DEMG :: Volume #2

#135: Pledges to fight to the death to follow! Do you want to do?

Ling Yun place both hands on the back, head high, chest out, leads the way in big strides \; Tie Xiaohu follows, maintains total silence, closely associated. 凌云倒背双手,昂首挺胸,大踏步前行\;铁小虎紧随其后,一语不发,如影随形。 How now did the body feel?” Ling Yun asked suddenly lightly. “现在身体感觉怎么样了?”凌云忽然淡淡问道。 Although Tie Xiaohu maintains total silence, but his present in the heart is overwhelming, the mighty waves rise from all directions, that tendency, not compared with waterspout difference many. 铁小虎虽然一语不发,可他现在的心中可谓是翻江倒海,波澜四起,那势头,一点儿都不比刚才的龙吸水差多少。 The experience of his today may be called mysterious, first had been punched by the Ling Yun violent, then flew sky over school Sports Field for more than ten minutes, did returned empty the flier. 今天的经历堪称神奇,先是被凌云暴揍了一顿,然后在学校操场上空飞了十多分钟,做了一回空中飞人。 Then was diverged skill/kung fu by Ling Yun, has not thought that Ling Yun actually washes the muscle to cut down the marrow for him, making him broken then stand, the strength instead increased! 接着就被凌云散去了一身的功夫,没想到凌云却是为他洗筋伐髓,令他破而后立,实力反而大增! Then Ling Yun has forced his four times continuously! 然后凌云连续逼迫了他四次! Cannot he drink, then makes him go all out to follow the Ling Yun's speed, when he spells to try, exhausted arrived at Coiling Dragon Mountain, Ling Yun actually also wanted him to climb up the Coiling Dragon Mountain top under that condition! 不许他喝酒,然后让他拼命跟上凌云的速度,等他拼尽了全力,精疲力竭的跟着来到了龙盘山,凌云却还要他在那种状态之下爬上龙盘山顶! Tie Xiaohu deeply is shocked and attracted by strength that Ling Yun shows, even if he at that time tired to spitting blood, the physical strength has consumed the limit, may decide grasping the nettle, finally to fall the innumerable somersaults, fell badly beaten climbed up the Coiling Dragon Mountain top for the price! 铁小虎凌云展现出来的实力深深地震撼和吸引,他那时纵然已经累至吐血,体力已经消耗到了极限,可还是决定了迎难而上,最终以摔了无数个跟头,摔得头破血流为代价爬上了龙盘山顶! Tie Xiaohu thinks that this did go through a strategic pass finally? Has not thought that this has not ended, Ling Yun cannot he sit not to unexpectedly he lie down, making him overdraw under situation of limit in the physical strength, must stand! 铁小虎以为这样总算过关了吧?可没想到这还没完,凌云竟然不许他坐不许他躺,让他在体力透支到了极限的情况下,必须站着! This unceasing forcing, this times break the body limit with the formidable willpower continually the pain, is addicted to martial Ruming Tie Xiaohu, traded any other person early paralysis, loved how! 这种连番不断的逼迫,这种一次次用强大的意志力打破身体极限的痛苦,也就是嗜武如命的铁小虎,换任何一个其他人早都瘫了,爱咋咋地! Tie Xiaohu under this situation, saw that world rarely seen, incomparably magnificent mysterious waterspout! 铁小虎就是在这种情况下,看到了那世间难得一见的,无比壮观神奇的龙吸水! Urging of this crazy body potential sends, regarding being repeatedly tempered of will, in incomparable shock with mind, gave Tie Xiaohu to bring the unprecedented impact without a doubt! He knows now, some own big potential! 这种疯狂的身体潜力的催发,对于意志的千锤百炼,和心灵上的无比震撼,毫无疑问给铁小虎带来了前所未有的冲击!他现在已经知道,自己到底有多大潜力! Ling Yun within the short three hours, was Tie Xiaohu opened a leafed door! Door of the miracle! 凌云在短短的三个小时之内,为铁小虎打开了一扇门!一扇奇迹之门! Tie Xiaohu has insisted, he extremely rejoiced that own can insist! 铁小虎都坚持了过来,他万分庆幸自己能坚持了过来! He even knows now why Ling Yun will let him, when the body was tired is similar to a beach mud, but also wants going all out to stand! 他现在甚至已经知道,凌云为什么会让他在身体已经累得如同一滩烂泥的时候,还要拼命站着! He washes to him after Ling Yun muscle cuts down the marrow, experiences the pain that this average man was unable to bear to discipline, clenched teeth to stand for one minute after that situation, the strength of unexpectedly pleasantly surprised discovery own body not only rapidly was recovering, but also on 1-layer building! 他在凌云给他洗筋伐髓之后,又经历了这种常人根本无法忍受的痛苦磨练,在那种情况之下咬牙站立了一分钟之后,竟然惊喜的发现自己身体的力量不但在快速恢复,而且又更上一层楼! This practice speed is simply unprecedented, Tie Xiaohu hears something never heard of before radically! 这种修炼的速度简直前所未有,铁小虎根本闻所未闻! This naturally was the method of Ling Yun's limit Body Refining. 这自然就是凌云的极限炼体之法了。 Tie Xiaohu before descending the mountain, the physical strength restored most, after several people arrive under the mountain leisurely, Tie Xiaohu discovered that the own strength has reached the unprecedented peak! 铁小虎在下山之前,体力已经恢复了大半了,几个人慢悠悠走到山下之后,铁小虎发现自己的力量达到了前所未有的巅峰! Now, Tie Xiaohu felt that physical strength unprecedented abundant of own, walks every time one step, raises hand to lift in the feet, the body coordination circle transfers pleasant, does not have one from top to bottom not properly. 现在,铁小虎感觉到自己的体力前所未有的充沛,每走一步,举手抬足之间,身体协调圆转如意,浑身上下没有一处不熨帖。 Unprecedented feeling! Very good! Felt the strength formidable more than one time!” “前所未有的感觉!很好!感觉力量强大了不止一倍!” In the Tie Xiaohu vision is exposing the firm and excited color, replied Ling Yun. 铁小虎目光中展露着坚定与兴奋之色,回答凌云 Ling Yun nodded: Now, I again give you a choice the opportunity, your own decision must mix with me, departs in light of this.” 凌云点了点头:“现在,我再给你一个选择的机会,你自己决定是要跟我混,还是就此离去。” Saying that Ling Yun striding bravely forward vanguard, does not return to as before. 凌云依旧昂首阔步前行,头也不回的说道。 Mixes with you! Pledges to fight to the death to follow!” Tie Xiaohu without hesitation, categorical of reply! “跟你混!誓死相随!”铁小虎毫不犹豫,回答的斩钉截铁! Ling Yun smiles lightly, without nod, has not spoken, the vision sweeps, saw that the roadside happen to had a shopping mall, the footsteps twists to walk. 凌云淡淡一笑,没有点头,也没有说话,目光一扫,看到路旁正好有一个大型商场,脚步一拧就走了进去。 „Did body have money? Buys clothes that body own likes to exchange.” As Ling Yun's apprentice and little brother, how can put on to follow him like this everywhere. “身上带钱了没?去买身自己喜欢的衣服换上。”作为凌云的徒弟兼小弟,怎么可以穿成这样跟着他到处跑。 That is not the Ling Yun's style. 那不是凌云的风格。 Most is easy to buy solid wear-resisting a little, your following day does not feel better.” “最好买结实耐磨一点儿的,你接下来的日子不好过。” Ling Yun smiles, does not forget to remind Tie Xiaohu. 凌云嘿嘿一笑,不忘提醒铁小虎 After 20 minutes, Tie Xiaohu puts on a light blue cowboy, went out of the market with Ling Yun, in the hand broke the innumerable opening old clothes to throw into the trash can of roadside conveniently. 20分钟以后,铁小虎穿着一身浅蓝色的牛仔,跟着凌云走出了商场,手中破了无数口子的旧衣服随手丢入了路边的垃圾桶。 As if, Tie Xiaohu must make farewell speech with the own past. 似乎,铁小虎是要跟自己的过去作别。 Ling Yun has blocked a rental car grinningly, two people sat, directly soars hospital that Liu Li husband Li Yunxiang is. 凌云笑嘻嘻的拦了一辆出租车,两个人坐了进去,直奔刘丽的丈夫李云祥所在的医院。 ............ ………… That can Ling Yun that Liu Li, you said that when come?” 刘丽,你说的那个凌云,到底什么时候能来啊?” Asking that municipal nine institutes, seven buildings, nerve internal medicine ward, mother-in-law complexion anxious defending of Liu Li near son's hospital bed, kept sits in hospital bed another side daughter-in-law. 市立九院,七楼,神经内科病房,刘丽的婆婆脸色焦急的守在儿子的病床边上,正在不停的问坐在病床另一侧的儿媳妇。 These words she from yesterday to the present, does not know that asked many spread. 这句话她从昨天到现在,已经不知道问了多少遍了。 The Liu Li mother-in-law yesterday afternoon after she came back, surprised discovery weak daughter-in-law facial color no longer wax yellow, walks to strip the wind, cannot bear ask her what's the matter. 刘丽的婆婆昨天下午在她回来了以后,吃惊的发现虚弱的儿媳妇面色不再蜡黄了,走路带风,忍不住问她是怎么回事。 The Liu Li not only body gets better thoroughly, after knowing Ling Yun might cure the own husband, in the heart is happy being hard practicing moderation, she simply has not planned to conceal the own mother-in-law, to tell mother -in-law this good news. 刘丽不但身体彻底好转,在知道了凌云有可能会治好自己丈夫之后,心中更是高兴的难以自持,她根本没有打算隐瞒自己的婆婆,就把这个好消息跟婆婆说了。 As soon as the Li Yunxiang mother listens, knows in the own family/home this is the darkest before dawn, met the honored person truly, that evening went home to select three to burn a joss stick excitedly, kowtows to worship on bended knees the ancestor memorial tablet of Old Li, asking them to bless Ling Yun to cure the own son smoothly. 李云祥的母亲一听,知道自己家里这是否极泰来,真正的遇上贵人了,激动地当晚回到家就点了三炷香,磕头跪拜老李家的祖宗牌位,求他们保佑凌云能够顺利治好自己的儿子。 Can not be excited, a Old Li such only child, own grandson also in daughter-in-law's belly, five months of big, if the son such stupor has gotten down, does not wake, that this day has had no way. 能不激动嘛,老李家就这么一根独苗,自己的孙子还在儿媳妇的肚子里,才五个月大,要是儿子就这么一直昏迷下去,醒不过来,那这日子就没法过了。 Although knows that the own daughter-in-law and son sentiment is good, virtuous filial, before may as the saying goes the long hospital bed, does not have the loyal son, let alone so was younger the pretty wife. 虽然知道自己的儿媳妇和儿子感情好,又贤惠孝顺,可俗话说久病床前无孝子,就更别说这么年轻漂亮的媳妇了。 One month two months of good of , if son for several years cannot awake, even if Liu Li is willing such attendance Li Yunxiang as always, she as the Li Yunxiang mother, to be able going of feelings? 一个月两个月的还行,要是儿子三年五载的醒不了,就算刘丽愿意这么一如既往的照顾李云祥,她作为李云祥的母亲,能过意的去? Old woman is very at heart clear, son awoke as soon as possible that 's the end of it, if really has become the vegetable, Old Li was equal to being with one's family broken up and decimated! 老太太的心里很清楚,儿子尽早醒了便罢,要是真成了植物人,老李家就等于是家破人亡了! Mother, you felt relieved that Ling Yun, since complied to come, he certainly will come, said again, I was not do not know that which he lived, was really not good, I visited to ask him again!” “妈,您就放心吧,凌云既然答应了会来,他就一定会来的,再说了,我又不是不知道他住哪儿,实在不行,我再上门去求求他!” The Li Yunxiang mother sighed slightly, heart said that others have helped us be so busy, what use no broken writing brush has delivered others, what also takes to ask others? 李云祥的母亲微微叹了一口气,心说人家已经帮了咱这么大忙了,就送了人家一只什么用处都没有的破毛笔,还拿什么去求人家? Yeah, so long as Ling Yun can rescue Yunxiang, is makes me give him, when the cow makes the horse to be good!” “哎,只要凌云能救了云祥,就是让我给他当牛做马都行啊!” The old woman sighed faintly, in muddy both eyes has covered entirely the blood threads, looks to lie down on the hospital bed motionless, the head bound completely gauze Li Yunxiang, said. 老太太幽幽一叹,浑浊的双眼中布满了血丝,看着躺在病床上一动不动,头上裹满了纱布的李云祥,说道。 At this moment, the Liu Li cell phone has made a sound, she looks at the number, on the pretty face flashes before to wipe the pleasantly surprised excitement immediately. 就在这时,刘丽的手机响了,她一看号码,娇俏的脸上立即闪现出一抹惊喜的兴奋。 Mother, you looked, Ling Yun this wasn't telephones?” “妈,您看,凌云这不是打电话过来了?” The Li Yunxiang mother has stood from backless stool all of a sudden: Meets quickly! You look at me to do!” 李云祥的母亲一下子就从板凳上站了起来:“快接呀!你看我干什么!” Liu Li catches up to follow closely the telephone. 刘丽赶紧接起电话。 Sister Liu, I to the hospital, you me told that which hospital ward now you are at?” “刘姐,我现在到了医院了,您跟我说一下你们在哪个病房?” Liu Li hurried to say the hospital ward number, then said excitedly: Or do I take you to go?” 刘丽赶忙把病房号码说了,然后激动道:“要不我下去接你去?” Ling Yun knows that she has the pregnancy, how possibly to make her get down, but said that immediately, made the telephone call. 凌云知道她有身孕,怎么可能让她下来,只是说马上就到,就挂掉了电话。 Ling Yun and Tie Xiaohu rode the elevator to arrive at seven buildings, an elevator then discovered that Liu Li has supported big belly to stand in the elevator entrance they. 凌云铁小虎乘坐电梯来到了七楼,一出电梯便发现刘丽已经挺着大肚子站在电梯门口等他们了。 Liu Li looks at Ling Yun that familiar Nike gym suit, intimate saying: Big brothers, you may be came, my mothers-in-law are anxious...... Well......” 刘丽一看凌云那一身熟悉的耐克运动服,就亲热的说道:“大兄弟,你可算是过来了,我婆婆都急……咦……” Liu Li saw suddenly Ling Yun that delicate and pretty face that does not make sense, directly there! 刘丽忽然就看到了凌云那张俊美的不像话的脸,直接愣在了那里! This...... This...... Is this Ling Yun?! 这……这……这是凌云吗?! How all of a sudden became such handsome?! Standing of Liu Li dumbstruck there, is pointing at the Ling Yun's face with the index finger, small mouth gets bigger and bigger, does not dare believe the eye of own simply! 怎么一下子变得这么俊了?!刘丽目瞪口呆的站在那里,用食指指着凌云的脸,小嘴儿越张越大,简直不敢相信自己的眼睛! When buys the clothes with Tie Xiaohu, Ling Yun had looked at the cheek of own in the trial clothes mirror of market-- he must acknowledge, this leather bag is truly graceful! 在和铁小虎买衣服的时候,凌云已经在商场的试衣镜里看过自己的脸蛋了——他得承认,这副皮囊确实很帅! Sees the Liu Li surprised appearance, Ling Yun corners of the mouth brings back wipes the perfect smiling face, teased Liu Li saying: How, didn't Sister Liu, welcome?” 看到刘丽吃惊的样子,凌云嘴角儿勾起一抹完美的笑容,调侃刘丽道:“怎么了,刘姐,不欢迎?” Looked at Ling Yun that to confuse the smiling face that deceased person did not pay with a life sufficiently, the elegant face of Liu Li flashes through blushing that wiped unable to conceal suddenly, she wants to lower the head actually does not hate to put aside the own vision, the heart such as hits the deer, said at a loss: Happy...... Welcomed, how to welcome?” 看了凌云那足以迷死人不偿命的笑容,刘丽的俏脸忽然闪过一抹无法掩饰的羞红,她想低头却又舍不得移开自己的目光,心如撞鹿,茫然道:“欢……迎啊,怎么不欢迎?” Ling Yun nods with a smile: That walks......” 凌云笑着点头:“那就走吧……” Walks, walks......” “走,走……” Liu Li steps the own both legs mechanically, returns to husband's hospital ward with Ling Yun. 刘丽机械地迈动自己的双腿,跟着凌云回丈夫的病房。 This is really no wonder Liu Li, is not she sends starry-eyed, is Ling Yun this face, was too simply big to the lethality of woman, the second kills the eyeball of any woman sufficiently. 这实在是怪不得刘丽,不是她发花痴,是凌云这张脸,对女人的杀伤力简直太大了,足以秒杀任何女人的眼球。 Arrives at the hospital ward entrance, Ling Yun does not have embarrassed what, he pushes the door to enter directly, under introduction that Liu Li stutters, has said a hello with the Li Yunxiang mother simply, then arrived at the Li Yunxiang hospital bed. 来到病房门口,凌云没有什么不好意思的,他直接推门而入,在刘丽结结巴巴的介绍之下,跟李云祥的母亲简单打了一个招呼,然后来到了李云祥的病床边。 Tie Xiaohu actually defended in the hospital ward entrance, has not gone. 铁小虎却是守在了病房门口,没有跟着进去。 Ling Yun looked at Li Yunxiang complexion first, then wrinkled two thick straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards slightly, lifted the hand to make contact with the Li Yunxiang wrist/skill. 凌云先看了一眼李云祥的脸色,然后微微皱了皱两道浓密的剑眉,抬手就搭上了李云祥的手腕。 Ling Yun only looked that can look, this Li Yunxiang now is actually a vegetable, it is estimated that also such medical skill can rescue then Old Man Xue, wants to rescue to awake by the hospital? Gate does not have! 凌云只看一眼就能看出来,这李云祥现在其实已经是一个植物人了,估计也就薛老头那样的医术能救一救,靠医院想救醒?门儿都没有! After a half minute, Ling Yun removed the lineage/vein finger, then light to incomparably anxious, the mothers and daughters-in-law two people that full contain anticipates said with a smile: Relax, can govern!” 半分钟以后,凌云撤下了号脉的手指,然后淡淡的对无比紧张,满含期待的婆媳二人笑道:“放心吧,能治!” As soon as the Li Yunxiang mother listens, nearly sits down exhausted excitedly on the ground, old tears crossflow! Ling Yun hurried to support her, making her sit on the backless stool. 李云祥的母亲一听,激动地差点儿就瘫坐在地上,老泪横流!凌云赶紧扶住了她,让她在板凳上坐好。 As for Liu Li, where this time performance is also calmer than her mother-in-law to does not go, her chest fluctuates excitedly fiercely, flutters to ask: Can govern really?!” 至于刘丽,此时的表现比她婆婆也镇定不到哪里去,她激动地胸口剧烈起伏,颤声问道:“真的能治?!” Ling Yun no longer replied, smiled to make mothers and daughters-in-law two people remove Li Yunxiang some pipes of having no need, lifted his quilt completely. 凌云不再答话,微笑着让婆媳两人李云祥身上一些用不着的管子撤了下去,把他身上的被子全部掀开。 Ling Yun took good leather needles bag, lifted the hand to launch, pinches nine gold needle! 凌云把身上的牛皮针袋拿了出来,抬手展开,捏出了九根金针 Although treats the Li Yunxiang condition, only displayed Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles to be enough with the silver needle, but because Liu Li has given him the factor of mysterious writing brush, Ling Yun decided to use gold needle! 虽然治疗李云祥的病情,只用银针施展灵枢九针就足够了,可因为刘丽给了他神奇毛笔的因素,凌云决定用金针 In this time, a looks pretty young nurse pushes the door to enter, she saw this calls out in alarm immediately! 就在此时,一个姿容俏丽的小护士推门而入,她看到了这一幕顿时惊呼! „Do you want to do?!” “你要干什么?!”
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