DEMG :: Volume #2

#128: luxury car delivers Lingyu, has spring thunder baseless

Two waitresses looked at the Ling Yun that nouveau riche appearance, somewhat is secret funnily, but others come to here are spend, they naturally cannot say anything, therefore nodded to draw back. 两名女服务员看了凌云那暴发户似的模样,不禁有些暗暗好笑,不过人家来这里就是花钱的,她们自然不会说什么,因此点了点头就退了出去。 In room altogether nine people, actually only then four male, other five are not as good besides the Zhang Ling beauty, other four are the world is outstandingly beautiful, each one causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman, bewitchingly charming, moving unparalleled! 屋里一共有九个人,却只有四个男的,其余五个除了张灵姿色稍逊之外,其他四个都是人间绝色,个个倾国倾城,千娇百媚,动人无双! Tang Meng had pulled out spatial a moment ago, Zhao Lei has sent a short note to the little brother, making him stop by that Maserati in campus is staring, may the don't gone bad student blowing spends. 唐猛刚才抽了个空,给小弟赵磊发了个短信,让他去停在校园里的那辆玛莎拉蒂旁边儿盯着点儿,可千万别被发坏的学生给刮花了。 Has saying that the thoughts of this boy are truly exquisite enough. 不得不说,这小子的心思确实够细腻的。 Tang Meng glanced Celestial Immortal police officer Lin Menghan one with the corner of the eye split vision, then coughed to say to Ling Yun: Eldest child, you light ordered food, can come to select the beer?” 唐猛眼角儿的余光瞟了身旁天仙般的女警花林梦寒一眼,然后干咳了一声对凌云道:“老大,您光点了菜了,要不要来点儿啤酒?” Ling Yun stared his one eyes saying: What beer drinks? today was happy, we drink white!” 凌云瞪了他一眼道:“喝什么啤酒啊?今天高兴,咱们喝白的!” Previous Ling Yun after drinking medicine has drunk that glass of beer, pledged that did not drink the beer, was swindled only the previous time, therefore this time his direct selection white liquor. 上次凌云跟喝药似的喝了那杯啤酒之后,就发誓再也不喝啤酒了,上当只上一次,因此这次他直接选择白酒。 Tang Meng hehe said with a smile: What white liquor does that drink?” 唐猛嘿嘿一笑道:“那喝什么白酒啊?” Ling Yun glanced nearby fool Li Qingchuan one saying: Also with asking, naturally was the best white liquor!” 凌云瞟了一旁的冤大头李晴川一眼道:“还用问啊,当然是最好的白酒了!” Li Qingchuan is certainly tactful, he nodded to say to Tang Meng: „A Maotai, I also drinks two.” 李晴川当然识趣,他冲唐猛点了点头说道:“点茅台吧,我也喝两口。” Although Li Qingchuan occasionally smokes, actually never dares to drink the liquor, heard that after Ling Yun he has cured thoroughly, he a moment ago own is raised has tried half-day/long time that the air/Qi is under squats, discovered that the own heart truly issue did not have, in the heart was really happy, therefore wants to break a vow, drinks to celebrate. 李晴川虽然偶尔偷着抽烟,却从来不敢沾酒,听说凌云把他彻底治好了之后,他刚才自己又是提气又是下蹲的试了半天,发现自己的心脏确实一点儿问题都没有了,心中着实高兴,因此就想破戒,喝酒庆祝一下。 Tang Meng nods saying: That line, then then Maotai, a while service person came to let on them.” 唐猛点点头道:“那行,那就茅台,一会儿服务员来了让她们上。” Ling Yun to/clashes Lin Menghan to say at this time finally: I said Young Lady Lin, do not record the oral confession? To ask that any present asks! A while I may eat meal!” 凌云此时终于冲林梦寒说道:“我说林小姐,您不是要录口供吗?想问什么现在就问吧!一会儿我可就吃饭了!” This Young Lady Lin, is Ling Yun calls intentionally. 这一声林小姐,却是凌云故意叫的了。 Lin Menghan was the anger stared Ling Yun one first, said again clear: „After I said you, cannot call my young lady!” Then her full room looked, in the heart is somewhat speechless, the heart said that is working as these many people, can make me ask? 林梦寒先是怒瞪了凌云一眼,再次澄清道:“我说了你以后不许叫我小姐!”然后她满屋子一看,心中有些无语,心说当着这么多人,可让我怎么问啊? Tang Meng is very familiar with Public Security Bureau the set of, he understands the record oral confession that Lin Menghan said how is a matter, therefore said to Lin Menghan on own initiative: Officer forest, the entire long and short of the story of this matter, I am all clear, I came to say with you!” 唐猛公安局的这一套很熟悉,他明白林梦寒说的录口供是怎么一回事,于是主动对林梦寒说道:“林警官,这件事情的整个来龙去脉,我全清楚,我来跟您说说吧!” Then Tang Meng from previous time eats meal from Champions' Building, Zheng Feng Liu Xiaojun and the others sexually harassed Ning Lingyu and Zhang Ling starts, till has spoken of today Ling Yun to bring Tu Gang the Azure Dragon person who overthrows completely, brief and to the point said to Lin Menghan, actually desirably avoided Ling Yun to subdue Tie Xiaohu these matters. 然后唐猛从上一次从状元楼吃饭,郑峰刘小军等人调戏宁灵雨张灵开始,一直说到今天凌云屠刚带来的青龙的人全部打倒为止,简明扼要的跟林梦寒说了一遍,却刻意避开了凌云收服铁小虎的那些事。 The Tang Meng eloquence is very good, the tongue resplendent lotus flower, only used for several minutes to talk clearly the long and short of the story of entire matter, actually all advanced Tu Gang that side person all mistakes, all that Ling Yun made were the justifiable defenses. 唐猛的口才很好,舌灿莲花,只用了几分钟就把整个事情的来龙去脉就说清楚了,却把所有的过错全部都推到了屠刚那边的人身上,凌云所做的一切不过是正当防卫而已。 Actually does not need to push, the entire item matter is Tu Gang here person was not right, this point Lin Menghan can analyze. 其实也不用推,整件事情本来就是屠刚这边的人不对,这一点林梦寒还是能分析出来的。 Officer forest, this is the long and short of the story of entire item matter, I told you, what you have to ask?” “林警官,这就是整件事情的来龙去脉,我已经都跟您说了,您还有什么要问的吗?” Tang Meng can look through the Lin Menghan badge epaulet, the Lin Menghan police rank is the first-level manager, the vice- place rank, only lowered compared with the own father two-level, considered that Lin Menghan is so young, he thought that this Lin Menghan origin is not definitely ordinary, therefore the speech is very polite. 唐猛通过林梦寒的警徽肩章能够看得出来,林梦寒的警衔乃是一级警督,副处级别,只比自己的父亲低了两级,考虑到林梦寒这么年轻,他觉得这个林梦寒的来历肯定不一般,因此说话很是客气。 Lin Menghan nodded, expressed that understood completely, she turned head to stare Ling Yun one ruthlessly, then looks at Tie Xiaohu, asked that Tang Meng said: He a moment ago what's the matter? Hung on the backboard?” 林梦寒点了点头,表示已经完全明白了,她扭头狠狠的瞪了凌云一眼,然后看着铁小虎,问唐猛道:“那他刚才是怎么回事?怎么挂在篮板上了?” Such remarks, four female students as if remembered Tie Xiaohu to hang the smelly type on backboard, in the room resounded chuckle to smile immediately tenderly. 此话一出,四个女生似乎都想起了铁小虎挂在篮板上的糗样,屋里立时响起了一阵咯咯娇笑。 Does not wait for Tang Meng to reply, Tie Xiaohu own opens the mouth saying: I thought that place is cool, crawled to hang that a while, Ok Officer forest?” 不等唐猛回答,铁小虎自己开口道:“我觉得那地方凉快,就爬上去挂了那么一会儿,可以吗林警官?” This is certainly lying, who is Tie Xiaohu? All day hand/subordinate kills in Brother Kun, reign of terror saw a lot, naturally cannot be few with police having to do, therefore scattered such lie is the opens the mouth comes, did not bring to wink the eye. 这当然是在撒谎,铁小虎是什么人?整天在坤哥手下打打杀杀,腥风血雨见得多了,跟警察打交道自然不会少,因此撒这样的谎话是张口就来,连眼睛都不带眨一下的。 Lin Menghan had asked Ding Guanghui this matter, she knows certainly that Tie Xiaohu is lying, but others litigants did not accuse Ling Yun, her again getting to the bottom of the matter naturally appeared senseless, therefore again had not asked. 林梦寒已经问过丁光辉这件事情了,她当然知道铁小虎是在撒谎,可是人家当事人都不告发凌云,她再穷根究底自然就显得无趣,因此就没有再问。 Lin Menghan turns the head to look that said to Ling Yun: Ling Yun, you said that then a little matter, did you talk clearly with me did not end? Also must......” 林梦寒转头看向凌云道:“凌云,你说就这么一点儿事情,你跟我说清楚了不就完了么?还非得……” She wants saying that must seize here to come me, may work as surface of these eight people, these words she is saying in any event, therefore spoke of the halfway to swallow back. 她本想说还非得把我掳到这里来,可当着这八个人的面儿,这句话她无论如何都说不出口,因此说到半路又咽了回去。 Ling Yun basic manages her then being disinclined, whispered a chest not to have the brain at heart greatly, then looked to Li Qingchuan: I said, show package of handsome fellows, I rescue your life, making you invite this, is not excessive?” 凌云根本就懒得理她,心里嘀咕了一句胸大无脑,然后就看向了李晴川:“我说,骚包帅哥,我救你一命,让你请这一顿,不算过分吧?” Ling Yun said that is makes Li Qingchuan treat, has not listened to him to comply to the present, therefore hurries to confirm before eating meal, if when the time comes must own take out money, that may suffer a loss to eat has sent greatly, that is not his style! 凌云说是让李晴川请客,到现在还没听他答应呢,因此在吃饭前赶紧确认一下,万一到时候还得自己掏钱,那可就吃亏吃大发了,那不是他的风格! Li Qingchuan has the demeanor very much, is very polite, he shows a faint smile saying: Ling Yun, I listened to Ning'er saying that you have cured my old ailment thoroughly, was?” 李晴川很有风度,也很客气,他微微一笑道:“凌云,我听凝儿说,你已经彻底把我的病根治好了,是不是?” Ling Yun very natural nod, hehe said with a smile: Calculates that your boy is in luck, if today changes few people, your this life threw here!” 凌云很自然的点了点头,嘿嘿笑道:“算你小子走运,今天要是换个别人,你这条命就扔这里了!” Li Qingchuan has stood, towards Ling Yun bends the waist to say slightly: Then, my Li Qingchuan has owed you a life, do not say that is asks you to have this food, was my father knew , the personally brought upon oneself you to thank one well!” 李晴川站了起来,对着凌云微微弯腰道:“这么说来,我李晴川就欠了你一条命,不要说是请你吃这顿饭,就是我爸爸知道了,也会亲自找到你好好感谢一番的!” Ling Yun to the present has not known that the Li Qingchuan father is the Clear Water member, but saw that can also have the advantage to fish, he naturally all comes are welcome, the numerous nods shouted one: Good!” 凌云到现在还不知道李晴川的爸爸就是清水的一把手,不过见到还能有好处可以捞,他自然是来者不拒,重重点头喊了一声:“好!” Li Qingchuan then sits down. 李晴川这才坐下。 Ling Yun turns the head to say to Ning Lingyu: Younger sister, do I give you a good thing you to want?” 凌云转头对宁灵雨道:“妹妹,我送你一个好东西你要不要?” He must give a Ning Lingyu pleasant surprise in the presence of everyone, therefore has sold a climax first. 他要当众给宁灵雨一个惊喜,因此先卖了一个关子。 The vision of all people have observed immediately closely Ning Lingyu, Ning Lingyu chuckle said with a smile tenderly: What good thing? Big Brother gave to my me naturally to want!” 所有人的目光顿时都盯住了宁灵雨,宁灵雨咯咯娇笑道:“什么好东西啊?哥哥送给我的我当然要了!” Ling Yun hehe said with a smile: Big Brother today did a car(riage), probably called any horse anything place, was evidently good, was very suitable you to open, later gave to you!” 凌云嘿嘿一笑道:“哥哥今天搞到了一辆车,好像叫什么马什么地的,看样子挺不错,很适合你开,以后就送给你了!” What?!” “什么?!” What?!” “什么?!” Ling Yun a few words said that several people rub has stood, they look to the Ling Yun's vision nearly delay, in the eye is the unbelievable look! 凌云一句话说完,好几个人蹭蹭蹭的就站了起来,他们看向凌云的目光近乎呆滞,眼中全是难以置信的神色! Especially by Cao Shanshan, Zhang Ling, Li Qingchuan is really! 尤其以曹珊珊,张灵,李晴川为甚! Cao Shanshan and Zhang Ling look at each other in blank dismay, two people have exchanged one „, but also was really gives to him the car(riage)!” Such expression, was all silly! 曹珊珊张灵面面相觑,两个人交换了一个“天哪,还真是把车送给他了!”这样的表情,全都傻了! As for Li Qingchuan, he is shocking shocking again shocking! 至于李晴川,他更是震惊震惊再震惊! Tang Meng future Big Brother-in-law? Ling Yun? Tang Meng future wife? Ning Lingyu?! 唐猛的未来大舅哥凌云唐猛的未来老婆?宁灵雨?! Originally own is opening that Maserati, unexpectedly is Ling Yun's? Moreover just did?! 原来自己开着回来的那辆玛莎拉蒂,竟然就是凌云的?而且还是刚搞到手的?! This, this also too heaven-defying?! 这,这也太逆天了吧?! That Maserati at least also 4 million, said that did to do, wasn't buys?! 那辆玛莎拉蒂至少也得4000000啊,说搞到手就搞到手了,难道还不是买的?! Li Qingchuan finally understood now why Tang Meng makes excuses on the road in school, anything does not dare saying that the heart said originally your Big Brother-in-law is Ling Yun! 李晴川现在终于明白了唐猛为什么在来学校的路上支支吾吾,什么也不敢多说,心说原来你的大舅哥就是凌云啊! He could not bear stared Tang Meng one ruthlessly, Tang Meng was very awkward, hehe has ridiculed two. 他忍不住狠狠瞪了唐猛一眼,唐猛很是尴尬,嘿嘿讪笑了两声。 Ning Lingyu thought that the car(riage) is away from the life of own to be very remote, therefore usually does not care about the famous car(riage), she sees the Big Brother car(riage) famous metropolis not to talk clearly continually, immediately frowned said: What car(riage) is? What horse?” 宁灵雨觉得车距离自己的生活很遥远,因此平时并不怎么关心名车,她见哥哥连车名都说不清楚,顿时皱眉道:“到底是什么车啊?什么马?” Tang Meng continued Ning Lingyu: Lingyu, is Maserati, that car(riage) value 4 million!” 唐猛接过宁灵雨的话茬道:“灵雨,是玛莎拉蒂,那辆车值4000000呢!” Ah?! Ning Lingyu has publicized small mouth all of a sudden, the beautiful cheek solidified directly! 啊?!宁灵雨一下子张大了小嘴儿,绝美的脸蛋儿直接凝固了! Because that some satisfactory event, Maserati has represented some goal and some fantasy in in the heart of high-school student high school young girl particularly, even if Ning Lingyu does not care about the car(riage), but how Classmates said on current event news she not to know all day! 因为那位某美美事件,玛莎拉蒂在高中生尤其是高中少女的心中代表了某种目标和某种幻想,宁灵雨纵然不关心车,但是同学们整天挂在嘴边儿上的时事新闻她又如何不知道! Maserati? Can own have? 4 million?! The Ning Lingyu heart must jump excitedly! 玛莎拉蒂自己也能拥有?4000000?!宁灵雨激动地心脏都要跳出来了! First is Iphone5, is that good cell phone number card, now comes to soar directly, Big Brother delivered Maserati to give own all of a sudden! 先是Iphone5,再是那么牛的手机靓号卡,现在直接来了个一飞冲天,哥哥一下子就送了一辆玛莎拉蒂自己 Ning Lingyu only thought that the happiness of own within the body soon overflowed, she was excited **** fierce fluctuating, any words could not say, after long time, muttered said: But, Big Brother, won't I open?” 宁灵雨只觉得自己体内的幸福都快要溢出来了,她激动的****剧烈起伏,什么话都说不出来,半晌之后才喃喃说道:“可是,哥哥,我不会开啊?” Ling Yun looked at younger sister's pleasantly surprised expression, he favors to drown hehe said with a smile: Will not open can study, two months then the college entrance examination, tested trying again, summer vacation Big Brother accompanied you to study to drive, when learned when to open!” 凌云看了妹妹惊喜的表情,他宠溺的呵呵一笑道:“不会开可以学嘛,再有俩月就高考了,考完了试,暑假哥哥就陪你学开车去,啥时候学会了就啥时候开!” Now, in the room each women stare at Ning Lingyu, the vision in eye are envying, have the envy, the heart said that Ling Yun may really be good to unable to be good to this younger sister, such good car(riage) just succeeded in obtaining, has given immediately to the own younger sister! 现在,屋里每一个女人都盯着宁灵雨,眼中的目光有羡慕,有嫉妒,心说凌云对他这个妹妹可真是好到不能再好了,这么好的车刚到手,立即就送给了自己的妹妹! Although Xue Meining not rare that Maserati, may give Ning Lingyu regarding Ling Yun the car(riage), is some small jealousy, the heart said that pretends to ask me good suddenly also! 薛美凝虽然不稀罕那辆玛莎拉蒂,可对于凌云把车送给宁灵雨,还是有些小醋意的,心说就算装作问我一下也行嘛! Cao Shanshan sighed slightly, slowly sat on the own seat, has not spoken. 曹珊珊微微叹了一口气,慢慢地坐回了自己的座位上,没有说话。 This Ling Yun, to Ning Lingyu, good was truly more excessive. 这个凌云,对宁灵雨,好的确实过分了些。 Zhang Ling did not look at Li Qingchuan at this time, her look complex looks at Ling Yun, the heart said him, if my Big Brother, or was my boyfriend, that should good! 张灵此时也不看李晴川了,她神色复杂的看着凌云,心说他要是我的哥哥,或者是我的男朋友,那该有多好! But she has swept opposite Xue Meining and Cao Shanshan and the others, the look starts dimly, has done silently. 可是她扫了一眼对面的薛美凝曹珊珊等人,神色开始黯淡,默默地做了下来。 Zhang Ling knows, competes with these people, her opportunity is almost equal to zero. 张灵知道,跟这些人竞争,她的机会几乎等于零。 Quick, the service person started liquor to serve food but actually, has been busy at work. 很快的,服务员开始倒酒上菜,忙活了起来。 In room lively, nobody notes, out of the window originally sunlight bright clear sky gradually gloomy, the distant place rumble transmits a spring thunder. 屋里热闹非常,没有人注意到,窗外原本阳光灿烂的晴空渐渐地阴暗了下来,远处轰隆隆传来一声春雷。 It seems like Ling Yun said last night right, Clear Water City must rain. 看来凌云昨晚说的没错,清水市要下雨了。
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