DEMG :: Volume #2

#130: Leads you to look at the dragon!

Outside Champions' Building, on road. 状元楼外,路上。 The present was only 12 : 30 pm just crossed, was the weather is darker than the evening, the dark cloud in sky does not know where braved, is similar to the cotton group that was dyed by black ink layer upon layer piles up generally, was intertwined densely, building up that still also keeping, the pressure was lower! 现在只是中午12点半刚过,可是天色却比傍晚还要黑暗,天空中的乌云不知道从哪儿冒出来的,如同被墨染的棉花团一般层层堆积,密密交缠,依然还在不停的集结,越压越低! The cloud that the black black ink dyes as if received some mysterious summon to be common, an overlapping formation black act drop, covered in the Clear Water City sky! 乌黑墨染的云彩仿佛受到了某种神奇的召唤一般,层层叠叠的形成一张黑色的大幕,笼罩在了清水市的上空! What strange is, this strong dark cloud only has as if obstructed the Clear Water City day, stands in ten building above people the words that looks into to the distant place, can see Clear Water City outside sky as before transparent white, even can see that the bright sunlight shines from this black obstructing day act drop edge, is not very thick cloud illumination five colors is riotous dark clouds boundary these, is really dazzling! 奇异的是,这浓重的乌云仿佛只遮了清水市的天,站在十楼以上的人向远处眺望的话,可以看到清水市外面的天空依旧亮白,甚至能够看到灿烂的阳光从这张黑色的遮天大幕边缘照射下来,把黑云边际那些不是很厚的云彩照射的五彩缤纷,煞是鲜艳夺目! It can be said that this scene looked like the annular eclipse, was only regarding Clear Water City, was more like had the total solar eclipse! 可以说,这种景象像极了日环食,只是对于清水市来说,更像是发生了日全食! Without the wind, wind does not have, after that depressed spring thunder has made a sound a time, again does not have crack! 没有风,一丝风都没有,那声沉闷的春雷响过一次之后,就再也没有炸响过! The people under Clear Water City sky by this strange scene being shocked, although Jiangnan rain, but the present range in the summer also one month of time, are not under the thunder shower time, said again, even if under wants the thunder shower, has not seen the dark cloud to be so crowded, weather such black time! 清水市天空下的人们被这种奇异的景象给惊呆了,虽然江南多雨,可现在距离夏季还有一个月的时间,不是下雷阵雨的时候,再说了,就算是要下雷阵雨,也没见过乌云这么密集,天色这么黑的时候! Each passer-by cannot bear look up the day, the expression on face was reflecting strange of their in the heart, wonders, shocks with alarmed and afraid, is the judgment day? If this rain dismantles, that have't can Clear Water City flooding? 每一个路人都忍不住抬头看天,脸上的表情反映着他们心中的奇怪,纳闷,震撼和惊惧,难道是世界末日吗?这雨要是下下来,那还不得把清水市给淹了? In that case, Clear Water City may really become being worthy of the reputation Clear Water city! 那样的话,清水市可就真成了名副其实的“清水”市了! The sky is getting more and more dark, this, appears Clear Water City outside sky is getting more and more bright, naturally, in ground by the tall buildings blocking, could not be seen the weather of distant place, the people who only then looks at toward the distant place above ten buildings, can see this contrast intense shocks one. 天空越来越暗,这样,就显得清水市外面的天空越来越亮,当然,在地面上的被高楼大厦遮挡,看不到远处的天色,只有在十层楼之上往远处看的人们,才能看到这对比强烈的震撼一幕。 The manner of leaving of passer-by started in a hurry, they found the place to take shelter from the rain \; Because is in broad daylight, Clear Water City seems the first time meets this strange celestial phenomenon, the street light has not opened promptly, the vehicles on road turned on the headlight, the drivers were cursing this damn weather. 路人的行色开始匆匆了起来,他们纷纷找地方躲雨\;因为是大白天,清水市似乎是头一次遇到这种奇异的天象,路灯并没有及时打开,路上的车辆都把车灯打开了,司机都在咒骂着这见鬼的天气。 Was satiated with food and wine! This lamp is good, was unexpectedly getting more and more bright!” Ling Yun this food left Lou hugs, various beautiful women observes the situation, but also some people take out money to pay, eats really good! “吃饱喝足了!这灯不错啊,竟然越来越亮了!”凌云这顿饭左搂又抱,众美环视,还有人掏钱买单,吃的着实不错! Tang Meng looks at Ling Yun back out of the window, lifted the chin to hint Ling Yun to look to behind, opened the mouth saying: Eldest child, was not this lamp was getting more and more bright, but was outside......” 唐猛怔怔的看着凌云背后的窗外,抬了抬下巴示意凌云看向身后,开口道:“老大,不是这灯越来越亮了,而是外面……” The Ling Yun surprise turns head, only looked at one suddenly to stand up, an arrow step fled the window, both eyes bright light twinkling, sharp like lightning, looked toward the dark cloud of top of the head! 凌云诧异回头,只看了一眼就霍然站起,一个箭步就窜到了窗口,双目精光闪烁,锐利如电,朝着头顶的乌云看去! The people had also detected outside unusuality, they also looked at the vision to out of the window! 众人也发觉了外面的异常,他们也都把目光看向了窗外! Oh! So to be how black? Had the solar eclipse?!” “天哪!怎么这么黑?发生日食了吗?!” Ning Lingyu publicized small mouth surprised all of a sudden, surprised in eye has revealed without doubt, the tender body twisted, immediately has stood. 宁灵雨吃惊地一下子张大了小嘴儿,眼中的惊讶显露无疑,娇躯一拧,立即站了起来。 Damn, this cloud so is how low, is so black!” Tie Xiaohu also shock has stood. 我草,这云彩怎么这么低,这么黑啊!”铁小虎也震惊的站了起来。 Li Qingchuan, Cao Shanshan, Zhang Ling and the others also stand, arrives at side Ling Yun fast, shocks incomparably looks to out of the window. 李晴川,曹珊珊,张灵等人也都站起来,快速来到凌云身旁,震惊无比的向窗外看去。 Awful!” Lin Menghan is police, her first time considered the public security, set out to stand up immediately, turned around to depart. “糟糕!”林梦寒是警察,她第一时间考虑到了公共安全,也立即起身站起,转身就要离去。 The Ling Yun's eye has looked at outside sky, rays of light in eye is getting more and more abundant, on the face flashes before the unprecedented excited meaning, but after his as if brain, grew eye, knowing Lin Menghan must walk, opens the mouth to say unexpectedly: You cannot walk now!” 凌云的眼睛一直看着外面的天空,眼中的光芒越来越盛,脸上闪现出前所未有的兴奋之意,可他仿佛脑后长了眼睛似的,知道林梦寒要走,蓦地开口说道:“你现在不能走!” Lin Menghan is burning with impatience at this time, she asked subconsciously: Why?” 林梦寒此时心急如焚,她下意识问道:“为什么?” Has not thought that Ling Yun actually no longer manages her, but is staring at outside cloud layer change with eyes of sharp like lightning. 没想到凌云却不再理她,只是拿一双锐利如电的眼睛盯着外面的云层变化。 Only listens to Ling Yun also to say suddenly: Cao Shanshan, Zhang Ling, you two told Classmates, making them don't be upset now, how should eat how to eat, sharply do not return to the school to attend class, em...... Should unable to delay attending class.” 只听凌云忽然又说道:“曹珊珊,张灵,你们两个去告诉同学们,让他们现在不要慌,该怎么吃就怎么吃,不要急着回学校上课,恩……应该耽误不了上课。” Cao Shanshan and Zhang Ling have not seen this scene, their in the heart somewhat is also panic-stricken, but they look at the Ling Yun confident calm appearance, in the heart actually on own initiative did not choose has believed him, complied with one hurriedly to exit. 曹珊珊张灵从来没有见过这种景象,她们心中也有些惊恐,可她们看着凌云胸有成竹镇定的样子,心中却不自觉的选择了相信他,应了一声就匆匆忙忙的出去了。 Ling Yun stared at the dark cloud a while in sky, suddenly Ning Lingyu and Tie Xiaohu of whole face excited turning head to said: You two follow me, I lead you to experience!” 凌云又盯了天空中的乌云一会儿,突然满脸兴奋的回头对宁灵雨铁小虎说道:“你们两个跟我走,我带你们去见识见识!” Tang Meng one hear was anxious, the heart said how the eldest child you had the new joy forgetting old friends love , am I your name brand brothers am good?! 唐猛一听就急了,心说老大你怎么有了新欢就忘了旧爱啊,我才是你的正牌兄弟好不好?! He hurries a face desire looks at Ling Yun, said anxiously: Eldest child, which you must go, I must go!” 他赶忙一脸乞求的看着凌云,焦急说道:“老大,你要去哪儿啊,我也要去!” A Xue Meining pair is big and bright eye also winks to stare at Ling Yun, small mouth discontented jue, you are not leading me to go to me to jump from an upper story to the appearance that you look. 薛美凝的一双又大又亮的眼睛也眨动着盯着凌云,小嘴儿不满的噘着,一副你不带我去我就跳楼给你看的模样。 Ling Yun cannot bear slightly frowned, he lifted hand flexure to ask difficultly Tang Meng said: Which around Clear Water Lake is the highest mountain?” 凌云忍不住微微皱眉,他抬手挠了挠头问唐猛道:“清水湖周围最高的山是哪一座?” Tang Meng does not bring hesitant hesitant said: Coiling Dragon Mountain, on Coiling Dragon Mountain has Crouching Tiger Cliff to high place, Crouching Tiger Cliff towards Clear Water Lake.” 唐猛连犹豫都不带犹豫的就说道:“龙盘山,龙盘山上至高处有一个虎踞崖,虎踞崖对着清水湖。” Clear Water Lake peripheral has ten big beautiful scenery, the dragon tiger even-numbered month is one of them, China-foreign each people who comes Clear Water Lake to enjoy the scenery hopes they come time is the cloudless day, because this can appreciate the dragon tiger even-numbered month the beautiful scene. 清水湖周边有十大胜景,龙虎双月是其中之一,中外每一个来清水湖赏景的人们都希望他们来的时候是晴天,因为这样就可以欣赏龙虎双月的美景。 Especially ten in May/five months the night of circle, stand in Coiling Dragon Mountain to the high place, on Crouching Tiger Cliff, a space moon, in Clear Water Lake reflects a moon, the lake water like the mirror, the moonlight like the water, the day sails upstream two rounds full moons to enhance one another's beauty, that scenery forgot to return really! 尤其是十五月圆之夜,站在龙盘山的至高处,虎踞崖上,天上一个月亮,清水湖中倒映一个月亮,湖水如镜,月华如水,天上水中两轮圆月交相辉映,那景色真叫人流连忘返! Ling Yun nodded also immediately asks: Drives to come up?” 凌云点了点头又立即问道:“开车能上去吗?” Tang Meng shook the head saying: Only can arrive at the foot of the hill, cannot come up.” 唐猛摇了摇头道:“只能开到山脚下,不能上去。” Originally, the Clear Water City government for tourist development, planned to cultivate a plate mountain road on Coiling Dragon Mountain, but the Clear Water City common people said that such will destroy the Coiling Dragon Mountain natural beautiful scene, proposed several times were given to overrule by them, therefore this plate mountain road has not built. 原来,清水市政府为了旅游开发,曾经计划过在龙盘山上修一条盘山路,可是清水市的老百姓都说那样会破坏龙盘山的自然美景,提议了好几次都被他们给否决了,因此这条盘山路至今没修成。 Ling Yun thinks that said to Tang Meng: This, do you drive, bringing Ning'er they to copy the alley to go to see the entire Clear Water Lake place, the position the higher the better, understand what is heard?” 凌云想了想对唐猛说道:“这样吧,你去开车,带着凝儿他们抄小路去可以看到整个清水湖的地方,位置越高越好,听明白没?” Tang Meng nodded, asking that actually wonders: Eldest child you?” 唐猛点了点头,却又纳闷的问道:“那老大你呢?” Ling Yun hehe said with a smile: I go to Coiling Dragon Mountain Crouching Tiger Cliff!” 凌云呵呵一笑道:“我去龙盘山虎踞崖!” The Xue Meining two arms hug Ling Yun's arm one to shake, jue small mouth acting like a spoiled brat discontented say/way: I must go to Crouching Tiger Cliff!” 薛美凝两只胳膊搂着凌云的手臂一阵晃悠,噘着小嘴儿撒娇不满道:“我也要去虎踞崖!” Ling Yun looks at the Xue Meining pitiful expression, helpless smiles bitterly, he thinks saying: Good, I have your three to go to Crouching Tiger Cliff! time, we walked quickly without enough time!” 凌云看着薛美凝可怜兮兮的表情无奈苦笑,他想了想道:“好吧,我带你们三个去虎踞崖时间快来不及了,咱们走!” Then, he is embracing Ning Lingyu and Xue Meining, when outward walks first. 说完,他揽着宁灵雨薛美凝,当先朝外走去。 Tang Meng is having the been jealous expression looks that Tie Xiaohu left private room with Ling Yun, that hates at heart, not to mention! 唐猛带着吃醋的表情看着铁小虎跟着凌云离开了包间,心里那个恨啊,就别提了! He scratches open not to think clearly, the eldest child must go to Coiling Dragon Mountain Crouching Tiger Cliff to do, moreover why brings Tie Xiaohu actually not to stay own! 他挠破头都想不明白,老大非得去龙盘山虎踞崖干什么,而且为什么带着铁小虎却不呆着自己 Tang Meng turns head to say to Li Qingchuan: Elder Brother Chuan, does your money enough pay up? Your to go or not?” 唐猛扭头对李晴川道:“川哥,你的钱够不够结账的?你去不去?” Li Qingchuan restored the languid expression at this time, his natural has stroked the hair and snow-white of own shirt, then said to Tang Meng: When do you see my money to fall down 100,000? Walks, pays the tent/account we to drive together.” 李晴川此时又恢复了懒洋洋的表情,他潇洒的拂了拂自己的头发和雪白的衬衣,然后对唐猛道:“你见我身上的钱什么时候掉下过100000的?走,付完帐我们一起开车去。” Has not thought Lin Menghan that had not spoken opens the mouth to say suddenly: I also together go with you!” 没想到一直没有说话的林梦寒突然开口道:“我也跟你们一起去!” Lin Menghan saw Ling Yun actually at this time to lead three people to go to Coiling Dragon Mountain Crouching Tiger Cliff, added that was experiences, she was really curious, what under this clever weather can go to experience? What experiences to be called to drench a drenched chicken? 林梦寒凌云竟然这时候带三个人去龙盘山虎踞崖,还说是去见识见识,她实在是好奇,这种鬼天气之下要去见识什么?见识一下什么叫做淋个落汤鸡吗? Therefore, she also extremely wants to have a look, Ling Yun foresaw anything, this opened the mouth. 因此,她也万分想去看看,凌云到底预见到了什么,这才开口。 Tang Meng and Li Qingchuan could not bear look at each other one, has given an opposite party understanding expression mutually, only thought in the heart time of crispness. 唐猛李晴川忍不住对视了一眼,互相给了对方一个会意的表情,只觉心中倍爽。 Three people also together left private room. 三人也一块儿离开了包间 Three people are paying up, actually saw Cao Shanshan and Zhang Ling also rushes to a building, Cao Shanshan saw, only then the Tang Meng three people, one said immediately: Ling Yun they?” 三个人正在结账的时候,却见曹珊珊张灵也冲下了一楼,曹珊珊看到只有唐猛三个人,顿时一愣道:“凌云他们呢?” Tang Meng cannot stir up this super school beauty, he told the facts: Eldest child had their three to go to Crouching Tiger Cliff!” 唐猛惹不起这位超级校花,他实话实说道:“老大带他们三个去虎踞崖了!” Cao Shanshan looked at outside one more and more dark weather, is panic-stricken is wonders saying: Mental illness, went to Crouching Tiger Cliff at this time, wants to drench a drenched chicken?” 曹珊珊看了一眼外面越来越暗的天色,又是惊恐又是纳闷道:“神经病啊,这时候去虎踞崖,想淋个落汤鸡吗?” Zhang Ling actually opens the mouth to ask: You? Do you want to go?” 张灵却开口问道:“那你们呢?你们要去哪儿?” Tang Meng now having no free time rubbish, he outside the hotel walks while said: We must drive Clear Water Lake.” 唐猛现在没空废话,他一边酒店外面走一边说道:“我们要开车去清水湖。” Cao Shanshan and Zhang Ling anything could not attend to at this time, they overtake the Tang Meng three people hastily, said: We must go!” 曹珊珊张灵这时候什么也顾不得了,她们连忙追上唐猛三人,说道:“我们也要去!” ............ ………… At this time, Ling Yun one line of four people arrived on the avenue, on avenue a piece chaotic noisy, sound of footsteps that the people jog, much discussion sound, driver imprecations, continuously, lingering on faintly, chaotic. 此时,凌云一行四人已经来到了大街上,大街上一片纷乱嘈杂,人们跑步的脚步声,纷纷议论声,司机咒骂声,此起彼伏,不绝于耳,混乱至极。 Ling Yun looked up the cloud layer of space once more, looked at southwest one Clear Water Lake direction, in eye excited more and more thick, the vision was getting more and more bright, corners of the mouth brought back has wiped the mysterious happy expression. 凌云再次抬头看了看天上的云层,又看了一眼西南清水湖的方向,眼中的兴奋越来越浓,目光越来越明亮,嘴角儿勾起了一抹神秘的笑意。 Big Brother, do you lead us to go to Coiling Dragon Mountain to go to do?” Ning Lingyu on the noisy influence by street, she is crooked the head curiously is asked Ling Yun said. 哥哥,你带我们去龙盘山到底要去干什么?”宁灵雨丝毫不被街上的嘈杂影响,她歪着脑袋好奇的问凌云道。 Right, under Big Brother Ling Yun, this quick wanted the rainstorm, did we go to Coiling Dragon Mountain to do? Also does not have the umbrella.” “对呀,凌云哥哥,这很快就要下暴雨了,我们去龙盘山干嘛呀?又没有雨伞。” Xue Meining is also asking of wondering. 薛美凝也是纳闷的问道。 Tie Xiaohu is actually the iron tower generally stands in Ling Yun's behind, maintains total silence, as if he is only the Ling Yun's shadow. 铁小虎却是铁塔一般站在凌云的身后,一语不发,仿佛他只是凌云的影子。 Ling Yun looked at Ning Lingyu with the vision that favoring to drown, turned head to look at Xue Meining, he said with a smile lightly: Relax, this rain , earliest also wants to be able now in the evening under.” 凌云用宠溺的目光看了一眼宁灵雨,又扭头看了看薛美凝,他淡淡一笑道:“放心,这雨现在下不起来,最早也要傍晚才能下。” Then he turns head to say to Tie Xiaohu: A while you must with tightening me, if cannot follow my speed, you directly return to Azure Dragon!” 然后他扭头对铁小虎说道:“一会儿你要跟紧了我,如果跟不上我的速度,你就直接回青龙吧!” Ling Yun was bringing Tie Xiaohu at this time, on the one hand wants to make him experience, on the other hand naturally also has the meaning of test, he has washed to Tie Xiaohu after cutting down the marrow, now the liquor full food was just full, is the smelting trial Tie Xiaohu good time. 凌云这时候带着铁小虎,一方面是想让他见识见识,另一方面自然也有考验之意,他已经给铁小虎洗经伐髓,现在刚刚酒足饭饱,正是试炼铁小虎的好时候。 The Tie Xiaohu two big eyes have narrowed the eyes, flashes through wipes firm rays of light, has not spoken, actually gently nodded. 铁小虎两只大眼睛眯了起来,闪过一抹坚定的光芒,没有说话,却轻轻点了点头。 Ling Yun smiles, then a both arms show, in Ning Lingyu and Xue Meining screams, hugged the two people tender body in the bosom, then a figure show, the big and fat body was similar to the bullet leaves the chest cavity to be common, flew to shoot! 凌云嘿嘿一笑,然后双臂一展,在宁灵雨薛美凝的惊呼声中,把两人的娇躯搂在了怀里,然后身形一展,胖大的身体如同子弹出膛一般,飞射了出去! Tie Xiaohu starting to walk stride, closely follows immediately! 铁小虎立即迈开大步,紧紧跟上! The Ling Yun smile lowers the head, is staring at bosom Ning Lingyu and Xue Meining said gently: Big Brother leads you to look at dragon!” 凌云微笑低头,盯着怀里的宁灵雨薛美凝轻轻说道:“哥哥带你们去看龙!”
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