DEMG :: Volume #2

#127: today does not need to give me to economize!

Is Li Qingchuan eagerly tries to prove Ning'er now the Ling Yun's girlfriend, making a veiled attack that he adds inflammatory details. 李晴川现在急于求证凝儿到底是不是凌云的女朋友,他添油加醋的旁敲侧击。 Ning'er, aren't you Ling Yun's girlfriend? You look at Ling Yun, left is hugging one, right is holding one, actually did not consider that your feeling, you aren't angry?” 凝儿,你不是凌云的女朋友嘛?你看凌云,左边儿搂着一个,右边儿抱着一个,却根本不考虑你的感受,难道你就不生气?” Isn't Xue Meining angry? She is angry compared with anyone! 薛美凝怎么不生气?她比谁都生气! The young seductress was pressed the eyebrow white Li Qingchuan, said ill-humoredly: You are not knowing that right that is younger sister Ling Yun's is good?!” 小妖女蹙着眉毛白了李晴川一眼,没好气说道:“你知道个屁啊,右边儿那个是凌云的妹妹好不好?!” However she was whispering, the younger sister who could not do well Ling Yun this different father different mother was the own most formidable love rival! 不过她心里却在嘀咕,搞不好凌云这个异父异母的妹妹才是自己最强大的情敌! After all Ning Lingyu gives the Ling Yun pink rose, Xue Meining witnesses with own eyes. 毕竟宁灵雨送给凌云粉红色的蔷薇花,薛美凝是亲眼见证。 Ning Lingyu to Ling Yun's that special cordiality, to the present can say that hidden has a sleep/felt besides Xue Meining, at that time similarly saw that this Tang Meng cannot look! 宁灵雨凌云的那一丝特殊的情意,到现在可以说除了薛美凝隐有所觉之外,就连当时同样看到这一幕的唐猛都不看不出来! However after Xue Meining went back last night, in has recalled at heart carefully, she had not seen that Ling Yun has that emotion to Ning Lingyu, attendance and concern of Ling Yun to the Ning Lingyu, complete stemming from the sentiment of pure brother and sister, this point Xue Meining believes that own has not misread absolutely. 不过薛美凝昨晚回去之后在心里仔细回想过,她并没有看出凌云宁灵雨有那种情感,凌云宁灵雨的照顾与关怀,完完全全都是出于纯粹的兄妹之情,这一点薛美凝相信自己绝对没有看错。 Should, the different father different mother brother and sister not be the younger sister!” Xue Meining is thinking like this, could not bear own nod to confirm the idea of own gently, but she remembered Ling Yun, so long as saw the own younger sister, in the eye again could not install any other woman, could not bear and digs small mouth to start to be discontented. “应该不会的,异父异母的兄妹也是妹妹呀!”薛美凝这样想着,忍不住自己轻轻点头确认了一下自己的想法,可她一想起凌云只要见了自己的妹妹,眼中就再也装不下任何一个别的女人,就忍不住又撅着小嘴儿开始不满。 Xue Meining truly looks is very accurate, Ling Yun complete is the emotions of pure brother and sister is not false to Ning Lingyu, otherwise he will not allow Tang Meng to like Ning Lingyu. 薛美凝确实看的很准,凌云宁灵雨完完全全是纯粹的兄妹之情丝毫不假,不然他也不会允许唐猛喜欢宁灵雨 Similarly, Ning Lingyu this younger sister, in Ling Yun status at heart, can keep pace besides his mother Qin Qiuyue now, any other women cannot compare! 同样的,宁灵雨这个妹妹,现在在凌云心里的地位,除了他的母亲秦秋月能够并驾齐驱之外,其他任何一个女人都比不上! So long as this point were individual can look, no matter because when and where, so long as Ning Lingyu arrived at side Ling Yun, other woman immediately has become in the Ling Yun eye the ornaments \; 这一点只要是个人就能看出来了,因为不管在何时何地,只要宁灵雨来到凌云身边,别的女人在凌云眼中立即就成了摆设\; He when facing Ning Lingyu, will display besides Ning Lingyu, that anybody cannot enjoy kind and concern, each look, is each movement, or each smiling face, gives Ning Lingyu, making other woman unable to raise including the thoughts of envy! 他只有在面对宁灵雨的时候,才会表现出除了宁灵雨之外,任何人都享受不到的那种亲切和关爱,无论是每一个眼神,还是每一个动作,或者每一个笑容,统统都是给予宁灵雨的,让别的女人连嫉妒的心思都提不起来! Xue Meining now this feeling is especially intense! She believes that Cao Shanshan is also good, is hugged by Ling Yun now in that female Celestial Immortal of bosom, cannot compare own to be important in the Ling Yun in the heart status absolutely, but if compared with Ning Lingyu-- should or exempts. 薛美凝现在这种感觉尤其强烈!她相信无论是曹珊珊也好,还是现在被凌云搂在怀里的那位女天仙也罢,绝对都比不上自己凌云心中的地位重要,可要是和宁灵雨相比——最好还是免了吧。 Li Qingchuan incomparably said astonished: What?! You said what right him is embracing is the own younger sister?” However he changes mind thinks, immediately suddenly realize: „, No wonder, called Ling Yun, was called the heavy rain, was surnamed Ling, was not the brother and sister!” 李晴川惊愕无比道:“什么?!你说他右边揽着的是自己的妹妹?”不过他转念一想,立即恍然大悟:“哦,怪不得呢,一个叫凌云,一个叫凌雨,都姓凌,可不就是兄妹么!” Cao Shanshan suddenly meaningfully if has referred to inserted one: He is not surnamed Ling fake, but his sister is not surnamed Ling, surnamed Ning, is called Ning Lingyu, is the spiritual energy threatening that spirit!” 曹珊珊忽然意味深长若有所指的插了一句:“他姓凌不假,可他妹妹不姓凌,姓宁,叫做宁灵雨,是灵气逼人的那个灵!” Li Qingchuan was then sillier: „...... Isn't the one's own brother and sister? How is this matter?” 李晴川这下更傻了:“嘎……不是亲生兄妹啊?这到底是怎么一回事?” Zhang Ling hears chuckle to smile in the one side, Xue Meining looking pensive glanced Cao Shanshan one. 张灵在一旁听得咯咯直笑,薛美凝若有所思的瞟了曹珊珊一眼。 Behind four people, Tang Meng and Tie Xiaohu side-by-side walk in the same place. 四人后边,唐猛铁小虎肩并肩走在一起。 The figure of two people are one by one big, this walks shoulder to shoulder in the campus, is very garish, caused the student who passes by the road focuses secretly looks. 两个人的身形一个比一个高大,这样并肩走在校园里,很是扎眼,引得过路的学生偷着眼儿看。 Brother Hu, planned mixed really with my eldest child?” The Tang Meng complexion restored proper, light asking. 虎哥,真打算跟我老大混了?”唐猛脸色恢复了正经,淡淡的问道。 Tang Meng besides does not dare to call Ling Yun in front of Ling Yun's mother Qin Qiuyue now is an eldest child, works as Ning Lingyu to be also good, is Xue Meining Cao Shanshan is also good, he called Ling Yun for the eldest child. 唐猛现在除了不敢在凌云的母亲秦秋月面前称呼凌云是老大之外,无论是当着宁灵雨也好,还是薛美凝曹珊珊也好,他都称呼凌云为老大。 For the gambling house of Ling Yun that amassing money, Tang Meng now almost cannot help announcing the school! 要不是为了凌云那个敛财的赌局,唐猛现在几乎忍不住要宣告全校了! Since Ling Yun said to the Azure Dragon person, after Tie Xiaohu, with him, looks like in Tang Meng, this matter has been settled, therefore he does not have any scruples to Tie Xiaohu. 凌云既然对青龙的人说了,铁小虎以后跟他,在唐猛看来,这件事就是板上钉钉了,因此他对铁小虎也没有什么顾忌可言。 Tie Xiaohu nodded, said without hesitation: Em!” 铁小虎点了点头,毫不犹豫道:“恩!” Tang Meng surprise looks at Tie Xiaohu saying: I wondered, eldest child punches such you, but also gave to hit to take you really? Don't you hate him?” 唐猛诧异的看着铁小虎道:“我就纳闷了,老大把你揍成那样,还真把你给打服了?你就一点儿都不恨他?” Tie Xiaohu hehe said with a smile: Em, took, I feared him, thanked him. However will not hate him absolutely!” 铁小虎嘿嘿一笑道:“恩,服了,我怕他,也感激他。但是绝对不会恨他!” The Tang Meng whole face doubts, he also asked: „Don't you fear the Azure Dragon retaliation?” 唐猛满脸疑惑,他又问道:“那你就不怕青龙报复?” Tie Xiaohu shows a faint smile saying: Feared, but I believe Ling Yun can cope Azure Dragon, how will not let them me.” 铁小虎微微一笑道:“怕,但是我相信凌云能对付的了青龙,不会让他们把我怎么着的。” This point Tang Meng naturally believes now, therefore nodded saying: That actually, but, the rivers and lakes legend you may be the Azure Dragon future successor extremely, do you give up to give up?” 这一点唐猛现在当然相信,因此点了点头道:“那倒是,不过,江湖传说你极有可能是青龙的未来接班人,难道你舍得放弃?” A Tie Xiaohu thick eyebrows porch, the vision brilliant stares at Ling Yun of distant place saying: Can mix with Ling Yun is better!” 铁小虎浓眉一轩,目光灼灼盯着远处的凌云道:“跟着凌云会混的更好!” Tang Meng did not have the issue, the heart said that do not look at Tie Xiaohu to be tall, was an astute person! 唐猛没有问题了,心说别看铁小虎五大三粗,也是个精明至极的人啊! Forefront, Ling Yun left Lou hugs, he arrived at Champions' Building at this time immediately, saw Lin Menghan as if to restore the strength, started to struggle, his frowned lowered the head saying: Do not move, was careful that I select you again!” 最前面,凌云左搂又抱,他此时已经马上到了状元楼了,见林梦寒似乎又恢复了力气,开始挣扎了起来,他皱眉低头道:“别动,小心我再点你啊!” Lin Menghan angry is staring at Ling Yun, actually really does not dare to move, Ling Yun approached side her a moment ago, does not know that with any sorcery, has let her entire body all of a sudden then the numb and aching, that feeling does not feel better. 林梦寒愤怒的盯着凌云,却真的就不敢动,刚才凌云靠近她身边,不知道用了什么妖法,让她整个身子一下子就酸麻了,那种感觉着实不好受。 Lin Menghan thinks saying: Ling Yun, I wear a police uniform now, we now does this appearance, what dignity become? Do you let loose me?” 林梦寒想了想道:“凌云,我现在穿着一身警服,我们现在这个样子,成什么体统?你放开我吧?” Ling Yun hehe one happy: Lets loose you to be able, but you go Champions' Building to record the oral confession with me obediently, what kind of?” 凌云嘿嘿一乐:“放开你可以,不过你得乖乖地跟我去状元楼录口供去,怎么样?” Lin Menghan has a dream cannot think, she wants to bring Ling Yun to return to the police authorities to record the oral confession, finally after by Ling Yun in a few words, seizing here recorded the oral confession, came to here, was records the oral confession the place?! 林梦寒做梦也想不到,她本来是想带凌云回警局录口供的,结果被凌云三言两语之后,给掳到这里来录口供了,到这里来,是录口供的地方吗?! Now she knows, own at all is not the Ling Yun's match, therefore can only compromise: Good, I go with you, you first let loose me now.” 现在她已经知道,自己根本不是凌云的对手,因此只能妥协:“好吧,我跟你去,你现在先放开我。” Ling Yun turns head to smile to Ning Lingyu, then let go to let loose Lin Menghan, ran as for Lin Menghan, he being disinclined managed, runs just right has eaten meal relieved, the record oral confession of province was so troublesome! 凌云扭头冲宁灵雨笑了笑,然后松手放开了林梦寒,至于林梦寒跑不跑,他才懒得管,跑了正好安心吃饭,省的录口供那么麻烦了! Ning Lingyu rebukes has retaliated Ling Yun bewitchingly charming one: Big Brother, how you can treat this police Elder Sister like this, others are also well-meant.” 宁灵雨嗔怪的回敬了凌云千娇百媚的一眼:“哥哥,你怎么可以这样对待这位警察姐姐嘛,人家又没有恶意。” Which women Ling Yun deals with have the own means that is only a little means does not have to the own younger sister, can only be awkward to rub the head of Ning Lingyu. 凌云对付哪个女人都有自己的办法,唯独对自己的妹妹是一点儿办法都没有,只能尴尬着揉了揉宁灵雨的脑袋。 Walks, goes to want to eat anything casually, do not economize to that show package of boys of!” “走吧,进去想吃什么随便点,千万别给那个骚包的小子省钱!” Ling Yun loosens the hand of Lin Menghan, no matter directly she, embraced Ning Lingyu to enter Champions' Building. 凌云松开林梦寒的手,就直接不管她了,揽着宁灵雨就进了状元楼 Since Lin Menghan arrived here, a person went back not to have what meaning again, therefore she clenched teeth, stamping the feet of ruthlessly, followed Ling Yun. 林梦寒既然来到这里了,一个人再回去也没有什么意思,因此她一咬牙,狠狠的跺了跺脚,也跟着凌云走了进去。 today is on Monday, the Champions' Building business is poor, in the hall is very quiet, the great hall manager looked that Ling Yun leads enormous and powerful such one group of people to come to the shop to eat meal, immediately happy beaming with joy, she did not wait for the service person to call personally to welcome. 今天是星期一,状元楼的生意并不怎么好,大厅里很是清静,大堂经理一看凌云带着浩浩荡荡那么一群人来店里吃饭,顿时乐的眉开眼笑,她不等服务员招呼就亲自迎了上来。 Hello, the following these people are your together? Do you want private room or the hall?” “您好,请问后面这些人都是和您一起的吗?您要包间还是大厅?” Ling Yun careless nod of: Good, is the same places, sees? Has 50 people! Wants private room, must best five private room!” 凌云大大咧咧的点了点头:“不错,都是一起的,看到没?有50来人呢!要包间,要最好的五个包间!” Some people spend in any case, butchers! 反正有人花钱,往死里宰呗! Good, please go upstairs with me!” “好的,请您跟我上楼!” The great hall manager told that the service person greeted Ling Yun following Classmates, own brings Ling Yun to arrive at three buildings personally. 大堂经理吩咐服务员招呼凌云后面的同学,自己亲自带着凌云来到了三楼。 The Ling Yun previous time eats meal Kuixing Pavilion that stays, in Champions' Building second floor, second floor private room mainly aims at the student party, in the decoration scale, naturally compared with three building Shaocha. 凌云上次来吃饭所呆的魁星阁,在状元楼二楼,二楼包间主要是针对学生聚会的,在装潢档次上,自然要比三楼稍差一些。 Ling Yun now is God of Wealth, great hall manager naturally quite entertains, she Ling Yun arrangement in best private room, has then been smiling other people who exits behind greeting to come. 凌云现在是财神爷,大堂经理自然好生招待,她把凌云安排在了最好的包间,然后微笑着出去招呼后面来的其他人了。 Ling Yun makes Ning Lingyu sit near own left hand as before, then he to standing Lin Menghan in private room said: Hey, Young Lady Lin, do not record the oral confession? Sits to my side! You can record heartily!” 凌云依旧让宁灵雨坐在自己左手边,然后他冲着站在包间里的林梦寒道:“喂,林小姐,你不是要录口供吗?坐到我身边来吧!你可以尽情录!” Lin Menghan bewildered by Ling Yun kidnapping to here, had been remembered Ling Yun closely to hug the scene of own slender waist secretly to shame the anger a moment ago, her cold snort/hum, looked for a seat to sit casually. 林梦寒莫名其妙的就被凌云“劫持”到了这里,一想起凌云刚才紧紧地搂着自己纤腰的情景就暗暗羞怒,她冷哼了一声,随便找了个座位坐了下来。 Quick, Cao Shanshan, the Xue Meining four people have also come in Tang Meng Tie Xiaohu two people, this Cao Shanshan has not waited for Zhang Ling to shout him, comes to want to sit to the Ling Yun side. 很快,曹珊珊,薛美凝四人和唐猛铁小虎两人也进来了,这次曹珊珊没有等张灵喊他,一进来就想坐到凌云身边去。 Cao Shanshan just arrived at side Ling Yun to sit down, actually sees Ling Yun to beckon to say to Xue Meining: Ning'er, comes, sits down to my side!” 曹珊珊刚走到凌云身边想要坐下,却见凌云薛美凝招手道:“凝儿,过来,到我身边儿来坐下!” Seemed like this fellow thought at this time, own today was also bringing greatly shield duty! 貌似这家伙这时候才想起来,自己今天还带着巨大的“挡箭牌”任务的! So long as Li Qingchuan does not walk for a while, this shield routinely, when gets down! 李晴川只要一时不走,他这个挡箭牌就得按部就班的当下去! Sees Ling Yun as before not to pay attention to her now, Cao Shanshan has made a big red painted-face all of a sudden, only thinks awkward incomparable, wishes one could to look for a crack to worm one's way into. 凌云现在依旧不把她放在眼里,曹珊珊一下子闹了个大红脸,只觉得尴尬无比,恨不得找个地缝钻进去。 Xue Meining actually lights up with pleasure, her chuckle arrives at the Ling Yun's right hand tenderly with a smile sits down, is holding the Ling Yun's arm on own initiative, draws close to his ear said in a low voice: Calculates that you know the limitation!” 薛美凝却是喜笑颜开,她咯咯娇笑着来到凌云的右手边坐下,然后主动抱着凌云的胳膊,贴近他耳边低声道:“算你识相!” Then she has patted the right seat, a face self-satisfied said to Cao Shanshan: Shanshan Elder Sister, do you sit here?” 然后她拍了拍右边的座位,一脸得意的对曹珊珊道:“珊珊姐姐,你坐这里吧?” Although has the meaning of demonstration, may give under a Cao Shanshan stair finally, Cao Shanshan blushes graciousness to take a seat. 虽然有着示威的意思,可总算是给了曹珊珊一个台阶下,曹珊珊红着脸“恩”了一声就坐了下来。 Tang Meng sits in the position that as before, in the vice- Lord accompanies, with Ling Yun face-to-face, near his right hand naturally is Tie Xiaohu. 唐猛依旧坐在副主陪的位置上,跟凌云面对面,他的右手边自然是铁小虎 However his left is actually the Celestial Immortal beautiful police officer, Lin Menghan, this lets the time that Tang Meng sits has puffed and blown half-day/long time, gets flushed in the face with anger excitedly. 不过他的左边却是天仙般的美女警花,林梦寒,这让唐猛一坐下来的时候吭哧了半天,激动地脸红脖子粗的。 Li Qingchuan demonstrated at this time the government authorities playboy high culture, after he has come, on own initiative sat right Tie Xiaohu, was away from two seats with Ning Lingyu. 李晴川这时候显示出了官家纨绔的良好修养,他进来以后就主动坐到了铁小虎右边,跟宁灵雨隔着两个座位。 Zhang Ling took certainly a seat Li Qingchuan and Ning Lingyu middle, can with idol Li Qingchuan next to sitting together, her excited appearance had compared with Tang Meng has not been inferior. 张灵当然就坐到了李晴川宁灵雨的中间,能够和偶像李晴川紧挨着坐在一起,她激动的样子比唐猛有过之而不不及。 As for other Classmates of third year class 6, nature ten person private room sat casually, Zhang Dong and Chai Hanlin and the others came this private room to greet with Ling Yun, they are not silly, looked at the person in this room on own initiative to go to other private room. 至于高三六班的其他同学,自然十个人一个包间随便坐了,张东柴翰林等人来这个包间凌云打了个招呼,他们都不傻,一看这屋里的人就主动都去别的包间了。 Ling Yun sees all people to arrive in full, he service person who pours water with the room in unfolds the face to smile, said loudly: Did not need to read the menu, should the most expensive vegetable come up your shop, five private room were the same, today did not need to give me to economize!” 凌云见所有人都到齐,他跟屋里倒水的服务员展颜一笑,大声说道:“不用看菜单了,把你们店里最好最贵的菜都上来,五个包间都一样,今天不用给我省钱!” Spends others' money is comfortable, Ling Yun that called one to be sporty! 花别人的钱就是舒坦,凌云那叫一个底气十足!
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