DBWG :: Volume #6

#610: Blue demon flame

This Sir, please walk toward inside!” In entrance, there are pretty female, welcomed to Long Chen, these females wore the unified clothing, the coat was the snow white fox fur coat, soft silk fabrics tight was binding their tender body, the stature has shown they had to exquisite perfectly, pure white slender thigh Qi Qilu, has allowed to pass through the men could not bear the index finger move greatly. “这位大人,请往里面走!”在门口,又有貌美的女子,迎向了龙辰,这些女子穿着统一的服装,外套都是雪白色的狐裘,柔软的绸缎紧紧的裹着她们的娇躯,将他们玲珑有致的身材完美的展现了出來,洁白修长的大腿齐齐露了出來,让路过的男子都忍不住食指大动。 And a female has arrived at Long Chen side, sees the Long Chen status to be uncommon, said hastily: Sir, needs me to help? If you want to buy any thing, I can lead you to pass.” 其中一个女子走到了龙辰的旁边,见龙辰身份不凡,连忙道:“大人,请问需要我帮助吗?如果你想要买到什么东西,我可以带您过去。” Her sound is sweet, timid young girl or child who inspires tenderness, on the face is also hanging the smile, is quite attractive. 她的声音甜腻,小鸟依人,脸上也挂着微笑,相当诱人。 What a pity Long Chen as if has not seen, he sizes up bit by bit first, without doubt, here is quite huge, at least the occupying land area more than ten mu, could not look at the end, everywhere is Spirit Medicine, Battle Technique and Cultivator, many special precious goods. 可惜龙辰仿佛沒看见,他打量着着第一层,无疑,这里是相当巨大的,至少占地有十多亩了,一眼都望不到尽头,到处都是灵药战技器,还有许许多多的特殊珍贵物品。 Ling jade everywhere. 玲琅满目。 However, here sells is the Heaven Grade things, not having Long Chen to want, therefore Long Chen access road: I must to above.” 不过,这里卖的都是天阶的东西,沒有龙辰想要的,于是龙辰便道:“我要到上面去。” During a that pretty pretty female expectation appearance, said: Please come with me.” 那貌美娇俏女子一副预料当中的样子,道:“请跟我來。” After saying, she is swaying from side to side the waist, walked in Long Chen front, the beautiful figure will be taking a walk, showed looks to Long Chen. 说完后,她扭动着腰肢,走在了龙辰的前面,将姣好的身材在走动当中,展现给龙辰看。 With this pretty female, Long Chen on continuously five buildings, after here, the majority of things in Heaven Grade, belongs very extremely, words upward, were the King Grade goods, therefore that pretty female asked: Sir, above the sixth floor, I did not have the qualifications to come up, if you need to arrive at the sixth floor, our manager can entertain your.” 跟着这个貌美的女子,龙辰一直上到了五楼,到了这里之后,大部分的东西在天阶当中,都属于很绝顶的了,再往上的话,就是王级的物品了,于是那貌美女子问:“大人,六楼以上,我还沒有资格上去呢,如果你需要到六楼的话,我们总管会招待你的。” Long Chen nodded, are not many speaks. 龙辰点了点头,并不多说话。 Under this female's leadership, before Long Chen arrives was bringing the old man body of Golden eye, the old man has sized up Long Chen, asked: Is Hundred War Martial King?” 在这女子的带领下,龙辰來到了一个带着金色眼睛的老者身前,那老者打量了一下龙辰,问道:“请问是百战武王吗?” Long Chen nods. 龙辰点点头。 Confirmed after Long Chen status, the old man then with a smile nods, is Long Chen finger of Lu [say / way]: Hundred War Martial King visits the head store, head store you honor my humble home, Ha Ha, please follow comes obsolete.” 确认了龙辰的身份之后,那老者便笑着点点头,为龙辰指路道:“百战武王光临本店,本店蓬荜生辉,哈哈,请跟随老朽來。” Knows after Long Chen status, can look, this old man at present too many awes, should not be in Military Alliance, with the Long Chen same level status, it is estimated that had much has come to here. 知道龙辰的身份之后,看得出來,这老者的眼前并沒有太多的敬畏,应该是武盟中,和龙辰同等身份的,估计有不少都來过这里了。 „The sixth above words, will possibly have other Martial King, I earlier buy the thing, earlier leaves.” Long Chen then thinks that probably must buy a thing here, particularly the eighth good thing, not to be easy. “第六层以上的话,可能会有其他的武王在,我还是早点买好东西,早点离开。”龙辰这才想到,好像要在这里买上一个东西,尤其是第八层的好东西,并不容易呢。 Does not know that Hundred War Martial King needs anything, so long as some Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty things, except for Five Emperor Seal, obsolete here can find.” The old man said with a smile, although somewhat exaggerates, but the Cultivator business pledge financial resource are deep, this actually fact. “不知道百战武王需要什么,只要神武圣朝有的东西,除了五帝印,老朽这里都能找到。”那老者笑着说道,虽然有些夸大其词,不过商盟财力雄厚,这倒是不争的事实。 Long Chen said: I must go to eighth.” 龙辰道:“我要去第八层。” „?” This eighth, is the Cultivator business pledge puts the most precious goods one, Cultivator who generally speaking, at least wants the Earth Martial Realm 2-layer above Martial Saint rank, has enough financial resource to take away the thing there, therefore this old man is somewhat surprised. “啊?”这第八层,是商盟放最珍贵的物品的一层,一般來说,至少要地武境二重以上的武圣级别的者,才有足够的财力在那里拿走东西,所以这老者有些吃惊。 Naturally, he has done these many years in this line, knows that is the silent person, Hundred War Martial King that the truth that more cannot take lightly, Long Chen acts few is well-known by the words, has not handed over any friend for a lifetime, but the old man does not dare to despise him. 当然,他在这一行干了这么多年,知道越是沉默的人,就越是不能看轻的道理,龙辰扮演的百战武王以话少而闻名,一辈子都沒有交到什么朋友,不过老者也不敢小看他。 Asked the Sir to follow me to come!” Saying, the old man leads the way in front. “请大人跟随我來!”说着,老者在前面引路。 Eighth of that Cultivator business pledge , is quite certainly big, the commodity that places are not many, only then few types, these things basically have not affected to Long Chen, the genuine peerless treasure, will only appear in Martial Emperor and so on the middle of Universe Bag of rank character. 商盟的第八层,当然也相当大,不过摆放的商品却并不多,只有寥寥几种而已,这些东西基本上对龙辰都沒有作用,真正的绝世宝物,只会出现在武帝之类级别人物的乾坤袋当中。 Following the instruction of Xiao Lang, Long Chen quickly the same thing attracted, he walks toward that thing. Quick arrived, after arriving here, Long Chen felt that an astonishing quantity of heat, is compelling toward oneself. 顺着小狼的指示,龙辰很快就被其中一样东西吸引了,他朝着那东西走去。很快就到了,來到这里之后,龙辰就已经感觉到,一股惊人的热量,正朝着自己逼來。 In his at present, is a basin, this is an aquamarine basin, in the middle of the basin aquamarine liquid, should not be the water. 在他的眼前,是一个水池,这是一个碧绿色的水池,水池当中的碧绿色液体,应该不是水。 In the middle of the aquamarine liquid, Long Chen can see indistinctly that Blue flame in flaming is burning. 在碧绿色的液体当中,龙辰隐隐约约能看到,有一朵蓝色的火焰在熊熊燃烧着。 This is Bi Hantan the water, the temperature is extremely low, does not arrive at Opening Heaven Realm, dies by this Bi Hantan hydrogel immediately.” Side, the old man sees the Long Chen ultimate goal is this, then hastily asked that Long Chen answered. “这是碧寒潭的水,温度极低,不到通天境,会立刻被这碧寒潭的水冻死。”旁边,那老者见龙辰的最终目的是这个,便连忙问龙辰解释道。 But, we could not feel that now ice-cold of water of Bi Hantan, that is because among this Bi Hantan, has a mysterious beast fire! The name of this beast fire is called ---- Blue demon flame!” The old men look at Long Chen, said with a smile: Thinks Hundred War Martial King, comes for this blue demon flame? You are really the good vision, blue demon flame, after this is Monster Beast of top dies, the beast fire that the skeleton grows, fuses True Qi this beast fire, can own striking power big promotion!” “不过,我们现在一点儿都感觉不到碧寒潭之水的冰冷,那是因为这碧寒潭当中,有着一种神奇的兽火!这兽火的名字叫做----蓝魔炎!”老者看着龙辰,顿了顿,笑道:“想必百战武王,就是为这蓝魔炎來的吧?你真是好眼光,蓝魔炎,这是一种顶级的妖兽死后,尸骨当中衍生的兽火,将这兽火融合到真气当中,能够将自己的攻击力大大的提升!” Blue demon flame, beast fire? 蓝魔炎,兽火? Long Chen first time heard that beast fire name, listens to the meaning of this old man, this beast fire can actually fuse True Essence, with Long Chen the fire of sun, has the similar usage? 龙辰还是第一次听说兽火这个名字,听这老者的意思,这兽火竟然能够融合到真元当中,和龙辰的金乌之火,有着同样的用法? Long Chen then asked the cat: This blue demon flame, is similar to the fire of my sun?” 龙辰便问小猫:“这蓝魔炎,也和我金乌之火差不多吗?” The cat has cut one, said: Has missed the 100,000 eight thousand li(500 km), this blue demon flame looks, has this flame the rank of Monster Beast, most does not surpass King Grade Sixth Rank. But what is sun that exists? The blue demon flame integrates in the middle of True Essence, now can increase the striking power to you, you were useless at the strong point, but the fire of direct plotting sun your True Essence core, has stiffened along with your strengthen, are both the same concepts?” 小猫切了一声,道:“差了十万八千里,这蓝魔炎一看,产生这火焰的妖兽的等级,最多不超过王级六品。而金乌那是什么存在?蓝魔炎融入真元当中,现在可以给你增加攻击力,你在强一点就沒用了,而金乌之火直接构成了你真元的核心,随着你的变强而变强,两者是相同的概念吗?” Listened to his saying, Long Chen almost to understand. 听他一说,龙辰差不多就懂了。 In old man opinion, Long Chen comes for this blue demon flame obviously, this in other words, Long Chen already knew the blue demon flame inevitably various uses, therefore his access road: It seems like was Hundred War Martial King has a liking for this blue demon flame? The vision was really, if you can fuse this blue demon flame, perhaps many Martial King, were not your match.” 在老者看來,龙辰显然是为这蓝魔炎而來的,这也就是说,龙辰必然早就知道蓝魔炎的各种用处了,于是他便道:“看來百战武王是看上这蓝魔炎了吗?眼光真是了得,若是你能融合这蓝魔炎,恐怕很多的武王,都不会是你对手了。” Fuses this blue demon flame, won't have the danger?” Long Chen asked raw and cold. “融合这蓝魔炎,不会有危险吗?”龙辰生冷问。 „......” Old man hollow laugh, said: „A Cultivate way, where can not have the danger, Sir Martial King to stiffen, this point danger, definitely does not care.” “呃……”老者干笑了一阵,道:“修炼一途,哪能沒有危险,武王大人想要变强,这一点险,肯定不放在心上吧。” He knows, since Long Chen came, that is must certainly buy, but the old man also suspected whether Long Chen can undertake this price, after all the price of blue demon flame, is general Earth Martial Realm 2-layer, perhaps cannot undertake. 他知道,龙辰既然來了,那是肯定要买的,不过老者也怀疑龙辰是否能承担这个价格,毕竟蓝魔炎的价格,就是一般的地武境二重,恐怕也承担不起吧。 Sir, because this blue demon flame is precious, therefore the marked price is 50 King Crystal, does not know the Sir......” “大人,这蓝魔炎因为珍贵,所以标价是50颗王晶,不知道大人……” Long Chen nods directly, said: Ok, my this time comes for this King Crystal.” 龙辰直接点点头,道:“可以,我这次就是为这王晶而來。” Five ten King Crystal, this is a big business, the old man revealed the pleasantly surprised color immediately, he said hastily: This blue demon flame, including the water of this Bi Hantan, hits in the middle of this stone trough, the Sir only needs to pay five ten King Crystal, can take this blue demon flame directly.” 五十王晶,这可是一大笔的生意,老者顿时流露出了惊喜之色,他连忙道:“这蓝魔炎,包括这碧寒潭之水,都撞在这石盆当中,大人只需要付五十王晶,就可以直接取走这蓝魔炎了。” Long Chen nods, he is simple, just wants to admit in the middle of Realm Of Universe the blue demon flame, gives Xiao Lang, has not thought that at this time, that eighth stairway, really has to tread the sound to transmit, then the group stepped onto this eighth coming up, Long Chen looked at the past, the eyelid frightened immediately jumps. 龙辰点头,他非常干脆,正想把蓝魔炎放进太虚之境当中,交给小狼呢,沒想到就在这时候,那第八层的楼梯口,竟然有踏踏声传來,然后一行人走上了这第八层上來,龙辰看过去,眼皮顿时吓得一跳。 This line, majority are Military Alliance Cultivator, but leads the people, Long Chen is familiar, is Zhao Danchen, at this time Zhao Danchen smiles, with the female of another beautiful appearance, has arrived here. The look of this female naturally first-class, even the beautiful appearance females of these Cultivator business pledges, by far cannot compare. 这一行人,大多数都是武盟者,而率领众人的,其中一个龙辰非常熟悉,正是赵丹尘,此时赵丹尘满脸笑容,和另外一个美貌的女子,走到了这边來。这女子的相貌自然是一流的,甚至那些商盟的美貌女子,都远远比不上。 Looks at Zhao Danchen and her intimate appearance, thinks that is Zhao Danchen game one. 赵丹尘和她亲密的样子,想必是赵丹尘的猎物一个吧。 Zhao Danchen appears, the Long Chen whole person tightened, can say, this coming up also is really not the time, but the matter occurred, Long Chen can only continue to camouflage. 赵丹尘出现,龙辰整个人都绷紧了,可以说,他这次上來的还真不是时候,不过事情已经发生,龙辰只能继续伪装。 Before, to avoid by Zhao Danchen and so on master realized Long Chen original Aura, therefore Lan Ling with one medicine, spread on the body of Long Chen, making Long Chen look like looks like Earth Martial Realm 1-layer is the same. 之前,为了避免被赵丹尘之类的高手认识到龙辰原來的气息,所以蓝翎儿用一种药物,涂在了龙辰的身上,让龙辰看起來就像是地武境一重一样。 Aura wait / etc., covered, Long Chen was not worried, Jiang Wuya they, did not recognize Long Chen to come. 气息等等,都掩盖住了,龙辰也不担心,就连姜无涯他们,也认不出龙辰來呢。 At this time, Zhao Danchen Wanami appearance scarlet female, was teasing, while under a Cultivator business pledge beautiful appearance young married woman's leadership, walked toward here. 此时,赵丹尘和那美貌的红衣女子,一边调笑着,一边在商盟一个美貌少妇的带领下,朝着这边走來。 Long Chen nearby old man, sees Zhao Danchen one, threw into beyond the highest heavens Long Chen hastily. He kneels down to salute hastily, said: Has seen Zhao Martial Emperor obsolete!” 龙辰旁边的老者,看见赵丹尘一來,连忙就把龙辰抛到九霄云外去了。他连忙跪下行礼,道:“老朽见过赵武皇!” Zhao Danchen optional beckons with the hand to him, beckoning with the hand time, this sees nearby to have Long Chen. 赵丹尘随意的对他摆摆手,摆手的时候,这才看见旁边有个龙辰呢。 The old man saw that Zhao Danchen needs to kneel down, but Long Chen actually does not need, his status is Martial King, therefore only slightly salutes to Zhao Danchen, said: Chen Guangjun, has seen Zhao Martial Emperor!” 那老者见到赵丹尘需要跪下,而龙辰却不需要,他的身份是武王,所以只对赵丹尘稍微行礼,道:“陈光军,见过赵武皇!” Chen Guangjun? I remember you, are you probably the Yang Ningfeng subordinate?” Zhao Danchen has sized up Long Chen one, cold severe the look has swept from Long Chen, Long Chen only thought that the back sends coolly, he fears Zhao Danchen actually, but fears Zhao Danchen behind Martial Emperor! “陈光军?我记得你,你好像是杨凝锋的属下吧?”赵丹尘打量了龙辰一阵,那冷厉的眼神从龙辰身上扫过,龙辰只觉得脊背发凉,他倒不是怕赵丹尘,而是怕赵丹尘身后的武帝 Three big Martial Emperor, everyone probably commands about ten Martial King, Chen Guangjun before was, but Yang Ningfeng that Yang Ningfeng commanded dies, Chen Guangjun is the person of without owner now. 三大武皇,每人都大概统领十名左右的武王,陈光军以前就是杨凝锋所统领的,不过杨凝锋一死,陈光军现在就属于无主之人了。 Returns to Zhao Martial Emperor, the death!” Long Chen lowers the head to say. “回赵武皇,死!”龙辰低头道。 The Long Chen words are less than his Zhao Danchen, Zhao Danchen is somewhat disgruntled, but in the middle of the memory this Chen Guangjun is probably loyal and devoted to Military Alliance, but actually words few Martial King, he then does not care, just wants to say anything, that nearby female is pulling his arm hastily, said: Brother Zhao, this was that blue demon flame that I wanted, I now am Opening Heaven Realm 9-layer, when I arrived at Martial Realm, I absorbed this blue demon flame again, I was very strong!” 龙辰的话比他赵丹尘还少,赵丹尘有些不悦,不过记忆当中这陈光军好像是个对武盟忠心耿耿,但是却话少的武王,他也便不在意,正想说什么呢,那旁边的女子连忙拉扯着他的手臂,道:“赵哥哥,这就是我要的那蓝魔炎了,我现在是通天境九重,等我到了武境,我再吸收这蓝魔炎,我就很强了!” Some Long Chen complexion rounds painstakingly, it seems like that this Zhao Danchen, should accompanies this female, comes up taking this blue demon flame, by the Zhao Danchen status, the Cultivator business pledge does not dare to take his money, after all the master of Cultivator business pledge is Martial Emperor Zhao Wuji. 龙辰脸色有些发苦,看來这赵丹尘,应该是陪这女子,上來‘取走’这蓝魔炎的,以赵丹尘的身份,商盟才不敢拿他的钱,毕竟商盟的主人就是武帝赵无极 Zhao Danchen embraced the young girl of that beautiful appearance in the bosom, the accent said with a smile: Blue demon flame can certainly give you, my kid LaBelle, how do you want to reward me tonight?” 赵丹尘将那美貌的少女揽在了怀中,调笑道:“蓝魔炎当然可以给你,不过我的小宝贝儿,今天晚上你要怎么奖励我呢?” Repugnant, necrosis!” That beautiful appearance young girl stretches out the small fist, is beating in the Zhao Danchen front, they two flirt with one another, had not placed the meaning in eye Long Chen and the others actually completely. “讨厌,坏死了!”那美貌少女伸出小拳头,在赵丹尘的胸前捶着,他们两打情骂俏,倒是完全沒有将龙辰等人放在眼中的意思。 Long Chen is not willing to expose the status now, therefore also can only the little darling looked at the development of matter. 龙辰现在不愿意暴露身份,所以也只能乖乖的看事情的发展了。 Zhao Danchen and that female teased one, then said to the old man: Takes in the middle of this blue demon flame Universe Bag, gives me valuable LaBelle.” 赵丹尘和那女子调笑了一阵,然后才对老者道:“把这蓝魔炎收进乾坤袋当中,给我宝贝儿吧。”
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