DBWG :: Volume #21

#2080: Day war casualty blood sword

Buzz. 嗡。 In nearly the attention of three 100,000 Dragon Warrior, both hands that Jiang Ming carries extends to the body finally comes. 在近乎三十万龙武者的关注当中,姜明背着的双手终于伸到身前來。 Is familiar with his person to know that this is he launches slaughters fearfully, this is the god talent that Xue Chi trains since childhood, has considerably large becomes the god intelligence, he to slaughter to live, does not have Cultivator of peer, can in fighting in this level compares favorably with he. 熟悉他的人都知道,这是他展开可怕杀戮的时候,这是血炽从小培养起來的神才,具有相当大的成神资质,他是为杀戮而生的,沒有同辈的者,能在战斗这个层面上比得上他。 Buzz humming sound. 嗡嗡嗡。 The surroundings are an intermittent static. 周围乃是一阵阵的杂音。 When commencing of action, they were discussing Long Chen. 战斗开始之际,他们在议论龙辰 This is the Eternal Dragon Emperor son, looks like has one Yuan Reincarnation Calamity Realm.” “这位就是永恒龙帝的儿子,怎么看起來只有一元轮回劫境。” Heard that is Supreme Divine Dragon, is my Slaughtering Dragon City Inherited Blood Essence, was that Eternal Dragon Emperor had initially stolen our thing, this Long Chen anything is quite not self-satisfied, but was the son of rebel, degenerate and thief.” “听说是无上神龙,还是我杀戮龙城传承精血,是那永恒龙帝当初偷盗了我们的东西,这龙辰沒什么好得意的,不过是叛徒、败类和小偷的儿子。” Yes, has stolen our Slaughtering Dragon City thing, but also assumes the power and prestige, really overreaches oneself, but also wants to join our Slaughtering Dragon City, our Slaughtering Dragon City needs this rebel and bandits and thieves, the discerning people know that our Slaughtering Dragon City is imprisoning him.” “是啊,偷了我们杀戮龙城的东西,还來呈威风,真是不自量力,还想加入我们杀戮龙城呢,我们杀戮龙城需要这种叛徒和盗贼么,明眼人都知道,我们杀戮龙城只是在囚禁他。” This boy was imprisoned has not known, but also thinks after one come back, can soar, he also thinks own status is honored, Eternal Dragon Emperor leaves a stink for ten thousand years, he with that Long Qinglan simply is the jackals from the same lair, sooner or later will be played by us.” “这小子被囚禁了还不知道,还以为自己回來后能够一飞冲天呢,他还以为自己身份尊贵么,永恒龙帝遗臭万年,他和那龙青澜简直就是一丘之貉,早晚会被我们玩死。” These chaotic taunts, same climb the ear and area around it of Long Chen like the ant, is very annoyed. 这些纷乱的嘲讽,就如蚂蚁一样爬进龙辰的耳光,十分心烦。 If says itself, he also not so-called, but each talk must pull Long Qinglan, shame and reviling, this was challenging the Long Chen bottom line simply. 如果是说自己,他还沒所谓,但他们每一次谈话都要把龙青澜扯上來,羞辱、唾骂,这简直是在挑战龙辰的底线。 If more than ten years ago, Long Chen already spelled with them. 如果是十多年前,龙辰早就和他们拼了。 Until now, he knows how can let the way that the opposite party submits. 时至今日,他知道怎么才能让对方屈服的方式。 Only has the victor, has qualifications to swallow back the words that they said. 唯独只有胜利者,才有资格将他们说出的话咽回去。 He returns to Dragon God Domain, to let these people closes the mouth, to give Long Qinglan rectifies names to come, today is only he steps this battlefield first. 他回归龙神域,就是为了让这些人闭上嘴巴,就是为了给龙青澜正名而來的,今天只是他踏上这战场的第一步罢了。 Father, I came back, today starting from, I the pledge that to complete initially made to you fights bravely.” “爹,我回來了,今日开始,我为了完成当初向你立下的誓言而奋战。” Long Chen steadily deals, no longer said that in his hand Behead Divine Sword raises, enough 280 Dao Mark, almost go against heaven's will, the Behead Divine Sword prestige can considerably increase, this does obeisance Hundun Kunwu to bestow. 龙辰沉着应对,不再多说,他那手中斩神剑掀起,足足280条道纹,几乎逆天,斩神剑威能大大增加了,这都是拜混沌昆吾所赐。 Ash Grey Divine Sword, Killing Aura soared to the heavens, died and swallowed, gloomily, corrosion, four gloomy attribute strengths erupted, formed the tornado side Long Chen. 灰色神剑,杀气冲天,死亡、吞噬、阴暗、腐蚀,四种阴暗属性力量爆发,在龙辰身边形成旋风。 Is pretty good.” “道器还不赖嘛。” Jiang Ming let somebody cool off or calm down said that surroundings Dragon Warrior clamored, was Jiang Ming creates a disturbance, 100,000 Dragon Warrior were Jiang Ming shouts together. 姜明冷冷说了一句,周围龙武者喧哗了起來,为姜明而起哄,100000的龙武者共同为姜明呼喊。 Starts, hits to explode this fellow.” “开始吧,打爆这家伙。” Makes him know fierce of our Slaughtering Dragon City.” “让他知道我们杀戮龙城的厉害。” Punches makes his father not know him.” “揍得让他爹都不认识他。” The ocean waves same sound impact comes. 海浪一样的声音冲击而來。 Good.” “好。” Jiang Ming drinks one coldly, gets hold of the fist, the time his surrounding bloodshed hollowly gets down, attacks to come toward all around, in an instant everywhere blood rain hits to Long Chen, but in this instance, Jiang Ming vanished. 姜明冷喝一声,握紧拳头,顿时间他周围的血海凹陷下去,朝着四周冲击而來,转眼之间漫天血雨撞向龙辰,而就在这个瞬间,姜明消失了。 Started.” “开始了。” The people are very excited. 众人无比兴奋。 Long Chen shakes ocean waves by Highest Beginning God Force with ease, his strength was too boundless, from previous and Hundun Kunwu after the war, he is unable to estimate itself formidable many. 龙辰轻松以太始神力震开海浪,他的力量太磅礴了,从上次与混沌昆吾对战之后,他都无法估量自己到底强大了多少。 The Behead Divine Sword promotion, Highest Beginning God Force, Time Storm and blood spirit thorn and Reincarnation strength and Primal Chaos Being Dragon 14 offer a sacrifice to wait / etc.. 斩神剑提升、太始神力岁月风暴、血灵刺、轮回力量、太极生灵龙的14祭等等。 Turns head to look, during myriad Dragon Warrior shout, Jiang Ming is similar to the blood shade, explodes to shoot from the bloodshed, in the hand a scarlet long sword is filling soaring to the heavens scarlet Sword Qi, toward own suddenly Sha. 回头一看,在万千龙武者呼喊当中,姜明如同血影,从血海当中爆射而出,手中一把血色长剑弥漫着冲天的血色剑气,朝着自己暴杀而來。 Day war casualty blood sword.” “天殇血剑。” Bang. 轰。 That scarlet Sword Qi is the [say / way] of congealment slaughtering, is more concise and incisive compared with Long Chen, Death Qi is stronger, obviously disciplines from the corpses of innumerable match. 那血色剑气乃杀戮之道凝结,比起龙辰更加凝练和尖锐,其中死气更强,显然是从无数对手的死尸上磨练出來的。 That scarlet Divine Sword, indistinct is Dragon Shape, is somewhat curving, above covers entirely Scales, enough 350 Dao Mark, its middle course spirit is ten Dragon Soul, moreover is very complete Dragon Soul, Jiang Ming brandishes war casualty blood sword of that day, ten Dragon Soul dance in the air in its side, the power and influence is scary, Killing Aura soars to the heavens, the ordinary match, it is estimated that has not fought, must be frightened to faint. 那一把血色神剑,隐约为龙形,有些弯曲,其上布满鳞甲,足足有350条道纹,其中道灵更是十头龙魂,而且还是十分完整的龙魂,姜明挥舞那天殇血剑,十头龙魂在其身边飞舞,威势骇人,杀气冲天,普通的对手,估计还沒战斗,就得被吓晕过去了。 Long Chen displays to slaughter Sword Art by Behead Divine Sword, resists the opposite party with ease. 龙辰斩神剑施展杀戮剑诀,轻松抵抗对方。 Ten thousand dead kendoists, have accomplished the 100,000 corpse, you dare to try.” “万死剑道,已造就十万死尸,你敢试试么。” The sound that Jiang Ming that sneers, from conveys in all directions. 姜明那冷笑的声音,从四面八方传來。 Hears ten thousand dead swordsmanship names, in people heart imposing, Jiang Ming really ruthless spicy, just got rid to put out itself toward the tyrannical method, by ten thousand dead kendoists that his ability displays, is Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm Late Stage Cultivator cannot block. 听到万死剑道这个名字,众人心中凛然,姜明果然狠辣,刚刚出手就拿出了自己朝强横的手段,以他的能耐施展的万死剑道,就是五行轮回劫境后期者都挡不住。 Eternal Bloody Hell Dragon, is ultimate Divine Dragon. 万古血狱龙,可是终极神龙 Ten thousand dead kendoists, are hiding 10,000 slaughtering ways, has the infinite invincible might. 万死剑道,藏着10000的杀戮方式,有无穷神威。 Every time uses a sword, will inevitably cause one person dead. 每出一剑,势必造成一人身亡。 Jiang Ming sneers to rush ahead, in the strength of congealment sword source Reincarnation, suddenly Sha comes, the Sword Qi release, time ten Divine Dragon Ben Yong, tyrannical scarlet Sword Qi has blocked Long Chen all escape routes, that fierce murderous intention makes all bystanders change countenance, really worthily for from bloodshed and talent that the corpse kills. 姜明冷笑着冲杀上來,本源轮回之力凝结剑中,暴杀而來,剑气释放,顿时间十头神龙奔涌,强横的血色剑气封死了龙辰所有的退路,那狰狞的杀机让所有围观者都动容,果然不愧为是从血海和的死尸杀出的天才。 Long Chen actually frowns, said: Your killing, to slaughter to slaughter, this is a devil, did not say that or you had already gone astray the path.” 龙辰却皱着眉头,道:“你的杀,是为了杀戮而杀戮,这是魔鬼,不是道,或者说,你早就走错了道路。” Jiang Ming is startled, in the hand ten thousand dead kendoists display, the day war casualty blood sword erupts, that continual sword incurs with Long Chen slaughters Sword Art to slaughter, the offensive is fierce, suddenly fights Long Chen again and again retrocedes, the people noticed that Jiang Ming is so fierce, cheers hastily, in all person eyes has been full of the excited look, in their eyes Long Chen turned into the pitiful creature simply. 姜明一怔,手中万死剑道施展,天殇血剑爆发,那连续的剑招与龙辰杀戮剑诀厮杀,攻势猛烈,一时间将龙辰战得连连后退,众人看到姜明如此勇猛,连忙欢呼起來,所有人眼中都充满了兴奋的神色,在他们眼中龙辰简直变成了可怜虫。 You said that your [say / way] of slaughtering is anything.” Jiang Ming joked, in fact him in secret has shocked, he may know that the fearfulness of ten thousand dead kendoists, under the sword must leave the ghost, this has killed over a hundred swords, was unable how Long Chen unexpectedly, he may know that his day war casualty blood sword Dao Mark quantity was higher than Long Chen that Behead Divine Sword. “那你说,你的杀戮之道是什么。”姜明讥笑道,实际上他已经暗中震惊了,他可知道万死剑道的可怕,剑下必出亡魂,这都杀了上百剑,竟然还沒能奈何龙辰,他可知道他的天殇血剑道纹的数量要高于龙辰斩神剑 Long Chen steadily deals, slaughters Sword Art to display peacefully, can actually in the simplest way, melt the Jiang Ming ten thousand dead kendoists with ease, blood red Sword Qi is wild, actually still could not break the Ash Grey sword net that Long Chen that is watertight, they suddenly refuse to budge. 龙辰沉着应对,杀戮剑诀安静施展,却能以最简单的方式,轻松化解姜明的万死剑道,血红剑气狂暴,却仍然破不开龙辰那滴水不漏的灰色剑网,两人一时间僵持住。 Long Chen has made clear the strength of match approximately, then lightly said: „The [say / way] of so-called slaughtering, to not slaughter to slaughter, but to protect and for dignity, to resist, but all these, you definitely do not understand, because you are only slaughter the machine.” 龙辰大致搞清楚了对手的实力,便淡淡道:“所谓杀戮之道,不是为了杀戮而杀戮,而是为了守护、为了尊严、为了抗争,而这一切,你肯定是不懂的,因为你只是个杀戮机器。” On the body of this Jiang Ming, he saw his shadow. 在这姜明的身上,他看到了自己的影子。 Sinister and deceitful, bad and cruel, the bloodiness, this is own other aspect, Long Chen also knows if one initially went astray one step, likely today's Jiang Ming is another. 阴险、狡诈、恶劣、残暴,还有血腥,这都是自己的另一面,龙辰也知道自己当初如果走错一步,很可能今日的姜明就是另外一个自己。 Fortunately, Lingxi and Long Qinglan they, making him understand that anything is the true meaning of slaughtering. 还好,灵曦龙青澜他们,让他明白什么才是杀戮的真意。 In order to protect Lingxi. 为了守护灵曦 For father's dignity. 为了父亲的尊严。 These also want the precious thing compared with his life. 这些都是比他生命还要珍贵的东西。 Thinks of here, Long Chen no longer is forgiving, he thought that Long Qinglan is certainly looking at itself, then today's cannot disappoint him. 想到这里,龙辰不再留情,他觉得龙青澜一定在看着自己,那么今日的自己就不能让他失望。 For dignity, war. 为了尊严,战。 At that moment, Long Chen that Behead Divine Sword as if lived, was defending, transfers the attack instantaneously, under the Highest Beginning God Force actuation, the time battlefield rapidly has the startled day to reverse. 那一刻,龙辰斩神剑仿佛活了过來,原本在防守,瞬间转为进攻,太始神力驱动之下,顿时间战场迅速发生惊天逆转。 That Eternal Dragon Emperor son soon could not insist, Ha Ha......” “那永恒龙帝的儿子快要坚持不住了,哈哈……” The bystanders have most people, happily will ridicule, in their eyes, Long Chen is also only an idiot. 围观者有大部分人,正要开心嘲笑,在他们眼中,龙辰也就只是个蠢货而已。 But at this time, war reversal. 可就在这时候,战局逆转。 Jiang Ming with ten thousand dead kendoists, going all out suddenly Sha, this transformation suddenly is making him such as be struck by lightning, the matter that he most is unable to withstand occurred. 姜明正以万死剑道,拼命暴杀,这忽然的转变让他如遭雷击,他最无法承受的事情发生了。 This is, slaughters Sword Art.” “此为,杀戮剑诀。” Although periphery is taunts itself, to insult oneself father's person, Long Chen was still very indifferent, his warm-blooded only burns in the heart. 尽管周围都是嘲讽自己、辱骂自己父亲的人,龙辰仍然十分淡然,他的热血只在心中燃烧。 Slaughters Sword Art, after 300 swords, eruption. 杀戮剑诀,300剑之后,爆发。 Ash Grey Sword Qi soars to the heavens, Long Chen does not draw back instead enters, like the thunder, that Ash Grey Sword Qi with the support of Highest Beginning God Force, launches the terror to slaughter fiercely, Jiang Ming clenched the teeth, by ten thousand dead swordsmanship resistances. 灰色剑气冲天,龙辰不退反进,猛如雷霆,那灰色剑气太始神力的支持下,展开恐怖厮杀,姜明咬紧了牙关,以万死剑道抵抗。 Rumbling. 轰轰轰。 All people have been shocked, how they have not thought that Long Chen at this moment unexpectedly so fierce, in he slaughters during a Sword Art wave of tyrannical attack, Jiang Ming insisted with hardship that ten thousand dead kendoists are very fearful, but completely was suppressed at this moment actually, only assigning of remaining resistances. 所有人都惊呆了,他们怎么都沒想到,龙辰此刻竟然如此的勇猛,在他杀戮剑诀一波比一波强横的攻击当中,姜明苦苦坚持,万死剑道十分可怕,但此时此刻却完全被压制,只剩下抵抗的命了。 „.” “啊。” Jiang Ming wanted simply insanely, he is not really able to understand, on Long Chen that strength was not strong, but actually such as passed the strength of god to be equally fearful, the strength of his source Reincarnation, under the Sword Qi shake of opposite party, the rout, was utterly routed unexpectedly again and again rapidly. 姜明简直要疯了,他实在无法理解,龙辰身上那一股力量并不壮大,但却如通神之力一样可怕,他那本源轮回之力,竟然在对方的剑气震荡之下,连连溃败,迅速溃不成军。 Especially Long Chen that slaughters Sword Art, is similar to the ocean waves, a wave is tyrannical compared with one wave, the might of each sword is enhanced, in Long Chen that brutal attack, Jiang Ming is repulsed rapidly, the Long Chen pursuit goes, the location that they slaughter transforms rapidly, on the blood wave is along the road dreadful, Sword Qi Ben Yong, the bystander fends in abundance. 尤其是龙辰那杀戮剑诀,如同海浪,一波比起一波要强横,每一剑的威力都在增强,在龙辰那残酷攻击的之下,姜明迅速败退,龙辰追击而去,两人厮杀的场地迅速转变,沿路上血浪滔天,剑气奔涌,围观者纷纷闪避。 Brushes. 刷刷刷。 Slaughters Sword Art the level to slaughter to over a thousand swords in a flash, can only describe with the terror at this moment, although Jiang Ming is ultimate Divine Dragon, but covers entirely the sword mark at this moment, in an extremely difficult situation, can only describe with the disastrous defeat. 杀戮剑诀转瞬之间级厮杀到上千剑,此时此刻只能用恐怖來形容,姜明虽然是终极神龙,但此刻身上布满剑痕,狼狈不堪,只能用惨败來形容。 Hidden Dragon List first, unexpectedly by the Long Chen crush. 潜龙榜第一,竟然被龙辰碾压。 The people started not to believe their eye. 众人开始不相信自己的眼睛了。 This not real. 这不是真的。 Jiang Ming also like this told itself, but in the top of the head flowed off, invaded the blood of eye to remind him, his ten thousand dead swordsmanship was fierce, was inferior completely Long Chen that slaughtered Sword Art. 姜明也这样告诉自己,只是头顶上流下,侵入眼睛的血液提醒着他,他的万死剑道再猛,也完全不如龙辰那杀戮剑诀 Understood, ten you, were not my match.” “明白了吗,十个你,都不是我的对手。” Long Chen smiles cold, he has chased down several thousand meters Jiang Ming directly. 龙辰冷然一笑,他直接将姜明追杀了数万米。 Along the road scarlet Sword Qi distressed rout. 沿路血色剑气狼狈溃败。 This is the true talent. 这才是真正的天才。 Jiang Ming neighed, if the shape were crazy, was brandishing the day war casualty blood sword, counter-attacked again and again, the sound was huge, that scene was Expert of older generation looks at the heart startled, but he stubbornly was still suppressed by Long Chen. 姜明嘶叫,状若疯狂,挥舞着天殇血剑,连连反击,动静巨大,那场面就算是老一辈的强者都看得心惊,但他仍然被龙辰死死压制。 1000 swords.” “1000剑。” Slaughters Sword Art to slaughter to 1000 swords. 杀戮剑诀厮杀到1000剑。 That sword, the tearing world, divided in the opposite party on that day on the war casualty blood sword, immediately, the day war casualty blood sword could not withstand the Behead Divine Sword strength, before countless people, changed into the fragment, exploded toward all around shoots to go. 那一剑,撕裂天地,劈在对方那天殇血剑上,顿时之间,天殇血剑承受不住斩神剑力道,在无数人面前,化为碎片,朝着四周爆射而去。 At that moment, Jiang Ming stared the big eye, in the eye has burnt the exuberant angry flame, since this has been this lives the biggest attack. 那一刻,姜明瞪大眼睛,眼中已经燃烧了旺盛的愤怒火焰,这是他此生以來最大的打击。 What's wrong...... Possibly......” “怎么……可能……” The bystanders hold breath a cold air/Qi, looks at the look of child of that Eternal Dragon Emperor, changed. 围观者倒吸一口冷气,看着那永恒龙帝之子的眼神,已经变了。
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