DD2 :: Volume #7

#348 Part 3: Enters the finals

What a pity, this Huo Yuhao has not fended. 可惜,这一次霍雨浩没有闪避。 The fist that lifts falls, puts together with her longleg hardly. 抬起的拳头落下,与她的长腿硬拼一记。 Bang!” In the dull thumping sound sound, the Lan Ruoruo pain was called one, the racket of left hand in the ground, after the whole person was rapid, slid. “砰!”闷响声中,蓝若若痛叫一声,左手在地面上一拍,整个人迅速后滑。 She is Soul Emperor, Huo Yuhao is actually Twin Martial Souls Soul King! This Humanoid Soul Guidance Device all with rare metal manufacture, after pouring into Huo Yuhao Soul Power, can be imagined hardly, can it be that her flesh and blood can contend directly. 她是魂帝,霍雨浩却是双生武魂魂王啊!这人形魂导器全都是用稀有金属制作而成,在灌注了霍雨浩魂力之后,坚硬可想而知,又岂是她的血肉之躯所能直接抗衡的。 Moreover, the Lan Ruoruo clear feeling a ice-cold aura drills into following own left leg, at this time the left calf completely numbly passed out. 而且,蓝若若清晰的感觉到一股冰冷至极的气息顺着自己的左腿钻入,此时左边小腿已经完全的麻木失去知觉了。 Huo Yuhao has not let off her meaning, suddenly, Huo Yuhao whole body golden light puts greatly, an imposing manner beyond description raises from him suddenly, Humanoid Soul Guidance Device of that silver white è turned into [gold/metal] È unexpectedly completely, the broad imposing manner just like withstanding great pressure intimidates to go toward Lan Ruoruo generally. 霍雨浩可没有放过她的意思,突然间,霍雨浩全身金光大放,一股难以形容的气势骤然从他身上升起,那银白è的人形魂导器竟然完全变成了金è,恢宏的气势宛如泰山压顶一般朝着蓝若若威逼而去。 At this moment, Lan Ruoruo only thought that what he as if faces is the powerhouse of Teacher such Titled Douluo rank is ordinary, cannot help but screamed one, single Tui will jump in the future will be drawing back. 这一刻,蓝若若只觉得自己仿佛面对的是老师那样封号斗罗级别的强者一般,不由得尖叫一声,单腿跳跃着就往后退。 Huo Yuhao coldly snorted, the left leg cross previous step, the right fist rumbles suddenly. Immediately, fist shade of one group of bright golden è in airborne dodges to pass. Arrived in front of Lan Ruoruo instantaneously. 霍雨浩冷哼一声,左腿跨前一步,右拳骤然轰出。顿时,一团灿金è的拳影在空中一闪而逝。瞬间就到了蓝若若面前。 Lan Ruoruo hurries to resist with own short-sword, that fist shade was punctured by the short-sword, but, proliferation [gold/metal] è actually hit suddenly on her. 蓝若若慌忙用自己的短剑去抵挡,那拳影被短剑刺破,但是,骤然扩散的金è却还是撞击在了她身上。 Lan Ruoruo only thought that own body was the powder has put up likely generally, a gang of ī god beyond description shook to make her whole person rapid weak. Within the body Soul Power seemed fettered by that invisible strength, her brain completely lost with the body has related generally. But form that front that golden light is abating slowly, in her eyes actually that formidable. 蓝若若只觉得自己的身体像是散架了一般,一股难以形容的ī神震荡令她整个人迅速瘫软了下去。体内魂力似乎都被那无形的力量束缚住了,她的大脑已经与身体完全失去联系了一般。而面前那金光正在缓缓消退的身影,在她眼中却是那么的强大。 The wound to her, is not Soul Power and fist vigor, but is ī mental power. Belongs to Dominating the World ī mental power. 伤到她的,不是魂力和拳劲,而是ī神力。属于君临天下的ī神力 Still remembers the Huo Yuhao manufacture Soul Power amplifier? That Soul Power amplifier Core Formation , above his right fist, this is also this Humanoid Soul Guidance Device temporary most attacks a point. 还记得霍雨浩制作的魂力放大器吗?那个魂力放大器核心法阵,就在他的右拳之上,这也就是他这人形魂导器暂时的最强攻击一点。 Dominating the World by the Soul Power amplifier release, making the prestige that this struck be able the enhancement of enormous degree. But in the Huo Yuhao heart also has regrettable, if the Soul Power amplifier can do greatly. Places the chest place, enlarges to use as own whole body Soul Power, then, his overall strength upper building. 君临天下透过魂力放大器释放,令这一击的威能极大程度的增强了。但霍雨浩心中也有遗憾,如果魂力放大器能够做的大一点。放在胸口处,作为自己全身魂力放大而用,那么,他的整体实力将更上层楼。 However, achievement of this fist, made him be overjoyed as before. Because he knows that he has tried to find out the method of Humanoid Soul Guidance Device to Soul Master amplification gradually. Not only the Soul Power amplifier, other ways can also affect on Soul Master. 但是,这一拳的获胜,却依旧令他大喜过望。因为他知道,自己已经渐渐摸索到了人形魂导器魂师增幅的方法了。不只是魂力放大器,还有其他一些方式也可以作用在魂师身上。 An audience silence, Huo Yuhao such has won, seems wins is very relaxed. His that Humanoid Soul Guidance Device can unexpectedly the so rapid motion. That struck a moment ago finally, clearly is in Soul Master also extremely rare self-created combat skill. Six levels of Soul Engineer and Lan Ruoruo of six rings Soul Emperor rank, is lost the battle efficiency that fist hit unexpectedly. 全场一片寂静,霍雨浩就这么赢了,看上去赢的还很轻松。他那人形魂导器居然可以如此迅疾的行动。刚才那最后一击,分明是魂师中也极其罕见的自创战技。六级魂导师六环魂帝级别的蓝若若,竟然被那一拳就打的失去了战斗力。 Naturally, they do not know. Huo Yuhao formerly also had given Lan Ruoruo with Absolute Ice, making Lan Ruoruo under general idea suffer a loss, otherwise, Dominating the World this fist did not have a moment ago that easily to hit on the frontage. 当然,他们并不知道。霍雨浩先前还用极致之冰给了蓝若若一下,让大意之下的蓝若若吃了大亏,不然的话,刚才君临天下这一拳也没那么容易就正面命中。 Tang Wu, victory.” Ye Yulin drops from the clouds, in eye extraordinary splendor repetitive looks at Huo Yuhao. Has filled è of appreciation. He has succeeded, his really success. Can see from the flexible degree that this Humanoid Soul Guidance Device has completed, the union of mechanism and Core Formation is perfect. The Soul Power amplifier instead is not anything. The difficulty that after all that manufactures came from the material mainly. 唐五,胜。”叶雨霖从天而降,眼中异彩连连的看着霍雨浩。充满了欣赏之è。他成功了,他真的成功了。从刚才的灵活程度就能看出,他这人形魂导器已经完成,机括核心法阵的结合是完美的。魂力放大器反而不算什么。毕竟那制作起来的难度主要来自于材料。 Such Humanoid Soul Guidance Device, can make one not have the disabled person of both legs to fight in the so agile way. What isn't this success is? Your highness certainly will also like such Humanoid Soul Guidance Device. 这么一件人形魂导器,能够让一个没有双腿的残疾人以如此灵便的方式进行战斗。这不是成功是什么?殿下也一定会喜欢这样的人形魂导器 Dusk Water Union, the people are mind Dading, He Caitou and Huo Yuhao advance successively, moreover fights, almost to the match any opportunity, four has not accounted for half, is the situation is really excellent. 夕水盟这边,众人已是心神大定,和菜头霍雨浩先后出线,而且战斗起来,几乎都没给对手什么机会,四强已占一半,着实是形势大好。 Both sides of third pair of competion are the Ordinary Union yellow skirt young girls. With last Soul Engineer that obscure chamber of commerce is a rear survival. 第三对比拼的双方是平凡盟的黄裙少女。与奥都商会硕果仅存的最后一名魂导师了。 Both sides do not plan to let go this opportunity obviously. Competion intensity of. Finally, the yellow skirt young girl by the quite distinct superiority, relies on handle long sword Close Combat Soul Guidance Device to defeat the match. Is promoted successfully. 双方显然都不打算放弃这次机会。比拼的十分激烈。最终,黄裙少女以较为明显的优势,凭借着一柄长剑近战魂导器击败对手。成功晋级。 Eight enter four last, naturally was 96 th Huang Zheng confronts the Ordinary Union red skirt young girl. 八进四的最后一场,自然就是身为96号的黄征对阵平凡盟的红裙少女了。 Usually seems very calm Huang Zheng, these time showed he ruthless spicy side, in the hand that claw Soul Guidance Device far and near all suitable, will firm and resolute he was not puzzled by match beautiful è similarly, finally cut off a match arm actually, after forcing him to admit defeat, advanced. 平时看上去十分沉稳的黄征,这一次展现出了他狠辣的一面,手上那爪形魂导器可谓远近皆宜,心志坚毅的他也同样不被对手美è所惑,最终硬是斩断对手一臂,逼迫其认输后出线。 Final four are also He Caitou, Huo Yuhao and yellow skirt young girl Ye Guyi as well as Huang Zheng. 最终的四强也就是和菜头霍雨浩、黄裙少女叶骨衣以及黄征 However, the following ballot was makes Huo Yuhao and He Caitou two brothers depressed. Four enter two, they will select each other, will have confronted at the semifinal. 不过,接下来的抽签却是令霍雨浩和菜头这哥俩郁闷了一把。四进二,他们抽中了彼此,将在半决赛对阵。 This is also good. You have the sufficient time rest, this, I give up.” He Caitou announced directly gave up being promoted the qualifications of finals, Huo Yuhao wins by default, is in the final final stage. “这样也好。你有充足的时间休息,这一场,我放弃。”和菜头直接宣布放弃了晋级决赛的资格,霍雨浩不战而胜,进入最终决赛阶段。 Regarding giving up of He Caitou, Nangong Wan is actually very happy, as the matter stands, first had proven the Tang Si strength is inferior to Tang Wu, next, makes Tang Wu better maintains the strength, completes plays in the finals finally. Naturally, the best result is Tang Wu and Huang Zheng is playing in the finals to meet finally, in that case, Dusk Water Union must win without doubt. 对于和菜头的放弃,南宫碗却是很高兴的,这样一来,第一证明了唐四的实力不如唐五,其次,也让唐五更好的保持战力,完成最终决赛。当然,最好的结果是唐五黄征在最终决赛碰面,那样的话,夕水盟就是必胜无疑了。 Semifinal second, Ordinary Union Ye Guyi, right, Dusk Water Union Huang Zheng. 半决赛第二场,平凡盟叶骨衣,对,夕水盟黄征 Both sides got up the competition stage, a Ye Guyi look of yellow skirt is in the Ordinary Union three females is most beautiful, at this time is actually face ice-cold. Lan Ruoruo loses to Huo Yuhao to be better, not by any wound, that red skirt young girl was actually heavy wound on Huang Zheng. The arm of being cut off has joined , before very difficultly again looks like, was so flexible. 双方上了比赛台,一身黄裙的叶骨衣相貌是平凡盟三女之中最美的,此时却是一脸冰冷蓝若若输给霍雨浩还好一些,并没有受什么伤,那红裙少女却是重创在了黄征手上。断掉的手臂就算接上了,也很难再像以前那么灵活了。 Is the man fights to the end, do not admit defeat.” Gaze of Ye Guyi coldly Huang Zheng, face dense saying. “是男人就战斗到底,不要认输。”叶骨衣冷冷的注视着黄征,一脸森然的说道。 Huang Zheng sneers, „after you, will have the opportunity to know I am a man.” 黄征冷笑一声,“你以后会有机会知道我是不是男人的。” Competition starts.” Ye Yulin is disinclined to listen to their trash words, made this to be doomed the intense competion formally to start directly. “比赛开始。”叶雨霖才懒得听他们的垃圾话,直接令这场注定激烈的比拼正式开始。 The point of Ye Guyi tip of the toe in the ground, the tender body has been similar to piece of Huang Yunban plunders gently in the Huang Zheng direction. Huang Zheng that great claw Soul Guidance Device treats above the right arm, lifts slightly, front three sharp claws sprang three chi (0.33 m) odd|surplus Chang dense light blade edge. 叶骨衣脚尖在地面上轻轻一点,娇躯已经如同一片黄云般朝着黄征的方向掠去。黄征那巨爪魂导器就待在右臂之上,略微一抬,前端的三根利爪已经弹出三尺余长的森然光刃。 Formerly, was this light blade edge has shut off the arm of red skirt young girl. 先前,就是这光刃切断了红裙少女的手臂。 The great claw lifts, three Daoguang edges flew è to come toward Ye Guyi like lightning, his light blade edge may , not only can the close combat, the long-distance attack be the might is also greatly strengthened. 巨爪抬起,三道光刃闪电般朝着叶骨衣飞è而来,他那光刃可不只是能够近战,远程攻击也是威力极强。 After locking the match, three Daoguang edges departed, was circles, drew the arc to go toward the Ye Guyi interception from the different directions. This arc is most difficult to dodge. Moreover, this Soul Power sharp claws are quite sharp, and there is a highly explosive effect. To resist without Soul Guidance Protective Cover, the consumption is inevitably enormous. Huang Zheng gives a name to be called Chasing Soul Claw. 锁定对手之后,三道光刃飞出,都是盘旋而出,从不同的方向划出弧线朝着叶骨衣拦截而去。这种弧线是最难闪躲的。而且,他这魂力利爪极为锋锐,并且有高爆效果。在没有魂导护罩的情况下想要抵挡,消耗必然极大。黄征给它起名叫做追魂爪 Three sharp knife blade send out, before the sharp claws springs three sharp claws light edges, Huang Zheng in big strides moved forward to meet somebody toward Ye Guyi. 三道利刃发出,利爪前端又弹出三道利爪光刃,黄征大踏步的就朝着叶骨衣迎了上去。 Facing that three light blade edge that circles to come, Ye Guyi actually happy does not fear, before he noticed when Huang Zheng with oneself sisters confronted the forms of combat. That red skirt young girl suffered a loss in that demolition. At this time she naturally cannot make same mistakes over again. 面对那三道盘旋而来的光刃,叶骨衣却是怡然不惧,之前他已经看到黄征在和自家姐妹对阵时的战斗方式了。那红裙少女就是在那爆破上吃了大亏。此时她自然不会重蹈覆辙。 The wrist|skill turns, a handle long sword appeared during Ye Guyi grasps, this handle long sword length approximately three chi (0.33 m) three cuns (2.5cm), sword blade edge width one inch, all over the body is only sending out the shining ray. On the sword has the Big Dipper, Core Formation has three, in sword hilt. Do not look to have three, may actually after the intricate carvings manufacture, intricate carvings Core Formation , but the technology of suitable high-end. 手腕一翻,一柄长剑已经出现在叶骨衣掌握之中,她这柄长剑长约三尺三寸,剑刃宽度仅有一寸,通体散发着金灿灿的光芒。剑上有七星,核心法阵有三个,都在剑柄内。别看只有三个,可却都是经过微雕制作而成,微雕核心法阵可是相当高端的技术。 Before hand long sword refers , the sword blade edge in an airborne pendulum, transforms a dim sword shade gently immediately. 手中长剑前指,剑刃在空中轻轻一摆,顿时幻化出一片朦胧剑影。 Bites, bites and bites.” In three light sounds, she is one after another three accurate incomparable hit the mark flew to approach own three sharp claws light edges. “叮、叮、叮。”三声轻响之中,她已是接连三下准确无比的点中了飞向自己的三道利爪光刃。 Three sharp claws light edges in airborne fierce stops, but, before they will soon explode flash, the Ye Guyi tender body suddenly became illusory, before piece of Huang Mengmeng's mist generally instantaneous fluttered, speed that flash was, already standard of very close Teleportation. 三道利爪光刃在空中猛的一停,但是,就在它们即将爆炸前的一瞬间,叶骨衣的娇躯突然变得虚幻了,宛如一片黄蒙蒙的雾气一般瞬间前飘,那一瞬间达到的速度,已经十分接近瞬间转移的水准了。 Bang, bang and bang.” Three fierce explosions behind are resounding, Ye Guyi has actually been separated from the explosion range, because Huang Zheng is moves forward to meet somebody toward her directly, therefore, among them the distance also rapidly pulls closer. “轰、轰、轰。”三声剧烈的爆炸在身后响起,叶骨衣却已是脱离了爆炸范围,因为黄征是直接朝着她迎上去的,因此,两人之间的距离也是迅速拉近。 Huang Zheng looks that the opposite party swordsmanship is so excellent, Soul Ability that accelerates instantaneously, in the heart slightly is also startled. However, his strength is also unusual. In the eye the ray dodges, as in big strides welcomed toward Ye Guyi. Don't forget, he also came from Holy Spirit Cult! 黄征看着对方剑法如此高超,还有那瞬间加速的魂技,心中也是微微一惊。不过,他的实力也是非同一般。眼中光芒一闪,依旧大踏步的朝着叶骨衣迎了过去。别忘了,他也是出身于圣灵教啊! The Ye Guyi tender body seemed a muddier non- stress, the whole body even glittered illusory light shadow, Huang Zheng has not been making light the blade edge depart again, they quickly in competition stage ō 叶骨衣的娇躯看上去更加浑不受力了,全身甚至都闪烁着一层虚幻的光影,黄征没有再让光刃飞出,两人很快就在比赛台ō ā met. ā碰面了。 Ye Guyi despised Huang Zheng obviously, the wrist|skill has shaken, the long sword transformed myriad rays, above that each star light, was glittering the radiant brilliance, had glare counter- è unexpectedly, moreover all was to the Huang Zheng eye. 叶骨衣显然是恨透了黄征,手腕一抖,长剑已经幻化出万千光芒,上面那每一颗星光,都闪烁着璀璨光彩,竟是有强光反è,而且全是对着黄征眼睛去的。 Huang Zheng is actually unhurriedly, in hand great claw horizontal, gets up in the rhythm of small range, a ray of light greenish blue è shines in the great claw arm position, is the incarnation shield, tall Jiedi keeps off unexpectedly at the same time, has dealt with these sword glow completely. 黄征却是不慌不忙,手中巨爪横起,在小范围的律动起来,一层淡青è的光芒在巨爪手臂位置亮起,竟是化身一面盾牌,高接低挡,将那些剑芒完全应对了下来。 An attack and defense body, casually did not say. Not only this seven levels of Soul Guidance Device attack explosive force, defends, is quite good. Has both the protection might of six levels of safety masks. 攻防一体,可不是随便说说的。他这件七级魂导器不只是攻击爆发力强,防御起来,也是相当不错。兼具六级防护罩的防护威力。 At the same time is resisting the sword glow, on Huang Zheng that two yellow, two purple, in two black six Soul Ring, arranged has also shone at third purple è Soul Ring. 一边抵挡着剑芒,黄征身上那两黄、两紫、两黑六个魂环中,排在第三位的紫è魂环也随之亮了起来。 --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Asked the monthly ticket and recommendation ticket. Recommendation ticket everybody throws. Will approach greatly soon, moreover more than one group. 求月票、推荐票。推荐票大家投起来哦。大即将来临,而且还不止一拨。 . .. . ..
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