DBWG :: Volume #7

#655: Yuan abstention

Earth Martial Realm 5-layer true strength? 地武境五重的真正实力? From her mouth, Long Chen can determine her strength completely. 【 138001 从她的口中,龙辰可以完全确定她的实力了。【138001 38 reading net // 38看書網// This is an exciting contest. 这是一场激动人心的较量。 At this time, Zhao Wuji and Young Lady Xuan has divided, Long Chen discovered that the Zhao Wuji complexion is much quieter. 就在这时候,赵无极璇姑娘都分了开来,龙辰发现,赵无极的脸色沉静得可怕。 But another side, on the Young Lady Xuan face full is the relaxed smiling faces, she without demur, once more toward the time that Zhao Wuji plunders, in speed, increased several times! Wind Clan of this Young Lady Xuan from Heaven Wind Imperial Dynasty, the wind, is the speed and lithe symbol, can look, this Young Lady Xuan in the speed, is prominent! 而另一边,璇姑娘脸上满满都是轻松的笑容,她二话不说,再次朝着赵无极掠去的时候,在速度方面,足足增加了好几倍!这璇姑娘来自天风圣朝风族,风,是速度和轻盈的象征,看得出来,这璇姑娘在速度上,非常突出! Even if Long Chen, looked is dazzled. 就算是龙辰,也看得眼花缭乱了。 Whistling...... 呼呼…… Time in an instant, Young Lady Xuan arrived at Zhao Wuji at present. 一转眼的时间,璇姑娘就到了赵无极的眼前。 3000 imaginary palms!” “3000幻掌!” Under displaying of Young Lady Xuan, her palm attack to Zhao Wuji, changes into two, two turned into three, more and more being in charge appear instantaneously, in a short time, directly Zhao Wuji submerging! 璇姑娘的施展下,她的手掌攻击向赵无极,一化为二,二化成了三,越来越多的掌印瞬间出现,在很短的时间内,就直接将赵无极给淹没了! Yellow Martial God seal!” “黄武神印!” In this critical moment, Zhao Wuji deep inspiration, displays the yellow Martial God seal that Zhao Danchen once displayed, the attack that but, he displays, in more than ten times compared with Zhao Danchen! This Martial Emperor strength, seriously is not a lid! 在这紧要的关头,赵无极深深的吸了一口气,施展出赵丹尘曾经施展出来的黄武神印,不过,他所施展出来的攻击,要比赵丹尘强上十多倍!这武帝的实力,当真不是盖的! A Golden Cultivator character, appears before the body of Zhao Wuji, the Zhao Wuji complexion is solemn , to promote Sealing Technique in hand, that Golden Cultivator seal expands suddenly, looks like a mountain peak, clashes with 3000 imaginary palms of Young Lady Xuan loudly, 3000 imaginary palm 3000 attacks, 3000 attacks, affected completely in the yellow Martial God seal! 一个金色字,出现在赵无极的身前,赵无极脸色冷峻,将手中的印法推出,那金色印猛然扩大,就像是一座山峰,和璇姑娘的3000幻掌轰然对撞,3000幻掌足足有3000道攻击,3000的攻击,全部都作用在了黄武神印上! This is the contest true strength time. 这是较量真正实力的时候了。 Long Chen does not shock in the Young Lady Xuan strength, instead shocks in the Zhao Wuji strength, can look, Zhao Wuji was still Earth Martial Realm 4-layer, solely was Earth Martial Realm 4-layer, can display to endure compared with this Young Lady Xuan strength, this enough explained that his Zhao Wuji was away from Earth Martial Realm 5-layer, only then a wee bit distances! Perhaps this is also he closes up in the middle of the Martial Emperor palace, has not gone to respond Long Clan and the others the reasons! 龙辰不震惊于璇姑娘的实力,反而震惊于赵无极的实力,看得出来,赵无极仍然是地武境四重,单单是地武境四重,就能够发挥出堪比这璇姑娘的实力,这足够说明他赵无极距离地武境五重,只有一丁点的距离罢了!恐怕这也就是他在武帝宫当中闭关,没有去搭理龙族等人的原因! So long as arrived at Earth Martial Realm 5-layer, who can also be his match? 只要到达了地武境五重,谁还会是他的对手? Long Shen and so on enemy, he can tidy up casually. 龙山之类的敌人,他随随便便都能够收拾。 However what is unfortunate, this Heaven Wind Imperial Dynasty Young Lady Xuan, rushed to here suddenly, not only wants his Zhao Wuji ten thousand years of center of earth ru, but must compete for Antique Cemetery Token that he settles on, if Young Lady Xuan does not die, Zhao Wuji all plans must be scrapped! 不过不幸的是,这个天风圣朝璇姑娘,忽然跑到了这里来,不但要他赵无极的万年地心ru,还要争夺他看中的古坟令,如果璇姑娘不死,赵无极所有的计划都得泡汤了! Therefore at this time, Zhao Wuji displayed the stance of going all out! 所以此时,赵无极施展出了拼命的姿态! The confrontation of two big Expert Battle Technique, erupt the enormous sound, when has not actually fought like Zhao Danchen, the entire ground is vibrating. In fact among them confrontation attack, because they hit all strengths in the attack, to the True Essence control ability, can be inferred! 两大强者战技的交锋,爆发出极大的响声,不过却没有像赵丹尘打斗时那样,整个地面都在震动。只是,实际上他们之间的交锋更加的攻击,因为他们把所有的力量都击中在了攻击上,对真元的掌控能力,可见一斑! The confrontation of yellow Martial God seal and 3000 imaginary palms, Young Lady Xuan won slightly planned, in the middle of her 3000 imaginary palm, the part has penetrated the yellow Martial God seal, has hit the body of Zhao Wuji, will shake to fly directly! 武神印和3000幻掌的交锋,璇姑娘稍微胜了一筹,她的3000幻掌当中,有一部分透过了黄武神印,击中了赵无极的身体,将之直接震飞了出去! The people send out huge clamoring hastily! 众人连忙发出一声声的巨大的喧哗! Martial Emperor in their hearts, is the symbol of perfection, but today does he start to be repulsed unexpectedly? 武帝在他们心中,是不败的象征,而今天他竟然开始败退了? In the people eyes revealed the incredible look! 众人眼中流露出了不可置信的神色! However, the wound of fortunately receiving is not heavy. 不过,还好受的伤并不重。 Martial Emperor has stabilized quickly own body, his complexion is somewhat pale, in the eye that indifferent look, transferred gradually ice-cold. Aura of withering, transmits from his body. 武帝很快就稳定了自己的身体,他的脸色有些苍白,眼中那冷漠的神色,逐渐转成了冰冷。一股肃杀的气息,从他的身上传来。 ”? Can get angry? ” To Young Lady Xuan, all in her control, at this time her giggled smiles, fills the eye that despises to look at Zhao Wuji. ”哦?要发怒了吗?”对璇姑娘来说,一切都在她的掌控当中,此时她咯咯的笑起来,充满蔑视的眼睛看着赵无极 You will regret.” The sound that Zhao Wuji feels cold, between resounds on this day, after his these words said that Long Chen felt suddenly somewhat has suffocated, a huge pressure erupted from the body of Martial Emperor, to the people of onlooking, has formed certain suppression! “你会后悔的。”赵无极发冷的声音,在这天地之间响起,在他这句话说完之后,龙辰忽然感觉到有些窒息了,一股庞大的压力从武帝的身上爆发了出来,对旁观的众人,都形成了一定的压制! In the middle of the Martial Emperor city, some strengths are small and weak, the face whiten, has the sign that must drop down in abundance, suddenly unexpectedly swarms fleeing, has drawn out actually certainly **, in the middle of good Military Alliance also has many Martial King, manages the general situation including Xiao Lin and the others here, this ** finally vanished. 武帝城当中,一些实力弱小的,纷纷脸色苍白,有要倒下的迹象,一时间竟然蜂拥似的逃离,倒是引出了一定的**,还好武盟当中还有很多武王,包括萧霖等人在这里主持大局,这**最终才消失了。 „Can Zhao Wuji go all out?” Long Chen silently transports True Essence to resist this pressure. Looks at Zhao Wuji, he discovered that in the middle of process that in confronts with Young Lady Xuan, the body of Zhao Wuji, actually had change gradually! 赵无极要拼命了?”龙辰默默的运着真元抵抗着这压力。看着赵无极,他发现,在和璇姑娘对峙的过程当中,赵无极的身体,竟然发生了渐渐的变化! Martial Emperor takes possession!” A nearby not far away Military Alliance high level, calls out in alarm to make noise, they hear some fables, therefore knows what Zhao Wuji currently uses is any method. 武帝附体!”旁边不远处一名武盟的高层,惊呼出声来,他们听闻一些传说,所以知道赵无极现在使用的是什么方法。 This time Zhao Wuji, the body starts to cover a piece of Golden light membrane, Golden Rune, appear from his body, dense and numerous, including his face, is full of such stripe, this was polite the scholarly Zhao Wuji, suddenly becomes the ominous offense and fierceness! 此时的赵无极,身上开始笼罩着一片金色的光膜,一个个金色符文,从他的身体上出现,密密麻麻,包括他的脸部,也充满着这样的条纹,这样原本温文儒雅的赵无极,骤然间变得凶戾和狰狞! „Is this Martial Emperor takes possession?” Long Chen feels that Zhao Wuji strength, under this anything Martial Emperor takes possession, erupted several times unexpectedly suddenly! His quite close Earth Martial Realm 5-layer, after waiting displayed this Martial Emperor to take possession, is Earth Martial Realm 5-layer! “这是武帝附体?”龙辰感觉到,赵无极的力量,在这什么武帝附体之下,竟然骤然间爆发了好几倍!他本来就相当的接近地武境五重,等施展了这武帝附体之后,已经是地武境五重了! Present Zhao Wuji, is actually having with the Young Lady Xuan same resistance strength! 现在的赵无极,竟然拥有着和璇姑娘一样对抗的力量! This Martial Emperor takes possession, is similar to Path of Demon Heart ** can Divine Ability, promote the battle efficiency in the fight?” Long Chen thought aloud. “这武帝附体,是类似于道心种魔**的神通,可以在战斗的时候提升战斗力?”龙辰自言自语道。 Fool, this met you to think mistakenly.” In the middle of Realm Of Universe, cat self-satisfied saying. “笨蛋,这一会你想错了。”太虚之境当中,小猫得意的说道。 Um?” “嗯?” This is Zhao Wuji in using the strength of ancestor, I am supposing, all previous Martial Emperor, in the middle of the same treasure, will instill into own strength and brand mark goes, gradually, in the middle of this treasure had one very strong strength, do you see on Zhao Wuji that Golden finger ring? It is estimated that this is all previous Martial Emperor status symbol, is on the point of death the strength origin of time. This finger ring is the same treasure, can buy in the strength, then by the wearing use, naturally, because is the external strength, therefore uses not to be handy, even causes the damage to the body!” “这是赵无极在使用着先祖的力量,我估摸着,历代的武帝,都会在一样宝物当中,灌输自己的力量和烙印进去,久而久之,这宝物当中就有了一种很强的力量,你看到赵无极手上那个金色的指环没有?估计这是历代武帝的身份标志,也是临危时候的力量来源吧。这指环是一样宝物,能够吸纳力量,然后被佩戴者使用,当然,因为是外来的力量,所以使用起来并不得心应手,甚至对身体造成伤害!” Is listening to the words of cat, Long Chen really in Zhao Wuji on about thumb, had discovered a Golden finger ring, at this time this finger ring extends the Golden rays unexpectedly, gripped in the middle of the body of Zhao Wuji! 听着小猫的话,龙辰果然在赵无极的左右的大拇指上,发现了一个金色的指环,此时这指环竟然延伸出来一道道金色的光线,扎进了赵无极的身体当中! Along with the inflow of finger ring strength, the Zhao Wuji strength is enhancing fast, the whole person was covered by Golden Rune! 随着指环力量的流入,赵无极的力量快速的提高着,整个人都被金色符文覆盖住! Is using the strength of older generation, this is similar to displaying Divine Ability Battle Technique, but so on be much more formidable than Path of Demon Heart. This secret only then the Military Alliance high level has, as for other people, knows approximately each Martial Emperor, can display Divine Ability that Martial Emperor takes possession. 使用着先辈的力量,这类似于施展一门神通战技,可要比道心种魔之类要强大得多。这个秘密只有武盟的高层才有,至于其他人,也大致知道每一任的武帝,都能够施展一种武帝附体的神通罢了。 Unexpectedly Yuan abstention?” When Zhao Wuji uses Martial Emperor takes possession, Young Lady Xuan somewhat surprised saying. Her vision amazed looks at the Golden finger ring on Zhao Wuji thumb, but shakes the time of god, Zhao Wuji already that Yuan abstention the strength, has bought in part to own within the body, rose suddenly by own battle efficiency to Earth Martial Realm 5-layer instantaneously! “竟然有一枚‘元戒’?”在赵无极使用武帝附体的时候,璇姑娘有些惊讶的说道。她目光惊诧的看着赵无极拇指上的金色指环,只是一个晃神的时间,赵无极就已经将那‘元戒’的力量,吸纳了一部分到自己的体内,让自己的战斗力瞬间暴涨到地武境五重 Young Lady Xuan that was sure of success, because of the emergence of this Yuan abstention, although is away from the veil, Long Chen saw that her brow got up slightly pressed. 原本稳操胜券的璇姑娘,因为这元戒的出现,虽然隔着面纱,龙辰还是看到,她眉头已经微微蹙起了。 Zhao Wuji power and influence strengthened several times. 赵无极身上的威势增强了好几倍。 Does not want to use this thing, after all this is I in the Ancient Cemetery maintaining life capital, with one few one time, is you, since is aggressive, my Zhao Wuji is impolite.” “原本不想动用这东西,毕竟这是我在太古坟场的保命资本,用一次少一次,可是你既然咄咄逼人,那我赵无极也不客气了。” Then, do you want to kill me directly?” The Young Lady Xuan taunt has smiled one. “这么说来,你是要直接把我干掉了?”璇姑娘嘲讽笑了一句。 Zhao Wuji has used including the card in a hand, if not kill Young Lady Xuan, after this Young Lady Xuan, looks for trouble again, Zhao Wuji this Yuan abstention, how many times but can also use? 赵无极连底牌都用了出来,如果不干掉璇姑娘,这璇姑娘以后再来找麻烦的话,赵无极这元戒,还能用几次? Right that you said!” “你说的对!” Intense fight combustion again, these time compared with wanted the terror to be many a moment ago, a moment ago was Young Lady Xuan suppression stubbornly Zhao Wuji, but at this time, Zhao Wuji from the beginning, had launched the crazy attack to Young Lady Xuan! The fighting method that this goes all out, making Young Lady Xuan unable to endure gradually! 激烈的战斗再一次的燃烧起来,这一次比起刚才又要恐怖得多了,刚才是璇姑娘死死的压制住赵无极,而这时候,赵无极一开始,就对璇姑娘进行了疯狂的攻击!这拼命的打法,让璇姑娘渐渐吃不消了! Roar!” “吼!” Zhao Wuji of polite scholarly, on the face is the fierce color, Golden Rune was glittering on his body at this time slowly, under a bombardment of Zhao Wuji fist fist, gathers on his fist completely, forms the formidable strength and Young Lady Xuan to bumping! 原本温文儒雅的赵无极,此时脸上慢慢都是狰狞之色,金色符文在他的身上闪烁着,在赵无极一拳一拳的轰击之下,全部汇聚到他的拳头上,形成强大的力量和璇姑娘对碰着! Bastard!” Under Young Lady Xuan short of breath, started to use the method of going all out, this Earth Martial Realm 5-layer Expert went all out truly, Long Chen discovered that even if were he , very ugly clear both sides movement had was quick, two fuzzy shadows, outside the Martial Emperor city fast to spelling, moving! “混蛋!”璇姑娘气急之下,也开始施展出了拼命的手段,这地武境五重强者真正拼命起来,龙辰发现,就算是他,也很难看清楚双方到底的动作到底有多么的快了,两个模糊的影子,在武帝城外快速的对拼着,移动着! Such fight, Long Chen is also far from the qualifications of mixing! 这样的战斗,龙辰还远远没有掺合的资格! Zhao Wuji must leave strongly one incurs.” Long Chen at this time, felt that the Zhao Wuji strength, inflated a critical point, he thus knows that Zhao Wuji must carry on final killing to incur to Young Lady Xuan! 赵无极要出最强一招了。”龙辰在这时候,感觉到赵无极的力量,已经膨胀到了一个临界点,他从而知道,赵无极要对璇姑娘进行最后的杀招! This is his only opportunity! 这是他唯一的机会! Bang! 轰隆隆! Explosives, the body of Zhao Wuji soars suddenly, all around presented the innumerable Golden rays suddenly, gathers toward his body in the middle, probably he turned into a Golden Sun to be the same! These Golden Rune, are revolving in the middle of his body fast, the finger of Zhao Wuji fast is also tying seal, a strength of vibration will of the people, erupted from the body of Zhao Wuji! 一声声爆响,赵无极的身体忽然间腾空而起,四周忽然出现了无数的金色光线,朝着他的身体当中汇聚,好像他已经变成了一个金色的太阳一样!那些金色符文,在他的身体当中快速的旋转着,赵无极的手指也在快速的结印,一股震动人心的力量,从赵无极的身上爆发了出来! This should be the Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty only King Grade Advanced Level Battle Technique Martial Emperor seal!” “这应该就是神武圣朝唯一的王级高等战技武帝印!” Bang! 轰! A turbulence, Zhao Wuji promotes Sealing Technique in hand suddenly, the time probably entire world in shivering, that Golden ray, is transforming into a huge Jinjia war-god suddenly the empty shade, presents in Zhao Wuji, along with making of Zhao Wuji this seal, that giant Jinjia war-god, stretches out the huge Golden fist, pounded loudly to Young Lady Xuan! 一声动荡,赵无极猛然将手中的印法推出,顿时间好像整个世界都在颤抖着,那金色的光芒,猛然幻化成为一个庞大的金甲战神的虚影,出现在赵无极的身后,随着赵无极这一印的打出,那巨大的金甲战神,伸出巨大金色拳头,轰然砸向了璇姑娘 Suddenly, the world changes color! 一时间,天地变色! Martial Emperor strength, unexpectedly intrepidly in this way! 武帝的力量,竟然强悍如斯! Long Chen knows, such strength, even if he, if contacts, consequence that must perish! Only if Long Chen shoulders one time with Reverse Time! 龙辰知道,这样的力量,就算是他自己,若是接触的话,也是必亡的后果!除非龙辰时间逆流扛过去一次! Looks adless, entire writing correct first round novel 看无广告,全文字无错首发小说 , , 1 1 38 reading net //- 38看書網//- w.w.w. w.w.w. , Your optimization! ,您的最佳选择!
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