DBWG :: Volume #21

#2083: Scarlet dragon palace

Anything wrongs, he betrays Human Clan, leads the devil, attempts to slaughter all living things for its to use, but also wants to destroy the antique Spiritual God various god battlefield, and kills my Human Clan many seniors, this also called the wrongful treatment. + reading net romance content refresh rate is faster than the rocket, do you dare not to believe?” “什么冤屈,他背叛人族,带领魔鬼,妄图屠杀众生为其所用,还想毁灭太古神灵的诸神战场,并且杀死我人族诸多前辈,这也叫冤屈。+看书网言情内容更新速度比火箭还快,你敢不信么?” The person takes to their shock from Long Chen in the presence of everyone, when the innermost feelings truly admire Long Chen, acknowledged him in peer , but when Eternal Dragon Emperor had to wrong this opinion, they are unable to approve. 当众人从龙辰带给他们的震撼当们内心确实佩服龙辰,承认他在同辈当但永恒龙帝有冤屈这种言论,他们是无法苟同的。 Really is laughable, makes so the matter of treason and heresy, the world people looks clearly, this can also have the wrongful treatment, when our ancestry are the blind people.” “真是可笑,做出如此大逆不道的事情,天下人都看得清清楚楚,这还能有冤屈,当我们的祖辈都是瞎子么。” The people have encircled Long Chen, saying that directs. 众人将龙辰围了起來,指指点点的说道。 Long Chen takes a fast look around these to mention Long Qinglan on the face that a face spurns, the heart is not willingly, he believes that Long Qinglan struggles certainly for some situation, likely also for all people, but he was misunderstood, even also suffers the repel and insult of person on one's own side, this is what kind being unworthy. 龙辰扫视着这一张张提起龙青澜就一脸唾弃的脸,心不甘心,他相信龙青澜一定是为了某种情况而奋斗,很可能也是为了所有人,但他受到了误解,甚至还遭受自己人的排斥和辱骂,这是何等的不值。 If Long Chen, he can not care about these. 要是龙辰自己,他可以不在乎这些。 But Long Qinglan is not good, here is his hometown, is place that he rises, he is holding the deep love to this entire world, therefore he is not willingly like this in the insult, when r 龙青澜不行,这里是他的故乡,是他崛起的地方,他对这整个世界都抱着深沉的爱,所以他不甘心就这样在辱骂当r …… …… The Long Chen heart matter cannot worry. 龙辰心事情着急不得。 Looks the countenance that this innumerable and resist, they railed and taunt, the Long Chen innermost feelings pledged that one day he will make this entire Dragon God Domain person change their views, for the confessions of their initial evil, this was he comes the Slaughtering Dragon City goal. 看着这无数和自己对抗的嘴脸,他们谩骂、嘲讽,龙辰内心发誓,总有一天他会让这整个龙神域的人都改变他们的看法,为他们当初的罪恶的忏悔,这就是他來杀戮龙城的目的。 Jiang Ming has defeated. 姜明已经败了。 Ten several thousand Dragon Warrior sphere Long Chen, scolded Long Chen by the Long Qinglan matter, nothing but was said that the Long Chen wishful thinking, should better cut off this year head, will otherwise take the Long Qinglan escape route, making the world person spurn. 十数万龙武者围住龙辰,以龙青澜的事情责骂龙辰,无非是说龙辰痴心妄想,最好断绝了这年头,否则就会走龙青澜的后路,让天下人唾弃。 Long Chen turns around to depart. 龙辰转身离去。 Too does not make sense, this person tries to twist the truth of history, must make him turn into super Expert, definitely will have not the good influence to my Human Clan, even leaves Long Qinglan again, our Human Clan could not experience to attack like this.” “太不像话了,这种人试图扭曲历史的真相,要让他变成超级强者,肯定会对我人族造成很不好的影响,甚至再出一个龙青澜,我们人族已经经历不起这样的打击了。” Said right, does not know how the Five Great Dragon City high level actually thinks, I thought should put to death directly is right.” “说得对啊,不知道五大龙城的高层到底是怎么想的,我觉得应该直接诛杀才对。” That is not good, the huge mistake that he has not made, put to death directly extremely, after all had Heaven Dragon Star Dragon Warrior to follow his, I looked that Dragon Emperor were very intelligent, understood put under house arrest this Long Chen, so long as he had no way to leave Slaughtering Dragon City, was not all in the control of Dragon Emperor, when did not have the means.” “那不行,他沒犯下的大错,直接诛杀还是太过了,毕竟还是有天龙星龙武者追随他的,我看龙帝们都很聪明,懂得将这龙辰软禁起來,只要他沒法离开杀戮龙城,还不是一切都在龙帝的掌控当都沒有办法啊。” The people have laughed. 众人哄笑了起來。 How natural talent goes against heaven's will, is not my Slaughtering Dragon City captive.” “天资逆天又如何,还不是我杀戮龙城的阶下囚。” ..................... ………………… Scarlet dragon palace. 赤龙宫。 This is Xue Chi is the Long Chen arrangement place. 这是血炽龙辰安排的地方。 The scarlet dragon palace is very big, and surroundings are very big in a range, has not lived, is very spacious, has Long Chen person of Xiao Suo in this its / >\; 赤龙宫很大,并且周围很大一片范围之内,都沒有居住,十分空旷,只有龙辰一人萧索在这其/>\; Because of him and a Jiang Ming war, outside almost raises a rumpus, has the Star Rune communication, now entire Dragon God Domain knows that Long Chen has easily defeated Hidden Dragon List first. 因为他和姜明的一战,外面几乎闹翻天,有星符通信,如今整个龙神域都知道龙辰轻松打败了潜龙榜第一。 This war, the concrete process was also passed on. 这一战,具体过程也被传了出去。 From ten thousand dead kendoists and 100,000 blood souls to the blood prison common people, arrives to burn the Blood Sacrifice day and all living things bloodshed again, Jiang Ming each move, makes Long Chen explain with ease, finally even takes a boundary strength as the price, cannot let Long Chen by a wee bit injuries. 从万死剑道、十万血魂到血狱苍生,再到燃血祭天和众生血海,姜明每出一招,都让龙辰轻松破解,最终甚至以一个境界的力量为代价,都沒能让龙辰受丁点伤害。 Although entire Dragon God Domain few personally likes Long Chen, but this cannot deny that he is true Hidden Dragon List first, the first under heaven talent, peer the is invincible, even ten thousand clan talent are invincible. 虽然整个龙神域都沒几个人喜欢龙辰,但这并不能否认他已经是真正的潜龙榜第一,天下第一天才,同辈无敌,甚至万族天才界无敌。 So the ability, letting the person has to remember initial Long Qinglan. 如此能耐,让人不得不想起当初的龙青澜 They are astonishing similar. 两人都是惊人的相似。 Long Qinglan rises, even does not have Long Chen to be so young. 龙青澜崛起的时候,甚至都沒有龙辰这么年轻吧。 The name of his talent, truly obtained the approvals of Human Clan even ten thousand clans, making the person incomparably admire, for example Martial God Ancient City, too a god city and Emperor Honored God City these Long Chen had resisted the influence, not to mention their hearts may believe that even this news passed to Sprit God Domain Monster God Domain, has caused the huge turbulence, must know that initially Long Chen in Sprit God Domain, so is not formidable. 他的天才之名,确实得到了人族甚至万族的认可,让人无比佩服,比如说曾经的武神古城,还有太一神城、帝钧神城这些龙辰曾经对抗过的势力,别提他们心可置信了,甚至这消息传到了灵神域妖神域,都造成了巨大的动荡,要知道当初龙辰灵神域的时候,还沒有这么强大。 Especially goddess heart these women. 尤其是神女心那些女人们。 These date and time, they have also related Long Chen, making Long Chen sometimes look at them, they will certainly permit by the body and so on. 这些时日,她们也都联系过龙辰,让龙辰有时候去看她们,她们一定会以身相许之类的。 Although was acknowledged formidable, opinion that but he said that about the Long Qinglan pure incident, actually directly became the entire Dragon God Domain laughingstock, in others opinion this radically is the idiot, whenever some people mentioned Long Chen fearful time, will have other person to stand, explained his stupidity with this matter. 虽然强大受到承认,但他所说的言论,关于龙青澜清白一事,却直接成为了整个龙神域的笑柄,在别人看來这根本就是白痴,所以每当有人说起龙辰可怕的时候,就会有另外的人站出來,拿这件事情來说明他的愚蠢。 All these, Long Chen is impossible not to care, was only he is more indifferent than the past. 这一切,龙辰不可能不在意,只是他远比从前淡然。 This entire Dragon God Domain, wants darkly really many. 这整个龙神域,想要暗真不少。 For example Emperor Honored God City Expert, Emperor Honored God City only Five Great Dragon City is smaller and weaker, is the heads of 72 god old cities, its Reincarnation character. 比如说帝钧神城强者们,帝钧神城只比的五大龙城弱小,乃72神裔古城之首,其轮回的人物吧。 That level, was the world peak, Long Chen does not certainly cope. 那种层次,乃世界巅峰,龙辰当然对付不了。 He works as in the scarlet dragon palace. 他在赤龙宫当。 Every day, he will contact with Lingxi by Star Rune, only then at this time, he was not lonely. 每天,他都会以星符灵曦联系,只有这时候,他才是不寂寞的。 Brother Chen, when you prepare to go to various god battlefield investigation.” 辰哥哥,你准备什么时候去诸神战场探查。” Lingxi in the Heaven Dragon Star star light lake float. 灵曦天龙星的星光湖泊上悬浮着。 Long Chen thinks that said: Now is not good, outside many people eye covetously to me, Slaughtering Dragon City is my temporary sanctuary, some times, when you one year later when arrives.” 龙辰想了想,道:“现在还不行,外面许多人对我虎视眈眈,杀戮龙城是我暂时的庇护所,过些时候吧,等你一年后到來之时。” Hears this saying, Lingxi felt relieved that said: „ Brother Chen you could rest assured that this time I can add on absolutely busy, I felt that I have been attacking four to look like Reincarnation Calamity Realm, the help of Star Core is very big, my own bloodlines also in fast growth, „ 听到这话,灵曦放下心來,道:“辰哥哥你放心,这一次我是绝对能够帮上大忙的,我感觉自己已经在冲击四象轮回劫境了,星核的帮助真的很大,还有我自身的血脉也在快速的成长,“ Reincarnation Calamity confident.” 轮回劫有信心吗。” What Long Chen most is worried is this point. 龙辰最担心的是这一点。 Relax, small gift.” “放心吧,小意思。” Lingxi said with a smile happily. 灵曦甜蜜笑道。 Such cared feeling, is very happy, after separating short, daily thinking of such as ant, lets the person pruritus simply, but the sentiment instead warmed up. 这样被关心的感觉,很美好,短暂分开之后,每日的想念简直如身上的蚂蚁,让人瘙痒,但感情反而升温了。 Brother Chen, I did not disturb you, I also went to fuse Star Core diligently.” 辰哥哥,我不打扰你了,我也去努力融合星核。” Lingxi was saying, then delicious was busy. 灵曦说着,便美滋滋的忙去了。 Long Chen must spend massive time Cultivate every day, formidable is his only direction of advance, any rule is the control in strength Expert 龙辰每天也要花大量的时间修炼,强大是他唯一的前进方向,任何的规则都是掌控在力量强者 …… …… Is competent, has right to speak. 有实力,才有话语权。 If Long Chen is super Expert, any a few words that then he spoke, will not be the laughingstock. 如果龙辰是超级强者,那么他说的任何一句话,都不会是笑柄。 Night. 夜深。 On Slaughtering Dragon City, the blood fog fills the air. 杀戮龙城上,血雾弥漫。 This environment makes people very dreary. 这个环境让人十分阴郁。 Long Chen goes forward in the direction of spacious scarlet dragon palace, he must arrive at Late Stage of one Yuan tribulation, can attack two meter tribulations. 龙辰在空旷的赤龙宫的方向前进,他要到达一元劫的后期,才能冲击两仪劫。 At this time, he has remembered Li Xuanji. 就在这时候,他想起了李璇玑 Li Xuanji, in Dragon God Domain Darkness God City, Long Chen had understood, Darkness God City is away from the Slaughtering Dragon City recent god old city unexpectedly. 李璇玑,就在龙神域黑暗神城,龙辰了解了一下,黑暗神城竟然是距离杀戮龙城最近的神裔古城。 He has connected Li Xuanji by Star Rune. 他以星符连通了李璇玑 The opposite party peerless appearance, appears on Star Rune, her look is somewhat happy, the rare smile looks at Long Chen, heart as if each time she was waiting for that Long Chen looks for her, is never initiative. 对方绝世容颜,在星符上出现,她神色有些欢喜,难得微笑看着龙辰,心似乎每一次她都是在等待龙辰找她,却从不主动。 I came Dragon God Domain, in Slaughtering Dragon City.” “我來龙神域了,就在杀戮龙城。” Long Chen said directly in a soft voice. 龙辰直接轻声说道。 I know, before hearing you, at the Slaughtering Dragon City matter.” The Li Xuanji eye pupil is flashing the tears. “我知道,听说你之前在杀戮龙城的事情了。”李璇玑眼眸闪动着泪光。 How.” “怎么了。” Long Chen sees her mood some not to be right, even if joyful, as if also some. 龙辰见她情绪有些不对,就算是欣喜,似乎也有些过了。 Li Xuanji shakes the head, said: All right, a little wants to see you.” 李璇玑摇摇头,道:“沒什么事,就是有点想见你。” „......” “哦……” Long Chen had deliberately considered, oneself in this Slaughtering Dragon City, are similar to is put under house arrest, he truly needs to challenge, looks at Third Dragon Emperor is this meaning, thinks of here, he is wanting to comply with Li Xuanji, but thought suddenly some are not right, Li Xuanji looks like some are unusual. 龙辰寻思了一下,自己在这杀戮龙城,如同被软禁,他确实需要挑战一下,看三位龙帝是不是这个意思,想到这里,他正想要答应李璇玑,但忽然觉得有些不对,李璇玑看起來有些不寻常。 Long Chen then sinks the sound, said: Do not hide the truth from me, had an accident.” 龙辰便沉下声音,道:“别瞒我了,是不是出事了。” He understands her, therefore is clear her thoughts. 他了解她,所以清楚她的心思。 Opposite party silent, said: I feel, I am hiding the ancient god corpse, as if made some Darkness God City people know, for these days looked that as if some people were bad to my look, but dark City Lord for the recent year basically does not make an appearance, should be closes up Cultivate, I could not find him.” 对方沉默了一下,道:“我感觉上,我藏着的古神尸首,似乎让黑暗神城部分人知道了,这几天看,似乎有人对我神色不善,而黑暗城主最近一年來基本上不露面,应该是闭关修炼了,我找不到他。” The value of ancient god corpse, is similar to Lord God Technique and God Dependents Spirit Liquid. 古神尸首的价值,和界主神术神眷灵液差不多。 Lord God Technique, that is the thing that Spirit Emperor wants. 主神术,那是灵皇都想要的东西。 The ancient god corpse, has some fables in Immortal God Domain, therefore knows that its value should not be difficult, once divulges, but words that Li Xuanji asylum closes up, perhaps these for the formidable and crazed person, really will begin. 古神尸首,在永生神域有过一些传说,所以知道其价值应该不难,一旦泄漏,而李璇玑的庇护者又闭关的话,那些为了强大而丧心病狂的人,说不定真的会动手。 Long Chen initially had urged Li Xuanji. 龙辰当初就叮嘱过李璇玑了。 But something, carefully cannot keep again, this does not blame her, she in Immortal God Domain, besides his dark City Lord, is Long Chen that can depend upon only, after knowing Long Chen arrives at Slaughtering Dragon City, she can only pray for rescue. 但有些事情,再小心也是藏不住的,这并不怪她,她在永生神域,除了他黑暗城主外,唯一能依靠的就是龙辰,所以当知道龙辰來到杀戮龙城后,她只能求救。 But she in fact does not want to trouble Long Chen, if Long Chen has not seen clearly her thoughts, she will not say. 但她实际上沒想麻烦龙辰,如果龙辰不是洞察了她的心思,她也不会说出來。 The Long Chen eye has narrowed the eyes, said: You can support for several days.” 龙辰眼睛眯了起來,道:“你能撑上几天么。” The Li Xuanji nod said: Should.” 李璇玑点头道:“应该可以。” That I.” “那等我。” After the simple three characters said that Long Chen then received Star Rune, looks Xue Chi. 简单的三个字说完后,龙辰便收起了星符,去找血炽 To him, Li Xuanji not with the intimate relation that Lingxi same remembers with eternal gratitude, but that is also the friend of living and dying together, when she has difficult, Long Chen naturally cannot stand by, trades to do is Xiao Lang and cat any person, he will unable to sit still. 对他而言,李璇玑就算是沒有和灵曦一样刻骨铭心的亲密关系,但那也是同生共死的朋友,当她有难,龙辰自然不能袖手旁观,换做是小狼和小猫任何一个人,他都会坐不住。 He on Immortal God Domain, on these friends. 他在永生神域上,也就这几个朋友了。 Li Xuanji will not trouble generally his, obviously the matter is quite serious. 李璇玑一般不会麻烦他的,显然事情已经算是比较严重了。 After finding Xue Chi, Long Chen came straight to the point, said: I must exit.” 找到血炽后,龙辰开门见山,道:“我要出去一趟。” Xue Chi has been startled, the sinking sound track: You just arrived at Slaughtering Dragon City, exits to make anything, best not to exit, in your at least ten years are not suitable to leave Slaughtering Dragon City, outside world, wants to kill your person to be many are.” 血炽怔了一下,沉声道:“你刚刚來到杀戮龙城,出去做什么,最好别出去,你至少十年内不适合离开杀戮龙城,外面的世界,想杀你的人可多得是。” Long Chen said: I have the urgent matter, must go to Darkness God City one time, Slaughtering Dragon City should not have the disciple unable to exit this stipulation, makes me join Slaughtering Dragon City, is imprisoning me, Xue Chi senior.” 龙辰道:“我有急事,必须要去黑暗神城一次,杀戮龙城应该沒有弟子不能出去这规定吗,难道让我加入杀戮龙城,真的是在囚禁我么,血炽前辈。” Xue Chi said: Such being the case, that must look at the meaning of Third Dragon Emperor.” 血炽道:“既然如此,那就得看三位龙帝的意思了。”
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