DEMG :: Volume #2

#125: overbearing! Abducts the police to be colored

Has saying that the Tie Xiaohu present modeling is very unique. 不得不说,铁小虎现在的造型真的很别致。 The Ling Yun's vigor acts bashful very well, now Tie Xiaohu navel below three points, happen to card on 78 centimeters thick backboard, ****** faces upwards, the head toward below towards ringhoop, two strange Chang arm naturally lets fall by ringhoop, two iron pole influential or powerful people build behind the backboard, after Ling Yun he throws, Tie Xiaohu is maintaining this modeling, had not moved. 凌云的手劲儿拿捏得很好,现在铁小虎的肚脐下方三分,正好卡在78厘米厚的篮板上,******朝天,脑袋朝下正对着篮圈儿,两只奇长的胳膊自然垂落在篮圈儿两侧,两条铁柱般的粗腿搭在篮板后面,从凌云把他抛过来之后,铁小虎一直保持着这个造型,一直就没动过。 Heard a moment ago Ling Yun must abandon him, Tie Xiaohu fell into the infinite frightened and crazy anger immediately, is now, he was staring in the vision of backboard, has unquenchable pleasantly surprised and shocks! 刚才听说凌云要废了他,铁小虎立即就陷入了无限的恐惧和疯狂的愤怒之中,可是现在,他盯着篮板的目光之中,有着难以抑制的惊喜和震撼! Because the Tie Xiaohu head hung toward below on the backboard already 56 minutes, his brain not only did not have the hyperemia, the four limbs not only did not have the numb and aching, conversely, he only thought that own Spirit pure brightness, hundred human bones were unimpeded, the whole body 36,000 pores, did not have one not to be feeling well! 因为铁小虎脑袋朝下挂在篮板上已经56分钟了,他的大脑非但没有充血,四肢非但没有酸麻,相反的,他只觉得自己灵台清明,百骸畅通,全身36000个毛孔,无一处不爽! Tie Xiaohu knows, own practiced nearly three years of 13 grand guardians to practice skill/kung fu laboriously horizontally, thoroughly by Ling Yun abandoning! 铁小虎已经知道,自己辛辛苦苦练了近三年的13太保横练功夫,已经彻底被凌云给废了! But he now can very clear feeling within the body various want in the hole greatly, fills is flowing all at once, these air currents started to flow according to some type of specific route along his meridians slowly, makes his comfortable not only want to shout loudly, and is drowsy, making him move not to hope, does not hate to be separated from this whole body warm feeling. 可是他现在能够很清晰的感觉到体内各大要穴之内,都充满着一股气流,这些气流已经开始沿着他的经脉按照某种特定的路线缓缓流动,让他舒爽的既想大喊大叫,又想昏昏欲睡,令他一动都不愿动,舍不得脱离这种浑身暖洋洋的感觉。 Especially Tie Xiaohu Sea of Qi Dantian, is the card the backboard place, the air current in each acupoint here gathers finally, then from here to lead to his all the limbs and bones, to the body of Tie Xiaohu, makes the slow transformation. 尤其是铁小虎气海丹田,也就是卡着篮板的地方,每个穴道中的气流最终都在这里汇聚,然后再从这里通向他的四肢百骸,对铁小虎的身体,进行缓慢的改造。 Tie Xiaohu thought that then such a while free time, his body changed light many, the strength actually ratio and Ling Yun fought beforehand getting stronger. 铁小虎觉得就这么一会儿工夫,他的身体已经变轻了不少,实力却比和凌云战斗之前变强了。 Ling Yun throws Tie Xiaohu here, to not certainly let him loses face before the school students, but in this way, as soon as possible makes own cross into to operate to spiritual energy of Tie Xiaohu within the body, completes as soon as possible to the washing muscle of Tie Xiaohu cuts down the marrow. 凌云铁小虎扔在这里,当然不是为了让他在全校学生面前出丑,而是通过这种方式,尽快让自己渡入到铁小虎体内的灵气运行起来,尽快完成对铁小虎的洗筋伐髓。 He such throws Tie Xiaohu on backboard, although some comedies of not making sense, are quite without doubt practical. 他把铁小虎这么扔在篮板上,虽然有些无厘头的搞笑,无疑却相当实用。 Tang Meng looks to hang Tie Xiaohu on backboard, steps the stride to walk, his belly quickly smiled to pull out! 唐猛看着挂在篮板上的铁小虎,迈着大步一路走来,他肚子都快笑抽了! Damn, what modeling is this? Very unique? Is this in the well in legend undertakes a vain enterprise? hahaha......” 我草,这是什么造型啊?挺别致啊?难道这就是传说中的井中捞月吗?哈哈哈……” Tang Meng arrives under the basketball stand, covers the belly to begin supinely to the Tie Xiaohu ridicule said. 唐猛来到篮球架下方,捂着肚子仰起头对铁小虎讥讽道。 Tie Xiaohu is enjoying that wonderful feeling now, he is disinclined to respond Tang Meng. 铁小虎现在正在享受那种美妙的感觉呢,他根本就懒得搭理唐猛 Hey, Tie Xiaohu, the eldest child said that making you here the corpse, had the lunch with us together! Is quick!” “喂,铁小虎,老大说了,让你不要在这里挺尸了,跟着我们一起吃午饭去!快下来吧!” Tie Xiaohu is then supine the neck, looked below Tang Meng one saying: „Really was Ling Yun says? I felt relieved.” 铁小虎这才仰起脖子,看了下方的唐猛一眼道:“凌云真是这么说的?那我就放心了。” Tie Xiaohu is very astute, he naturally knows that now Ling Yun has given him a huge chance, therefore Ling Yun did not speak, he can only hang does not dare to move here. 铁小虎很精明,他现在当然知道凌云给了他一个天大的机缘,因此凌云不发话,他就只能一直挂在这里不敢动。 He cannot get down, he is feared that was ahead of time, the effectiveness of this advantage will reduce greatly. 他并不是下不来,他是怕提前下来了,这种好处的效用会大减。 Tang Meng does not know that this inside what happened, he continues unable to bear to Tie Xiaohu taunt: Tie Xiaohu, knows that now felt relieved? Does wish that came time awesome not to roar look for eldest child single duel? Was punched a moment ago crisply is not feeling well? From the sky flies is very energetic?” 唐猛不知道这里面发生了什么事,他继续忍不住对铁小虎冷嘲热讽道:“铁小虎,现在知道放心了?来的时候不是还牛逼哄哄的想要找老大单挑吗?刚才被揍得爽不爽啊?在空中飞的很带劲儿吧?” Tie Xiaohu basic being disinclined manages him, his both hands grip ringhoop, the waist make an effort, the both legs soar to the heavens the erectness, two arms make an effort a brace, has played attractive standing upside down on ringhoop! 铁小虎根本懒得理他,他双手握住篮圈儿,腰部用力一挺,双腿冲天直立而起,两只胳膊用力一撑,在篮圈儿上玩儿了一个漂亮的倒立! That ringhoop is sunk fiercely, the entire basketball stand that the Tie Xiaohu more than 90 kilograms bodies press shivers gently, creak straight sound, is Qingshui High School is filthy rich, the basketball stand quality of buying is up to standard, otherwise, this all of a sudden, Tie Xiaohu head down pokes the pavement to come up not to be possible! 那篮圈儿被铁小虎90多公斤的身体压的猛地一沉,整个篮球架轻轻颤动,咯吱咯吱直响,也就是清水一中财大气粗,买的篮球架质量过关,不然的话,就这一下子,铁小虎头朝下戳水泥地上去不可! Tang Meng ridiculed returns to the ridicule, may see after Tie Xiaohu has played such one with ease, in his eye also somewhat admired, the heart said no wonder the eldest child on own initiative said made Tie Xiaohu mix with him, was truly fierce! 唐猛嘲笑归嘲笑,可看到铁小虎轻松玩儿了这么一手之后,他的眼中也不禁有些艳羡,心说怪不得老大主动说让铁小虎跟他混,确实挺厉害啊! In screams, the Tie Xiaohu both arms shake, the iron tower body delimits together the perfect semicircle, having the wind sound/rumor to pound, changed has done from head to foot, hung on ringhoop. 一片惊呼声中,铁小虎双臂一抖,铁塔般的身体划出一道完美的半圆,带着风声就砸了下去,变作了头上脚下,吊在了篮圈儿上。 Then Tie Xiaohu lets go, the both feet falls to the ground gently, does not have a sound unexpectedly. 然后铁小虎撒手,双脚轻轻落地,竟无一丝声息。 Time that the Tie Xiaohu body pounds, frightened the Tang Meng figure violent to draw back 34 meters far, otherwise was pounded, as soon as he of air/Qi flung the rampant long hair, said breathless: Damn, your he wants to be battered to death I!” 铁小虎身体砸下来的时候,吓得唐猛身形暴退了34米远,不然就被砸到了,气的他一甩嚣张的长发,气急败坏说道:“我草,你他吗的是不是想砸死我啊!” Tie Xiaohu stands firm, the sleep/felt is only refreshing, the body never has the coordination is lithe, he has stretched arm leg slightly, then hehe walks toward Tang Meng with a smile: Punches crisply is not feeling well? Flying is energetic? Did you try not to know?” 铁小虎站定,只觉神清气爽,身体从未有过的协调轻盈,他微微舒展了一下胳膊腿儿,然后嘿嘿笑着向唐猛走去:“揍得爽不爽?飞的带劲儿不带劲儿?你试试不就知道了?” Tang Meng frightening, could not attend to saying anything again, turned head to flee like a scared rat in the Ling Yun's direction. 唐猛给吓得,再也顾不上说什么了,扭头就朝着凌云的方向抱头鼠窜。 Tang Meng may at heart clear very much, do not look Tie Xiaohu was punched that miserably by the eldest child, but Tie Xiaohu, if to he, that a moment ago punched the Tie Xiaohu scene to be similar to Ling Yun, radically with hands down. 唐猛心里可清楚的很,别看铁小虎被老大揍得那么惨,可铁小虎要是对上他,那真的就跟凌云刚才揍铁小虎的场景差不多,根本不费吹灰之力。 Tie Xiaohu shows a faint smile, lifts the hand to wipe the face, then reorganized the clothes slightly, follows in Tang Meng behind, walked toward Ling Yun. 铁小虎微微一笑,抬手擦了擦脸,然后稍微整理了一下衣服,跟在唐猛身后,也朝着凌云走了过去。 Ling Yun, the beautiful police are colored, Lin Menghan was mad by him results in the whole body to shiver. 凌云这边儿,绝美警花,林梦寒正被他气得浑身颤抖呢。 However she also understands that own works now, she is suppressing the heart anger, does calmly said to Ling Yun: Leads you to go back to record the oral confession, this is the routine of case, you actually do not coordinate, what doesn't this hinder the official business is?!” 不过她也明白自己现在是工作,她还是强忍着心头的怒火,强作镇定的对凌云说道:“带你回去录口供,这是办案的例行程序,你却一点儿都不配合,这不是妨碍公务是什么?!” Ling Yun's pair of shifty eyes look at steadily stares at Lin Menghan because of being angry the chest that but fluctuates fiercely, actually does not look at the face of Lin Menghan, he looked at half-day/long time leisure saying: „, It is not records the oral confession, in the routine has the stipulation, recording the oral confession can return to your bureau?” 凌云的一双贼眼目不转睛的盯着林梦寒因为生气而剧烈起伏的胸脯,却不看林梦寒的脸,他看了半天才慢悠悠的说道:“哦,不就是录口供吗,例行程序里面有没有规定,录口供必须要回你们局里?” Lin Menghan is stagnated, she who Ling Yun asked was in a daze to say slightly: That does not have but actually......” 林梦寒凌云问的一滞,她微微发愣道:“那倒没有……” The Ling Yun heart said that is really the chest does not have the brain greatly, he continues to ask: „Can that record the oral confession here?” 凌云心说果真是胸大无脑啊,他继续问道:“那可不可以在这里录口供?” Lin Menghan actually carefully thinks, then said: Can here.” 林梦寒竟然认真想了想,然后说道:“可以在这里。” Ling Yun nodded, he along with pointing at has referred to a some classroom in classroom building, represses laughter to ask: Can there record oral confession?” 凌云点了点头,他随手指了指教学楼上的某个一个教室,忍着笑问道:“可不可以在那里录口供呢?” Lin Menghan somewhat wonders, the heart said that records an oral confession also to run does? However she nods saying: Where is good, so long as you coordinate us to collect evidence the investigation.” 林梦寒有些纳闷,心说录个口供还要跑那么远干什么?不过她还是点头道:“在哪里都行,只要你配合我们取证调查就可以。” Ling Yun loosened the arm of Ning Lingyu, he smiled to walk toward Lin Menghan, face earnest sincere asking: Where is really good?” 凌云松开了宁灵雨的胳膊,他微笑着朝着林梦寒走了过来,一脸认真诚恳的问道:“真的在哪里都行?” Lin Menghan saw Ling Yun to walk finally, her anger reduced three points slightly, then returned to normal the mood to say slightly: Is only the customary asked that your something, we are also good to have a comprehensive understanding to the case, where is good.” 林梦寒凌云终于走了过来,她的怒气稍减了三分,然后微微平复了一下心情说道:“只是循例问你一些事情,我们也好对案情有一个全面的了解,在哪里都行的。” At this time Ling Yun has arrived at the Lin Menghan side, he hehe said with a smile: That was good, follows me, I lead you to eat delicious, we chatted record and ensure you recorded ********!” 此时凌云已经走到了林梦寒的身边,他嘿嘿一笑道:“那就行了,跟我走吧,我带你去吃好吃的,咱们边聊边录,保证你录的********!” Lin Menghan only thought that a own waist border hemp, her tender body became the worn out and aching has been incapable immediately, did not control self must fall down, Lin Menghan frightened the complexion big change! 林梦寒只觉得自己腰际一麻,她的娇躯立即就变得酸软无力了,不自禁的就要摔倒在地,林梦寒吓得脸色大变! The time finger of Ling Yun speech has selected Lin Menghan soft numb Xue like lightning, he will certainly not make Lin Menghan throw down, long arms light stretch/leisurely, has held in the arms the Lin Menghan slender waist, embraces the bosom the tender body that her exquisite floats raised. 凌云说话的时候手指闪电般点了林梦寒的软麻穴,他当然不会让林梦寒摔倒,猿臂轻舒,就搂住了林梦寒纤细的腰肢,把她的玲珑凸浮的娇躯揽进了怀里。 Ling Yun, you, you dare!” 凌云,你,你敢!” Lin Menghan naturally is goes all out to struggle, how the whole body actually softly cannot put forth a strength, that movement like acts like a spoiled brat in the Ling Yun's bosom general. 林梦寒自然是拼命挣扎,奈何浑身却软绵绵的使不出一丝力道,那动作就像在凌云的怀里撒娇一般。 Ling Yun hehe smiles, collects the warm mouth near the Lin Menghan fine ear on, first has blown fairyism toward the Lin Menghan ear in gently, then said in a low voice: Little darling follows me, leading you to record the oral confession.” 凌云呵呵一笑,把热烘烘的嘴巴凑在林梦寒精致的耳朵边儿上,先轻轻地朝林梦寒耳朵里吹了一口仙气儿,然后低声说道:“乖乖跟我走吧,带你去录口供去。” The Tie Xiaohu more than 90 kilograms body weights, Ling Yun casually is throwing playing, holds Lin Menghan walking naturally to be a cinch, he said to leading the way. 铁小虎90多公斤的体重,凌云都随便扔着玩儿,抱着林梦寒走路自然不在话下,他说完就向前行去。 About thousand people surprised looks at this to shock one that all stayed! 近千人吃惊的看着这震撼的一幕,全都呆了! Ling Yun this also too overbearing? Others this beautiful police officers are handle a case, this case has not managed, was hugged by him in the bosom abducts?! 凌云这也太霸道了吧?人家这位美女警花是来办案的,这案子还没办呢,就被他搂在怀里掳走了?! More surprisingly, does the meaning that beautiful police officer has not revolted against unexpectedly, follow Ling Yun obediently?! 更令人惊奇的是,那位美女警花竟然一点儿也没有反抗的意思,乖乖地跟着凌云就走?! Actually what they do not know, Lin Menghan is not does not want to revolt, but was the present cannot move! 其实他们不知道的是,林梦寒不是不想反抗,而是现在根本就动不了了! On Lin Menghan the most sensitive place is earlobe, for this reason she always does not bring ear pendant, she had been selected acupoint by Ling Yun first, now by the mind trembles that Ling Yun this fairyism blows, the entire tender body was crisp, is the weak dead drunk, could not say including a few words! 林梦寒身上最敏感的地方就是耳垂儿,为此她从来都不带耳坠儿,她先被凌云点了穴道,现在又被凌云这一口仙气吹的心神剧颤,整个娇躯都酥了,已经是软瘫如泥,连一句话都说不出来了! Ling Yun arrives at looked at to stay side Ning Lingyu, he gently has embraced the shoulder of Ning Lingyu, then flushed all Classmates of third year class 6 to shout: Classmates of third year class 6, today my Ling Yun treats, wants to have the feast goes Champions' Building with me!” 凌云来到看呆了的宁灵雨身旁,他又轻轻揽过宁灵雨的肩膀,然后冲高三六班的所有同学喊道:“高三六班的同学们,今天凌云请客,想吃大餐的跟我去状元楼啊!” Ling Yun before fight, saw Zhang Dong Chai Hanlin they have overshot from the building, this friendship made him very affected. 凌云在打架之前,看到了张东柴翰林他们从楼上冲了下来,这份情谊还是令他很感动的。 Some today people treat in any case, does not need him to take out money, the matter of this robbing Peter to pay Paul, is not done is not done white/in vain! 反正今天有人请客,不用他掏钱,这种借花献佛的事情,不做白不做! After Ling Yun shouted, left hand hugged the Lin Menghan sex appeal attractively to the peak tender body, the right hand is embracing the fragrant shoulder of Ning Lingyu, was surrounded by beautiful women, walked toward off campus in big strides, watched the fun Classmates that envying surroundings these, wishes one could now own is Ling Yun! 凌云喊完之后,左手搂着林梦寒性感诱人到极致的娇躯,右手揽着宁灵雨的香肩,左拥右抱,大踏步朝着校外走去,把周围那些看热闹的同学给羡慕的,恨不得现在自己就是凌云 Male police officer who that handled a case looks at own immediate superior Lin Menghan unexpectedly bewildered by Ling Yun picking up, him has hurried to lift the foot to pursue. 那位正在办案的男警员一看自己的顶头上司林梦寒竟然莫名其妙的被凌云给抱走了,他赶紧抬脚就要追过去。 At this time, Tang Meng actually arrived at his front, lifted hands over cigarette said to him: king elder brother, cannot have any matter, this matter you leave alone, have carried off these trash were good, Ling Yun is my buddy......” 这时候,唐猛却来到了他的面前,抬手递给他一颗苏烟道:“王哥,出不了什么事儿,这事儿你别管了,把这些垃圾带走就行了,凌云是我哥们儿……” Saying, signaled with the eyes to that male police officer. 说着,冲那位男警员使了个眼色。 The Tang Meng father is Clear Water City's Public Security Bureau Deputy Director, Clear Water City's Public Security Bureau all staff, has not known Tang Meng, looked that Young Master Tang said that the nod that he hurries to flatter said: Originally is this, that line, such manages......” 唐猛的老子是清水市公安局副局长,清水市公安局所有员工,上上下下没有不认识唐猛的,一看唐公子这么说了,他赶紧讨好的点头道:“原来是这样啊,那行,就这么办……”
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