DBWG :: Volume #7

#644: On the eve of storm

The demon emperor neglected Zhao Danchen to cause own severely wounded dying this time Ancient Demon Region 50% people to sphere the demon emperor must likely be anxiously various ant Spirit Medicine on hot pot not awfully toward the body of demon emperor to pound, but that two Great Demon Saint and remaining fiendish person whole faces angry was roaring to Zhao Danchen 魔皇忽略了赵丹尘导致了自身的重伤垂死此时古魔域一半人都围住了魔皇急得像是热锅上的蚂蚁各种灵药不要命的往魔皇的身上砸而那两大魔圣和剩下的魔王则满脸愤怒的对着赵丹尘咆哮着 Zhao Danchen your this mean villain you hides unexpectedly is sneak attacking at the same time 赵丹尘你这个卑鄙的小人你竟然躲在一边偷袭 You dare to injure my Ancient Demon Region demon emperor to rob our ancient demon skeletons you damn 你敢伤我古魔域魔皇抢夺我们的古魔尸骸你该死 Also are only some Ancient Demon Region high-level people who the news of ancient demon skeleton is few people know perhaps that Martial Emperor that does not know have existence of Long Shen this older generation 古魔尸骸的消息是很少人知道的恐怕连那武帝都不知道知道的也只是古魔域高层的一些人还有龙山这种老一辈的存在罢了 Where Ancient Demon Region will hide this ancient demon skeleton was so long to think of today unexpectedly cheaply Zhao Danchen 古魔域把这古魔尸骸藏了那么久哪里会想到今天竟然会便宜了赵丹尘 In their eyes revealed the grief and indignation look not to believe obviously this fact at this time his two Great Demon Saint not awfully toward the Zhao Danchen attack came, but Zhao Danchen let somebody cool off or calm down smiled Eternal demon flag in a hand to operate that ancient demon skeleton has been opening an arm directly fast toward that two Great Demon Saint sweeps off has not hit the fresh breeze that two Great Demon Saint Naha said still two Great Demon Saint to hit has flown upside down going back 他们眼中流露出了悲愤的神色显然不相信这个事实此时他两大魔圣不要命的朝着赵丹尘攻击而来而赵丹尘只是冷冷的笑了一声手中的万古魔旗操纵着那古魔尸骸直接张开了一条手臂快速的朝着那两大魔圣扫去就算没有击中那两大魔圣那霸道的劲风仍然将两大魔圣打得倒飞了回去 After the ground tumbled several can see them to look deathly pale 在地上翻滚了几圈之后可以看到他们脸色惨白 They looked at each other one to know that absolutely who reluctantly their these time loses the demon emperor now to remain unconscious in the middle of Ancient Demon Region to be able to be the present Zhao Danchen match 他们无奈的对视了一眼知道他们这一次绝对是输了魔皇现在昏迷不醒古魔域当中能有谁会是现在的赵丹尘的对手 Although present Zhao Danchen still the whole body cruentation arm does not know where ran up to goes to have him of ancient demon skeleton to turn into terrifying existence instantaneously 尽管现在的赵丹尘仍然浑身染血手臂都不知道跑到哪里去了可以拥有古魔尸骸的他瞬间就变成了一个恐怖的存在 Mother made this fellow be saved from death Long Chen quite depressed Zhao Danchen to operate ancient demon skeleton this unexpectedly is huge terrible business, if did not hurry to solve likely creates the huge trouble 妈的竟然让这家伙死里逃生龙辰相当的郁闷赵丹尘操纵了古魔尸骸这是一件天大的麻烦事如果不赶紧解决的话很可能造成巨大的麻烦 Long Shen and he looked at each other Long Shen to say hastily you helped them leave me to have a look to be able first this Zhao Danchen to take with every effort 龙山和他对视了一眼龙山连忙道你帮助他们先离开我尽最大的可能看看能不能把这赵丹尘拿下 Long Chen at is not the match Long Shen this means of ancient demon skeleton is best 龙辰根本不是古魔尸骸的对手龙山这办法算是最好的了 After all Long Chen their Long Shen gets rid the scruples to fear that here the ancient demon skeleton can attack them to threaten him 毕竟龙辰他们在这里龙山出手有顾忌怕古魔尸骸会以攻击他们来威胁他 Long Chen but also can only nod 龙辰无奈之下也只能点头 After all the life of people are most important 毕竟众人的性命还是最重要的 What do not run away this running away was I transmits from the midair in this time Zhao Danchen that desolate sound 你们别逃了该逃的是我就在这时候赵丹尘那冷淡的声音从半空当中传来 On this time Zhao Danchen face the wild with joy look became quietly even is quieter much this is a very callous look his look sweeps the crowd to fall the body of Long Chen finally 此时的赵丹尘脸上狂喜的神色已经变得非常沉静甚至沉静得可怕这是一种无比冷酷的眼神他的眼神扫过了人群最终落到了龙辰的身上 Today I lost to your you to break my Zhao Danchen arm next time to meet I to with your four limbs hold a memorial service for my this arm 今天我败给了你你断我赵丹尘一条手臂下一次见面我要用你的四肢来祭奠我这条手臂 After saying, no matter Zhao Danchen the Military Alliance people in distant place operate the ancient demon skeleton to start the maximum speed to leave 说完之后赵丹尘不管远处的武盟众人操纵着古魔尸骸发动着最大的速度离开着 Although his action reduced Long Chen and the others lots of troubles to be possible Long Chen also to know that trouble will be fermenting because of his departure 他的举动虽然减少了龙辰等人很多的麻烦可龙辰也知道更加的麻烦会因为他的离开而酝酿着 Zhao Danchen was still at severely wounded condition now . Moreover the ancient demon skeleton and Long Shen put together a condition are not very good this time, if he went crazy is mutually wounded result Zhao Danchen will possibly have lost one time, therefore he could not lose 赵丹尘现在仍然处于重伤的状态而且古魔尸骸和龙山拼了一次状况也不是很好此时如果他发疯的话很可能会是两败俱伤的结果赵丹尘已经输过一次了所以他输不起 He goes back to rest and build up strength he to restore thorough control that ancient demon skeleton definitely to display is the might that Long Shen is hard to resist 他回去休养生息等他恢复过来彻底的掌控那古魔尸骸肯定会发挥出就算是龙山难以抵挡的威力 But Long Shen does not have the words that Zhao Danchen Zhao Danchen is determined to run away by Long Shen now the injured body basic on the chase 龙山也没有赵丹尘赵丹尘执意要逃走的话以龙山现在受伤的身体根本就追逐不到 Even if overtook has not been possible to solve troublesome this has even lost a life 就算追上了也不一定能够解决这麻烦甚至搭上了一条性命 The Zhao Danchen final words were he walked later Long Chen to feel the pressure to that Long Chen said 赵丹尘最后的话是对龙辰说的等他走了之后龙辰感觉到了压力 Military Alliance had Martial Emperor Zhao Wuji to add one to operate the ancient demon skeleton now Zhao Danchen words Long Shen as the matter stands unable to block these two people 武盟有个武帝赵无极现在又加了一个可以操纵古魔尸骸的赵丹尘这样一来的话龙山根本就挡不住这两个人 Plan originally has to change now 原本的计划现在不得不更改了 The earth bang the vibration the ancient demon skeleton is vanishing Zhao Danchen form thorough disappearance today's he to be also survived quickly definitely is then more formidabe 大地轰隆隆的震动着古魔尸骸很快就消失了赵丹尘的身影也彻底的消失今天的他大难不死接下来肯定更加难对付 The people were looking at each other in blank diamay silent 众人面面相觑着都沉默了下去 The pressure of survival was placed in the front of everyone 生存的压力摆在了每一个人的面前 This negligence mainly blamed me not to kill the Zhao Danchen ancient demon skeleton a moment ago thoroughly in his hands compared with danger in the hand of Jiang Wuxie...... Before Long Chen somewhat guilty saying Zhao Danchen that Golden Warrior Body too was hard Long Chen, has killed him 这疏忽主要怪我刚才没有彻底杀死赵丹尘古魔尸骸在他的手中比在姜无邪的手中更加的危险……龙辰有些内疚的说道要不是赵丹尘黄金战体实在太坚硬了龙辰之前就已经杀死他了 Seven younger brothers rebuke oneself this matter no one unable to think how we also has been able the critical matter to go back in the middle of War Clan to rest and build up strength by his violent treachery including Jiang Wuxie at present...... Here Long Yue to look that asked the grandfather you to be injured to Long Shen 七弟别自责这件事情谁都想不到连姜无邪都遭了他的毒手我们还能怎样目前紧要的事情还是回去战族当中休养生息……说到这里龙月看向了龙山问道爷爷你应该受伤了吧 The Long Shen helpless nod Daoist old also useless still had very big unmentionable diseasea unable to recover not to have the recuperation of big efficacy to be very difficult to restore this to fight the Earth Martial Realm 4-layer battle efficiency unable to maintain after today to Earth Martial Realm 5-layer 龙山无奈的点头道人老了也不中用了身体仍然有很大的暗疾恢复不过来没有大药力的调养很难恢复到地武境五重经过今天这一战连地武境四重的战斗力都不能保持了 Long Shen now is the charm amulet of people he, if the accident people definitely were finished heard here people heart anxiety 龙山现在是众人的护身符他若是出事众人肯定完蛋了听到这里众人心中更加的忧虑 But at this time Jiang Wuya looked at a Jiang Wuxie situation 而这时候姜无涯看了一眼姜无邪的情况 Has a look at Long Yue saying that he knows Jiang Wuya also read and sentiment of the Younger Brother 去看看吧龙月说道他知道姜无涯还念及着一点兄弟之情 Jiang Wuya then nods Ancient Demon Region that side Ancient Demon Region is sad atmosphere also nobody estimated that Jiang Wuya after a while Jiang Wuya then came back to say he did not have the danger this time severe wound to need to resume very long following Ancient Demon Region estimate temporarily actually to want the thorough dreariness to get down to hope Military Alliance will not make them go on living to their beginning well 姜无涯这才点点头到了古魔域那边古魔域都是哀伤的气氛也没人估计姜无涯了过了一会儿姜无涯这才回来说道他暂时倒是没有生命危险了不过这一次的重伤需要恢复很久接下来古魔域估计要彻底的沉寂下去了希望武盟不会对他们动手让他们好好活下去吧 The person who the Martial Emperor such shortsighted view he now do not deal with is our Jiang Wuxie this role he will not regard as important Long Yue light saying 武帝没这么短见他现在要对付的人是我们姜无邪这角色他才不会看重呢龙月淡淡的说道 Such being the case that returns to War Clan 既然如此那就回战族 After one line of several people are divided 2-3 batch have prepared one, in the War Clan direction go Jiang Wuya and Qing Li King mother and daughter but in together Long Chen with other person one group of Jiang Wuya, although broke an arm however to have person Long Chen that own choice then had accompanying for him to be also happy 一行几个人分成了两三批准备了一阵之后就朝着战族的方向而去其中姜无涯清漓王母女在一起而龙辰则和另外的人一组姜无涯虽然断去了一只手臂但是却有了自己的抉择然后再有了陪伴的人龙辰也为他高兴 As for Long Yue, although she had not said that anything may Long Chen know she definitely has the obstruction 至于龙月虽然她没说什么可龙辰知道她心里肯定是有芥蒂的 Several days later Long Chen and the others arrived at the War Clan region 数天之后龙辰等人就到了战族的区域 The matter that this Ancient Demon Region entrance has spread over the world to keep in the middle of War Clan Lei Chen and Lan Ling and Chi Ying and the others knows matter passed through to fill twists and turns Long Chen to defeat Zhao Danchen is very dazzling matter compared somewhat dimly to change colors with other matters 古魔域门口发生的事情已经传遍了天下留在战族当中的雷震蓝翎儿和赤影等人已经知道事情的经过了这其中充满了波折龙辰打败了赵丹尘本来是非常耀眼的事情可是和其他的事情比起来还是有些黯淡失色了 The world situation had the change instantaneously 天下大势瞬间发生了变化 Because lost ancient demon skeleton Ancient Demon Region to lose the qualifications of dominating thoroughly, but Military Alliance had to be equal to two Earth Martial Realm 4-layer Expert are many to have the Earth Martial Realm 4-layer battle efficiency Long Shen generally speaking Military Alliance strength as for Long Clan is aloof existence, because Long Shen appearance Military Alliance will definitely not let off Long Clan 因为失去了古魔尸骸古魔域彻底失去了称霸的资格而武盟拥有相当于两名地武境四重强者至于龙族这边多了一个拥有地武境四重战斗力的龙山总体来说武盟的实力还是超然的存在因为龙山的出现武盟肯定不会放过龙族 Gathered a relatively terrifying influence at the Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty north side 神武圣朝的北边已经聚集了一股相对恐怖的势力 Earth Martial Realm 4-layer battle efficiency Cultivator of Long Shen three Earth Martial Realm 3-layer battle efficiencies including can defeat Zhao Danchen Long Chen also to have many Earth Martial Realm 2-layer to discuss battle efficiency Long Clan of high-end to be similar to Military Alliance 一个地武境四重战斗力的龙山三个地武境三重战斗力的者包括能够打败赵丹尘龙辰还有不少的地武境二重论高端的战斗力龙族已经和武盟差不多了 The only regret is the ancient demon skeleton 只是唯一的遗憾就是古魔尸骸 This ancient demon skeleton made on the Long Clan people as if cover big haze 这古魔尸骸让龙族的众人头上似乎笼罩了一大片的阴霾 Long Shen situation Long Chen is quite clear the wound that he receives after displaying is more serious than basically does not have long-term restoration Earth Martial Realm 5-layer that was more possible than Earth Martial Realm 4-layer is very even more difficult than maintains War Clan Long Yue does not have the collection of Scarlet Soul this huge intelligence network Spirit Medicine on anxious start collection world Spirit Medicine, in ordered carried on wants collection sufficing the words that is not the easy matter 龙山的情况龙辰比较清楚他受的伤比表现出来的要严重一些基本上没有很长时间的恢复地武境五重那是不可能甚至地武境四重都很难保持住到了战族之后龙月就紧张的开始搜集天地灵药赤魂这庞大的情报网灵药的收集在有序的进行当中可是要集够的话不是容易的事情 Long Clan and Military Alliance erupted such big conflict Long Shen and the others still rampant the Military Alliance dignity at this time to be challenged anyone in the Martial Emperor city in the Ancient Demon Region entrance not to believe that Military Alliance will endure patiently the so big humiliation, if Zhao Wuji saw that the breaking arm of Zhao Danchen he can also endure patiently 龙族武盟古魔域的门口爆发出这么大的冲突龙山等人还在武帝城嚣张过武盟的尊严此时已经被挑战了谁都不相信武盟会忍耐住如此大的屈辱如果赵无极看到赵丹尘的断臂他还能够忍耐 The Tornado rain must approach quickly 暴风雨很快就要来临了 The strength therefore people but who has probably not dealt with look distressed 可是好像并没有对付的实力于是众人纷纷愁眉苦脸 After returning to War Clan, Long Chen and the others first and Lei Chen and the others converged chatted a while to rest several days later the people to concentrate to start to discuss the following plan together 回到了战族之后龙辰等人先和雷震等人汇合聊了一会儿休息了几天之后众人在集中到一起开始商量接下来的打算 Long Shen is the oldest person is also here strongest battle efficiency access road my duty well heals from a wound I to suggest that everybody stayed recently here do not exit here to have the time that great youth talent we delay longer we are advantageous 龙山身为年纪最大的人也是这里的最强战斗力便道我的任务还是好好养伤吧我建议大家最近都呆在这里不要出去我们这里有许多了不起的少年天才我们拖的时间越长我们就越是有利 The strategy that truly Long Clan can only use towed 确实龙族这边唯一能用的计策就是拖了 As for youth talent main naturally refers to Long Chen 至于少年天才最主要的当然是指龙辰 But the people by strength Long Chen of Martial Emperor Zhao Wuji that peak can only be clearly now young generation of Expert compared with that type super Expert that has dozens years of inside story also very big gap urgent time insufficient and makes Long Chen surmount that gap 可众人清楚以武帝赵无极那种巅峰的实力龙辰现在只能算是年轻一辈的强者比起那种有着几十年底蕴的超级强者来说还有一道很大的鸿沟急迫的时间不足与让龙辰跨越过那一道鸿沟 The training and strengthen are the people only solutions of 修养和变强是众人唯一的解决方法 However this issue one day has not solved the people tight wrinkle the brow not to be impossible to loosen 不过这问题一日没有解决众人紧皱的眉头就不可能松开了 The Fifth Brother the Scarlet Soul monitor task adjusts the Martial Emperor city to pay attention to anything that the Military Alliance every action and every movement Martial Emperor city is having I to starting today completely know immediately before other is me, told sought for Spirit Medicine matter Long Yue to tell methodically 五弟从今天开始赤魂的监控任务全部调到武帝城关注着武盟的一举一动武帝城发生的任何事情我都要在第一时间内知道另外就是我之前吩咐的寻找灵药的事情龙月在有条不紊的吩咐着
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