DBWG :: Volume #21

#2081: Blood prison common people

Reverses suddenly Sha. 逆转暴杀。 Long Chen has handled with ease Jiang Ming, although has destroyed [say / way] of opposite party, but in fact high under already difference. 龙辰轻松就搞定了姜明,虽然只是毁了对方的道器,但实际上高下已分。 Naturally, the fight of Dragon Warrior may so be incessantly simple, before warmed up. 当然,龙武者的战斗可不止这么简单,之前不过只是热身罢了。 But Long Chen optional appearance, has let the depression that 100,000 Dragon Warrior are from the heart, but Jiang Ming Hidden Dragon List first, this Long Chen so is how strong, they are not willingly. 龙辰随意的显露,已经让100000的龙武者发自内心的郁闷,姜明可是潜龙榜第一,这龙辰怎么就这么强,他们不甘心。 Long Chen also defeats Hundun Kunwu, where has the ability to cope with Jiang Ming. 龙辰也只是打败混沌昆吾,哪有能耐对付姜明 One year, he progresses to a stronger situation unexpectedly. 难道一年时间,他竟然进展到更强的地步。 When people innermost feelings start to vibrate, Long Chen has not kept the hand, will catch a match with great difficulty, Long Chen will not be making him feel better. 就在众人内心开始震动的时候,龙辰并沒有留手,好不容易逮着一个对手,龙辰才不会让他好过呢。 The Jiang Ming eye every day war casualty blood sword was shattered, the innermost feelings already dropped the blood. 姜明眼见天殇血剑破碎,内心早已滴血。 In fact, just promoted to 300 Dao Mark Behead Divine Sword small skeletons actually titter. 实际上,刚刚升级到300条道纹斩神剑小骷髅却在偷笑。 You completed the task.” “你完成任务了。” Long Chen received Behead Divine Sword, in order to avoid increase of his Dao Mark made Expert discover that but at this time, Jiang Ming both eyes sinister and ruthless visits him, primary defeat made in his heart the murderous intention beyond example exuberant, Eternal Bloody Hell Dragon that bloody makings erupted, surroundings Cultivator was fearful and apprehensive, hastily backlash. 龙辰收起了斩神剑,以免他道纹的增加让强者发现,而这时候,姜明正双眼阴毒的看着他,初次战败让他心中杀机空前旺盛,万古血狱龙那血腥气质爆发出來,周围者胆战心惊,连忙后退。 „Before Jiang Ming, was negligent, now deals with earnestly, this slaughtered Aura, was really fearful.” 姜明之前大意了,现在认真应付,这杀戮气息,真是可怕啊。” Solemn super Divine Dragon, Eternal Bloody Hell Dragon, where is so easy to be defeated.” “堂堂超级神龙,万古血狱龙,哪里是那么容易打败的。” Along with their words, Jiang Ming dies to nip the tooth, the body Scarlet Blood Dragon scale covers, stretches out pair of incisive cruel Dragon Claw, is similar to the fight machine, curls up everywhere blood wave, kills once again. 随着他们的话,姜明死咬着牙齿,身上血色龙鳞覆盖,伸出一双尖锐残暴的龙爪,如同战斗机器,卷起漫天血浪,再度杀來。 Long Chen, should not be self-satisfied, fight starts.” 龙辰,别得意,战斗才开始呢。” Jiang Ming roared. 姜明咆哮道。 Ok, takes you to practice acquiring a skill.” “行,就拿你练练手吧。” Long Chen chuckle. 龙辰轻笑一声。 He already wants to try, Primal Chaos Being Dragon strength. 他早就想试试,太极生灵龙的力量了。 Jiang Ming arrived suddenly at present. 姜明骤然到了眼前。 Thunder sacrifice.” “雷霆祭。” On Long Chen explodes suddenly projects the purple lightning, his whole person in short transforms into the diameter dozens meters fearful thunder and lightning ball instantaneously, the lightning wind shoots, the electricity snake dance, suddenly continually the low bloodshed covers entirely the thunder. 龙辰身上骤然间爆射出紫色的闪电,他整个人在短短瞬间蜕变成为直径数十米的可怕雷电球,闪电飙射,电蛇狂舞,一时间连低下血海都布满雷霆。 Anything.” “什么。” Jiang Ming just rushed ahead. 姜明刚冲杀上來呢。 Tries his might.” “试试他的威力。” Long Chen displays single-handed, that huge thunder and lightning ball pounds rapidly to Jiang Ming, the speed is too fast, extremely suddenly, the flash explodes in Jiang Ming at present, shakes to fly him, spurts the blood crazily, the body burned black piece, had been wounded obviously. 龙辰单手施展,那巨大的雷电球迅速砸向姜明,速度太快,太过忽然,一瞬间在姜明眼前爆炸,将他震飞出去,狂喷鲜血,身上焦黑一片,显然已经被炸伤。 This scene, makes the people look at each other in blank diamay simply, has nothing to say in reply. 这场面,简直让众人面面相觑,无言以对。 But Jiang Ming Hidden Dragon List first, everyone fears him, why arrived at Long Chen at present, is similar to the toy is the same. 姜明可是潜龙榜第一啊,谁都怕他,为何到了龙辰眼前,就如同玩具一样。 But this is only starts, Long Chen has not played to suffice, he just likes moves instantaneously, appears sky over Jiang Ming, moves instantaneously again. 可这只是开始,龙辰还沒玩够呢,他犹如瞬间移动,出现在姜明上空,瞬间再动。 Solar sacrifice.” “太阳祭。” Bang. 轰。 This strength, is transmits directly from the god country, therefore so rapid violent. 这股力量,是直接从神国当中传递出來的,所以才会如此的迅速猛烈。 In the Long Chen hand, is grasping a diameter dozens meters rupturing fireball, that is a small Sun. 龙辰手中,握着一个直径数十米的爆裂火球,那是一颗小型的太阳。 No.” “不。” The Jiang Ming eye circle stares, runs away rapidly, Long Chen is impolite with him, flings conveniently, then hits like the solar same fireball loudly in carrying on the back of Jiang Ming, pounding in the middle of the bloodshed, in that moment, Jiang Ming will have sent out the serious pitiful yell, was submerged by the bloodshed instantaneously. 姜明眼睛圆瞪,迅速逃窜,龙辰不跟他客气,随手一甩,那如太阳一样的火球轰然撞在姜明的背上,将之砸进了血海当中,在那关头,姜明发出惨重惨叫,瞬间被血海淹沒。 Long Chen calls a halt, crosses the hands behind the back to stand. 龙辰停手,负手而立。 Counts 100,000 Dragon Warrior to have a parched mouth, looks up him, suddenly complete silence. 十万龙武者口干舌燥,抬起头看着他,一时间鸦雀无声。 To be honest, Jiang Ming is no doubt good, truly also wants the strong scale compared with Hundun Kunwu, but Long Chen was already invincible in talent today, if Jiang Ming, be only this degree, comes ten again is not his match. 说实话,姜明固然不错,确实比混沌昆吾还要强一个档次,但龙辰今日早已在天才界无敌,如果姜明只有这个程度,再來十个都不是他对手。 „, The fight result saw clearly, who wins who loses, knows fairly well.” “诸位,战斗结果已经看清楚了吧,谁胜谁负,诸位心中有数。” The Long Chen visual people, the clear and resonant voice said. 龙辰目视众人,朗声说道。 This is Slaughtering Dragon City gives his demonstration of authority, has not thought that actually in this short instantaneous, turned into him to give the Slaughtering Dragon City demonstration of authority. 这是杀戮龙城给他的下马威,沒想到却在这短短瞬间,变成了他给杀戮龙城的下马威。 Slaughters Sword Art, 14 sacrifices, the second kill Jiang Ming simply. 杀戮剑诀,14祭,简直秒杀姜明 In his hands, in the past the strength dreadful slaughtering King, became the comedian clown is pitiful. 在他手中,以往战力滔天的杀戮王者,变得小丑般可怜。 Long Chen.” 龙辰,。” At this time, the bloodshed was turbulent, the world vibrated, giant beast Aura filled the air to come, Long Chen downward looked that giant dragon attacked from the bloodshed, worried to come toward oneself, that was Eternal Bloody Hell Dragon. 就在这时候,血海动荡,天地震动,一股巨兽气息弥漫而來,龙辰往下一看,一个巨大的龙首从血海冲击上來,朝着自己撕咬而來,那是万古血狱龙 Long Chen expects him not to have loses quickly, although to be honest oneself crush opposite party, but must kill the opposite party, severely wounded opposite party, must make certain effort, naturally Long Chen does not worry, in his eyes Jiang Ming is a target, is used to experiment formidable his all sorts. 龙辰就料到他沒那么快输,说实话自己虽然碾压对方,但要杀死对方,重伤对方,还是得花一定力气的,当然龙辰并不着急,在他眼中姜明就是个靶子,用來试验他的种种强大。 Jiang Ming came back.” 姜明回來了。” Changed into Dragon Shape, the Dragon Warrior showdown, the Divine Dragon showdown, he was not necessarily able to lose.” “化为龙形了,龙武者的对决,神龙对决,他未必会输。” Right, Eternal Bloody Hell Dragon is so fearful.” “对,万古血狱龙是如此可怕。” Other count 100,000 Divine Dragon, was looking to comfort. 其他数十万神龙,又在找安慰了。 They defeat too miserably, are unable to endure such result, if today's result passes on, Hidden Dragon List first changes players is the minor matter, the Slaughtering Dragon City honor loses completely is the important matter. 他们败得太惨,根本无法忍受这样的结果,今天的结果要是传出去,潜龙榜第一换人是小事,杀戮龙城脸面丢尽才是大事。 Long Chen looks disdainfully to look Divine Dragon that below rush comes. 龙辰睥睨看着下方冲杀而來的神龙 This is fierce Divine Dragon, with the ordinary Divine Dragon biggest difference is, his height over ten thousand and are similar to the sword equally sharp spurs, that spur is glittering the fearful bloody ray, this Eternal Bloody Hell Dragon, spur a little likely is the hedgehog, but is more fearful than the hedgehog are too many. 这是一头狰狞神龙,和普通神龙最大的区别就是,他身长着上万跟如同刀剑一样锋利的骨刺,那骨刺闪烁着可怕的血腥光芒,这一头万古血狱龙,身上的骨刺有点像是刺猬,但却比刺猬可怕太多。 A thick murderous intention, comes in swarms, time lock Long Chen. 一股浓浓杀机,蜂拥而來,顿时间锁定了龙辰 This is this Jiang Ming true strength. 这才是这姜明真正的力量嘛。 Finally can fight one well.” “终于可以好好战上一场吗。” Too long not so excited, the so warm-blooded fight, Long Chen wanted the oppressive dead opposite party, therefore he does not want such quickly to finish. 太久沒有如此兴奋,如此热血的战斗了,龙辰要虐死对方,所以他不想这么快结束。 The Eternal Bloody Hell Dragon true body appears, to Slaughtering Dragon City, is similar to the liberator, they get hold of both hands, was anticipating Jiang Ming in the strongest shape, reverses the victory. 万古血狱龙真身出现,对杀戮龙城來说,如同救星,他们握紧双手,期待着姜明以最强的形态,逆转胜局。 Long Chen had not said that changes into the Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon body, occupies a commanding position, his Eternal Bloody Hell Dragon 1/10 was inferior by the fierce degree, but that gang of King is dignified, how is actually Eternal Bloody Hell Dragon not to compare. 龙辰沒有多说,化为太古血灵龙身躯,居高临下,论狰狞程度他连万古血狱龙1都不如,但那股王者威严,却是万古血狱龙怎么都比不上的。 In front of Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon, Eternal Bloody Hell Dragon is similar to the shoddy comedian clown. 太古血灵龙面前,万古血狱龙如同拙劣的小丑。 He refuses to accept. 他不服。 The homicide completely world, nobody did not fear that today Long Chen by the noble bloodlines suppression, making his innermost feelings incomparably frustrate, is crazy, at this moment he inspires the biggest voice, rushes from the bloodshed in the cheers of people, by the body of incisive spur, slaughters. 他杀尽天下,无人不怕,今日龙辰却以高贵血脉镇压,让他内心无比挫败,转而疯狂,此刻他引动最大声浪,在众人的欢呼声当中从血海当中冲上而出,以尖锐骨刺之躯,厮杀而來。 Divine Dragon fishtails. 神龙摆尾。 Long Chen at the huge mortal body strength, displays Heaven Slaughter Blood Sword, pulling out will open instantaneously, Eternal Bloody Hell Dragon spur break. 龙辰以庞大的肉身力道,施展天屠血剑,瞬间将之抽开,万古血狱龙骨刺断裂。 100,000 blood soul.” 十万血魂。” Jiang Ming roared angrily. 姜明愤怒咆哮。 His that spur, on each spur, condenses a drop of blood drop, in the middle of the blood drop has the shadow of soul, that is the talent that he cuts to kill. 他身上那骨刺,每一根骨刺上,都凝聚出一滴血滴,血滴当中有魂魄的影子,那都是他斩杀的天才。 From infancy to maturity, he collected the 100,000 blood soul, is proud, world talent, all frightened Jiang Ming 100,000 blood soul. 从小到大,他收集了十万血魂,引以为傲,天下天才,无不恐惧姜明十万血魂。 The blood drop gushes out, forms the 100,000 blood armor soldier, all sorts of strange and unusual, but completely is the talents, displays along with Eternal Bloody Hell Dragon, the 100,000 blood soul, slaughters to come toward Long Chen, all people are having the tremendous hope to this 100,000 blood soul. 血滴涌出,形成十万个血甲战士,千奇百怪,但尽皆都是天才,随着万古血狱龙施展,十万血魂,朝着龙辰厮杀而來,所有人都对这十万血魂抱着巨大希望。 This can defeat Long Chen absolutely. 这绝对可以打败龙辰 Long Chen actually could not bear smile. 龙辰却忍不住笑了。 Solemn Hidden Dragon List first, the Human Clan first talent, this. 堂堂潜龙榜第一,人族第一天才,就这样。 He displays three million Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit, one time sweeps across, the 100,000 blood soul was embezzled all. 他施展出三百万泣血龙魂,一次席卷,十万血魂尽数被吞沒。 Rests.” “安息吧。” These souls were imprisoned, Long Chen was makes them liberate. 那些魂魄是被囚禁的,龙辰算是让他们解放了。 How possible.” “怎么可能,。” Jiang Ming whooshes loudly, wanted simply insanely, to he genuinely has realized Long Chen now fearful and own small and weak, but were also insufficient by the crush to this degree. 姜明大声嘶吼,简直要疯了,到了现在他真正意识到龙辰的可怕和自己的弱小,但自己也不至于被碾压到这种程度吧。 The perimeter 100,000 Slaughtering Dragon City person, the complexion is gloomy, their innermost feelings times were frightened, at this time must grasp crazily. 周围数十万杀戮龙城的人,脸色更是阴沉,他们的内心一次次被震慑,此时已经要抓狂了。 No.” “不。” That Eternal Bloody Hell Dragon cannot bear roar, he is a nutter, does the crazy matter, at this time Dragon Body rotation, under he sweeps across, the massive source Reincarnation strength spout, condenses in his side, forms the Scarlet Blood Dragon volume, rolls up and pushes along the bloodshed crazily, this is not Crazy Wind, but was death Aura. 万古血狱龙忍不住咆哮,他本身就是个疯狂之人,做疯狂之事,此时龙身转动,在他席卷之下,大量的本源轮回力量喷涌,在他身边凝聚,形成血色龙卷,在血海上疯狂卷动,这并不是狂风,而是死亡气息 Blood prison common people.” “血狱苍生。” The dragon volume sweeps across, forms the boundless bloodshed, the Divine Dragon time, Eternal Bloody Hell Dragon by this blood prison common people, imprisons life, transforms as own strength. 龙卷席卷而过,形成茫茫血海,神龙时代,万古血狱龙就是以这血狱苍生,來囚禁生灵,转化为自己的力量。 Rumbling. 轰轰轰。 The scene is very vast, the bloodshed rebellion, sweeps across toward the surroundings, the people have to draw back draw back again, blood prison common people who looks at Eternal Bloody Hell Dragon inspiring panic-strickenly. 场面无比浩大,血海暴动,朝着周围席卷,众人不得不一退再退,惊骇看着万古血狱龙引动的血狱苍生。 Jiang Ming was insane.” 姜明是要疯了。” Yes, each move makes that Long Chen explain in the way of crush with ease, that Long Chen this is playing with him.” “是啊,每一招都让那龙辰以碾压的方式轻松破解,那龙辰这是在玩弄他吗。” Actually they guess well, Long Chen is frightening. 其实他们猜得不错,龙辰就是在震慑。 The meaning that this fights, does not defeat Jiang Ming to be so simple, defeats Jiang Ming to be very easy, what he wants deters all people, must make this entire Slaughtering Dragon City awe itself, therefore he must fully show his great strength, but this type manifests in formidable, even if Jiang Ming pays the life, must by his relaxed crush. 这一战的意思,可不是打败姜明那么简单,打败姜明很容易,但他要的是震慑所有人,要让这整个杀戮龙城敬畏自己,所以他得充分展现出自己的强大,而这种强大体现在,哪怕是姜明付出性命,也要被他轻松碾压。 Similar to this blood prison common people, sweeps across. 就如同这血狱苍生,席卷而來。 The prestige of energy blood prison common people, all people are clear, is longs for that this can defeat Long Chen. 血狱苍生之威能,所有人都清楚,更是渴望这能够打败龙辰 Long Chen in the middle of the disturbance, the surroundings full is the Jiang Ming loud gasping for breath sound. 龙辰处在风波当中,周围满是姜明粗重的喘气声。 He closes the eye, put out a hand to grasp, held the pulse of time. 他闭上眼睛,伸手一抓,抓住了时间的脉搏。 Time Storm.” 岁月风暴。” Inspiring, increases gently since childhood, the surrounding time forms the storm, forms the fearful destruction, all the time in this space was inspired, in the perpetual flow of time has curled up the Tornado rain. 轻轻引动,从小变大,周围的时间形成风暴,形成可怕的破坏,所有在这片空间当中的时间都被引动,时间的长河上卷起了暴风雨。 Buzz. 嗡。 An indescribable destruction strength, sweeps across from the body of Jiang Ming, that blood prison common people collapse rapidly, are reduced to ashes, including attacking has not achieved dissipated, is calls out pitifully as for Eternal Bloody Hell Dragon one, the whole body spur and Dragon Scale blasting open, the blood spout, huge Dragon Body falls on the bloodshed loudly, lets that bloodshed immerse. 一股无法形容的毁灭力量,从姜明的身上席卷而过,那血狱苍生迅速崩溃,化为灰烬,连攻击还沒做到就消散了,至于万古血狱龙更是惨叫一声,浑身骨刺和龙鳞炸裂,鲜血喷涌,巨大龙身轰然倒在血海上,让那血海浸沒。 At that moment, Long Chen that scarlet eye takes a broad view to look, perimeter 100,000 person in abundance delay visits him, the binocular circle stares, complete silence. 那一刻,龙辰那一双血色眼睛放眼望去,周围数十万人纷纷呆滞的看着他,双眼圆瞪,鸦雀无声。 At that moment, Long Chen looking disdainfully common people. 那一刻,龙辰睥睨苍生。 That belongs to his dignity, belongs to his glory. 那是属于他的威严,属于他的荣耀。 Facts showed that Jiang Ming in his hands, collapses at the first blow. 事实证明,姜明在他手中,不堪一击。 The people look at each other in blank diamay, look below bloodshed, the complexion is grieved, these time defeats so pitifully, the Slaughtering Dragon City honor must be finished. 众人面面相觑,看着下方血海,脸色惨然,这一次败得如此悲惨,杀戮龙城的脸面要完蛋了。 But at this time, below bloodshed once again rolled up and pushed along. 可就在这时候,下方的血海再度卷动起來。 At this time, Xue Chi appeared sky over the bloodshed, startled [say / way]: Jiang Ming, do not display burns the Blood Sacrifice day.” 这时候,血炽出现在血海上空,惊道:“姜明,别施展‘燃血祭天’。” May as if late. 可似乎晚了。 The deep place of that bloodshed, transmits Jiang Ming desperate roaring. 那血海的深处,传來姜明绝望的咆哮。 Teacher, I dies, cannot defeat.” “师尊,我就算死,也不能败。”
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