DEMG :: Volume #2

#124: Irritates the police to be colored!

If beautiful a Lin Menghan appearance of Celestial Immortal, all people on the scene regardless of the men and women, all breathes stagnates, the vision is staring at Lin Menghan dull, is salute to her, Lin Menghan looks like together the formidable magnet seems to be ordinary, is attracting the attention of all people firmly! 美若天仙林梦寒一出现,在场的所有人不论男女,全都呼吸一滞,目光呆愣愣地盯着林梦寒,对她行注目礼,林梦寒仿佛就像是一块强大的磁石一般,牢牢地吸引着所有人的眼球! Each male students breathed become loud, they thought that the eye of own is insufficient, that vision became male dog that seemed like in heat, was staring at Lin Menghan each inch place, thought how to see looks insufficiently! 每一个男生都呼吸变得粗重了起来,他们觉得自己的眼睛根本不够用了,那目光都变得像发情的公狗似的,盯着林梦寒的上上下下每一寸地方,觉得怎么看都看不够! If the vision can take off the clothes, Lin Menghan this police uniform, already took off 1 million times! 如果目光可以脱衣服的话,林梦寒这身警服,早就被脱掉1000000次了! Always confessed that charm infinite Clear Water first playboy Li Qingchuan, saw after Lin Menghan heavens frightening is outstandingly beautiful, cannot bear lose one's voice to call out in alarm, looks at dumbly at the scene! 就连一向自认魅力无穷的清水第一纨绔李晴川,看到林梦寒惊天绝色之后,也忍不住失声惊呼,呆立当场! Naturally the person is an exception, the Ling Yun facial color is as before invariable, the breath was usual, narrows the eye to size up is wearing the police uniform to be many valiant aura Lin Menghan, the heart said that originally she was police. 当然有一个人除外,凌云依旧面色不变,呼吸如常,眯着眼睛打量着身穿警服多了一丝英姿飒爽气息的林梦寒,心说原来她是警察。 Let alone looked, the Lin Menghan nearly naked wet body, was traced by Ling Yun, today stared at the chest that she is standing tall and erect perfectly to look under cost price in the morning, therefore Ling Yun performance calm of. 别说看了,林梦寒近乎裸体的湿身,都被凌云上上下下摸了个遍,今天早晨又盯着她完美高耸的胸脯看了个够本,因此凌云表现的很淡定。 Tang Meng two are putting the green light, breathes loudly stares at Lin Menghan, the eye is winking does not wink, in the mouth muttered: Father said Clear Water City's Public Security Bureau to manage a big case, adjusts female criminal police this month temporarily, one became the entire Clear Water City's Public Security Bureau fully deserving police flower, even is claimed as the Jiangnan Province public security systematic first police officer, said originally is she! His mother, is very beautiful! No wonder the father daily said her on, very beautifully very beautifully was very beautiful!” 唐猛两眼放着绿光,呼吸粗重的盯着林梦寒,眼睛眨都不眨,口中喃喃自语道:“老爸说清水市公安局为了办一件大案子,这个月临时调来了一名女刑警,一来就成为了整个清水市公安局当之无愧的警花,甚至被评价为江南省公安系统的第一女警花,说的原来就是她!他娘的,真的很美呀!怪不得老爸天天把她挂在嘴边儿上,真的很美很美很美啊!” Tang Meng said right, Lin Menghan adjusts Clear Water City's Public Security Bureau, immediately vibrated the entire Clear Water City public security system, because Clear Water City is the Jiangnan Province provincial capital, therefore on to Provincial Office, to each local police station, the entire public security system is the Lin Menghan beautiful appearance shocks the inspiration all, office threshold that Lin Menghan is by „not careful going astray administrative offices the male police officer treading to break! 唐猛说的没错,林梦寒一调到清水市公安局,立即就震动了整个清水市的公安系统,因为清水市江南省的省会城市,因此上至省厅,下至每一个派出所,整个公安系统无不为林梦寒的美貌震撼鼓舞,林梦寒所在的办公室门槛都被“不小心走错科室”的男警员给踏破了! Cao Shanshan brings nitpicking vision towards Lin Menghan to look right and left, as to discover one to be insufficient from her, may look for half-day/long time unable to find any slight defect, finally can only helpless giving up, be nerve-racking secretly. 曹珊珊带着挑剔的目光对着林梦寒左看右瞧,似乎非常想从她身上找出一丝不足来,可找了半天也找不到任何的瑕疵,最后只能无奈的放弃,暗自伤神起来。 Really is, so to be how beautiful!” “真是的,怎么会那么美的!” Lin Menghan has not thought that own such quickly then second time arrived at Qingshui High School, she has not gotten out to note on school basketball court the backboard of basketball stand, is hanging a person. 林梦寒没想到自己这么快就第二次来到了清水一中,她还没下车就已经注意到学校篮球场的一个篮球架的篮板上,挂着一个人。 Does not have the means that the Tie Xiaohu present appearance was really too eye-catching / flashy, it is estimated that now the entire school except for Lin Menghan, obtained many surrounding is he! Others think that does not note him to be difficult. 没办法,铁小虎现在的样子实在是太拉风了,估计现在全学校除了林梦寒,得到最多围观的就是他了!别人想不注意到他都难。 Then Lin Menghan notes the ground to lie down Tu Gang and the others, her frowns, then low voice told slightly a male police officer said: Calls to call three ambulances, then makes in the bureau send several police vehicles to come again, these person who comes to the school to cause trouble must bring back to the bureau to interrogate entirely.” 然后林梦寒就注意到了地上躺着的屠刚等人,她微微皱了皱眉,然后小声吩咐身旁的一个男警员道:“打电话叫三辆救护车来,然后让局里再多派几辆警车过来,这些来学校闹事的人要统统带回局里去审问。” The Azure Dragon person regarding entering police authorities matter radically is commonly seen, they believe that Brother Kun a day can give to fish them, therefore has not escaped completely or the meaning of revolt, naturally, they already had been fainted to the fan by the Lin Menghan peerless graceful bearing now, escapes? Had been escorted back under guard the police authorities to be good by this policewoman handcuffs personally! 青龙的人对于进警局这种事根本就是司空见惯,他们相信坤哥不出一天就能把他们给捞出来,因此完全没有逃跑或者反抗的意思,当然,他们现在早就被林梦寒的绝世风姿给迷晕了,逃跑?被这女警亲自铐了押回警局才好呢! Ding Guanghui they are this, that seven break the leg and severely wounded Tu Gang sees Lin Menghan, forgot ache! 丁光辉他们是这样,就连那七个断腿的和重伤的屠刚见到林梦寒,都忘掉了身上的疼痛了! The police are colored, absolutely is the police flower, the fully deserving police flower! Let alone was the police, depended on the Lin Menghan beautiful appearance, was Clear Water spends Zhuang Meifeng to stand, it is estimated that can also win slightly. 警花,绝对是警花,当之无愧的警花!别说是警界了,就凭林梦寒的美貌,就是和清水之花庄美凤站在一起,估计也能稍稍胜出。 That male police officer does not know that because of the Lin Menghan position , because of her beautiful appearance, is obedient unexpectedly incomparably, after hearing the instruction of Lin Menghan, quick telephoned. 那位男警员也不知道是因为林梦寒的职位,还是因为她的美貌,竟是听话无比,在听到林梦寒的吩咐之后,很快就打起了电话来。 Now shortly after happen to was just on vacation from school, this place had encircled 200 people, now a Lin Menghan appearance, the Qingshui High School student cannot attend to eating including the food, all toward this direction flushed. 现在正好是刚刚放学不久,这个地方本来就已经围了200来人了,现在林梦寒一出现,清水一中的学生连饭都顾不得吃,全部都朝这个方向冲过来了。 Here quick was encircled watertight, they see the Lin Menghan peerless appearance, as if had actually forgotten Lin Menghan is police, comes to here is must process the case. 这里很快就被围了一个水泄不通,他们争睹林梦寒的绝世容颜,却似乎忘记了林梦寒是一个警察,来这里是要处理案子的。 Lin Menghan looked that almost the students in school encircled, her black eyebrow coloring eyebrow slightly wrinkle, she does not want to expand the influence, therefore finger/refers of Ding Guanghui said conveniently: „Do you, say this to me first simply what's the matter?” 林梦寒一看几乎全校的学生都围上来了,她不禁黛眉微皱,她不想扩大影响,因此随手一指丁光辉道:“你,先跟我简单说一说这到底是怎么回事?” Ding Guanghui this boy is not lascivious, but he saw that Lin Menghan makes own state the process, immediately draw a prize-winning ticket is wild with joy, arrives in front of Lin Menghan obediently, 1510 confession the process of matter. 丁光辉这小子并不好色,可他见到林梦寒自己陈述经过,顿时中奖般欣喜若狂,乖乖地走到林梦寒面前,1510的交代了事情的经过。 He confesses detailed, wordy as far as possible as far as possible, can only stand in front of Lin Menghan for own such several minutes. 他尽可能的交代详细,尽可能的罗嗦,只为了自己能在林梦寒面前多站那么几分钟。 Lin Menghan heard similarly, her delicately beautiful small hand gently swayed, preventing Ding Guanghui from continue get down wordy, then referred to hanging with the chin in backboard straightening up corpse Tie Xiaohu said: He what's the matter?” 林梦寒听得差不多了,她纤美的小手轻轻一摆,阻止了丁光辉继续罗嗦下去,然后用下巴指了指挂在篮板上挺尸的铁小虎道:“他又是怎么回事儿?” Ding Guanghui takes undeserved credit just said several, again was broken by Lin Menghan, her lightly saying: I knew.” 丁光辉邀功般的刚说了几句,就被林梦寒再次打断,她淡淡道:“我知道了。” Then Lin Menghan turns head, to has fired off the make coworker of telephone saying: Here you stare, I handle a matter to that side.” 然后林梦寒回头,对已经打完电话的男同事说道:“这里你盯一下,我到那边去办点儿事。” The cardinal principle process of Lin Menghan to entire item matter had the quite detailed understanding, the case is not complex, but the entire case actually relates to a person, Ling Yun. 林梦寒对整件事情的大体过程已经有了比较详细的了解,案情并不复杂,但是整个案情却都关系到一个人,凌云 Therefore she had confessed to the make coworker, follows the direction that Ding Guanghui referred to a moment ago, the waist funds swayed, walked toward Ling Yun this group of people. 因此她对男同事交代了一句,就顺着丁光辉刚才所指的方向,腰肢款摆,朝着凌云这帮人走了过去。 Ling Yun this fellow after looking at Lin Menghan several, was disinclined to visit her, he number repeatedly was just blackmailing in 30,000 dollars to hand, that detected a moment ago has been short of 100, therefore was in whole face startled renumbering. 凌云这家伙在看了林梦寒几眼之后,就懒得看她了,他正在一遍遍的数刚刚讹到手里的30000块钱呢,刚才那一遍发觉少了100,因此正在满脸惊慌的重数。 At this time, Ning Lingyu and Zhang Ling also arrived at side them, in addition Ling Yun, Tang Meng and other original five people, seven people stood in one. 这时候,宁灵雨张灵也已经来到了他们身边,加上凌云,唐猛等原来的五人,七个人站在了一起。 The Ling Yun second time has not miscounted, he discovered truly after is 300, beaming with joy money Shou, then turned the head to say to Li Qingchuan: Hey, the love rival, should you ask me to eat meal?” 凌云第二次没有数错,他发现确实是300张之后,眉开眼笑的把钱收了起来,然后转头对李晴川说道:“喂,情敌,你是不是应该请我吃顿饭啊?” Li Qingchuan is looking at this time illusion female celestial general Lin Menghan walks toward him, two straightening the peerless graceful bearing of appreciation Lin Menghan, hears love rival immediately to say fiercely at a loss: „? Has any food......” 李晴川这时候正看着梦幻仙女一般的林梦寒朝他走来,正两眼发直的欣赏林梦寒的绝世风姿呢,猛地听到“情敌”顿时茫然道:“啊?吃什么饭啊……” Ling Yun frowned said: What? You think that I do save you white/in vain? Hurries to ask me to eat meal!” Then his Tang Meng to same two straightening said: Told Tie Xiaohu, do not let him there very corpse, making him have meal together with us!” 凌云皱眉道:“啊什么啊?你以为我白救你啊?赶紧请我吃饭去!”然后他对同样两眼发直的唐猛道:“去告诉铁小虎,别让他在那里挺尸了,让他跟我们一块儿吃饭去!” Then, he to/clashes Ning Lingyu to smile gently: Lingyu, what does today want to eat at noon? Did Big Brother ask you to have the feast to be good?” 说完,他才冲宁灵雨温柔一笑:“灵雨,今天中午想吃什么?哥哥请你吃大餐好不好?” In Ning Lingyu eye present, only then own Big Brother Ling Yun, therefore she after looking at Lin Menghan several did not pay attention to her, now sees Ling Yun to ask own, therefore mischievous said with a smile: „It is not you takes out money, how can calculate that you treat!” 宁灵雨眼里现在只有自己哥哥凌云,因此她只是在看了林梦寒几眼之后就对她不关注了,现在见凌云自己,于是调皮一笑道:“又不是你掏钱,怎么能算你请客嘛!” Ling Yun was teased by the younger sister, somewhat awkward embarrassed say/way: Hehe, who said that does not take out money not to calculate I invited, was the favor easier-to-use than money, cannot understand?” 凌云被妹妹取笑,有些尴尬的不好意思道:“嘿嘿,谁说不掏钱就不算我请的了,人情比钱好使,懂不懂?” Ning Lingyu hears chuckle to smile tenderly, she very natural pulling lives in the Ling Yun's arm, tilts the head said: Good, even if you invites, walks!” 宁灵雨听得咯咯娇笑,她很自然的挽住凌云的胳膊,歪着头说道:“好啦,就算是你请的,走吧!” Ling Yun nodded to say with a smile: Walks!” 凌云点了点头笑道:“走!” But at this time, Lin Menghan walked, her light start/open Jiangdian red lips, the language the oriole, the sound does not have a color saying: Ling Yun, you halt.” 可就在这时候,林梦寒走了过来,她轻启绛点朱唇,语出黄莺,声音却不带一丝感情色彩道:“凌云,你站住。” Ling Yun settles down, turns head frowned to ask: What matter?” 凌云驻足,扭头皱眉问道:“什么事?” Lin Menghan waist light swayed, arrives at side Ling Yun to stand firm, tone that then being conscientious in discharging official duties: You have injured the person, now needs you to coordinate to investigate, you must return to police authorities with us.” 林梦寒腰肢轻摆,走到凌云身旁站定,然后一副公事公办的口吻道:“你打伤了人,现在需要你配合调查,你必须要跟我们回警局一趟。” Who knew Ling Yun to give her a disdaining expression, ridiculed: Has injured the person? Is my the self-preservation is good? Can you manage the case? Will not manage the case to trade comes personally, I hungry must eat meal now, have no free time!” 谁知凌云给了她一个不屑的表情,讥讽道:“打伤了人?我那是自保好不好?你会不会办案子啊?不会办案子就换个人来,我现在饿了要去吃饭,没空!” Such entrains? On the Lin Menghan beautiful face a stunned expression, the heart said that my this is the normal case procedure, my police make you coordinate to investigate, can you this manner? 这么拽?林梦寒绝美的脸上一副错愕的表情,心说我这是正常的办案程序,我一个警察让你配合调查一下,你怎么可以这副态度? Even if you have rescued my life, can unable to affect me to manage the case? 就算你救过我的命,可也不能影响我办案子吧? Nearby Li Qingchuan looked, heart said that this Ling Yun also too rare and beautiful flowers, which man does not curry favor to such beautiful woman, is serving the speech carefully, he came not to spare a glance to oppose nonchalantly unexpectedly! 一旁的李晴川看了,心说这个凌云也太奇葩了,哪个男人对这样的美女不是曲意逢迎,小心伺候着说话,他竟然来了个不屑一顾横眉冷对! Lin Menghan has gotten down face then sinking all of a sudden, she pressed has frowned saying: Ling Yun, you are clear, this does not catch you, but makes you coordinate to investigate, we will record the oral confession immediately to deliver you to come back.” 林梦寒一下子就沉下了脸,她蹙了蹙眉说道:“凌云,你要明白,这不是抓你,只是让你配合调查一下,我们录完了口供就会立即送你回来的。” Ling Yun is disinclined to listen to her to be here wordy, he stares to say to Lin Menghan: Oral confession that records, I now have starved soon to death, delays me to eat meal you to be responsible for? Lingyu, we walk!” 凌云才懒得听她在这里罗嗦,他冲着林梦寒一瞪眼道:“录个屁的口供,我现在快要饿死了,耽误我吃饭你负责啊?灵雨,我们走!” Saying, was drawing the arm of Ning Lingyu gently, turned head to walk, dried in the sun Lin Menghan directly at the scene! 说着,轻轻一拉宁灵雨的胳膊,扭头就走,直接把林梦寒晾在了当场! Lin Menghan has not thought Ling Yun not only does not listen to her words, but also works as her surface exit|to speak to be rude, the beautiful complexion is more unattractive, graceful tender body that she air/Qi trembles lightly, the fair busy cheek also flashed through wipes to blush, pulls the sound to shout: Ling Yun, you, if insists on hindering the official business, do not blame me not being impolite to you!” 林梦寒没想到凌云不但不听她的话,还当着她的面出口不逊,绝美的脸色更加不好看,她气的曼妙的娇躯一阵轻颤,白皙无暇的脸蛋儿也闪过一抹红晕,拉高了声音喊道:“凌云,你要是执意妨碍公务,可别怪我对你不客气!” The footsteps that Ling Yun leads the way stop suddenly, turning head cold sound said: What? You said that who hinders the official business?” The Ling Yun's complexion also sank. 凌云前行的脚步霍然停下,回头冷声道:“什么?你说谁妨碍公务?”凌云的脸色也沉了下来。 To be honest, Ling Yun present is really happy, last night had reached the Body Refining Third Stage level peak smoothly, obtains the mysterious writing brush to recognize the Lord, in the morning did Maserati also to knock Murong Feixue 1 million, has tasted the sweet Meifang lip of young seductress Xue Meining, picks the Tie Xiaohu such cultivating true good seedling, had knocked a moment ago also the Azure Dragon 30,000 dollars, the harvest was so huge, can he not dark crisp? 说实话,凌云现在的心情着实不错,昨晚顺利达到了练体三层巅峰,得到神奇毛笔认主,上午搞了一辆玛莎拉蒂还敲了慕容飞雪的1000000,又品尝了小妖女薛美凝的甜美芳唇,更是捡到了铁小虎这么个修真的好苗子,刚才还敲了青龙的30000块钱,收获如此巨大,他能不暗爽么? Matter that he most wants to do now, is hurries to bring younger sister Ning Lingyu to go to Champions' Building to have the feast, then gives a Ning Lingyu big pleasant surprise! 他现在最想做的事,就是赶紧带着妹妹宁灵雨状元楼吃顿大餐,然后送给宁灵雨一个大大的惊喜! Goes to the police authorities coordination to investigate? One group of charlatans come to the school to find fault to disturb, their more than 30 people of each and everyone grasp the baseball stick, said knocked completely the Ling Yun's four limbs, did Ling Yun teach them one? 去警局配合调查?一帮混子来学校找茬捣乱而已,他们30多人一个个手持棒球棍,开口就说把凌云的四肢全部敲断,凌云教训他们一下怎么了? Isn't Lin Menghan this looks for trouble? 林梦寒这不是没事找事么? Actually if other police officers handles this matter, they will definitely not look like Lin Menghan to be so stodgy, the people on very obvious society disturb to the school, so long as took away them completely were good, the student in school has not been injured to present one, is the huge celebration, but also led them the oral confession that went back to record? 其实如果是其他警员来处理这件事,他们肯定不会像林梦寒这么死板,很明显的社会上的人到学校里来捣乱,只要把他们全部带走就行了,学校的学生到现在没有一个受伤的,已经是天大的喜事了,还带他们回去录个屁的口供啊? But Lin Menghan is the army family background, works to like strictly deferring to the stipulation, follows a prescribed pattern, but also cannot wipe this stubbornly held argument! 林梦寒是军队出身,做事喜欢严格按照规定,一板一眼,还就是抹不开这个死理儿! This graceful bearing peerless police officer sees Ling Yun not to pay attention to her, the complexion blanch of climate, the tender body play trembles! 这位风姿绝世的女警花见凌云根本不把她放在眼里,顿时气的脸色发白,娇躯剧颤! No matter at home, in army, arrives in this police authorities, who dares to use so the tone to speak to her? 不管是在家里,军队里,还是来到这个警局里,谁敢对她用这般语气说话?
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