DEMG :: Volume #2

#129: Wants me to give you to heal?

Yesterday evening, Ling Yun when with Daozi/Knife must compensate, Daozi/Knife first time sends out 100,000 numbers, Ling Yun bored raising the head looked at the day, the heart said that over the two days possibly rained, was not the nonsense. 昨天晚上,凌云在跟刀子要赔偿的时候,刀子第一次报出100000的数目,凌云无聊的抬头看天,心说这两天可能下雨,并不是胡言乱语。 Ling Yun is a curiosity specially heavy person, so long as is he does not understand or the curious matter, likes studying, in Cultivation Big World continuously so, if places now the society, popular is the interest is widespread. 凌云是一个好奇心特别重的人,只要是他不懂或者好奇的事情,都喜欢研究研究,在修真大世界一直如此,如果放在当今社会,通俗来讲就是兴趣广泛。 Cultivation Big World is enormous, the length and breadth is boundless, mysterious endless, the cultivating true school stands in great numbers, Dao Cultivation Buddhist Cultivation Spirit Cultivation Demon Cultivation Monster Cultivation Ghost Cultivation has, Ling Yun even also sees the angel that behind has been winged, and fights to compare notes with them. 修真大世界极大,广袤无边,神秘无尽,修真门派林立,道修佛修灵修魔修妖修鬼修都有,凌云甚至还见过背后长着翅膀的天使,并且跟他们大战切磋过。 Said earnestly, Ling Yun should be Dao Cultivation, is so-called daoist sect is authentic, but in his bone does not have these so-called evil ideas, does not repel and in view of these Devil Sects Monster Race evil forces and so on, treats impartially completely, so long as does not provoke him to be good. 认真说起来,凌云应该是道修,也就是所谓的道门正宗,可他骨子里没有那些所谓的正邪观念,并不排斥和针对那些魔门妖族鬼怪之类的,全部都一视同仁,只要不来招惹他就行。 So long as who provokes him, or wants to snatch his treasure, let alone demon evil forces, is Righteous Sects Faction is not good, same should kill kills, this extermination extermination! 可是只要谁招惹到他,或者说想抢他的宝贝,别说妖魔鬼怪了,就是正宗门派也不行,一样该杀就杀,该灭门灭门! Ling Yun cultivating true to not rise the immortal obtains enlightenment, he is pure for getting stronger, to protect own was not bullied by others! 凌云修真并不是为了升仙得道,他就是纯粹的为了变强而已,就是为了保护自己不被别人欺负! Since what Ling Yun cultivates is unsurpassed Heavenly Law, the nature day is interested in this specially. This day, actually does not fly upwards Heaven that day, but is the Heavenly Law nature, astronomical geography that day! 凌云既然修的是无上天道,自然对这个“天”特别感兴趣。这个天,却不是飞升天界那个天,而是天道自然,天文地理那个天! He achieves Qi Refining Stage, in can carry on breathes, is all right goes to the seabed lake bottom to stroll the excursion roaming, studies under the world \; He after will fly, bored flies in the cloud layer to go to the Chinese zither to result in the Chinese zither, which cloud ponders over to rain, under which cloud meets the hail! 他达到炼气期,可以进行内呼吸之后,没事就去海底湖底逛游逛游,研究一下水底世界\;他在会飞行之后,无聊就飞到云层里去得瑟得瑟,琢磨着哪块云彩会下雨,哪块云彩会下冰雹! Astronomical geography knowledge that like this studies, can that have not to be non-specialized? Therefore he looks at the celestial phenomenon slightly, knows that which cloud has the rain, this does not blow absolutely. 这样研究出来的天文地理知识,那能有个不专业?因此他稍微一看天象,就知道哪块云彩有雨,这绝对不是吹的。 today is March/three months last day, in 34 days is the pure brightness, as the saying goes, pure brightness season rain in abundance, Jiangnan Province originally then rain, therefore in private room the people rained this matter regarding the cloudy day, radically was commonly seen, heard that rumble the slightly depressed spring thunder, did not bring to wink the eye. 今天已经是三月的最后一天,再过34天就是清明了,俗话说,清明时节雨纷纷,江南省本来就多雨,因此包间内众人对于阴天下雨这种事,根本就是司空见惯,听到了那声轰隆隆略显沉闷的春雷,连眼睛都不带眨一下的。 Weather one cloudy, the ray in private room naturally dark, the service person does not need them to tell, very sincere turned on the lamp in private room on own initiative, the light has shone for the first time. 天色一阴,包间内的光线自然就暗了下来,服务员不用他们吩咐,非常厚道的主动打开了包间里的灯,灯光乍亮。 A while free time, the vegetable has come up 56, the Maotai has also filled to the brim four cups, five beautiful woman but actually four are the students, in work the police, naturally do not drink, only replaces with the fruit punch. 一会儿工夫,菜已经上来了56个,茅台酒也已经倒满了四个杯子,五个美女倒有四个是学生,还有一个是正在“工作”的警察,自然都不喝酒,只用果汁饮料代替。 Knows that such good customer, Champions' Building master chef today pressing the bottom ability caused, got up the table including the Buddha jumps over the wall, Clear Water first playboy Li Qingchuan that looked at could not bear an anxiety. 知道来了这么牛的客户,状元楼的大厨今天把压箱底的本领都使出来了,连佛跳墙都上了桌,看的清水第一纨绔李晴川都忍不住一阵肉疼。 even/including wine brings the vegetable, this table of 8000 not being able to get down, that has not been five tables! 连酒带菜,这一桌没有个8000的下不来,那可是五桌啊! For a while, in private room the vegetable greets the nostrils fragrant, the wine overflows, the beautiful woman each and everyone dimple like the flower, the Li Qingchuan Tang Meng Tie Xiaohu three people that looks is dazzled, eyes cannot take it all, only hated the parents little to live several both eyes! 一时,包间里菜香扑鼻,酒香四溢,美女一个个笑靥如花,看的李晴川唐猛铁小虎三人眼花缭乱,目不暇接,只恨爹娘少生了几双眼! Ling Yun is very calm, he does not look at others, is mainly staring at Lin Menghan tight outsize standing tall and erect that the police uniform withstand/top, almost looks at steadily. 凌云就很淡定,他不看别人,主要就是盯着林梦寒把警察制服顶的紧绷绷鼓囊囊的高耸,几乎目不转睛。 It can be said that in the room the chests of four female high-school students, do not have one not clearly tall and straight plentiful, each one chest surge up, trembling, is strong and proud, no one loses to anyone. 可以说,屋里四个女高中生的胸脯,没有一个不圆润挺拔丰满的,个个胸前都是波澜起伏,颤颤巍巍,坚挺而骄傲,谁都不输给谁。 However if their chests compare with Lin Menghan, that all feels dwarfed, direct resting vegetable. 但是她们的胸脯要是跟林梦寒一比,那全都是小巫见大巫,直接歇菜。 Lin Menghan in order to can wear this police uniform, even if bound the chest to stand tall and erect with the bandage the own two groups before going out to fetter cruel-heartedly, but that trembling two groups, there is a football size, was perfectly round and tall and straight, stands tall and erect, but proudly, vivid! 林梦寒为了能穿得上这身警服,纵然在出门之前用绷带裹胸把自己的两团高耸狠心的束缚了起来,可那颤颤巍巍的两团,还是有足球般大小,浑圆而挺拔,高耸而傲然,呼之欲出! Too big! Lin Menghan own when home takes a bath has tried, she once was setting upright straight in the gulley that inserts two groups of snow-white to stand tall and erect to squeeze out the entire palm of own tall and straight, did not have the wrist/skill unable to reach the bottom! 太大了!林梦寒自己在家洗澡的时候试过,她曾经把自己的整个手掌竖着直直的插进了两团雪白挺拔高耸挤出的深沟里面,直没了手腕还够不着底! Moreover, even if such big, she does not wear the underwear, is red the body of snow-white non- flaw is standing straightly, that chest will not sag, as if disregards the earth's attraction completely, still proud tall and straight, presents the perfect full shape! 而且,就算是这么大,她不穿内衣,赤着雪白无瑕的身体笔直站立的时候,那胸脯也丝毫不会下垂,似乎根本无视地心引力,依然骄傲挺拔,呈现完美饱满的形状! Her waist, but also is inferior to a perimeter of her chest, you said that such stature, can describe with the devil stature? 偏偏她的腰围,还不及她的一个胸的周长,你说这样的身材,用魔鬼身材能形容得了吗? Lin Menghan starts to adapt to the man from 14 years old diligently such as the vision of wolf, her effort diligently adapted for 67 years, has not mastered this ability to the present. 林梦寒从14岁就开始努力适应男人如狼的目光,她孜孜不倦的努力适应了67年了,到现在还没练成这项本领呢。 Lin Menghan such by Ling Yun straight is staring, was shames the angry lamentation very much, the heart says the one had only known, did not sit in the Ling Yun's opposite, might as well deferred, sits side him who Ling Yun said. 林梦寒这么被凌云直直的盯着,很是羞恼悔恨,心说早知如此,就不坐在凌云的对面了,还不如按照凌云所说的,坐在他身边呢。 Why? Because Lin Menghan falls in the water, this pair of chest had been traced an insight by Ling Yun, looked at an insight! 为什么?因为林梦寒落水的时候,这一对胸脯被凌云摸了个通透,也看了个通透! Ling Yun thinks so her, she remembers that evening of two people unrestrainedly in water, difference feeling at heart not to mention! 凌云这么看着她,她情不自禁地就想起两人在水中的那一晚,心里的异样感觉就别提了! The Ling Yun's eye did not look askance, stares at the chest of Lin Menghan, the heart was saying that was truly big, was binds too solid, could not see was very white, his first took up the chopsticks. 凌云的眼睛目不斜视,盯着林梦寒的胸脯,心说确实很大,就是裹得太严实,看不到很白了,他第一个拿起筷子。 I said Young Lady Lin!” “我说林小姐!” Lin Menghan is bashful and angry: Please call me Ms. Lin or Officer forest, do not call my young lady.” 林梦寒又羞又恼:“请叫我林女士或者林警官,不要叫我小姐。” Young Lady Lin, were our official business finishes talking?” Ling Yun to her relapse clarifies when has not heard, selfish saying. 林小姐,咱们的公事算是谈完了吧?”凌云对她的反复澄清就当没听到,自顾自的说道。 Lin Menghan cold snort/hum. 林梦寒冷哼了一声。 Ling Yun smiles: Remember, today you owe me a food, in addition glasses did, hear?” 凌云嘿嘿一笑:“记住,今天你欠我一顿饭,外加一副眼镜儿,听到了没有?” Lin Menghan was also cold snort/hum, the heart said that this anything person, that evening thought you were good, has not thought of unexpectedly such a morality. 林梦寒又是一阵冷哼,心说这什么人啊,那晚上本来觉得你还不错的,没想到竟然这么一副德性。 Ling Yun looked that Lin Menghan does not coordinate, he layer on layer/heavily puts the chopsticks, then focuses slantingly looked that said to Lin Menghan: Other light ha, let me tell you, did your problem, want me to give you to heal?” 凌云一看林梦寒不配合,他重重地把筷子一放,然后斜着眼儿看向林梦寒说道:“别光哼啊,我跟你说,你身上的毛病,要不要我给你治治?” Lin Menghan stunned, heart said what problem on immediately me has? 林梦寒顿时一阵错愕,心说我身上有什么毛病啊? Only listens to Ling Yun to say grinningly: Hehe, you come legal holiday each time time is the abdominal pain such as the blade twists, sad not being able to bear?” 只听凌云笑嘻嘻说道:“嘿嘿,你每次来例假的时候是不是都是腹痛如刀绞,难过的受不了啊?” --” --” --” --”...... “噗——”“噗——”“噗——”“噗——”…… Before the room several people are eating meal, drinks water to moisten the throat, heard that Ling Yun this word, has spurted directly, Tang Meng cannot withstand, he has not come up, directly choking. 屋内好几个人正在吃饭前喝水润喉咙,闻听凌云此言,直接喷了,唐猛更不堪,他一口气没上来,直接给呛着了。 Under Ling Yun this medicine was also too aggressive, actually said this opinion under this situation, making in the room other three male students all silly, four school beauty complexions shamed bashfully incomparable, lowered the head. 凌云这药下的也太生猛了一些,在这种场合之下竟然说出这番言论,让屋里其他三个男生全傻了,四个校花脸色羞臊无比,纷纷低下了头。 Lin Menghan naturally most shames bashfully, but shames bashful at the same time, was the secret shock, the heart said at heart own **** that son problem, did he see? 林梦寒自然是最为羞臊,不过羞臊的同时,心里却是暗暗震惊,心说自己****那点儿毛病,他是怎么看出来的? Ling Yun said right, Lin Menghan really has the problem of painful menstruation, every month must manifest suddenly one time, the time abdominal pain of outbreak such as the blade twists, sweating profusely is dripping, eats to stop the sore piece no matter uses, the major hospitals have gone, takes the traditional Chinese medicine to recuperate, may the good deed one, how should hurt each time how to be sore, governs cannot cure. 凌云说的没错,林梦寒确实有痛经的毛病,每月必发作一次,发作的时候腹痛如刀绞,大汗淋漓,吃止疼片都不管用,各大医院都去过,也吃中药调理过,可每次好事一来,该怎么疼还是怎么疼,怎么治都治不好。 That pain is not the person receives, therefore Lin Menghan wants to curse angrily Ling Yun one, but he said entire right, keeping own from refuting, for a while stiff there. 那种痛苦不是人受的,因此林梦寒本想怒骂凌云一句,可他说的全对,让自己又无法反驳,一时就僵在了那里。 Other people after short dull, immediately looked monster looked to Ling Yun, the heart said others did have coming out that this problem you can also look at? Looked, why can say under the big crowd of people? 其他人在短暂的呆愣之后,顿时都看怪物似的看向凌云,心说人家有这种毛病你也能看的出来?看出来也就算了,干嘛非要在大庭广众之下说出来? That is a female policeman! 那可是一位女警察! What kind, I will treat, undertake to provide medical treatment wrap securely, if you do not want to govern, come, everybody was hungry, drank to eat meal!” “怎么样啊,我可是会治疗,包治包好,你要是不想治就算了,来,大家都饿了吧,喝酒吃饭!” Ling Yun blinked to Lin Menghan, happily smiles, takes up the chopsticks, the greeting people eats meal. 凌云冲着林梦寒眨了眨眼,得意一笑,重新拿起筷子,招呼众人吃饭。 Before drinking eats meal, Ling Yun to Tie Xiaohu said: today cannot you drink.” 喝酒吃饭之前,凌云冲着铁小虎道:“今天不许你喝酒。” Tie Xiaohu is the liquor insect, saw liquor Lord not awfully, what he sees today to drink is Maotai, after the liquor on full, the rich wine greets the nostrils, he already the enticed glutton sent greatly, wants to drink his one weight jin (0.5 kg), finally actually heard Ling Yun saying that today cannot drink, immediately gawked. 铁小虎是个酒虫,见了酒不要命的主,他见今天喝的是茅台,酒满上之后,浓郁的酒香扑鼻,他早就被勾引的馋虫大发,想喝他个一斤两斤的,结果却听到凌云今天不许喝酒,顿时愣了。 He rush-leaf fan big action the fine stem glass, are staring the bull's eye eye to look at Ling Yun, stares dumbfounded saying: Can't drink really?” 他蒲扇般的大手端着精致的高脚杯,瞪着牛眼般的眼睛看着凌云,瞠目结舌道:“真不能喝啊?” Ling Yun nods saying: Em.” 凌云点点头道:“恩。” Tang Meng was choking a moment ago recovers consciousness that tone to the present, he coughs is laughing saying: Silly, the eldest child does not make you drink, gives me you cup!” 唐猛刚才呛着的那口气到现在才缓过来,他咳嗽着哈哈大笑道:“傻了吧,老大不让你喝酒,把杯子给我吧你!” Tie Xiaohu feels acutely disappointed immediately, the eyeball with the wine glass movement that Tang Meng seizes, has swallowed two saliva ruthlessly, thought that the full table good vegetable not to have the flavor. 铁小虎顿时万念俱灰,眼珠子跟着唐猛夺走的酒杯移动,狠狠地咽了两口口水,觉得满桌子好菜都没有了味道。 An eye of Li Qingchuan starts very earnestly sized up Ling Yun, from seeing Ling Yun started, Ling Yun all performance starts made Li Qingchuan attach great importance to finally thoroughly. 李晴川的一双眼睛开始很认真的打量起了凌云,从见到凌云开始,凌云所有的表现终于开始让李晴川彻底重视了起来。 Ling Yun has rampantly, overbearing is rational, the capable person cannot, shocking unsurpassed skill, have unparalleled rejuvenation skilled hands, seems like the shameless greedy relaxation has, cheats unable to pick up in invisible to manage, makes the person to have no alternative in languages, what character is this?! 凌云嚣张却有度,霸道却有理,能人所不能,有一身惊世绝艺,有无双回春妙手,看似无耻贪婪却张弛有度,坑人于无形之中却让人挑不出理来,制人于一语之间却让人无可奈何,这到底是什么人物?! Li Qingchuan starts from Xue Meining, was Cao Shanshan, Lin Menghan, Tang Meng, Tie Xiaohu, each and everyone looked, regardless of these people which took only, wasn't outstandingly beautiful outstandingly beautiful, the expert in expert? 李晴川又从薛美凝开始,然后是曹珊珊,林梦寒,唐猛,铁小虎,一个个看了过去,这些人无论哪一个单拿出来,不是绝色中的绝色,牛人中的牛人? But in front of Ling Yun? Cao Shanshan was shamed nearly to drill under the table by Ling Yun a few words, Lin Menghan was eaten by Ling Yun stubbornly, how wants to pinch how to pinch \; Tie Xiaohu is blinks Ling Yun by docile that governs, as for Tang Meng, that always shouts, in the past he shouted own not such own! 可是在凌云面前呢?曹珊珊凌云一句话就羞得差点儿钻桌子底下去,林梦寒更是被凌云吃的死死的,想怎么捏就怎么捏\;铁小虎更是眨眼之间就被凌云治的服服帖帖,至于唐猛,那一口一个老大喊得,当年他喊自己都没有这么亲过! No wonder Tang Meng this boy for these days changed a statement to shout me Elder Brother Chuan, did not shout the eldest child! 怪不得唐猛这小子这几天改口喊我川哥,不喊老大了呢! own rare and beautiful flowers, but also wants to come to teach this to dare to pester the fellow who Ning'er is not putting well rashly, who knows, not only has not taught others, but also had been rescued a life! 自己更奇葩,还想来好好教训教训这个胆大妄为敢纠缠着凝儿不放的家伙呢,谁知道不但没教训了人家,还被人救了一条命! Moreover he also looked to the present, where was Ling Yun is entangling Xue Meining, was Xue Meining pursues Ling Yun not to put radically! 而且他到现在也看出来了,哪里是凌云缠着薛美凝,根本就是薛美凝追着凌云不放嘛! Clear Water City first playboy Li Qingchuan looks at present this wear Nike gym suit, frequently is a face indifferent smiling face, the somewhat fat high-school student, first time received the pride of own slightly. 清水市第一纨绔李晴川看着眼前这个穿着一身耐克运动服,经常是一脸无所谓的笑容,稍稍有些胖的高中生,第一次收起了自己的骄傲。 Ling Yun they start to make chewing motions in private room greatly quickly, eats the sea to drink crazily, nobody notes, outside weather was cloudier. 凌云他们开始在包间里大快朵颐,狂吃海喝,没有人注意到,外面的天色更阴沉了。
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