DD2 :: Volume #7

#349 Part 1: Sacred angel

The purple è ray that Huang Zheng third Soul Ring sends out looked suddenly seems very gentle, but, a ī woods aura actually fills the air. His eyes turned into blood red è, in the mouth sends out low and deep twittering sound. Is centered on his body, in the surroundings 30 meters in diameter range, has covered a light purplish black è ray. 黄征第三魂环散发出的紫è光芒骤一看去似乎十分柔和,但是,一股ī森气息却紧接着弥漫出来。他的双眼随之变成了血红è,口中发出低沉的呢喃般的声音。以他的身体为中心,周围直径30米范围内,都蒙上了一层淡淡的紫黑è光芒。 The darkness arrives. 黑暗降临。 Huang Zheng Martial Soul, in Evil Soul Master is not considered as that strongest, named Evil Servant, is strange human form Martial Soul. According to the view of Holy Spirit Cult is, Wraith Soul that this Martial Soul came from after humanity died forms. After Wraith Soul receives the contamination of some world evil auras, will turn into special existence, can through with Evil Servant of world evil aura resonating injury biology. 黄征武魂,在邪魂师中并不算是最强的,名为邪侍,是一种诡异的人形武魂。根据圣灵教的说法是,这种武魂来自于人类死去后形成的怨灵。当怨灵受到一些天地邪气的沾染之后,会变成一种特殊的存在,能够通过与天地邪气共振伤害生物的邪侍 Once this Evil Servant drills into pregnant woman abdomen, then, Martial Soul also along with it brand mark on embryo, but the pregnant woman must die when the production without doubt, her ī blood will take the Evil Servant nutrient, in embryo within the body formation. 这种邪侍一旦钻入孕妇腹中,那么,武魂也就会随之烙印在胎儿身上,但孕妇在生产之时必死无疑,她的ī血将会作为邪侍的养分,在胎儿体内成型。 However, Evil Servant Martial Soul is not formidable in Evil Soul Master, even is quite small and weak. Bone Dragon, detests, Skeleton King compared with Huo Yuhao had faced wait / etc., must miss much. Why this is also Huang Zheng must take the Soul Engineer route in Holy Spirit Cult, but was not pure Evil Soul Master, was really because did not have the market. 但是,邪侍武魂邪魂师中并不算强大,甚至还是较为弱小的。与霍雨浩曾经面对过的骨龙、憎恶、骷髅王等等相比,要差了不少。这也是为什么黄征圣灵教中要走魂导师路线,而不是纯粹的邪魂师了,实在是因为没市场。 But Evil Servant is not strong, that is also Evil Soul Master Martial Soul one. Its main ability lies in auxiliary. Displays various types Soul Ability that fills with the evil aura weakens the match, to achieve strengthens own goal indirectly. 邪侍就算不强,那也是邪魂师武魂的一种。它主要的能力在于辅助。施展各种充满邪恶气息的魂技来削弱对手,以达到间接增强自身的目的。 At this time, Huang Zheng displays is one of the Evil Servant assistance ì Soul Ability, the darkness arrives. Based on this, the influence match vision of enormous degree, and invades the opposite party within the body by the ī cold evil aura. Displays in the night, the effect will be strengthened additionally. 此时,黄征施展出的就是邪侍的辅助ì魂技之一,黑暗降临。在一定范围内,会极大程度的影响对手视觉,并且以ī冷邪气侵入对方体内。在夜晚施展,效果会额外增强。 Really, Ye Guyi felt suddenly ambient light one dark, front Huang Zheng did not see clearly, as if somewhat feels nervous, airtight that subconscious backlash several steps, a handle long sword before the body is to wave, although keeping off has gotten down the Huang Zheng following attack, actually also again and again retrocedes, falls on leeward. 果然,叶骨衣突然感觉到周围光线一暗,面前的黄征看不清楚了,似乎有些发慌,下意识的后退几步,一柄长剑在身前更是舞动的密不透风,虽然挡下了黄征接踵而来的攻击,却也是连连后退,落在下风。 The Huang Zheng corners of the mouth place reveals one to sneer, fifth Soul Ring shines. His ì standard is calm, once has the superiority, will not give the opportunity that the match dumps tray. 黄征嘴角处流露出一丝冷笑,身上的第五魂环随之亮起。他ì格沉稳,一旦占据优势,就绝不会给对手翻盘的机会。 Ten thousand years of Soul Ring of black è, making surrounding ī ascend coldly suddenly, in the ground, layer upon layer purplish black è mist instantaneously raised. The viscous mist starts to sweep across toward the body of Ye Guyi. 黑è的万年魂环,令周围的ī冷骤然升腾,地面上,一层层紫黑è雾气瞬间升起。粘稠的雾气开始朝着叶骨衣的身体席卷过去。 The Ye Guyi misty illusory form immediately became slow . Moreover, intense concealed aura drilled into her tender body unceasingly, behind her, presented yellow è light shadow, by that purplish black è ray crazy was tearing. 叶骨衣原本飘渺虚幻的身影顿时变得慢了下来,而且,一股股强烈的隐含气息不断钻入她的娇躯,在她背后,出现了一个黄è光影,被那紫黑è光芒疯狂的撕扯着。 Soul Peeling! 灵魂剥离 Even if assists Soul Ability, this is also assistance Soul Ability of ten thousand years of rank! Can the influence match soul of enormous degree. If the match cultivates to differ too, the soul truly will be stripped and crushed, becomes the Evil Servant nutrient. Huang Zheng are usually most to number of times that the average person starts, any by him the common people who uses Soul Peeling to cover, because of losing the soul will turn into the idiot. 哪怕是辅助魂技,这也是个万年级别的辅助魂技啊!可以极大程度的影响对手灵魂。如果对手修为相差太多,那么,灵魂就会真正被剥离、粉碎,成为邪侍的养分。平时黄征对普通人下手的次数最多,凡是被他用灵魂剥离覆盖过的平民,都会因为失去灵魂而变成白痴。 On the great claw the ray instantaneously became intense, three chi (0.33 m) blade edge glow, directly soared Ye Guyi to cut outrageously. Do you want my life? That predeceases above my this Chasing Soul Claw. Did not have **, your soul can only be stripped by me. A soul of Soul Emperor level powerhouse, is the delicacy, can definitely let my cultivating for again the upper building. 巨爪上光芒瞬间变得强烈了,三尺刃芒悍然而出,直奔叶骨衣斩去。你想要我的命?那就先死在我这追魂爪之上吧。没有了**,你的灵魂就只能被我剥离。一名魂帝级强者的灵魂,还是十分美味的,肯定又能让我的修为再上层楼。 The complex expression that mixes fiercely and happily appears above the Huang Zheng face, to guarantee strikes to kill, on his sharp claws has also exaggerated thick purplish black è, this is his second Soul Ability, Touch of Darkness, is a dark element is violently poisonous. 狰狞、得意相混合的复杂表情出现在黄征面庞之上,为了确保一击必杀,他那利爪上还渲染了一层浓密的紫黑è,这是他的第二魂技,黑暗之触,是一种黑暗元素剧毒。 Saw that Ye Guyi wants the fragrant disappearing jade to perish. This competition, seemed doomed Dusk Water Union to win, and ahead of time secured the final champion. 眼看着,那叶骨衣就要香消玉殒。这场比赛,仿佛注定了夕水盟要获得胜利,并且提前锁定最终冠军。 Except for a person exception, that is Ordinary Union union master, Shangguan Wei'er. In her cannot see the age on the tender and beautiful face, appears sneering that has wiped to disdain. They do not know that who the Dusk Water Union back influence is? Facing Evil Soul Master, won't their preparation have? 除了一个人例外,那就是平凡盟盟主,上官薇儿。在她那看不出年纪的娇艳面庞上,浮现出了一抹不屑的冷笑。难道他们就不知道夕水盟背后的势力是谁?面对邪魂师,他们就会一点准备都没有吗? Dusk Water Union has prepared the precious rare diamond ī [gold/metal] to Huo Yuhao, but Ordinary Union has also prepared something...... 夕水盟霍雨浩准备了珍贵稀有的钻石ī金,而平凡盟也准备了一些东西…… The soul was being pestered Ye Guyi, the main body has appeared some delay. However. In that great claw will soon arrive. Suddenly, in her hand long sword sword is sharp, suddenly a revolution. 灵魂被纠缠着的叶骨衣,本体已经显得有些呆滞了。但是。就在那巨爪即将降临之时。突然间,她手中长剑剑尖向上,猛然一转。 Immediately, seven Venus on sword blade glistens suddenly, intense golden light has a holy white è halo to proliferate suddenly. 顿时,剑身上的七颗金星突然闪亮,强烈的金光带着一层圣洁的白è光晕骤然扩散开来。 Was corroding her soul purplish black è as if to send out sad and shrill roaring behind her crazily, vanished into thin air instantaneously, the surrounding darkness also likely was Yang Ū the white snow generally melts. 在她背后正在疯狂侵蚀她灵魂的紫黑è仿佛发出了一声凄厉的咆哮,瞬间烟消云散,周围的黑暗也像是阳ū白雪一般消融。 Bites!” Long sword in the position of sharp claws palm, has patted above the sharp claws to top of the head to block that actually. Back soul homing. On the Ye Guyi elegant face are also many have wiped to sneer. “叮!”长剑点在利爪掌心的位置,硬是将那已经拍到头顶上方的利爪挡住。背后灵魂归位。叶骨衣俏脸上也多了一抹冷笑。 Soul Peeling was broken, Huang Zheng Evil Servant Martial Soul also suddenly trembles, Evil Servant is directly related with his soul, although he has not been injured, but also stagnates. 灵魂剥离被破,黄征邪侍武魂也是骤然一颤,邪侍直接关系到他的灵魂,他虽然没受伤,但也是一滞。 That holy [gold/metal] white è ray hit on him. Huang Zheng only thought that whole body one warm, the whole body massive purplish black è air current braves, the whole person under whole body big change, called out pitifully. Staggers the backlash. 紧接着,那圣洁的金白è光芒就撞击在了他身上。黄征只觉得全身一暖,全身大量的紫黑è气流冒起,整个人在全身剧震之下,惨叫一声。踉跄后退。 This is, is containing the Saint light of sacred aura? 这是,蕴含着神圣气息的圣光? This time, in rest area, Holy Spirit Cult vice- Cult Master could not sit still. This Saint light is their Evil Soul Master difficult adversary! On this Ye Guyi Martial Soul has the strangeness, is the world the rare sacredness is ì is unexpectedly inadequate? 这一次,在休息区中,就连圣灵教教主都坐不住了。这圣光可是他们邪魂师的克星啊!难道说,这叶骨衣武魂上有古怪,竟然是世所罕见的神圣属ì不成? Ye Guyi will not answer the question for them, the personal appearance dodges forward, in the hand the long sword has cut, at the same time, on her is also in six Soul Ring of best Soul Ring allocated proportion, arranges shines at fifth black è Soul Ring. The soul sublimates, the terrifying prestige can promote Absolute in a flash. 叶骨衣可不会为他们解答问题,身形向前一闪,手中长剑就斩了出去,与此同时,她身上也是最佳魂环配比的六个魂环中,排在第五位的黑è魂环亮起。灵魂升华,恐怖的威能一瞬间就提升到了极致 Wipes the sacred meaning to reveal instantaneously from the Ye Guyi elegant face, at this moment, her formerly all conceals is nothing left. Yes, her is ì is the extremely rare sacredness, she is not the Ordinary Union person. This time comes to participate, to draw support from the Ordinary Union influence in view of Dusk Water Union Evil Soul Master. 一抹神圣之意瞬间从叶骨衣俏脸上流露出来,这一刻,她先前的所有掩饰都已是荡然无存。是的,她的属ì就是极为罕见的神圣,她本人更不是平凡盟的人。这次前来参赛,就是为了借助平凡盟的势力针对夕水盟邪魂师的。 Evil Soul Master most excels is cruelly harms the life to promote itself to cultivate is, but Ye Guyi this body has sacredly is ì Soul Master, most excels is actually strikes to kill these Evil Soul Master to strengthen oneself. 邪魂师最擅长的就是残害生灵来提升自己修为,而叶骨衣这种身具神圣属ì的魂师,最擅长的却是击杀这些邪魂师来增强自身。 The Ye Guyi holy appearance also made Huo Yuhao change countenance slightly, her soul has as if been the extremely intense degree in this flash. The whole body is sending out the [gold/metal] white è ray has illuminated the entire competition stage, day after day the airborne darkness as if must be broken. 叶骨衣圣洁的容颜也令霍雨浩微微动容了,她的灵魂在这一瞬间似乎达到了极其强烈的程度。全身散发着的金白è光芒照亮了整个比赛台,就连天空中的黑暗仿佛都要被破开了似的。 This is......, Sacred...... 这是……,神圣…… Is sacredly different from Light, that completely is another existence. But is bigger than regarding evil killing ì Light. 神圣不同于光明,那完全是另一种存在。但却比光明对于邪恶的杀伤ì更大。 The right hand of Ye Guyi completely turned into [gold/metal] Baiè now, intense sword glow also along with it coverage in her hand above that handle Big Dipper long sword. 叶骨衣的右手现在已经完全变成了金白è,一层强烈的剑芒也随之覆盖在了她手中那柄七星长剑之上。 Meanwhile, two pieces of pure white wings appear behind her. Before hand long sword, refers. Giant sword glow has embezzled instantaneously the body of Huang Zheng. 与此同时,两片洁白的羽翼出现在她背后。手中长剑前指。巨大的剑芒瞬间就吞没了黄征的身体。 Fifth Soul Ability, Sacred Sword! 第五魂技,圣剑 The angel, her Martial Soul is angel. No wonder is sacredly is ì. 天使,她的武魂是天使。难怪是神圣属ì。 The angel is existence that in the antiquity time religion prostrated oneself, ten thousand years ago, the Martial Soul Hall predecessor was the church. But reason that teaches formidable , because they are having the sacred strength. At that time, on Douluo Continent had Soul Beast of many evil bloodlines, the church relies on is purifying them, but obtained the common people to approve. Just. Afterward evil Soul Beast gradually vanished, the influence of church started to decline, talented person on the wane, was substituted by afterward Martial Soul Hall. 天使是上古时期宗教中膜拜的存在,早在万年前,武魂殿的前身就是教会。而教会之所以强大,就是因为他们拥有着神圣的力量。当时,斗罗大陆上有许多邪恶血脉的魂兽,教会就是凭借着净化他们,而得到世人认可的。只不过。后来邪恶魂兽逐渐消失,教会的势力开始衰落,人才凋零之下,才被后来的武魂殿所取代。 The giant [gold/metal] Bai Èguang sword flashes through, Ye Guyi is built on above competition stage proudly, Huang Zheng his Soul Guidance Device is actually being the skeleton not saves. 巨大的金白è光剑闪过,叶骨衣傲然立于比赛台之上,黄征连带着他的魂导器却是尸骨无存。 Huo Yuhao looks on the stage this, is unable to restrain oneself for a very long time. This is really the age that outstanding heroes rise together simultaneously! Has been lost many years of Sacred Angel Martial Soul to appear on Continent unexpectedly. In some sense, sacred Martial Soul is also Absolute, is only, this Ye Guyi was also too harebrained. She believes that Ordinary Union can protect her? Only if she also one and Holy Spirit Cult equally formidable organization support. Moreover, she also underestimated Evil Soul Master regarding dreading of this Martial Soul, perhaps...... 霍雨浩看着台上这一幕,也是久久不能自已。这果然是一个群雄并起的年代啊!在大陆上已经失传多年的神圣天使武魂竟然出现了。从某种意义上来说,神圣武魂也算是一种极致,只是,这个叶骨衣也太冒失了。难道她认为,平凡盟就能够护得住她了吗?除非她也有一个和圣灵教一样强大的组织支持。而且,她也小看了邪魂师对于她这种武魂的忌惮,恐怕…… In the Huo Yuhao mind just thought of here, aura became piece of ī is cold. 霍雨浩脑海中刚想到这里,身边的气息已经变得一片ī冷了。 Is headed by Holy Spirit Cult vice- Cult Master, four big elders together have all stood. For them, the growth of this sacred Martial Soul, can threaten Holy Spirit Cult basic existence. 圣灵教教主为首,四大长老全都跟着一起站了起来。对他们来说,这种神圣武魂的成长,是能够威胁到圣灵教根本的存在。 In the Huo Yuhao heart sighed one darkly, he could not take care of oneself at this time, even if wanted to help this Ye Guyi unable to achieve! 霍雨浩心中暗叹一声,他这个时候自顾不暇,就算想要去帮这个叶骨衣也做不到啊! To be what to do good? 怎么办才好呢? In this time, Holy Spirit Cult vice- Cult Master is actually lifting the right hand, said: „After competition ended, said again.” 正在这时,圣灵教教主却抬起右手,道:“比赛结束后再说。” Yes.” Four big elders simultaneously bow to comply with one. However, in their eyes, Ye Guyi is a deceased person. Not only Ye Guyi, that side Ordinary Union, Shangguan Wei'er also felt cold and gloomy the vision from Dusk Water Union. “是。”四大长老同时躬身答应一声。但是,在他们眼中,叶骨衣已经是个死人。不只是叶骨衣,就连平凡盟那边,上官薇儿也感受到了来自夕水盟这边森冷的目光。 Heart slightly one tight, Shangguan Wei'er also had a premonition that what, he has coped with the Dusk Water Union procedure to make a mistake using Ye Guyi? Does not manage, oneself behind have Imperial Family to look, these Evil Soul Master again rampant, doesn't dare to cope with Imperial Family? 心头微微一紧,上官薇儿也预感到了什么,自己利用叶骨衣来对付夕水盟的做法是不是错了?不管了,自己身后有皇室照拂,这些邪魂师就算再嚣张,也不敢对付皇室吧? What a pity, what Shangguan Wei'er has not thought that anybody has the bottom line, Evil Soul Master is so! 可惜,上官薇儿没想到的是,任何人都有底线,邪魂师更是如此啊! Ye Guyi that brings on a holy ray elegant face full is being the energy. At this time can also be able to see, her long skirt is in their three females, the place of only not any exposed flesh. 叶骨衣那带着一层圣洁光芒的俏脸上满是正能量。这时候也能看得出,她身上的长裙是她们三女之中,唯一一个没有任何裸露肌肤之处的。 The long sword refers to Dusk Water Union slantingly, a face proudly and contemptuous. The sword trembled sharp lightly, aims at the whole body to cover Huo Yuhao in Humanoid Soul Guidance Device. 长剑斜指夕水盟这边,一脸傲然与轻蔑。剑尖轻颤,对准了全身覆盖在人形魂导器之中的霍雨浩 This girl acts recklessly really! Also provokes unexpectedly. 这丫头真是不知死活啊!竟然还挑衅。 Huo Yuhao was really somewhat speechless. This is really the young bull does not fear tiger. How Ordinary Union can compare with Holy Spirit Cult! 霍雨浩着实是有些无语了。这真是初生牛犊不怕虎。平凡盟怎么能和圣灵教比啊! Asked the monthly ticket and recommendation ticket. Thank everybody to support. 求月票、推荐票。感谢大家支持。
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