和黄毛。 Lu Chengtian flexure said difficultly: „Didn't Brother Fa, fear, Ling Yun that can hit, the Azure Dragon more than 30 people have no alternative to him, how many people did we call to be useless again? Who did not fear that comes under attack?” 鲁成天挠了挠头道:“发哥,不是怕不怕,凌云那么能打,就连青龙30多人都对他无可奈何,咱们再叫多少人都没用啊?谁不怕挨打?” What Lu Chengtian said is the truth, bullies many of person, did not fear person who comes under attack really few. 鲁成天说的是实情,欺负人的多,不怕挨打的人真的很少。 Gou Junfa evil smiles: You all day long to rub, I thought that your brain was also frightened by Ling Yun is not easy-to-use, you have forgotten, military is not good, we can also the communications!” 勾俊发邪邪一笑:“你就成天撸吧,我看你脑子也被凌云吓得不好使了,难道你忘了,武的不行,我们还可以来文的!” Article?! What meaning?” In the room three people also asked. “文的?!什么意思?”屋里三人同时问道。 Gou Junfa narrowed the eye, said with a smile dark: Can hit? But in this world has a lot unable to hit can resist! We cannot hit him, but we have money and authority!” 勾俊发眯起了眼睛,阴阴一笑道:“能打是吧?可是这个世界上有很多事情不是能打就能对抗的了的!我们打不过他,但是我们有金钱和权力!”
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