DEMG :: Volume #2

#132: dragon spiritual energy!( Asked red package, asked monthly ticket!)

The book friend family members lunar New Year's Eve is joyful! First delivers! The words said that my such going all out symbol, wooden really does have the red package? Asked a monthly ticket I also to be strong! 书友亲人们除夕快乐!第一更送上!话说俺这么拼命码字,真木有红包么?求一张月票俺心里也有劲儿啊! ----------------------------- ————————————————————————————— cloud health/life from the dragon, the wind lives from the tiger. 云生从龙,风生从虎。 Ling Yun has seen the genuine waterspout in Cultivation Big World, and has seen incessantly one time. 凌云修真大世界是见过真正的龙吸水的,而且还不止见过一次。 He remembers that most profound one time, is practice to the Body Fusion Stage peak time, is half foot makes great strides forward Transcends Tribulation Stage during, suddenly is prompted by a sudden impulse, flies sky over an infinite broad sea area to play. 他记忆最深刻的一次,是修炼合体期巅峰的时候,也就是半只脚迈进渡劫期的当口,忽然心血来潮,就飞到一处无限广阔的海域上空游玩。 Catches up with nine great flood dragons the dragon, at that time nine hundred meters great flood dragons mounted the clouds and rode the mist above the rice waving in the wind sea, circle to dance in the air, stir up trouble, several kilometers thick dark clouds are limitless, block the sky, then Ling Yun saw the waterspout quickly. 恰好赶上九条巨蛟正在化龙,当时九条百米长的巨蛟在碧波万顷的大海之上腾云驾雾,盘旋飞舞,兴风作浪,几公里厚的黑云无边无际,遮天蔽日,然后凌云很快就看到了龙吸水。 Nine the great flood dragons of making threatening gestures in distance sea level several kilometers dark clouds, simultaneously the towards sea level opens the mouth attract, nine diameter kilometer thick white water columns jump out the water surface immediately, soars to the heavens on, enters the highest heaven, sneaks in the thick black cloud layer, links in the sea level and airborne black dark cloud together, from the sky circles to dance in the air along with nine great flood dragons, nine turbulent flow shapes rewind, but on giant water column also non-stop along sea level rapid traverse, the scene is absolutely magnificent! 九条张牙舞爪的巨蛟在距离海面几千米的黑云之中,同时对着海面张口一吸,九个直径千米粗大的白色水柱立时窜出水面,冲天而上,直入九霄,钻进厚厚的黑色云层之中,把海面和空中的黑色乌云链接在一起,随着九条巨蛟在空中盘旋飞舞,九个涡流状倒卷而上的巨大水柱也不停的沿着海面快速移动,场面绝对壮观! That scene in Body Fusion Stage peak cultivation level, experienced Ling Yun looks like, shocks! 那种情景就是在合体期巅峰修为,见多识广的凌云看来,也不禁为之震撼! By the Ling Yun's magical skill, Magic Treasure Spirit Pill are in addition innumerable, copes with several Transcends Tribulation Stage peak Expert to be a cinch in the Body Fusion Stage peak, such several are just about to melt the great flood dragon of dragon in his eyes, follows not to distinguish in the ground crawling small snake anything, lifts the hand to cut to kill with ease. 凌云的道行,加上法宝灵丹无数,在合体期巅峰对付几个渡劫期巅峰的高手都不在话下,这么几只正要化龙的巨蛟在他眼中,就跟在地上爬行的小蛇没什么区别,抬抬手就可以轻松斩杀。 After that nine flood dragons discover Ling Yun appears, at that time gave to frighten gingerly, they just melted the dragon, for fear that Ling Yun has dug up their Dragon Scales, has had their dragon muscle, coming entirely new Secret True Fire to roast dragon meat/flesh! 那九条蛟龙发现凌云出现之后,当时给吓得战战兢兢,它们刚刚化龙,生怕凌云扒了它们的龙鳞,抽了它们的龙筋,来一个别开生面的三昧真火烤龙肉! However Ling Yun was attacking Transcends Tribulation Stage at that time full power, is disinclined to bully that nine flood dragons, he flies into the thick dark clouds, stands in biggest that flood dragon dragon head top, played one also voluntarily to depart. 不过凌云那时候正在全力冲击渡劫期,懒得欺负那九条蛟龙,他只是飞入厚厚的黑云之中,站在最大的那头蛟龙头顶,玩了一阵也就自行离去了。 Therefore, Ling Yun in Champions' Building looks at the dark clouds stack degree in out of the window sky, faintly judges this to be very likely is the waterspout! 因此,凌云状元楼一看窗外天空中的黑云堆积程度,就隐隐判断出这极有可能就是龙吸水! If there is waterspout , will then have the dragon to appear without a doubt, then he reads the geography book time, the Great Wall that in the heart makes is a guess of huge Dragon Veins, seemed logical. 如果真的有龙吸水,那么毫无疑问就会有龙出现,那么他看地理书的时候,心中做出的万里长城是一条巨大的龙脉的猜测,似乎就是顺理成章了。 You said that he can not be excited? 你说他能不兴奋吗? Now, Ling Yun saw waterspout, he then most anticipates naturally sees the dragon! Even if cannot see the dragon, even if a great flood dragon is good! 现在,凌云已经看到了龙吸水,他接下来最期待的自然就是看到龙了!就算看不到龙,哪怕是一只巨蛟都行! Ling Yun thinks that also such anticipated that but Ning Lingyu and Xue Meining two young beautiful woman in the heart may not be this idea. 凌云是这么想的,也是这么期待的,可是宁灵雨薛美凝两个小美女心中可就不是这种想法了。 The waterspout, systematic name Water Tornado, is one type occasionally appears in the warm water surface above tornado wind, its upper extreme and thunder nimbus cloud docks, the lower end extends the water surface directly, revolves, moves. 龙吸水,学名“水龙卷”,是一种偶尔出现在温暖水面上空的龙卷风,它的上端与雷雨云相接,下端直接延伸到水面,一面旋转,一面移动。 According to knowledge that they understand, the Water Tornado origin is a vortex, the air circles the axis rapid rotation of tornado, by the attraction that the tornado central pressure reduces extremely, the water current is inhaled the vortex the bottom, and immediately becomes the turbulent flow in fixed shaft tendency. 根据她们了解的知识,水龙卷的成因是一种涡旋,空气绕龙卷的轴快速旋转,受龙卷中心气压极度减小的吸引,水流被吸入涡旋的底部,并随即变为绕轴心向上的涡流。 On July 27, 2010, about 9 : 00 am, the deep bay sea level of Shenzhen stock market has presented the quite rare waterspout, the water and sky interlocking waterspout continued to have 20 minutes probably. 2010年七月27日,上午九时许,深市的深湾海面就出现过较为罕见的龙吸水,水天相接的“龙吸水”持续了大概有20分钟。 The present network is so developed, this fantastic story different matter in noisy of network upload, among junior middle school high school these curiosity heaviest students, the speed of dissemination was quickest at that time, therefore two people online has seen the picture of waterspout. 现在的网络这么发达,这种奇闻异事当时在网络上传的沸沸扬扬,在初中高中这些好奇心最重的学生之间,传播的速度最快,因此两人都在网上看到过龙吸水的照片。 Although watches the picture, they at that time in rarely seen marvelous sight by this world shocking, once own had guessed whether in this world has the dragon, has not thought that today Ling Yun leads on them Coiling Dragon Mountain Crouching Tiger Cliff to come, has seen with one's own eyes the waterspout in legend unexpectedly, they do not shock excitedly call out in alarm excitedly are strange! 虽然只是看照片,她们当时就被这种天地间难得一见奇景给震撼了,也都曾自己猜测过这世界上是否真的有龙,没想到今天凌云带她们上龙盘山虎踞崖来,竟然亲眼看到了传说中的龙吸水,她们不震撼激动兴奋惊呼才怪! On this free time of a while, Clear Water City besides Clear Water Lake sky dark clouds billowing, the sky of other places the skylight greatly was already bright, all gradually returned to normal. 就这一会儿的工夫,清水市除了清水湖上空黑云滚滚之外,其他地方的天空早已天光大亮,一切逐渐恢复了正常。 Ling Yun in also right, in the students of third year class 6 Champions' Building that on time judges eats meal, sees the ominous reactionary forces in the ascendant, crossed for about 20 minutes actually suddenly to vanish, each and everyone in the heart was the shock wonders, therefore stated views, expresses the view of own, in the all sorts of comments return school is preparing to attend class. 凌云时间上判断的也没错,在状元楼吃饭的高三六班的学生们,眼看黑云压城,过了20分钟左右却又倏然消失,一个个心中又是震惊又是纳闷,于是各抒己见,发表着自己的看法,议论纷纷的回到学校里准备上课去了。 After the Clear Water City above dark cloud diverges, the transportation of city and other orders also quickly returned to normal, the people such as continued their life work in the past same and study, the waterspout that but Clear Water Lake performed, was covered by the urban district close tall buildings, few people can the lucky appreciation to one that shocks. 清水市上空的乌云散去之后,市里的交通等各种秩序也都很快恢复了正常,人们如往常一样继续他们的生活工作和学习,只是清水湖正在上演的龙吸水,被市区鳞次栉比的高楼大厦遮挡住,很少有人能幸运的欣赏到那震撼的一幕了。 Clear Water Restaurant, altogether has 6-layer, some luxurious private room of most top layer. 清水人家,一共有六层,最顶层的某一个豪华包间 In order to cater to the tourist appreciates lake and mountain scenery complementing each other mentality, the Clear Water Restaurant designer has exhausted the thoughts, this luxurious private room towards Clear Water Lake that two walls, are the light and bright window, on the stem glass that the clear glass of window scratches compared with dining table also want completely cleanly bright, looks from here to Clear Water Lake, the entire lake and mountain scenery complementing each other gets a panoramic view, the lakeside big trees could not cover the line of sight. 为了迎合游客欣赏湖光山色的心态,清水人家的设计者可谓是用尽了心思,这个豪华包间对着清水湖的那两面墙,全部都是宽敞明亮的落地窗,落地窗的透明玻璃擦的比饭桌上的高脚杯还要干净明亮,从这里看向清水湖,整个湖光山色尽收眼底,就连湖边高大的树木都遮挡不了视线。 Appreciates Clear Water Lake from here, although is inferior to that magnificent atmosphere on Crouching Tiger Cliff, has a bourgeoise leisurely and carefree flavor. 从这里欣赏清水湖,虽然不及在虎踞崖上那么壮观大气,却也别有一番小资的悠闲韵味。 Clear Water Restaurant that general manager rare and beautiful flowers, he even to meet the enjoying scenery need of tourist, has laid aside the stainless steel tripod telescope in these luxurious private room, it can be said that the thoughts of customer pondering over thoroughly. 清水人家的那位总经理更奇葩,他甚至为了满足游客的赏景需求,在这些豪华包间里都放置了不锈钢三脚架望远镜,可以说是把顾客的心思给琢磨透了。 Naturally, like this luxurious private room, naturally to the richest guest preparation, in being full of tourists Clear Water Lake, directly collects fees according to the hour, particularly 51 National Day Spring Festival such public holiday time, every hour of price 2000 Yuan must be scheduled ahead of time! 当然,这样的豪华的包间,自然是给最有钱的客人准备的,在游人如织的清水湖,直接就是按小时收费,尤其是51国庆春节这样的公众假期的时候,每小时价格2000元都得提前预定! This naturally cannot baffle Tang Meng, Li Qingchuan, Cao Shanshan and the others, let alone their side also with a female policeman! 只是,这自然难不倒唐猛,李晴川,曹珊珊等人,何况他们身边还跟着一位女警察! These people together, it is estimated that in the door that Clear Water City could not have knocked, private room that could not have gone in! 这几个人一起,估计在清水市还没有敲不开的店门,没有进不去的包间 Now, these four people add on Zhang Ling, five people stand then setting up in an array near the luxurious private room window, dumbstruck, the eye winks is staring at the Clear Water Lake center that does not wink, that say/way revolving is getting quicker and quicker, more revolutions thicker transparent white water column, each and everyone surprised has opened the mouth, a few words that shocks could not say! 现在,这四人加上张灵,五个人就一字排开站在豪华包间的落地窗边,正目瞪口呆,眼睛眨也不眨的盯着清水湖中心,那道旋转越来越快,越转越粗的亮白水柱,一个个吃惊地张大了嘴巴,震撼的一句话都说不出来! Waterspout! Life rarely seen! Really was too magnificent! 龙吸水!人生难得一见!实在是太壮观了! After several minutes, Tang Meng starts to mutter: No wonder the eldest child said that must lead them to experience, this is the waterspout in legend! Luckily we copy the track to rush promptly, otherwise missed!” 几分钟后,唐猛才开始喃喃自语:“怪不得老大说要带他们见识见识,这是传说中的龙吸水啊!幸亏我们抄小道及时赶到,不然就错过了!” Li Qingchuan: Damn, online had looked at the picture and video before, has not thought that today personally was seeing unexpectedly, this scene, really shocked!” 李晴川:“我草,以前只是在网上看过图片和视频,没想到今天竟然亲眼见着了,这场景,实在是太震撼了!” Cao Shanshan: Waterspout, truly is the waterspout, no wonder Ling Yun said that Classmates cannot delay attending class, originally he already looked, how does he see?!” 曹珊珊:“龙吸水,确实是龙吸水,怪不得凌云同学们耽误不了上课,原来他早就看出来了,他是怎么看出来的?!” Zhang Ling has not spoken, she has been shaken by this boundless magnificent one at present thoroughly silly, a few words could not say! 张灵没有说话,她已经被眼前这磅礴壮观的一幕给彻底震傻了,一句话都说不出来! Lin Menghan is nipping the red lip of tender and beautiful alluring lightly, the eye intently is staring on Clear Water Lake center that say/way giant water column and water surface bigger and bigger funnel shape vortex, does not know that her in the heart makes what feelings. 林梦寒轻咬着娇艳欲滴的红唇,眼睛直愣愣的盯着清水湖中心那道巨大的水柱和水面上越来越大的漏斗形漩涡,不知道她心中作何感想。 Coiling Dragon Mountain, Crouching Tiger Cliff. 龙盘山,虎踞崖 Ling Yun comes, one on the left and other on the right is embracing Xue Meining and Ning Lingyu, he has not gone to look that the connection water and sky that said the heavens frightening water column, both eyes like lightning has stared closely at the Clear Water Lake above black dark cloud, the eye is winking does not wink. 凌云居中,一左一右揽着薛美凝宁灵雨,他没有去看连接水天的那道惊天水柱,双目如电一直紧紧盯着清水湖上空的黑色乌云,眼睛眨都不眨。 He was anticipating, the appearance of anticipation dragon! 他在期待,期待龙的出现! Now the diameter of that water column is also about three meters, still during expanding forms, therefore Ling Yun does not worry very much. 现在那道水柱的直径还不过三米,依然在壮大形成之中,因此凌云并不是很着急。 At present that water column or straight up and down, not curving, has not moved, therefore Ling Yun knows, even if there is dragon, now has not appeared, because the dragon in airborne has circled to dance in the air, impossible stay still. 目前那道水柱还是直上直下的,没有弯曲,也没有怎么移动,所以凌云知道,就算是有龙,现在也还没有出现,因为龙在空中是一直盘旋飞舞的,不可能静止不动。 „...... Then the thick water column, how is involved in airborne?” Xue Meining asking naturally. “哇……那么粗大的水柱,到底是怎么卷入空中的?”薛美凝自然而然的问道。 Big Brother, this scene was too simply magnificent, how long but can also continue?” Ning Lingyu also asked. 哥哥,这种情景简直太壮观了,还要持续多久啊?”宁灵雨也跟着问道。 Two school beauty first impressions are most lasting thinks that Ling Yun leads them to come to here looks at the waterspout, thinks that say/way super revolving the water column was Ling Yun said that must bring dragon that” they looked, at heart therefore thought with Ling Yun was completely different. 两个校花先入为主的以为凌云带她们来这里就是看龙吸水,以为那道高速旋转的水柱就是凌云说要带她们看的“龙”,因此心里跟凌云想的完全不一样。 Ling Yun has swept a that say/way dazzlingly bright water column at will, then replied: Should be able to continue for 20 minutes!” Then he continues to begin supinely, is staring at the airborne dark clouds the vision, the shadow of seeking dragon, even if the empty shadow is also together good! 凌云随意扫了一眼那道白亮的水柱,然后答道:“应该能持续20分钟吧!”然后他继续仰起头,把目光盯着空中的黑云,不停的寻找龙的影子,哪怕是一道虚影也好! Why does Ling Yun so anticipate the appearance of dragon? Because he fears lonely, the person's pursue Heavenly Law with hardship in this world, how even if lifts the hand to be able destroying the heavens extinguishing the earth? 凌云为什么如此期待龙的出现?因为他怕寂寞,一个人在这个世界上苦苦的追求天道,就算抬抬手就能毁天灭地又如何? Without the person of same belief, does not have the match, you become stronger, is your own is just strong, what obtains is only the inexhaustible loneliness, this practice gets down with hardship, there is what significance? 没有同道,没有对手,你变得越强,也只不过是你自己强而已,得到的只是无穷无尽的寂寞,这样苦苦修炼下去,又有何意义? For throws Tie Xiaohu such person conveniently is playing? 难道就为了把铁小虎这样的人随手扔着玩儿吗? Eternal life? The eternal life is just a legend, Cultivation Big World has achieved Expert of big accomplishment time, has the life span to dry up in the same old way! 永生?永生只不过是个传说罢了,修真大世界就算是达到了大成期的高手,也照样有寿命枯竭的时候! Therefore Ling Yun anticipated that even longs for the appearance of dragon, because only then he had determined appears existence that he is more formidable, can threaten him the time, he will be full of the fighting spirit, will have the goal! 所以凌云非常期待甚至是渴望龙的出现,因为只有他确定了比他强大的存在出现,能够威胁到他的时候,他才会充满斗志,才会拥有了目标! Born in the misery, the death resulting from pleasure. Said is this truth. 生于忧患,死于安乐。说的就是这个道理。 Also about ten minutes, the diameter of that water column has exceeded 15 meters, in the Clear Water Lake surface presented a 80 meters in diameter giant funnel shape vortex, Ling Yun even heard rumbling the sound of fluent agitation. 又过了十分钟左右,那道水柱的直径已经超过了15米,清水湖面上更是出现了一个直径达80多米的巨大漏斗形漩涡,凌云甚至已经听到了轰轰的水流搅动的声音。 Suddenly, in the Clear Water Lake above dark cloud, delimited a huge silver Dragon Form lightning! Stretches across sky over entire Clear Water Lake! 突然,清水湖上空的乌云里,划出了一道巨大的银色龙形闪电!横跨整个清水湖上空! That lightning is very wide, looks at unexpectedly more than 20 centimeters widths from Crouching Tiger Cliff with the naked eye, the silver-white Dragon Form lightning is similar to the dark night the dazzling searchlight is common, that transparent white degree has exceeded the electric welding of electric welder, on the people face of shining silver white, all the people of watching have closed the eye in the flash, bursts into tears by both eyes that the glare shines! 那道闪电很宽,从虎踞崖上用肉眼看竟有20多公分宽,银白色的龙形闪电如同黑夜中刺眼的探照灯一般,那亮白程度胜过了电焊工的电焊,照耀的人们脸上一片银白,所有观看的人都在一瞬间闭上了眼睛,被强光照射的双目流泪! Ling Yun has not closed one's eyes! On the contrary, has delimited the flash of dark cloud in the lightning, he opened both eyes furiously, is enduring the stabbing pain of eye excitedly, the whole face sweeps in jet black such as the dark cloud of black ink! 凌云没有闭眼!相反,在闪电划过乌云的一瞬间,他奋力睁大了双目,忍着眼睛的刺痛,满脸兴奋的在漆黑如墨的乌云中一扫! Then he sees, a several meters, light black snake-shaped empty shadow in jet black such as the dark cloud of black ink, winds to circle, the roaming tows to dance in the air! 然后他就看到,一个十几米长,淡淡的黑色的蛇形虚影在漆黑如墨的乌云之中,蜿蜒盘旋,游曳飞舞! „Is that the dragon?” Ling Yun in the heart flashes through together the thought that when looks at a clarity, but the lightning flashes passes, anything looks to disappear! “那是龙吗?”凌云心中闪过一道念头,正待看个清楚,可闪电一闪即逝,又什么都看不见了! Ling Yun is suppressing the stabbing pain of both eyes, but also treats seeks, the visual scotoma that but the lightning creates makes that dark cloud appear blacker, he can only make an effort to shut the eye. 凌云强忍着双目的刺痛,还待寻找,可闪电造成的视觉盲点让那乌云显得更黑,他只能用力闭了闭眼睛。 In the Ling Yun infinite regret, stamping the feet of air/Qi time, on the Coiling Dragon Mountain summit a crazy fierce spiritual energy fluctuation, formidable incomparable spiritual energy flooded in the world suddenly! 就在凌云无限遗憾,气的跺脚的时候,龙盘山的山顶上忽然一阵狂猛的灵气波动,一股强大无匹的灵气充斥在了天地之间! This spiritual energy aura Ling Yun is familiar! 这种灵气的气息凌云非常熟悉! dragon spiritual energy! 龙灵气 In the bosom, Ling Yun the mysterious writing brush that obtained from Liu Li there suddenly starts to shiver! 怀中,凌云刘丽那里得到的神奇毛笔突然开始颤动了起来!
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