DBWG :: Volume #7

#645: Fiance

Relax eldest sister these matters I guaranteed can manage appropriately guaranteed Chi Ying by my strong moral behavior, for active atmosphere grinned to say with a smile the people is also only the hollow laugh on a face again is substituted by the sad expression 放心吧大姐这些事情我保证可以办得妥妥当当的以我坚挺的人品保证赤影为了活跃一下气氛咧开嘴笑道不过众人也只是干笑了一阵脸上又重新被沉闷的表情所替代了 Long Chen looks that this somewhat is also helpless 龙辰看着这一幕也有些无奈 My Azure Emperor Seal was taken away unable to make Martial Emperor about Five Emperor Seal by Martial Emperor attain that Yellow Emperor Seal of this Five Emperor Seal Scarlet Emperor Seal and Profound Emperor Seal absolutely in seven younger brothers' hands collects by Lei Chen, so long as obtains Martial Emperor Five Emperor Seal we suddenly to say to seven younger brother Long Yue Yellow Emperor Seal 我的青帝印已经被武帝拿去了关于五帝印绝对不能够让武帝拿到这五帝印赤帝印玄帝印在七弟的手中那黄帝印雷震收藏起来吧只要一得到武帝五帝印我们就把黄帝印给七弟龙月忽然说道 Some Long Chen questions listen to her meaning to Five Emperor Seal to him therefore Long Chen then ask that slightly eldest sister Five Emperor Seal is the achievement that everybody tries hard, if can obtain should turn over to everybody 龙辰稍微有些疑问听她的意思是要把五帝印给他于是龙辰便问大姐五帝印是大家努力的成果如果可以得到的话应该归大家吧 Long Yue smiled bitterly a sound track you to think that we were your this anomaly your talent to the Battle Technique we can only praise to the heavens that Emperor Grade Battle Technique we when the time comes to have the opportunity to observe and emulate good on, if Cultivate we will not demand temporarily 龙月苦笑了一声道你以为我们都是你这种变态啊你对战技的天赋我们只能叹为观止了那皇级战技我们到时候有机会观摩一下就行了若是修炼不会我们暂时不会强求 Like this Long Chen also felt better at heart 这样的话龙辰心里也好受了一些 In fact in the middle of Five Emperor Seal Profound Emperor Seal and Scarlet Emperor Seal were the Long Chen merit that Long Chen attained make him perceive through meditation this to be also indisputable most greatly 实际上五帝印当中玄帝印赤帝印龙辰拿到的龙辰功劳最大就算让他一个人参悟这也无可厚非了 Initially Long Chen had itself Profound Emperor Seal and Scarlet Emperor Seal news says showed that after he had meaning group of Younger Brother sisters of this Five Emperor Seal share were he come Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty, biggest harvest Long Chen treasures this friendship 当初龙辰把自己拥有玄帝印赤帝印的消息说出来就证明他有把这五帝印分享的意思这一帮兄弟姐妹都是他来神武圣朝之后最大的收获龙辰珍惜这一份友谊 After waiting, went to Emperor's Domain also to have such friend to be unknown 等以后去了帝域还能不能拥有这样的朋友就不得而知了 The Five Emperor Seal matter like this passed 五帝印的事情就这样过去了 Discussed did not have what result Long Yue to deploy following duty Long Chen needed also how promotion own strength after all Long Chen as far as possible in the section time again to say was also among this crowd of person second Expert 商议了一阵却没有什么结果龙月部署了一下接下来的任务龙辰需要的也是在段时间内尽可能的提升自己的实力毕竟龙辰再怎么说也是这一群人当中的第二强者 After waiting to be about to end, Long Chen said suddenly everybody remained first 等快结束了之后龙辰忽然道各位先留一下 Any matter Long Yue and the others asked 什么事情龙月等人问道 Long Chen wants while this opportunity the Antique Cemetery Token matter saying that 138 reading net Ancient Cemetery matters I want to go in Ancient Cemetery to have a look not to know the Fifth Brother can inquire the Antique Cemetery Token news for me, if has Antique Cemetery Token born had better be able inform me 龙辰想趁着这机会把古坟令的事情说138看書网太古坟场的事情我想进去太古坟场去看看不知道五哥能不能为我打听一下古坟令的消息如果有古坟令出世的话最好能够通知我 What you must go to Ancient Cemetery first to have question was oldest Long Shen hear of he questions other people no longer to say 你要去太古坟场首先发出疑问的是最年长的龙山听他问话其他人就不再说了 Long Chen nodded 龙辰点了点头 Long Shen has sized up his one, but said with a smile the spirit that your this youth take risked actually quite full Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty Antique Cemetery Token will only have next Antique Cemetery Token Zhao Wuji definitely very much to want, because his teacher died in Ancient Cemetery and other Zhao Danchen could have to blow the Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty strength I to estimate that he will go to Ancient Cemetery to put together the final luck also to want this Ancient Cemetery besides the Zhao Wuji also person 龙山打量了他一阵无奈笑道你这少年冒险的精神倒是相当足的啊神武圣朝古坟令只会有一个下一个古坟令赵无极肯定会很想要因为他的师尊死在了太古坟场赵丹尘能有镇住神武圣朝的实力我估计他就会去太古坟场拼拼最后的运气吧除了赵无极还有一个人也想要去这太古坟场 The Zhao Wuji matter does not leave Long Chen to expect 赵无极的事情不出龙辰所料 Was very difficult in the middle of this Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty becomes a stronger opportunity for example Martial Emperor Zhao Wuji this Ancient Cemetery is he final turning point therefore he definitely will go, although knows that will possibly die he should also to strive for success one time to think the initial Chen bear was also this idea 在这神武圣朝当中很难有变得更强的机会了比如说武帝赵无极这种太古坟场是他一声最后的一次契机所以他肯定会去尽管知道很可能会死他应该也会去拼搏一次想必当初的辰熊也是这个想法 Ponders evil ways senior that remaining people as for person Long Chen that remaining want to go to is you 至于剩下一个想去的一个人龙辰沉思了一下道前辈那剩下的一个人是你吗 The Long Shen forced smile said that you guess good me 龙山苦笑道你猜得不错正是我 On the people face revealed awkward look Long Chen and Long Shen immediately is the two people of same influence they one old one little must go to Ancient Cemetery when the time comes to fight to compete 众人脸上顿时流露出了为难的神色龙辰龙山是同一个势力的两个人他们一老一少都要去太古坟场难道到时候要战斗争夺 Long Chen somewhat is also helpless 龙辰也有些无奈 If I decided that must go to you to be able with me to struggle Long Shen serious asking 我如果决定要去你会和我争吗龙山郑重的问道 Regardless of Long Chen decisive nod pays any price Ancient Cemetery I to go 龙辰果断的点头道无论付出任何的代价这太古坟场我必须要去 Came the Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty only goal is to go to Ancient Cemetery Long Chen has not possibly arrived these step naturally to stop own footsteps Long Shen in this final moment is person on one's own side that is impossible 神武圣朝的唯一目的就是去太古坟场龙辰已经走到了这一步当然不可能在这最后的关头停下自己的脚步就算龙山是自己人那也不可能 Probably slightly a little smell of gunpowder 好像稍微有点火药味了 Long Yue sees that mediates saying that hastily the Antique Cemetery Token matter puts temporarily first in behind has not known when this Antique Cemetery Token will come us how to resist Military Alliance not to know how now also to care about the Antique Cemetery Token matter 龙月见状连忙打圆场道古坟令的事情暂时先搁在后面吧还不知道这古坟令到底什么时候才会来呢我们现在怎么对抗武盟都不知道还怎么关心古坟令的事情 Long Yue somewhat anxious looks at Long Shen 龙月有些紧张的看着龙山 She does not know this grandfather's temperament, if he and Long Chen made that to trouble 她也不知道这爷爷的脾气要是他和龙辰闹起来那就麻烦了 What has not thought after is the Long Shen hear her words, how the clear and resonant voice laughed got up until affecting the injury he has coughed that person who several sound track small Yue'er you too anxious I am you think I to be curious he to want to go to Ancient Cemetery the Long Chen little friend you to know why I want to go to Ancient Cemetery 没想到的是龙山听完她的话之后朗声大笑了起来直到牵动了伤势他才咳嗽了几声道小月儿你太紧张了我是你想的那种人吗我只是非常好奇他怎么会想去太古坟场罢了龙辰小友你可知道我为什么想去太古坟场 Looks meaning Long Chen that this Long Shen should not be in sharp opposition then to ask for what 看得出来这龙山没有要针锋相对的意思龙辰便问道为了何事 Long Shen said I lived the present life basically also almost to walk the person old to go out for a walk Ancient Cemetery to be stranded me for a lifetime , here , therefore I hope outside one can have a look is any that legend fills innumerable Expert to be known as that was Great 3 Emperors' Domain of Long Ji Continent genuine stage is anything may these be a I small desire what, if cannot realize that not to have at the worst was only my old match Chen bear dies in that place I have been able to have a look, but you were for what 龙山道我活到了现在人生基本上也差不多走完了人老了就想出去走走太古坟场把我一辈子都困在了这里所以我就希望自己能够出去看看外面到底是什么那传说当中充满了无数强者号称是龙祭大陆真正的舞台的三大帝域到底又是什么可这些都是我一个小小的愿望罢了如果不能实现那就算了没什么大不了的只是我那老对手辰熊死在了那地方我才会想去看看而你呢又是为了什么 Long Chen silent observed the situation one week of Tanzania moon's orbit I to go to the middle of Great 3 Emperors' Domain to find a person 龙辰沉默了一阵环视了一周坦白道我要去三大帝域当中找一个人 The person people somewhat were surprised they not to listen to Long Chen to say but actually Lan Ling of this time most Eight Diagrams asked my good younger brother you to go to the middle of that legend Great 3 Emperors' Domain hastily to find the person unable to look you have this secret you people should not be a sentiment will plant to go to Great 3 Emperors' Domain to ask your sweetheart to go 人众人都有些惊奇他们倒从来没听龙辰说过呢此时最为八卦的蓝翎儿连忙问道我的好弟弟你要去那传说当中的三大帝域找人看不出来你还有这秘密啊你该不会是一个情种要去三大帝域找你的情人去吧 Lan Ling guesses good Long Chen is looks for own sweetheart 蓝翎儿猜得不错龙辰就是去找自己的情人 Long Chen does not have the reply to smile 龙辰没有回答只是笑了笑 Long Yue white Lan Ling said goodbye to speak at a venture seven younger brothers to have own concern we not to force to the time he also naturally to tell our me to say right 龙月白了蓝翎儿一眼道别乱说话七弟有自己的心事我们也别勉强到了时候他也自然会告诉我们的我说的对吧 Long Yue temperate looks at Long Chen with a smile 龙月温和的笑着看着龙辰 Long Chen made her smiling face many 龙辰让她的笑容多了许多 Remembers that from the beginning Long Yue is the person who will not smile her nickname, but iceberg Long Huang 记得一开始龙月就是一个不会笑的人她的外号可是冰山龙皇 Long Chen was very grateful their Long Yue truly to say well has been able to say with them to time Long Chen naturally anything 龙辰很感激他们龙月确实说得不错到了时候龙辰自然什么都会和他们说 At this time Long Shen spoke he saying that looked like you are very decidedly that I if when the time comes Antique Cemetery Token were born I fully to help you to obtain Antique Cemetery Token and that's the end 这时候龙山说话了他道看来你是非常决然了那我就算了到时候若是古坟令出世我就全力助你得到古坟令就是了 This is the Long Chen unexpected matter 这是龙辰意料之外的事情 From the beginning he also thinks that Long Shen can snatch after him has not thought words he complies to be unexpectedly Long Chen competes for Antique Cemetery Token 一开始他还以为龙山会和他抢呢没想到一番话之后他竟然答应为龙辰争夺古坟令 Many thanks in the senior heart had many gratitude to turn into these words 多谢前辈心中有再多的感激都化成了这几句话 Long Shen smiled to say goodbye to thank my you are a I savior our owes you too many a little to request I unassuageable words I not to have the face to see my two grandsons he to continue to say before you do not need to be worried about Antique Cemetery Token born , the sky that near position it is at will turn into Red to fill the dense fog completely can overtake in Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty there us 龙山笑了笑道别谢我你是我一家的救命恩人我们一家欠你太多这么一点要求我都不能满足的话我也没脸见我两个孙儿了顿了顿他继续道你不用担心古坟令出世之前它所在的位置附近的天空会完全变成了红色充满迷雾无论是在神武圣朝的那里我们都能够赶过去 As the matter stands Long Chen also felt at ease 这样一来龙辰也就安心多了 It can be said that his big stone put down finally 可以说他心里的一块大石头终于放下了 The Ancient Cemetery matter people then diverged, but Long Chen also looked for a own dwelling to start Cultivate 说完了太古坟场的事情众人这才散去而龙辰也找了一个属于自己的住处开始修炼了起来 People also after War Clan here settled has gotten down has included Qing Li King and Liu Yiyi Jiang Wuya arm broke at present in the middle of healing from a wound little with Long Yue discussed that the matter usually and Qing Li King and the others stayed together their family of three just formed definitely has many words to say 众人也都在战族这里安顿了下来其中就包括了清漓王柳依依姜无涯手臂断了之后目前在养伤当中很少和龙月一起商议事情了平时和清漓王等人呆在一起他们一家三口刚刚组建肯定有着很多的话要说 For serveral days Liu Yiyi had also looked for Long Chen, for did not disturb Long Chen Cultivate their talk not to exceed the quarter matter Liu Yiyi to ask generally heard that you want to go to the middle of that Great 3 Emperors' Domain to find a person that is a girl 这些天来柳依依也来找过龙辰为了不打扰龙辰修炼两人的谈话一般也没有超过一刻钟的事情这一次柳依依问道听说你想去那三大帝域当中找到一个人那是个女孩吗 The glittering and translucent carving eyeball is shivering slightly eyelash slender Liu Yiyi somewhat tight looks at Long Chen 晶莹剔透的眼珠微微颤动着睫毛修长柳依依有些紧张的看着龙辰 Long Chen first two do not know greatly how to reply he was suddenly silent 龙辰一个头两个大也不知道怎么回答一时间他沉默了 Liu Yiyi says with a smile not to have the relations immediately, if you are not willing saying that I did not ask you continue Cultivate I not to disturb...... 柳依依马上微笑着道没关系如果你不愿意说的话我就不问了你继续修炼吧我就不打扰了…… Said, she wriggled the waist to leave 说完之后她就扭腰离开了 Puts on the form of white long skirt to vanish in the Long Chen field of vision gradually 穿着洁白长裙的身影渐渐消失在龙辰的视野当中 The initial Lingxi back also was almost this 当初的灵曦背影也差不多是这样的 Long Chen deep remembers he sees the Lingxi first time sees is her back spatial quiet holy faintly recognizable seems most beautiful angel Long Chen sees that many woman people unable compared with resulting in Lingxi 龙辰深深的记得他看见灵曦第一眼的时候看见的就是她的背影空幽圣洁飘渺仿佛就是最美的天仙龙辰见过那么多的女人从来没有一个人能比得过灵曦 Is she is in the middle of Great 3 Emperors' Domain the descendant status of super influence honored comes Long Chen compared with her is not worthy of mentioning ants, when her keeping aloof stands, in the most peak of mountain peak flutters in the breeze shows disdain for world Long Chen also at the foot of the hill with hardship is struggling 是的她是三大帝域当中超级势力的后代身份尊贵比起她来龙辰就是一只微不足道的蝼蚁当她高高在上站在山峰的最顶峰迎风招展傲视天下的时候龙辰还在山脚下苦苦的挣扎着 Ten years of I have used for a half year...... 十年的时间我已经用去了半年…… In the middle of the dim light of night Long Chen looks at the fist in out of the window hand to grip tightly 夜色当中龙辰看着窗外手中的拳头紧紧握着 Fiancee Wang Chen Dragon Warrior 未婚妻王辰龙武者 These phrases keep is flashing in his brain 这些字眼不停的在他的脑中闪现着 Xiao Xi I have arrived here next step am to obtain Antique Cemetery Token am then quick I to see you through Ancient Cemetery ten years of I also to use for a half year 小曦我已经走到这里了下一步就是得到古坟令然后通过太古坟场很快我就可以去见你了十年的时间我也就用去了半年 But a half year I and your disparity also big 半年可是我和你的差距到底还有多大呢 Thinks that here Long Chen was somewhat vacant 想到此处龙辰有些茫然了 He looked at the front mountain range innumerable peaks to cover his line of sight 他望着前方的山峦无数的高峰遮挡了他的视线 Even if such as the cloud place a he tiny weak one has been able to achieve anything to Great 3 Emperors' Domain in that Expert finally 就算到了三大帝域在那强者如云的地方他一个渺小的弱者最终能做到什么
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