DEMG :: Volume #2

#126: The vinegar sea lives the wave

Because in entire square sea of people, a piece chaotic, left Ling Yun slightly to be far a moment ago Classmates, could not hear clearly Ling Yun and Lin Menghan said anything mutually, they saw two people to say after several words, Ling Yun walked up, extremely intimate hugged Lin Menghan to walk, each and everyone immediately all dumbfounded, dumbstruck! 由于整个广场上人山人海,一片乱糟糟的,刚才离得凌云稍远一些的同学,根本听不清凌云林梦寒互相说了什么,他们见两人说了几句话之后,凌云走上前去,极其亲热的搂着林梦寒就走,一个个顿时全都傻眼,目瞪口呆 „Is this also good? Do that police spend do not look for Ling Yun to record the oral confession? Drilled the Ling Yun bosom?” “这也行?那位警花不是要找凌云录口供吗?怎么钻凌云怀里去了?” Doesn't understand? Elder Brother told you, today in the morning this beautiful, if the Celestial Immortal police spent our school to look for Ling Yun, knows that was why to come? Delivers the clothes to Ling Yun! Now knows why she did drill the Ling Yun bosom to go?” “不懂了吧?哥来告诉你,今天上午这位美若天仙的警花来咱们学校找过凌云,知道是来干嘛的么?给凌云送衣服!现在知道她为什么钻凌云怀里去了吧?” „? You said, their two do have a leg? Oh, Ling Yun this also too heaven-defying, just I also saw him and Xue Meining hot kiss!” “啊?你是说,他们两个有一腿?天哪,凌云这也太逆天了吧,刚刚我还看到他和薛美凝热吻的!” What is this? Now everybody added that Cao Shanshan is the Ling Yun's girlfriend, moreover had been located by breaking! Ling Yun hugs that police officer time, do you note the Cao Shanshan complexion? Hehe......” “这算什么?现在大家都还说曹珊珊凌云的女朋友呢,而且已经被破处了!凌云搂那位女警花的时候,你注意到曹珊珊的脸色没有?嘿嘿……” Ling Yun may have really lucky in love, this he was also too happy?” 凌云可真有艳福啊,这他吗的也太幸福了吧?” time, in entire square noisy, said anything has, they look to the Ling Yun's vision, is five characters: Envies the envy to hate! 时间,整个广场上沸沸扬扬,说什么的都有,他们看向凌云的目光,就是五个字:羡慕嫉妒恨! The students present of third year class 6 is really crisp, heard that Ling Yun must ask them to go to Champions' Building to have the feast, no matter men and women, each and everyone with hitting the excitement of chicken blood, in high spirits following in Ling Yun behind, that sunny expression, seems like pursuing on the bride child of decorated sedan chair. 高三六班的学生们现在可是真爽,一听说凌云要请他们去状元楼吃大餐,不管男女,一个个跟打了鸡血似的兴奋,兴高采烈的跟在凌云身后,那高兴劲儿,就像是追着新娘上花轿的小孩儿似的。 First let alone had the feast, had a look at Ling Yun these people: That Celestial Immortal police officer, two super school beauty Ning Lingyu and Cao Shanshan, most has potential school beauty Xue Meining, adds on a super handsome fellow again, Clear Water first playboy Li Qingchuan, with has a look at the handsome fellow beautiful woman, enough raises the eye! 先别说吃大餐了,就看看凌云身旁这些人吧:那位天仙般的女警花,两位超级校花宁灵雨曹珊珊,还有一位最有潜力的校花薛美凝,再加上一个超级帅哥,清水第一纨绔李晴川,就只是跟着去看看帅哥美女,都足够养眼的了! Ling Yun this throat, entire third year class 6 except for Wei Tiangan and Jia Meng two people, other people all! 凌云这一嗓子,整个高三六班除了韦天干贾猛两人,其他人全跟着去了! Wei Tiangan looks at Ling Yun that eye-catching / flashy, the heart that now wants dead has, he will certainly not go \; As for Jia Meng, cough cough, Jia Meng was fallen two teeth by the Ling Yun fan, has not lessened the swollen area to the present face! 韦天干看着凌云那么拉风,现在想死的心都有,他当然不会去\;至于贾猛,咳咳,贾猛凌云搧落了两颗牙齿,到现在脸还没消肿呢! Wei Tiangan whole face hatred looks at Ling Yun to depart, in the heart feared hates and gets angry, waits for Ling Yun to step onto the campus main road, a corner could not see the person's shadow, he wicked has spat phlegm toward the ground, said: Snort, you are favorite, offended Azure Dragon, when I look at you to be able rampantly to! I do not believe the entire Azure Dragon nobody can govern you!” 韦天干满脸怨毒的看着凌云离去,心中是又惧又恨又怒,等凌云走上了校园主干道,一拐弯看不到人影了,他才恶狠狠的往地上吐了一口痰,说道:“哼,你就得意吧,得罪了青龙,我看你能嚣张到几时!我就不信整个青龙没人能治的了你!” Ling Yun is hugging Lin Menghan, embraces Ning Lingyu to walk in the forefront, the third year class 6 in high spirits crowd follows, Xue Meining, Cao Shanshan, Zhang Ling, Li Qingchuan, four people walk in the same place, Cao Shanshan walks, while wraps the Xue Meining words. 凌云搂着林梦寒,揽着宁灵雨走在最前面,高三六班兴高采烈的人群紧随其后,薛美凝,曹珊珊,张灵,李晴川,四个人走在一起,曹珊珊一边走,一边套薛美凝的话。 Ning'er, when you are know with Ling Yun? I remember that you haven't told me?” 凝儿,你是什么时候跟凌云认识的啊?我记得你从来没有跟我说过啊?” Li Qingchuan also hurried to raise up the ear to listen attentively. 李晴川也赶忙竖起了耳朵倾听。 This boy looked a moment ago Ling Yun hugged that beautiful police officer to walk unexpectedly, was at that time startled dumbstruck, the heart did not say that that you played, was my this Clear Water first playboy cannot do, this also too aggressive overbearing! 这小子刚才一看凌云竟然抱着那位美女警花走了,当时也惊了个目瞪口呆,心说不是吧,你玩儿的这一手,就是我这个清水第一纨绔也做不来,这也太生猛霸道了些! Others are also police, coming out carry out the official business, manages the case, prepares to lead to record the oral confession you, you are booing, came to change from guest to host directly, in turn others abducting! 人家好歹也是个警察,出来是执行公务,办案子的,准备把你带回去录口供呢,你倒好,直接来了个反客为主,反过来把人家给掳走了! Moreover over a thousand people are staring are looking, Ling Yun this too overbearing, is also too rampant, too eye-catching / flashy? 而且上千人在盯着看呢,凌云这也太霸道,太嚣张,太拉风了吧? However, when he saw Ling Yun left hand is hugging Lin Menghan, the right hand is embracing Ning Lingyu the time, the heart that thorough desperate passed coolly started to move! 不过,当他看到凌云左手搂着林梦寒,右手揽着宁灵雨的时候,本来已经彻底绝望凉透的心又开始活动了起来! But Ning'er Ling Yun's girlfriend, he no matter why Ning'er, but also dares to work as Ning'er surface, hugs other woman? 凝儿可是凌云的女朋友,他为什么不管凝儿,还敢当着凝儿的面儿,去抱别的女人呢? Moreover Ning'er besides pursing the lips to express discontentedly, has not made other indication, this did not conform to the Ning'er disposition very much! 而且凝儿除了撅嘴表示不满之外,也没有做出其他的表示,这很不符合凝儿的性格啊! Li Qingchuan is very intelligent, he has thought through these, immediately to pursuing Ning'er the matter has been full of the hope, therefore hears Cao Shanshan to ask Xue Meining now, immediately was careful. 李晴川很聪明,他想通了这些,立即又对追求凝儿的事情充满了希望,因此现在听到曹珊珊薛美凝,立时就上心了。 Xue Meining blindly follows suit follows the crowd forward, her beautiful big eye winks does not wink, has been staring at the front Ling Yun's back, complexion of elegant face is very ugly, that expression understood at a glance, not being feeling well of ten points! 薛美凝亦步亦趋的跟着人群向前走,她的一双美丽的大眼睛眨都不眨,一直盯着前面凌云的背影,一张俏脸的脸色很是难看,那表情一看就知道,十分的不爽! What, had just won others first kiss, now is actually hugging other woman, irritated me!” “什么嘛,刚刚夺走了人家的初吻,现在却搂着别的女人,气死我了!” Xue Meining in the heart hates secretly, walking of air/Qi stamps the feet! 薛美凝心中暗恨,气的走路直跺脚! After she hears the question of Cao Shanshan, replying angrily: „On the day of Ling Yun carries the sandbag to run like crazy!” 她听到曹珊珊的问话之后,气鼓鼓的答道:“凌云扛着沙袋疯跑那天!” Cao Shanshan listened, asking that nod of looking pensive, then continues to maintain composure: That day Ling Yun jogs, I also noticed that you accompanied him to run, give him cheers/cheering to cheer, but how you knew?” 曹珊珊听了,若有所思的点了点头,然后继续不动声色的问道:“凌云那天跑步,我也看到你陪着他跑,给他加油助威了,可是你们是怎么认识的呢?” Xue Meining does not garrison to Cao Shanshan, speaks thoughtlessly to reply: Next day I bumped into him in school entrance, he said that must exit to buy the silver needle, Shanshan Elder Sister, you know that in silver needle my family some, therefore led him to go back with! Really mean-spirited!” 薛美凝曹珊珊根本不设防,随口答道:“第二天我又在校门口碰上他了,他说要出去买银针,珊珊姐姐,你知道的,银针我家里有的是嘛,所以就带他回去拿了呗!真小气!” Xue Meining as if remembered two people to sit the matter of rental car, said bitterly, but also subconscious traces the thigh of own with the snow-white fresh-faced small hand. 薛美凝似乎又想起了两人坐出租车的事情,恨恨说道,还下意识的用雪白粉嫩的小手摸了摸自己的大腿。 That place she remembers profoundly, that is Ling Yun has twisted. 那个地方她记忆深刻,那可是凌云拧过的。 How that then few days, you progress is so quick?” Cao Shanshan pretends face curious asking. “那这才没有几天啊,你们怎么进展的这么快啊?”曹珊珊装作一脸好奇的问道。 Xue Meining sees Cao Shanshan anything to ask, the young seductress finally started vigilantly, she has remembered in the class suddenly over the two days the rumor about Ling Yun and Cao Shanshan. 薛美凝曹珊珊什么都问,小妖女终于开始警觉了起来,她忽然想起了班里这两天关于凌云曹珊珊的传言。 Xue Meining saw Ling Yun to go out of the school gate, she has taken back the vision finally, turned head to stare a big eye to look at Cao Shanshan half-day/long time, the face of afraid Cao Shanshan looked at grinningly said red: This, is the personal privacy, cannot tell Shanshan Elder Sister!” 薛美凝看到凌云走出了校门,她终于收回了目光,扭头瞪着一双大眼睛看了曹珊珊半天,把本就心虚的曹珊珊的脸看红了才笑嘻嘻说道:“这个嘛,是个人隐私,就不能告诉珊珊姐姐啦!” Cracks a joke, Xue Meining is intelligent, her mind from the beginning has only placed on Ling Yun, has not thought, now was vigilant, remembered own this Qingshui High School first school beauty Shanshan Elder Sister, was very likely becomes the own love rival! 开玩笑,薛美凝聪慧无比,她一开始的心神只放在了凌云身上,没有多想,现在警觉了,才想起自己这位清水一中的第一校花珊珊姐姐,极有可能成为自己的情敌! Now own first kiss has given Ling Yun, no matter what, is topped, occupies completely takes the initiative, how will she give others such good opportunity?! 现在自己初吻已经给了凌云,不管怎么说,算是拔得头筹,占尽先机,她怎么会把这么好的机会让给别人?! Xue Meining since has known Ling Yun, has received Ling Yun's bullying, it may be said that was taken completely the advantage by Ling Yun, she also tries to revolt, may affect actually minimal. 薛美凝自打认识凌云以来,一直就受到凌云的“欺负”,可谓是被凌云占尽了便宜,她也试图反抗过,可作用却微乎其微。 Xue Meining after being admitted to high school, had listened to Ling Yun's given name, knows that Qingshui High School has the most vexed fatty, but she is any status, naturally cannot look at one to such Ling Yun. 薛美凝从考入高中之后,就已经听过了凌云的“大名”,知道清水一中有一个最窝囊的胖子,不过她是什么身份,对这样的凌云自然不会多看一眼。 Until the day of Ling Yun carries the sandbag to run like crazy on Sports Field, she noticed that Ling Yun runs up to spits blood was still insisting, unavoidably shocks from in the heart surprisedly admires, young miss is a warmheartedness, she is moved for a while, this first starts to jog with Ling Yun, accompanies him to run the entire journey, had insisted is Ling Yun cheers/cheering cheers. 直到凌云那天扛着沙袋在操场上疯跑,她看到凌云跑到吐血还在坚持,不免从心中惊讶震撼佩服,小姑娘是个热心肠,她一时感动,这才第一个跟着凌云开始跑步,陪他跑完全程,一直坚持为凌云加油助威。 At this time, Xue Meining while shocking, started to have curiously to Ling Yun, because she knows, the average person was absolutely impossible to carry that heavy sandbag to run is so long, ran also more runs is quicker. 这时候,薛美凝在震惊的同时,已经开始对凌云有了好奇,因为她知道,普通人绝对不可能扛着那么重的沙袋跑那么久,跑那么远还越跑越快的。 Therefore, under the curious and good psychological obligation, Xue Meining told the grandfather Ling Yun this matter, and begged the grandfather to get the physical exam to Ling Yun. 所以,在好奇和善良的心理驱使之下,薛美凝才把凌云这件事告诉了爷爷,并央求爷爷给凌云检查一下身体。 Then, two people starts from a pair of delighted enemy, shows the shocking medical skill to Ling Yun, displayed Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles to cure the Divine Docter Xue chronic illness temporarily, Xue Meining had the favorable impression in in the heart to Ling Yun at that time, but this favorable impression was mainly the sense of gratitude. 然后,两人从一对欢喜冤家开始,到凌云展现惊世医术,施展灵枢九针暂时治好了薛神医的旧疾,薛美凝那时已经在心中凌云有好感了,只是这种好感主要是感激之情。 Makes a move to save others at the traffic accident site to Ling Yun, because after Sun Xing insulted Xue Meining Sun Xing suddenly/violently to beat up, Xue Meining multiplied to the Ling Yun's favorable impression, at that time was very difficult to contain the own emotion. 凌云在车祸现场出手救人,并因为孙星侮辱薛美凝孙星暴揍一顿之后,薛美凝凌云的好感倍增,那时已经很难遏制自己的情感了。 When Li Qingchuan makes the phone call, Xue Meining without hesitation, can be said as the subconsciousness, lets Ling Yun makes own shield, the fake boyfriend, at this time is actually the expression of some suggestion, is only the young miss cheek is thin, in addition has never had the love, does not understand how to start this affection. 所以当李晴川打来电话的时候,薛美凝毫不犹豫的,也可以说是下意识的,让凌云自己的“挡箭牌”,假男朋友,这时候其实已经是某种暗示的表达,只是小姑娘面皮儿薄,再加上从来没有过恋爱,根本不懂的如何去开始这段恋情。 However, to Ling Yun makes cell phone number time, she kept 216 to own nine, lets Ling Yun with 206 nine, at this time was actually young miss to Ling Yun's first vindicating, the implication that what a pity Ling Yun did not understand these two numbers, has not been serious directly. 但是,给凌云弄手机靓号的时候,她给自己留了个216个九,让凌云用206个九,这时候其实是小姑娘凌云的第一次表白,可惜凌云根本不懂这两个号码的涵义,直接就没当回事。 The young seductress went to the Ling Yun home, has seen Ling Yun's mother Qin Qiuyue, acknowledged on own initiative after own is the Ling Yun's girlfriend, her own already thoroughly false has regarded, at that time Ling Yun in Xue Meining in the heart, promoted from the shield as the genuine boyfriend! 小妖女去了凌云家里,见过了凌云的母亲秦秋月,主动承认了自己凌云的女朋友之后,她自己已经彻底把假的当成了真的,那时候凌云薛美凝心中,已经从挡箭牌升级为真正的男朋友了! Therefore in the evening Xue Meining saw Ning Lingyu gives a Ling Yun pink rose unexpectedly, meets the complexion big change, the anger to from the vehicle, has picked big pile of scarlet red wild roses, has given Ling Yun completely, but also thousand urged ten thousand injunctions not to he discard. 所以当晚薛美凝看到宁灵雨竟然送给凌云一朵粉红色的蔷薇花,才会脸色大变,怒火冲冲的从车上下来,采了一大堆深红色的蔷薇,全部送给了凌云,还千叮咛万嘱咐不许他扔掉。 16-year-old flower season, 17-year-old rainy season, is the age of romantic first love, how Xue Meining not to speak the language of flowers of rose? 16岁的花季,17岁的雨季,正是浪漫初恋的年龄,薛美凝又如何不懂蔷薇花的花语? today Li Qingchuan kills in the morning suddenly, hit Xue Meining one to be caught off guard, under the Li Qingchuan relapse pressed for an answer, the young seductress has given to Ling Yun first kiss on own initiative, looked like in Ling Yun seems forces reluctantly, to Xue Meining, was actually successful! 今天上午李晴川突然杀到,打了薛美凝一个措手不及,在李晴川的反复逼问之下,小妖女主动把初吻献给了凌云,在凌云看来似乎是逼迫无奈,对薛美凝来说,其实是水到渠成! Otherwise, let alone the shield boyfriend, is the real boyfriend, Xue Meining does not want, no one want to obtain Xue Meining first kiss! 不然的话,别说挡箭牌男朋友,就是真男朋友,薛美凝不想给,谁也别想得到薛美凝初吻 Naturally, these psychological changes of Xue Meining, to cultivating true getting stronger Ling Yun, naturally completely could not feel wholeheartedly, until morning crazy kiss of two people under over a thousand people of gazes, he thinks that this is acting in a play! 当然,薛美凝的这些心理变化,对一心修真变强凌云来说,自然是完全感觉不到的,直到上午两人在上千人的注视之下狂吻,他都以为这还是在演戏呢! Xue Meining has recognized Ling Yun is his boyfriend, today saw the Ling Yun's heavens frightening performance, that in the heart can be imagined proudly! 薛美凝已经认准了凌云是他的男朋友,今天又看到了凌云的惊天表现,那心中的自豪可想而知! But she saw that Ling Yun left hand hugs a Celestial Immortal police flower, the right hand is embracing the own treasure younger sister, swaggers away, looked that does not look at own one, the mood of young seductress can feel better? 可她眼看着凌云左手搂着一位天仙般的警花,右手揽着自己的宝贝妹妹,扬长而去,连看都不看自己一眼,小妖女的心情能好受的了? This vinegar ate in a big way went, said that was the vinegar sea lives wave not to be overrated, therefore she regarding Cao Shanshan issue from the beginning, did not have the thoughts to ponder over, freely spoken answered, but the Cao Shanshan last issue, related to grandfather's privacy, Xue Meining naturally has been vigilant, the young miss seven orifices exquisite heart, has seen all of a sudden through the Cao Shanshan goal, she naturally must guard carefully! 这醋吃大了去了,说是醋海生波都毫不为过,因此她对于曹珊珊一开始的问题,根本就没心思琢磨,顺口就答了,可曹珊珊最后一个问题,涉及到了爷爷的隐私,薛美凝自然就警惕了起来,小姑娘七窍玲珑心,一下子就看穿了曹珊珊的目的,她当然要小心提防了! Cao Shanshan stared at afraid by Xue Meining, has blushed slightly the face, she hurried to turn head to look to the front, the heart said: This small girl may really be a clever person!” 曹珊珊薛美凝盯得一阵心虚,微微羞红了脸,她赶紧扭头看向前方,心说:“这小丫头可真是个鬼灵精!”
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