DBWG :: Volume #7

#656: 3000 illusory images

„Is this strongest attack?” To be honest, that Young Lady Xuan faced such attack, the complexion was also having the change, even somewhat worried. 【. Writing first round 1 “这就是最强的攻击吗?”说实话,那璇姑娘面临着这样的攻击,脸色也发生了变化,甚至有些着急了。【.文字首发1 38 reading net // she thinks can easily takes Martial Emperor, where knows that will meet one to have the thorn head of Yuan abstention? It seems like this Zhao Wuji can dominate Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty, there is his card in a hand! 38看書網//她原本以为可以轻易的把武帝拿下,哪里知道会碰见一个拥有着元戒的刺头?看来这赵无极能够称霸神武圣朝,还是有他的底牌的! The Young Lady Xuan secret regret, has not cut the gordian knot to Zhao Wuji from the beginning, making it not have the opportunity of use Yuan abstention! 璇姑娘暗暗后悔,没有一开始对赵无极快刀斩乱麻,让其没有使用元戒的机会! To the present , can only hard anti- pass! 到了现在,也只能硬抗过去了! Her Feng Xuan, is not a vegetarian! 风璇,也不是吃素的! 3000 illusory images!” When the Martial Emperor seal arrives, Feng Xuan look ice-cold, whole body True Essence is flowing, True Essence stirs, enormous and powerful gushing out, crazy tornado is sweeping across in the Feng Xuan surroundings, quick in her side, has formed altogether 3000 empty shades, these empty shades are human form empty shade comprised of the wind, looks like looks like the person is the same, but the body is the nihility! “3000幻影!”就在武帝印降临的时候,风璇眼神冰冷,浑身的真元流动着,真元鼓荡,浩浩荡荡的涌出,一阵疯狂的旋风在风璇的周围席卷着,很快就在她的身边,形成了一共3000个虚影,这些虚影都是由风组成的人形虚影,看起来就像是人一样,只是身体是虚无的罢了! This is move of similar Fire God Avatar, Specter Avatar Divine Ability, 3000 illusory images, each illusory image, is Avatar, compared with Fire God Avatar and Specter Avatar, these 3000 illusory images, in the quantity, is flexible as well as on the striking power, should more powerful!” “这是一招类似神火分身,魔影分身神通啊,3000幻影,每一个幻影,都是一个分身,比起神火分身魔影分身来说,这3000幻影,无论是在数量上,还是灵活以及攻击力上面,应该都要强悍许多!” Long Chen secret analysis. 龙辰暗暗分析。 3000 illusory images, are Divine Ability Battle Technique, but had actually been regarded the method of defense in this time by Feng Xuan, under the pressure of Martial Emperor seal, the illusory images of 3000 wind overshoots suddenly, 11 welcomed to the Zhao Wuji Martial Emperor seal, each illusory image was the powerful attack, can resist Martial Emperor seal slightly a while the time, the strength that 3000 illusory images gathered was infinity! 3000幻影,原本是神通战技,但在此时却被风璇当成了防御的手段,在武帝印的威压之下,3000个风形的幻影猛然上冲,11迎向了赵无极武帝印,每一道幻影都是强悍的攻击,都能够抵挡住武帝印稍微一会儿的时间,3000幻影聚集起来的力量是无穷大的! Suddenly, Martial Emperor seal unexpectedly and 3000 illusory images anti-! 一时间,武帝印竟然和3000幻影相抗了起来! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Transmitting that such sound keeps, each illusory image hit above the Martial Emperor seal, can form a huge explosion! After the explosion, 3000 illusory images turned into the wind, vanished in the middle of the world, but a new illusory image, came out in the Feng Xuan side again! 这样的声音不停的传来,每一个幻影撞在了武帝印之上,都能够形成一次巨大的爆炸!爆炸之后,3000幻影化成了风,消失在了天地当中,而一个新的幻影,又重新在风璇的身边出来! These 3000 illusory images, before her 3000 imaginary palms, were much more intrepid! 这3000幻影,比起她之前的3000幻掌,都要强悍得多了! Has these 3000 illusory images, so long as Feng Xuan True Qi is enough, can definitely output continuously, till to True Qi dries up, naturally, when her True Qi dries up, her match already died! 有这3000幻影,只要风璇真气足够,完全可以源源不断的输出,一直到真气枯竭为止,当然,等她的真气枯竭,她的对手早就死了! The Jin war-god of Martial Emperor seal, with the contests of 3000 wind shape illusory images, erupted the huge sound, the people looked dumbfoundedly. 武帝印的金家战神,和3000风形幻影的较量,爆发出了巨大的声响,众人看得目瞪口呆。 These two, are true Expert, a fight, so splendid! 这两人,是真正的强者,一番战斗,也是如此的精彩! Long Chen at heart also deep admiring. 龙辰心里也深深的佩服。 Attack Battle Technique that he has now, has Soul Scatter Dragon Claw and Wind God Leg method, but compares in the Martial Emperor seal such kills certainly, was in the difference many, he felt that he lacked a force very much, can strike the method that must kill to the enemy! 他现在拥有的攻击战技,有散魂龙爪风神腿法,不过相比较于武帝印这样的绝杀来说,还是差上了不少,他感觉自己很缺少一种强力,可以对敌人一击必杀的手段! Five Emperor Seal, is the goal that I strive, if I can obtain King Grade Advanced Level Battle Technique before, is similar to five Martial Emperor seal this, that was good...... But the Martial Emperor seal is Zhao Wuji, has not passed on including Zhao Danchen, how do I obtain?” 五帝印,是我争取的目标,但是假如我在之前能得到一门王级高等战技,类似于五武帝印这样,那就好了……可武帝印是赵无极的,连赵丹尘都没有传,我怎么得到?” Long Chen in thinking, thinks Feng Xuan anti- lived in the situation in Martial Emperor seal, had the change! 龙辰在想的时候,原本以为风璇已经抗住武帝印的局势,又发生了变化! Zhao Wuji is crazy time, that is quite fearful, after the Martial Emperor seal Feng Xuan blocks, he is nipping the tooth, has raised the strengths of many Yuan abstention once more, this strength has surpassed the control of his Zhao Wuji, has caused his body internal Martial Veins, at this time has the sign of break and collapse, a blood thread of faint trace, seeped from his skin, to strike to kill Feng Xuan in one vigorous effort, his brow has not wrinkled! 赵无极疯狂起来的时候,那是相当可怕的,武帝印被风璇挡住之后,他咬着牙齿,再次提了不少元戒的力量,这一股力量已经超过了他赵无极的掌控,导致了他身体内部的武脉,此时都有断裂和崩溃的迹象,一丝丝的血丝,从他的皮肤当中渗透了出来,可是为了一鼓作气击杀风璇,他眉头都没有皱上一下! These huge strengths, were led the Martial Emperor seal by Zhao Wuji completely, the Martial Emperor seal erupts the might that soars to the heavens immediately, the speed that 3000 illusory images wear down, quick cannot keep up with the speed of Martial Emperor seal advance, that huge Jinjia war-god erupts one to roar, that huge Golden fist, pounded on the body of Feng Xuan directly! 那些庞大的力量,全部都被赵无极导进了武帝印当中,武帝印立刻爆发出冲天的威力,那3000幻影消磨的速度,很快就赶不上武帝印前进的速度,那庞大的金甲战神爆发出一声怒吼,那巨大的金色拳头,直接砸到了风璇的身体上! Bang! 砰! The innumerable illusory images, kept off before the body of Feng Xuan, may nevertheless, Feng Xuan be shaken to fly! 无数的幻影,挡在了风璇的身体前,可尽管这样,风璇还是被震飞了出去! In the middle of process that in flying to draw back, Feng Xuan spouts a blood, blood red the surface ingrain on face, was shaken in the middle of the process that flies, the veil falls, a cheek that reveals, really beguiles to be enchanting, looks like on the 20-year-old age, actually she had over 30 years old. 在飞退的过程当中,风璇喷出一口鲜血,将脸上的面纱染得一片血红,在被震飞的过程当中,面纱掉落而出,露出的一张脸蛋,果然狐媚而妖娆,看起来就只有20多岁的年纪,其实她已经有30多岁了。 A Cultivate way, is the way of immortal. 修炼一途,也是长生的一途。 As cultivates for increases, life will also increase. 随着修为的增加,寿命也会增加。 Four Great Foundation Realm, is not big to increase of life, to Earth Martial Realm 1-layer, has basically been able to live the last over a hundred years, Earth Martial Realm, basically has not gone forward a rank, can increase 50 years of life, to the Earth Martial Realm 9-layer boundary, has basically been able to live the last more than 500 years. 四大基础境,对寿命的增加并不大,到了地武境一重,基本上可以活上上百年了,地武境当中,基本上没前进一个级别,能够增加50年的寿命,到了地武境九重的境界,基本上可以活上500多年吧。 However, once broke through Heaven Martial Realm, immediately has 1000 life! 但是,一旦突破了天武境,立刻拥有1000年的寿命! In other wise reigns, had to exist many for several hundred years, even 1000 old monster, these people, are most terrorist! 在其他圣朝当中,不乏有存在了数百年,甚至1000年的老怪物,这些人,才是最恐怖的! Moreover, in the middle of Heaven Martial Realm, goes forward every time a rank, basically can increase 100 years of life! The Heaven Martial Realm 9-layer monster, basically can live the last more than 2000 years. 而且,在天武境当中,每前进一个等级,基本上都可以增加100年的生命!天武境九重的怪物,基本上可以活上2000多年了。 But Divine Martial Realm in that legend, so long as arrives, if not die, basically can live the last more than 5000 years. Moreover after Divine Martial Realm, increase of life is more terrifying, the legend, to Divine Martial Realm most peak, can have 10,000 years of life! 而那传说中的神武境,只要到达,如果不死的话,基本上可以活上5000多年了。而且到了神武境之后,寿命的增加更恐怖,传说当中,到了神武境的最巅峰,能够拥有10000年的寿命! 10,000 years, what concept is this? 10000年,这是什么概念? Ten mahatmas toward middle, basically do not have that wise reign, can have 10,000 years of history, solely was a person lives for 10,000 years, this no longer is a person, but was in the middle of the legend Spiritual God! 十大圣朝当中,基本上没有那个圣朝,能够拥有10000年的历史,单单是一个人就活上了10000年,这已经不再是人,而是传说当中的神灵了! Naturally, Heaven Martial Realm and Divine Martial Realm, these to Long Chen were really too remote. 当然,天武境神武境,这些对龙辰来说实在是太遥远了。 Long Chen still in the Earth Martial Realm 2-layer boundary, desperately is struggling now, wants to break through Earth Martial Realm 3-layer. 龙辰现在还在地武境二重的境界,苦苦挣扎着,想要突破地武境三重呢。 Zhao Wuji looks like did not beat Feng Xuan, but after using Martial God has taken possession, at one fell swoop Feng Xuan routs, but this simultaneously, he because of the excessive use strength, the body also had many damages, particularly the interior of body, this perhaps needed some time training. 赵无极原本看起来不敌风璇,而使用了武神附体之后,一举将风璇击溃,而这同时,他自己因为过度的动用力量,身体也有了不少的损伤,尤其是身体的内部,这恐怕需要一段时间的修养了。 Naturally, these injuries, if can trade the Feng Xuan life, this is worth, ten thousand years of center of earth ru minor matter, Antique Cemetery Token is actually the important matter, Long Shen comes out actually, Zhao Wuji has not feared, is this Feng Xuan is different, so long as Feng Xuan does not die, Martial Emperor sleeps on pins and needles! 当然,这些伤害如果能够换风璇的命,这是值得的,万年地心ru倒是小事,古坟令却是大事,龙山出来,赵无极都没有怕过,可是这风璇不同,只要风璇不死,武帝寝食难安! Suffers to death!” Success after having routed Feng Xuan, the Zhao Wuji slight hesitation, has not launched the maximum speed hastily, just likes the golden light explodes in the Feng Xuan direction together shoots to go! “受死吧!”成功的击溃了风璇之后,赵无极没有丝毫的犹豫,连忙展开了最大的速度,犹如一道金光朝着风璇的方向爆射而去! This golden light, arrived at the Feng Xuan front together instantaneously! 这一道金光,瞬间就到了风璇的面前! The performance of Zhao Wuji, making the people in Martial Emperor city cheer. 赵无极的表现,让武帝城的众人们欢呼了起来。 The Martial Emperor city, is the agglomeration of Military Alliance core member, here person, mostly is supporting the rule of Martial Emperor. 武帝城,是武盟核心成员的聚集地,这里的人,大多都拥护着武帝的统治。 „Can Feng Xuan this be finished?” Long Chen is somewhat stunned, he thinks this dying certainly is Martial Emperor, has not thought that Martial Emperor will really have Yuan abstention thing, borrowed ancestry's strength, routs Feng Xuan at one fell swoop! 风璇这样就要完蛋了?”龙辰有些愕然,他以为这次死的一定是武帝呢,没想到武帝竟然会有元戒这东西,借用了祖辈的力量,一举击溃风璇 Then, so long as Zhao Wuji joins one move again, at this time routed Feng Xuan, definitely could not block. Feng Xuan has spurted including the blood, explained that received the internal injury, but the speed of Zhao Wuji attack is too fast, suddenly he cannot block! 接下来,只要赵无极再接上一招,此时被击溃的风璇,肯定已经挡不住了。风璇连血都喷了出来,说明已经受了内伤,而赵无极进攻的速度太快,一时间他根本就挡不住! In a short time, Zhao Wuji that braves the Golden ray the palm, grasped the neck of Feng Xuan directly, if were caught by him, Zhao Wuji can twist and break his neck in next absolutely instantaneously! 在极短的时间内,赵无极那冒着金色光芒的手掌,直接抓上了风璇的脖子,如果被他抓到的话,赵无极绝对能够在下一个瞬间将他的脖子拧断! The critical moment, Long Chen was also startled fearful and apprehensive. 关键时刻,龙辰也被惊得心惊肉跳。 Today's fight, was really too splendid. 今天的战斗,实在是太精彩了。 Did Feng Xuan like this die? 风璇就这样死了? Separated was very far, Long Chen can see in her eyes that panic-stricken look, has been full of the look of regret, thus it can be seen, this time Feng Xuan, is a dead end, she far away rushed to here, has not thought that Antique Cemetery Token has not come out, can defeat in a hand of Earth Martial Realm 4-layer Cultivator? 隔了很远,龙辰能看到她眼中那惊恐的眼神,其中充满了懊悔的神色,由此可见,此时的风璇,已经是穷途末路了,她大老远跑到这里来,没想到古坟令都还没出来呢,就要败在一个地武境四重者的手中? This was really too sorrowful! 这实在是太悲哀了! But at this time, the accident occurred. 可就在这时候,变故发生了。 Bang! 轰隆! In Zhao Wuji in the ground in their whereabouts, had an explosion suddenly, the soil exploded loudly, toward scattering in all directions to dance in the air, but these, a black form, left under to flee suddenly! 赵无极两人所在之处的地面上,忽然间发生了一次爆炸,泥土轰然爆炸起来,朝着四散飞舞,而在这其中,一个黑色的身影,骤然间出地底下窜了出来! This change, let the movement on Zhao Wuji slow, only because of this, that Feng Xuan the wound of a moment ago receiving responded, had time to launch the movement, actually evaded the attack of Zhao Wuji, but the black shadow that in the middle of that land blew out, hit suddenly to Zhao Wuji! 这一场异动,让赵无极手上的动作慢了一丝,只因为这一丝而已,那风璇就从刚才受的伤当中反应了过来,有时间施展开身法,却躲过赵无极的攻击,而那土地当中爆出的黑色影子,猛然撞向了赵无极 This black thing comes out, the time, bloody and decayed Scent, has swept across in the direction of Martial Emperor city, in the people heart is shocking. Is whooping to that thing, had the small number of people to recognize this thing is anything. 这黑色的东西一出来,顿时间,一股血腥和腐臭的味道,朝着武帝城的方向席卷了过来,众人心中震惊着。对着那东西议论纷纷,已经有少数人认出这东西到底是什么了。 Ancient demon skeleton!” Long Chen had a scare, ancient demon skeleton appears is not strange, what is strange, ancient demon skeleton unexpectedly under the attack of Zhao Wuji, that Feng Xuan rescuing, Feng Xuan, although was injured, but does not have to arrive at the life critically, so long as there are that a wee bit moderate time, she can run away from the hand of Zhao Wuji, gradually restores the battle efficiency! “古魔尸骸!”龙辰被吓了一跳,古魔尸骸出现并不奇怪,奇怪的是,古魔尸骸竟然在赵无极的攻击下,把那风璇给救了下来,风璇虽然受了伤,但是却没有危急到性命,只要有那么一丁点缓和的时间,她就能从赵无极的手中逃走,逐渐恢复战斗力! What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” „Does the Zhao Danchen Zhao Martial Emperor ancient demon skeleton, how attack Martial Emperor?” 赵丹尘武皇的古魔尸骸,怎么去攻击武帝啊?” Right, the ancient demon skeleton disturbs, Martial Emperor has struck to kill that female, what's the matter?” The Martial Emperor city, the people whooped, have blasted out the pot. “对啊,要不是古魔尸骸打扰,武帝就已经击杀了那个女子了,到底是怎么回事?”武帝城这边,众人议论纷纷,炸开了锅。 Long Chen also has a head wet from the fog. 龙辰也是满头雾水。 But at this time, Feng Xuan has drawn support from the help of ancient demon skeleton, succeeds fled the attack of Zhao Wuji, she looks deathly pale at this time, full is the look of worry, if a moment ago were later, she had been finished, considered everything, has not thought that Zhao Wuji by the arriving price that oneself will be injured, strikes to kill her! 而此时,风璇借助了古魔尸骸的帮助,成功的逃离了赵无极的攻击,她此时脸色惨白,满是担心的神色,刚才若是再晚一些,她就完蛋了,千算万算,都没想到赵无极会以自己都受伤的到代价,来击杀她! She almost [say / way]. 她差一点就着了道。 The recent luck is fortunately better, she by luck lived. 还好最近运气好一些,她才侥幸活了下来。 Therapy with Spirit Medicine, while restoration as soon as possible, Feng Xuan has drawn back the Zhao Wuji attack range, but that ancient demon skeleton, opens Zhao Danchen thorough compelling at this time, retrocedes, to the places of Feng Xuan nearby ten meters places. But at this time, the Zhao Danchen form, with distant place fast coming, appeared in the field of vision of people, appeared in side of ancient demon skeleton. 一边用灵药疗伤,一边尽快的恢复,风璇已经退开了赵无极的攻击范围,而那古魔尸骸,此时也将赵丹尘彻底的逼开,同时后退,到了风璇旁边十米处的地方。而这时候,赵丹尘的身影,才用远处快速的过来,出现在众人的视野当中,出现在古魔尸骸的旁边。 Looks adless, entire writing correct first round novel 看无广告,全文字无错首发小说 , , 1 1 38 reading net //- 38看書網//- w.w.w. w.w.w. , Your optimization! ,您的最佳选择!
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