DEMG :: Volume #2

#136: bring the dying back to life

This pretty young nurse is called Yao Rou, is mainly responsible for in this hospital ward the care work of patient, she carries the medicine bottle to come, is preparing to the Li Yunxiang infusion, actually impressively discovered Li Yunxiang pipe measuring appliance anything has all pulled out, naturally was immediately scared, and is very angry. 这个俏丽小护士叫做姚柔,主要负责这个病房里病人的护理工作,她端着药瓶进来,正准备给李云祥输液呢,却赫然发现李云祥身上的管子仪表什么的全拔了,当然立即就傻眼了,并且很愤怒。 She now or Jiangnan Medical University, the fourth-year university student student of clinical healthcare professional, three months must graduate, plying many connections to practise in the municipal nine institutes, if her responsible hospital ward had problems, that diploma do not want. 她现在还是江南医科大学,临床护理专业的大四学生,还有三个月就要毕业了,托了好多关系才能在市立九院实习,要是她负责的这个病房出了问题,那毕业证就别想要了。 Ling Yun turns head, his god like lightning, saw Yao Rou is hanging the name on tag, therefore shows a faint smile saying: Does? Treats an illness!” 凌云扭头,他神目如电,一眼就看到了姚柔挂着的胸牌上的名字,于是微微一笑道:“干什么?治病啊!” Then Ling Yun said to Liu Li immediately: Sister Liu, you went to the entrance to say one to that silly big, without my instruction, cannot anybody come in again!” 然后凌云立即对刘丽说道:“刘姐,你去门口跟那个傻大个说一声,没有我的吩咐,不许任何人再进来!” The Ling Yun heart said that Tie Xiaohu is really also stupid enough, my this at most ten minutes had finished up, how a gate cannot favor. 凌云心说铁小虎也真够蠢的,我这顶多十分钟就完事儿了,怎么连个门都看不好。 He does not think, this is in the hospital, can others nurses enter the hospital ward, Tie Xiaohu dare to block? 他也不想想,这是在医院里,人家护士要进病房,铁小虎敢拦么? Sees Ling Yun to turn head, Yao Rou was more dumbfounded, blushing that her pretty small face brushes, the tender body play trembles, the heart said that this fellow so is how graceful! 看到凌云扭过头来,姚柔更傻眼了,她俏丽的小脸儿刷的羞红,娇躯剧颤,心说这个家伙怎么这么帅啊! However was quick she to remember the own responsibility, looked in the Ling Yun ultra graceful face, Yao Rou has not manifested suddenly unexpectedly, her throwing out the chest as far as possible received the abdomen to raise the head, the double action the medicine bottle was arriving at side the hospital bed, said low voice: Handsome fellow, can you treat an illness I not to know, but, this is in the hospital, his day does not leave the hospital, returns to our hospital to be responsible, you may not probably act unreasonably!” 不过很快她就想起了自己的职责,看在凌云超帅的面子上,姚柔竟然没有发作,她尽量的挺胸收腹抬头,双手端着药瓶走到病床身边,小声说道:“帅哥,你会不会治病我不知道,可是,这是在医院里,他一天不出院,就归我们医院负责,你可不许乱来!” Ling Yun looks at this young head nurse the prettiness of , pretty, lip tender and beautiful alluring, pleasant that a head, the chest or the waist very much look, speech very gentle clever, therefore grips gold needle in hand saying: I want to grip several to him, his family member agreed.” 凌云一看这小护士长的十分俏丽,眉清目秀,嘴唇娇艳欲滴,无论是个头,胸脯还是腰身都很看的入眼,说话又十分的轻柔乖巧,于是攥着手中的金针说道:“我只是想给他扎几针,他的亲人都是同意了的。” Yao Rou confused by the Ling Yun bright smiling face is corona, she blushed the face to say unrestrainedly: That is not good, only if his family member has gone through being out of hospital formalities, after bringing he left the hospital, at that time you want how to grip how grip, has not related with our hospital.” 姚柔凌云灿烂的笑容迷得又是一晕,她情不自禁地羞红了脸道:“那也不行,除非他的家人办理了出院手续,带他离开了医院之后,那时候你想怎么扎就怎么扎,跟我们医院就没有关系了。” Now Li Yunxiang is red the body to expose in the air, the body naturally exposes with nothing left, the Yao Rou responsibility is, although everyday must carry on the disinfection clean to the body of Li Yunxiang, was already unalarmed by strange sights, was because of the Ling Yun reason on the scene, has blocked from the body of Li Yunxiang with the quilt that Yao Rou unexpectedly maintained composure just moved. 现在李云祥赤着身子暴露在空气中,身体自然展露无遗,姚柔职责所在,虽然每天都要对李云祥的身体进行消毒清洗,早已见怪不怪,可是因为凌云在场的缘故,姚柔竟然不动声色的用刚掀掉的被子遮住了李云祥的身体。 Has saying that the heart of woman which...... 不得不说,女人的心哪…… This person, Ling Yun today must certainly rescue, he may not have the free time to run again, naturally will not care about that set of that Yao Rou said that withstand/top mostly hour's matter, when Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles displayed, Li Yunxiang awoke he to walk, which was so troublesome? 这人,凌云今天肯定是要救的,他可没有工夫再跑一趟,当然也不会在乎姚柔说的那一套,顶多半小时的事儿,等灵枢九针施展完了,李云祥醒了他就走,哪儿那么麻烦? However, does not miss such a while free time, therefore he has not worried, but smiles as before was having Yao Rou that the ripples tender body trembles lightly to say to the heart: I ensure cannot have any problem, you can look here, if had problems, I am you to handle am good?” 不过,也不差这么一会儿工夫,因此他并没有怎么着急,只是依旧微笑着对已经心起涟漪娇躯轻颤的姚柔说道:“我保证不会出任何问题,你可以在这里看着,要是出了问题,我任你处置行不行?” This saying, had one to select | Funny meaning, not for other, because Ling Yun discovered that Yao Rou wears the pink nurse's uniform to be very attractive. 这话,就已经带了一丝挑|逗的意味了,不为别的,因为凌云发现姚柔穿着粉红色的护士制服很诱人。 Ling Yun now the lethality of this face is truly invincible, in addition his sound also becomes exceptionally has the magnetism, then displays the warm gently beautiful male idea, making Yao Rou nearly crisp! 凌云现在这张脸的杀伤力确实无敌,再加上他的声音也变得异常具有磁性,这下施展温柔美男计,让姚柔差点儿就酥了! Really not good...... So grave as to affect a human life......” Yao Rou is still resisting, but the tone of that rejection, actually again does not get up. “真的不行……人命关天的……”姚柔依然在抗拒,可那拒绝的语气,却再也坚决不起来了。 Ling Yun smiles lightly, he pretends to have no intention with emptying left hand in a Yao Rou fragrant shoulder racket, then said gently: Several minutes, will not then have any major problem......” 凌云淡淡一笑,他装作无意的用空着的左手姚柔的香肩轻轻一拍,然后道:“就几分钟即可,不会有什么大问题的……” Said again no matter also Yao Rou, tears off Li Yunxiang quilt single-handed once more, makes a move like lightning, vaudeville general displaying Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles! 说完再也不管姚柔,单手再次扯下李云祥身上的被子,出手如电,杂耍一般的施展灵枢九针 The beautiful male idea that Ling Yun displays desirably, to Yao Rou, that radically is every shot hits the target, a Ling Yun this gently racket, nearly Yao Rou patting weak dead drunk! 凌云刻意施展的美男计,对姚柔来说,那根本就是百发百中,凌云这轻轻一拍,差点儿就把姚柔给拍的软瘫如泥! She is controlling the breath of own as far as possible, again is also actually incapable of preventing Ling Yun to display Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles. 她尽量控制着自己的呼吸,却再也无力阻止凌云施展灵枢九针 Then she looked to stay! 然后她就看呆了! Ling Yun this time is both hands displays Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles, ten fingers like dance on the body of Li Yunxiang, the rhythm of that type of passing clouds and flowing water, in most renowned the pianist the world plays the piano to come is more chic and smoother than! 凌云这次是双手施展灵枢九针,十根手指就像在李云祥的身体上跳舞,那种行云流水的节奏感,比世界上最著名的钢琴家弹钢琴来的还要潇洒自如! The people are graceful, the movement is more graceful! Cool! 人帅,动作更帅!帅呆了! When except for these, Ling Yun that slender finger, self-confident look, needle-pricking the dedicated facial expression, looks at Yao Rou dazzling and intoxicating! 除了这些,凌云那修长的手指,充满自信的眼神,施针时专注的神情,更是看得姚柔一阵目眩神迷! Cannot let off him, must attain his cell phone number!” Yao Rou looks at Ling Yun, the tender body cannot stand unexpectedly, she hurried the medicine bottle to put on the nightstand of hospital bed in the hand was carrying, both hands made an effort to hold the tail block, was supporting the own tender body. “决不能放过他,一定要拿到他的手机号码!”姚柔看着凌云,娇躯竟然站立不住,她赶紧把手中端着的药瓶放到了病床的床头柜上,双手用力扶着床尾,强撑着自己的娇躯。 Huge dragon spiritual energy baptism of Ling Yun on after Coiling Dragon Mountain, at this time has only missed half from the Body Refining Fourth Stage level step, within the body spiritual energy is abundant, he full power acts now, has displayed nine Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles continuously, finally, nine gold needle all inserted in the Li Yunxiang head acupuncture point, stopped. 凌云经过龙盘山上庞大的龙灵气洗礼之后,此时距离练体四层已经只差半步了,体内灵气充沛无比,他现在全力施为,连续施展了九次灵枢九针,最后,九根金针全部插在了李云祥头部的穴位上,才停了下来。 Nine minutes, have only used for nine minutes! 九分钟,只用了九分钟! Ling Yun completes all these, he smiled has been patting clapping gently, then said to the Li Yunxiang mother: Aunt, I governed, if as expected, Li elder brother within ten minutes will awake, you and Sister Liu prepared ahead of time. I first exiting a while, when Li elder brother awoke you to call me again.” 凌云做完这一切,他微笑着轻轻拍了拍手,然后对李云祥的母亲说道:“伯母,我治完了,如果不出意外的话,李哥十分钟之内就会醒,您和刘姐提前准备一下吧。我先出去一会儿,等李哥醒了您再叫我。” Then, Ling Yun unfolds face to smile once more, turns around to walk toward the hospital ward outside. 说完,凌云再次展颜一笑,转身朝病房外走去。 „Will ten minutes awake?!” “十分钟就会醒?!” Is so quick?!” “这么快?!” The Li Yunxiang mother and Liu Li listen, is pleasantly surprised simply, inconceivable of whole face! 李云祥的母亲和刘丽一听,简直是又惊又喜,满脸的不可思议! One month! The doctor got down several times to inform critically ill, now makes Ling Yun treat and cure, two people were also holding the dead horse Dang survival horse Yi mentality, now listened to Ling Yun saying that ten minutes of Li Yunxiang will awake, their moods could be imagined! 一个多月了!医生都下了好几次病危通知了,现在让凌云救治,两个人也是抱着死马当成活马医的心态,现在听凌云说十分钟李云祥就会醒,她们的心情可想而知! Yao Rou is whole face unbelievable look, sexy small mouth O, is the admiration frantic looks at Ling Yun, any words could not say! 姚柔更是满脸难以置信的神色,性感的小嘴儿张成了O型,又是敬佩又是狂热的看着凌云,什么话也说不出来! Except for Li Yunxiang physician-in-charge, must say that most understood Li Yunxiang condition, was Yao Rou! 除了李云祥的主治医师,要说最了解李云祥病情的,就是姚柔了! situation that because she understands, Li Yunxiang most lives is about three months, naturally, these have not told the Li Yunxiang family member, reason that now also makes Li Yunxiang treat in the hospital, that radically appearance at waiting miracle! 因为她了解的情况,李云祥最多活不过三个月,当然,这些并没有告诉李云祥的亲人,现在之所以还让李云祥在医院里治疗,那根本就是在等待奇迹的出现! In the eye of expert group, Li Yunxiang must die actually without doubt, reason that this is also Yao Rou dares to let the basic reason that Ling Yun treats. 在专家组的眼里,李云祥其实已经是必死无疑,这也是姚柔之所以敢让凌云治疗的根本原因。 Otherwise, she impossible, whatever Ling Yun acts sloppily! 不然的话,她也不可能任由凌云胡来! But, Ling Yun has only used for ten minutes, has gripped about hundred with that nine golden needle on the body of Li Yunxiang, said after Li Yunxiang ten minutes, can awake?! 可是,凌云只用了十分钟,在李云祥的身体上用那九根金色的针扎了近百下,就说李云祥十分钟后能醒?! What medical skill is this?! This is not miracle cure can describe, this is bring the dying back to life! 这是什么医术?!这已经不是妙手回春能形容的了了,这是起死回生 Yao Rou thorough was silly, she does not walk simply, decides in the hospital ward stays the last ten minutes, what having a look at Ling Yun to say was is really false! 姚柔彻底傻了,她索性不走了,就决定在病房里呆上十分钟,看看凌云说的是真是假! Ling Yun arrived at outside the hospital ward, looks that has poked there Tie Xiaohu said: I said that your boy tacitly is a little good with me? I told you am treat the illness to save the patient, did you also make the person go to disturb me?” 凌云来到了病房外面,看着一直杵在那里的铁小虎道:“我说你小子跟我有点儿默契行不行?我都告诉你了是过来治病救人的,你还让人进去打扰我?” The Ling Yun heart said that must discuss according to the circumstance, acts according to circumstances, Tie Xiaohu comes compared with Tang Meng, missed such one planned, Tang Meng has only been together with Ling Yun for two days, very much had the tacit understanding with Ling Yun. 凌云心说要论随机应变,见机行事,铁小虎比起唐猛来,还是差了那么一筹啊,唐猛只和凌云相处了两天,就已经和凌云很有默契了。 Tie Xiaohu sweating profusely, the heart said the eldest child, our is in the hospital! Doesn't let the doctor and nurse in the hospital enters the hospital ward? 铁小虎大汗,心说老大啊,咱这可是在医院里啊!在医院里不让医生和护士进病房? However he does not dare saying that but awkward flexure scratching the head, nodded. 不过他并不敢说出来,只是尴尬的挠了挠头,又点了点头。 Ling Yun looked for a seat to sit casually, his raising the head smiled, asked that Tie Xiaohu said: Now is all right, you told me, why does today ask me to fight?” 凌云随便找了个座位坐了下来,他抬头嘿嘿一笑,问铁小虎道:“现在没事,你跟我说说吧,今天为什么来找我打架?” Tie Xiaohu had decided that now pledged to fight to the death mixed with Ling Yun, has not concealed, found him Gou Junfa directly, making him punch a Ling Yun entire process to say to Ling Yun. 铁小虎现在已经决定誓死跟着凌云混了,也就没有隐瞒,直接把勾俊发找到他,让他揍凌云一顿的整个过程跟凌云说了。 The Ling Yun hear, nodded: It seems like Gou Junfa this boy does not lose heart! What to do do you then plan?” 凌云听完,点了点头:“看来勾俊发这小子还是不死心啊!你接下来打算怎么办?” Tie Xiaohu has not understood what is heard the Ling Yun's meaning, he wonders saying: Or, do I punch his?” 铁小虎没听明白凌云的意思,他纳闷道:“要不,我揍他一顿?” Ling Yun heard the straight frowned head, heart to say does not have the tacit understanding, really did not have the tacit understanding, his helpless say/way: Punches that type of trash to have any meaning, what I said is the matter of money!” 凌云听得直皱眉头,心说没默契,实在是没默契,他无奈道:“揍那种垃圾有什么意思,我说的是钱的事!” Tie Xiaohu hears to stare, money? 铁小虎听得一愣,钱? He thinks saying: „Did eldest child you say that 20,000 dollars? I do not want and that's the end, my today gives my 10,000 to give back to him him!” 他想了想道:“老大你说那20000块钱啊?我不要了就是了,我今天就把他给我的10000还给他!” Ling Yun hears is the straight frowned head, he used the tongue to sweep a tooth of own, angry saying: Fart! My meaning is to let you saying well that 10,000 give to take carry back!” 凌云听得是直皱眉头,他用舌头扫了一圈自己的牙齿,气道:“放屁!我意思是让你把讲好的那10000给拿回来!” „--” Tie Xiaohu was silly! “嘎——”铁小虎傻了! This person has not punched, complied with the matter outright failure, you were punched one not to say by the eldest child in turn, but also feels all right to want that 10,000 with the person? 这人没揍成,答应了的事情彻底失败,被老大您反过来揍了一顿不说,还怎么好意思去跟人要那10000? Expression that Ling Yun expecting too much, looks at Tie Xiaohu, after long time, does best to convince the education saying: Tie Xiaohu, you, since mixes with me, must have with the consciousness that I mix, you remember my a few words, how the matter do good, but the premise, that is absolutely cannot suffer a loss, suffers a loss is not my style! Understood?” 凌云一副恨铁不成钢的表情,看着铁小虎,半晌后才苦口婆心教育道:“铁小虎,你既然跟着我混,就要有跟我混的觉悟,你记住我一句话,事情怎么干都行,但是有一个前提,那就是绝对不能吃亏,吃亏不是我的风格!明白吗?” Tie Xiaohu has not thought eldest child who recognizes newly actually said these words, immediately two eyeballs stared perfectly round, the heart said that this was also good?! 铁小虎没想到新认的老大竟然说出这番话来,顿时俩眼珠子瞪得溜圆,心说这也行?! That, didn't that explain religious doctrine on custom?” Tie Xiaohu muttered. “那,那就是不讲道上的规矩了啊?”铁小虎喃喃道。 Ling Yun was slanting a pair of handsome eye to glance his one eyes saying: Nonsense custom, does not suffer a loss is the biggest custom, you have remembered, must take carry back to me that 10,000 dollars, one hits Ah?! to visit you by me white/in vain is not the fool, how the brain such not to straighten out likely?” 凌云斜着一双俊眼瞟了他一眼道:“狗屁规矩,不吃亏就是最大的规矩,你记住了,必须把那10000块钱给我拿回来,白挨我一顿打啊?!看着你也不像是笨蛋,脑子怎么这么不开窍呢?” Does not attend to Tie Xiaohu dumbstruck, Ling Yun continues to teach said: Later you and Tang Meng are together, much study study, should not be tacit with me do not have, communicated too to take the trouble with you!” 不顾铁小虎目瞪口呆,凌云继续教训道:“以后你和唐猛相处的时候,多学学,不要跟我一点儿默契都没有,跟你沟通起来实在是太费力了!” Tie Xiaohu is speechless, can only nod at a loss. 铁小虎无语,只能茫然的点头。 Underwent Ling Yun this education, Tie Xiaohu in line with the principle that does not suffer a loss, more walks on this great path is farther, finally achievement one generation of grandmasters! 经过了凌云这一次的教育,铁小虎本着绝不吃亏的原则,在这条伟大的道路上越走越远,最终成就了一代宗师! As for Tang Meng, Tang Meng does not need to teach completely! 至于唐猛,唐猛完全不用教! After five minutes, the hospital ward gate suddenly opens, the form of Yao Rou that pretty sex appeal appeared in the entrance, on the face was the unquenchable excitement and pleasant surprise! 五分钟后,病房门突然打开,姚柔那俏丽性感的身影出现在了门口,脸上是难以抑制的兴奋和惊喜! This absolutely is miracle in the history of medicine! Li Yunxiang awoke really! bring the dying back to life!” “这绝对是医学史上的奇迹啊!李云祥真的醒了!起死回生!”
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