DEMG :: Volume #2

#133: Attracts dragon spiritual energy crazily, the day falls handsome man!

Second delivers, wish all my book friend happy spring festival again, the words said that others did ask the ticket then several monthly tickets, the Immortal Doctor such good plot not to strive for? Isn't my moral behavior good? 第二更送上,再次祝我的所有书友新春愉快,话说人家一求票就十几张月票,仙医这么好的剧情怎么就求不到呢?难道俺人品不行? ---------------------------- ———————————————————————————— Ling Yun in Cultivation Big World once bare-handed Borong, therefore is familiar with the dragon spiritual energy aura, as soon as he feels this spiritual energy appearance, does not use desirably circulate cultivation, his body immediately crazy has absorbed voluntarily! 凌云修真大世界曾经徒手博龙,因此对龙灵气的气息非常熟悉,他一感受到这种灵气出现,根本不用刻意运功,他的身体立即疯狂的自行吸收了起来! The mysterious writing brush has recognized the Lord, now and Ling Yun shares the same roots, the intention is interlinked, Ling Yun knows it to Seven Glorious Grass and so on ordinary spiritual energy is not rare, at this time discovered that it is shivering, immediately made a move to take it, grasped in the palm! 神奇毛笔已经认主,现在和凌云血脉相连,心意相通,凌云知道它对七曜草之类的普通灵气不稀罕,这时候发现它在颤动,立即出手把它拿了出来,握在了手心里! The mysterious writing brush starts, immediately showed its mystery! 神奇毛笔入手,立即展现出了它的神奇! Formidable incomparable, floods in dragon spiritual energy in world like received some summon, crazy emerges toward the Ling Yun's body, quick is centered on Ling Yun, has formed the huge swirl spiritual energy turbulent flow, and follows the Ling Yun's meridians completely suction by the mysterious writing brush! 强大无匹,充斥于天地之间的龙灵气就像受到了某种召唤似的,疯狂的朝着凌云的身体涌入,很快就以凌云为中心,形成了巨大的旋涡状灵气涡流,并顺着凌云的经脉全部被神奇毛笔吸走! Also Ling Yun had reached the Body Refining Third Stage level peak luckily yesterday evening, his present boundary absorbed the spiritual energy speed to be quicker than at least four times before! 也幸亏凌云昨天晚上达到了练体三层巅峰,他现在的境界吸收灵气的速度比以前快了至少四倍! Under the attraction of mysterious writing brush, floods into various Ling Yun body places that huge dragon spiritual energy does not resemble awfully, actually does not stop, a drop does not remain suction by the mysterious writing brush! 在神奇毛笔的吸引之下,那庞大的龙灵气不要命似的涌入凌云身体各处,却丝毫不做停留,一滴不剩的又被神奇毛笔吸走! However is this, Ling Yun obtained the huge advantage as before! 不过就算是这样,凌云依旧得到了巨大的好处! He does utmost revolution Cultivation Technique, lets emerge dragon spiritual energy in within the body to defer to the good merit the route to enter the mysterious writing brush crazily as far as possible, gives own to wash the muscle to cut down the marrow with the aid of the dragon spiritual energy strength once more, transforms each inch skeleton of own body, the meridians and muscle! 他竭尽全力运转功法,让疯狂涌入体内的龙灵气尽量按照行功的路线进入神奇毛笔,借助龙灵气的力量再次给自己洗筋伐髓,改造自己身体的每一寸骨骼,经脉和筋肉! Speed and effect of that transformation, merely compared with the immortal spiritual energy difference of Ling Yun within the body in some, and pass the Spirit Treasure jade compared with Seven Glorious Grass spiritual energy, that radically is a space underground difference! 那改造的速度和效果,仅仅比凌云体内的仙灵气差上一些,跟七曜草和通灵宝玉的灵气相比,那根本就是一个天上一个地下的区别! Such huge spiritual energy rapidly emerges the body of own, even if Ling Yun Transcends Tribulation Stage soul must clench teeth to support painstakingly, can say, rapidness that enough the mysterious writing brush absorbs, Ling Yun already exploded the body dead! 只是这么庞大的灵气急速的涌入自己的身体,就算是凌云渡劫期灵魂也要咬牙苦撑,可以说,要不是神奇毛笔吸收的够快,凌云早就爆体身亡了! However such crucial time, Ling Yun is the brace must support, does not support must support! 但是这么关键的时刻,凌云是撑也得撑,不撑也得撑! This is the bestowed by heaven chance, opportunity must not be lost, loses no longer! 这可是天赐的机缘,机不可失,失不再来! Meets the disposition that the treasure must take according to Ling Yun, these dragon spiritual energy waste tiny bit, he can the meat pain for a long time! 依照凌云逢宝必取的性格,这些龙灵气就算浪费一丝一毫,他都会肉痛好久! He is fierce, but also some people are fiercer than him! 只是,他猛,还有人比他更猛! This person calmly stands there as before, is watching that say/way to start from the straight up and down silently becomes the elephant nose curving transparent white water column, all ignorant however have not known. 只是这个人依旧静静地站在那里,正在默默观赏着那道已经开始从直上直下变为大象鼻子般弯曲的亮白水柱,一切还都懵然不知罢了。 Ning Lingyu! 宁灵雨 Ning Lingyu Innate Spirit Body finally started to play its proper role at this time! First a dragon spiritual energy appearance, looks is also not Ling Yun, but is Ning Lingyu! 宁灵雨天生灵体此时终于开始发挥了它应有的作用!龙灵气一出现,最先找的还不是凌云,而是宁灵雨 Now, if the naked eye can see, the vortex that around the Ning Lingyu body, dragon spiritual energy forms is bigger, revolving rapidly, emerges the speed of Ning Lingyu within the body to be quicker! 现在,如果肉眼可以看见的话,宁灵雨身体周围,龙灵气形成的漩涡更大,旋转的更急速,涌入宁灵雨体内的速度更快! Intrepid of Innate Spirit Body exposes with nothing left, Ning Lingyu own anything has not known that also not any Cultivation Technique, does not have mysterious writing brush such strange thing to help her suction, but she is quicker than Ling Yun that attracts, are more than Ling Yun, moreover her body looks like bottomless pit, how as if to absorb attracts is discontented! 天生灵体的强悍展露无遗,宁灵雨自己还根本什么都不知道呢,既不会任何功法,也没有神奇毛笔这样的奇物帮她吸走,可她就是吸的比凌云要快,比凌云要多,而且她的身体就像是无底洞似的,似乎怎么吸收都吸不满! But these, Ning Lingyu does not know, Xue Meining does not know, Ling Yun is actually the clarity of feeling, he only had the forced smile, the heart said that younger sister physique also too heaven-defying, it seems like own found the way to make on her practice say as soon as possible. 而这一些,宁灵雨不知道,薛美凝更不知道,凌云却是感受的清清楚楚,他唯有苦笑,心说妹妹这体质也太逆天了,看来自己得尽早想办法引她上修炼之道了。 Reason that Ling Yun saw that Tie Xiaohu got up loved heart, washed the muscle to cut down the marrow for him at the scene, transformed the body, that was because Tie Xiaohu, although physique excellent, but he now was 18 years old! Already passed through the practice best age, is really a day does not delay. 凌云之所以一见到铁小虎就起了爱才之心,当场就为他洗筋伐髓,改造身体,那是因为铁小虎虽然体质绝佳,可他现在已经18岁了!早已经过了修炼的最佳年龄,实在是一天都耽误不得。 Also is Ling Yun, changes others, it is estimated that meets Tie Xiaohu suits cultivating true like this good the beautiful nature , can only look to sigh, the disciple increases regrets. 也就是凌云,换一个别人,估计就算遇到铁小虎这样适合修真的良才美质,也只能望而兴叹,徒增遗憾而已。 May regarding Ling Yun, most own naturally was his sister Ning Lingyu, he why all day being all right person didn't worry? 可对于凌云来说,最亲的当然是他的妹妹宁灵雨了,那他为什么整天没事儿人似的不着急呢? Is because Ning Lingyu is Innate Spirit Body physique! Has this physique, Ling Yun, so long as teaches to Ning Lingyu Cultivation Technique, she momentarily can practice . Moreover the practice speed also meets ten thousand li in a day! The average men are very difficult to pursue on her! 就是因为宁灵雨天生灵体体质!拥有这种体质,凌云只要传授给宁灵雨功法,她随时都可以修炼,而且修炼的速度还会一日千里!常人很难追的上她! Therefore Ling Yun is unhurried, he wants to wait for own cultivation level to be enough, can help the own younger sister solve the difficult problem that in some practice comes across personal time, teaches to Ning Lingyu Cultivating True Technique again. 所以凌云根本不慌,他想等自己修为足够了,能够切身帮助自己的妹妹解决一些修炼中遇到的困难问题的时候,再传授给宁灵雨修真之法 His own the Body Refining Third Stage level peak, the good merit sits in meditation now is not good, cannot regard with Spiritual Consciousness, if the younger sister exercised martial arts troublesome, he may be too late to repent. 自己现在练体三层巅峰,就连行功打坐都不行,更不能用神识内视,万一妹妹练功出了麻烦,那他可就悔之不及了。 So after crossing for 56 minutes, Coiling Dragon Mountain surrounding dragon spiritual energy by the brother and sister two people complete extinction, a drop had not left out! 如此过了56分钟之后,龙盘山周围的龙灵气被兄妹两人全部吸光,一滴都没有漏掉! Although Ling Yun absorption dragon spiritual energy infinite miserable completely suction by the mysterious writing brush, the expression that but on his face is actually not feeling well does not have, the pupil that pair of bright light four shoot is in high spirits, the whole piece face seems very obvious was also a moment ago more delicate than much! 凌云吸收的龙灵气虽然无限悲催的被神奇毛笔全部吸走,可他脸上却一点儿不爽的表情都没有,一双精光四射的眸子神采飞扬,整张脸看上去很明显的比刚才又清秀了不少! This naturally was dragon spiritual energy transforms own result, although time was extremely short, only then 56 minutes, the effect actually exceeded Ling Yun practice very long time! 这自然是龙灵气改造自身的结果了,时间虽然极短,只有56分钟,效果却胜过凌云修炼很长时间的了! Ning Lingyu to the present anything has not known that she calmly looks at that already no longer the rapid movement of water column of thickening on the Clear Water Lake water surface, the beautiful big eye winks gently, in the heart does not know that thinks anything. 宁灵雨到现在还什么都不知道呢,她静静地看着那条已经不再变粗的水柱在清水湖的水面上迅速移动,美丽的大眼睛轻轻眨动,心中也不知道想些什么。 Big Brother Ling Yun, that water column moves on the water surface quite quick!” Xue Meining turns head to look to Ling Yun, suddenly she has publicized lip line perfect small mouth dull: Big Brother Ling Yun, you, you......” 凌云哥哥,那道水柱在水面上移动的好快啊!”薛美凝扭头看向凌云,忽然她呆呆地张大了唇线完美的小嘴儿:“凌云哥哥,你,你……” How?” Ning Lingyu detects different, immediately has turned head. “怎么了?”宁灵雨发觉有异,立即扭过头来。 Big Brother!” Ning Lingyu has covered small mouth with the hand shocking all of a sudden, could not bear call out in alarm! 哥哥!”宁灵雨震惊地一下子用手捂住了小嘴儿,忍不住惊呼了起来! Ling Yun that the slightly fat face almost could not find excess flesh a moment ago now! If must look for a word to describe the Ling Yun's face now, that can only with delicate describe delicately and prettily! 凌云那张刚才还微胖的脸现在已经几乎找不到一丝赘肉了!如果现在要找个词来形容凌云的脸,那就只能用清秀俊美来形容了! His face not only thorough thin, but also the skin is clear, as if also wants compared with Ning Lingyu and Xue Meining these two beautiful women the cheeks of that impeccable character delicately smooth, which woman regardless of made look, will unable to bear throw to kiss two eloquence to be willing to give up ruthlessly! 他的脸不但彻底瘦了下来,而且皮肤晶莹白皙,似乎比宁灵雨薛美凝这两个美女的那白璧无瑕的脸蛋还要细嫩光滑,无论让哪个女人看了,都会忍不住扑上去狠狠亲上两口才肯罢休! Incessantly so, the Ling Yun's two straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards fly up at angle into the temple, is thick and fine-looking, the outline edges and corners of nose and lip angle are distinct, the whole piece face is similar to the blade truncates the pitching chisel to be common, handsome, shows a faint smile, a clear tooth of words is flashing the clear gloss under the dazzling sunlight, the dimple on left cheeks is deep, making the person look to be in a stew, looks to immerse again, the whole piece face lends an incomparably clean fresh aura, is similar to the sunlight is bright. 不止如此,凌云的两条剑眉斜飞入鬓,浓密而英挺,鼻子和唇角儿的轮廓棱角分明,整张脸如同刀削斧凿一般,唇红齿白,微微一笑,一口白的晶莹的牙齿在耀眼的阳光下闪着晶莹的光泽,左脸颊上的酒窝深深,令人一看着迷,再看沉醉,整张脸散发出一种无比干净清新的气息,如同阳光般灿烂。 Wants now is placed Ling Yun and Li Qingchuan in the same place evaluates the words of handsome man, Ling Yun light depends on this face, won Li Qingchuan! 要现在把凌云李晴川摆在一起评选美男子的话,凌云光靠这张脸,就已经完胜李晴川了! This is he does not have to be completely thin, if on the face final that a wee bit excess flesh also vanishes, how many women god knows he can confuse?! 这还是他没有完全瘦下来,如果脸上最后的那一丁点儿赘肉也消失掉的话,天知道他能迷死多少女人?! Ling Yun now also wears that Nike gym suit, build time cannot see the words that anything changes, Ning Lingyu and Xue Meining does not know him! 要不是凌云现在身上还穿着那一身耐克运动服,体型一时间看不出什么变化的话,宁灵雨薛美凝就根本不认识他了! This where is Ling Yun, this is the day falls the handsome fellow simply! 这哪里是凌云,这简直就是天降帅哥嘛! Ling Yun already knows that own changed greatly, he looks at the two beautiful woman shocking appearances, knows that own this change quickly also was too too big, but in his expert is taking that writing brush exactly, therefore sweeps toward the face of own on with the pen tip of writing brush conveniently, then shows a faint smile to tease: What's wrong, such happy scenery, such rare scene, Big Brother do I put on make-up to coordinate not to be suddenly good?” 凌云早就知道自己大变样了,他看着两个美女震惊的样子,知道自己这次变化太快也太大了些,不过他恰好手里拿着那支毛笔,于是随手用毛笔的笔尖往自己的脸上一扫,然后微微一笑调侃道:“怎么,这么美好的景色,这么罕见的场景,哥哥我化化妆配合一下不行啊?” Big Brother you......” Ning Lingyu could not be said by Ling Yun's momentous change shocking anything, but stares the perfectly round big eye to stare at the Ling Yun's face with two, the mind trembles! 哥哥你……”宁灵雨还是被凌云的巨大变化震惊地什么也说不出来,只是用两只瞪得溜圆的大眼睛盯着凌云的脸,心神剧颤 Xue Meining where also has the free time to look at any waterspout at this time, no matter she also Ning Lingyu in the side, directly exquisite floats the raised tender body to throw to the Ling Yun bosom, raises the small face to collect toward the Ling Yun face on. 薛美凝此时哪里还有工夫去看什么龙吸水,她也不管宁灵雨就在身边,直接把玲珑浮凸的娇躯扑到凌云怀里,扬起小脸就往凌云脸上凑去。 This was also too valiant! The Ling Yun figure hurries to draw back in the future, ridicules to say awkwardly: „, Ning'er, do you want to do?” Meanwhile, he maintains composure filled in the mysterious writing brush the bosom. 这也太彪悍了!凌云身形赶紧往后一退,尴尬讪笑道:“哇,凝儿,你这是要干什么?”同时,他不动声色的把神奇毛笔又塞回了怀中。 This mysterious writing brush has absorbed his many immortal spiritual energy, had absorbed a moment ago many dragon spiritual energy, this is the treasure in treasure, if fell in Clear Water Lake to go to trouble! 这神奇毛笔吸收了他那么多仙灵气,刚才又吸收了更多的龙灵气,这可是宝贝中的宝贝,万一掉清水湖里去可就麻烦了! Hey, Big Brother Ling Yun, you are my boyfriend yeah, making me kiss not to be good?” Xue Meining has kissed spatial, anxious cannot bear two feet stamp, acting like a spoiled brat discontented say/way. “喂,凌云哥哥,你可是我的男朋友哎,让我亲一下还不行啊?”薛美凝亲了一个空,急的忍不住两脚直跺,撒娇不满道。 Ning Lingyu by the Xue Meining such bold words to bashful a big red painted-face, one that her beautiful cheek brushes red, ying~ is excessive then the revolutions. 宁灵雨薛美凝这么大胆的话给臊了一个大红脸,她绝美的脸蛋儿刷的一红,嘤咛一声就转过了头去。 cough cough......” Ling Yun has coughed two, then beckons with the hand the forced smile saying: „It is not does not make you kiss, but was Tie Xiaohu crawled, I goes to take a look at.” 咳咳……”凌云干咳了两声,然后摆手苦笑道:“不是不让你亲,而是铁小虎已经爬上来了,我得过去看看。” Then, he does not wait for Xue Meining to clash once more, on the mountain road that takes to one's heels to dash about wildly, escapes climbs mountains to meet Tie Xiaohu. 说完,他不等薛美凝再次冲上来,撒腿狂奔,逃跑似的去上山的山道上接铁小虎 Ling Yun now what kind of hearing ability, even if on Clear Water Lake the underwater/splashing sound rumble, Coiling Dragon Mountain withstand/top such big place, any slight sound he also hears clearly, listening that the sound that therefore the breathing of Tie Xiaohu fierce respite, the hands and feet and with crawling upward moves on the mountain road, one does not fall in the Ling Yun's ear. 凌云现在何等的耳力,就算是清水湖上水声隆隆,龙盘山顶这么大点儿的地方,任何一处轻微的动静他也都听得清清楚楚,因此铁小虎剧烈喘息的呼吸声,手脚并用爬在山道上往上挪的响动,都一丝不落的听在了凌云的耳中。 Coiling Dragon Mountain is not steep, the stone steps of mountain road very are also quite wide, therefore the mountaineering is not difficult, if Tie Xiaohu places usually, such long time Du Dingshanjiao ran several back and forth, but this time, he was almost went all out to crawl! 龙盘山并不陡峭,山道的石阶也很比较宽,因此登山并不困难,如果铁小虎放在平时,这么长的时间都山顶山脚跑了几个来回了,可这一次,他几乎是拼了命才爬了上来! Had a look at his appearance to know, clothes were rubbed through several, everywhere was the crack, on the face on the arm leg is the abrasion, blood directing current, does not know that tumbled many times, the body revealed the meat place everywhere is being azure purple, that scene must pitifully pitiful! 看看他的样子就知道了,身上的衣服被磨破了十几处,到处都是破洞,脸上胳膊腿上全是擦伤,鲜血直流,也不知道跌倒了多少次,身上露着肉的地方到处都是青一块紫一块的,那景象要多悲惨有多悲惨! Ling Yun comes time, this fellow two hands build in the stone of summit, the entire iron tower body lies on the 78 stone stairs of mountain road, the chest extends shrinks fierce fluctuating, the entire body does not know is painful or tired, is hitting trembling, is wanting to climb up the summit in the luck! 凌云过来的时候,这家伙正两只手搭在山顶的石头上,整个铁塔般的身躯趴在山道的78个石头台阶上,胸口一伸一缩剧烈起伏,整个身体不知道是痛的还是累得,打着哆嗦,正在运气想要爬上山顶! What Ling Yun looks is nods again and again, the heart reaching an agreement boy, is plucky! He bends the waist to put out a hand, must grasp the arm of Tie Xiaohu, gives to entrain him. 凌云看的是连连点头,心说好小子,有毅力!他弯腰伸手,就要去抓铁小虎的胳膊,把他给拽起来。 Who knew Tie Xiaohu actually not to appreciate kindness rendered, pants for breath was saying: No...... Does not want...... Whistling...... Do not manage me...... I, I want...... own, comes up!” 谁知铁小虎竟然不领情,喘息着说道:“不……不要……呼呼……不要管我……我,我要……自己,上去!” Ling Yun has not drawn him again, but was retrocedes three steps to say light: Good, later you mix with me, a bit faster comes up, late could not see again!” 凌云没有再拉他,而是轻飘飘后退了三步说道:“好,以后你就跟我混,快点儿上来吧,再晚了就看不到了!” Remember, comes up later to stand immediately, cannot sit cannot lie cannot lie down!” “记住,上来之后必须要立即站起来,不许坐着不许趴着更不许躺着!”
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