DEMG :: Volume #2

#131: Waterspout!

The space is cloudy, blocks the sky really \; The ground stream of vehicles cannot withstand crowd, the headlight is dazzling \; The pedestrian footsteps in a hurry, are finding the place to avoid the forthcoming cloud burst. 天上乌云密布,真的是遮天蔽日\;地上车流拥堵不堪,车灯刺眼\;行人脚步匆匆,都在找地方躲避着即将到来的大暴雨。 At this time, Ling Yun one on the left and other on the right was holding Xue Meining and Ning Lingyu, has launched the movement, did not care about anything to shock everybody in the darkness, with lightning speed generally toward the Clear Water Lake direction hurricane! 就在这个时候,凌云一左一右抱着薛美凝宁灵雨,展开了身法,在黑暗中也不在乎什么惊世骇俗,风驰电掣一般朝着清水湖的方向狂飙! Tie Xiaohu both eyes such as the falcon is common, closely is staring at front Ling Yun, starts to walk two iron pole long legs, closely pursues in Ling Yun behind, clenches teeth to support painstakingly! 铁小虎双目如鹰隼一般锐利,紧紧盯着前方的凌云,迈开两条铁柱般的长腿,紧紧追在凌云身后,咬牙苦撑! What? Looks at the dragon? Big Brother Ling Yun, you crack a joke? Where in this world has dragon!” “什么?去看龙?凌云哥哥,你开玩笑的吧?这个世界上哪里有龙哦!” Xue Meining was embraced by Ling Yun in the bosom, feels one of the on him sending out to make the fresh aura that one is enchanted by, the expression be infatuated with intermittently infinitely, is supine the small face to ask. 薛美凝凌云揽在怀里,感受着他身上散发出来的一阵阵令人迷醉的清新气息,表情无限陶醉,仰着小脸问道。 Ning Lingyu is also the whole face unbelievable looks up Ling Yun, anything had not said that in a bright beautiful big eye, twinkling excited rays of light. 宁灵雨也是满脸难以置信的抬头看着凌云,却什么都没有说,一双明亮美丽的大眼睛中,闪烁着兴奋的光芒 This is Ling Yun first time hugs her like this in the bosom! A Ning Lingyu heart almost must jump out the chest cavity crimson, the complexion like the tide, the tender body shivers gently, any words could not say! 这是凌云第一次这样把她搂在怀里!宁灵雨一颗心脏几乎要跳出了胸腔,脸色绯红如潮,娇躯轻轻颤抖,什么话也说不出来了! Ling Yun hurricane, while is dodging the pedestrian of coming, the movement is extremely quick, although is hugging two people, the movement is extremely quick, surpasses strolls, is similar to the fish in water is ordinary. 凌云一边狂飙,一边闪躲着迎面而来的行人,身法极快,虽然抱着两个人,却身法极快,胜似闲庭信步,如同水里的鱼儿一般逍遥自在。 His is to consider the Tie Xiaohu speed, otherwise, Tie Xiaohu again goes all out to run, already could not see the Ling Yun's form. 他这还是为了照顾铁小虎的速度,不然的话,铁小虎就算是再拼命跑,也早已看不到凌云的身影了。 Running that as non-stop, in Tie Xiaohu eye panic-stricken more and more thick, but the eye color of resolution also same is getting more and more thick! 随着不停的奔跑,铁小虎眼中的惊骇越来越浓,可眼中的坚定之色也同样的越来越浓! Ling Yun present speed , on Sports Field throws him to play is quicker than! His arms are hugging two people! 凌云现在的速度,比在操场上扔着他玩儿的时候还要快!他怀里可是抱着两个人呢! Tie Xiaohu also heard Ling Yun saying that led them to look at the dragon, in his eyes surprised and shocked flashes passes, the heart said how this world possibly had the dragon, but Ling Yun, since said like this, naturally had his truth, therefore Tie Xiaohu ran at risk of life! 铁小虎也听到了凌云说带他们去看龙,他眼中的惊讶和震撼一闪即逝,心说这个世界怎么可能有龙,不过凌云既然这样说了,就自然有他的道理,因此铁小虎拼死奔跑! Along with crazy running, Tie Xiaohu finally knows Ling Yun has given him on Sports Field the big advantage, before his present limiting velocity approached own, full power one time of running speed, moreover had insisted is so long, the body is lithe, the footsteps are flexible, within the body as if there is vigor that cannot cause, maintained this kind of speed ran 45 kilometers, really also had the ample force! 随着疯狂的奔跑,铁小虎终于知道凌云操场上给了他多大的好处,他现在的极限速度已经接近自己以前全力奔跑速度的一倍,而且已经坚持了这么久,身体轻盈,脚步灵活,体内仿佛有着使不完的劲儿,保持这样一个速度跑了45公里了,竟然还有余力! This, this was too simply inconceivable, what has he made to my body?!” Tie Xiaohu runs, while wants to say in in the heart. “这,这简直太不可思议了,他到底对我的身体做了什么?!”铁小虎一边跑,一边在心中想道。 Ling Yun maintains the speed is invariable, occasionally raised the head to have a look at the dark cloud of space, occasionally turns head to take a look at one Tie Xiaohu that goes all out to dash about wildly, in the look flashes through wipes the vision of applause. 凌云保持速度不变,偶尔抬头看看天上的乌云,偶尔回头瞅一眼拼命狂奔的铁小虎,眼神中闪过一抹赞许的目光。 Ling Yun already looked, Tie Xiaohu physique is far from an average man, otherwise, he will not abandon that big strength to go to him to carry on to wash the muscle to cut down the marrow! 凌云早就看出来,铁小虎体质绝非常人,不然的话,他也不会废那么大力气去对他进行洗筋伐髓! If before Tie Xiaohu, is together the fine iron, then Ling Yun transformed hundred to refine the fine steel him now! 如果说铁小虎以前就是一块精铁,那么现在凌云已经把他改造成了一块百炼精钢! Moreover, this was also only just started, in the Ling Yun eye, Tie Xiaohu was the natural beauty, after that physique process washed the muscle cut down the marrow, most suits practice his Great Evolving Stars Secret Art, the Tie Xiaohu willpower was also unusual refinedly, once practiced Secret Art, that is the Ling Yun very big boost! 而且,这还只是刚刚开始,在凌云眼里,铁小虎就是浑金璞玉,那体质经过洗筋伐髓之后,最适合修炼他的大衍聚星宝诀,铁小虎的意志力又超凡脱俗,一旦练成宝诀,那将是凌云很大的助力! Effect is good! It seems like can insist Clear Water Lake, but, the climbing mountains words, had your crime to receive! Hehe!” “效果不错!看来能坚持到清水湖,不过,上山的话,就有你的罪受了!嘿嘿!” The Ling Yun in the heart wicked interest smiles, the speed is as before invariable , to continue whirlwind to fly. 凌云心中恶趣味一笑,速度依旧不变,继续飚飞。 It looks like in Ning Lingyu and Xue Meining, their two thought that now own is flying! Yes, the Ling Yun present speed is faster than the ordinary vehicle speed! 宁灵雨薛美凝看来,她们两个现在就觉得自己在飞!是的,凌云现在的速度比普通的车速还要快! They two small head tight posts on the Ling Yun's chest, stare at the opposite party that two stunningly beautiful woman are dumbfounded, the in the heart thoughts are having the difference respectively. 她们两个的小脑袋都紧紧贴在凌云的胸膛上,两个绝色美女大眼瞪小眼的盯着对方,心中的心思各有不同。 Big Brother has not made Lin Menghan walk, but also thinks that Big Brother will bring Lin Menghan to come......” 哥哥没有让林梦寒走,还以为哥哥会带着林梦寒来呢……” Really is, any matter does not drop her younger sister, if only hugs me to be good, such drenches me to be willing me......” “真是的,什么事都落不下她的妹妹,要是只抱着我一个人多好,那样就算把我淋死我都心甘情愿……” They do not believe the nonsense that Ling Yun spoke, this world will have the dragon? Is that is only existence in legend good! 她们才不会相信凌云说的鬼话,这个世界会有龙?那只是传说中的存在好不好! Two stunningly beautiful woman various bosom concerns, actually still closely are holding Ling Yun, for fear that he can the halfway throw down own, no matter. 两个绝色美女都各怀心事,却依然紧紧地抱着凌云,生怕他会半路丢下自己不管似的。 Ling Yun following previous time goes to the memory of Xue Meining, copies the track as far as possible, goes forward along the straight line, does not use with vehicles wants seven to turn eight to turn, about 89 kilometers distance, used less than ten minutes, Ling Yun arrived at Clear Water Lake. 凌云循着上次去薛美凝家的记忆,尽量抄小道,沿着直线前进,不用跟车辆似的要七拐八拐,89公里左右的路程,用了不到十分钟,凌云就来到了清水湖 Here, is the entire dark cloud cloud layer is without a doubt thickest, thickest place! 这里,毫无疑问是整个乌云云层最厚实,最浓密的地方! The sky under here, almost entirely like is ordinary in the nighttime, can only depend upon that outside Clear Water City to regard the thing luminously, here each and every family major shops had turned on a light, the tranquil unusual Clear Water Lake surface is producing an inverted image the light of shore, appears profound and mysterious. 在这里的天空下,几乎完全就像在黑夜里一般,只能依靠清水市外的那一丝光亮才能视物,这里家家户户各大店铺都已经亮起了灯,平静的异常的清水湖面倒映着岸边的灯光,显得深邃而神秘。 This darkness to Ling Yun of Body Refining Third Stage level peak, cannot be regarded anything, he anchors the footsteps, waited for about one minute, such as Tie Xiaohu of cow ran up to his side after the asthma, shows a faint smile saying: Good, does the strength climb mountains?” 这种黑暗对练体三层巅峰的凌云来说,根本算不得什么,他停住脚步,等了一分钟左右,直到气喘如牛的铁小虎跑到了他身边之后,才微微一笑说道:“不错,还有力气上山吗?” Tie Xiaohu now was already exhausted, first time carries on Body Refining to run to spit blood the beforehand condition with Ling Yun to be similar, his whole body sweating profusely drippingly was similar to just walked from Clear Water Lake general, bends over, two big hands supported the knee that was trembling fiercely, hu-hu puffed! 铁小虎现在早已精疲力竭,就跟凌云第一次进行练体跑吐血之前的状态差不多,他浑身大汗淋漓如同刚从清水湖里走出来一般,弯着腰低着头,两只大手撑着剧烈打颤的膝盖,呼哧呼哧直喘粗气! His eye as before is but bright, the look is as before firm and resolute, he exhausted to raise the head full power, looked at Clear Water Lake bank that highest mountain peak one, clenches teeth saying: Can!” 可是他的眼睛依旧明亮,眼神依旧坚毅,他用尽全力抬起头,看了看清水湖畔那座最高的山峰一眼,咬着牙说道:“能!” Ling Yun has not arrived at Clear Water Lake time then distant saw Coiling Dragon Mountain, the Coiling Dragon Mountain truly sight exquisite silk, the peaks and ridges folded the green jade, shadowy, although be only 500-600 meters high, was actually beautiful unparalleled, with Clear Water Lake every hill and every stream, formed a nice contrast. 凌云没来到清水湖的时候就远远的看到龙盘山了,龙盘山确实风光锦绣,峰峦叠翠,绿树成荫,虽然只有五六百米高,却是秀丽无双,和清水湖一山一水,相映成趣。 Good, this is tests to you finally, you not necessarily must reach the summit with me, but you crawl, must crawl to Crouching Tiger Cliff goes, so long as you came up, later you mix with me, understood?” “好,这是对你最后的考验,你不一定非要和我一起登上山顶,但是你就算爬,也要爬到虎踞崖去,只要你上去了,以后你就跟我混,明白了吗?” Ling Yun smiles was saying to Tie Xiaohu. 凌云微笑着对铁小虎说道。 Tie Xiaohu has not spoken again, his as far as possible big mouth is breathing the oxygen in air, is recovering the own energy as soon as possible, saves the mountaineering the strength. 铁小虎没有再说话,他尽量大口呼吸着空气中的氧气,尽快着恢复自己的体力,积蓄登山的力量。 If usually, Tie Xiaohu let alone is crawls small Coiling Dragon Mountain, is within one day lets him from Mount Tai or Huangshan high and low two back and forth, his eye does not bring to wink, but now, he was exhausted, trembling that two legs keep, at present this small Coiling Dragon Mountain, in his eyes not less than Mount Everest! 如果是平时,铁小虎别说是爬个小小的龙盘山,就是一天之内让他从泰山或者黄山上下两个来回,他眼睛都不带眨一下的,可现在,他已经筋疲力尽,两腿不停的打颤,眼前这座小小的龙盘山,在他眼里不啻于珠穆朗玛峰! Ling Yun shows a faint smile, he looks at the light that a Coiling Dragon Mountain park entrance ticket office has shone, then said to Tie Xiaohu: I deliver you to go in!” 凌云微微一笑,他看了一眼龙盘山公园门口售票处亮起的灯光,然后对铁小虎说道:“我送你进去!” Looks at wicked interest in Ling Yun eye, Tie Xiaohu knows in the heart is bad, may not wait for him to respond, Ling Yun held him, exhausts the one of the strength in toward the Coiling Dragon Mountain park to throw! 看着凌云眼中的恶趣味,铁小虎心知要糟,可还没等他反应过来,凌云已经一把抓住了他,用尽力气往龙盘山公园里面一抛! Although Tie Xiaohu knows Ling Yun definitely then him, but Ling Yun these time has exhausted the strength, that effect compared with , on Sports Field big 78 times have continued, the Tie Xiaohu iron tower form is similar to a huge night owlet, arrived at more than 20 meters dark upper air all of a sudden, shoots rapidly toward the Coiling Dragon Mountain fence in! 铁小虎虽然知道凌云肯定会接着他,可凌云这一次是用尽了力气,那效果比在操场上的时候大了78倍都不止,铁小虎铁塔般的身影如同一只巨大的夜枭,一下子就来到了20多米的黑暗高空,朝着龙盘山的围墙内飞速射去! „--” “哇——” Ning Lingyu and Xue Meining two young miss first time saw the Ling Yun true strength, they look that in the darkness the Tie Xiaohu form quick with melts for a body dark, the startled sound shouted loudly. 宁灵雨薛美凝两个小姑娘第一次见到了凌云真正的实力,她们看着黑暗中铁小虎的身影很快跟黑暗融为了一体,惊声高呼了起来。 Ling Yun both hands hug once more two people, displays Thousands of Miles Divine Walking Steps, in the darkness has together the remnant shadow, one of the brushing sneaked into the Coiling Dragon Mountain fence, then several rises, go through about hundred meters like lightning, then has put two stunningly beautiful woman, then he turns around to look to following airborne. 凌云双手再次把两人搂起,施展万里神行步,黑暗中带起一道残影,刷的一下就窜入了龙盘山的围墙之内,然后几个起落,闪电般穿行近百米,然后把两个绝色美女放了下来,然后他才转身看向后面的空中。 Tie Xiaohu again brave, then was also frightened to be frightened out of one's wits, if this Ling Yun lets slip unable to catch him, he does not die also to fall a vegetable! He frightens tight closing one's eyes to seek help from gods and Buddhas the pray. 铁小虎就算再胆大,这下也被吓了个魂飞魄散,如果这次凌云失手接不住他,他就算不死也要摔成一个植物人!他吓得紧紧的闭着眼睛一个劲儿求神拜佛祈祷。 Ling Yun saw that the Tie Xiaohu iron tower form flew to shoot rapidly, he proceeded to jump gently, then from the sky stretched the both arms, one caught the body of Tie Xiaohu, then attractive taking advantage of the strength transverse shift, calm and steady falling returned to the ground. 凌云看到铁小虎铁塔般的身影急速飞射了过来,他往前轻轻一个纵身,然后在空中舒展双臂,一把就接住了铁小虎的身子,然后一个漂亮的借力横移,安安稳稳的落回了地上。 „-- the universe transfers greatly!” “哇——乾坤大挪移!” In a Xue Meining bright big eye is the small star, now Ling Yun's any displays her and Ning Lingyu has not been shocked, only then anticipates and excited, praise that as well as from the heart! 薛美凝一双明亮的大眼睛里全是小星星,现在凌云的任何表现她和宁灵雨已经都不惊呆了,只有期待和兴奋,以及发自内心的赞美! Was good, do this guts, how later also mix with me?” Ling Yun being scared Tie Xiaohu puts down gently, toward his shoulder layer on layer/heavily racket, funnily said. “行了,就这点儿胆量,以后还怎么跟我混?”凌云把吓傻了的铁小虎轻轻放下,朝着他的肩头重重一拍,好笑说道。 Eldest child, is not my courage is little, your this was also too exciting! Also is I, if changes individual, in the midair gave to frighten to urinate!” The Tie Xiaohu both feet is well-grounded, long time dares to open the eye, he has wiped cold sweat on forehead, swallowed spit crazily, saying of fear. “老大,不是我胆子小,你这也太刺激了!也就是我,要是换个人,半空中就给吓尿了!”铁小虎双脚着地,半晌才敢睁开眼睛,他抹了一把额头上的冷汗,狂吞了一口吐沫,后怕的说道。 Ling Yun has not said anything, he lifts a hand finger/refers of front not far away Coiling Dragon Mountain mountain road, said to Tie Xiaohu: You then must do, is exhausts your complete strength and willpower, conquers this mountain road, I in Crouching Tiger Cliff wait/etc. you!” 凌云没有多说什么,他抬手一指前面不远处龙盘山的山道,对铁小虎说道:“你接下来要做的,就是用尽你全部的力量和意志力,征服这条山道,我在虎踞崖等你!” Then, he again no matter also Tie Xiaohu, both hands copy Ning Lingyu and Xue Meining, displayed Thousands of Miles Divine Walking Steps, tip of the toe point place, the person's shadow vanished in the darkness slightly. 说完,他再也不管铁小虎,双手一抄宁灵雨薛美凝,施展万里神行步,脚尖微微一点地,人影已经消失在了黑暗中。 Really fierce!” Tie Xiaohu looks that Ling Yun vanished the form that did not see, being able not help said that then the standing body, has made several deep breath, started the step firmly walked toward the Coiling Dragon Mountain mountain road. “真厉害!”铁小虎看着凌云消失不见的身影,情不自禁的说了一句,然后站直身体,做了几个深呼吸,开始步伐坚定的向着龙盘山的山道走去。 Such existence, does own also ask him to fight? Does own also refuse to accept? Tie Xiaohu thinks that thought own is really some stupid comedies! 这样的存在,自己还去找他打架?自己还不服?铁小虎想起来都觉得自己实在是愚蠢的有些搞笑! Coiling Dragon Mountain already did not see the person's shadow, therefore Ling Yun this time has not maintained the strength, he displays Thousands of Miles Divine Walking Steps, spiritual energy that within the body already stimulated to movement continuously is providing the formidable strength to him, the form is similar to fast, has only used for 67 minutes, arrived at the Coiling Dragon Mountain summit. 龙盘山早就不见人影了,因此凌云这次没有保存实力,他一路施展万里神行步,体内早已催动起来的灵气源源不断的给他提供着强大的力量,身影如同电光石火,只用了67分钟,就来到了龙盘山的山顶。 Xue Meining in the Ling Yun's bosom, finds out the summit a tiger's head shape cliff to say toward the distant place: Big Brother Ling Yun, that is Crouching Tiger Cliff, I have come many times!” 薛美凝凌云的怀中,朝着远处探出山顶的一处虎头形状的山崖说道:“凌云哥哥,那就是虎踞崖,我来过好多次的!” Ling Yun looked following the direction of Xue Meining finger, knows that is Crouching Tiger Cliff, because the shape of that cliff completely is a fierce tiger of opening mouth, towards Clear Water Lake. 凌云顺着薛美凝手指的方向一看,就知道那是虎踞崖,因为那处山崖的形状完完全全就是一个张着嘴的猛虎,正对着清水湖 More than 500 meters high place, can definitely see the dark cloud boundary that blocks the sky, there even has the sunlight to sprinkle, is bright and dazzling, in the top of the head is actually the dark cloud that black ink dyes blocks out the sun! 500多米高处,完全可以看到遮天蔽日的乌云的边际,那里甚至有阳光洒落下来,明亮而耀眼,头顶上却是墨染的乌云蔽日! Three people Coiling Dragon Mountain withstand/top now, is a Mount Tai observes the feeling of sunrise completely, but three people know, Sun on the dark cloud of top of the head! 三个人现在龙盘山顶上,完全就是一种泰山观日出的感觉,只是三人都知道,太阳就在头顶的乌云上边呢! With the aid of the bright of distant place, regarding Ning Lingyu and Xue Meining, has been able to regard the thing. 借助远处的亮光,对于宁灵雨薛美凝来说,已经可以视物。 Arrives on Crouching Tiger Cliff, Ling Yun outstandingly beautiful has put two, he has patted clapping gently, first looked under lonesome and quiet profound Clear Water Lake one, then to/clashes two people happily to smile: What kind , is the scenery good?” 来到虎踞崖上,凌云才把两个绝色放了下来,他轻轻拍了拍手,先看了下方幽静深邃的清水湖一眼,然后冲两人得意一笑:“怎么样,风景不错吧?” Three people are leaning on Crouching Tiger Cliff nearby iron railing fence, the top of the head is the sun-blocking dark clouds is billowing, under 500 meters time of obviously mysterious Clear Water Lake in the darkness, the horizon of distant place shines like the daytime, the bright sunlight is riotous seven colors that the boundary of dark cloud behind-the-scenes plotting shines, this scenery, the common person is hard to see his entire life! 三个人倚靠着虎踞崖边上的铁栏杆,头顶是遮天蔽日黑云滚滚,500米下方是在黑暗中倍显神秘的清水湖,远处的天际亮如白昼,灿烂的阳光把乌云黑幕的边际照耀的七彩缤纷,这种景色,寻常人一生都难以得见! The Ning Lingyu visual front, long time keeps silent, for a long time gently said: Big Brother, you are quite fierce!” 宁灵雨目视前方,半晌默不作声,许久才轻轻说道:“哥哥,你好厉害!” Ning Lingyu feels is being black and white, the high and low striking contrast, is thinking good-for-nothing waste that Big Brother from person of bullying turned into the peerless powerhouse suddenly, is choked up with emotions, the cheek of beautiful illusion had already hung all over the tears, she does not dare to turn head. 宁灵雨感受着黑与白,高与低的强烈对比,想着哥哥从一个人人欺负的窝囊废忽然变成了绝世强者,心潮澎湃,绝美梦幻的脸蛋儿早已挂满了泪水,她不敢回头。 Xue Meining has not dispersed the Ling Yun's arm, her tender body almost hangs on Ling Yun's, the big eye that two flash stares Ling Yun, in the heart is criticizing the person for a lifetime rarely seen scenery, how not to know that kisses me?! 薛美凝根本就没撒开凌云的手臂,她的娇躯几乎是挂在凌云的身上,两只扑闪扑闪的大眼睛瞪着凌云,心中暗骂人一辈子都难得一见的风景,怎么就不知道吻我?! The Ling Yun's eye is often looking at the Clear Water Lake above dark cloud, the side that black dark cloud pressed is low, as if Ling Yun, then he who puts out a hand to touch had a look at the Clear Water Lake dark quiet water surface, the heart to mention again, approached fast! 凌云的眼睛不时望着清水湖上空的乌云,那黑黑的乌云已经压的极低,似乎凌云一伸手都能摸的着,然后他再看看清水湖幽暗静谧的水面,心说来了,快来了! Three minutes pass by, have constrained sadly, in wind no air, suddenly transmits light breeze, except for Ling Yun, Ning Lingyu and Xue Meining could not feel. 三分钟过去,一直沉闷压抑,一丝风都没有的空气中,突然传来一阵轻风,除了凌云,宁灵雨薛美凝根本都感觉不到。 Ling Yun like lightning, he looks down the Clear Water Lake water surface sharp-eyed immediately, by the eyesight of his Body Refining Third Stage level peak, can definitely see such as on the water surface of mirror smoothly, started to swing faint trace ripples! 凌云目光锐利如电,他马上低头去看清水湖的水面,以他练体三层巅峰的目力,完全可以看到平滑如镜的水面上,开始荡起了一丝丝涟漪! Suddenly, dark clouds that has kept piling up overlapping crazy toward the Clear Water Lake sky gathering, that obstructed the day the behind-the-scenes plotting as if flash to reduce half, a time skylight was greatly bright! 突然,一直层层叠叠不停积压的黑云疯狂的朝着清水湖上空汇聚,那张遮天的黑幕似乎一瞬间就缩小了一半儿,一时间天光大亮! Does not have the indication, the strong winds start! 毫无征兆的,狂风乍起! Ling Yun hurried to embrace Xue Meining and Ning Lingyu with the both arms, said near their ears gently: Looks quickly!” 凌云赶紧用双臂揽住了薛美凝宁灵雨,在她们耳边轻轻说道:“快看!” The thick dark clouds continue to gather, that black already thick soon could not melt, like Clear Water Lake sky over baseless a mountain generally big black ink point, alluring entered Clear Water Lake! 浓密黑云继续汇聚,那黑色已经浓的快要化不开了,就像清水湖上空凭空了一座山一般大的墨点,正欲滴清水湖 The mountain peak of circular cone shape huge black black ink round on top and tapering off at the tail, is similar to standing upside down, that dark cloud black ink downward sinks suddenly ruthlessly, as to crash Clear Water Lake! 巨大黑色墨点上圆下尖,如同一座倒立的圆锥形状的山峰,突然那乌云墨点狠狠往下一沉,似乎直欲坠落清水湖 Same time strong winds writings, that strong winds circle gather toward that black ink sharp corner/horn place, 0.1 sinks along with that dark cloud black ink, the Clear Water Lake center brushes to/clashes together the thick incomparable glistening white water column, assumes the spiral-shaped extreme twist to drill to that dark cloud! 同一时间狂风大作,那狂风打着旋儿往那墨点尖角处汇聚,随着那乌云墨0.1沉,清水湖中心处刷的冲起一道粗大无比的白亮亮的水柱,呈螺旋状急速旋转着向那乌云中钻去! Oh! Waterspout!” “天哪!龙吸水!” „! Is the waterspout!” “哇!是龙吸水!” Ning Lingyu and Xue Meining look heavens frightening that this incomparably shocks, has called out in alarm loud, covered small mouth the movement to forget! 宁灵雨薛美凝看着这无比震撼的惊天一幕,高声惊呼了起来,就连捂小嘴儿的动作都忘记了! Originally Ling Yun leads them to come to here to look, unexpectedly is the waterspout in legend! 原来凌云带她们来这里看的,竟然是传说中的龙吸水! The Ling Yun eye winks looks in the Clear Water Lake surface that does not wink that say/way to rewind on, more and more thick white water column, long exhales the one breath, then looks at the vision to the black dark cloud, in the heart said secretly: 凌云眼睛眨也不眨的看着清水湖面上那道倒卷而上,越来越粗大的白色水柱,长长地呼出一口气,然后把目光望向黑色的乌云当中,心中暗暗说道: Will have...... Dragon?” “会有……龙吗?”
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