DEMG :: Volume #2

#134: The quibble guidance, prepares to save others

Prosperous bumper year, casts monthly ticket happily, three erupt to you pays new year's call! Asked the monthly ticket! 红红火火过大年,开开心心投月票,三更爆发给您拜年啦!求月票啦! ------------------------------ —————————————————————————————— Tie Xiaohu has not disappointed Ling Yun, he not only climbed up the summit, but also goes all out to stand from the stone stair of mountain road, then steps onto the Coiling Dragon Mountain top gradually! 铁小虎没有让凌云失望,他不但爬上了山顶,而且是拼命从山道的石头台阶上站起来,然后一步一步走上龙盘山顶的! Day! What is that?!” Tie Xiaohu just arrived above the summit, saw that diameter has 20 meters fully, highly to get close to kilometer dazzlingly bright water column of! “天!那是什么?!”铁小虎刚来到了山顶之上,就看到了那道直径足有20米,高度接近千米的白亮水柱! He stands there is motionless, has nearly forgotten the breath, looks scene that dull at present that shocks! 他站在那里一动不动,差点儿就忘记了呼吸,呆呆地看着眼前那震撼的景象! Ling Yun copies single-handed, led on him Crouching Tiger Cliff directly, then no longer managed him, own continued to look that started to turn white the sky that to that. 凌云单手一抄,直接把他带到了虎踞崖上,然后便不再管他,自己继续看向那已经开始发白的天空。 But, vanishes until the phenomenon of waterspout thoroughly, Ling Yun has not seen a moment ago that several meters empty shadow again, but now, after absorbing huge dragon spiritual energy, did this world have the dragon, Ling Yun already in the heart knew how things stand. 可是,直到龙吸水的现象彻底消失,凌云再也没有看到刚才那个十几米长的虚影,不过现在,在吸收了庞大的龙灵气之后,这个世界到底有没有龙,凌云早已心中有数了。 All over the sky the dark cloud finally diverges, the Clear Water Lake surface restored uneventfully, all as if have not occurred generally, but, the waterspout has continued for more than 20 minutes shocks one, actually deeply prints, in all has seen with one's own eyes in the eyes of its people! 满天乌云终于散去,清水湖面恢复了风平浪静,一切仿佛不曾发生过一般,可是,龙吸水持续了20多分钟的震撼一幕,却深深地印在了所有亲眼看到它的人们的眼中! Although Tie Xiaohu only looked at several minutes of waterspout, but this deeply has actually printed his mind, can hardly be removed life-long. 铁小虎虽然只看了几分钟龙吸水,可这一幕却已经深深地印入了他的脑海,终生挥之不去。 This scene he is first time sees, in the online also reality, is the first time. 这种景象他是第一次见到,无论是在网上还还是现实当中,都是第一次。 Read three years of high school, he all day in exercising martial arts of keeping and killed passed, Classmates in class has not recognized entire, let alone communicated these things with them. 读高中的三年,他整日都在不停的练功和打打杀杀中度过,就连班里的同学都没有认全,更何况跟他们交流这些东西。 Waits for three people to recover completely, looked to the Ling Yun's time, Ling Yun exposes a smiling face of fan deceased person to them, asked lightly: Ning'er, Lingyu, you know that this is the waterspout, said your views to me?” 等三个人全部回过神来,都望向凌云的时候,凌云冲他们展露出了一个迷死人的笑容,淡淡问道:“凝儿,灵雨,你们知道这是龙吸水,跟我说说你们的看法?” Xue Meining as if eagerly displays own in front of Ling Yun, she first wantonly said the knowledge that the net went to school, final judgment on a person's life can be made only after he is dead and buried said finally: This is very good to explain that from the science, has the tornado wind on water surface actually, lake surface fluent volume to sky.” 薛美凝似乎非常急于在凌云面前表现自己,她抢先把网上学来的知识大肆说了一通,最后盖棺论定道:“这个很好解释嘛,从科学上来讲,其实就是发生在水面上的龙卷风,把湖面的水流卷到天空去的。” Ling Yun shows neither approval nor disapproval smiles, nodded to ask back: Science? Why can explain with the science?” 凌云不置可否的嘿嘿一笑,点了点头反问道:“科学?为什么一定要用科学来解释呢?” Xue Meining and Ning Lingyu are stunned, for a while has not understood the meaning in Ling Yun words. Tie Xiaohu breathed at this time restored steadily, he was light smiles. 薛美凝宁灵雨愕然,一时没有明白凌云话里的意思。铁小虎此时呼吸已经恢复了平稳,他只是淡淡一笑。 Xue Meining thinks saying: We go to school since childhood, must respect the science, believes the science.” 薛美凝想了想道:“咱们从小就学的啊,要尊重科学,相信科学。” Ling Yun nodded once more, actually continues to ask back: If the science cannot explain? How also to say?” 凌云再次点了点头,却继续反问道:“那如果科学解释不了的呢?又怎么讲?” Xue Meining asked stares, she frowns thinks to say carefully: That naturally was unscientific......” 薛美凝又被问的一愣,她皱着眉头仔细想了想道:“那当然就是不科学了……” Ning Lingyu and Tie Xiaohu two people has not spoken, looking pensive is looking at Ling Yun, they felt that Ling Yun leads them to come from the beginning specially, not only definitely to let them experiences the waterspout to be so simple. 宁灵雨铁小虎两人都没有说话,若有所思的望着凌云,他们感觉凌云一开始专门带他们两个来,肯定不只是为了让他们见识见识龙吸水这么简单。 Ling Yun listened to the reply of Xue Meining, laughs saying: Science cannot explain is unscientific? What truth is this?” 凌云听了薛美凝的回答,哈哈大笑道:“科学解释不了的就是不科学?这是哪门子的道理?” The science cannot explain that they often or with did not explain with the superstition directly scientifically, this truly made person of egg pain one fallacy. 科学解释不了的,他们往往就用迷信或者直接用不科学来解释,这确实是非常令人蛋痛的一种谬论。 Ling Yun said, the look one is closely examining Xue Meining saying: I asked you, where did the dark cloud in sky come? Since is the waterspout, absorbs in the water to sky, where also to? Why hasn't fallen? Hadn't these water been affected by the gravity? As soon as they did ascend the sky turned into the steam? Now isn't the space probably hot?” 凌云说完,神色一正追问薛美凝道:“我问你,天空中的乌云从哪儿来的?既然是龙吸水,吸到天空中的水,又到哪里去了?为什么没有落下来?难道这些水没有受到重力的影响?还是它们一上天就变成了水蒸气?现在天上好像没有那么热吧?” Good, you, if said that these water had been swept by the tornado wind, but the tornado wind stopped now, why haven't these water fallen?” “好吧,你要是说那些水被龙卷风吹走了,可现在龙卷风已经停了,那些水为什么还没有落下来?” Perhaps these issues, did the material on network, evade the subject has rushed through matters?” “这些问题,恐怕网络上的资料,就避而不谈了草草了事了吧?” Ling Yun asked continually, Xue Meining that asked is at a loss for words-- she has not thought these issues. 凌云连番发问,问的薛美凝张口结舌——她从来都没有想过这些问题。 Actually cannot say that the science and technology are useless, the science and technology are certainly useful, and has very major function, this point is without a doubt, no one can deny. 其实不能说科学技术没有用,科学技术当然有用,而且有着很大的作用,这一点是毋庸置疑,谁也不能否认的。 But if the science cannot explain thing that the idea and guess that others make must fasten the superstition or the unscientific hat, this absolutely is unrecommendable. 但是如果科学解释不了的东西,别人做出的想法和猜测就一定要扣上迷信或者不科学的帽子,这绝对是不可取的。 For example clever, for example the monster, for example the gu, for example Zombie, again for example the pen immortal fortune telling with inscribed papers covered by a dish, western Hunan catches up with the corpse, Maoshan Dao Technique, the monk dies in a sitting posture to burn the buddhist relics wait wait/etc. etc., too many were too many, they want with the science to explain that these inconceivable phenomena, studies the half-day/long time explanation not to pass, good, with two characters, superstition! 比如说鬼,比如说妖,比如说蛊,比如说僵尸,再比如笔仙碟仙,湘西赶尸,茅山道术,和尚坐化烧出舍利子等等等等,太多太多了,他们都想用科学去解释这些不可思议的现象,研究半天解释不通,好吧,冠以俩字,迷信! Didn't this talk nonsense? 这不扯淡么? You could not study to explain that your science and technology were not very developed, how became to blindly believe in?! 你研究不了说明你科学技术不够发达,怎么就成了迷信了呢?! For example universe Big Bang that in that world most people approve, said that any universe most starts is a singular point, suddenly explodes, then had extending of time and space, had the universe. 比如那个世界上大多数人都认同的宇宙大爆炸理论,说什么宇宙最开始是一个奇点,突然就爆炸开来,然后就有了时间和空间的延伸,也就有了宇宙。 -- so long as is not the fool thinks slightly can want to understand that a matter, before that is that singular point explodes, his inside leaves aside for the moment, what his is outside? ——只要不是傻子稍微一动脑子就能想明白一件事,那就是那个奇点爆炸之前,他的里面姑且不谈,他的外面是什么? The theory of such nonsense can be all the rage the world, what scientific truth is this? What comedy is, innumerable scientists also try to prove this theory the authenticity! 这样狗屁的理论都能风靡全球,这到底是什么样的科学道理?搞笑的是,无数的科学家还试图都去证明这个理论的真实性! Ning Lingyu and Tie Xiaohu as if started to understand Ling Yun must tell them anything, was staring at Ling Yun with the vision, waited for his as follows. 宁灵雨铁小虎似乎开始明白了凌云要告诉他们什么,都用目光盯着凌云,等待他的下文。 Ling Yun sees the own goal to achieve, he unfolds the face to say with a smile once more: I must tell you am, something exist exist, do not treat as intentionally does not exist, do not go to repel him desirably \; The manpower is sometimes poor, something you cannot contact, does not represent in this world not to have, something you cannot master, does not represent it is wrong or is unreasonable \; Did you two, understand?” 凌云自己的目的已经达到,他再次展颜一笑道:“我要告诉你们的是,有些东西存在就是存在,不要故意去当做不存在,也不要去刻意排斥他\;人力有时而穷,有些事情你接触不到,不代表这个世界上就没有,有些事情你搞不懂,不代表它就是错误的或者不合理的\;你们两个,明白了吗?” Xue Meining is still racking brains by quibble that” Ling Yun these specious actually enlightens the benighted, ponders diligently, Ning Lingyu unfolds the face to say with a smile suddenly: Big Brother, you now become such strong , because you do contact existence that the average person could not contact?” 薛美凝还在被凌云这些似是而非却又振聋发聩的“歪理”绞尽脑汁,冥思苦想呢,宁灵雨忽然展颜一笑道:“哥哥,你现在变得这么强,就是因为你接触到了普通人接触不到的存在吧?” Ning Lingyu guessed, although not, was not also far. The Ling Yun heart said that my younger sister is intelligent, it seems like, explained something to her again, convenient many. 宁灵雨猜测的虽不中,亦不远矣。凌云心说还是我妹妹聪明,看来以后再给她解释一些东西,就方便的多了。 At least Ling Yun believes, he now becomes such strong, has not needed to take completely the talking to deal with younger sister own curiosity again. 起码凌云相信,他现在变得这么强,已经不用再费尽口舌去应付自己妹妹的好奇心了。 This is his today brings Ning Lingyu and Tie Xiaohu comes to here to watch the waterspout main purpose, otherwise, he already a person came, so is why troublesome. 这是他今天宁灵雨铁小虎来这里观看龙吸水的最主要目的,不然的话,他早就一个人来了,何必这么麻烦。 Now sky over entire Clear Water City became the clear and boundless sky, but Ling Yun knows, today in the evening, Clear Water City will certainly face cloud burst. 现在整个清水市上空又已经变得晴空万里,只是凌云知道,今天傍晚,清水市必将面临一场大暴雨。 He stood on Crouching Tiger Cliff looked at one toward all around, the heart said that here worthily was one of the Clear Water Lake ten big beautiful scenery, the view was truly extraordinary. 他站在虎踞崖上往四周看了一眼,心说这里不愧是清水湖十大胜景之一,景致确实非凡。 He considers as finished silently time, then smiles bitterly was saying to Ning Lingyu: We go back now, certainly must delay the afternoon first class, this is arises suddenly situation that I said......” 他默默算了一下时间,然后苦笑着对宁灵雨道:“我们现在回去,肯定要耽误下午的第一节课了,这就是我说的突发情况……” Ning Lingyu first time saw the appearance that the Ling Yun delicate and pretty unparalleled face acts perversely, cannot help but bashfully blushes chuckle to smile tenderly, has not actually felt embarrassed him. 宁灵雨第一次看到凌云俊美无双的脸庞耍无赖的样子,不由得羞红着脸咯咯娇笑,却没有为难他。 At this moment, the Ling Yun's cell phone has made a sound suddenly. 就在这时,凌云的手机忽然响了起来。 As soon as he guesses that is Tang Meng hits, therefore has met directly. 他一猜就是唐猛打来的,于是直接就接了起来。 Eldest child, we noticed that your four stood on Crouching Tiger Cliff, haha, were you being drenched by the water a moment ago?” “老大,我们看到你们四个站在虎踞崖上了,哈哈,你们刚才被水淋着了没有?” Tang Meng this boy eats the Tie Xiaohu vinegar, in the tone is bringing a thick taking pleasure in others' misfortunes acid intent. 唐猛这小子吃铁小虎的醋,语气中带着一股浓浓的幸灾乐祸的酸意。 The Ling Yun heart said that had not been drenched by the water, but was being drenched by dragon spiritual energy, hehe...... 凌云心说没有被水淋着,但是被龙灵气淋着了,嘿嘿…… He wonders saying: I said that you now where, lake opposite shore? How such do you see our?” 他纳闷说道:“我说,你们现在在哪儿呢,湖对岸吧?这么远你们是怎么看到我们的?” Ling Yun truly wonders, his own eyesight is so good, xue had traced a moment ago desirably several, had not found Tang Meng their shadow, but also thinks that this boy has not come, has not thought that Tang Meng saw them but actually first. 凌云确实纳闷,他自己的目力这么好,刚才刻意踅摸了好几圈,都没有找到唐猛他们的影子,还以为这小子没有来呢,没想到唐猛倒先看到他们了。 Tang Meng aimed certainly at Crouching Tiger Cliff to see Ling Yun with the telescope they. 唐猛当然是用望远镜对准了虎踞崖看到凌云他们的。 Hehe, the eldest child, we in private room of Clear Water Restaurant top layer, here have the telescope, that scene may really be magnificent a moment ago, waterspout, blockhouse!” “嘿嘿,老大,我们在清水人家顶层的包间里呢,这里有望远镜,刚才那场面可真是壮观啊,龙吸水,碉堡了!” Ling Yun suddenly realize, he nodded saying: Good, you in Clear Water Restaurant wait/etc. I. We quickly then the past.” Then, Ling Yun then made the telephone call. 凌云恍然大悟,他点了点头道:“那好,你们就在清水人家等我。我们很快就过去。”说完,凌云便挂掉了电话。 After Tang Meng hang up the phone, looks that the own cell phone wonders to talk to oneself: How I felt sound that eldest child was probably of pleasant to hear . Moreover, looks at his appearance very handsome in the telescope a moment ago......” 唐猛挂掉电话之后,看着自己的手机纳闷自语道:“我怎么感觉老大的声音好像好听了许多,而且,刚才在望远镜里看着他的样子好帅啊……” Ling Yun several people are appreciating the lake and mountain scenery complementing each other, while was chatting below mountain, even if were this, crawled time that used to be short compared with Tie Xiaohu own, they went out of the Coiling Dragon Mountain park quickly, gathered round Clear Water Lake to circle the half-turn, arrived at Clear Water Restaurant. 凌云几个人是一边欣赏着湖光山色,一边说笑着下的山,就算是这样,都比铁小虎自己爬上来用的时间要少了许多,他们很快就走出了龙盘山公园,围着清水湖绕了半圈,来到了清水人家 Tang Meng and Li Qingchuan were already waiting for them out Clear Water Restaurant, as for Lin Menghan, after looking at waterspout, rushed back the police authorities. 唐猛李晴川早就在清水人家门外等着他们了,至于林梦寒,在看完了龙吸水之后,就匆匆赶回警局了。 But Cao Shanshan and Zhang Ling are class Wei, although looked after waterspout, will go back to the school to be very likely to be late, but will be late always compares ditches school to be stronger for no reason, they also returning school hurriedly. 曹珊珊张灵都是班委,虽然看完了龙吸水之后回到学校极有可能会迟到,但迟到总比无端旷课要强,她们也是急匆匆的回学校去了。 Tang Meng and Li Qingchuan saw that the Ling Yun four people walked from afar, two people hurry to move forward to meet somebody, Tang Meng has not waited to arrive at Ling Yun's to stare! 唐猛李晴川看到凌云四人远远的走了过来,两个人赶紧迎了上去,唐猛还没等走到凌云的近前就愣了! This, this, is this own eldest child? Outline that outline, is only this face, so to be how white, is so delicate, is so graceful? 这,这,这还是自己的老大吗?轮廓还是那个轮廓,只是这张脸,怎么这么白,这么细嫩,这么帅? On Crouching Tiger Cliff looked that the waterspout can also make own change a graceful? Had not heard that the waterspout also has such huge effect! 难道在虎踞崖上看龙吸水还能让自己变帅?没听说龙吸水还有这么巨大的功效啊! He hurried to look at Ling Yun Ning Lingyu and Xue Meining two stunningly beautiful woman, he discovered that Ning Lingyu seemed to be more one point of elusive illusion makings, made concrete him unable saying that Xue Meining as if did not have what change. 他又赶紧看了看凌云身边的宁灵雨薛美凝两个绝色美女,他发现宁灵雨似乎更多了一分空灵梦幻的气质,具体他也说不上来,薛美凝似乎没有什么变化。 When he sees Tie Xiaohu that distressed miserable type time, feel wronged and jealousy at heart vanished all of a sudden most! 等他看到铁小虎那狼狈的惨样的时候,心里的委屈和醋意一下子消失了大半儿! Was needless saying that looked at the Tie Xiaohu pitiful appearance, knows that the eldest child the good fruit not to have eaten to him! 不用说,就看铁小虎的凄惨模样,就知道老大没给他好果子吃! Will the Ling Yun's change so be but big? Tang Meng is puzzling. 可是凌云的变化怎么会这么大的?唐猛百思不得其解。 Li Qingchuan after seeing Ling Yun's changed, in the heart surprised comes Tang Meng is more serious than! 李晴川在看到了凌云的变化之后,心中的惊讶比唐猛来的还要严重! What's all this about? Did this also just separate with Ling Yun for one hour? Is the Ling Yun's change so how big? 这是怎么回事?这也就和凌云刚刚分开一个多小时吧?怎么凌云的变化这么大? Li Qingchuan had the nitpicking vision to stare at the Ling Yun's face to look at half-day/long time, finally acknowledged reluctantly Ling Yun already the reality that he was more graceful, he has to sigh in in the heart secretly, the heart said that the goods must throw compared with the goods, the person must die compared with the person! 李晴川带着挑剔的目光盯着凌云的脸看了半天,最终无奈的承认了凌云已经比他帅的现实,他不得不在心中暗叹了一口气,心说货比货得扔,人比人得死啊! Having no way ratio! 没法比! Li Qingchuan since has seen Ling Yun, all did not have by the self-confidence of Ling Yun attack! 李晴川自打见到凌云以来,已经被凌云打击的自信心全没了! However these two people are the men, changes to Ling Yun's leads not to display special making much ado about nothing, if they also with Xue Meining such performance-- that really damn! 不过这两个人都是男人,对凌云的变帅并没有表现出特别的大惊小怪,要是他们也和薛美凝那样表现的话——那才真见了鬼了! Ling Yun arrived at the Tang Meng front first, he said to Tang Meng directly: You drive Lingyu and Ning'er send back, I also a little matter needs to process in the afternoon, first did not return to the school.” 凌云最先来到了唐猛的面前,他直接对唐猛说道:“你开车把灵雨凝儿送回去,我下午还有点儿事情需要处理,就先不回学校了。” Ning Lingyu one hear of Big Brother must skip classes, her discontented wrinkled the lovable nose, acts like a spoiled brat saying: Big Brother, how you can like this......” 宁灵雨一听哥哥又要逃课,她不满的皱了皱可爱的鼻子,撒娇道:“哥哥,你怎么可以这样嘛……” Ling Yun does not want to deceive the own younger sister, his gentle said with a smile to Ning Lingyu: Lingyu, I need to save a person in the afternoon, saved the person to come back to attend class, was good?” 凌云不想骗自己的妹妹,他温柔的冲宁灵雨一笑道:“灵雨,我下午需要去救一个人,救完了人就会回来上课,好不好?” Without a doubt, the Ling Yun present smiling face is enormous to all female lethality, this gentle smiles directly is dull, vacant nod of Ning Lingyu looks. 毫无疑问,凌云现在的笑容对所有女性的杀伤力极大,这温柔一笑直接把宁灵雨看的就是一呆,茫然的点了点头。 Ling Yun arranged all, then turned head to say to Tie Xiaohu: Tie Xiaohu, you follow me.” 凌云安排好了一切,然后扭头对铁小虎道:“铁小虎,你跟我走。” Ling Yun must rescue now, naturally is Liu Li that lies down the husband who remains unconscious in the hospital. 凌云现在要去救的,自然是刘丽那个躺在医院里昏迷不醒的丈夫。
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