DEMG :: Volume #2

#142: Dangerous feeling!

Ling Yun understood at a glance that Zhuang Meifeng definitely has very urgent matter to look for own, otherwise she is impossible to brave such big rain to come. 凌云一看就知道庄美凤肯定是有很紧急的事情来找自己,要不然她也不可能冒着这么大的雨过来。 Ling Yun turns head, said to not far away Cao Shanshan: Class leader, excuse me, I have the urgent matter, must ask for leave!” 凌云回头,对不远处的曹珊珊说道:“班长,不好意思,我有急事,得请个假!” Then, no matter also the Cao Shanshan agreement did not agree, takes up to freeze Zhuang Meifeng that the whole body hits to tremble single-handed, flushes away toward downstairs rapidly. 说完,也不管曹珊珊同意不同意,单手抄起冻得浑身打哆嗦的庄美凤,迅速朝楼下冲去。 Ling Yun, why you go!” Cao Shanshan is angry behind stamps the feet to shout in him! What a pity Ling Yun with has not heard general, has not returned including. 凌云,你又干什么去!”曹珊珊生气的在他身后跺脚大喊!可惜凌云就跟没听见一般,连头都没有回。 Arrives at downstairs, Ling Yun miserable is also infinite the charming outstanding person to say to the bosom in: Opens an umbrella!” 来到楼下,凌云对怀中楚楚可怜却又无限娇羞的尤物说道:“撑伞!” After Zhuang Meifeng Ling Yun hugs suddenly, instinct wants the sweet and delicate voice to call out in alarm, but she felt immediately on Ling Yun fiery, by the one-piece dress that she soaked, the transmission that was similar to a stove of flaming combustion generally thermal keeping, making the tender body that she ice-cold passed coolly feel the infinite warmth. 庄美凤凌云突然抱起来之后,本能的就要娇声惊呼,可是她立即就感觉到了凌云身上的火热,透过她湿透的连衣裙,如同一个熊熊燃烧的火炉一般把热量不停的传递过来,让她冰冷凉透的娇躯感觉到了无限的温暖。 Then, the coldly elegant thousand gold (daughter) young lady turned into the Persian cat of little darling, docile bending down in the Ling Yun's bosom, moved is motionless. 然后,冷艳的千金大小姐就变成了乖乖的波斯猫,温顺的伏在凌云的怀里,一动都不动了。 Ling Yun makes her open an umbrella, her little darling opened an umbrella, raises the arm to lift the two people top of the head furiously, because of this movement, her chest two groups wanted to break through the neckband of one-piece dress unexpectedly, vivid. 凌云让她撑伞,她就乖乖撑伞,扬起胳膊奋力举过了两人的头顶,因为这个动作,她胸前两团竟欲冲破连衣裙的领口,呼之欲出。 Is very attractive!” The Ling Yun vision downward sweeps, corners of the mouth brings back wipes badly the bad smile, spoke thoughtlessly to tease. “很好看啊!”凌云目光往下一扫,嘴角儿勾起一抹坏坏的微笑,随口调侃道。 You......” Zhuang Meifeng saw Ling Yun actually face to face to say this words at this time, greatly was bashful, struggles must come out from the Ling Yun bosom. “你……”庄美凤凌云这时候竟然当面说出这种话,不禁大羞,挣扎着就要从凌云怀里出来。 Ling Yun is clamping the arm of Zhuang Meifeng extremely slender waist gently one tightly, Zhuang Meifeng could not move immediately, he has seized the umbrella in Zhuang Meifeng hand, hehe said with a smile: I open an umbrella!” 凌云夹着庄美凤水蛇腰的胳膊轻轻一紧,庄美凤立即动弹不得了,他一把夺过了庄美凤手中的雨伞,嘿嘿一笑道:“还是我来撑伞吧!” According to the Ling Yun's speed, that umbrella in the hand of Zhuang Meifeng, definitely cannot grasp. 依照凌云的速度,那伞在庄美凤的手中,肯定拿不住。 Ling Yun left hand embraces the Zhuang Meifeng soft waist, the right hand is haunching the umbrella, the figure has crashed in a flash in the curtain of rain, displays Thousands of Miles Divine Walking Steps, flashes continually three times, ran out of beyond the person line of sight in classroom building. 凌云左手揽着庄美凤柔软的腰肢,右手撑起雨伞,身形一晃就冲进了雨幕,施展万里神行步,连闪三次,已经冲出了教学楼上的人视线之外。 Ling Yun in not having the deep water adverse current of shoulder has been able crazy Body Refining, now just to arrive at the rainwater of his thigh naturally not to be regarded anything, he held Zhuang Meifeng to use the movement full power, quick returned to the own dwelling. 凌云在没了肩膀的深水逆流中都能疯狂练体,现在刚到他大腿的这点儿雨水自然算不得什么,他抱着庄美凤全力施展身法,很快就回到了自己的住处。 Such big rain he was also disinclined to open the door, the figure leapt entered in the institute, then returned to the room. 这么大的雨他也懒得开门了,身形一跃就进入了院里,然后回到了屋中。 Discarded conveniently by the torn to pieces umbrella of rainwater impact, Ling Yun is put Zhuang Meifeng gently. 随手扔掉已经被雨水冲击的支离破碎的雨伞,凌云庄美凤轻轻放了下来。 Here is very peaceful, can be called is quiet, Ling Yun Zhuang Meifeng places the ground the time, heard her as if low voice to mutter unexpectedly, has not heard specifically actually clearly to say anything. 这里很安静,称得上是静谧,凌云庄美凤放在地上的时候,竟听到她似乎小声咕哝了一句,具体却没听清说什么。 Ling Yun has swept one complexion half red half white Zhuang Meifeng one, first rushes to the own bedroom, then turns head to say to Zhuang Meifeng: Comes.” 凌云扫了一眼脸色半红半白的庄美凤一眼,首先冲到自己的卧室里,然后扭头对庄美凤道:“过来。” Zhuang Meifeng facial color slightly reveal is panic-stricken, she stares pair of big phoenix eyes to look at Ling Yun saying: „Do you, you want to do?” 庄美凤面色微露惊恐,她瞪着一双大大的丹凤眼看着凌云道:“你,你想干什么?” Ling Yun looked that she frozen becomes such also so ink marks, the figure flashed and overruns to hug Zhuang Meifeng, then put down her saying: Takes off the clothes!” 凌云看她都冻成那样还如此墨迹,身形一闪又冲过去把庄美凤抱了进来,然后放下她道:“脱衣服!” What?!” Zhuang Meifeng thorough was silly, this, this fellow is not...... “什么?!”庄美凤彻底傻了,这,这个家伙不会是…… Ling Yun pats the forehead suddenly, suddenly realize said awkwardly: Excuse me, I am make you hurry to take off the clothes to scratch the clean body, first arrives in the bedding to be warm, my this exits.” 凌云忽然一拍脑门,恍然大悟似的尴尬说道:“不好意思,我是让你赶紧脱掉衣服擦干净身体,先到被窝里暖和暖和,我这就出去。” Then, Ling Yun turns around to go out of bedroom, arrives at the washroom to bring the towel that own uses, throws to Zhuang Meifeng said: All said a while again.” 说完,凌云转身走出卧室,来到洗手间把自己用的毛巾拿了过来,也扔给庄美凤道:“一切等会儿再说。” He then went out of the bedroom, and help/gang Zhuang Meifeng of good intention has closed the door. 他这才走出了卧室,并好心的帮庄美凤关上了房门。 Sign that outside rainstorm has not stopped slightly, Zhuang Meifeng after Ling Yun leaves the room, first has sized up the environment of Ling Yun bedroom, then she obviously flurried heart slightly returned to normal. 外面的暴雨丝毫没有停下来的迹象,庄美凤凌云出屋之后,首先打量了一下凌云卧室的环境,然后她倍显慌乱的心才稍稍平复了一些。 Why does not know, Zhuang Meifeng thought that this place is very peaceful, she has an inexplicable security sense dull here. 不知道为什么,庄美凤觉得这个地方很安静,她呆在这里有一种莫名的安全感。 Zhuang Meifeng has scratched rainwater on facial countenance with the towel first, turns head entire simultaneously quilt that looked on the Ling Yun bed to fold, she could not bear some gratitude have Ling Yun. 庄美凤先用毛巾擦了一把头脸上的雨水,扭头看了看凌云床上叠的整整齐齐的被子,她忍不住有些感激起了凌云 That quilt looked like in Zhuang Meifeng that was frozen thoroughly, now with warm draws the equal. 那被子在已经被冻透的庄美凤看来,现在就和温暖划等号。 However at this time, her heart is actually not able to suppress thump thump jumped-- but here only then she and Ling Yun two people, did own the clothes drill in the Ling Yun bedding then strip nude really? 不过此时,她的心却无法抑制的怦怦跳了起来——这里可是只有她和凌云两个人,难道自己真的就脱光了衣服钻凌云被窝里去? Zhuang Meifeng was not worried actually Ling Yun makes any discourteous action to her, but remembers own to lie down in the Ling Yun's bedding, with the appearance of feeling ashamed Ling Yun spoke, Zhuang Meifeng thinks the complexion to feel hot, the mind trembles. 庄美凤倒是不担心凌云对她做出什么非礼的举动,只是一想起自己躺在凌云的被窝里,跟凌云说话的羞人的模样,庄美凤就觉得脸色发烫,心神剧颤 However finally, Zhuang Meifeng chose has believed Ling Yun, person who because she really cannot believe now. 不过最终,庄美凤选择了相信凌云,因为她现在实在是没有可以相信的人了。 She steels one's heart, clenches teeth to stamp the feet to bedroom outside shouts: Em...... I do not make you come, you cannot come, when I shouted that you you come in again!” 她把心一横,咬牙跺了跺脚冲卧室外面喊道:“恩……我不让你进来,你不许进来,等我喊你你再进来!” Ling Yun has no free time to respond her now, because he held Zhuang Meifeng to run out of the campus a moment ago, in the curtain of rain dashes about wildly, he felt the inexplicable dangerous feeling again! 凌云现在没空搭理她,因为刚才他抱着庄美凤冲出校园,在雨幕中狂奔的时候,他再一次感觉到了莫名的危险感! Actually according to Ling Yun present five feeling six knowledge, any dangerous character, so long as approaches in his hundred meters, Ling Yun can have the induction immediately, but the issue is, Ling Yun had not realized that periphery has any unusuality! 其实依照凌云现在的五感六识,任何危险人物只要靠近他百米之内,凌云就能立即生出感应,可问题是,凌云并没有察觉到周围有任何的异常! In other words, the dangerous character with Ling Yun, that inexplicable light uncomfortable feeling, purely has not been an intuition! 也就是说,并没有危险人物跟着凌云,那种莫名的淡淡的不舒服的感觉,纯粹是一种直觉! Ling Yun cuts the monster in Cultivation Big World except demon, the murder are countless, is naturally familiar with this feeling, that is a killing intent, only then a person wants to kill people or have killed many people the time, will send out this killing intent. 凌云修真大世界斩妖除魔,杀人无数,对这种感觉自然非常熟悉,那是一种杀机,只有一个人想杀人或者杀过很多人的时候,才会散发出这种杀机。 presented......” Ling Yun not to attend to tick-tock the rainwater, sat on the sofa, slightly frowned. “又出现了……”凌云丝毫不顾身上滴滴答答的雨水,坐在沙发上,微微皱眉 It seems like tries to find a solution, this type was not feeling well by the feeling of dangerous surrounding really......” “看来得想个办法,这种被危险包围的感觉真的不爽……” Ling Yun cannot bear lift the hand to trace the good leather needles bag in bosom, this almost besides the mysterious writing brush, weapon that he can attack only. 凌云忍不住抬手摸了摸怀中的牛皮针袋,这几乎是除了神奇毛笔之外,他唯一可以远攻的武器了。 In bedroom. 卧室里。 The Zhuang Meifeng heart jumps madly, endless disturbed, lifted the slender delicately beautiful white hands to pull open the zipper of one-piece dress, then soaking the one-piece dress has shed from the body. 庄美凤芳心乱跳,无尽忐忑中,抬起修长纤美的玉手拉开了连衣裙的拉链,然后把湿透的连衣裙从身上褪了下来。 Zhuang Meifeng takes off the one-piece dress, hurried to scratch the body with towel carelessly, she also hesitated the long time, the bra picking, then clenched teeth, soaking the pink underpants also took off. 庄美凤脱掉连衣裙,赶紧用毛巾胡乱擦了擦身体,她又犹豫了半晌,才把文胸给摘了下来,然后一咬牙,把湿透的粉红色内裤也脱掉。 At this time she is blushes being embarrassed heartbeat to unable to extricate oneself, cannot help but secretly spat own one: Really is, how takes off clothes also with having an affair?” 这时候她已经是脸红耳热心跳到无法自拔了,不由得暗暗啐了自己一句:“真是的,脱个衣服怎么还跟偷情似的?” She hurries to dry own chest with the towel, has scratched on the body of own carelessly two, then lifts the quilt to worm one's way into! 她赶紧用毛巾把自己胸前擦干,又胡乱在自己的身体上擦了两下,然后掀开被子就钻了进去! Warm, is truly warm! 暖和,确实很暖和! Zhuang Meifeng thought that own now steadfast many, she uses the quilt to bind closely own, only reveals a beautiful elegant face outside the quilt. 庄美凤觉得自己现在踏实了不少,她用被子把自己裹得紧紧的,只露出一张绝美的俏脸在被子外面。 Until after five minutes, the Zhuang Meifeng tender body is thorough comes warmly, she lifts powder lotus root the arm to pull up the own wet long hair, then the sweet and delicate voice shouts: Can come in!” 直到五分钟后,庄美凤的娇躯才彻底暖和过来,她抬起粉藕似的胳膊把自己湿漉漉的长发一撩,然后才娇声喊道:“可以进来了!” Ling Yun after hugging her had said her chest is very attractive, therefore Zhuang Meifeng thinks Ling Yun definitely will peep to disturb and so on, Ling Yun has not disturbed her unexpectedly from beginning to end, this makes her multiply to the Ling Yun favorable impression all of a sudden. 凌云在抱起她之后曾经说过她的胸脯很好看,因此庄美凤本来以为凌云肯定会偷看捣乱之类的,没成想从头到尾凌云根本就没有打扰她,这让她一下子对凌云好感倍增。 However her in the heart actually does not know why difficult words the feelings of losing, is the own charm insufficient? This young lady is the flower of solemn Clear Water, is away from daoist sect to change the clothes, do you peep an idea? 不过她心中却不知为何又有一丝难言的失落的感觉,难道自己的魅力不够?本小姐是堂堂的清水之花,就隔着一道门换衣服,你就连偷看一眼的想法都没有? Ling Yun pushed the door to enter, comes in later to sweep has lain closely grabs Zhuang Meifeng one of the quilt on the bed with both hands, cannot help but smiled: Relax, I must want to bully you, does not need to wait till the present!” 凌云推门而入,进来以后扫了躺在床上用双手紧紧抓着被子的庄美凤一眼,不由得嘿嘿一笑:“放心吧,我要真想欺负你,根本不用等到现在!” Where actually he knows, Zhuang Meifeng makes that movement is not does not feel relieved him, but is a woman subconscious instinct. 其实他哪里知道,庄美凤做那个动作根本不是不放心他,而是女人一种下意识的本能。 Speaks, Ling Yun sat in the bedside, then also asked: What kind, braves such heavy rain hastily looks for me, what important matter has? If is really the plan permits by the body, we can now the nuptial chamber!” 说着话,凌云一屁股坐到了床边上,然后又问道:“怎么样,冒这么大雨急火火的过来找我,到底有什么大事啊?如果真是打算以身相许的话,我们现在就可以洞房!” A few words blush Zhuang Meifeng bashful over the face that just relaxed, she spat tastes lightly: go to hell, wizard with your nuptial chamber!” 一句话就把刚刚放松的庄美凤臊的满面羞红,她轻啐了一口道:“去你的,鬼才会跟你洞房呢!” Ling Yun laughs, he spoke thoughtlessly to crack a joke, naturally to relieve the Zhuang Meifeng tense feeling. 凌云哈哈大笑,他随口开个玩笑,自然是为了解除庄美凤的紧张感。 After Zhuang Meifeng is charmingly angry, but also relaxed, she thought sat suddenly by Ling Yun in the bedside overlooks own some not to get a grip like this, she grabbed the quilt to move moving the tender body toward the head, then supported the bed to sit with a hand, a pair of beautiful pupil horizontally viewed Ling Yun saying: Ling Yun, you hit Sun Xing, the Sun Family person from Capital City came several people, the Sun Xing mother to fly personally, her decent person looked around you!” 庄美凤娇嗔之后,还真的放松了下来,她忽然觉得被凌云坐在床边上这样俯视自己有些不得劲,她抓着被子把娇躯往床头挪了挪,然后用一只手撑着床坐了起来,一双美眸平视着凌云道:“凌云,你打了孙星,孙家的人从京城来了十几个人,孙星的妈妈亲自飞过来了,她正派人四处找你呢!” Ling Yun also thinks is the big matter, one hear of this smiled immediately: Looks looks, how can that?” 凌云本来还以为是多大的事儿,一听这个顿时笑了:“找就找呗,那又能怎么着?” Zhuang Meifeng looks at appearance that Ling Yun did not care at all, said anxiously: How? Your that does not know that Sun Family influence, Sun Family is one of the Capital City Seven Big Clans, the method is passing the day!” 庄美凤看了凌云满不在乎的样子,焦急道:“怎么着?你那是不知道孙家的势力,孙家京城七大家族之一,手段通着天呢!” Ling Yun one hear was happy: What method?” 凌云一听乐了:“什么手段?”
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