DBWG :: Volume #21

#2084: Dark god city

Slaughtering Dragon City, in the middle of central main hall. 杀戮龙城,中心大殿当中。 In three big emperor places, the blood fog fills the air. 三大皇座上,血雾弥漫。 Third Dragon Emperor was discussing. 三位龙帝正在讨论。 It together: „Did Long Qinglan this fellow, what Supreme Divine Dragon Inherited Blood Essence take away here? Looked that child changes into the Dragon Shape appearance, seems not that three associated dragon that we know.” 其一道:“龙青澜这家伙,到底在我们这里拿走了什么无上神龙传承精血呢?看那孩子化为龙形的样子,似乎不是我们所知道的那三种伴生龙。” Does not look clearly, this fellow is always mystical. The intercrescences die are not fully correct, arrived has gone against heaven's will the boundary.” “看不明白,这家伙向来神秘。连生死都猜不透,已到了逆天境界了。” „Does that this child process? If Long Qinglan also in the layout, that this child definitely is key one step, we bring here this child, really well?” “那这小孩怎么处理?如果龙青澜还在布局,那这孩子肯定是其中关键一步,我们将这孩子带来这里,真得好么?” Does not need to think that watches changes quietly. Long Chen secret are too many, and was concealed, could not completely understand including us. Waits for the time to pass, all will naturally come to light.” “不必多想,静观其变吧。龙辰身上秘密太多,并且被掩饰,连我们都看不透。等时间过去,一切自然就会水落石出了。” Their silent moment. 他们沉默片刻。 Then, another Dragon Emperor said with a smile: That Swallow Dragon City several, as if compare to be careful to this child, inquired multiple, is to revenge?” 接着,又一位龙帝笑道:“那吞噬龙城的几位,似乎对这孩子比较上心,已经过来打听多次了,是想要报仇么?” Also right, they initially died many in Long Qinglan hand, at the scene died in battle including their second Dragon Emperor.” “也对,他们当初死在龙青澜手中的多,连他们的第二龙帝都当场战死了。” Leave alone they. Completes own on line. How to handle as for this Long Chen, first makes him guard Heaven Blood Hell.” “别管他们了。还是做好自己的就行了。至于这龙辰怎么处置,就先让他去守卫‘天血地狱’吧。” Makes him guard there? If cannot come out all year long, that and did imprison similarly?” “让他去守卫那里?如果终年不能出来的话,那岂不是和囚禁差不多了?” „Aren't we are putting under house arrest him?” “难道我们不是在软禁他么?” Here, Third Dragon Emperor has smiled. 说到这里,三位龙帝笑了起来。 At this time, they poured very strangely, Xue Chi actually brought Long Chen to come. 就在这时候,他们倒很奇怪,血炽竟然带着龙辰过来了。 Arrives here, Xue Chi has not come, Long Chen gains ground, that three groups of strange blood fog still float in emperor place, faintly recognizable, is hard to ponder over. 来到这里,血炽没有进来,龙辰抬起头,那三团诡异的血雾仍然悬浮在皇座上,飘渺至极,难以琢磨。 This is the innumerable year ago fearful characters, controls the Dragon God Domain common people, in the Long Chen heart is awing, lowers the head saying: Disciple Long Chen has seen Third Dragon Emperor.” 这是无数年前的可怕人物,主宰着龙神域苍生,龙辰心中敬畏,低头道:“弟子龙辰见过三位龙帝。” After saying, he comes straight to the point, said directly: Three, I want to exit one time, goes to Darkness God City, makes some private affairs, after completing, will immediately come back, really has the urgent matter, hopes that three can permit.” 说完后,他开门见山,直接道:“三位,我想出去一次,前往黑暗神城,做一些私事,完成之后,就会马上回来,确实有急事,希望三位能够允许。” If originally the common disciple, comes and goes out Slaughtering Dragon City, does not need to ask for instructions, does not use exhausted Third Dragon Emperor, but the Long Chen status is special, therefore has the qualifications to come here. 本来若是一般弟子,出入杀戮龙城,根本就不用请示,更不用劳烦三位龙帝,但龙辰身份特殊,所以才有资格来到这里。 Before Third Dragon Emperor , is still letting Long Chen works as that Heaven Blood Hell the guard, has not thought that he poured to want directly. 三位龙帝之前还在让龙辰去当那‘天血地狱’的守卫呢,没想到他倒直接想要出去了。 They first are silent. 他们先是沉默。 Finally, Dragon Emperor said: You cannot leave Slaughtering Dragon City, otherwise the life and death has not related with us.” 最后,其中一位龙帝说道:“你不能离开杀戮龙城,否则生死就与我们没关系了。” Long Chen naturally understands that outside must find the troublesome person to. 龙辰自然明白,外面要找自己麻烦的人多得是呢。 But he does not have anything to be good to be afraid, access road: I understand that I will come back as soon as possible, hopes that three can comply, Long Chen does not have the tooth to be unforgettable.” 但他没什么好害怕的,便道:“我明白,我会尽快回来,希望三位能够答应,龙辰没齿难忘。” Hears not to have the tooth unforgettable these three characters, some Third Dragon Emperor truly vibrations. 听到没齿难忘这三个字,三位龙帝确实有些震动。 They naturally understand, by the Long Chen natural talent, if did not die, likely hundred years later, millenniums later, becomes another Long Qinglan. 他们自然明白,以龙辰的天资,如果不夭折的话,很可能会在百年后,千年后,成为另外一个龙青澜 His plan, did not have the major problem for the time being. 他的心术,暂时来看,还没有大问题。 If he can be really Human Clan works, at present is on good terms he, will bring very big help to Slaughtering Dragon City. Although Long Chen was still obviously common. 若是他真能够为人族效劳,目前交好他的话,会给杀戮龙城带来很大帮助。虽然龙辰显然仍然是不起眼的。 „Did you determine? Within ten years, I only give you an opportunity of going out, you determined that can be this time?” “你确定?十年之内,我只给你一次外出的机会,你确定会是这一次吗?” And Eternal Dragon Emperor said. 其中一位永恒龙帝说道。 His method is very ingenious, first is makes Long Chen feel grateful, then as the price, imprisons the Long Chen ten years. 他这方法很巧妙,先是让龙辰感恩,然后作为代价,囚禁龙辰十年。 Long Chen has had no way to oppose, even if dozens years, he must comply first, after all the Li Xuanji situation is now critical, his time are much is, is not necessarily able to fear these ten years, therefore he does not have many hesitations, said directly: I comply.” 龙辰已经没法反对了,就算是几十年,他也得先答应下来啊,毕竟现在李璇玑情况危急,他时间还多得是,未必会怕这十年,所以他没有过多的犹豫,直接道:“我答应。” Heard this saying, Third Dragon Emperor then complied with his request. 听到这话,三位龙帝便答应了他的请求。 Exits. Gives you ten days of time, time arrives, you have not come back, Xue Chi brings you to come back on the after-wedding meeting.” “出去吧。给你十天时间,时间到达,你还没有回来,血炽就会亲自带你回来的。” In Long Chen heart joyful, thanked hastily: Many thanks Third Dragon Emperor, Long Chen does not have tooth to be unforgettable.” 龙辰心中欣喜,连忙答谢道:“多谢三位龙帝,龙辰没齿难忘。” Then, he then in advance asks to be excused. 说罢,他便先行告退。 He naturally knows the idea of opposite party, so long as they do not dare to kill itself, will dread itself, that because of his natural talent, because they do not determine the Long Qinglan life and death. 他自然知道对方的想法,他们只要不敢杀死自己,就会忌惮自己,那都是因为他的天资,因为他们不确定龙青澜的生死。 Therefore, Long Chen also has the capital and they resists. 所以,龙辰也有资本和他们对抗。 Therefore he is about to leave Slaughtering Dragon City immediately! 于是他马上准备离开杀戮龙城 .................. ……………… From beforehand and talk of this Third Dragon Emperor, Long Chen felt that their types regarding own puzzled manner, regarding them truly is greatly troublesome. 从之前和这三位龙帝的谈话当中,龙辰感觉到了他们那种对于自己的纠结态度,对于他们来说自己确实是个大麻烦。 They do not dare to kill itself, was worried that Long Qinglan had not died truly. 他们不敢杀了自己,担心龙青澜没有真正死亡。 But if not kill itself, perhaps will happen one day, will grow to the appearance that Long Qinglan that type is unable to control, therefore they are worried about such situation occurrence, therefore they are not willing with the Long Chen complete mutual hatred. 但假如不杀自己,终有一天,恐怕自己会成长到龙青澜那种无法掌控的样子,所以他们担心这样的情况发生,所以他们不愿意和龙辰完全交恶。 In the middle of Five Great Dragon City, Life Dragon City and Destiny Dragon City did not take a stand, the Swallow Dragon City manner was hard, eternal Long Chen originally and Long Chen related in a big way, but actually indifferently dealt, Slaughtering Dragon City can only be intimate with Long Chen slightly, prevented the eventuality. 五大龙城当中,生命龙城命运龙城不表态,吞噬龙城态度坚硬,永恒龙辰本来和龙辰关系最大,但却冷漠应对,杀戮龙城只能略微亲近龙辰,防止万一。 This is also Third Dragon Emperor returns to the Slaughtering Dragon City reason Long Chen this hot potato belt. 这也是三位龙帝龙辰这烫手山芋带回到杀戮龙城的原因。 With a journey of Long Chen, received exchange for him in ten years treating relieved in Slaughtering Dragon City, Five Great Dragon City that quite lets further understands the Long Qinglan life and death again. Therefore Third Dragon Emperor this transaction is very cost-effective. 龙辰的一次出行,换取他十年内安心待在杀戮龙城,好让的五大龙城再进一步了解龙青澜的生死。所以三位龙帝这一次的交易算是十分划算。 Long Chen left Slaughtering Dragon City solitarily. 龙辰只身离开了杀戮龙城 He appears in the middle of Slaughtering Dragon City, the time attracted most people's attention, on the one hand Long Chen is formidable, on the other hand he also has the laughable opinion, suddenly became the focal point that the people discussed. 他出现在杀戮龙城当中,顿时间吸引了绝大多数人的注意,一方面龙辰强大,另一方面他又有可笑的言论,一时间成为了众人议论的焦点。 Where does he want to go to?” “他是要去哪里?” Does not know that wants to leave Slaughtering Dragon City evidently?” “不知道,看样子想离开杀戮龙城?” He has not known really that he had been put under house arrest by us, but also wants to exit, really indulges in fantasy, walks, with him, looked that he makes blood Dragon Jun who guards expelling!” “他还真不知道,他已经被我们软禁了,还想出去,真是异想天开,走,跟着他,看他让守卫的血龙军给撵回来!” All the way, many Dragon Warrior wait to look at the good play. 一路上,许多龙武者等着看好戏呢。 Quick, Long Chen at a rapid speed, ran out of Slaughtering Dragon City, outside has several thousand blood Dragon Jun to inspect, after they see Long Chen, at least dozens Divine Dragon have surrounded. 很快,龙辰就以飞快的速度,冲出了杀戮龙城,外面有数千头的血龙军在巡视,当他们看到龙辰后,至少有数十头神龙包围了起来。 Long Chen, you cannot leave Slaughtering Dragon City!” 龙辰,你不能离开杀戮龙城!” Huge Divine Dragon rushes to Long Chen at present, in an eye is glittering the ghost flame. 一头巨大神龙冲到龙辰眼前,一双眼睛中闪烁着鬼影火焰。 This is Murderous Ghost Shadow Blood Dragon! 这正是鬼影血杀龙 Long Chen gains ground, said: I was under permission of Third Dragon Emperor!” 龙辰抬起头,道:“我已经得到了三位龙帝的允许!” Several thousand Divine Dragon laugh, Long Chen indulged in fantasy, Third Dragon Emperor imprisons here him, how to make him leave? 数千头神龙哄笑起来,龙辰太异想天开了,三位龙帝将他囚禁到这里,怎么会让他离开? While at this time, Xue Chi appeared in sky. 正当这时候,血炽出现在上空。 General!” “大帅!” Numerous blood Dragon Jun changes into the human form, partly kneels on the ground. 众血龙军化为人形,半跪在地上。 Makes him exit.” “让他出去。” Xue Chi said superficially, vanished in a flash. 血炽轻描淡写说了一句,转瞬已经消失。 The people stared in a big way the eye, looked at each other in blank diamay, but at this time Long Chen was impolite crossed them, vanished in the numerous bloodshed, he may not have the time here lang fee, that side Li Xuanji, does not know whether she can support itself to arrive, thing that the ancient god corpse so went against heaven's will, that is anybody will move. 众人瞪大了眼睛,面面相觑,而这时候龙辰已经不客气越过了他们,消失在重重的血海当中,他可没有时间在这里lang费,李璇玑那边,不知道她是否能够撑到自己到来呢,古神尸首如此逆天的东西,那是任何人都会动心的。 The Darkness God City position, Long Chen the map that attains from before obtains. 黑暗神城的位置,龙辰从以前拿到的地图当中获得。 At his speed, the straight line full speed advance, requires three days. 以他的速度,直线全速前进,需要三天的时间。 Long Chen wholly-absorbed full speed hurries along, he runs out from the Slaughtering Dragon City peripheral bloodshed, arrives on this stretch of boundless earth, on the earth the wild beast runs, Long Chen changes to together the scarlet ray, is similar to the meteor is the same, grazes in the upper air. By his present ability, places Immortal God Domain any place, is side Expert! 龙辰专心全速赶路,他从杀戮龙城周边的血海冲出,来到这一片苍茫的大地上,大地上荒兽奔走,龙辰化作一道血色光线,如同流星一样,在高空上飞掠而过。以他如今的能耐,放在永生神域任何一个地方,都是一方强者 I came out from Slaughtering Dragon City, it is expected that needs two days of many matters to be able.” Long Chen communicates Li Xuanji by Star Rune. “我从杀戮龙城出来了,预计需要两天多的事情才能到。”龙辰星符沟通李璇玑 In the middle of Star Rune, the outstandingly beautiful beautiful woman somewhat seemed to be thin and pale, in her quiet eye revealed warm and anticipation, said in a soft voice: Attention security, when you arrived, I will exit to meet your.” 星符当中,绝色美人似乎有些憔悴了,她那沉寂的眼睛里流露出了温暖和期待,轻声道:“注意安全,等你到了,我会出去接你的。” Was good. Moreover that side you, can insist two days of much time?” “行了。另外你那边,能坚持两天多的时间吗?” Long Chen asked. 龙辰问道。 Sees him to show loving care for in every possible way, in the Li Xuanji heart has the warm feeling spontaneously, her corners of the mouth bring back a curve, reveals a smiling face, said: Darkness God City old and young City Lord Ye Liuming has not come back, it is estimated that also requires three days of time to be able, he is the director, he has not come back, how it is estimated that to me, only not to have restricted my freedom and that's the end.” 见他关怀无微不至,李璇玑心中油然生出温暖感觉,她嘴角勾起一丝弧度,流露出一丝笑容,道:“黑暗神城的大少城主夜柳瞑还没有回来,估计也需要三天时间才能到,他是主事者,他没回来,估计还不会对我如何,只会限制我的自由就是了。” Her incomparable trust Long Chen. 她无比的相信龙辰 This Ye Liuming, is the dark City Lord biological son, is equal to Martial God Ancient City Su Zhen Elder Brother Su Sheng that character. However Darkness God City be more formidable than Martial God Ancient City. 夜柳瞑,就是黑暗城主的亲儿子,相当于武神古城苏臻大哥苏圣那种人物。不过黑暗神城要比武神古城强大一些。 „Is Ye Liuming, what strength?” 夜柳瞑,是什么实力?” Long Chen asked. 龙辰问。 Initial period Six Dao Reincarnation.” Li Xuanji replied. 六道轮回初期。”李璇玑回答到。 She knows that the Long Chen ability, will make him help, if the Darkness God City person is too strong, she will be will not make Long Chen take risk. 她知道龙辰的能耐,才会让他帮忙,如果黑暗神城的人太强,她是怎么也不会让龙辰冒险的。 Six Dao Reincarnation?” 六道轮回?” Initially including Martial God Ancient City, in the Long Chen eye, is the colossi. 当初连武神古城,在龙辰眼中,都是庞然大物。 But now, is Darkness God City of north first god city, as if few characters, can how. 而如今,身为北方第一神城的黑暗神城,其中似乎没有几个人物,能奈何自己了。 Long Chen sneers. 龙辰不禁冷笑。 He picked up the speed, shoots to go toward the Darkness God City wind. 他加快了速度,朝着黑暗神城飙射而去。 First does not say.” “先不说了。” Li Xuanji received Star Rune. 李璇玑收起了星符 She stands in the middle of black broad courtyard, the surroundings is a piece of pure black willow tree, the slender black branch just likes the evil clutches. 她站在黑色宽阔的院落当中,周围是一片纯黑色的柳树,修长的黑色枝条犹如魔爪。 Sister Xuan Ji!” 璇玑妹妹!” When Li Xuanji receives Star Rune, complexion is slightly pale, body tall Shou, the appearance is common, looks like some morbid states men walks quickly toward her, he stays in Li Xuanji quickly at present, squeezes the smiling face diligently, said: Sister Xuan Ji, I asked you to look for a long time, has not thought of you Liuyuan here. Here relaxes? Right, do previous time I deliver you to scatter smoke and fire you also to like?” 就在李璇玑收起星符的时候,一个脸色稍微苍白,身体高瘦,长相一般,看起来有些病态的男子朝着她快步走来,他很快就停留在李璇玑的眼前,努力挤出笑容,道:“璇玑妹妹,我找你找了好久呢,没想到你在柳园这里。是在这里散心吗?对了,上次我送你的‘散落烟火’你还喜欢吗?” Li Xuanji brow micro wrinkle, she especially does not like at present this person. 李璇玑眉头微皱,她不是特别喜欢眼前这个人。 She said: Night strong wind from afar, you give my thing, I gave back to your mother completely.” 她道:“夜长风,你送我的东西,我全部还给你娘亲了。” What?” The night strong wind from afar clenches jaws, said: My mother actually has not told me...... However, Sister Xuan Ji, why you do not receive my gift, you know that each gift has put very big thoughts, is I wholeheartedly does for you, I have consumed these many painstaking care in the two years, wants to make you happy? The grandfather had said that wants to betroth you to my matter......” “什么?”夜长风咬牙切齿,道:“我娘竟然没告诉我……不过,璇玑妹妹,你为什么不收我的礼物,你知道,我每一件礼物都花了很大的心思,都是我全心全意为你而做的,我这两年来耗费了这么多的心血,就是想让你开心嘛?爷爷曾经说过,想要将你许配给我的事情……” Sufficed!” “够了!” Li Xuanji withdrew two steps, sound coldly, said: That matter, I have rejected, City Lord has not mentioned again. Moreover I already told you, is unnecessary wastes the plans, I do not like you, not with you in the same place. The night strong wind from afar, I told you two years, why aren't you clear?” 李璇玑退后了两步,声音冷了下来,道:“那件事情,我已经拒绝了,城主也没有再说起。另外我早就跟你说了,不必要白费心机,我不喜欢你,也不会和你在一起。夜长风,我跟你说了两年了,为什么你还不明白?” „......” “啊……” The night strong wind from afar was greatly attacked, he kneels down at a loss on the ground, put out a hand to hold the Li Xuanji long skirt, the tears crash-bang flowed immediately, the sob sobbed: How can like this! I have paid these many for you!” 夜长风受到巨大打击,他茫然跪倒在地上,伸手抓住了李璇玑的长裙,眼泪顿时哗啦啦流了下来,哭泣哽咽道:“怎么可以这样!我都为你付出了这么多啊!”
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