The old mennodhastily, hecompletelyhas forgottenLong Chen, thatwas abundant the stonetrough of water of BiHantanto load into Universe Bag, thenrespectfullowering the head, has giventhatyoung girl.
老者连忙点头,他完全把龙辰忘记了,将那盛着碧寒潭之水的石盆装进了一个乾坤袋之内,然后恭恭敬敬的低着头,递给了那少女。Thatprettyfemale, veryhappyputting out a hand, catchesthatUniverse Bag.
那貌美女子,非常开心的伸出手,去接住那乾坤袋。Atthis time, the accidentoccurred.
就在这时候,意外发生了。WhensubmitsUniverse Bag, the hand of old man, was not carefulto move the hand of thatfemalegently, thiswas the normalmatter, actuallydoes not think that femalewas angry, after receivingUniverse Bag, shetowardZhao Danchensaid: „BrotherZhao, thisold fogydaresto bump intomeunexpectedly!”
在递交乾坤袋的时候,那老者的手,不小心轻轻碰触到了那女子的手,这本來是正常的事情,却不想那女子却非常恼怒,接过乾坤袋之后,她就朝着赵丹尘道:“赵哥哥,这老家伙竟然敢碰到我呢!”Zhao Danchenwithout demur, complexiononecold, wavescasually, the fresh breezehad not respondedtogetherthat the old man who hitto fly upside down, waitedto fall to the ground, was silent.赵丹尘二话不说,脸色一冷,随便一挥手,一道劲风就把那还沒有反应过來的老者打得倒飞了出去,等倒地的时候,已经无声无息了。
The manager of anotherCultivatorbusinesspledge, thatcharmingyoung married woman, knees downhastily, tremblingwas shoutinglife-saving.
The prettyfemale in Zhao Danchenbosomlooked at the corpse of thatold man, ill-humoredsaying: „Really isbold, IamBrotherZhao'swoman, ishecancasualBang?”赵丹尘怀中的貌美女子看了看那老者的尸体,沒好气的说道:“真是胆大包天,我是赵哥哥的女人,也是他能随便砰的吗?”Zhao Danchenhugged the femalewith a smilein the bosom, the claw of wealthmountainrubbedto pinchin the front of female, the femaleexudedagain and againbreathed heavilytenderly, the Zhao Danchenrackethercheek, said: „Was good, lotus, thisbluedemonflameIgaveyou, currentlyI have the matter to manage, Imadethemdeliveryouto go back. Wherein the eveningIgo toyouragain, butis good?”赵丹尘笑着把女子抱在了怀中,禄山之爪在女子的胸前揉捏着,那女子连连发出一声声的娇喘,赵丹尘拍拍她的脸蛋,道:“好了,莲儿,这蓝魔炎我给你了,现在我还有事情要去办呢,我让他们送你回去。晚上我再去你哪里,可好?”„Youmustcome.”Beforealso the heartsuch as the female of viper, nowsaidwith the prettysound.
“你一定要來哦。”之前还心如蛇蝎的女子,现在却用娇滴滴的声音说道。This, Long Chen11sawin the eye. Really, birds, like attracts like. ThisZhao Danchenis notgoodthing, hiswomanwill not beanygoodthing, the old manslightlyhas bumpedherhand, the lifedid not have.
After having taken away the bluedemonflame, Zhao Danchenthenheredid not stay, supportsthatwomanto exit.
收走了蓝魔炎后,赵丹尘便不在这里停留,拥着那女人出去了。Long Chenrelaxed, Zhao Danchenhas not discoveredhim.龙辰松了一口气,赵丹尘沒有发现他。Butatthis time, Zhao Danchensuddenlyhas turned head, hehas sized upLong Chenoneonce more, frowns saying: „Chen Guangjun, do youcome tohereto do?”
可就在这时候,赵丹尘忽然回过头,他再次打量了龙辰一阵,皱着眉头道:“陈光军,你來这里干什么?”Long Chenknows that Zhao Danchenshouldget suspicious, heas far as possibleis maintainingbyhimselfcalm, atthis time, iflies, Zhao Danchenis not a fool, naturallycan hear, thereforehesaid: „Ialsothoughtthisbluedemonflame, sinceZhaoMartial Emperorwants, Ido not need.”龙辰知道赵丹尘应该是起了疑心了,他尽量让自己保持着冷静,在这时候如果说谎的话,赵丹尘不是笨蛋,当然听得出來,于是他道:“我本來也想这蓝魔炎,不过既然赵武皇要,我就不需要了。”Inhiswordshas not been flattery, butactuallyconforms toChen Guangjun'sstyle.
他的话中沒有溜须拍马,不过却符合陈光军的风格。Listened to a Long Chensuchsaying, the female in Zhao Danchenbosom, immediatelythrew the loathinglook, shedespisedlooked atLong Chenone, said: „Onyourthissmallrole, wants the bluedemonflame, was too laughable.”
听龙辰这么一说,赵丹尘怀中的女子,顿时投來了厌恶的眼神,她鄙夷的看了龙辰一眼,道:“就你这小角色,也想要蓝魔炎,实在太可笑了。”Then, sherealgiggledsoundhas also smiled.
说完,她还真的咯咯声笑了起來。Long Chencontinuesmotionless, is loweringslightly.龙辰继续不动,头微微低着。
The Chen Guangjunseveraldays of missingmatters, the Zhao Danchenstatuskeeps aloof, naturally the accountantdoes not compare withthismatter, thereforehedoes not know.
陈光军十几天失踪的事情,赵丹尘身份高高在上,当然不会计较这种事情,所以他不知道。Regardless ofLong Chenlookedfromvariousaspectsthat is very normal, before Zhao Danchen, suddenlyhad discoveredfromhisbodydangerousAura, nowlooks like, thinks that is only the misconception, thereforeheno longersaidthatledonegroup of peopleto go downstairsdirectly.龙辰无论从各方面看,都很正常,赵丹尘之前竟然从他的身上发现了一丝危险的气息,现在看來,想必只是错觉而已,于是他不再多说,直接带着一群人下楼去了。
After theywalk, Long Chenhas gotten down the Cultivatorbusinesspledge.
等他们都走后,龙辰才下了武商盟。Thesetimeis very thrilling, butfortunately, Zhao Danchenstillhad not discovered finallyhisstatus.
这一次很惊险,不过最后还好,赵丹尘仍然沒有发现他的身份。„Xiao Lang, thatZhao Danchensaida moment agoprobablythathehas the matterto do, thatfemalemeetsto go back? Itrackher, to the place of nobody, wantedherlifeagain, wins the bluedemonflame.”
“小狼,刚才那赵丹尘好像是说,他有事做,那女的会自己回去是吧?那我跟踪她,到无人的地方,再要了她的性命,夺走蓝魔炎。”Althoughfemalepretty, butis cruel and merciless. Long Chenhas not plannedto forgiveher. Generally speaking, thing that hewantsto obtain, like thiswas actually taken awaybyothers, Long Chenwill not be convincedat heart.
那女子虽然貌美,但是心狠手辣。龙辰沒打算饶过她。一般來说,他想要得到的东西,却被别人这样拿走,龙辰心里是不会服气的。„Elder Brother, considers as finished, ifthatfemalehas been missing, Zhao Danchendefinitelyknows that is you do, youdo not knowonecanleave the longtimehere, cannot, becausethisbluedemonflamehas exposed the status.”Mo Xiao Langsaid.
“大哥,还是算了,如果那女的失踪了,赵丹尘肯定知道是你干的,你也不知道自己能在这里留多长的时间,不能因为这蓝魔炎而暴露了身份。”莫小狼说道。Long ChenthinkscarefullythatthoughtXiao Langsaidis reasonable. He must walkwithHundred War Martial Kingthisstatushere. Cannotact rashly.龙辰仔细一想,觉得小狼说得有道理。他还要用百战武王这个身份在这里行走呢。不能轻举妄动。„The femalehas not arrived atEarth Martial Realm, thereforedoes not worry, firstplacesherthere the bluedemonflame, one dayItakeagainand that's the end, nowhave a lookto look, the dwelling of femalewhere.”Long Chensaid.
After saying, hewithZhao Danchenand the others the footsteps, is shuttling back and forthin the middle of the crowd, after exiting the Cultivatorbusinesspledge, Zhao Danchencalled the lotus the femaleto separatewith that the femaleunder the protection of Military AllianceCultivator, rode a magnificentcarriage, sped awayto goin the eastdirection.
说完之后,他就跟着赵丹尘等人的脚步,在人群当中穿梭着,出去了武商盟之后,赵丹尘就跟那叫莲儿的女子分开了,那女子在武盟武者的保护下,坐上了一辆华丽的马车,朝着东边的方向疾驰而去。Long Chenfollowed the opposite partycasually.龙辰随随便便就跟上了对方。Quick, the carriagereacheddestination, Long Chenhas gained ground, the frontwas a magnificentmansion, the outer cityinMartial Emperorcity, it is estimated that was also the famous familyprominent family, in the familyat leastalsohasEarth Martial RealmExpertto assume personal command.
After taking down the position of thismansion, Long Chenleft.
记下这府邸的位置之后,龙辰就离开了。Although the bluedemonflameis very bigto the Xiao Languse, butthistime, rescuesLong Yueis the genuineimportant matter.
蓝魔炎虽然对小狼用处很大,不过这一次,救出龙月才是真正的大事。„In the middle ofhearsay, ninequietmourningsouls can only go, smallUniverseworld that actuallycannotcome out, in the material that butScarlet Soulgivessaidthatis notso, thatguardsninequietmourningsoulplacesMartial EmperorXiao Lin, likely knows that fromninequietmourningsoulsmiddlecoming out the method of......”
“传闻当中,九幽丧魂地是只能进去,却不能出來的小乾坤世界,不过赤魂给的资料上说,并不是如此,那把守九幽丧魂地的武皇萧霖,很可能知道从九幽丧魂地当中出來的方法……”„It seems likemustlook for means that closeXiao Linis good.”
“看來要找个办法,接近萧霖才行。”AftercloseXiao Lin, howfromhismouth, to ask the method that ninequietmourningsoulscome out, Long Chenhad the planat heart.
至于接近萧霖之后,怎么从他的口中,问出九幽丧魂地出來的方法,龙辰心里已经有了打算。„Soul Devouring Demonic Eye, was promotedfinally. Fourth: Soul Control! From the fourthlevel, fierce of thisSoul Devouring Demonic Eye, graduallylaunched.”
“噬灵妖瞳,终于晋级了。第四层:控魂!从第四层次开始,这噬灵妖瞳的厉害,才渐渐展开了。”Firstconfusing, spiritswithsecondseizing, notmajorfunction, butthirdInsight, has helpedLong Cheninnumerablebusy, cansay, if no thirdInsight, Long Chenperhapsdiedinnumerable.
第一层的迷惑,和第二层的夺灵,并沒有多大的作用,而第三层的洞悉,帮助了龙辰无数的忙,可以说,如果沒有第三层的洞悉的话,龙辰恐怕已经死了无数次了。Most important, nowhearrived at the fourthlevelfinally, namedSoul Control. As the name suggests, the technique of thisSoul Control, canconfuse the will of person, in a short timemakesitlose the state of mind, thuswas organizedbyLong Chen, naturally, thisSoul Controlalsomanylimits. Alsois notinvincible, canusetoanyone.
最重要的,现在他终于到了第四层次,名为控魂。顾名思义,这控魂之术,可以迷惑人的心志,在短时间内让其失去神志,从而受龙辰摆布,当然,这控魂还有诸多的限制。也并不是无敌,对谁都能用的。However, solelyisthis, thisSoul Control has gone against heaven's will.
不过,单单是这样,这控魂已经相当的逆天了。Soul Control of thisfourthlevel, isLong ChenwantsfromXiao Linthere, askedninetaking advantage of law of quietmourningsoulcoming out.
这第四层次的控魂,就是龙辰想从萧霖那里,问出九幽丧魂地出來之法的依仗。In the middle of the brain of Long Chen, has the Martial Emperorinner cityclearroute, was quickheto arrive at the entrance of Martial Emperorcityinner city, inner cityhereguard, be much stricter than the outer city, in the middle ofinner city, only then the Divine Martial Imperial Dynastytrueupper-levelinfluence, or the family member of Martial Kingaboverank, cango, thereforein the middle of the inner city, the personwill be fewonmany.龙辰的脑子当中,有着武帝内城清晰的路线,很快他就來到了武帝城内城的门口,内城这里的把守,要比外城严格得多,内城当中,只有神武圣朝真正的上层势力,或者武王以上级别的家属,才能够进去,所以内城当中,人会少上很多。
After arriving at the entrance of inner city, immediatelysomepeoplesawLong Chen, thisisCultivatorKing GradeotherCultivator, Long Chen, whenfamiliarChen Guangjun'smaterial, has been familiar with the Military Alliancematerial, Martial King of thisguardinner city, named: FiercetigerMartial King, becauseheisBeast Warrior, Earth Martial RealmBeast Soul, isflametigerclassKing GradeMonster Beast.
來到内城的门口之后,马上就有人看到了龙辰,这是一个武王级别的武者,龙辰在熟悉陈光军的资料的时候,也熟悉了一下武盟的资料,这把守内城的武王,名为:烈虎武王,因为他是一名兽武者,地武境的兽魂,是一种火焰虎类的王级妖兽。„Hundred War Martial King, youdisappearedwere so long, wealsothink that youwere missing, did not knowthese days, where did yougo to?”ThatfiercetigerMartial Kingcomes up, someimpoliteasking.
“百战武王,你消失了那么久,我们还以为你失踪了呢,不知道这一段时间,你去了哪里?”那烈虎武王一上來,就有些不客气的问道。Heis guarding the inner city gate, power and influencebe bigger than onsomeHundred War Martial King, the agealsogetscompared withHundred War Martial King over ten years old, byqualificationsandstrength, aboveHundred War Martial King.
他把守着内城城门,权势要比百战武王大上一些,年纪也比百战武王打上十多岁,论资历和实力,都在百战武王之上。Long Chenthenlightlysaid: „InYunmengZe, byKing GradeMonster Beast, blue eyes[gold/metal]Chanhad been injured, almostdid not have the life, after recovering, Icame back.”龙辰便淡淡道:“在云梦泽,被一头王级妖兽,碧眼金蟾打伤了,差点沒了性命,养好伤后,我才回來了。”Hundred War Martial Kingin fact, diedin the blue eyes[gold/metal]Chanhand.
实际上的百战武王,死在了碧眼金蟾的手中了。„Blue eyes[gold/metal]Chan? Alsoreallysuffices the terror!”ThatfiercetigerMartial Kingbursting out laughingsaid. The somewhatshockinglookpassed over gently and swiftlyfrom the body of Long Chen, said: „Youcanlivefrom the blue eyes[gold/metal]Chanhand, the skillis not small!”
“碧眼金蟾?还真够恐怖的!”那烈虎武王哑然说道。有些震惊的眼神从龙辰的身上掠过,道:“你能从碧眼金蟾手中活下來,本事不小啊!”Person of eachHundred War Martial Kingunderstanding, after seeshim, immediatelyfirst impressions are most lastingto think that Long ChenisthatHundred War Martial King, will not have the slightsuspicion, thus it can be seen, Lan Lingis easyto accommodate the technology, was in the peerlessunparalleledsituation.
每一个百战武王认识的人,一看到他之后,马上就先入为主认为龙辰是那百战武王,而且不会有丝毫的怀疑,由此可见,蓝翎儿的易容技术,已经到了绝世无双的地步了。„Has not died, has calculated that was in luck.” The Long Chentimerecords the Hundred War Martial Kingexpression, heis disinclinedto try to get closeto waste the timewiththisfiercetigerMartial Kingagain, avoidalsocontactwere manyexposition, thereforeaccess road: „Ilong timehave not returned, howinfamilydid not know. The fiercetigerbrother, Iwalksonefirst.”
“沒死,已经算走运了。”龙辰时刻记着百战武王的语气,他懒得和这烈虎武王再套近乎浪费时间,也省得接触多了暴露,于是便道:“我多日未回,家里不知道怎样了。烈虎兄,我先走一步。”FiercetigerMartial Kinghearspeech/words, smiles the rackethisshoulder, the thiefsaying with a smile: „Does not miss homeland, thinks your prettybeautifulpretty little girl? Yourmadameaskedseveraltimes, such being the case, youhurry!”
烈虎武王闻言,笑着拍拍他的肩膀,贼兮兮的笑道:“不是想家,是想你那娇滴滴的美娇娘吧?你夫人已经过來问了好几次了,既然如此,你就赶紧回去吧!”Long Chennods, no longer said that after adopting the test of thisfiercetigerMartial King, hesucceedsenteredin the middle of the inner city in Martial Emperorcity.龙辰点点头,不再多说,通过了这烈虎武王的考验之后,他成功的进了武帝城的内城当中。Looksback that Long Chenleaves, fiercetigerMartial Kinghas licked the tongue, senselesssaying: „Thisboycame backunexpectedly, Iam also pondering over, tonightplayshisfamilythatbeautifulpretty little girl, the promptness of realhis mothercomes back! Does not knowreallythatbeautifullittle girl, howwill have a liking forthisblockhead!”
看着龙辰离开的背影,烈虎武王舔了舔舌头,无趣的说道:“这小子竟然回來了,我还琢磨着,今天晚上去玩玩他家那美娇娘呢,回來的真他娘的及时!真不知道那美妞,怎么会看上这个木头!”Naturally, wordsLong Chen that he said that has not heard.
当然,他说的话龙辰沒听见。In the Hundred War Martial Kingfamily, his wife, Hundred War Martial Kingcalledherfor: Don'tmother. Is a woman who andHundred War Martial Kinggrows upsince childhood, is longshouldbe good, hassondaughteroneonewithHundred War Martial King.百战武王的家里,有一个他的妻子,百战武王称她为:莫娘。是和百战武王从小长大的一个女人,长得应该还不错,和百战武王有一子一女。Long Chenwill certainly not go to the Hundred War Martial Kinghome, althoughhetoLan Lingis easyto allow the technologyto haveenoughself-confidence, butcannotavoidin the situation in front ofHundred War Martial Kinggiving oneself away, now, whatis most importantrescuesLong Yue.龙辰当然不会去百战武王的家里,虽然他对蓝翎儿的易容技术有足够的自信,可是也不能免除在百战武王面前露出马脚的情况,现在來说,最要紧的是救援龙月。However, howmustdo, Long Chencould not have found way out.
不过,到底要怎么做,龙辰还一筹莫展。Hisplan, firstiscloseXiao Lin, wins the trust of Xiao Lin, finallymay the success.
The map of Martial Emperorcityinner city, Long Chenalsorelativefamiliar.武帝城内城的地图,龙辰也相当之熟悉。In the middle of the inner city, the person of coming and goingis few, canlivehere, moststatusare not low, thereforealsolittlecomes outto take a walk.
内城当中,來來往往的人很少,能住在这里,大多数身份都不低,所以也很少出來走动的。Long Chenremembers that ninequietmourningsoulplacespositions, hejustwalkedseveralsteps, has transmittedcalling out in alarm of female.龙辰记得九幽丧魂地的位置,他刚刚走几步呢,身后就传來了一声女子的惊呼。„ChenLang!”
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